#🎨angie yonaga: ultimate artist🖌
threads-of-trust · 3 years
The Ending
“Oi, Putri..”
“Ya run dis place, right?”
“More or less…”
“Well! Can ya make an executive fuckin’ order ta install some cell tower, now!?” Iyabo barked, raising her phone in the air in a desperate attempt to find a signal. “Urgh! Ya gotta be kiddin’, outta all te times ta get no service-!”
“Oh! I’ll check my phone!” Fay piped up, searching her pockets, fumbling but finding nothing in the end. In her other free hand was a laptop she found in her holding cell and decided to take with her, unbeknownst to Fay, Chiaki resided inside of it. Fay began to pout, leaning over to Leigh. “Pst! I can’t find my phone, do you have one…?” She asked in a whisper.
Leigh pouted sadly. “No.. I don’t have a phone…” They sniffled.
“This is horrible! We’re gonna be stuck on this shitstain of an island forever now!” Hiyoko whines with teary eyes and an upset scowl. “A-All because you idiots can’t find a phone booth!”
“You’re welcome to search for one yourself, Hiyoko.” Aditi commented, entering the scene while still carrying an unconscious Miu in her arms.
“Audi! Jesus- what the hell happened to you guys!?” Hajime asked with genuine concern, hovering next to her like an overprotective mother hen.
“Me and the robot sat down and had a wonderful game of chess…” Aditi grumbled sarcastically, whipping some blood from the corner of her mouth. “Have you found a way to return home yet?”
“Not exactly..” Finn commented gently, realizing Iyabo was in too frazzled of a state to answer properly. He was more worried about her getting too frustrated and throwing the phone in the ocean.
Angie had her hands clasped together in prayer, humming and focusing all of her energy. “Atua, if you can hear Angie now… we are in a great time of need. Could you perhaps send us a savior of sorts? Another god? A ship? Perhaps a plane?? Both! Atua says he will give us both!” She brightens.
“Oh yea? Why don’tcha ask yer god where te fuck they are then, huh!? ‘Cause ‘m not seein’ it!” Iyabo growled at the artist, who merely shrugged in response. “Can ya take this seriously!? If we don’t get outta ‘ere, we could become fuckin’ war prisoners! Do ya want that, airhead-!?”
While everyone else was bickering, Ivy had been off to the side. One arm was wrapped around her sister, who had once again gone catatonic. The other was outstretched, with her hand holding up a faintly glowing red cube. The cube spun in the air, occasionally collapsing in on itself before reforming. Then, in a flash of red, it vanished, but not before sending out something akin to a dying message. Letting her arm fall, Ivy whispered to herself.
"...I trust in you, Paff. Bring us home…"
In that exact moment a plane flew right over their heads at incredible speeds, the noise of the engine so loud that conversing was impossible for a couple of seconds, the small plane turning around and circling over the island.
“AHOYYY!” A voice called out excitedly. From the same direction the plane came from, a small ship appeared, coming directly at them. At the top a familiar man standing.
“Is everyone alright?! We’re ‘ere ta pick ya landlubbers up!” It was Drake, waving at the group with his hooked hand, grinning widely. And he came with a whole cavalry of familiar faces, all there for the rescue mission.
Aditi and Iyabo gawked at their sudden appearance, while Putri began jumping up and down violently and waving her arms. “Here!! Heeeerreeee!! You’re here!!!” She squealed happily.
“Nyahaha! You see, Atua never disappoints!” Angie proclaimed with a big smile, pointing at the crusade here to save them.
Drake grinned, yelling back: “Of course! We’ve been lookin’ fer ya the whole time!” He turned, informing his crew: “Get ready. We’re ‘bout to dock.”
The plane stopped its high circling after finally finding a nearby spot to land, probably causing a lot of commotion but at least landing smoothly, the hatch opening and revealing a very familiar pilot, taking off his helmet and jumping out, asking: “Is everyone alright?! We should leave as fast as possible!”
The boat docked successfully and Drake made his way down the bridge, ordering: “Quick, ‘fore we be spotted. We gotta set sail quickly!”
(Tags below the cut for those welcome to interact with this post! Me and the fellow mods want to thank you all for sticking around for this journey/event! We hope you enjoyed and look forward to seeing you on our original blogs too. Thank you for reading! <3)
@the-ultimate-spaceboy @ask-sayomi-ouma @ask-theshadowcyborg @ask-shslpianist @the-sound-of-cold @ask-the-ultimate-cosplayer
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threads-of-trust · 3 years
Everyone is back at their podiums. There’s a hint of tension in the air, and everyone seems to be on edge. The voting period has just ended, and now the results are about to be unveiled.
That dreaded slot machine appears. The lever is pulled, the reels are spun. After a few moments, they all stop.
Salient’s face appears on all of them.
“Ahaha... ha...” Angie nearly fell back to her knees again and wept into her palms. She felt at a complete loss for words, what else could she do but laugh? This was all her fault after all. If only she had been stronger. “Oh, Atua.... Angie is s-sorry... I-I’m sorry...”
Fay had whipped away her tears and sniffled her way through finding the right voting button. She looked up, unable to see everyone’s solemn expressions but hearing Angie’s grief. “.....” She turned away, biting her tongue, holding herself back from screaming and yelling again. She only silently cried, walking away to the corner of the room, not interested in talking or hearing an explanation. Maisie was gone. Again.
Salient simply sighed, not saying a word. He seemed to accept his fate, leaning against his podium and staring at the ground. He seemed rather relaxed, considering the situation he found himself in.
Ivy glanced around at everyone, before stepping away from her podium and sitting against the wall directly behind her. She sighed, putting a hand on her chest. "...so what happens now?"
"The execution..." Hajime answered, squeezing his eyes shut as if that could block out the dreadful reality that is soon to come.
"No!" Leigh cut in, grabbing onto their podium harshly; their knuckles white from the force. "Sally you can't give up! Run away!" They called out, their pleas desperate.
“Don’t be cruel.” Aditi spat at Leigh. “You want him to run from his fate? Is that it? Make him fight tooth and nail for a life he has already forfeited? He made his choice, doctor. He did not need to kill her.” She looked to Salient. “You were capable of overpowering her. She was incapacitated once she hit her head after falling, you could’ve left it there. But, you didn’t.”
“P-Please, this isn’t-... this is Angie’s fault, d-don’t be angry with them-“ The artist lamented, only to be cut short.
“It is your fault.” Aditi agreed, glaring at Angie now. “No matter how hard you try, it seems you’ll always use them. You’ll never see them as equals, only trained mutts. You’re no better than you were before your outfit change.” Angie flinched at the words but didn’t have a comeback, only hiding behind her bangs and hanging her head low.
"Audi... cut it out." Hajime cut in. "She already regrets it... please calm down. We'll only hurt each other more by rubbing salt in the wound like this." He pleaded, trying to be a voice of reason.
“Stop chastising these people...” Aditi growled, her anger only dying down slightly when directed towards Hajime. “He feels no remorse, she has repeated the same mistakes from the past, and you want me not to point this out? Let bygones be bygones? Look at her.” She hissed, pointing at Fay, who had turned her back from everyone and hid in the corner. “How do you think she feels? Hearing you defend the people who took away someone she loved, for no reason!? How can you-!?”
“M-My goddess?” Putri spoke up meekly, earning a glare from Aditi, but she tries to stay strong. “... I agree with you, but.. should we make haste so the bear can deliver the punishment instead...?” She offered, looking to Hajime and giving a slight nod, to indicate she was on his side, and just wanted to calm Aditi down as well.
Salient clears his throat. “...the bear should learn to not deal with phantoms. Let them rest.”
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“...okay! On that note, let’s finally get this punishment underway!”
Monokuma brings out the gavel. With one swing, the verdict is cast. Salient is guilty. For him, time practically stops. This is it. The punishment.
For a few moments, nothing happens. Salient glances around the room, unsure as to what awaits him. Then, part of the wall opens behind him.
Through the opening, a chained collar shoots out towards the chemist. It wraps around his neck with a loud clank, and his hands shoot up to grab it.
The next thing anyone knew, another loud clank sounded... when the collar fell to the floor.
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threads-of-trust · 3 years
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“You... Y-You-!” Fay sputtered, the reaction the chemist gave was enough to confirm her suspicions. Tears bubbled up on her lashes as her emotions came out. “Why!? Why would you do that!? You killed her-!?” She bellowed across the court room, her voice still on edge with disbelief.
"How was I supposed to know she was waiting for me?! With a knife?!" Salient barked back, still gripping onto his podium. "She wasn't supposed to die! All I wanted to do was destroy her video! I didn't think she was gonna stay up until 1 a.m!"
“I dunno- not break into her room!? You could’ve done anything-! Anything else! But you killed her-! You fucking-!” Fay sneered cutting herself off with a growl, she felt grip on the podium loosen and she moved and began marching over to Salient’s podium, aiming to get in his face or possibly even fight him. “This is all your fault! You should’ve died, not her!!!” She screamed angrily.
"Fay! Please try to relax!" Hajime intervened, rushing to stand between Salient and Fay, defensively spreading his arms out to shield him. "What's done is done... and I know it hurts but lashing out isn't going to accomplish anything. It won't change that she's gone.."
Ivy sighed, moving to stand behind Salient, who turns around... and immediately stands down upon noticing her death stare. "...besides. We know the rules here. Your fate is sealed, Carcin. You murdered someone. No matter the reason, you must be punished. And judging by the bear's tone..."
Salient glanced over at Monokuma, then gives a sigh of his own. "...the death penalty. Of course." He glances over at Angie for a moment, before turning to face Fay. "No matter. My job is done. The evidence... is gone. It may not have mattered in the end... but it's over."
“He’s not even sorry! Listen to him! Let me through!!” Fay hissed at Hajime, pointing in the direction of Salient’s voice. She tried to push her way through but to no avail, tears spilled from her eyes angrily. “It’s not fair! D-Don’t defend him! She didn’t have to die! None of this had to happen! She didn’t have to be taken from me again!!” She screamed, batting at Hajime’s chest until she broke down and clung to his shirt instead.
Angie looked up from her kneeling position on her podium, looking up at everyone. With shaking knees, she stood up. Her voice quacked like an uneven river as she spoke. “P-Please don’t be angry with him. This is Angie’s fault...” She admitted, clasping her hands together in prayer, tears still flowing down her face. “She was t-too ashamed of her sins, she.. she asked for Sally’s help. It wasn’t m-meant to be a murder, please believe us. H-He only wanted the evidence..”
Hajime gently wrapped his arms around Fay in a hug, stroking her hair soothingly. "I'm sorry, Fay. What's done is done, I'm afraid." He said softly with a sigh. "The only thing we can do is move forward." He advised sadly, knowing all too well the grief she was feeling.
Leigh put a hand to their face, shaking their head at knowing what was to come. They remained silent, knowing if they tried to speak their voice would break practically in half. They shook as they held back tears, small sniffles coming from their direction.
Vanessa glanced over at Leigh, then glanced around the room for a moment. She then slowly made her way towards them, trying not to attract anyone's attention in the process. When she got close enough, she softly took Leigh's free hand, clasping it with both of hers. Then, with a soft, shaky voice, she finally spoke.
"...I'm sorry..."
Leigh squeezed her hand, a small way to thank her for the comfort. However, it seemed it opened the waterworks, the tears finally escaping. Salient was like family.. they couldn't let him die. Not here. Turning towards him, they inhaled a large breath before yelling. "Salient, run!"
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“Hold up! Everyone back to your podiums! Now! It’s time to vote!”
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threads-of-trust · 3 years
Angie, honey... It's okay. He's not here. He can't hurt you.
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Angie hardly responded to your assurance, focusing on breathing in and out rapidly. Her throat felt like it was closing in on itself. No matter what she tried, the mental image wouldn’t leave. It felt so vivid, she could hear everyone laughing and mocked her, the tears that burned her cheeks red, the hands. “D-D-Don’t touch me-!” She shouted, shoving Hajime’s hand away from her violently. Though it was meant to comfort her, her mind was too far gone to recognize it. All she could picture was that devilish man. Nobody else.
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Aditi stood from her spot, walking over to put her hands on Hajime’s shoulders as reassurance. Her gaze looked to Angie in the midst of her breakdown. “... Are we able to call a short recess? Until she is able to stand trial once again? She is in no condition to do so..”
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“No.” Monokuma responds coldly. “You all will see this through. Whether you want to or not. No exceptions.”
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"We can't keep questioning her if she doesn't respond, you know." Hajime argued with a cross of his arms, looking to Monokuma sternly. "It'll just make it worse and take longer." Hajime said with a huff. Of course he didn't care. He never did when someone broke down mid-trial.
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"I agree- it's hardly fair to keep questioning Angie when she's in this state... the stress is really bad for her health." Leigh pointed out with worry, also looking towards Monokuma more pleadingly than stern.
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“I said, no. Do not question me again. Or else.”
Ivy sighed. “...fuck. I suppose the only option now is to just...leave Angie alone.” She runs her hand across her podium, using her other hand to cover her mouth as she lets out a yawn. “...we should keep going. The only way out of here is to finish this trial. For Angie’s sake.”
“... Can we assume Angie was involved in this case?” Aditi asks bluntly, shaking her head. “I don’t want to presume the worst in her, but considering her breakdown- I...” She bit her tongue at first, not wanting to seem cruel or unsympathetic but it was of no use. “She has the clearest motive to do this. Who else is there to accuse?”
As the silence thickened, large beads of sweat formed on Leigh's forehead. In an attempt to suppress their nerves, they started bouncing in place; anxiously glancing between those leading the trial.
"Leigh, you look a little worried." Hajime commented, glancing at the doctor in question. "Are you involved somehow? You and Angie would make a good team. Did she get you to kill Maisie for her? You do seem to listen to whatever she says."
“It can’t be Leigh.” Salient spoke up, crossing his arms. “Yes, Leigh is loyal to Angie...to a fault, but they’re also legally blind. There is no way they would be able to even locate Maisie’s room, let alone acquire and use the acid on the doorknob. Don’t even get me started on the fact that the killer struggled with Maisie. Leigh would not win that.”
“Look who’s talkin’.” Iyabo barked, before straightening her posture and glaring at the chemist. “Yer just as much of a candidate as te blind sweatin’ pig! Ya both work fer ‘er, don’tcha?”
"Exactly." Hajime said. "Leigh might not win in a fight with her, but you probably could." Hajime commented. "Maybe it's you who did the dirty work for Angie. And you know how to use the acid that melted the lock. To add onto that, Angie is your only alibi." Hajime said, pointing towards Salient. "You're the one who committed the murder for Angie! She was your accomplice and not the murderer the whole time."
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threads-of-trust · 3 years
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“Stop talking... stop, stop, stop...” Angie chanted over and over again, unable to handle all the eyes look at her. “You don’t know anything, you don’t. You can’t. A-Angie made sure no one knew! Until.. U-Until you...” The artist bit the air in Aditi’s direction.
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“.....” Aditi didn’t respond, glaring back defiantly. “Really? I’m the cause of your pain? Ironic, considering you started the cruelty to begin with. Now you’re blaming me? You have some nerve.” She snarled.
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“You looked into my mind!” The tiny artist shrieked at the taller girl, shoulders shaking violently. “Y-You knew what happened-! You-! You taunted me over it! You h-humiliated me! I-I-I know I began the battle, but I-!” Her shaking suddenly turned to tears, arms wrapping around her own form, hugging herself tightly. “You.. you shamed me. J-Just like my father.. just like my whole island. I can’t... y-you’ll all do the same. It would never b-be the same again if you knew..”
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"Angie none of us will humiliate you. It may not be the same but we can help you." Hajime said, taking a glance towards Monokuma and opening his mouth like he was going to say something, but decided against it and left his podium and headed towards Angie. "None of us want to hurt you, humiliate you, or even have this trial to begin with. I promise." He said, extending a hand carefully to her.
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Monokuma doesn’t take this too kindly. “Hey, OJ boy! Don’t you know how-”
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“Shut up!” Spy cuts Monokuma off. “You’re the one who made this happen, so this is your fault! Shut! The fuck! Up!”
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Angie startled worse at the yelling of Monokuma and Spy, looking down at Hajime’s hand and noticeably flinching back. “What are you d-doing..? Why? Angie doesn’t, she... she’s sorry..” She mumbled, looking back with teary eyes only to look away. It was difficult to breathe. “I.... A-Angie’s father.. he... he performed the “Transfer of Atua,” t-to me. I was... very young... v-very... stupid. Angie didn’t u-understand what was h-happening, it-it... everyone w-watched... n-nobody... stopped h-him... it h-h-hurt..” She crumbled in her podium, falling to her knees and full on sobbing into her palms. She needed to hide her face, now that it was out there, everyone knew what she was referring to, surely. They knew her sins. Their gazes never felt so heavy than they did now, leaving her will to stand broken in half.
Hajime's eyes widened as she explained, quickly growing sympathetic. "Its okay, Angie. He can't hurt you anymore." Hajime comforted once more, crouching down to rub circles on her back. "You weren't stupid. You were young and didn't know. We're here to help you."
Ivy puts a hand over her chest as a distraught expression showed on her face, not realizing the extent of what Angie had gone through until now. Vanessa bursts into tears, still remaining silent as she covered her face with her hands. Ivy does notice, but doesn’t intervene.
Salient covers his mouth in disbelief, while Spy sort of blankly stares at Angie, jaw dropped. Ryan has a sympathetic look on his face as his gaze falls to the ground, while Wren gasps and covers their mouth in shock.
Putri made a face of disgust, hoping it wouldn’t be mistaken as one for Angie herself. The thought of going through that.. it made her feel sick. Aditi looked away, her hair blocking the view to her expression completely. Her shoulders shook while taking in a shaky breathe. Finn had a similar reaction, a darker shadow ghosting over his face underneath his bangs, and needing to look away, his grip on the podium noticeably tightening.
Fay got teary eyed, feeling a shared pain in Angie’s story but her mouth worked uselessly at the moment, only gasping at the words she heard. Iyabo grit her teeth, clearly angered by what she had heard. Her instinct was to start yelling about how fucked that was, but she couldn’t find her words either, looking away and growling in frustration.
Miu gasped and started shaking with teary eyes. “Y-You...” The inventor gasped out at first, trying to steady herself on her podium for support. “What the f-fuck...? What the fuck...” She repeated breathlessly.
Leigh seemed frozen in place, staring at Angie in concerned awe. They wanted to be the one to comfort her, but it seemed they were unable to move from their spot and could only stare. Hiyoko on the other hand had a face of visual disgust. She was always disgusted with older men, but this put the cherry on top of the cake. "W-what the hell?" She asked quietly.
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threads-of-trust · 3 years
Wait. So if we suspect that two people could have worked together to kill Maisie... The lock was melted with some kind of acid... Salient and Angie have an alibi together... And Maisie had Angie's secret...
Guys, I think those two are looking sus.
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"...yeah, I have to agree, it looks like Salient is the obvious suspect." Spy leans against his podium, drumming his fingers on it. "The acid makes him seem like the only candidate. But I just don't see...wait, did you say Maisie had Angie's motive?"
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“Hm? Oh? Is that true??” Angie’s eyebrows raised in surprise, tilting her head to the side. “That’s why Maisie tried to talk with Angie and console her? Ah! Atua should’ve seen this coming!” She laughed light and airy.
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“... Do you not realize that makes you suspicious?” Aditi asked, glaring down at the artist from afar. “The motive was secrets? If you did not want yours getting out, then it’s likely you’d want to silence the only one who knew.”
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"I told you idiots it couldn't possibly be me!" Hiyoko cheered with a laugh. "Weren't those two also friends before this stupid game? It would totally make sense that they worked together!"
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"Just in case, however. Do either of you have an alibi at the exact time of the murder?" Hajime asked, glancing at everyone else quickly before continuing. "If they were seen at the exact time of the murder, it would clear them both of suspicion."
"Wait, exact?" Ivy spoke up, a confused expression on her face. "We don't have an exact point of death. All we know is Maisie died sometime last night after 10 pm. We don't know what exact time frame. Plus, considering how unreasonably cold her room was, she could've died an hour before sunrise for all we know. Alibis won't work. We need motives."
Hajime seemed to get flustered for a moment, scratching his neck muttering a small "right.." under his breath. "Then motive wise, it makes sense. And Salient would be the one most likely to use acid without causing harm to himself, making a good accomplice to Angie." Hajime explained, trying to take charge once more after his mistake. "Angie, what was on your video that made you want Maisie to keep quiet?"
Angie startled at being targeted again, her eyebrows shooting up into her hairline. The artist looked genuinely taken aback by the question. “... How-? Aha-!” She laughed tensely. “Why do you.. need to know that? How will this prove Angie’s innocence at all...? Are you...?” She paused, staring with her eyes still wide.
But, it changed. A shadow ghosted over her expression, giving her a thousand yard stare. “Are you trying to shame me..?” She asked lowly, very unlike her usual happy tone.
"Shame you-?" Hajime repeated, a look of confusion plastered on his face. "No not at all! It's just evidence in case you-"
“N-No!” Angie shouted back, slamming her small hands on her podium with an nervous smile spreading upon her face. “You all have not told your secrets, why should Angie tell hers? You don’t understand, I can’t- Angie can’t... just...” Her hands grasped ahold of her pigtails, pulling them in frustration. “This is- is blasphemy! Unfair!”
"..." Salient looks away from Angie, holding his side. Spy glanced over at him, a sympathetic look on his face, before looking over at Angie, remaining silent.
"Oh, that reminds me." Ivy, on the other hand, does not care all that much. "The video was missing."
“What does that prove exactly? Anyone could’ve taken my video. Anyone! Why would anyone pass up the chance for more leverage after they’ve already committed a murder?? Of course they took my video! They shared it with you all too, didn’t they...? They...” Angie started to shake, looking up and glaring at Ivy. “Be quiet, you demon.” She hissed.
Miu squeaked from the venom in Angie’s voice, stepping back anxiously. “Wh-What the fuck is your problem, cult freak!? Stop acting like a psycho! You only look more suspicious!”
"Angie, none of us saw your video. That's why I asked. It's okay if you don't want to share what it is, but it would greatly help figure out who did this." Hajime attempted to comfort. "We need your help Angie. You're only making everyone think you're our killer but I have faith in you."
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threads-of-trust · 3 years
What's the question, Audi?
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“...” After her eyes shift around the courtroom, they finally nestle on Monokuma. “Bear.” She calls out to the mascot. “A question. How many people must witness the body before the announcement plays?”
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“Oh, a question for lil ol’ me? Ooh, how exciting! To answer your question, Aditi, the body discovery announcement plays after three people, excluding the blackened, have seen the body. This does not need to be simultaneous, either.”
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"The announcement went off after me and Iyabo saw the body. That means someone else must've saw it too." Hajime pointed out. "It could've been an accomplice. That's the only way no one would report the body."
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“The only way? Don’tcha think that’s a little close-minded?” Angie chided. “There could’ve been plenty of other reasons! Perhaps they were frightened by the sight of the body and ran off? Fight or flight response, y’know?”
“Yea, maybe someone who didn’t show up durin’ te whole ass investigation.” Iyabo glared at Vanessa from across the court room.
"Vanessa was in my room for the entire fucking investigation, Iyabo." Ivy snapped at Iyabo, staring her down in return. "Not only that, she was asleep the entire time. I get that you're bitter what happened yesterday, but save that for after we get this trial over with. Fucking hell."
Vanessa buried her face in her hands, still distraught over the events of yesterday. It didn't help that she had just woken up before everyone gathered for the trial, and was still tired.
“Oh really!? Yer gonna get on my case!? I’m te one who almost fuckin’ died, y’know!?” Iyabo snapped back, her hair practically frizzing up like an angry animal. “She could’ve fuckin’ left an’ came right back ‘fore hand after she saw te body. Yer te only one coverin’ fer ‘er. An’ ‘course ya would, she’s yer sister. Stop actin’ like I’m in te wrong! ‘M not! She’s a fuckin’ danger ta all of us!” She snarled.
“Oh yeah, I forgot! The robot lady did almost kill you, huh?” Putri chimed in, tilting her head to the side. Shrugging her shoulders lightly, she continued. “We have to suspect everyone, Ivy! Attempted murderers are logically a prim suspect, duh.”
"Anyway, enough about that!" Hiyoko chimed in. "The only people who wouldn't report a body that isn't an accomplice would be the blind bimbo and her right hand pal the creepy bird thing." She said, pointing at Fay and Leigh as she named them. "Did one of you go visit her and not get an answer? Huh?"
Leigh made a small face at the name, but was quick to shake their head. "No. I don't know Maisie well so I have no reason to visit her." They said with a small shrug.
Fay didn’t respond or even turn her head in Hiyoko’s direction. Spy picked up on that almost instantly, turning towards Fay with a concerned expression. "...Fay, did you open Maisie's room while you were heading down for breakfast? I know you would never kill her, but...we need to know."
The astrologist looked towards Spy’s voice, hearing the concern and her expression faltered finally. “.......... She would walk me to the diner- I... I didn’t know.. I-I...” Fay choked up and turned her head away, ruffling her hair to hide her teary eyes.
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threads-of-trust · 3 years
could someone have broken her ankle first so she wouldn't be able to fight back as easily? i mean, not to point fingers, but hiyoko is definitely short enough..
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“Oooh! That is an idea!” Angie chided, leaning from side to side. “It would be really easy to slip into her room and break her ankle in her sleep, no? Hiyoko is probably very stealthy with her talent too!”
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“How te fuck would she do that, though?” Iyabo asked, scratching her cheek. “She’s pint sized, an’ te most strength she has ‘s prolly in ‘er legs. Unless she stomped on ‘er ankle, than I doubt it...”
“There’s also the matter of getting the acid needed to get into Maisie’s room. An acid of that strength could only be found in Salient’s lab, and he said he was in there that night.” Ivy glanced over at Salient, who was rubbing his arm. “Unless Hiyoko managed to sneak past him, there’s no way she would’ve gotten through the door.”
“We’re you all dropped on your heads as kids!? You’re not seeing the whole picture!” Miu snarked, speaking loudly enough to get all eyes on her. “Ballon tits wasn’t asleep with it happened. She was wearing her normal clothes. Who the fuck do you know that sleeps in high god damn heels?” Dramatically, she brushed her hair off her shoulder, smirking. “Nope! That little loli sex doll convinced Maisie to let her inside, she fucking killed her, and then got the acid once that nerd was outta his lab to start fucking with the evidence!” Miu set her hands on her hips, snorting. “Haha! Thank me later, plebs! I’m a fucking genius!”
"You're obviously wrong, good for nothing slut!" Hiyoko said, leaning on her podium to point at Miu. "Didn't you hear what she said or are there a bunch of rodents in your brain? I would have to sneak past Salient! My geta are too loud to sneak past anyone!" To demonstrate, she walked in place; causing small clacks of the wood hitting the floor to be heard. "See? Or did you get distracted thinking about your next quick fuck?!"
“Hiyoko has a point, Miu.” Salient rubbed his cheeks, letting out a quiet yawn. He’s still tired. “I would’ve heard that, clear as day. And I did not hear anything while I was down in my lab.”
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“...also, acid is extremely dangerous to handle. If you’re not careful, you’re spilling that acid.” Spy sighed, adjusting his glasses. “I doubt Hiyoko would want to risk that. Especially since the acid would’ve eaten through both her clothes and her skin in a matter of minutes.”
“S-Seriously!? Why are you all trying to poke holes in my perfect theory!? Stop ganging up on m-me-!” Miu blanched, sputtering her words in a hurry as all the attention was directed towards her.
“Calm yourself.” Aditi growled in annoyance, causing Miu to squeak and hug herself. “While I agree, Hiyoko is likely not our lead, there is still a possible way she could be involved in this case. There is an unanswered question bothering me... one that none of the evidence has proven to answer...” She mused.
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threads-of-trust · 3 years
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Among the ground that already stood on the sandy beach under the sun, Putri seemed the most confused. “.... Is there a reason we’re just waiting here!? How are we supposed to hold a true trial on the shoreline? You scatterbrains will be distracted by the water!”
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“Patience, Putri.” Aditi reminded the littler one, looking around at the group who had already arrived, anxious to keep track of all the live bodies around. They had a job to do after all. Iyabo was sulking with her back turned to everyone, not over her bitterness from Ivy flat out admitting what had happened the night before. Angie idled in place, looking out to sea and gawking at the bounty of colors. “... How do these trials work? Is there a system we must follow?”
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“I assume there is. The bear will probably explain it to us once we get there.” Spy was sitting down, staring out into the ocean. “Chances are there’s more to this patch of sand than meets the eye. Considering how there’s a mall of labs underneath the hotel, on this remote island...Monokuma has more up his sleeve, I know it.” In the meantime, Wren was shuffling a deck of cards to pass the time. The sound of the cards were a nice break from the crash of the waves.
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Salient stood a little ways away from the group, staring back at the hotel to see anyone who’s coming over. “...there’s a lot riding on this trial. One dies...or one lives.”
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"Wow, okay emo." Hiyoko snorted, earning a small look of distaste from Hajime. "Either way, someone's dying so you all better do your best to make sure I'm not involved in the dying part." She said with a small laugh, a cruel attempt of hiding fear.
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Leigh approached the group hesitantly, something seeming to be on their mind. They said nothing, however as they promptly went to stand next to Salient. They looked up at him for a moment before looking to the ground, nervously playing with their hair.
“Is this where we’re supposed to meet?” Someone called out to the crowd. It was Ivy, who was bridal carrying Vanessa. Vanessa was undoubtedly awake, but was clinging onto Ivy for dear life, head buried into the other’s chest, dead silent. “...I was expecting something more...befitting the situation.”
Spy turned back to look at Ivy and Vanessa, tilting his head. “...Vanessa doing alright?” Ivy responded with a shake of her head. Spy’s expression became one of concern. “Oh. Another time, then.”
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“Nobody gives a fuck how she is anyway.” Iyabo snarked loudly, uncaring of how cruel it sounded. Gasper pawed at the girl’s face, trying to cheer her up, but only got gently pushed away. Fay stood close by, her hands touch her shorter friend’s shoulders in an attempt to calm her down, only to get swatted away as well.
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“U-Um...” Fay started, unusually anxious. “Do any of you see the bear? Or do we have to wait on him? He’s not very punctual, huh? Heh..” She attempted to joke.
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“He’ll be here when he wants to be here.” Ryan sighs, looking around at the group. “...where’s Finn and Miu? Shouldn’t they be heading this way right now? Why aren’t they here yet?”
“They’ll be here soon, I’m sure of it.” Ivy glanced over at Iyabo for a moment, before putting Vanessa back on her feet. “I’m sure they have good reasons for the delay. We shouldn’t worry about it.”
"Do you think they got caught up in something?" Hajime asked no one in particular, looking towards the hotel with worry. It was clear he was worried something bad happened. "If they aren't here soon someone should go try to find them.."
“... I know ‘m quiet, but I didn’t expect ya ta not notice I was right ‘ere.” Finn suddenly spoke up, indeed he was standing nearby, admiring the ocean out of sight. “‘M ready ta go when y’all are.”
“Let fuckin’ go of me! Aaaah!!!” Miu screeched in the distance, tears in her eyes and clawing at the ground as Monokuma was literally dragging her out of the hotel and to the beach. “You can’t make me do this shit again! You can’t-! Fuck you! You stupid god damn care bear reject!” She hollered while kicking violently at the animatronic.
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“Too bad, so sad! You know the rules!” Monokuma ignored Miu’s struggling, and simply dragged her towards the group. Once they both got close, he just let go of Miu and walked towards everyone else. “Alright, everyone’s here now! Now...time to break ground.”
With those words uttered, the patch of beach everyone was on began to sink into the ground. A secret elevator...to parts unknown...
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threads-of-trust · 3 years
The door lock?
Wait, are these locks electronic, or do they open with a key?
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"The locks are physical. A weird design choice, considering the labs are electronically locked." Ryan takes a look at the broken lock. "...huh. Looks like someone tried to pick it, with no success."
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“Then how did it fall off?? I demand answers!” Putri stamps her foot in irritation, bouncing up to try and look at the broken lock a little better.
"One moment, let me take a closer look." Ivy walked over to analyze the lock, rotating it around while Ryan held onto it.
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“What can you see, Vee? Any new clues to the culprit? Which one of us would be an expert in breaking locks anyway??” Angie asked curiously.
Ivy doesn’t respond. At least, not immediately. But after a few more moments of silent analysis, she backs away from the lock, a somewhat puzzled look on her face. “...there’s traces of some unknown substance on it. Also...it looks like parts of the lock have been...melted through. There’s a few areas where the parts are partially liquefied.”
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At the discovery, Leigh seemed to freeze in place. A few moments later, however, they began nervously playing with their hair.
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"So it was a nerd who knows how to melt stuff right? Or was some lame-os lab open to the public and anyone could've gotten it?" Hiyoko asks, tilting her head.
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“None of the laboratories have locks that we can access. I investigated them. Only the bear can lock and unlock those doors it seems. Once they are opened, they seem to be permanently kept ajar.” Aditi added, giving a side glance at Leigh, almost challenging them to speak.
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“Hmm... the only person I can think of who would have access to substances capable of melting through locks would be Salient. He’s a chemist, so his lab probably has some strong acids that can eat through metal. Though...if what Aditi’s saying is true, that means someone could just easily break into his lab and steal what they needed.” Wren sighs, putting their hands on their hips. “So... what now?”
Truth Bullet Updated: Broken Lock
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threads-of-trust · 3 years
Normally I'd be suspicious of Angie, since... *Ahem* motive videos... But she has an alibi with Salient and she pointed out the broken lock on the door. I think she's clear.
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“Ah, thank you, Nonnie! Angie knew you would come to your senses! An obvious killer is usually never the case, yes? Come on! Let us work together to help survive and bring the culprit to justice!”
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threads-of-trust · 3 years
And who got Maisie’s video?
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Iyabo decided to pip up at that mention, cutting through the silence. “Not me. I got Wren’s fuckin’ secret.” She glanced around. “Is knowin’ who had ‘er secret really gonna help now? Wot could it even have been? Definitely not ‘nough ta get ‘er killed, right?”
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“Well, that’s easy! Let’s just tell everyone what the secrets were and clear the air!” Putri suggested, looking around suspiciously. “If we all don’t have anything to hide, then it’ll go much smoother!”
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“Mmm... Angie can see your point! But... that seems a bit dangerous, no?” Angie tilted her head. “If all of us know each other’s secrets, some worse than others, then we’ll only have more motives to distrust each other, yes? That’s what Monokuma wants from us! Disharmony and distrust!”
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“.... I get it.” Finn nodded his head, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. “Maybe it’s better ta not say ‘em all? Somethings are better left unsaid, right?” He cowered back at the look Iyabo shot him.
"There's arguments to be made for both sides. If we don't know, people will start to get paranoid. If we do know, then it depends on the secret. Like Angie said, some are worse than others. Like...Spy's." Ivy put a hand on her hip, sighing in disappointment. "...I thought he would be better than that..."
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"Then we should just stick with who got who's. Which shouldn't be too hard! Just ask, and make a list and if we get doubles someone's lying and can be counted as a suspect!" Hiyoko said proudly, knowing her idea was a good one.
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“Isn’t there a slight chance the murder wasn’t related to the motive videos?” Wren’s voice wasn’t confident, like they weren’t completely believing their own idea. “I mean, it’s a slight chance, but maybe the motive videos are a red herring.”
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“Unless someone had a personal vendetta against Maisie, then there is no other explanation to why this happened.” Aditi sighed, glancing to the corpse again. “I don’t believe anyone here hated her... unless I’m missing some information..”
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"I'm sure all the guys liked her, I'll tell you that." Hiyoko said with a snicker. "So it was probably some jealous chick if the motives aren't involved."
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threads-of-trust · 3 years
I think we need more alibis
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“Alibis are useful, but they can only get us so far. In a case such as this, they may prove to only confuse us more and more..” Aditi sighs.
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“Yes, yes! Besides, not everyone is here!” Angie pointed out, looking to Ivy. “Can Angie ask where your sister is, Vee?”
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Iyabo immediately stiffened at the mention of Vanessa. Her unease quickly turned to bitterness, not fearing being petty at all. “Yea. Where is that bitch, huh?” She asked with a pout.
Ivy sighed, putting a hand on her hip, glaring at Iyabo with a blank expression. “...asleep. I was planning to wake her up when the body was found. She’s still in my room.” Her tone was indignant, fully aware of why Iyabo reacted how she did. “This couldn’t have been her. I made sure of it.”
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"Iyabo you got kinda.. aggressive.." Hajime pointed out with concern, hoping that nothing was wrong. Maybe Iyabo and Vanessa had something bad happen between them.. "Is everything okay?"
"...no, Hajime. Vanessa, she...she tried to kill Iyabo." Ivy sighed, still somewhat beating herself up over the incident. "I...she-"
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“Yea, she did.” Iyabo spat, clearly angry at the memory. “Way ta just spit it out like that. Do ya wanna make me look like some floozy who can’t fight back? Fuck yerself!” She huffed, brushing past them all and heading for the doorway. Aditi reached out to grab her arm, but the zoologist slapped her hand away. “Keep yer fuckin’ dog on a leash ‘fore someone puts ‘er down, bitch.” She hissed at Ivy, uncaring about how she felt at the moment and walking out abruptly.
“Iyabo-” Too late, Iyabo had already moved out of earshot. Ivy sighed. “...fuck.”
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"O-oh.." He stammered, surprised at the reaction he got. "I should apologize for making her talk about it later.." Hajime said, mostly to himself. That’s two people he had to apologize to now..
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threads-of-trust · 3 years
Wait. Hiyoko went to the kitchen, and she has been freaked out over this. She even blamed Fay for the murder. What if she got a hold of the tablet and hid it, to frame Angie?
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"Do you really think I'd want to even touch a stripper? Even being near one could be dishonorable to my family. As for Angie- that creepy chick would probably do it even without being framed."
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“Now, now! Hiyoko, it’s disrespectful to speak of the dead in such a way! If you want to be welcomed into Atua’s kingdom, Angie suggests you bite your tongue next time!” The artist chastised lightly, wiggling her finger.
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Hiyoko was quick to look away, saying nothing. She wasn't expecting Angie to hear.
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threads-of-trust · 3 years
Angie, care to explain why Maisie's tablet is missing? We know she got your video.
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“Hm? What does that prove??” Angie shrugged her shoulders, tilting her head at you curiously. “Angie didn’t care that Maisie knew her secret. She was kind enough to even offer support! Why would I kill her for that? Besides, Angie was helping Salient cover a burn wound from one of his chemicals last night! She has an alibi!”
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threads-of-trust · 3 years
Are there any additional wounds aside from the stab to the stomach? Or does the file not say?
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"I'm finished!" Leigh announced as they stood, loud enough so that everyone could hear the new information. "She died sometime last night. The room was too cold so I can't tell the exact time, but it was definitely last night." Leigh informed happily. "Also, she has a broken ankle and signs of head trauma!"
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“Okay, okay...” Putri gawked at the body, walking up and looking over the splatters of blood. “So! It happened during the night time! Meaning... we all need to state where we were during that time frame exactly!” Putri states happily. “Easy! I was asleep in my room, obviously!”
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“Aha! That’s the trick, you see?” Angie butted in, just as cheery as ever. “You see... we can’t believe you unless you have somebody to prove you were sleeping! An alibi! If nobody saw you sleeping, I’m afraid your fate is left to Atua! Nyahaha!!”
“Me and Vanessa were in my room. I had Aditi come over for something, she can attest to it.” Ivy looked over at Aditi, putting a finger over her mouth. It was a clear message. Don’t talk about it.
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“I saw Hiyoko head into the kitchen last night while I was practicing in the lobby. She seemed to be in a hurry.” Wren was leaning against the wall, brushing some of their hair aside. “Not sure if she noticed me, but I doubt that really matters. I don’t think it’s her.”
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Leigh tapped their chin in thought, remembering what they did last night. "Well, Finn helped me to my room last night so he can confirm I actually did go to my room! I suppose that would be mine." They smiled, happy that they could safely be declared innocent. "Should we go ask everyone else?"
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“Owa?? One moment!” Angie cuts in, teetering in place. She looks to Wren. “You said Hiyoko went to the kitchen last night? Funny, funny! Considering the murder weapon is a kitchen knife?”
Truth Bullet Obtained: Autopsy Report 
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