#💬the loom turns: story post📝
threads-of-trust · 3 years
The Ending
“Oi, Putri..”
“Ya run dis place, right?”
“More or less…”
“Well! Can ya make an executive fuckin’ order ta install some cell tower, now!?” Iyabo barked, raising her phone in the air in a desperate attempt to find a signal. “Urgh! Ya gotta be kiddin’, outta all te times ta get no service-!”
“Oh! I’ll check my phone!” Fay piped up, searching her pockets, fumbling but finding nothing in the end. In her other free hand was a laptop she found in her holding cell and decided to take with her, unbeknownst to Fay, Chiaki resided inside of it. Fay began to pout, leaning over to Leigh. “Pst! I can’t find my phone, do you have one…?” She asked in a whisper.
Leigh pouted sadly. “No.. I don’t have a phone…” They sniffled.
“This is horrible! We’re gonna be stuck on this shitstain of an island forever now!” Hiyoko whines with teary eyes and an upset scowl. “A-All because you idiots can’t find a phone booth!”
“You’re welcome to search for one yourself, Hiyoko.” Aditi commented, entering the scene while still carrying an unconscious Miu in her arms.
“Audi! Jesus- what the hell happened to you guys!?” Hajime asked with genuine concern, hovering next to her like an overprotective mother hen.
“Me and the robot sat down and had a wonderful game of chess…” Aditi grumbled sarcastically, whipping some blood from the corner of her mouth. “Have you found a way to return home yet?”
“Not exactly..” Finn commented gently, realizing Iyabo was in too frazzled of a state to answer properly. He was more worried about her getting too frustrated and throwing the phone in the ocean.
Angie had her hands clasped together in prayer, humming and focusing all of her energy. “Atua, if you can hear Angie now… we are in a great time of need. Could you perhaps send us a savior of sorts? Another god? A ship? Perhaps a plane?? Both! Atua says he will give us both!” She brightens.
“Oh yea? Why don’tcha ask yer god where te fuck they are then, huh!? ‘Cause ‘m not seein’ it!” Iyabo growled at the artist, who merely shrugged in response. “Can ya take this seriously!? If we don’t get outta ‘ere, we could become fuckin’ war prisoners! Do ya want that, airhead-!?”
While everyone else was bickering, Ivy had been off to the side. One arm was wrapped around her sister, who had once again gone catatonic. The other was outstretched, with her hand holding up a faintly glowing red cube. The cube spun in the air, occasionally collapsing in on itself before reforming. Then, in a flash of red, it vanished, but not before sending out something akin to a dying message. Letting her arm fall, Ivy whispered to herself.
"...I trust in you, Paff. Bring us home…"
In that exact moment a plane flew right over their heads at incredible speeds, the noise of the engine so loud that conversing was impossible for a couple of seconds, the small plane turning around and circling over the island.
“AHOYYY!” A voice called out excitedly. From the same direction the plane came from, a small ship appeared, coming directly at them. At the top a familiar man standing.
“Is everyone alright?! We’re ‘ere ta pick ya landlubbers up!” It was Drake, waving at the group with his hooked hand, grinning widely. And he came with a whole cavalry of familiar faces, all there for the rescue mission.
Aditi and Iyabo gawked at their sudden appearance, while Putri began jumping up and down violently and waving her arms. “Here!! Heeeerreeee!! You’re here!!!” She squealed happily.
“Nyahaha! You see, Atua never disappoints!” Angie proclaimed with a big smile, pointing at the crusade here to save them.
Drake grinned, yelling back: “Of course! We’ve been lookin’ fer ya the whole time!” He turned, informing his crew: “Get ready. We’re ‘bout to dock.”
The plane stopped its high circling after finally finding a nearby spot to land, probably causing a lot of commotion but at least landing smoothly, the hatch opening and revealing a very familiar pilot, taking off his helmet and jumping out, asking: “Is everyone alright?! We should leave as fast as possible!”
The boat docked successfully and Drake made his way down the bridge, ordering: “Quick, ‘fore we be spotted. We gotta set sail quickly!”
(Tags below the cut for those welcome to interact with this post! Me and the fellow mods want to thank you all for sticking around for this journey/event! We hope you enjoyed and look forward to seeing you on our original blogs too. Thank you for reading! <3)
@the-ultimate-spaceboy @ask-sayomi-ouma @ask-theshadowcyborg @ask-shslpianist @the-sound-of-cold @ask-the-ultimate-cosplayer
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threads-of-trust · 3 years
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“Wonderful...” A voice groaned from the static. A mass of moss green hair entered the screen, along with an annoyed expression. Ivory glared daggers at the screen before him, showing a critical failure in the system.
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Behind him stood Pixel, hovering in the shadows, one of her giant claws behind her back. The robot had returned from her mission, yet in her hidden hand she concealed the laptop that held Chiaki inside. While she was originally sent to destroy the device, riding on the boat back home, staring at the screen with the other artificial intelligence looking back in horror.... Pixel found it near impossible to toss the laptop in her grinder. A feeling. Another dreadful feeling. What a bother. No matter, she’d just hide this from Ivory until she could investigate further.
Pixel’s expression turned curious when the lights flickered in the room, signaling the power surge. Ivory huffed angrily, taking immediate action. “Go. Keep that witch locked away. Do not let her escape.” He commanded, Pixel obeying without question.
As she quickly advanced to the room in question, Pixel slipped the laptop under a different contestant’s holding room, in hopes of keeping it safe and sound.
Opening the doorway, the robot scanned the room for any abnormalities first, carefully. After certain it was safe, Pixel entered and approached where the tall figure lies with a helmet of multi-colored wires covering her head.
The only sound being her metallic clicking blades on the floor, Pixel reached forward and removed the helmet to reveal Aditi’s face. Her eyes were shut, head turning to the side without the support keeping her in place. The ravenette hadn’t reacted or even twitched, Pixel couldn’t see any signs of breathing.
One of the arms attached to her shoulder blades began to glow lightly, activating a feeling function. Pixel reached out to touch the woman’s chest and search for a heartbeat, any sign of life. The second her hand made contact, a horrific noise of bones cracking sounded from below.
Unnaturally long and sturdy appendages shot out of Aditi’s chest as a cavity opened to reveal her hallow insides. Pixel jumped back out of instinct, letting out a robotic screech of alarm. The former contestant’s eyes were now wide and glowing, the grin pulling at her lip full of malice. Aditi shot up from her laying position, readying her clawed hands and the six extra limbs that Pixel was now aware of.
A fairly even match. Aditi’s six appendages and two sharp talons, verses Pixel with her six arms and two bladed legs.
As the pair circled one another, sizing each other up, Pixel laughed mockingly in her distorted voice, amused by someone trying to fight back. She’d be no match like the others, surely?
Aditi took this personally, because the next second she had lunged at Pixel and locked four appendages around the robot’s hand hair arms, keeping them immobilized. Their shoulder blade arms locked with one another, as if they were dancing, but the pair only glared back at each other.
Maybe, not so easy after all. Oh well, more fun.
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threads-of-trust · 3 years
Miu dashed down the long winding hallway, ducking in and out of various rooms, cursing every time her labors proved useless. “Fuck.. fuck-! Where is she!? We gotta get the hell out of-!” The inventor began, only interrupted by the sound of a loud crash which caused her to emit a startled squeal.
Aditi and Pixel had brawled their way through yet another wall, sending rubble flying in every direction, some of it hitting poor Miu as she reeled back in terror at the scene. Aditi luckily had Pixel pinned at the moment with her various extra limbs making escape impossible for the robot currently. Both parties were in awful shape. Aditi was covered in claw marks and wounds from Pixel’s throttling. Pixel herself was busted in multiple areas, more stray wires poking out and electrifying the air.
The inventor stared in horror at the scene, Pixel’s unholy screeching piercing her ears and making her heart ache. “Pixel! H-Hey! Stop it, y-you’ll tear her apart-!!” Miu called out, voice wavering with desperation making her demands half hearted at best.
“What are you doing here!? Get out!” Aditi yelled back, voice much stronger and commanding than Miu could hope to be at this moment. Pixel was still clawing and struggling viciously to get free, giving the other girl a hard time.
“Fuck no!” Miu hollered back, eyes welling up with tears as she shook her head violently. “I-I can’t leave her! You’ll destroy her! She-! Sh-She’s counting on me, god fucking damn it!!” She cursed, running forward and grabbing Aditi’s arm, trying to haul her off of the robot.
Pixel finally twisted her head around completely, her dark screen face taking in the scene. For a split second, when Miu looked down at the deformed robot, she could see the red screen with the happy emoticon staring back. Miu believed it was all in her head, until one of Pixel’s long thin arms broke free and reached out slowly towards her. “….. Ṃ̴̣͝-̸͓͑M̴͑ͅ… i̴͜͝u̵͈̫̓̕…” Pixel called out with a distorted voice, barely recognizable to the inventor.
Miu let go of Aditi and gawked, her eyes filled with water and blurred her vision. “… Pixel, I-I… I’m s-so sorry…” She whispered through grit teeth, her hand shooting out to grab the robot’s. Her robot.
“You fool, don’t-!” Aditi tried to reach out and stop Miu from taking the extended metal claw, but it was too late.
As soon as contact was made, Pixel’s expression shifted back to a maniacal one, causing the inventor’s heart to drop. With ease, Pixel hurtled both the girls off of her body, throwing them both against the wall and screeching victoriously in response. Miu choked up as her back hit the wall, slumping down in pain and clutching her side. Aditi landed back on her feet, seeing Miu in pain and immediately darting in front of the pink girl to block Pixel’s path.
Pixel lunged angrily, trying to sink her claws into her opponent but found herself grabbed by the neck instead. Aditi held the robot in midair while her robotic arms lashed and scratched her body and appendages viciously. Looking back at Miu with an apologetic gaze, Aditi made her choice. With all her might, she hurtled Pixel out of the giant decorative window with a ceremonial shattering of glass.
Miu cried out pitifully as she watched her corrupted creation fall out of view, her body visibly flinched at the sound of metal clashing and breaking below that followed suit. “No… no, n-no, please…” She mumbled, pushing herself up and feeling the sharp pain in her side as she did so, but she persisted, stumbling forward to look down at the shattered remains of her robotic friend. Pixel was beyond salvaging now, she was gone. This is all my fault. The sight of the remains and guilt that followed was too much, causing Miu to hyperventilate and grow dizzy.
Luckily, Aditi rushed over and caught Miu mid-faint. She sighed heavily, her body relieved the fight was won but her mind fuzzy from the despair that radiated from the inventor. Though it was to protect them both, Aditi felt a sliver of guilt for what she had done. The ravenette picked Miu up bridal style and began the trip down to the ground.
Of course, she stopped to survey the corpse of her enemy. Bending downward, Aditi scooped up a lone, highly advanced looking green and black chip from the wreckage. After a moment of observation, Aditi tucked it into her back pocket for safekeeping and trudged forward.
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threads-of-trust · 3 years
Ivory slipped through the doorway and closed it tightly, careful not to make a sound. He needed to make haste. Of course, he planned for things to go wrong, always needing to stay one step ahead. But, he wanted to retrieve one more thing before making his escape. Or, better said, someone.
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Immediately he was greeted by the sound of soft sobbing. Turning his head towards the noise, he could plainly see the source. Putri sat upwards, the helmet prison that kept her in the simulation thrown to the side, while she covered her face with her hands. Ivory’s face softened at the sight, approaching quietly and placing a hand on her shoulder. “Winifred. Are you-?” He began.
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Putri was quick to react, jumping and shoving his hand off of her. She looked up with a beat red face, eyes shining with tears, yet the anger behind them was visible. “Don’t touch me.” She warned, voice wavering with emotion.
“I-“ Ivory bit his lip, sighing. “You know I never wanted to hurt you. Your simulation wasn’t programmed to kill you, unlike the others. I wouldn’t put you in harms way.” He promised, crouching down to her eye level in an attempt to be seen as equal.
“I.. I don’t care..” Putri shook her head, choking on her tears. “We... this... this didn’t need to happen. N-None of it. Why? Why did you take it this far? You’re mad...”
“Perhaps. But, you’re no better.” Ivory commented, nonchalantly with a sense of certainty in his eyes.
Putri looked him in the eyes with disgust at that remark, releasing a shaky breath. “... I want my friend back. I-I miss how you were when we were young, Vee.” Ivory felt his heart skip when she used that old childish nickname. “I don’t w-want this anymore..”
“... I know. I know you don’t.” Ivory agreed, reaching out to her once again, his time taking one of her hands in his own. “Everything can be as it once was, Winifred. This madness can all be put to rest, I promise it! We can rebuild this land from the bottom up once again. Create a legacy to be proud of, as we were always meant to. All I need is..” He squeezed her noticeably smaller hand in his palm, looking to meet her gaze pleadingly. “Come with me?”
“With you...?”
“Yes. We can forget about these people, let them flee, let them go. They won’t matter. All that matters is you. Only you.” He nodded, completely sure of himself, searching her eyes for an answer. “Please..?”
Putri stared back for a long moment, unsure of how to respond. Her features relaxed however, and Ivory recognized this as a good sign. The dancer’s hand moved up to wrap around his shoulders, pulling him forward into a hug.
This startled him terribly. How long had to been since they hugged? Gods, since they were children? He felt idiotic, on his knees and stalling from such a simple display of affection. He finally returned the hug, resting his chin on her shoulder with a sigh, closing his eyes to bask in the moment. This was all he wanted. How could this have gone any better? Putri was here and her arms around his neck protected him from the cold, and if he had it his way, he’d never let go. Never again.
Wait... the cold. Ivory felt the breeze on the back of his neck as Putri began to pull away, revealing a devilish smile painted on her face. In her hand, laced with pieces of his long green hair, was her bronze dagger. She...
He hurriedly felt the back of his neck, finding no long hair to brush his fingers through any longer. Looking down in horror, he saw exactly what he feared. His hair, the very symbol of his power in Eventus, lying on the floor like common garbage, tossed aside without a care. He choked on air, looking back to his childhood friend who was laughing hysterically, eyes swirling with madness. “I’ll never love you. Not now. Not ever. You’re nothing anymore, Ivory. Nothing.” She hissed with enough venom to physically bite him.
“... Y-You...” Ivory croaked pathetically, shoulders shaking with the loss of control. She fooled him, used his weakness for her as a weapon, made him look like a fool. His hair was gone. His nobility was shattered. The betrayal finally sank in to his mind. And with that, came the explosion. “You.. little wench-!!” He screeched.
Putri’s laughter was interrupted by being slammed down by the throat to the table that held her captive during the simulation. She gasped, kicking her feet and scratching at his hand desperately for air. “I’m nothing!? Please! You’re below dirt, Putrid. You always have been. You always will be. You dare shame me like this-!? After everything I’ve done for you!? I threw my life away for you and your disgusting obsession with that beast of a woman! You’re through! I’m done pleading for your willingness!” He leaned down closer to the dancer, an equally as insane grin that matched hers from before. “You’re not getting away from me again. Ever.”
The door flew open at that very moment, a flash of yellow sprinted up to Ivory and promptly kicked Ivory viciously in the legs. “Get your hands off of her, you overgrown piece of seaweed!!” Hiyoko screeched, punching Ivory once he keeled over from the pain. Ivory reeled from this, his grip on Putri releasing, hissing and grabbing his assailant by the collar of her bright kimono. “Touch me again, you wretch, I dare you-!” He yelled back, raising his free hand with the shining silver talon, ready to strike.
“Hiyoko! I told you not to run off! Where-!” Ivory looked up to the sound of the familiar voice, greeted by the sight of Hajime stopping dead in his tracks in the doorway. The pair glared at one another with enough tension to snap a pen in half. “Oh, please..” Ivory threw Hiyoko to the side with a thud, leaving both the short dancers in pain and trying to regain their breath. “Damsels can’t save other damsels, dear. Why don’t you-”
A flash of light. A crash of thunder. In an instant, someone else had shown up beside Hajime. Ivory would feel a sharp burning pain in his right shoulder, and a glance would reveal an entry and exit wound. He’d been shot.
To Hajime’s right stood the man forced to run the game, a friend of the first and only killer. With cold, red eyes, Spy was aiming a now smoking pistol at Ivory, this time trained near center mass. “Away from them. Now.”
Ivory hissed even louder when shot in the shoulder. He fell backwards and scrambled away quickly, one hand holding his shoulder while the other helped to pull himself away as quickly as possible. Spy’s threat was clear enough, even if he tried, Ivory would likely not reach Putri or Hiyoko without a massive amount of pain. “Ahah.. ha…” He chuckled in a clear panic. “You.. you think.. You think I’m finished with you all? No.. no, not even close-! You’re not taking her from me again, not you or anyone!”
Hajime flinched at the gunshot sound, backing away out of instinct, but the scene before him was almost too good to pass up, at least gloating. “You’ve got a big mouth for someone bleeding out.”
“Shut up! Quiet! All of you!” Ivory screeched like a madman, clutching his shoulder harder and harder to stop the blood flow. Baring his teeth like any angry animal, he leapt to verbally assault Hajime, but was cut off but rubble filling his view and a loud crashing noise.
From the room right next door, the wall caved in with Aditi and Pixel falling through in the midst of their battle for dominance. The two had their fingers locked together, appendages and metal claws trying to overpower the other, when Aditi looked up and locked eyes with Spy and Hajime in the doorway. “Move!” She called out, before promptly picking Pixel up and slamming her against the wall. The sound of metal crushing and a robotic scream of pain echoed in the room. Ivory looked up in a panic at the scene, before looking towards his only escape route, a balcony. Aditi stood right in front of the doorway, holding Pixel in place and blocking Spy’s clear shot.
With a smirk tossed in their direction, Ivory stood up and ran off towards the opening, shifting over the railing with his legs. Still clutching his shoulder, Ivory smiled back at the group, barely catching Putri’s eyes as she finally raised her head to glare at him. “.. I’ll be back for you, Putrid. Don’t fret.” He promised, before sliding off the railing and landing on the balcony below, making a run for it.
Putri sucked in a painful breath, gritting her teeth and feeling the choking mark around her throat. “.. Damnit…”
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threads-of-trust · 3 years
Miu swore she could still feel the tears stain her cheeks when reality washed over her once more. Everything was still dark. Was she dead? She really died, didn’t she? Shit. How could she help the world now? It’s all over. She died sobbing and begging for her life, how fucking embarrassing. Oh god, she hugged that war criminal too. Fuck. Where even am I? Her hands flew up to her head, feeling a helmet of some kind, which must be what’s blocking her from seeing. Growling, the inventor threw the device to the side angrily. “What the fuck...?”
Miu didn’t waste a second, standing up on wobbling legs and stumbling towards towards the door to the room which held her prisoner. She shoved it open more aggressively than needed, spotting familiar faces. “Hey-! H-Hold on, you fucksticks-! Where the hell are we!?” She ran over in a hurry, huffing for air desperately.
When the door slammed open, Wren let out a sharp shriek, literally jumping back in fear. She took a moment to process what happened, then let out a huge sigh of relief, leaning against a nearby wall to catch her breath.
Ivy was at a corner of the room, holding Vanessa close as she ran a hand through the other’s hair. When Miu came in, she glanced up, a blank expression on her face. “...I do not know, Miu. It is almost certain we are in another country, though.”
Hajime, confused and looking like he just took a ten year nap, stumbled out of his room as well, his dead eyes brightening upon seeing everyone in good health. He ran over in a huff, “Is.. everyone okay? Where are we..?” He glanced around with a furrowed eyebrow, clearly confused.
Soon, everyone emerged from their holding cells, equally as confused and jarred from the scenery. Angie crowded around her two friends, one hand around each of their arms and tears in her eyes, clearly relieved to see them once again. Leigh reciprocated the affection wholeheartedly, as did Salient. Iyabo looked over to a window, Finn following behind to watch her back. Opening a window, she was greeted with the sight of an island with many people wandering around either in a panic or confused. “... Fuck. I dunno where te hell we are!”
Finn chimed in with a tilted head curiously. “Looks like an island ta me, Yabs.”
“No fuckin’ shit, Sherlock! Thanks fer te deduction, couldn’t of done it without ya!” Iyabo barked, pushing past her friend and returning to the group. “This is bad. We gotta find a way outta ‘ere, get some kind ‘a boat er.. Somethin’! Do any of ya fly planes or sail boats? Teleport!?” She asked desperately.
“We can figure that out later, Iyabo.” Spy got up from his sitting position near the back wall, hands in his pockets. “For now, we should probably get out of here, first. It’s safe to assume Ivory knows we’re out. We need to get somewhere safe before pondering escape routes." He then walks past her, taking out a pistol. "Besides, I have some business with Ivory." It isn't long before he's out of sight.
“Are you out of yer mind, four eyes!? Oi! Wait a minute-!” Iyabo tried desperately to get Spy’s attention but he was gone, she growled and tugged on her braid. “Fine, wotever. He’ll meet up with us, but first we gotta-!” The zoologist flattened when she turned around to see Hiyoko and Miu running off in separate directions.
“Wait for me, pig shit! I wanna give that worm a piece of my mind!” Hiyoko screamed after Spy, the click of her shoes echoing.
“Pixel! P-Pixel! Where are you-!?” Miu screeches like a banshee, rapidly opening doors and searching for her missing robot. She couldn’t leave without her. She couldn’t.
“Oh, come on-!” She snarled, turning and noticing Hajime was turning to go after Hiyoko and Spy. “Not yous too! I thought ya had half a brain at least!?”
“.. Someone has to look out for them. I’m not done with him either.” Hajime proclaimed, trying to offer some reassurance. “Don’t worry, you focus on getting out of here, we’ll meet back up later. Promise.” Before he too hightailed it to catch up with the others.
The zoologist ran her fingers through her hair in agony, being drawn back to reality by Fay touching her arm. “It’s okay, they know what they’re doing. We gotta do our part to make it all work!” She encouraged her friend.
Biting her lip, Iyabo nodded before motioning with her hand for the remaining cast to follow. “C’mon. Let’s blow this popsicle stand.”
Ivy glanced around at the remaining people, before taking Vanessa into a bridal carry and following Iyabo. As she made her way out the door, one could see Vanessa’s hand wrap around Ivy’s chest.
Ryan is the next to leave, reaching into his jacket and pulling out his mask. Wren follows suit, glancing back at everyone as she goes through the doorway and rounds the corner.
Salient, noticing nearly everyone else having left, called out to the two other parts of the trio. “We should probably follow them. No point sticking around now.”
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threads-of-trust · 3 years
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"Hmm...I coulda sworn I had something planned for now...darn, I guess I forgot. Let's see, what time is...aha! Now I remember!"
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"Sorry for all you detectives out there, but investigation time is up! Please make your way towards the beach so we can get our first trial underway!"
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threads-of-trust · 3 years
“Brother. There’s.. been a malfunction.”
“Is that so? Have you located the cause and fixed it?”
“Yes, well, no-! The source of the disturbance is coming from the outside, further away, off the mainland!” The female voice rushed to explain. “It is causing a glitch... and they can’t figure out why or how to prevent it from interfering further...”
“I see. An outside source, hm...”
“What should we do, brother? I’m at a loss! How do we stop the virus from returning...?”
“It’s simple, sister. Destroy the source. A threat can’t operate if you cut off its head.”
The clicking of sharp metal could be heard in the background.
“Give PXL8 the location of the disturbance, and she’ll dispose of them quickly.”
“Yes, brother. Right away! Come, robot! We will get you overseas immediately!”
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threads-of-trust · 3 years
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“God fucking damn it-! Let me in, Waterworks!” Miu hollered, still knocking on Fay’s room adamantly. With a yelp, the inventor nearly fell over when the door suddenly swung open. “Heee! Ah-! Hey, warn me next time before you-!” She leapt to bitch at the other, but her will to do so died when she saw Fay’s state.
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“.... What do you want...?” Fay asked pathetically, tears flooding down her face.
“Uh-!” Miu struggled to regain her composure at the blunt question. “What do you think I’m here for, doofus? You! We.. we gotta investigate and shit, y’know?”
“.. No. I don’t want to. I don’t want to go out there.” Fay stated, turning and heading back to her and flopping down face first to stay hidden in the pillow.
“What!? S-So you’re just gonna stay in here while we all work our asses off to survive!?” Miu countered defensively. “You were her friend! Don’t you want to help us stick it to the asshole who kill-!?”
“Stop! Just s-stop!” Fay screamed at the inventor cutting her off mid sentence, Miu squeaking again in surprise at the outburst. “.... I-I already lost her once, I.. I can’t do it again. I can’t.. I can’t do this-!” Fay exclaimed. “M-My life spiraled out of control the first time, this.. can’t be h-happening again. I-If Maisie’s gone then... it’ll happen again and I-I can’t go through that... I...”
Fay trailed off silently crying, Miu standing in the doorway looking beside herself on how to help her exactly. “.... why didn’t you just k-kill me...?” That sentence was enough to shock Miu into speaking again.
“I-I-! What are you s-saying!? You’d rather be dead than-!?”
“Yeah. I would.” Fay mumbled oddly certain in her words. Miu nearly felt her knees buckle.
“.... Shut up. You-!” Miu growled, lunging forward and onto the bed next to Fay, grabbing her wrists. Fay didn’t even struggle, only looked up with teary eyes again. “Y-You’re not doing that. She’s fucking dead, okay? A-And, I’m sorry-! But, you can’t lay down and die just like she did-! Do you think she wants you to be this sack of potatoes!? Sitting around and crying her eyes out, when she could be doing so much more!? Do you!?” Miu asked, shaking the astrologist slightly.
Fay sniffles, startled by the sudden shaking, Miu’s words only making her cry harder. “.... N-No... she.. I-I dunno...”
“She. Wouldn’t.” Miu reassured aggressively, biting her lip before yanking the astrologist in for a bone crushing hug. “You’re not giving up. I’m not letting you. Got it?”
“.... M-Miu...” Fay managed to sputter out, before crumbling, hugging the inventor back and crying into her shoulder.
Miu might have bitched about her outfit getting tear stains, but this time... she didn’t mind it. This once.
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threads-of-trust · 3 years
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During the next morning, everyone began gathering in the dining area. In the middle of the large table given for them to sit, Putri sat proudly atop her seat and seemed to be telling a story. “And that is how I single handedly dethroned the ruler of our neighboring village! I ripped the pretty hair off of his severed head, and kept it as a trophy, to remind our new subjects of who is in charge now!”
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“C-Can’t you tell I’m trying to eat, you hellspawn!? Nobody here likes hearing about your decapitation adventures of stealing people’s heads and their hair. Psycho midget...” Miu grumbled, shoving her food away, having lost her appetite after that gruesome story.
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Spy just chuckles. “Somebody’s not desensitized yet.” He gets up to refill his empty plate. There’s another plate of food where he sat, but that one hasn’t been touched at all. “I’m fairly certain that’s one of the more tame stories Putri has to offer, Miu.”
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"I have to agree with Miu.." Hajime said between bites of his own breakfast, not wanting to speak with his mouth full. "I'd rather not hear about decapitation. At least not first thing in the morning when I'm trying to eat." He added before going back to his meal as if the conversation didn't happen. He didn't mind the conversation, the background noise was nice, but he'd prefer a better topic..
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“Angie thinks it was a wonderful story, Putri! The perfect kind to wake you up in the morning time! Soooo, exhilarating!” Angie praised, not put off and still calmly eating her breakfast. “In fact, it reminds me of a story my mother once-!”
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Fay stumbled into the scene quite loudly on accident, interrupting Angie’s story. “Hey guys! Sorry, I slept in! I’m more of night owl, y’know?” She giggled, making her way over to the table and patting the surface to be sure of where she was. “I think Iyabo and Aditi are busy, but they’ll be here soon. Maisie too! Is everyone else here?”
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“...almost everyone. Ivy and Vanessa haven’t showed up yet.” Ryan looks around the table to double check. “It’s strange, they usually always come in together. Did something happen?”
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Leigh made a small "yahoo" to themselves when they found the correct room, proud of themselves for making it to where everyone else was. "Those two? I dunno. Didn't hear them on the way here." Leigh responded to the question they heard as they entered, causally strolling over to get some food for themself.
Before Leigh could reach the giant gathering of food, a sound so loud it pierced all of their ears rung out into the air. A blood curling a scream that it could be heard clearly from outside the hotel.
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threads-of-trust · 3 years
Late at night, there was a knock on a specific doorway. After a brief hushed greeting, the guest slides into the hotel room. The conversation continues on, reaching a higher point.
“... That is why I need your help. I can’t... we can’t... I don’t know who else to turn to for this. I-I can’t believe that bear could have figured out so much about me... how could this be happening..?” One voice sniffled, sadly.
“That is... certainly worrying, yes. I think I could help. What do you need?” The other spoke pragmatically, but cautiously. As if they knew someone could be listening in.
“I... I need it gone. I need you to...” The pleading voice choked on a sob. “G-Get rid of it. The evidence. Nobody else will know. I’ll make sure they don’t know. I only.. need your help with this. I can handle the rest...”
“...I understand. I’ll see what I can do.” The other cleared their throat. “If you need anything else, you know where I’ll be.”
Feet shuffled on the floor, and the pleading party seemed to have given a hug to the other. “Th-Thank you... it means a lot to me... I am forever in your debt..”
“You don’t need to owe me anything. I’m just helping a friend out, alright?” The other tried to reassure their friend. “You should get some sleep. It is rather late, after all.”
“... Y-Yes. You’re right. O-Okay, I will... try to rest. You do the same! I’ll wait for you to report back to me...” The pleading voice agreed, gently walking out of the room after a short goodnight, and back to their respective hotel room.
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threads-of-trust · 3 years
It's late at night. Vanessa seems to have fallen asleep in Ivy’s room, sprawled out on the couch. There’s a plate of food on the coffee table; leftovers from the plate Ivy had received a couple days ago, with some more food she picked up from the buffet. Speaking of Ivy, she’s leaning against a nearby wall, watching over Vanessa. After the events that have recently transpired, she brought her to her room to give her some time to process everything. What happened between then and now...was not exactly pleasant. But Vanessa was peacefully sleeping now. To Ivy, that was good.
The tranquility would be cut off by a few knocks on the door. Ivy looked over to the door, walking over. “Coming.” It wouldn’t be long before she opened the door.
When it opened, Aditi stood tall in the doorway, looking around in the room as soon as the door swung open. She obviously noticed Vanessa asleep nearby, but didn’t think of it as odd since the two were considered siblings. “You wanted to see me?” She inquired.
“Yes, I did. I’m glad you accepted my offer.” Ivy moved to the side, bringing the door all the way out to give room for Aditi to enter. “Come in. Before someone gets curious.”
Aditi accepted the offer graciously, moving to sit down on the nearest available surface, which happened to be the bedside. She glanced over to Vanessa, nodding to the unconscious girl. “Is she scared to sleep alone? I don’t blame her.”
Ivy simply closed the door behind her, walking over. “...that would be the usual reason, yes. This time, it’s different. I assume you know of what happened between her and Iyabo, right?”
Aditi shook her head. “I do not. Iyabo isn’t keen on telling anything to me specifically, which I can not fault her for. She did seem unusually cold today however. What is it this time?”
Ivy sighs. “...Vanessa relapsed. I didn’t see the whole event, but she tried to kill Iyabo. If I hadn’t intervened, she might’ve succeeded.” She ran a hand through her hair, grabbing a few strands and playing with it. “Honestly, I...I still don’t fully understand. I thought-” She huffed. “...she was supposed to be fine. Why did she glitch...?”
Aditi mimicked the sigh, seemingly frustrated. “That’s... unfortunate. We don’t need more distrust running amuck right now. Iyabo surely won’t forgive her, not for nearly killing her.” She frowned, unhappy at that reality. “Does she have any triggers that cause her to glitch? Perhaps you should ask her once she’s awakened and in a better state of mind?”
“I already know what caused it.” Ivy has a look of disdain on her face. “Her lab. Monokuma made her lab the Library. It was where she was kept while they used her. The sight of the room must’ve...broken her.” She sighs again. “...I don’t know if I’m in any state to deal with...everything right now...”
Aditi wasn’t in an position to keep questioning the reasons why a library set Vanessa off so badly. She only knew what was given to her, and so she acted as logically as possible. “... Keep her away from that laboratory, obviously. Lock her out of it. If she is still unstable, then we should consider more drastic measures to ensure she doesn’t kill anyone.” She huffed. “I understand you are stressed, but life moves forward despite that fact. We can only hope Iyabo won’t tell everyone and cause them to all view her as a threat..”
Ivy sighs, covering her face with her hands. The situation is clearly taking a toll on her, especially with her other underlying issues. She goes over to the bedroom door, closing it gently, before moving to sit next to Aditi on the bed. “...I doubt Iyabo’s going to stay quiet. She’s not exactly soft-spoken, you know.” She glances over at the still-broken window. “...I can deal with the fallout later, though. For now...I wanted to talk to you about something else.”
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threads-of-trust · 3 years
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Aditi sat in her hotel room, face planted on the dinner table, still clutching a empty bottle in her hand. A knock at the door jolted her out of her depressed glare at the ground. Shakily, she got to her feet and moved to the door, cracking it open only slightly to avoid who was outside seeing her face. “What?” She spat venomously, which was odd, considering who was on the opposite side of the door.
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Hajime was quick to flinch a little at the anger in her tone, quickly jumping to the conclusion that someone on the island pissed her off. He didn't need to see her face to know that much. "Is something wrong?" He asked, ready to drop everything to help however he could. "Do you maybe.. wanna talk about it? It's not good to keep it all in.."
Aditi only seemed to bristle more at his desire to help, scowling. “... I don’t want your pity.” She snorted, turning her back and walking back into her room. Whether on accident or purpose, the door was left open for him to pursue her. She only fumbled back to the table she sat at, folding her arms and resting her head atop them like a pillow.
Hesitating for a moment, Hajime debated going inside. She clearly didn't want him around but.. he couldn't just leave her like this. Cautiously, he followed her inside, closing the door behind him. "Audi I don't pity you at all.. I'm just worried about you." He said softly as he approached, choosing to sit across the table from her. "Please talk to me.. whatever's wrong we can work it out."
She stared at him with a very exhausted yet angry expression. Clumsily, Aditi pushed herself up, reaching towards the cabinet behind her to retrieve an item. From the drawer, she pulled out the tablet that held the motive videos. Bitterly, she slide it over to him, glaring. But not without turning it on first.
Light flashed off the screen back at Hajime’s face. The screen was animated very cutely at first, with lots of hearts, until it turned dark and each 2D heart split in half with blood dripping from them. At the top, a sentence popped up. “Hajime has doubted that Aditi loves him before.” The screen cut off right after he read the sentence, leaving it silent once again.
“........ It’s my fault. I should’ve known better.” Aditi grumbled, angrily standing up on shaky legs, trying to focus on not keeling over. She wanted to walk away and give him the cold shoulder, but her hands forced her to grip the table to even stay balanced at this second.
Hajime stared at the tablet in disbelief for a moment before looking up at Audi, standing and going to her side to be an extra aid in case she was to fall. "Audi you don't understand. It left out a lot of details to upset you on purpose... I can explain-"
“Don’t touch me.” She hissed a warning at him to not get any closer. Truthfully, she felt embarrassed. What the tablet said was true, he just admitted it, and now her heart was set on being hurt. “You don’t believe me, that’s fine. Who would? Who the hell would believe someone like me could love, right? You’re just.. you’re doing this because you pity me. You have better options around every corner, but you’d rather entertain me? Why? Is this fun for you? To fill me with false hope!?” She seethed with her teeth grit, fighting back the urge to cry from feeling betrayed.
He froze in place, staring at her as he realized he screwed up. "No, that isn't it at all!" He defended, desperately wanting to grab her hand to reassure her but knowing trying to touch her would just make her angrier. "I don't want to fill you with false hope. I don't pity you. I don't ever want you to feel that way." He said, before looking away out of shame. "It's just.. I.." He began, fumbling with his words. He eventually decided to give up searching for what he wanted to say, trailing off.
“It’s just... what!? What else could it be!?” She demanded, her grip on the table tightening so strong that it left indents with her claws. His silence only spurred her anger forward. Nothing would help her emotions subside, aside from the truth. “Say it! Just admit it already!” She pressured him, feeling her anger die down into despair quickly. “You don’t think someone like me can love, do you..?” She asked quieter than before, her tense stature slumping in defeat already.
Squeezing his eyes shut, he sighed. He never wanted to say this. He wanted to burry it deep and hope it went away. But it didn't seem he had another choice here. He opened his eyes again, but his gaze never met hers. "I know you can love. I just don't understand... how you could you love me." He said just as quiet as she did, giving a humorless chuckle after. "I ruined your life and so many others... how could you love me when- when I'm a monster?"
“You’re....” She paused, eyebrows furrowing in confusion, clearly taken aback. All the emotions she felt in a whirlwind suddenly meant nothing, leaving her feeling empty at this moment. “You haven’t... you’re.... my life isn’t ruined.” She argued, unsure if she believed that wholeheartedly herself. “If.. if I’m not a monster, then neither are you. No matter if she chose to do evil before, we can still be better now.. can’t we?” She asked cautiously. Her body needed time to cool off after that outburst, and slowly her shoulders slumped in ease, no longer guarded.
He nodded solemnly, sighing. "I know... that we can be better and are capable of good. I tell you that and I tell my classmates that but it's hard to believe it for myself. Like I don't deserve redemption after what my stupid choice did." He said, finally getting the nerve to look back up at her. "I'll say it a million times over and it still won't be enough but.. I'm sorry." Gently, he got down on his knees, looking up at her before bowing, his forehead to the floor.
She watched as he bowed to the floor, blinking in confusion at first. Internally, she decided to get down on his level, for a better chance of him understanding. Aditi got on her knees to match, reaching out and grabbing his hands to pull him back up to face her. “... You can say it as much as you wish, but you must realize that is only helping your own sorrow at this point in time. I’ve forgiven you. Others have too. You’re apologizing to people because you feel awful, not because they ask it of you.” She exhaled, letting one hand cup his face in her hand. “The only person standing in your way of believing in yourself, is you. Don’t you see?”
He let out a small noise of surprise at being lifted up off the ground, staring at her in a sort of disbelief at her words. "Is me..?" He repeated hesitantly, furrowing his eyebrows as he thought. I'm the only one in my way.. It was hard to believe that he was forgiven by so many to the point he was his only enemy left.. but maybe that was exactly what it was. "I think you're right, Audi. Thank you..” Having said that, he pulled her into a hug. They both could use it.
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threads-of-trust · 3 years
Vanessa continued to sit at the door to her lab, almost lifelessly. Her dead stare never wavered, not even for a moment, as she burned holes into the wall across from her. It was eerie.
Then, footsteps rang out, and her head snapped to look in the direction they came from, slowly, robotically getting up. Still holding the dead expression on her face.
Iyabo, in here to check on Fay and assist her back to her hotel room like promised, unfortunately stumbled upon Vanessa backed against her lab doorway. “Eh..?” With furrowed eyebrows of concern, the zoologist approached. “Oi, shelia? Ya straight?” She asked hesitantly.
Vanessa didn’t respond, but she did walk towards Iyabo. Her expression didn’t change, but her red eyes held hatred. Burning hatred. Her pace started to quicken, ever so slowly. Soon, she was in reaching distance of Iyabo.
When she was, Vanessa tackled her down to the ground.
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threads-of-trust · 3 years
Vanessa continued to walk the halls of the facility housing the labs. For some reason, she never bothered looking for her lab until now. Now, when she had run out of things to do.
As she continued to search, she came to realize that her lab was unusually far from the rest of the labs. As if her lab was meant to be isolated from the others. A strange concept, but one she didn’t seem to really mind. Finally, she came upon the door to her lab. Surprisingly, this one wasn’t labeled. Perhaps that’s why it was so isolated. Taking out her handbook, she went over and opened the door to her lab, taking a look inside.
Before immediately slamming the door shut and backing up against it, a distraught expression on her face..
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threads-of-trust · 3 years
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"̷̛̜̪̪Ẁ̵̠͓̩̲̔͒ė̴̛̫͝l̸̝͚̱͝l̸̬̹̩͓͝͝,̷͍͚̯͔̂̽̀͜͝͠ ̵̧̪͈͚̓͐͠t̷͙̣͈̪̹͐͘ḧ̵̡̨̜͔̐́͜͠i̶͖̒s̴̟̱͐ ̵͎̆̓͐̎͝h̸͎̜͑̎̄a̸͙̫̞̦̹̐͝s̴͓̹͝ ̴̖͔̈́͒̏ͅc̴̡̹͛e̵͔̣̖̩̹̋r̷̒͜ẗ̵̻̙͖́ͅͅả̸̤̤̓̃̎̚i̸̻̬̝͆n̵̗̐l̸̞͎̻̝̓̇̑͆̾y̶̬̾̃̀̄ ̸̛͚̲͎̯̗̈̾͒b̴̧̛̤̓͌ę̵̨̲̭͑͆̂ͅë̸͇͇̔̍ṉ̴̞̻̿̃ͅ ̵̢̭̲̦͙͂̂̅͊i̸̱̦̭̒̓̐͛͘n̶̝̠̣̑t̷̗͇̓̆ḛ̶͒̆r̸̛̳̯̋̕e̷̹̣͗̓̿͘s̴̛̠̺̫͕͂̈́̃͝t̷̼̣̹̬̍ï̸͇̫͖n̶̼̙͖̪̙͂̓̈̀g̵̤̭͓͋ͅ.̴̨̄̓͑͠ ̵̮̪̊̄̄͒͜U̷͉̹̠̜̒͒̋͆n̴̞̑̾͜f̶̦̪̳̓̀͝o̸͎̬͖͔͗r̴̨̻̘̋̓̕͜t̸̺͗̊͌̂̓ṹ̸̗̫̌́̚n̸̩̗̗͐à̶̟͇͗̑̀͝t̵̤͔̹̺̱̎͛̈́̂̈e̷̮̟̲̋l̷̡̤̳͂͛̒̍̿y̷̹̮͗̄̎,̵̞̲̄̃́̚͠ ̷̛̛̳̫̓m̶̩̍͜ẙ̷͕̭̾ ̶̭́̈́̇̔̊t̵̬̯͕͂̓i̸̹̎͐̀͝m̵̛̫͇̬e̷̮͈̓̏ ̶̝̄̔͊̈́i̶̲̫̗̳̮̅s̸͇̈́̀͜ ̵͍̓͌͝u̵̩̘̫̲̓̿p̴̦̯͆̏͆͗.̴̩̦̒͛̐̐͝ ̵͈͓͌̒̔͊N̷̻̽̅̆̾͝ͅö̵̖́̅̓ẅ̷͈͈͓̫́ ̴̳̈̍̓̍Í̴̳͆̈́͆̍ ̴͚̳̯͓̯͐̓̂͐͊b̷̢̤̉͂̽̏̐ļ̴̛̣͊̈́̎e̴͚̩̪͊̓͗n̸̥̹̺͓̎͋̊̆̆ď̷̨̩̹͆͐ ̵̢͖̱̭͚́̈́̒b̷̻̰̰́̄̌̈́ͅä̵̺̥̯̚c̵̳̜̗͐k̸̗̮̤̝͋̆̆̃ ̴͚͇̥̪̽͊ͅï̵̩͖n̶̨̩̏̄̈͐̚t̶̺̳̲̍̈́͆͌͠o̸̬̞̺̿ ̵͓͔̐̀̃̇͘t̴͙̅̈̓̊h̸͉͍͠ė̶̜͙̫̣̈́̈́ ̵̛̻̊̚͝m̸̗͍̬̱̃̿̈̚͠a̷̜̱͓̐̋s̴̨̻͙̭̿̒̾̇s̸̖̗̟̃͐̍̃ḛ̴͖̈́̈́̌̇̎s̷̝̲̈́̿̿̋͜,̷͈̝͖̏̋́̓͝ ̴̩̂ȧ̶̞͒͗ ̸̲̫̓w̸̑̊͊ͅǫ̷̳͙́̀̈́͆̃l̷̢̟̻͉͉̓̈͆͝͠f̷̣̥̟̱̆̓̓̓̅ ̴̡͍͎̺̇̔̌̈́ḯ̷̡͍͇̫͋̐ͅn̴̻̤̣̗̘̈́̄̚̕ ̴̧̬̖̤̮̂͌̒̈͠s̴̹̳͊̉͛͊͜ḩ̶́͒͒̕͘ĕ̴̛̮̜̼ë̶̗́̂ͅṕ̷̱̩͈̪̐'̵͎̜̀̑͋s̵̰̺̩͛͘͜͝ ̷͚͉̰̺̫̆͝c̸̲͙̣̥̅̇̓̽̚l̷̲̟̏̋̃o̵̭͛͋t̵͖̩͈͚͠h̷̗̖̯͎͖̃̍͝i̸̛̻̥͜n̵̟̩̤̜͕̈́͂g̶͈̉.̶̱̖̫̪̒͝ ̶͎͕̤̌M̴̧͇͚̿ā̷̪y̶̧̾̐̈b̵̻̰̯͕̈́̎ͅę̷̣͓͓̈́̐̉̽ ̵̨̛̼̫̞͋͛̅̽y̵̹̺͙̻̆o̵̺̹̎̆̂͘̕ǘ̶̲͙̦͊͐͊'̸͍̽̌̐l̶̖͌l̴̛͉̙͌͜͝ ̷̥̠̣͛̚͝ṡ̷̨̟̜̯̏́̑ṗ̴͕͎͙̇̿́ọ̷̏t̶͔̺̩̅̏͂̓͜ͅ ̶̡̛͕̻͍̦̇̍̓ṁ̸̗͕̏ę̷̭̌͗̚ ̷͕̪͉͊͂̋̚î̵̧̤͈̙̈̀n̸̨̢̮͚̝̚ ̶̡̬̼͚̻͆͘t̴̨̤̮̳͚̃h̸̛̤͓̘̊̋̚̕e̵̗̟̾͠ ̵̭̖̟̐č̴́̈́͐͋ͅr̷̦̯͈̓́o̷͇̪͐̎̿̌w̵̬̪̦͗͝d̶̛̦̻̞ ̸̢̹̔͗̾̎͂l̵̝̯̓͗̂͝ấ̷̡̒ͅt̶̢̙̝̍̃͒é̵̘̻̻͛ŗ̵͎̤͖͗̃͂.̸̧͉͖͐͊͛̕͠ ̸̧͊̃͑͆Ẉ̶̩̣̏̾͒̇̓h̴̘̦̠̃̓̑o̷̲̠̞̺̖̍̀̕ ̸͉͍̐͌k̷̛̞͈̉͂̎ṇ̴̖̻͕́̈́͝ȯ̴͕w̴͎̦̃̌͂ͅs̴̮̩̯̳̓̉͘ͅ.̴̨̺̱̹͉̅̍ ̵̙͇̠͚͋̒̍̍͘T̶͂͑̎̊͘ͅa̶̡̱̲͉̾̀-̸̨̹̑͊̍͛̕ţ̶̟͓̱̲̔͒̓ä̵̧̞̬͘~̶̩̪̱͋̑̈̆!̷̹͎͗̓͠"̶̢̛̿̈́̄
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threads-of-trust · 3 years
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Finn trudged along with Hiyoko on his back for awhile, not minding in the slightest. The small dancer hardly weighed anything on his shoulders, and this was sort of a comfort for him. It reminded him of home, of when his baby sisters would ask to be carried around the shore on his shoulders. “See anythin’ yet, Hiyoko?” He asked curiously, now that they had made their way to the other side of the island.
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For a moment she remained silent, squinting as she continued looking. In all honesty, at first she didn't care to remember a thing about this dude. Now that he was a potential threat, she felt she could point him out in a crowd anywhere. Suddenly, she perked up. "There!" She shouted, pointing at Ryan. "Get 'em! Don't even let him have the chance to fight back!"
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Ryan, meanwhile, had been sitting out on the shore alone, writing in a notebook. He wasn’t expecting anyone to be out here, let alone anyone looking for him specifically. As such, he wasn’t paying attention, and didn’t notice Hiyoko or Finn.
Hiyoko quickly made her way off Finn's shoulder, quickly marching to Ryan with a snarl. She seemed a lot like a wild animal about to pounce on its prey as she approached him, except her prey was almost literally twice her size. "Hey shitbrain! Don't try to act all cool and mysterious out here by yourself." She huffed, crossing her arms. "I know what you did. You're not getting off the hook that easily!"
“Uh...” Finn tried to reach out to Hiyoko and stop her from being brash, but to no avail. He walked up to join the pair, smiling sheepishly. “‘Yoko, that’s not how ya start off a conversation, y’know? ‘Ere lemme try.” He suggested, looking back to Ryan. “Sorry ‘bout ‘er. She’s just a lil’ bent outta shape, since she watched yer secret video.” He admitted freely, try to drop that bombshell before Hiyoko had the chance to do it less gracefully.
Ryan simply sighed, flipping the notebook closed and placing it down on the ground. “...did she now? Talk about bad luck.” Twirling the pencil around his fingers, he looked up at Finn, ignoring Hiyoko for the time being. “I get the feeling I know what the bear has on me. It’s probably about my last assignment. The one I screwed up.”
Pouting, Hiyoko stomped her foot at being ignored. "You killed your boss and partner for no reason!" She said, leaving out quite a big detail. Either she was purposely leaving it out, or just didn't seem to care about that detail. "So to save the sane people from you, we're gonna tie you up and leave you in a ditch somewhere until we find a way to leave!" She said with certainty, a devious smile making its way to her face.
Finn sighed at the smaller girl’s interjection, head turning to the side. He didn’t want to do this, certainly not. But, of course, the needs of the many outweighed the needs of the few. Even so... he couldn’t do this without asking one question. “... Why? Why did ya do it? There’s gotta be a reason behind it, right? Ya can’t just... be a murderer..?” He asked, voice softer than usual.
“I had to. They told me to do it.” Ryan turned his gaze towards the ocean. “...our exfil was ambushed. We were tasked with getting crucial intel on a mercenary group that took out a supply ship, to find out what their next target was. Everything went smoothly. The mercenaries were planning on going after an oil tanker, to use it as a Trojan horse. Wanted to blow up a major port in the U.S. We managed to get the information to HQ, but the ambush had us pinned out in the field. Nearly fought our way out, but one of the mercenaries managed to incapacitate both my superior and my partner. I managed to kill him, but I could hear more on the way. Both didn’t want to be captured, and there was no time to patch them both up in time. So...they told me to shoot them, before the others got there. So I did. Then...I just ran. Managed to get away without a scratch, somehow.”
“... Oooh... that uh... shit-“ Finn huffed out his breath. He suddenly felt guilty for even agreeing to Hiyoko’s plot without having all of the details. “‘M sorry man... that sounds awful. Hiyoko didn’t know that part ‘m sure of it..” He reassured Ryan, looking to the dancer for her confirmation on his theory. He instantly believed the best in others, and Hiyoko wasn’t an exception.
She pouted once more, her first instinct to not believe his little sob story. It just seemed too convenient to her that he got out without a scratch. He could've saved at least one of them. "Yeah right! If you were able to get away so easy you could've taken one of them at least! I bet you're a dirty little liar too! You shot them to hide details about your fuck up and got out of there, didn't you? You're scum of the Earth! You don't even deserve to be the gunk on the bottom of my shoe!"
“More men were already on the way. I could hear their footsteps. If I tried to help them, then we would all have either been dead or captured. They were willing to sacrifice themselves just so I could get away. They’re better men than I am, I know that.” Ryan’s gaze fell to the ground, the halo floating above his head starting to lose structure. “I just...I wish there was more time. I could’ve saved them. I just needed more time.” A sigh. “And...honestly? I probably should’ve died there. I don’t know how I escaped. I was constantly getting shot at. Bullets kept flying past me. How none of them hit...well, I think it was a miracle.”
Finn couldn’t really bring himself to keep questioning Ryan after that revelation. He couldn’t imagine being stuck in a spot like that. Even after being stuck in the cult, betraying his friend, and knowing someone here knew another secret of his, he couldn’t kick someone while they were down. “... C’mon, Yoko. He’s torn up ‘bout it. I don’t think he’ll be a threat at all.” He reasoned with the dancer.
With a small huff, Hiyoko glared up at Finn and then back towards Ryan. Clearly she had lost. Finn wouldn't help her restrain this guy as long as he pitied him. Yet she wouldn't fall for his sob story. She'd have to keep a close eye on him. "I'll be watching you. Don't think you got away that easily." She threatened before turning around and quickly walking away.
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