#'why were you even searching that?' brainrot
pchjun · 8 months
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guys did you know a Korean hairpin can basically be a proposal gift?
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churipu · 4 months
𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐝𝐚𝐝! 𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐮𝐧𝐚 ꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱₊˚⊹
featuring. sukuna ryomen x reader
warnings. sukuna wanted a son, but got a daughter instead (he's smitten for her shh), sukuna is modern af bye he knows how to use a phone ok, reader is called "wife", ooc sukuna bye
note. ok listen, i've been having a girl dad sukuna brainrot lately. and i even gave out a req to @rrairey (u go check out her works rn) — but i just had to write something about girl dad sukuna jsjdksjks it's on my mind 25/8 and i can't stop unless i actually write abt him (i'm lying, he's still going to be in my mind bye).
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girl dad! sukuna who initially wanted a son but when he finds out he's going to be having a daughter instead, he didn't know how to feel. he thought that if he had a son, he could at least play "rough" with him. it's sukuna, he doesn't know what soft is.
girl dad! sukuna who has to secretly watch tutorial videos on the most random thing like "how to play nicely with your daughter" or "how to be nice to your daughter". but also searches up for things like "easy hairstyles to give your daughter for beginners", when your daughter isn't even born yet.
girl dad! sukuna who hates to admit it but he's pretty worried about having a daughter. finally shoves his ego down his throat and comes up to you to talk about it, and you encouraged that he's going to be a good father — but still, he's worried.
"ryo, you're worried about what exactly?" you asked the male, brushing his hair.
"not being a good father." he replies, leaning into your touch with a big frown on his face, grumbling under his breath slightly about how embarrassed he is to be so fragile in front of his own wife.
"baby, you're going to be the best father."
although your words were supposed to be encouraging, and he did feel a bit of burden lift off of his shoulders — the male still couldn't help but to worry about his unborn daughter.
girl dad! sukuna who complains about your pregnancy cravings and how his daughter is a weird baby. despite that, he will go out of his way to get you what you wanted, not caring if it was two in the morning, or five in the morning. he will get it for you and your growing daughter inside your belly.
girl dad! sukuna who grows anxious when your due date was inching closer. he took a break off from work and devoted his time to look after you, especially since you were walking for two right now. even if you did tell your husband that you were fine — he still thinks it's his job to look after you and your daughter.
"damn it brat, stop moving so much. you'll hurt yourself," he gently tugs on your arm, directing you to the couch, "what'dya want?"
"sausages and blueberry jam . . ." you tell him nonchalantly, missing the look of disgust on his face.
". . . just stay there." he walks a few steps before turning back, "don't move."
girl dad! sukuna who watches labor videos only to focus on the husbands and what they were doing in it so he could try to take notes and searches for what he should get ready for labor, or if he could do anything as a husband for his wife during labor. the results didn't ease his worries — they added up his worries. like adding fuel to the fire, the internet tells him that giving birth was the second most painful thing after getting burned alive.
girl dad! sukuna who already thought of names for your daughter and even buys things for her. telling you that he'd be out to grab a few things and then coming back with a crib set, toys, or even a baby walker. he even got a baby strap for both you and him to use, picking out the most random motives like skulls and fires.
"ryo, why did you pick that motive?" you asked, eyeing the baby strap that had white skulls all over.
"our daughter will like that. i know it." he retorts.
girl dad! sukuna who looked as calm as a cucumber but internally panics the most when your water broke. he grabs the bag that he had packed, following a youtube tutorial and helped you get into the car so that the both of you can finally drive off to the hospital. he holds your hand tightly along the way, showing his worry as he "tries" to follow driving laws (which he ended up driving past the speed limit and had to get a ticket in the hospital).
girl dad! sukuna who had to pay a ticket as you were tended in a hospital room (you didn't know about this and he didn't tell you about it so you won't worry). the doctor telling both you and him that the labor procedure will have to wait up to a few hours as they proceeded with "watchful waiting" after they checked on the baby's condition and yours so they could see if it was safe for you to give birth normally.
girl dad! sukuna who waited those long hours with you as you laid on the bed, telling him how nervous you are. and all the bad possibilities that could happen (he searched that up too), he tells you to stop saying those kind of things. sukuna wasn't angry — he just didn't want you to stress so much, rubbing circles on the back of your hand with his thumb to soothe you. he didn't let go until the doctor came back to finally do something.
girl dad! sukuna who was inside the delivery room with you, even after telling you that he won't come inside a few months ago. holds onto your hand (which you were holding onto tightly as the procedure goes on for hours), he winces — but he didn't care about his hand right now, he only cares about you and his daughter. brushing your hair lightly, mumbling out hushed praises to you (unknowingly, it just comes out), wipes away your sweat with his bare fingers and pressing kisses onto your face every single time he feels your hand clenching around his.
"jus' a bit more, pretty." he whispers, kissing your knuckles multiple times before moving on to kiss your forehead, "a bit more."
girl dad! sukuna who almost bursts into tears when he heard the loud cry of your daughter, but blinked his tears back. peering slightly at your worn out face. he tells you how he's proud of you (spoiler: he hates it if you reminded him about it in the future).
"y'hear that? you did so good, pretty. 'm proud of you," he clung onto your hand, grazing his thumb over your forehead as a smile adorned his face, "she's here, baby."
girl dad! sukuna who couldn't hold his tears back when the nurse suggested skin-to-skin contact with the father. he wasted no time tugging his shirt off to hold his little bundle of joy, nestling her in his arms — unknowingly letting a few stray tears of joy out as he coos down to his newborn daughter.
"oh, you're so pretty, little one." he cradled her gently against his bulky arms, sniffling softly. he was so gentle — different from how he used to be, his eyes soft and watery as he affectionately stares down at his now sleeping daughter.
girl dad! sukuna who slept on a chair by your bed when the doctor told you that you'll be allowed to go home once your body is fit again, he didn't care that he didn't have a bed to lie on. he was just there, prepped in a chair as his fingertips touched your wrist near the IV injection on the back of your hand. making sure he didn't touch the transparent hose. and his eyes darted back and forth from your resting form and his daughter who was now all warm and bundled up inside a bassinet. making sure that the both of you are resting well even if he was barely able to open his eyes fully.
girl dad! sukuna who carried all your bags and your daughter's car seat with ease while leading you down the hospital hallways and to the car. helping you buckle your seatbelt and making sure that his daughter is going to be safe and sound during the ride home, prepping up the car seat like he learned, giving his daughter a light kiss on her head before closing the door.
girl dad! sukuna who tells you to rely on him every time his daughter wakes up in the middle of the night — he won't let you get up, gently tugging you down onto the bed and tucking you underneath the covers before leaving to tend your daughter without any other words. as if his daughter is the most fragile thing in the world, he carries her into his arms and hushed her softly, nuzzling his nose onto her head, trying to get her back to sleep.
"shh, baby, mama's tired right now . . . go back to bed." he whispers, kissing her small forehead.
girl dad! sukuna who offered to shower your baby for the first time after two weeks upon arriving back home (under your watch of course), as you filled the bathinette with warm water — sukuna was cradling her in his arms, swaying his body side to side. and when you tell him the water's ready, sukuna prepped his big hand behind your daughter's small head so the water won't go to her face and began cleaning her. concentrating, he wets his finger and traced it over his daughter's face, making sure she's not frightened. and once he's done, he cupped his hand and scooped some water to wet her hair, rubbing her head lovingly.
girl dad! sukuna who's personality did a somersault ever since you were pregnant with his daughter. turning soft and more clingy, he has your daughter strapped to his chest. and will tell you that he's got it every time his daughter cries or ruined her diapers, he's learnt it all thanks to other great dads on youtube.
girl dad! sukuna who was even more ecstatic than you are when his daughter said her first word, which was of course "mama", he didn't care that she didn't say "dada", he focuses on the fact that his daughter had grown so much to be able to say her first word. tells your bundle of joy how proud he is of her even if she probably doesn't understand her father.
sukuna who had his eyes on the television immediately darted to his daughter who was in your hold, his lips were slightly parted as he tries to process what just happened, "did . . . did she . . ?"
when you confirmed his question, he pulled you into his arms and kissed your head before kissing your daughter's head, muttering out a, "papa's proud of you, baby."
girl dad! sukuna who treats both you and your daughter like the most precious beings in the world. he. spoils. you. both. to no end, coming home from work with a present for the both of you. mostly food for you, and a toy for your daughter. you just know [daughter] is going to grow up spoiled by her father.
girl dad! sukuna who spoils your daughter rotten. and ever since her first steps — he's been going out with her to no end, of course going out as a family of three. holding your daughter's chubby little hands as he guided her down the street, earning coos from strangers all around him.
"good girl, that's right . . . left and right." he said softly, watching [daughter] walk slowly, still a little wobbly.
girl dad! sukuna who gets a little emotional when your daughter has her first birthday — because, it's been that fast? he tries not to cry, i swear. but silently slips inside the bathroom and lets a few one out before coming out like he didn't just cry over his daughter growing up too fast. he swore it was just yesterday that he was in the hospital.
girl dad! sukuna who will with no shame, participate in tea parties with his daughter once she's known enough about it. you'd call them both down for dinner and when they didn't, you decided to be the one to approach them inside [daughter]'s room. and there he was, sitting on the floor, to his left and right were [daughter]'s stuffed animals and your daughter was sitting across from sukuna with a silver tiara on.
"this looks fun," you chuckled, eyeing them.
"mama! tea party?" [daughter] beams out at you, you walked over to them and carried your daughter into your arms, "mama, no tea party?"
"after dinner, baby. okay?"
sukuna has no shame in it. at first, he did try to decline his daughter, telling her that she should ask you instead, but your daughter looked so crestfallen that he just has to accept — which turned out to be a daily thing now. a tea party.
girl dad! sukuna who will be his daughter's experiment subject to trying out make ups. he's a little skeptical (lies, he's very skeptical), but it's not like this is the first time he's had make up put on his face. he's had his fair share of you trying to put make up on him, but this was a toddler doing it and not a full grown adult. but he couldn't say no, so he just submits to his daughter and lets her modify his face and clips on cute hairclips to his hair.
"mama mama! look at papa," your daughter cheers, pointing at sukuna. and you laugh, carrying your daughter before approaching the male who was sitting down on the floor in the living room.
"you look pretty, ryo."
"i feel pretty, my little girl did it to me." he rolls his eyes before grabbing a mirror to look at his face.
eh, not bad.
girl dad! sukuna who drops his daughter off for the first day of pre-school, telling her that she should punch anyone who messes with her (thankfully nobody yet). and gets a bit emotional again as she walks inside the building, his eyes going glassy watching her skip inside her new chapter.
girl dad! sukuna who's overprotective when it comes to his little girl. a trip to the park was a daily routine for his family — and believe me when he has eyes everywhere for his little girl, if anyone was bothering her, he would have no fear on finding out who their parent was. taking matters into his own hands, leaving the children out of it. as much as he wanted to confront the kid for bothering his little princess, he knew the parents had the most fault.
"your boy has issues. the next time he lays his hand on my girl, i will come for you." he said to the boy's father before walking back to you.
the boy and his father never came back to the park after that day.
girl dad! sukuna who watches his daughter grow from a small girl to an eight year old in a matter of what felt like a week. he swore yesterday she was just babbling out her first word, and the next thing he knows, she's got a "boyfriend" at school? oh, boy.
"you don't have a boyfriend." he mutters out, eyeing his daughter.
"yes i do have a boyfriend," your daughter replies back with her soft voice.
the banter continued until your daughter ended up in tears, and sukuna had to force himself to say that she indeed had a boyfriend in school. he's upset that she's growing up too quickly, but at the same time — he's proud of his little girl.
girl dad! sukuna who finds out you were pregnant with a second child, who turned out to be another girl. and he was still as loving and caring like he was with his first daughter, this time, he had a helping hand to take care of you.
"mama has a baby in her belly, so you can't be too rough on her, okay?" he baby talks his eight year old daughter like she's still a small baby — he softly caresses your clothed stomach as he speaks to her.
girl dad! sukuna who had to see his first daughter cry over her new "soon to be" born baby sibling. thinking both you and him were not going to love her anymore — and his heart breaks, because why would he not love his princess anymore?
"hey, hey, why're you cryin'?" sukuna tucks [daughter]'s hair behind her ear as she lets out a few fat tears out of her eyes.
"mama and papa will still love me, right?" she asks, her voice breaking slightly.
sukuna pulls the young girl into his embrace, holding her with one of his arm as he wipes her tears with his other, "'f course mama and i will still love you, you're our princess."
girl dad! sukuna who proudly watches his big girl now approaching his newborn daughter and her sister, eyeing the baby with such an innocent glint in her eyes. oh, and big girl? doesn't matter, to sukuna, your first daughter will always be his little girl.
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 2 months
You're nursing a crush on Eddie from afar but you're from the dark side, he hates you doesn't he? So you begin to leave anonymous notes to Eddie complimenting him.
Gareth finds out...but so does Jason and he wants revenge.
Warnings; Secret admirer, angst, mention of the word slut, little bit of fluff.
This has been my brainrot for the last few days, enjoy 🫶💌
You knew Eddie hated you. Being from the dark side as he put it, there was no doubt that you were public enemy number one in Eddie's eyes. Quietly you nursed a crush on him that only grew with each passing day.
No one knew who your crush was, only that you were pining for someone who didn't like you back.
"You could have anyone at this school, Tina snaps why do you insist on pining over some loser who doesn't give a shit about you?" You didn't know how to answer that, you didn't want just anyone, you wanted Eddie.
But you could never tell him. He would think it was a joke or some ploy concocted by Jason, so you were left with only daydreams and small hopes that one day Eddie might notice you.
Secretly you began to leave anonymous notes in his locker, just little compliments to brighten his day and watched from the sidelines as he discovered each one, at first he angrily disregarded them as a joke. Then he softened and a faint blush would creep up his cheeks as he read your words, a small smile on his face once he realised that they were genuine.
One day Gareth caught you putting the note in Eddie's locker, looked at you stunned and with a questioning gaze.
"It's been you all along" you nod, eyes filling with tears at the thought of Eddie finding out and hating you even more.
"Please don't tell him. He already hates everything about me and my friends," Gareth still gapes at you as you gather your things and rush away from the scene.
... 💌
Gareth struggled with hiding who Eddie's secret admirer was, now he knew it was you and you begging him not to tell Eddie he was in a bind. What the hell was he supposed to do with this information? On one hand Eddie was his friend and he couldn't keep secrets from him.
On the other hand, you seemed really sweet and obviously had been crushing on Eddie for a long time. He didn't know what to do, so he turned to Jeff for advice and swore him to secrecy.
It was completely unknown to him that a seething Jason had heard everything and was planning to teach you a lesson. How could you like that freak Munson? He shakes his head in disgust and formulated a plan.
He waits until no one is around and steals a few notes you left Eddie from Eddie's locker.
... 💌
There's immense chatter as you head into the school the next day, Chrissy is furiously arguing with Jason which surprises you. Chrissy rarely if ever got mad.
"Look, here's the star of the show now" Jason sneers and you frown confused and push your way to the crowd in front of your locker.
Humiliation seeps into your bones as you see your notes to Eddie spread across your locker. Hellfire Slut is written in red ink. Jason is now howling with laughter, others look sympathetic but don't move to help.
Chrissy pushes past everyone and helps gather up the notes while glaring daggers at Jason, you offer her a weak smile.
Tears pool down your cheeks but what makes matters worse is that Eddie is standing rigid a little bit away from the whole scene and gazing at the notes. He knows everything now and your misery deepens.
You flee once his eyes meet yours.
Eddie can feel the slow burn of rage course through his veins. He didn't like violence, it reminded him too much of his old man but just this once he lets the anger wash over him at the image of your tearstained face.
He walks calmly over to a smug Jason who looks ready to make some stupid comments. Eddie doesn't give him a chance, he punches the douchebag right in his face and then sets off to find you.
For a while Eddie searches for you but concedes that you must have gone home. His knuckle is bruised and bleeding from hitting Carver but he doesn't regret it.
Eddie hopes he can find you tomorrow so he can get some answers from you, he was rapidly falling in love with his anon admirer and if it really was you, he wanted to know.
It surprises Eddie that the thought of you being his admirer doesn't bother him. You're part of the dark side but so obviously different to Jason and his goons, and he was falling for you hard through those notes. Maybe he could finally get to know you for real?
Later as he heads back to the trailer, Wayne tuts as he sees Eddie's bruised knuckles and sighs. "Was it at least worth it son?" Eddie doesn't even have to think twice as he replies.
"Yeah Uncle Wayne, it really was"
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dolene · 2 months
I AM A WHAT? ; fernando alonso x wife!reader
summary: after taylor swift's song was out, people couldn't help but link him to taylor—while he didn't know anything about the current news.
note: sorry if this is so messy, it was a brainrot 🤭 and anyway happy ttpd day for those who celebrate!
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the circulating news about his unreal relationship with the international singer taylor swift is no longer in doubt. there are many people who support them, shipping them, and even created a fan account dedicated to the two of them—who are not related or know each other at all.
“heh, yeah i'm aware of it.” he snort when the interviewer asked him about the swirling news. “but either way, i know that it wouldn't be possible.” he continues, simply shrugging with his wide smile still decorating his face when he saw the interviewer's eyebrows knit.
“oh? why is that?” he finally asked which fernando answered shortly, “i've had my wife, you remember?” and the interviewer chuckled, “no but really, if you hadn't marries her yet, would you choose her?” he said, making fernando goes silent for a quick moment.
“ah, probably.” he said eventually, “if i were still as young as her... and as tall. it would be okay.” the both of them laughed at his answer, leaving the interviewer with his tons of asks to continue the interview and leaving the taylor topic alone.
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being chronically online in social media gave him a lot of benefits to offer. from not missing up with the latest news and trends makes him quite popular in his daily social media life as a trendy man on tiktok. but that also doesn't rule out the possibility that sometimes he is still left behind with other news that is not included in his list of interests. whether it's because he's not interested and allows himself to be left out of it, or he doesn't know about it all.
and having a wife who is also a journalist gives him many benefits, and one of them is not missing in any trending news that he doesn't even know it exists;
“ooh, i see that you were trending on twitter today.” you said as you walked to the counter to take a glass of juice from the mini refrigerator.
“twitter?” he asked from the bathroom, his voice echoed, and your uh-huh answers his question. “i haven't checked my twitter in a day or two now,” he said as he continued to brush his teeth, “so i don't know what am i even missed so i could be on the trending topic.”
“d'you want me to check it out for you?”
“mhm, sure.”
you immediately opened your twitter again after hearing his approval, searched for his name in the search column and finally found the topic you were looking for. lots of it. a lot of them were tweets about him and taylor swift with her new album.
you were silent for a moment, as you were getting too preoccupied with seeing what people were talking about about your husband and taylor swift, that you forgot about fernando who had been waiting for your response in the bathroom.
“so what is that all about?” he questioned, after he's finally came out of the bathroom, immediately standing next to you to peek at your phone. “apparently it's your gossip with miss swift.” he let out a loud laugh and stood up from his previous position as he walked towards his suitcase to look for a clean clothes for him to wear.
usually you are quite updated with the latest news, especially about taylor swift because you are a swiftie. but strangely enough, you don't know about this either.
“i haven't heard about the lastest album.” you said, and fernando hummed. “so you didn't know about the news, then?” he asked, and you answered, “no, i don't.” okay he said as a respond.
but after some time of scrolling through your twitter page, you finally find out what they mean about it. and you can't even deny it, you were also late in digesting the information.
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“ooohhh, so you are taylor's car.” your face was still focused on your phone screen when fernando looked at you with a confused face. “i'm her what?”
“her car. and look, your relationship gossip with taylor is up again.” you giggled but didn't told him about the detailed things that you've been said to him earlier, making him keeping the confused face on his face longer.
“cariño, ¿de qué hablas?” he shakes his head, finally letting his desperation wins over the the lack of clarity in the information you gave him. you smiled, approaching him who was sitting on the bed, his mouth pouted with his lower lips is pushed forward—just like a 10 year old child whose parents weren't allowed to play.
“okay so, on her newest album, taylor wrote in the lyrics ‘i'm an aston martin’ and maybe that's why the public started to brings the taylor rumors again.” you said, and he nodded. “then you are her car, right?” and he finally get rid of the pout that he has on earlier as he slowly laughed. a breathy one, before he finally stops in a current slow motion.
“but that still doesn't answer your lack of clarity earlier!” he insists, but his face is still smiling from his laugh earlier, his eyes looking at you. “i already explained it to you!” you chuckled and his eyes lit up as you looked back at him.
there was a silence filling up the room for a moment after you said that, until he finally broke it; “you know, even if someday i could be with taylor, i wouldn't be with her.”
“really? and why is that?”
“because i could only be your aston martin.”
“oh my—” and before you could even rolled your eyes or completing your sentence, he had already pulled you in for a kiss first. luckily he's your husband.
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taglist: @seasonswinter @haikyuen @callsignwidow
translation: cariño, ¿de qué hablas? = baby, what are you talking about?
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heartelysia · 4 months
hello ! im not sure if u take requests but if u do, pls do a choso x f reader where he breeds them... n makes them a mommy.. :3 choso brainrot im sorry 😭
this is super similar to a fic im getting ready to publish so im going to turn this into a thirst! if u dont mind .. °=° UGHHH I LOVE CHOSO!!
cw ; cum-stuffing, breeding, creampie, body praise/praise
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choso is the type of partner to be so fucking whiny in bed, his cheeks dusted with a rosy pink as he sloppily slams his pelvis against yours in a desperate attempt at smacking your sensitive g-spot.
choso who ruts his hips into yours uncontrollably, whiny moans escaping his lips mixed with his soft praises, "g-god.. fuck! you're... youre so pretty baby.. god you're so fucking gorgeous", he slurs out, drunkenly thrusting into your sloppy cunt.
hes so pussy drunk his hands randomly wander all over your body, digging his blunt fingertips into whatever curves he finds whilst hammering his hips into yours. everything blurs together in the heat of the moment, the sloppy sounds of your sweet cunny hungrily swallowing his cock makes his mushroom tip throb against your g-spot. "so- so happy to be with y-you! 'm so luck.. lucky!"
choso pulls out almost entirely before slamming back in, hitting your bruising cervix with every stroke. each time he bottomed out, he felt your walls deliciously rippling around him, sending electric shocks straight to his veiny cock. his pace quickened, his breath coming in ragged gasps as his words come out in broken sentences. "i... i love yo- you...! shit- shit, go- god why are y.. you so ah.. perfect?," he growled, pulling out and pushing back in harder.
hes breathless each time his cock rips another whiny moan from your drooling lips. his hands hopelessly stuttering in its wake of dragging your soft flesh into calloused palms. choso's eyes are blown wide as they seem to only fixate onto your pretty face covered in a thin layer of sweat whilst his pupils catch a glimpse of your bouncing tits teasing him.
his hair loosely fell from his buns, framing his vision to only stare down at you - his beloved. a low, almost animalistic groan rumbles in his throat as his movements became faster and harder, his hips snapping against yours in tight rhythm. his fingers dig into your plush thighs, massaging them as he drove deeper into you as if he was lost in a deep trance.
god, choso thinks he hit the jackpot with you. sometimes he cant help but get nervous around you, you were just so perfect for him and possibly better in his mind, words just come out like vomit. "p-please- please baby.. please- please let me breed your pretty ah! p-pussy! w-wanna cum inside...!", choso pleads, uncontrollably rutting his throbbing cock till it smudges your cervix.
your hands immediately grasp onto the sheets behind your head, knuckles turning white as your body still registers the deliciously painful thrust of your partner grazing your cervix. a guttural groan escapes chosos lips when he feels your thighs tense up, his eyes desperately searched your glazed over pupils for any sort of conformation. whiny so prettily when your only response was a broken moan.
the sound of your moans filled the room, echoing off the walls. they were music to his ears, fuel to his fire. he picked up the pace, slamming into you rougher, faster, his cock carving its shape inside of you.
his hand releases its bruising grip on your soft hips, a cool burning sensation was left behind as his hand stumbles over to your breast, massaging and pinching your hard nipple between his calloused fingertips. "please... please b-baby! ngh- fuck! let me c-cum in you... b-beggin' to knock you up..!", he pleaded, angling his hips a little differently so his angry mushroom tip constantly grazes your sensitive cervix.
he loved the way you arched your back and cried out in pleasure when he did that. it turned him on even more, knowing he could make you feel this way. chosos eyes glimmer in delight when a high-pitched 'yes' made it past your drooling mouth. something in his brain clicked when your head did the weakest nod known to man.
choso grabbed your leg, lifting it up and hooking it over his broad shoulder, giving him better access to your weeping pussy. he plunged into you again and again, hitting your g-spot ruthlessly. you moaned and cried out in ecstasy, body shuddering and trembling underneath him.
"y- g'nna cum prett- pretty girl?", he bites back a moan when your sweet cunt ripples around his cock, "cmon.. shit- cum for me princess...", choso mumbles, reaching down to lightly press his thumb onto your nub. perhaps that was all you need.
the simple action of his calloused fingertip pressing up against your clit instead of his pelvis teasing it made the unbearable coil in your stomach to snap almost instantly. tears flow freely down your cheeks as your entire body freezes up, choso groans at the sight, the happiest smile on his lips.
and then, he felt it - the familiar rush of release coursing through his veins. even for himself, it was rather embarrassing at the broken moan he let out as his hips stuttered violently against your hole. your partner emptied himself into you, his hot, sticky cum filled you up, coating your insides with him.
for a moment, you both just rested there, hearts racing in unison. even in the afterglow, choso doesnt pull out, his cock still hard despite having just cum inside you. he smiled down at you, seeing the fucked-out expression on your face.
"mmm.. gonna plug you up so you will be carrying a miniature us around."
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little-pondhead · 1 year
Some fic because I love your au, Fenton is gender brainrot, and little baby dan cracks me up. Full disclosure, my only familiarity with DC is DP crossover fanfic, and a Batman movie I fell asleep during. (If I had a better grasp on the characters I would totally write more :(( i love interactions) also sorry for the weird spacing. Idk why tumblr did that
There was an empty cardboard box on the table of the Justice League’s main conference room. Taped on the top flap, next to a doodle of Fenton’s logo, was a jump drive.
Heaving a sigh, Batman plugged it in and pulled up his screen on the projector. The drive, which was named “little baby dan’s evil playtime”, contained two files; WATCH_ME_FIRST.mp4 and its-a-secreeeet.pdf. He clicked on the video file, and immediately the projector filled with a blurry close-up of Fenton’s goggles.
After a moment of fiddling with the camera, Fenton stepped back, giving a cheery wave. His lab coat and goggles were a pastel pink, which was new. “Heeeeya, Bats! Whoever else is there! If you’re watching this, you probably weren’t there when I dropped the box off, aaand it’s probably empty.”
He clapped his hands together gleefully. “And Connie, if you’re there, this is payback for cussing around my daughter.” Batman was instantly relieved that Constantine wasn’t on base. Hopefully the situation wouldn’t require Constantine’s expertise. (Or any of the Justice League Dark. Fenton seemed determined to drive them all to an early grave with his casual refusal to acknowledge the supernatural air around him.)
“Now, as you’re all heroes, I’m sure you’re all familiar with the whole,” Fenton paused for a moment, as if searching for the proper words. “”You ate a burger on a Tuesday or something equally inane, and it kickstarted a series of events that led to you going insane and evil and murdering 95% of the Earth’s population and now you must fight your evil alternate self, because your time-controlling cryptid Peepaw said so,” shtick, so I’ll skip the backstory. Say hi to Dan!” Fenton grabbed the camera, and Batman quickly jotted down several notes about the concerning number of things the boy had just said.
The camera swiveled around to show Nightingale, holding a strange beast in a manner that reminded Batman of an “elongated cat meme” Nightwing had shown him when he was still a Robin. The creature bared a maw full of razor sharp fangs at the camera. Nightingale adjusted her grip to hold the creature’s paw and make it wave, which evoked a deep growl.
“Haha, he’d kill me if I did that. Dan likes Nightingale much more than he likes me.”
“Because the worst she has ever done is attempt to shoot me.”
The camera had moved, so Batman couldn’t visually confirm that the deep voice had come from the creature, but the voice didn’t match any of Fenton’s previously revealed companions. “Yeah yeah, her aim sucked back then.” Fenton gave the camera a toothy grin that was only slightly less unnerving than the creature’s. “Dan’s not technically me, he’s much more like Dani, actually, but the world would probably end again if we left him with his other... What did you call him?” Fenton glanced offscreen.
“Bane of my accursed existence.”
Fenton chucked. “The other half responsible for his existence.” Batman added more notes to his file. “So, yeah, Clocky left him with us for a bit to help along his rehab. But a certain psychologist-in-training I know says that repressing rage isn’t healthy, and even without a lot of his powers, he can wipe out most of a city in- what, an hour? We tested it. It was around an hour.”
Everyone present shared a look of deep concern. As if able to see their reaction, Fenton quickly held up his hands in surrender. “Don’t worry! Clocky reset it. Approximately zero people have died from Dan in this timeline.”
“Yet.” Came a furious rumble from off-screen.
“Yes, you’re very scary.” They heard Nightingale coo.
Fenton laughed. “Yeah, we need him- and all of you, -out of our hair for a bit while we concoct more evil plans, and you’re all the least likely to die to him, so you get to babysit! Thanks!”
He reached to shut off the camera before pausing and turning away. “Foley! Which of the furries is the one who really likes animals?”
“Man, do you realize how that sounds out of context?” Foley laughed. “I think Tim said it’s the little one. Damian?”
Fenton nodded and turned back to the camera. “Don’t let Damian try to adopt Dan. Or anyone. Dan will bite their hands off. I mean it!” To emphasize his point, he removed one of his hands.
Batman sighed and added “ability to remove limbs” to a list of Fenton’s powers.
“I’ll include a list of “tasks”” Fenton’s disembodied hand made finger quotes, “we gave Dan to keep him occupied. There’s some at the bottom for you guys. They’re mostly just blatant abuse of his powers for the sake of fun and science. I’d appreciate it if you’d let him mark things off the list and add notes on how it goes. Or you can do it. Or I can steal your cameras. Your choice.”
He thought for a second. “I think you’re supposed to leave, like, pizza money or something, but I don’t think you can get pizza delivered to space. Anyway, thanks for letting me blab your ears off while Dan’s probably committing war crimes for twelve minutes. For your sake, I hope he inherited my interest in space. Good luck! Thanks for babysitting!”
Waving with his still detached hand, Fenton ended the video. Batman closed it and opened the PDF as the few other members present murmured amongst themselves. Most of the pages were filled with a curling script Batman didn’t recognize. The fourth page had a huge, bolded header, reading JP TASKS.
The door opened and shut in half a second as the Flash burst in. “Superman!” The speedster wailed. “I can’t get this thing off of me!”
The Flash waved his arm around, sending small droplets of blood flying as he tried to dislodge the creature sinking his teeth into the speedster’s arm. Batman raised an eyebrow beneath his cowl as Superman quickly lent his super strength in attempt to pry the creature’s jaw open. Dan didn’t budge.
Well, he could certainly see the family resemblance been Fenton, Dani, and Dan. Shaking his head, he turned back to the list.
Task 1: Find Dan. He’s probably attacking someone.
He highlighted the text and crossed it out. This was going to be a long shift.
[Anon, this is me crying over the wonderful gift you have given me. You bastard.]
"Do you think Fenton's regeneration powers extend to his..." Green Lantern frowned, trying to remember the word the kid had used but coming up blank. "I dunno. But do you think if we cut off little Dan here, he'll heal back up with no problem?" He gestured helplessly to the scene in front of him. Flash was still screeching about the beast on his arm, and now Superman and Wonder Woman were trying to pry him off. Batman was standing to the side, silently bemoaning the lack of quiet. He just wanted one peaceful shift. Just one. Please.
"I'd like to see you try, hero. And I'm not little." Dan spoke, startling all of them. His grip on Flash's arm tightened, making the speedster squeal before releasing the man and spitting out a mouthful of his blood. Batman noticed that his mouth didn't move despite the clearly spoken words. In fact, when Dan closed his mouth, it was like he didn't have one at all.
"So you do speak!" Superman marveled.
"Of course I do. I am not unintelligent, unlike you lot."
Despite his pain, Flash still made sounds of protest that everyone promptly ignored.
Superman flushed. "I just wasn't sure. It was hard to tell in the video."
"Ah, yes. The video that the Fenton menace sent you. Was there a note for me in the flash drive?"
"Uh, no." In one of his less finer moments, Green Lantern stuttered over his words and moved in front of Batman, obviously lying. Dan merely growled and flew through both men, heading straight for the giant monitor. Batman barely suppressed a shiver. Density shifting? Might as well add it to the list. He could see Martian Manhunter, who was in the back of the room, tilt his head at the display.
Dan ignored the room as he used his entire body to manipulate the computer mouse and scrolled back up to the top of the page. Staring intently at the scribbles no one could make out, the heroes could do nothing but shoot each other nervous and confused glances. More than a few of them jumped when Dan chuckled deeply. Honestly, his tiny body was at complete odds with his baritone voice.
"Maybe rehab will be fun if he's letting me do this." Dan sneered, flashing their reflections a sharp fang. No one wanted to ask what exactly he was in rehab for. The little beast turned his gaze to Batman. "You are the one called Batman, who rules the cursed city, correct?" The dark hero nodded, not trusting himself to say anything. "Excellent. You will be my chaperone for now, just as Fenton decreed it. Good luck, mortal man. Pray, I do not destroy your home a second time."
Without any time to unpack that conversation, Dan promptly disappeared from view. Some blinking text caught his attention, and Batman scrolled back down to the English text, glancing at the next few items on the list.
Task 2: Do not let Dan read his portion of this letter until you have a way to track him. There is no containing him.
Task 3: Keep him with a chaperone at all times. (If you can)
Task 4: Do not let Dan back into Gotham unless you're fine with a sudden decrease in the clown population.
Task 5: Take him for a walk in Death Valley. He likes hunting lizards.
Task 6: Make sure he goes down for his 2pm nap every day.
Task 7: He'll ask for it, but do not give him any burgers for mealtime. It upsets his stomach.
Task 8: Dan gets ONE(1) sweet after dinner before brushing his teeth. Those green pop rocks Batman always carries will do fine; he likes those. :)
A sudden alarm blared from his wristwatch, making Batman tear his eyes away from the screen, indicating an emergency at Arkham. This time, Batman actually sighed out loud. There was more to the list, but right now, he really needed to find their new charge before he killed the Joker, from the sound of it.
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rouecentric · 2 years
fourth genshin brainrot this month,,
IMAGINE being one of the many servants of the tsaritsa, but you remember your past life, one where the world you were in was a game.
you had planned of resignating from your job, but with being acquaintances with most of the harbingers, you know they'll probably search for and kill you if you resign, and maybe the fact that you're an orphan teenager would make it easier for them to get rid of you.
so packing your necessities and clothing, you resigned the same day you ran away and gained an anemo vision, deciding to travel around teyvat while avoiding shneznaya as if it was the plague.
you became a frequent traveler on beidou's ship, a pirate that you soon grew close with, as you told her tales that you grew up hearing about in shneznaya.
by some extent, you also became acquainted with kazuha, the inazuman refugee that became a criminal for being against the raiden shogun's vision hunt decree.
of course, with some mora left on you not being enough to last for more than two months, you decided to become a tailor/seamstress, designing clothes to sell them to any buyer.
and as obvious as it is, your clothing and designs' values sky rocketed in liyue first, as daughters from high society loved how your clothing was not only diverse, but also were lightweight and comfortable!
words of your clothing reached far and wide, making even more people want to see your designs, which meant more mora for you! you happily complied, even starting to take personal commisions for multiple noblemen and noblewomen.
one of your most frequent commisioners were the kamisato family from inazuma, because the head of the kamisato family's younger sister, ayaka, took interest of the new rising star of the fashion industry, which was you.
your most recent stop to travel on foot was to mondstadt, as you were getting rather tired of looking at the seemingly endless bodies of water.
while gathering mushrooms, vegetables and various fruits in mondstadt's wilderness, you found the traveler and their companion, paimon.
although you wanted to do nothing with the story, you took pity on the mc, and decided to help them.
of course, by association with the traveler, you were bound to meet at least one or two of the harbingers, as you were able to avoid rosalyn by staying at the cathedral for longer.
but your "reunion" with scaramouche was anything but nice, as you were caught off guard because of his eyes softening at the sight of you after the man's initial shock. it confused you.
the story and the character's are changing, but why? why is it changing?
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hyuckswyfe · 1 year
seonghwa brainrot 😵‍💫 (sub!hwa)
my demons were screaming at me during this entire live…. don’t mind any errors I was literally SPEED TYPING ts lmaooo
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The way I would slut this mf out is crazy, like he’d be on live n I’d just go in the room to check in n hangout, him knowing me oh so well he’s always making sure to bring up the fact he’s live so I could control myself but what he doesn’t know is that’s the whole point… sitting on his lap, chest pressing against one another, my arms wrapped around him and legs tangling on the sides of his chair, placing kisses all over his neck “Remember I’m live” he giggles at the feeling while I try not to fog up his glasses, the comments flooding about how cute we are but if only they knew the reality…
how they think im just resting my head on his shoulder and getting comfortable in my current position but really im whispering all the dirty things I want to do to him and moving slow grinds against the growing friend below me “please not now” Hwa whispers back in hopes his viewers couldn’t hear the whining in his voice, I’d then get up from him and position the camera towards his bed as he ask “what are you doing?” in visible confusion, I’d pull him from his chair and onto the bed sitting him in front of me and locking his legs open with mine, poor Hwa trying to squirm out of the restraint “please don’t do this to me please” he begs looking into the camera with helpless eyes “who wants to help me make Hwa feel good?” I’d ask the growing views of the live stream, comment section filled with agreement and encouragement some even saying they’ve waited for this moment their whole life, I’d smile at the feed back and start playing with my toy..
kissing and lightly biting down on Hwa’s neck and jawline “not now please not now” he’d continuously beg the words he could form still attempting to escape “if you didn’t want this Hwa, then you wouldn’t be as turned on as you are” he and I both knew deep down he wanted this more than anything, being toyed with in front of thousands of viewers at home the feeling of this humiliating situation could make him cum on the spot but he keeps fighting it.. “no no no~” he starts moaning out words as I let my hands slip under his shirt and explore his body, I’d look up at the comments searching for any requests “they want me to take it off Hwa, cmon let’s show your fans this slutty little body of yours” teasing him with these words, slowly unbuttoning the top to his matching silky grey pajama set letting his upper body free, slightly rolling the material off his shoulder and down his arm for more to be exposed.. my hands travel up his body rubbing, flicking and teasing his sensitive nipples “ugh-mmhh~” his moans turn to whimpers as his hips twitch and jolt up in excitement, his eyes getting heavy and soon closing due to the sensation “that’s a good boy… let everybody see your pretty face” grabbing his chin forcing him to face the camera as his features form to a ahegao type look, his brows furrowed, eyes rolling back into his head and tongue sticking out from the pleasure.. soon I’d slowly creep the hand on his chin down to palm the raging problem in his pants, the feeling of the silk going straight thru his boxers and right to his head from the index penetrating his nipple to the palm rubbing over his dick, his head was just filled with how good he felt not caring if he was live or not, he wanted to cum so bad no matter if it was in front of over thousands of viewers enjoying at home, Hwa would start humping my hand like a needy bitch “ah ah.. desperate little thing” moving my hand off his lower half and back to the other bud on his chest “please please m’need cum~” Hwa would mumble throwing his head over my shoulder, moving his hips around in hopes to rub on the smooth material just the right way “why don’t we let our audience get a good look at your pretty parts first?” throwing a glance at the comment section “mh yes mommy~” he’d be so intoxicated with pleasure, his hands gripping down on my thighs for some form of distraction or fidget so he doesn’t get too loud, I’d watch the comments overload at Hwa’s words..
“Did he just say Mommy??? Omg”
“Please tell me smb screen recorded that!! Omg he’s so cute”
I ofc giggled at how weak his fans were before reaching in his pants and taking out that pretty dick of his, seeing the comment section go crazy once again…
“Oh. My. God… it’s so cuteeee”
“I’m never forgetting this moment lord..”
“aww my stupid baby is already dripping” wrapping my hand around Hwa’s length watching the desperate boy thrust into my hand and laughing at it before stroking him on my own, his breath starting to hitch and he can hardly keep up with his words removing my other hand from his numbed out nipple and letting him use those pretty lips to suck on my fingers “mmh feels so m’good” he’d mumble thru his occupied mouth, his body soon telling me he’s close so I’d take my soaked and slimy fingers out his mouth and use them to work on his chest again letting the air hit the side my other hand couldn’t get in the moment, I rub my palm on the tip of him hearing all the wet noises come from it “uh ff~uck yes yes YES-“ Hwa would start getting loud so I use the saliva trenched hand to cover his mouth and suppress any screams from the older boy “mmmh mm mmmhmm” he aggressively nods rolling his hips to match my rhythm before.. a shiver rips thru his body as he cums and it continues to shudder while I overstim him and watch him squirm non stop uncovering his mouth to switch hands and let him taste himself on me, putting a thumb back to work on the attention-less nipple on the left side of his chest letting all his sounds escape from his throat, every last scream and moan had to be heard from throughout the house “please stop stop stop~ mommy please i’ll be such a good boy mommy please” Hwa begs as tears flow down his face like there’s a gun to his head “if you want me to stop then stop bucking up your hips like a horny little slut” I pout speaking with such a sweet voice “please please please m’gon-na~ AUGH- gonna cum~ yes cum cum cum~” he babbles like a mad man with no sense “cum baby, cum for mommy” was all he’d need to hear to explode all over once again “good boy~ such a good boy for us making a mess all over himself” saying us as a reminder to his audience, his light grey smooth silk pajamas didn’t end very clean, stains and wet patches all over his pants the comments will flood with praise and well-dones, Hwa gets up in embarrassment with a hand over his face not even attempting to put his dick away first just wants to get off live “don’t act like you didn’t enjoy cumming for mommy in front of all your little fans” I’d throw a tease at the mess of a boy “m’mommy, need to make mommy feel good” he’d get on his knees rushing to eat me out as a thank you for making him cum so well, I’d give him occasional kicks to his dick just to earn a couple whimpers and get a few laughs, but after all this, I’d take him on a late-night target run to buy him whatever lego set he wants and help him build it when we get back home…
Smb ground me…. I need my phone CONFISCATED 😪
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heartofwritiing · 8 months
and you just can’t say goodbye.
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paring: (zombur) William Godwinson x fem!reader
summary: Wil gets bitten, and angst ensues.
authors note: HUGE thanks to @ax-y10 for the help because originally this fic was gonna end a lot more agnsty but then they gave me an idea that was more on the happy side! I've never written a zombie apocalypse setting before so please excuse anything I get wrong. I've only watched other people play The Last of Us and I've briefly seen one episode of The Walking Dead so you can see how this will probably go. lol. The Sorry Boys zombie video is brain-rotting in my head rn I've watched it about four times now. yes. I love Zombur, so here's a drive-by of me throwing this fic at you and then skirting off with smoke from my tires. enjoy the brainrot :p (I'm so sorry this took me so long to get out, I've been procrastinating finishing it because I'm having some self-doubt at the minute but I hope you guys like this anyway even though it's a mess lol)
warnings: zombie apocalypse au, angst, death, violence, swearing, lots of kissing, characters use guns, the writer doesn't know anything about how guns work lmao, sort of happy end? super unedited!
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"shit! I'm out of ammo!"
You pulled the trigger on the handgun once more, but nothing. It was luck that you had even found one. Even so early on in an apocalypse. A month had gone by since the first day of the outbreak. Though it was likely that you should've died on the first day, you don't know why you've survived this long. you should be dead.
At first, you thought staying in your apartment was the best chance you had of surviving. Big mistake. That strategy turned south when your front door was barged in after four days of no disturbance from any outsiders. Your boyfriend Wil had grabbed everything you could carry, and you hadn't stopped moving ever since.
Now, you and Wil found yourselves trapped in an alley with no escape. A pack of infected had cornered you, slowly closing in while making menacing noises. Wil bravely stood between you and the horde, fighting them off to protect you.
"Climb up the fire escape!" he shouted back at you.
You looked around until you spotted a ladder conveniently placed on the side of the building within reach. Infected were dropping like flies as Wil's shots echoed through the air. The ladder shook as you climbed, heart pounding in your ears. You glimpsed down to check and see if Wil was following, to find he was surrounded on all sides by infected. Your heart dropped when you saw one of their mouths was too close to his wrist. By the time you called out his name, it was already too late.
'Fuck!' Wil screamed as the infected bit through his skin and charred his flesh. Blood gushed down his arm and around the infected's mouth. You cry his name as he reeled back his fist and punched the infected repeatedly until it staggered off of him, but it was too late. Your eyes were fixed on him as he quickly climbed up the ladder, gasping for breath as he did so. He seemed in immense pain as he pulled his body up the ladder, slightly struggling.
Upon reaching the roof, you found a roof access leading to a floor with multiple doors, revealing it to be an apartment complex. Wil was already feeling the effects of the infection. His skin was sticky with sweat, the bitter taste left in his mouth tasting the blood rising in his throat, and the sudden vertigo he got just by rushing down the stairs was enough to make him nauseous.
You came to the floor with all the apartment units and quickly kicked in the door of the closest one. It took a few attempts to kick the door, and then bam! The sound of splitting wood and the door bouncing off the wall made a delirious Wil jump.
You entered the small room, helping Wil through the doorway, and setting him down gently before closing the door. You searched around for something to barricade the door with. Just in case of any infected find you. The only thing that looked heavy enough was the dresser tucked into the corner. Using all your muscles, you pushed the object across the room with the bottom of the dresser scraping against the wood, grimacing at the loud noise.
Letting out a sigh of relief, you knew you were safe for now. You dusted your hands off and turned back to Wil who was slumped against the wall on the floor, clutching his bitten arm. Wincing and squirming from the heat burning through his skin spreading throughout his veins.
The room was dim, and you noticed the sweat beading down his forehead. You quickly took your backpack off your shoulders and strode over to him. Taking out the first-aid kit you had for emergencies, you pulled out the tiny bottle of anti-septic cleaning solution and the roll of bandages.
You gazed down at his wrist, which was curled against his chest, shrouding you from looking at it. The ring of teeth marks oozing out the color of maroon as black vines protruded around the area, extending over his skin. His head lulled to the side as he let out a moan of pain.
"No, baby, keep your eyes open," you tried to lure him back to consciousness. Take his hand and position it palm up in your lap. He whines like a wounded animal in response.
Unscrewing the cap, you quickly prep the cotton pads. Then you quickly realize you should've put on gloves beforehand. Muttering curses under your breath you shake your head at the thought, There was no time.
"What are you doing?" Wil's voice slurs. He sounds groggy, like something is trying to creep up his throat to escape, not him. It scares you. You refuse to look at him.
"I have to clean the wound before it gets infected," you say nonchalantly.
With the little strength he has left, Will reaches out his unbitten hand to catch yours. You stop your movements in disbelief of his actions, tears brimming in your eyes as you try to save his life, but he stops you again. You both know what's inevitable, you just can't accept it.
"Wil-" you try to pull out of his grasp. You reach out to touch his wrist again this time, he is the one who pulls away.
"Look at me," he pleads. You can't bring yourself to shift your eyes to his, knowing this was inevitable. You had to try. He had to let you try.
"just stop."
Wil tries to grab the items from your hands, but you move too quickly for his shrinking reflexes to keep up. Moving beginning to be too strenuous.
"I can't- Wil-" You struggle to fight against him, too scared to hurt him. Though he's already dying.
"Stop, honey..." he quivers.
"Just let me save you!" you cry. It echoes through the room. The air is tense, and you finally meet his eyes. His skin is sickly pale, eyes bright with red veins and glossy. Purple hues outline under his soft doe eyes as they peer into yours. He fists the hem of your shirt, inviting you closer. Your breaths mix together as he presses his forehead to yours.
The words hang between you, but you bite your tongue. You want to tell him how much you want him to stay and not give up. Deep down, you already know it's not enough.
"It's too late for me darling, leave me here.”
“I'm not leaving you,” you say sternly, shaking your head.
You were determined to stay with him, no matter how difficult things got, you were unwilling to abandon him.
“Please, I don’t want you to see me turn into a monster.” his voice wavered. Your heart sank. No matter what, he would always be your Wil. Sweet, caring, and lovable Wil. Whom you adored with every fiber of your being.
You reach up to cup his face with your hands, but they feel cool against your clammy skin. His cheekbones are slowly becoming more prominent. You stare into his eyes, but the urge to tell him to be quiet becomes harder as anger festers in your chest. However, it's not anger towards him, but rather frustration towards the universe.
Instead, you snuggle up next to him to demonstrate your lack of fear and your trust in him. You want to be by his side and provide comfort. You understand that it's unrealistic to expect him to recover from this infection given his history of being sick and having a weakened immune system. It's best to accept the inevitable outcome.
It's unclear how much time has passed while the two of you remain in that position. His arm securely around your shoulder holding you close, with your arm laid across his lap where your fingers provided soft circles against his hip bone. The room grows darker as the sun sets. The air feels eerie yet comforting all at once with Wil by your side. Nothing but the sounds of his raspy breathing and occasional coughing fit to surround you. He whispers through the dark against the crown of your head with horse words. Sweet nothings, promises that make you curl into him further so he can't see the single tear you shed.
He lifts his hand to gently cup your cheek, tilting your head to meet his gaze. Selfishly, he leans in for a soft kiss. You whine at the metallic taste in his mouth when he groans to part his lips so his tongue finds yours. It makes your head spin like a top how this man makes you feel. His lips are chapped, rough, and fast as he indulges in you for maybe the last time. You gasp and reach up to tangle your fingers in his locks to reel him closer to you. His hand finds the underside of your thigh, digging into your flesh. The mere touch of his hand sets your body ablaze and sends shivers down your spine.
It's frantic and passionate, your love for him shown physically. When you disconnect, suddenly remember you need to breathe. his eyes are hazy and his pupils are blown. You are sure you look like a flustered mess.
"I love you," he says sincerely, and you believe him.
It stings in your chest, you can't stand it.
"I love you more," you reply.
You tuck yourself into his neck, breathing in the scent of sweat and outdoors, and it's calming. Wil rests his head on the crown of your head. You neglect how his breathing has slowed as you drift off to sleep.
The next time you open your eyes, the sun peeks through the window, casting a golden glow over the bedroom. Your bones crack when you sit up to stretch from sleeping in the same position all night. You knew you'd regret it later when you had back pain for days. You turn to Wil, who doesn't stir when you move. Your heart dropped when you noticed something different about him.
Around his eyes were a darker color than the previous night. His cheekbones were completely sunken in where you could almost see the bone. his lips were a blueish color and his chest was rising and falling.
This was your fault. You should have stayed awake.
Tears streamed down your face as you called out his name, gently shaking his body, but he didn't respond.
"Wil!" you wailed, begging for him to come back.
You slumped forward, cradling him against your chest, pressing kisses to his temple, and muttering apologies against his cold skin. You felt your heart break as you realized he was gone, and tears rolled down your face as you held him close to you. You felt a deep emptiness settle in your heart. You knew you would never fill the void his death had left. You sobbed, gripping him tighter, and whispered your final goodbye. You held him close, cherishing holding home one last time. Knowing that you would never be the same again.
You're too distraught to move. You don't want to leave him here, but you don't have any other choice. The urge to keep on and survive was slowly fading now that you had no one left in this cruel world.
Wil felt heavy in your arms to the point where your arms were falling asleep, but you refused to let go. If you were to leave now, you may be tempted to never return to the person you once were. Allow your sorrow to consume you. The one good thing left in your life was gone.
You suddenly felt hands grab your lower back, causing you to yelp in surprise. Fingers gripe harshly at your skin through your clothes. Wil's chilled breath glides up your spine as he lets out a deep groan against your collarbone. He was alive? How?
His lips ghosted across your collarbone, pressing his nose directly into your pulse point. His hot breath fans across your exposed skin, causing goosebumps to rise along your body. Then, you feel his teeth nipping at your skin, and your eyes widen realizing his intentions.
You jerk away and shove him off you roughly. Crawling backward, quickly shuffling away from him, your heart pounding, until your back hits the opposite wall with a thump. You wince in pain from the impact and notice Wil gradually beginning to crawl toward you. A fixed gaze over his sheer white eyes, almost glowing like moonbeams. Chills ran down your spine as you gazed at your former lover, unrecognizable.
You froze as he approached, shrinking in on yourself. His body lazily dragged itself across the wooden floor, scrapping and groaning with every floorboard. Once he was close enough, his hand unexpectedly reached to grasp your ankle, and you screamed in fear. Nails harshly dig into your skin and create recent moon shapes that make you cry out.
He yanked you with a surprising strength until you were laid beneath him, overbearing you. You are powerless as Wil, or not Wil's body leaned over you and cadged you with his arms. Tears flow from the corners of your eyes and into your ears as his face inches towards you.
"Please," you whisper. Again, he tilts his head in curiosity at you.
"William?" Your eyes bore into his, trying to find some trace of life left in them. You observe his eyes returning to their natural color and a look of terror crossing his face as he regains consciousness. He staggers back and moves away from you frantically, clutching his chest and struggling to breathe.
You both sit on opposite sides of the room against the wall, he stares into the floor burning holes into the wood, avoiding your eyes. You just blink blankly at him in shock, knees tucked against your chest again.
Wil cradled his skull, clutching fist fulls of his hair, squeezing his eyes shut, and heaving breaths of panic puffed out his mouth. Mumbles of "I'm sorry," repeated like a mantra over, and over out shakily.
You let out an unsteady breath, His eyes quickly flicked over to you and fear flooded your senses once again.
"Darling?" he tries, his voice hoarse. He moves towards the center of the room, positioning himself a safe distance from you. “I'm sorry... I don't know what came over me..." his voice trails off.
He noticed your tense reaction upon watching him inch closer to you, and it broke his heart to see you trembling in fear due to his prior actions. He could never forgive himself for causing you such distress.
"is it really you?" you asked.
"I don't know," he says honestly. "I don't feel like myself, It's like I'm trying to grab hold of a stearing wheel and fight for control right now."
Your heart sank at his words. You let them maul over in your head for a moment. It sounded like your Wil, but you hesitated in reaching out to him. So, was he alive? He didn't look it, his skin was still deathly pale and almost decayed. Nose now dripping with dried blood that ran down his lips.
His head hangs low as he silently sobs. He didn’t want this. Now he was dead and was leaving you to defend yourself. He swore he would always protect you and he’s failed. He knows its selfish to ask you to stay with him, you should just leave him here to rot. Still, he begs you.
“Please, darling dont leave me,” You shake your head and crawl towards him. He might be an undead zombie now, but you still loved him more than anything else is this life. You would do anything for him. You take his face in your hands to tilt his head up but he avoids your eyes. “look at me,” his eyes shift to yours.
“I wanna help you baby, and im sure as hell not gonna leave you, not now, not ever.” you proclaim. “So don’t you dare ever try and push me away, because im staying. No matter how complicated things get.”
You bring yourself to kiss his forehead, your warm lips making him sigh out from the touch. He holds you for what feels like hours. Eventually you both know you’ll have to leave this abandoned apartment, whether you run out of food or more zombies show up. move on, then figure things out. Whatever it takes you would stay together, no matter what.
taglist: @trashcanduck @merakiwi @addxms @ax-y10 @scenefaez @starsyoubreaklikesugardust @drop-of-void
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kayatoastkkat · 26 days
guys look real picture of my handwriting when there’s 5min left on the exam
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okay….I’ve seen people on discord searching up pictures that matched the alchemical diagram Jekyll drew up here…
unfortunately I am a dumbass and don’t really give any fucks about that. I’m more. focused on the fact that. that fucking brain structure. its all split up wrong. Jekyll. Jekyll why were you drawing fantasy maps on the brain what were you trying to accomplish.
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ok but. oh my gosh. they’re actually pretty cute when they’re not at each others’ throats about science!!
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okay Jekyll’s prooobably going to open the door and start giggling and brainrotting over fucking chemistry notes with his childhood idol but. it would be funnier if he just slot it through the gap under the door for her to read. and they just spend the next 10 minutes arguing over Jekyll’s handwriting.
but what might also happen is Frankie goes into the lab to see for herself…and going off the wip Sage posted on Xitter, might just help Jekyll find the ingredients needed to make the potion that would fix this mess.
at any rate these two are slowly gaining insight of each other and Frankie finally thinks Jekyll’s worth some of her respect!! guys. I am. so normal over their bonding sessions.
imagine Creature just standing in the corner waiting for them to hurry up and finish the character-developing conversation so they could just leave already. probably not even far off from the truth.
thats it folks! thanks for reading :D
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mvybanks · 4 months
here with new merman jj brainrot😩
this man HAS NO FEAR of getting caught by other people because if he wants to spend time with reader NOTHING WILL STOP HIM. you're on the beach with your friends? you see his head pop out of the water. you're surfing to take your mind off of things? suddenly something knocks you over and the next thing you feel is two strong arms around you. you're swimming and playing around in the water with other people? jj is touching and gripping your calves and ankles because hey pay attention to him. one time you physically had to SHOVE HIM UNDERWATER BY PUSHING ON HIS HEAD because you were on the pier with friends and he randomly popped up.
all in all jj is touch starved and clingy about his new human "friend" and he doesn't care who sees- BUT YOU DO
bestie you’re so right!!!!! ughhh😫
and jj is obviously doing all that not only because he wants your attention but because he always searches for an excuse to touch you, being close to you, and oops, you just fell (he made you fall) into his arms and look at that! your lips are so close, what a coincidence, right?
he would do anything to make you a flustered mess when you’re with your friends, winking at you before you have to push his head underwater so your friends don’t see you flirting with a man…who has a tail! until suddenly, you realize that you always look for him, that your heart stops when you don’t see his head pop up every time you’re on the beach, that even when you’re doing something else and you’re distracted, your eyes search for him.
and why the hell does your heart miss a beat when your eyes finally land on him???
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bumblebeesfromvenus · 9 months
Raindrops falling on my Heart ♡
Leon S. Kennedy x reader
A/N: Well, if that weren't a shitty couple of weeks 🥲 anyway, I am back! The Leon brainrot has been eating at me for months and I finally caved, have some angst! With a happy ending of course, because I have a fragile little heart :) I have some more Leon in my drafts if y'all are interested ;) Enjoy!
~ Fi 🪻
Warnings: talks of alcohol being used as a coping mechanism, badly written fight, potential ooc Leon
Word count: 1.1k
Please don't copy my work! I put a lot of effort and heart into the things I write.
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"You always do this, Leon!" Your voice echoed through your shared apartment. "You know that it's out of my control" He responded, frustrated. You scoffed. "You were gone for three weeks. Three weeks, Leon!" You yelled, tears stinging in your eyes. "I was sat here, for three goddamn weeks wondering whether you were alive or not. One Text. That is all I ask. 'I'm save' or 'I'm okay' that is all I want. I need to know that you're alright." You pleaded.
He was gone for long periods at a time and you were a nervous wreck, tossing and turning at night, hoping, praying that your lover was alive. It was eating away at you, hearing that knock on the door not knowing whether it was Leon finally coming home or his officials to tell you that he didn't make it. It was agonizing, really.
Leon, who previously had his back turned towards you, turned around. "Sure, just let me tell the bad guys to stop shooting at me so I can text you. Also, have a little more faith in me, you know I wouldn't go down that easy." He spat back. He shook his head, scoffing. Making his way to the door, he grabbed his jacket and keys. "Where are you going?" You asked bitterly. "Bar" he replied coldly. "No, Leon! You don't get to walk away from this. You always do and it's solving absolutely nothi-" you were interrupted by the door slamming in your face.
Hot tears were running down your face. You two fought like this almost everytime he came back after weeks of disappearing. It always ended with Leon threatening to leave for the evening but he never did. Until today. He actually left.
Quiet sobs were escaping your mouth. You clutched your heart with both hands to help soothe the pain. Your Relationship was really put to the test with Leon having such a dangerous job. It was obvious he couldn't just stop the whole mission, but there had to be at least 5 minutes between saving the world and kicking ass where he could let you know that he was alive. Why didn't he understand that you loved him?  Why wouldn't he let you love him? "Stubborn son of Bitch..." you mumbled, tears drying on your cheeks.
Leon angrily stomped out of your apartment building. Having shoved his hands deep into his pockets, he stepped out into the pouring rain. He'd be soaked by the time he got to the local bar but he couldn't care less at the moment. He hated fighting with you, especially over something like this, something you have been over a million times. He kept his head down, the cold rain trickling down his neck into his shirt.
The stores, restaurants and buisnesses that lined the street, cast a bright light onto his face as he looked up, searching for the sign of the bar. He was a regular at this point. Coming in, sitting down at the very back in a cozy corner, and then quietly leaving when he had drunk his anger, frustration and pain away.
Looking around, Leon spotted happy couples roaming the streets on either side. Laughing, holding hands, smiling. It made him sick. How dare they pretend to be perfect when he knows for a fact that they aren't. Every couple fights. How dare they be happy. He shot them a bitter look and went on to get into the warm and dry embrace of the bar.
Reaching for the the door he stopped in his tracks when he heard his name being called.
"Leon.." you spoke, arms wrapped around yourself to keep you warm. "Can we talk? Please?"
He turned to face you. You were soaked. Your wet hair clinging to your forehead and your neck, the flimsy jacket you had grabbed in a rush doing little to keep the pouring rain and cold out. What are you doing here, you're going to get sick was the first thought that popped into his head as he saw you. But he didn't say that.
"What? You come here to yell at me again?" He asked, coldly. You took a couple of steps towards him. "No, I.." you sighed "I love you, Leon. And I care about you. I worry for you. But you just go on your missions thinking you have nothing to lose and no one that cares about you." Tears were starting to roll down your cheeks.
"But I do! I care. You have something to lose. Us. Everything we've been through. Every fight, every sleepless night, every kiss. I just don't understand why you won't you let me love you. You own my heart and take up my every thought. You're the love of my life, Leon. You're my world, my everything. I wouldn't know what to do with myself if anything happened to you. You are loved. I love you. Isn't that enough for you to not storm into every situation recklessly and put your life on the line for-" you were cut off by Leon pressing your head against his chest. Wrapping your arms around his waist, you let all your emotions spill out. Leon stayed quiet as you sobbed into his shirt, your tears mixing with the rain.
"I'm so sorry, Sweetheart" he whispered, you could hear the tremble in his voice. Pulling away from the embrace, you looked at him, seeing the faintest hint of tears in the corner of his eyes. you reached to his face and cupped his cheek gently.
"You deserve to be loved, Leon. Please understand that. You don't have to earn love or prove yourself worthy of it. Being you is enough. I love you." You sniffled, stroking his cheekbone with your thumb. Leon leaned into your touch, placing his hand on yours and pressing it closer to his face. "I-.. Thank you. I love you too. So much." he sighed, a tear escaping his eye.
You gave him a soft, sad smile and carefully brushed the tear aside. "No more fighting, okay?"
"Okay. Let's go home, baby. I think Bingo's on tonight" he grinned at you, placing a sweet kiss to your lips. You two walked home in the cold rain, your hand clutched tightly in Leons.
After a much needed hot shower you were now both cuddled up on the couch, watching your favorite show but basically talking and laughing through the whole thing. You'd missed nights like these with Leon, the cuddling, the loving, the talking. You'd grown distant the last couple of months due to the frequent arguments. But now, all was well and you later fell asleep in Leons loving arms.
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hana-no-seiiki · 1 year
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(ft. Sae x Reader’s Twin)
warnings: short reader, reader is older than rin, otherwise reader’s looks and info aren’t specified. all my knowledge comes from fics and wiki searching so i apologize if he’s ooc (even for a yandere)
might make a sae x reader / a fic but in the twin’s pov in the future if the brainrot persists
It had been a while since you’ve seen your twin brother’s boyfriend’s younger brother (that was a mouthful).
And you . . .
Well you barely even reached his shoulders.
And he’s two years your junior.
Throughout the dinner you four attended at home, you couldn’t help but glare at the handsome young man the entire time. Which in turn caused the meal to be hella awkward
Your brother and Sae didn’t really engage in PDA, at least verbally. Both preferred actions rather than professing their affections through words (You couldn’t count the amount of times Sae had made out with your brother after their matches on field).
And well, Rin is Rin.
So you were implicitly put in charge of creating conversation.
But Rin’s growth spurt just made you feel so jealous you couldn’t think of anything to say aside from ‘Damn you!’ or ‘Why????’.
Your annoyance was so obvious that even Rin himself noticed it. The dude with zero friends and social experience.
“You alright?” He asked, assisting you with the dishes.
“Huh? Yeah.” You averted your eyes, rubbing the sponge a little too hard on the poor plate.
“Did I . . . do something wrong?”
“What? No! It’s just — “ You put down the ceramic. Still avoiding eye contact with the younger Itoshi. “I’m . . . a little jealous of your genes that’s all.”
“My genes?”
“You grew up so quickly. I have to bend my neck to oblivion just to look at you directly.”
“But your height is part of your charm?”
“It’s cute.” He took the plate and rinsed it. You could feel him staring at you intently. “Besides isn’t being shorter better for dancing?”
“Not when you’re as short as I am.” You continued doing the dishes with a sigh, pausing after properly digesting his words. “Hang on. Back up a moment will ya. You know I dance?”
“I . . . I watched all of your performances.”
“Ehhh . . . “ You nodded a few times . . . and then realized what his words meant. Finally rotating your head to face him, you yelled, “E H H H ? ! ? “
“I thought football was all you thought about!”
Now that you looked at him and can see his face, you noticed a slight flinching due to your volume. However it was quickly replaced with the smallest of smiles. “It used to be. My teammates listen to your songs a lot during practice and it just sort of stuck with me.”
“Point is. I like that part about you. I’m sure many of your fans do too.”
Before you two finish by drying everything with a towel, you spray a bit of water on Rin with your hands causing a bit of war. A really wet one.
It was about to get even wetter when you threatened to use a bowl of water but Rin beat you by caging your body and trapping your arms to the sink’s edge.
His face was inches from yours.
He soon let go of your limbs, using his hand to trace your features. From your eyelids, to your cheeks and then your lips. He puts a little pressure with his thumb, almost inserting it into your mouth.
Then, his teal eyes met yours. His long, pretty under lashes mesmerized you, almost distracting you from the fact that his large figure was suffocating yours.
“I’d say you’re pretty luck when it comes to genes.”
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Rin lived and breathed football. Every moment was dedicated towards his passion.
That was still the case til now. It just so happened that his passion included you.
“Rin!” He recognized that voice immediately. He’s surprised he didn’t get whiplash with how fast his head swerved to meet your form.
“Got a copy of your jersey! What do ya think ? “ You gave him a little spin, letting him see how the jersey basically swallowed you whole. He makes a mental note to slip in one of his used ones into your wardrobe. He was adept at discreetly taking stuff out of it anyways.
He was so flustered that he completely forgot to respond, so you opted to take his silence as approval, “I’m guessing you like it?” You winked. You’ve gotten a lot bolder since the reunion dinner and acted a lot more like your ‘idol’ self around him at times. He didn’t know whether he liked it or not. On one hand it was the personality he fell for at the beginning, on the other it was getting increasingly more difficult not to take you.
“Mhm.” He nodded. Fists clenched so tight he could feel some blood leaking. Self control was just so hard when he was around you.
“Is that . . . the [L/N] [Y/N]?” He heard his teammates holler behind him.
He grimaced, knowing they’ll hog your attention for the following moments.
But at least that means both of you were safe from his aching lust and obsession this time.
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hoshi wo sagasu hitomi ga suki
— Those eyes that search for the stars, I love them / I love those eyes that search for the stars
— Lyrics for D4DJ Photon Maiden’s 暁 Akatsuki (Dawn)
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ixiot-ghostrebel · 11 months
My next brainrot what if there was a aeon representing fear like evryone kn universe dears this aeon so much to point of refusing saying thier name only calling the aeon by nicknames and the only ones who call the aeon of fear like just another aeon are the pepole who walks on path of fear and reader is one of them before they gets on path of fear they were terifited of the aeon to but one day they understands that fear is needed becose withote it humanity wodul be doomed
As for reader personality they are more stoic to terrifying point but when helping pepole with thier fears or phobia they are very gentel and friendly
As for charaters
@Zardas75 you are literally the sole reason why my blog is even alive at this point. I need more ppl to enter in some requests fr 😭 my motivation dies on me too quickly 😔
Btw, I'm mainly going to just focus on the fact that Reader follows the Path of Fear than the Aeon of Fear in general if that's okay with you.
Path of Fear!Reader With Stelle, Asta, and Natasha!
Color yourself surprised: She saw right through your stoic and terrifying point.
How, you might ask? Well, the story's very simple: She was out searching for trash cans, and stumbled upon you with some random stranger she doesn't know, trying to coax them because (to her horror), they were afraid of trash monsters.
Okay, first of all—how dare this stranger! If Stelle wasn't digging in another trash can at the point, she would bonk the living daylights out of them. And you looked cool, so she didn't give into her murder tendencies.
The moment you and she interacted, Stelle was caught a little off at how stoic and terrifying you were trying to be—but come on, she's not afraid of you no matter how hard she tries.
Sorry, but after being stabbed with a giant ice lance thing through her chest, someone glaring holes into her isn't going to scare Stelle off. Besides, she's seen the other side of you while hunting down trash cans. If anything, her...unique quirkiness and traits kind of scare you.
"Stop digging in the trash cans." "I FOUND TREASURE!" "...You are so annoying." "Okay :D"
Safe to say though, you aren't getting rid of Stelle so easily.
She meets you when several scientists on the Herta's Space Station starts to become very pale, some even running off in the opposite direction they were walking towards. She turns around, and bam—she's also a little terrified to see you.
Even the way you walk was enough for her to drop her precious telescope she carries along with her.
Were you not with the Astral Express Crew, she thought you might have been a new recruit for the Stellaron Hunters or something. You were terrifying!
Yet something about you was very endearing as well. It only amplifies more when Asta catches you taking care of a scientist and their phobia. She almost envies the attention from your soft side.
She tries her best to steel her own nerves as she tries to get to know you better—it's obvious that, despite that stoic and cold facade you have, you were someone of a kind heart and of pure intentions.
"The stars....they're all just a lie, in one world." (did you catch the reference? 👀) "W-well, I assure you, they aren't here! If anything, uhm—they're much more fascinating here at the station!" "Hm. You're about to drop your telescope thing." "R-right! Ah, shoot—uh, sorry!"
Yeah, she's still failing. You're terrifying yet fine as hell.
The moment she sees some of her patients pale and a few children cry and running off to hide, she thought some rogue or criminal entered her infirmary.
Turns out, it was just you. You were as terrifying as you were beautiful. If she didn't know better, Natasha would've said she mighy have gotten a heart attack just simply glancing at you.
She tries her best to be polite to you despite her fear of you, and Natasha really adores your soft side when she catches how you help children overcome their fears.
"A-Ah, Y/N! I didn't see you there. How can I helo you?" "I got stabbed in the arm." "Alright, don't worry—I'll be sure to...check up on it."
Whenever you arrive to the infirmary, be it injuries or other reasons, Natasha fumbles on her own words. The question is if it's out of fear or romantic attraction 👀
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Ghost Rebel Side Notes: I am so sorry that this took longer than needed! I was caught up in a lot of IRL events, and couldn't finish thid earlier than I wanted it to.
Please, feel free to send requests to me! I honestly need them—the sagau genshin series I'm working on is dying due to my lack of motivation :')
✦ Check out The Ghost Rebel’s Blog Description & Info Page to See if Their Mailbox is Open! ✦
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fatuismooches · 5 months
Allow me to feed you more brainrot!!
Hey! I saw that you liked my writing about the ending where the Fragile!reader doesn’t make it in time, so why not give you some thoughts of mine on what sort of habits or tendencies the ill reader has gained? This is supposedly a few centuries into it, though no time is specified really. (Note : Let me see what I can cook in a few days with the ‘broken heart’s ending. Stay tuned!)
1.The desk is [name]’s bed now. As many years have gone by, the duties of the second harbinger has been mostly assigned to you as you are(were?) the lover to II Dottore. The sparrow tended to work on paperwork’s until their hands felt numb, shaky handwriting only stabilized with a use of a machine or primarily writing with a typewriter. The sparrow goes on missions, though internally craving to stay near and only focus on the revival of the fallen crow. The desk is where they tended to spend most of their time at, either for research or paperwork when they were free. Though the sparrow was treated with some sympathy, their unhealthy habits haunting them to the point they passed out on the desk or even harbinger meetings. Their fragile and porcelain like body was beyond pushed to their limit, but they will not stop. Though around their fellow allies such as the dove, they will ease on it to ensure that the sparrow’s allies are not overly concerned. The sparrow does not want anyone to be concerned more than the sparrow had pushed them away. Even by the time when no Fatus under the Fatui Harbingers command no longer recognize the name of the Doctor, only to recognize yours instead, you never take credit for the work you’ve done yourself. You always stated that the work you have done should be credited to II Dottore himself—The research and notes he had left behind was the starting foundation to your own search, afterall.
2.Dragged to rest. By the time the sparrow is remotely close to finding something that would give the first major step to the resurrection to the great II Dottore, they had taken supplements, no matter how bitter, to force back and silence their illness though it only ever managed to be temporarily. The rare nights where one of the harbingers that were your friends were free to check you from their busy nights—wether it be the Damsellette, the Regrator, or Tartaglia, you’d be dragged to your bed even with how much of your mental stubbornness would try and argue back. Your physical stubbornness is not well due to how your fragile body is, already at a melting point with how you are treating your body, the rebellion of yours falls into silence as the harbinger pulls a blanket over you as they give a light threat that they better not see them snooping around to study. Your body agrees even though your mind is exactly the opposite, but you wish them a goodnight’s rest as you close your eyes. That night, you ended up passing out for little more over 12 hours.
13.Flinch at sudden contact, and protectiveness. With your lover dead, the sensation of touch has become almost unbearing. Especially to your now scarred body from your experiments, anyone who dares to even tap your shoulder might become the next test subject to see if they could be resurrected with the next concoction you create for the sake of the unmoving frozen corpse of the Doctor. Your face is the most vulnerable—most possessive of the mask your lover once wore every day, almost every hour of the night. So you keep it close, it is important as your life and you’d defend it till the very end. With the cause of the Crow’s death, the fox-fur wearing Sparrow has taken a distaste to anyone who may pose a threat to the Crow. Especially with the Golden Comet, now you have become the underlying term of ‘overprotective’. Overprotective to someone who wasn’t even breathing anymore, safely encased in permafrost in the hidden depths of the lab. If any word of something or someone that can end up harming your lover ends up getting into the sparrow’s ears, be prepared for the threat to be wiped from existance in record time. Such thing shall not exist anymore under the sparrow’s gaze, and they will not escape it.
4.To ramble to something inanimate. With the death of the segments and Prime himself, [name] had gotten the habits to ramble off in one of the segments’ rooms or snuggle in the bed of Prime’s. How you spoke and rambled away as if they were still with you, perhaps maybe they were. Somewhere, someway, you could even bring the segments back. Though your primarily focus was on Prime, you still mourned for each copy and clone there ever was of Dottore. The Sparrow loved each and every version of the Crow there was to offer, from the small hatchling Zandy to the original Zandik. Omega, Beta just to name a few.. it was not too uncommon for a Fatui Harbinger or Fatus for business just to see the lover of the Doctor ramble against a object that one segment may have owned, or them snuggling into a clothing they may have wore.
(Should I write some ideas if Dottore did eventually get resurrected?? Perhaps your thoughts on it would be great. I also think when Dottore does get resurrected, Dottore might also be frail because your body sort of just weakens from a lack of use and he was dead for a while too.. so now you got Frail!Reader and Frail!Dottore just collapsing together, PFT.)
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mayullla · 1 year
Title: Little healer here!
Characters: Hawks / Keigo Takami (My Hero Academia/BNHA)
Summary: After fighting with villains Hawks was badly injured, when you showed up and healed him.
Warnings/tags: Slowburn platonic yandere, fem!child!reader, reader has a healing quirk (maybe-), the obsessions themes are not obvious here but will happen at one point so just in case I am putting this here.
Note: Okay so like my hero academia season 1 to 5 I have watched most of the episodes this month and like here. A small brainrot of adopted dad Hawks turned slow burn yandere everyone kind of deal-
Little healer here! list (part 2 is here!)
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It was Hawks who found.. well not necessarily it was more so you found him badly hurt and hiding away after he underestimated a villain he was fighting with.
Hiding injured after the fight in the narrow walkway between buildings he was about to get ready to leave planning on getting up from his seat on the pavement when he heard footsteps only to be left surprised when he saw a child walking in the middle of the dark streets.
A red feather right against your neck you weren't sure what was happening as you looked at the surprised man, tilting your head.
"Mister-san, what are you doing here?" You asked curiously.
Hawks examined you searching for anything suspicious yet other than your white tattered dress and old sneakers and if not a little big for you... nothing was suspicious.
"Mister you are hurt!" Hawks looked at your eyes, concern was written all over them too real to be fake.
"Yeah, I just happened to trip kid." He told you slowly pulling the sword away from your neck he was worried that he might have caused you trauma from it but your casual reaction was something else really.
"You need to treat it!" You whined at him as you walked closer, you didn't see how tensed the man became still cautious about who you were.
Hawks looked at your small tiny hand that was reaching out for him yet he made no move. Pouting you took a seat on the floor and grabbed his hand, bloody from cuts and bruises. "H-hey kid you shouldn't be doing that-" The warm feeling that he felt within his skin almost tingling within his blood and veins yet was somehow soft and welcoming. The pain soothed over as the cuts and wounds healed themselves.
Watching a large cut on his arm slowly knit together he looked at you, who was focused on your work. His eyes narrowed as he wondered how a small kid like you was here when you have a pretty amazing quirk like this. He thought that at your age most children with some sort of healing quirk could probably heal a scraped knee or a small cut.
Not deep wounds like his...
The moment you released his hand you took a deep breath so tired from healing him yet you looked at him satisfied that you were able to help even if his face was so confused. "There! Healed! No more bobos." You told him standing up you were about to skip away when he grabbed your hand.
"Hmmm?" You glanced back at the once wounded man now all healed.
"Uhh thanks for healing me. Can you tell me your name kid?" Hawks asked with a smile on his face trying to look calm. You looked back at him smiling, you told him your name and that you were from an orphanage not too far from here. It seemed like that was enough for him to let you go as you headed back to the orphanage not knowing a small feather go stuck on your hair.
Heading back he went to tell the Hero Commission about a little gem he had found hiding away in an old orphanage. Having a quirk that was maybe as strong as Recovery Girl if carefully watched over will be beneficial to the hero world after all.
He thought that all he needed to do was tell and that was it, as he was reminded of your little smile he thought that that was the last time he would see you smile like that. He wondered why his heart for a moment became hollow.
"Huh? You are asking me to take care of her? Sorry but like I also have an agency to take care of and like hero work and all." Hawks did not expect them to suddenly ask him to take care of you. Currently, it seems that they have their hands full with things to do. Hawks too was busy but in their eyes right now he still should have enough time to take care of a child.
Hawks really thought it was a bad idea as he entered an old orphanage gate the old rusty gate creaking as he moved to open it called many of the residents' attention. And by residence, he means children.
He was quickly bombarded with children all of who were surprised the hero Hawks were there while teachers tried to calm the children down and asked Hawks why he was there.
He was interested in adopting a child much to everyone's surprise.
The hesitant look on the elder teacher's face as she left you and Hawks alone was understandable but unfortunately, he was on a mission right now. "Why is mister-san here?"
"Why can't I say hi and thank the person who helped me in the alleyway?" Hawks teased you. "But then why are we here in this room?" You asked looking around the blue walls decorated with paper flowers. "This room is where children find a home."
"Do you not want to be adopted? Don't you also want a place to call home?" Hawks asked, watching as you shook your head. "I want a home." There was longing in your eyes, yet somewhat scared. It made Hawks wonder how you came to this orphanage how you ended up here... he thought of that time you healed him. You seemed to have no fear of blood when you healed him.
"But Mister-san looks too young to be a father."
..... "Oi."
Hawks was not sure if he should take that as a compliment or an insult. On one hand, it is a compliment to be called young sometimes but from a kid that he was supposed to be adopting he wasn't so sure.
"Listen kid, my name is Keigo Takami. Hero name Hawks. I am quite popular with the young generation. So you not knowing my name means that I doing something wrong here." The small giggles you made covering your hand from letting them made Hawks smile a little, the knowing mischievous twinkle in your eyes was a dead giveaway.
"Mister-san do you want me to call you dad?"
Hawks looked at the papers about your quirk, a healing quirk that he was expecting so long as you are touching the person you can heal that person. Simple it seems but strong... Hawks wondered "So do you use your quirk often?"
"Hmmm sometimes, I am the only one who can heal in this orphanage so a lot of my friends look for me when they get hurt." You said looking at your hands, as you swung your legs under the table.
"How about outside the orphanage?" Hawks asked, you looked at him in the eyes and then outside as you wondered. A finger in under your mouth as you tried to figure out if you ever healed someone outside the orphanage. "You?"
"Very cheeky kid." You giggled as he raised a brow a smirk on his lips. "Sometimes I do. It is not often that I find someone bleeding on the side of the alleyway." Your eyes glittered.
"Very funny." Hawks rolled his eyes, as you continued to giggle.
You were a cute kid really as the conversations he had with you were all light and carefree it almost made him relax a little. And after a few more visits you were adopted by him, as you waved goodbye to your friends you looked at the man with red wings.
You smiled as the teachers told you that you now found a home and that you are so fortunate. That you must be good. Hawks waited till you said your goodbyes before taking you to his car.
"This is your new home," the house was luxurious so different from the old orphanage you lived everything was second-hand if not third or fourth hand. You gasped at how bright and shiny the place was running around yet careful not to touch anything afraid that your might break something.
Hawks watched you roam around the place with sparkling eyes.
Your room was empty and bare of any design or furniture except for a bed, desk and wardrobe. Hawks had told you that he would let you design the place to your liking but you told him that this was enough. The red hawk plushie that he placed on top of the bed was more than enough.
Hawks can't help but smirk at you patting your head as he heads to the kitchen asking what you would like to eat. The meal was joyful, something that Hawks didn't experience often in his own home, not like he was the type to invite people here often when he was so busy.
He asked you if you knew how to wash and you told him you could, giving you your pajamas he prepared you a bubble bath something that made you super excited.
"Ohh! Bubbles!!"
Brushing your teeth in from of the mirror with Hawks right beside you. The cheerful sounds in the lonely house were unfamiliar to Hawks as he watched you watch cartoons on the tv. Not bad, something in his mind he could get used to.
He just didn't expect to have a hard time getting you to bed. When you tried to run away from your room only to get caught by his red feathers. You pouted at him as he tucked you into bed. "Kids don't grow unless they get lots of sleep didn't the caretakers in the orphanage not tell you that?" He smirked at your face, poking your chubby cheeks.
"Well get to sleep." He was about to leave a feather right by the switch to turn the lights of your room of when you grabbed his t shirt. Sighing he turned back to you to see your hesitant face, almost lost and scared that he was your only hope. It was weird... something that Hawks never saw ever since he meet you.
"Don't go..." The voice was small, scared. "Please don't go. I am scared..."
It made Hawks nervous as he took a seat on your bed. You covered most of your face with a blanket but it seems that the strength on your hand that was holding his t-shirt did not lessen. "Hey what is the matter kid? Don't worry nothing bad is gonna happen to yah. You are staying at a hero's home no?"
Your eyes watered as your hold on his t-shirt tightened "I am scared... I am scared that this might all be a dream." You mumbled softly yet Hawks heard everything.
Watching you hold his t-shirt he wasn't sure what to say all of the sudden... "Don't worry... I won't leave you." Hawks softly said placing a hand on your head "I promise you that once you wake up nothing would be a dream and that Mr. Hawks will be right beside you when you open your eyes." Raising the red hawks' plushie that you forgot in the living room he placed it right beside you.
"Promise?" You asked the strength on your hold lessen as you raised your other hand showing your pinky. Hawks smiled softly as he grabbed your pinky with his. "I promise."
Hawks almost knew nothing about how to care for a kid really, yet his head can't help but melt as you continued to cling to his shirt. He stayed with you when you closed your eyes, he stayed with you till your breath slowed a little with little snores. You were asleep tired from a hectic day.
Hawks didn't leave the room immediately unable to get up as he looked at the ceiling. The room was once an empty bedroom meant for guests who would probably stay at best a day or two.
Yet now it was given to a little girl that he was supposed to take care of for who knows how long. He thought he would not get attached he cant not with his line of work. Yet the reality was much harsher to him when he watched as the power in your hand slowly fade little by little dropping to the bed sponge.
Really he also doesn't think that he would be a great caregiver to you. Honestly, he didn't think he would be taking care of a kid in his early 20s. He was told he was to send you to UA where Recovery girl will care of you all the while teaching you how to use your quirk. He thought that at most he will giving you food and shelter at most he didn't think you and him would interact this much.
And this was all in one day...
You would probably be at AU almost the whole day once he gets back to his hero duty to busy then. He was only given a few days off to look after you so that you could get used to your new life.
Maybe then things would change, and maybe you and he would not grow any closer then... when it happens...
He didn't know how long he stayed in your room but in the end, he stood up and left slowly closing the door so as to not let you wake up.
"Awake birdy?" You rubbed your eyes as you stared at the man who wore a cute-looking apron with frills on them. Something was frying in the kitchen, the delicious smell woke you up. "Want some pancakes?"
"Umh!" You nodded your head holding tightly to the hawk plushie. You let him grab you pulling you out of the bed as he had his feathers clean up the bed. Picking you up you clung to his neck still sleepy trying to wake up as your stomach growled.
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