#🌠fay thuse: ultimate astrologist❤️
threads-of-trust ¡ 3 years
The Ending
“Oi, Putri..”
“Ya run dis place, right?”
“More or less…”
“Well! Can ya make an executive fuckin’ order ta install some cell tower, now!?” Iyabo barked, raising her phone in the air in a desperate attempt to find a signal. “Urgh! Ya gotta be kiddin’, outta all te times ta get no service-!”
“Oh! I’ll check my phone!” Fay piped up, searching her pockets, fumbling but finding nothing in the end. In her other free hand was a laptop she found in her holding cell and decided to take with her, unbeknownst to Fay, Chiaki resided inside of it. Fay began to pout, leaning over to Leigh. “Pst! I can’t find my phone, do you have one…?” She asked in a whisper.
Leigh pouted sadly. “No.. I don’t have a phone…” They sniffled.
“This is horrible! We’re gonna be stuck on this shitstain of an island forever now!” Hiyoko whines with teary eyes and an upset scowl. “A-All because you idiots can’t find a phone booth!”
“You’re welcome to search for one yourself, Hiyoko.” Aditi commented, entering the scene while still carrying an unconscious Miu in her arms.
“Audi! Jesus- what the hell happened to you guys!?” Hajime asked with genuine concern, hovering next to her like an overprotective mother hen.
“Me and the robot sat down and had a wonderful game of chess…” Aditi grumbled sarcastically, whipping some blood from the corner of her mouth. “Have you found a way to return home yet?”
“Not exactly..” Finn commented gently, realizing Iyabo was in too frazzled of a state to answer properly. He was more worried about her getting too frustrated and throwing the phone in the ocean.
Angie had her hands clasped together in prayer, humming and focusing all of her energy. “Atua, if you can hear Angie now… we are in a great time of need. Could you perhaps send us a savior of sorts? Another god? A ship? Perhaps a plane?? Both! Atua says he will give us both!” She brightens.
“Oh yea? Why don’tcha ask yer god where te fuck they are then, huh!? ‘Cause ‘m not seein’ it!” Iyabo growled at the artist, who merely shrugged in response. “Can ya take this seriously!? If we don’t get outta ‘ere, we could become fuckin’ war prisoners! Do ya want that, airhead-!?”
While everyone else was bickering, Ivy had been off to the side. One arm was wrapped around her sister, who had once again gone catatonic. The other was outstretched, with her hand holding up a faintly glowing red cube. The cube spun in the air, occasionally collapsing in on itself before reforming. Then, in a flash of red, it vanished, but not before sending out something akin to a dying message. Letting her arm fall, Ivy whispered to herself.
"...I trust in you, Paff. Bring us home…"
In that exact moment a plane flew right over their heads at incredible speeds, the noise of the engine so loud that conversing was impossible for a couple of seconds, the small plane turning around and circling over the island.
“AHOYYY!” A voice called out excitedly. From the same direction the plane came from, a small ship appeared, coming directly at them. At the top a familiar man standing.
“Is everyone alright?! We’re ‘ere ta pick ya landlubbers up!” It was Drake, waving at the group with his hooked hand, grinning widely. And he came with a whole cavalry of familiar faces, all there for the rescue mission.
Aditi and Iyabo gawked at their sudden appearance, while Putri began jumping up and down violently and waving her arms. “Here!! Heeeerreeee!! You’re here!!!” She squealed happily.
“Nyahaha! You see, Atua never disappoints!” Angie proclaimed with a big smile, pointing at the crusade here to save them.
Drake grinned, yelling back: “Of course! We’ve been lookin’ fer ya the whole time!” He turned, informing his crew: “Get ready. We’re ‘bout to dock.”
The plane stopped its high circling after finally finding a nearby spot to land, probably causing a lot of commotion but at least landing smoothly, the hatch opening and revealing a very familiar pilot, taking off his helmet and jumping out, asking: “Is everyone alright?! We should leave as fast as possible!”
The boat docked successfully and Drake made his way down the bridge, ordering: “Quick, ‘fore we be spotted. We gotta set sail quickly!”
(Tags below the cut for those welcome to interact with this post! Me and the fellow mods want to thank you all for sticking around for this journey/event! We hope you enjoyed and look forward to seeing you on our original blogs too. Thank you for reading! <3)
@the-ultimate-spaceboy @ask-sayomi-ouma @ask-theshadowcyborg @ask-shslpianist @the-sound-of-cold @ask-the-ultimate-cosplayer
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threads-of-trust ¡ 3 years
The collar spent a moment on the floor, before it is yanked back through the opening, bringing air with it. Salient, the intended target, had completely vanished without a trace. It was as if he was never even there. With him gone, the trial would come to an unusual end. There's no one to execute. No blackened to punish. Everything just... stalled.
“..... Wot?” Iyabo blurted out, breaking the silence after staring at the spot where Salient once stood. “That’s not ‘posed ta happen, right..?” She took a step back, looking to her left and noticing that Finn was gone now as well. “Eh!? Finn? Finn..! Ya bloody sheepdog where’d ya go!?” She asked aggressively, unnerved by the quiet.
Putri stared as Fay faded away from existence in her corner while crying, blinking in surprise. “... Something is amiss.” She bit her lip, rapidly looking at the rest of the group to tell who would be next or if it would grind to a halt.
Wren was gripping at their hair, unable to process what was going on. They let out forced chuckles, not sure how to react to the current situation. Then, they too vanished.
Hiyoko watched in awe as one by one everyone disappeared. "W-What the hell is going on?!" She yelled, hugging herself as a small form of comfort. She looked around anxiously to whoever would be next. Right before her eyes, a confused Leigh vanished from sight, only making her freak out more.
Hajime was just as freaked out, his eyes darting to everyone wondering just what was happening. He hated not knowing what was going on... "What- how is this..?" He stammered, stumbling back anxiously.
Angie looked up with teary eyes, her expression one of surprise until she looked down at her fading body as well. “Ah... it is my time...” The artist clasped her hands together in prayer as she fell into oblivion.
Vanessa practically threw herself at Ivy, clinging onto her as if her life depended on it. For a moment, she could feel Ivy embracing her in return. Then, she felt herself hit the ground. “...I-Ivy...?” Looking up, she saw no trace of her sister. After taking a moment to process it all, she cried out in anguish, before her hands went to cover her sobbing face.
Miu gawks in horror as everyone disappears one by one, only to begin to feel her arms going numb themselves. She looked down and felt her heart sink. She was fading away. “N-No... no, no, no...” She repeated, stumbling forward to the nearest person, clinging onto them for dear life. This person so happened to be Hajime. “I-I don’t wanna go, I can’t go yet-! I-I’m not-! I-I-! I-I never got to-!” She sputtered out desperately with tears streaming down her face, but it was too late. Miu was gone.
Hajime stood in awe, staring wide eyed at where Miu was. He blinked back his own tears, but that's when it hit him. He knew how this was possible. The only question left was.. what await him when he too disappeared? He had a feeling about what it could be.
Ryan sighed, glancing down at himself. He was the next to fade out. “...I’m sorry, Almy.” A tear falls down his face and hits the ground as he disappears. A notebook follows suit, before that too disappears.
Aditi blinked her surprise away, looking down at her now ghostly hands. “I’ve eluded you a while..” She mumbled in reference to death itself. The only thing she did was look to Hajime and nod, as if handing over the torch for him to solve this himself. And, she faded away last.
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"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?! How am I supposed to continue now!? Help me out here, man! This wasn't supposed to-"
A gunshot interrupts Monokuma's rant. The bear slams against the back of his throne, before falling forward. A bullet hole is plain to see on his red eye.
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Spy stared at where Monokuma once sat, aiming a now smoking pistol at the throne. After a moment, he let his arm drop, before unloading the firearm and placing it on his podium.
"...honestly? Fuckin' hated working for the guy."
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threads-of-trust ¡ 3 years
Everyone is back at their podiums. There’s a hint of tension in the air, and everyone seems to be on edge. The voting period has just ended, and now the results are about to be unveiled.
That dreaded slot machine appears. The lever is pulled, the reels are spun. After a few moments, they all stop.
Salient’s face appears on all of them.
“Ahaha... ha...” Angie nearly fell back to her knees again and wept into her palms. She felt at a complete loss for words, what else could she do but laugh? This was all her fault after all. If only she had been stronger. “Oh, Atua.... Angie is s-sorry... I-I’m sorry...”
Fay had whipped away her tears and sniffled her way through finding the right voting button. She looked up, unable to see everyone’s solemn expressions but hearing Angie’s grief. “.....” She turned away, biting her tongue, holding herself back from screaming and yelling again. She only silently cried, walking away to the corner of the room, not interested in talking or hearing an explanation. Maisie was gone. Again.
Salient simply sighed, not saying a word. He seemed to accept his fate, leaning against his podium and staring at the ground. He seemed rather relaxed, considering the situation he found himself in.
Ivy glanced around at everyone, before stepping away from her podium and sitting against the wall directly behind her. She sighed, putting a hand on her chest. "...so what happens now?"
"The execution..." Hajime answered, squeezing his eyes shut as if that could block out the dreadful reality that is soon to come.
"No!" Leigh cut in, grabbing onto their podium harshly; their knuckles white from the force. "Sally you can't give up! Run away!" They called out, their pleas desperate.
“Don’t be cruel.” Aditi spat at Leigh. “You want him to run from his fate? Is that it? Make him fight tooth and nail for a life he has already forfeited? He made his choice, doctor. He did not need to kill her.” She looked to Salient. “You were capable of overpowering her. She was incapacitated once she hit her head after falling, you could’ve left it there. But, you didn’t.”
“P-Please, this isn’t-... this is Angie’s fault, d-don’t be angry with them-“ The artist lamented, only to be cut short.
“It is your fault.” Aditi agreed, glaring at Angie now. “No matter how hard you try, it seems you’ll always use them. You’ll never see them as equals, only trained mutts. You’re no better than you were before your outfit change.” Angie flinched at the words but didn’t have a comeback, only hiding behind her bangs and hanging her head low.
"Audi... cut it out." Hajime cut in. "She already regrets it... please calm down. We'll only hurt each other more by rubbing salt in the wound like this." He pleaded, trying to be a voice of reason.
“Stop chastising these people...” Aditi growled, her anger only dying down slightly when directed towards Hajime. “He feels no remorse, she has repeated the same mistakes from the past, and you want me not to point this out? Let bygones be bygones? Look at her.” She hissed, pointing at Fay, who had turned her back from everyone and hid in the corner. “How do you think she feels? Hearing you defend the people who took away someone she loved, for no reason!? How can you-!?”
“M-My goddess?” Putri spoke up meekly, earning a glare from Aditi, but she tries to stay strong. “... I agree with you, but.. should we make haste so the bear can deliver the punishment instead...?” She offered, looking to Hajime and giving a slight nod, to indicate she was on his side, and just wanted to calm Aditi down as well.
Salient clears his throat. “...the bear should learn to not deal with phantoms. Let them rest.”
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“...okay! On that note, let’s finally get this punishment underway!”
Monokuma brings out the gavel. With one swing, the verdict is cast. Salient is guilty. For him, time practically stops. This is it. The punishment.
For a few moments, nothing happens. Salient glances around the room, unsure as to what awaits him. Then, part of the wall opens behind him.
Through the opening, a chained collar shoots out towards the chemist. It wraps around his neck with a loud clank, and his hands shoot up to grab it.
The next thing anyone knew, another loud clank sounded... when the collar fell to the floor.
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threads-of-trust ¡ 3 years
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“You... Y-You-!” Fay sputtered, the reaction the chemist gave was enough to confirm her suspicions. Tears bubbled up on her lashes as her emotions came out. “Why!? Why would you do that!? You killed her-!?” She bellowed across the court room, her voice still on edge with disbelief.
"How was I supposed to know she was waiting for me?! With a knife?!" Salient barked back, still gripping onto his podium. "She wasn't supposed to die! All I wanted to do was destroy her video! I didn't think she was gonna stay up until 1 a.m!"
“I dunno- not break into her room!? You could’ve done anything-! Anything else! But you killed her-! You fucking-!” Fay sneered cutting herself off with a growl, she felt grip on the podium loosen and she moved and began marching over to Salient’s podium, aiming to get in his face or possibly even fight him. “This is all your fault! You should’ve died, not her!!!” She screamed angrily.
"Fay! Please try to relax!" Hajime intervened, rushing to stand between Salient and Fay, defensively spreading his arms out to shield him. "What's done is done... and I know it hurts but lashing out isn't going to accomplish anything. It won't change that she's gone.."
Ivy sighed, moving to stand behind Salient, who turns around... and immediately stands down upon noticing her death stare. "...besides. We know the rules here. Your fate is sealed, Carcin. You murdered someone. No matter the reason, you must be punished. And judging by the bear's tone..."
Salient glanced over at Monokuma, then gives a sigh of his own. "...the death penalty. Of course." He glances over at Angie for a moment, before turning to face Fay. "No matter. My job is done. The evidence... is gone. It may not have mattered in the end... but it's over."
“He’s not even sorry! Listen to him! Let me through!!” Fay hissed at Hajime, pointing in the direction of Salient’s voice. She tried to push her way through but to no avail, tears spilled from her eyes angrily. “It’s not fair! D-Don’t defend him! She didn’t have to die! None of this had to happen! She didn’t have to be taken from me again!!” She screamed, batting at Hajime’s chest until she broke down and clung to his shirt instead.
Angie looked up from her kneeling position on her podium, looking up at everyone. With shaking knees, she stood up. Her voice quacked like an uneven river as she spoke. “P-Please don’t be angry with him. This is Angie’s fault...” She admitted, clasping her hands together in prayer, tears still flowing down her face. “She was t-too ashamed of her sins, she.. she asked for Sally’s help. It wasn’t m-meant to be a murder, please believe us. H-He only wanted the evidence..”
Hajime gently wrapped his arms around Fay in a hug, stroking her hair soothingly. "I'm sorry, Fay. What's done is done, I'm afraid." He said softly with a sigh. "The only thing we can do is move forward." He advised sadly, knowing all too well the grief she was feeling.
Leigh put a hand to their face, shaking their head at knowing what was to come. They remained silent, knowing if they tried to speak their voice would break practically in half. They shook as they held back tears, small sniffles coming from their direction.
Vanessa glanced over at Leigh, then glanced around the room for a moment. She then slowly made her way towards them, trying not to attract anyone's attention in the process. When she got close enough, she softly took Leigh's free hand, clasping it with both of hers. Then, with a soft, shaky voice, she finally spoke.
"...I'm sorry..."
Leigh squeezed her hand, a small way to thank her for the comfort. However, it seemed it opened the waterworks, the tears finally escaping. Salient was like family.. they couldn't let him die. Not here. Turning towards him, they inhaled a large breath before yelling. "Salient, run!"
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“Hold up! Everyone back to your podiums! Now! It’s time to vote!”
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threads-of-trust ¡ 3 years
Um maybe someone should check on Spy and Salient, they went to Salient’s lab and now we keep getting an error message when we try talking to them.
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Fay fumbled out of her bedroom finally, looking towards where the noise was. “Huh? Are they okay? What happened?” She asked, a serious look on her face.
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Miu emerged right behind her, huffing and looking towards the labs. “They’re probably just fucking on one of his lab tables or some shit. I’ll go check it out. You can just... hang back, alright? I’ll come back for ya.” The inventor promised, earning a nod from Fay. She shot a glare behind the astrologist at the face approaching, but decided not to bother with an argument, turning on her heels and walking away.
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Hajime was lucky to find Fay outside her room. He was gonna go check on her after Miu, but it seems whatever she did works. He cautiously approached, looking at her solemnly. "Hey, Fay.. are you doing okay?"
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Fay jolted, not expecting to be approached as suddenly as she was left behind. “H-Hey, Hajime.. yeah, I’m...” She paused, shaking her head. No, she couldn’t say she was good. Not now. “I’m fine..” Her foggy eyes looked downward, arms slumping to her side, seemingly depressed. “Did you come to drag me back there...? I’m still the main suspect, aren’t I...?” She asked sadly, her brain convincing that this was the truth.
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"No- No, of course not Fay. I wouldn't bring you back unless you wanted to go." He explained, it quickly upsetting him to know all this time she thought she was suspected. "You were the person closest to her. And after what I saw, I know for a fact you wouldn't do that."
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“.... I looked stupid back there, didn’t I..? I didn’t listen and had a fool of myself, I.. touched the crime scene. I might’ve messed up details and.. I’m sorry.. I j-just...” Fay sighed shakily, biting her lip, as her shoulders shook. Tears began to well up in her eyes. Even if Miu had helped her get confident enough to leave, it took barely anything for it to be shaken. “I can’t believe she’s.. gone again...” She choked up. “I-I feel so alone...”
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"Don't worry about it, okay? You were scared. Anyone would do the same if they were close as to her as you are." Gently, he grabbed one of her hands, giving a small squeeze. "I'm sorry, Fay. For getting your hopes up. But you're not alone. We're all here for you. And she's with you too." Carefully, he opened her palm, placing the necklace in her hand.
Fay wasn’t sure what to expect, but feeling the bulky necklace hit the palm of her hand only made more memories resurface. The astrologist pulled her hand back, looking down at the necklace despite not being able to see it. She sniffled, before practically flinging herself at Hajime for a hug, crying quietly into his chest. She couldn’t think of words to describe how it felt to only have a necklace to remember Maisie once again. It hurt like hell. How can she really be gone again? She didn’t want to lose anyone else, she couldn’t. She might fall apart at the seams.
Hajime was surprised at Fay flinging herself at him, but was quick to hug her in return. He'd be there until she didn't want him to anymore. "It'll be okay.. we're here for you." He comforted, gently combing his hand through her hair. "I'll figure out who did this. I promise."
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threads-of-trust ¡ 3 years
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“God fucking damn it-! Let me in, Waterworks!” Miu hollered, still knocking on Fay’s room adamantly. With a yelp, the inventor nearly fell over when the door suddenly swung open. “Heee! Ah-! Hey, warn me next time before you-!” She leapt to bitch at the other, but her will to do so died when she saw Fay’s state.
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“.... What do you want...?” Fay asked pathetically, tears flooding down her face.
“Uh-!” Miu struggled to regain her composure at the blunt question. “What do you think I’m here for, doofus? You! We.. we gotta investigate and shit, y’know?”
“.. No. I don’t want to. I don’t want to go out there.” Fay stated, turning and heading back to her and flopping down face first to stay hidden in the pillow.
“What!? S-So you’re just gonna stay in here while we all work our asses off to survive!?” Miu countered defensively. “You were her friend! Don’t you want to help us stick it to the asshole who kill-!?”
“Stop! Just s-stop!” Fay screamed at the inventor cutting her off mid sentence, Miu squeaking again in surprise at the outburst. “.... I-I already lost her once, I.. I can’t do it again. I can’t.. I can’t do this-!” Fay exclaimed. “M-My life spiraled out of control the first time, this.. can’t be h-happening again. I-If Maisie’s gone then... it’ll happen again and I-I can’t go through that... I...”
Fay trailed off silently crying, Miu standing in the doorway looking beside herself on how to help her exactly. “.... why didn’t you just k-kill me...?” That sentence was enough to shock Miu into speaking again.
“I-I-! What are you s-saying!? You’d rather be dead than-!?”
“Yeah. I would.” Fay mumbled oddly certain in her words. Miu nearly felt her knees buckle.
“.... Shut up. You-!” Miu growled, lunging forward and onto the bed next to Fay, grabbing her wrists. Fay didn’t even struggle, only looked up with teary eyes again. “Y-You’re not doing that. She’s fucking dead, okay? A-And, I’m sorry-! But, you can’t lay down and die just like she did-! Do you think she wants you to be this sack of potatoes!? Sitting around and crying her eyes out, when she could be doing so much more!? Do you!?” Miu asked, shaking the astrologist slightly.
Fay sniffles, startled by the sudden shaking, Miu’s words only making her cry harder. “.... N-No... she.. I-I dunno...”
“She. Wouldn’t.” Miu reassured aggressively, biting her lip before yanking the astrologist in for a bone crushing hug. “You’re not giving up. I’m not letting you. Got it?”
“.... M-Miu...” Fay managed to sputter out, before crumbling, hugging the inventor back and crying into her shoulder.
Miu might have bitched about her outfit getting tear stains, but this time... she didn’t mind it. This once.
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threads-of-trust ¡ 3 years
Fay, tell you what: After the trial, we can throw a little party in Maisie's memory. Maybe in her lab... And you can tell stories about your time together and grieve with your friends.
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In the midst of Fay’s room, she laid face down face first in the bed, her face buried in the pillow as she wept. She looked up at you, tears streaming down her face and face burning up. “.... I-I don’t wanna remember her. She... she was right there. I remembered her for s-so long when I thought she was gone... for years, I-! It’s not... it’s not fair..!” Her voice cracked as she cried her last words. “Why can I only have a m-memory-!? Why would you take her from me again-!?” She wailed, before falling back into her pillow to hide her loud sobs.
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threads-of-trust ¡ 3 years
Hey fellas, try moving the body real quick I think I see something
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“No!! None of you touch her! She-! She-!! Why!?” She screamed aloud, her eyes furrowing with emotions, tears streaming down her face. “I didn’t get a chance to... I was going to...” She trailed off, trying to find her words to no avail. Her foggy gaze turned towards Hiyoko’s direction, sadness quickly turning to rage. “Shut up! I wouldn’t touch her! I wouldn’t hurt her! She was my best friend, y-you-! You insensitive bitch-!” She spat with venom, shoving past everyone in a rush, specifically shoving Hiyoko the hardest as she pushed her way out of the crowd, running away as fast as possible before she could react any worse.
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“Hey-! G-Get back here! Fay!!” Miu screamed after her, anxiously grabbing her skirt and pulling it between her fingers. She groaned aloud, turning back to everyone. “Good job, pint size! Now we lost one of our main sources of info! You just had to run your fuckin’ mouth, didn’t you!?”
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Hiyoko huffed as she was shoved, blowing a raspberry in Fay's direction as she left before addressing Miu. "How was I supposed to know they were friends? I don't talk to either of them!" She explained with a pout, glancing away. "You see someone next to a corpse with blood on them and tell me you wouldn't assume they did it, slut rag! Go back to the being a boytoy and get off my case!"
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“S-Slut!?” Miu squealed at first, before growing immediately angry. “Eat a dick, jail bait! Nobody would assume that if they were balling their fucking eyes out, genius-! Learn how to read the room for once, brat!”
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"Cut it out, you two. Now.. isn't the time for this." Hajime interrupted before either could get another say, cautiously entering the room. "We have to start the investigation. We don't have all day to bicker or grieve, unfortunately."
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Miu scoffs, turning away from the group and towards where Fay had ran off to. “You can play with a dead body all you want, I’m gonna go calm down waterworks.” The inventor huffed, before walking off into the distance, abandoning them with Maisie’s corpse.
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threads-of-trust ¡ 3 years
fay, honey, you might want to sit this one out.. go to your dorm, or spend time with miu.
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No matter who tried to repel her from moving forward, Fay persisted. Her hands felt at the air, first hitting the wall. “May...? M-May, where are you...?” She asked aloud, moving towards the bed and feeling the frame. She was sleeping. That’s what’s happening. She’s a heavy sleeper, I know that better than anyone. They’re lying. It’s okay, it’s fine.
“W-Wake up, May... it’s almost noon..” She spoke with a nervous laugh, finally reaching over. Her hand first landed on Maisie’s hair, smiling at the familiar poof. “C‘mon... get up!” She laughed again, her hand moving to Maisie’s cheek.
Fay could feel her skin now. How ice cold it was. Her hand flinched back, only for both to shoot out at once and cup Maisie’s face. “.... No.” She said firmly only once. Her voice quivered on every word that left after that.
Fay patted her body harshly, trying to shake her awake, warm her from freezing, help in any way possibly. But then... she felt liquid on her hands, causing her to scream and jump backwards.
Eyes shrunken in fear, her foggy eyes stared down at her hands. She reached up, and smeared the blood on her own cheek, finally confirming what the substance was. Her shoulders shook, as she turned around to face everyone once again.
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“.............” Her eyes flooded, only able to croak one word. “... W-Why....?”
Ivy felt her (metaphorical) heart sink as she saw Fay break down. A solemn expression was visible on her face as she put a hand to her chest.
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Hajime's eyes went wide with sadness. In her situation, he knew he would've done the same in his previous game. He clenched his fists, an attempt to stay strong. Yet he couldn't bring himself to say anything. They'd find out why. If not for their own safety, but for Fay.
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In the middle of it all, Hiyoko stumbled in. Blissfully oblivious to what everyone was staring at. But by their expressions, she could guess. "Someone died already?!" She exclaimed after she got a peek at the target of everyone's sadness, quickly going from surprised to pissed off. "You did it didn't you, blind bimbo?!" She accused, pointing at Fay. "You even have blood on you! You suck at committing crimes, you know!"
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threads-of-trust ¡ 3 years
Who's going to tell Fay that Maisie got stabbed?
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“S-Stop it!” She shouted at you with a sudden burst of anger. Her shoulders shook, her foggy eyes darting back and forth anxiously, trying to keep the tears in. “She’s not... no. No. You’re wrong. I-I was... I just-! There’s no way, she’s-!”
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“Fay, please, listen to us.” Aditi urged, reaching out to touch her friend’s arm and pull her away from the scene. To try and protect her. “I know she was your friend, but don’t-“
“Don’t touch me!!!” Fay screamed once Aditi grazed her shoulder, making the taller girl flinch back in shock. The blind girl stumbled forward, heading into the room with the body laying inside. “Maisie..? May!” She called out, raising her arms to grope the air, ignoring the pleads and advancing.
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"Fay, please listen to us.." He said, carefully going behind her, not touching her as she requested. "I know how it feels to lose someone you love before you can tell them.. she may be gone but we aren't. We're here for you, okay?"
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"...Fay, he's right. As much as I hate to admit it...there's nothing we can do anymore. She's gone. All we can do now is...try and bring the killer to justice. " Spy couldn't bear to look at the body anymore. He turned away, moving towards the back of the group.
“... Stop. Just-! Stop!!! Don’t act so c-calm about this! What’s wrong with-!?” Fay nearly yelled in anger, but shoved her words away, moving closer and closer to her target.
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threads-of-trust ¡ 3 years
Fay... hon... ya homie's dead
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“.... Huh...?” Fay asked slowly, blinking in confusion. Dead? That’s not... true? Everyone’s here, aren’t they? The astrologist’s mouth knitted into a frown, eyes narrowing. “That... That’s not funny. You’re not funny, anon. Guys? Guys, s-someone say something please...?” She spoke aloud nervously, waiting for an answer from anyone.
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Iyabo opened her mouth, having finally calmed down enough to speak. She looked around to see if anyone else planned to speak up. “Fay...... um... there’s... uh...” Even after breathing, she couldn’t get the heart to look at her in the eyes.
"What's with all the commotion?" Ivy had found her way towards the group, being drawn out by the scream. "Why did someone-" It was then that she saw Maisie. Her jaw dropped in shock. The look on her face said it all. I can't believe it...
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Despite seeing it time and time again, it still shook Hajime to his core. But someone had to tell her. Someone had to tell Fay what happened. With a sigh, he put a hand on Fay's shoulder for comfort. "Maisie.. she's gone, Fay." He gulped, quite phased himself. "I'm sorry.." He said, giving her a small squeeze for support.
Fay didn’t move for a moment.
Her hand raised, suddenly pushing Hajime’s hand off of her forcefully. “....... what...?”
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threads-of-trust ¡ 3 years
Thank god Fay can't see this...
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“Guys! Guys wait! I-I can’t see where I’m going!” Fay called out, bumbling into a hallway wall, feeling her way over to where she could hear the footsteps come to a halt. But... no one was talking? She shuffled closer, looking left and right despite not being able to see. “Um.. what is it? Did Iyabo finally find one spider that scares her? Hehe!” She giggled, unaware of the fact she was doing it in front of her childhood friend’s dead corpse.
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threads-of-trust ¡ 3 years
what happened?!
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Hajime was the first person to drop everything and run, not having the chance to finish his meal. The scream surely meant something bad happened. He needed to make sure everyone was okay. With a blink of an eye, he was out of the room and darting towards the scream, not waiting for anyone to follow.
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“Ah-!” Fay startled terribly at the sound, hearing the footsteps thumb around her was overwhelming. All of the noise forced her to shut down, leaving her one of the last ones in the hall. “Uh... hey! C-Come back!” She ran off after them clumsily, hoping she wouldn’t fall in the process.
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Ryan hung back for a moment, wanting to finish his food. Once he did, he stood up quickly, vaulting over the table to catch up with the rest of the group. “I have a bad feeling about this...”
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threads-of-trust ¡ 3 years
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Fay walked back to her room in a huff, slightly put off that she couldn’t get Maisie’s help with her video. Unknowingly, she walked right into Hajime while trying to enter her room. “Ah-! Uh? Hello..?” She asked, clearly startled, still clutching her tablet.
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"Oh- Fay! I was just looking for you." He explained, before he noticed her clutching the tablet. So he assumed she asked someone for help already, or at least went to find someone for help.. "Did you have someone help you with your video? If not I could.. I needed to talk to you anyway."
Fay was at ease when she heard his voice, even smiling, but a small amount of anxiety built her chest at his words. “... No. M-Maisie was busy and.. I can’t get Audi.” She explained, shaking her head. “Did you want to help me..?” She offered him the tablet, desperate to avoid him revealing why he needed to talk to her. “Or... is it urgent..?”
He hesitated for a moment, piercing his lips. "Well, it's not urgent.. it can wait. At least for a little bit." He said a tad sheepishly, accepting the tablet offered to him to watch the video. His eyes widened in suprise. She might be heartbroken to hear this.. So he stayed silent as he debated what to do.
Fay bounced on heels, trying to listen to gage his reaction, see if she could find any clues in that. But there was only silence. “Aw, man...” She pouted. “My tablet’s broken isn’t it? The bear really doesn’t like me...” She shot her theory at him, hoping it would be confirmed. No video, then no motive, in her mind. This could be a good thing!
After a small hesitation, he decided that maybe it would be better to lie to her; spare her feelings. It would be best she didn't see that about someone she loved. "Yeah, he must've gave you this tablet to get you running around.. jerk." He muttered the last part, knowing she would hear it. "Anyway.. I wanted to tell you that I got your video.. and I'm sorry. I sort of know how it feels."
“Man, stupid thing...” Fay bought it completely, sliding the tablet back under her arm to carry. At his response, she tilted her head. “Know how it feels..? Um...” She thought, trying to guess what he saw. She trusted him well enough to just rattle them off to him aloud. “Did you have a drug phase too? You were... in a car accident? You were a serial dater? What about... you smoke too!” She proclaimed, thinking she got it right on the nose.
Hajime was a little caught off guard by her just proclaiming all her secrets to him like that, causing him to chuckle nervously. It was.. it was none of those. "It's not those.. it's about how you lost Maise. You know.. before you could tell her how you felt." He explained, hoping she didn't get nervous about just.. exposing herself like that.
“Ooooh...” Fay laughs not nearly as awkwardly as Hajime, since she didn’t feel the need to hide her baggage from him. Still, that was a sore spot, and her smile dropped right after, eyes moving downward to the floor. “It.. wasn’t fun. I thought she was really dead, y’know? But now, she’s here and it’s all so weird to think... how I felt was all for nothing?” She shook her head, her shoulder slumping. “I want to tell her now. That... I love her, ever since we were kids. I don’t wanna miss my chance again, but I’m, hah-! I’m just nervous..” She rubbed the back of her neck sheepishly.
"Fay." He said somewhat sternly, grabbing her free hand with both of his. "I think you should tell her that you love her." He said, giving her hands a light squeeze instead of a smile since she couldn't see it if he did. "Tell her before your chance goes away again. I'll help if you need it, okay?" He offered, hoping it would ease her nerves.
Fay jolted at being touched, but quickly relaxed and squeezed his hands back. “Heh, I don’t think you can help much, outside of setting up some candles for a cheesy date for us.” She giggled. “I just gotta find the right time! Timing is everything. She seemed busy earlier, so... maybe not tonight? Tomorrow is a new day though! I’ll try for then! It’ll go right this time because I’m sober, heh!” Her past failed attempt at a confession still haunted her, but it was a learning experience. “... Thanks, Hajime..” She set her tablet aside and pulled him into a hug to thank him for the encouragement.
He happily hugged her back, hopeful that this was the right thing to do. It would be beneficial to her to love instead of hurting in these times.. he would know that better than anyone. This would be the thing to keep her going. He was confident in that. "Anytime, Fay. If there's anything you need help with I'll be here."
“One thing, actually...” Fay pulled back and nodded towards the other rooms. “Do you think you could talk to Audi? She wouldn’t open the door. Maybe you’ll have better luck than me! The stars are on your side.”
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threads-of-trust ¡ 3 years
Fay, Miu, your girlfriend just broke Tenko's rib so I think she's doing alright
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“Ahahaha! Her ribs!? That’s even better! Now the butch can’t even stand without wanted to keel over! Serves her right!” Miu snorted with laughter, not even catching the girlfriend comment.
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“O-Oh! Ouch...” Fay visibly cringed at that information. “That’s a little... no, it’s okay. I don’t blame Maki for doing that. I just.. didn’t think she was strong enough to... yeah..” She trailed off in her thoughts.
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threads-of-trust ¡ 3 years
try to find maisie, maybe?
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“That’s a good idea! I trust May with everything I have. She’ll tell me what it says...” Fay walks to Maisie’s doorway and knocks, while hugging her tablet.
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“Starlight..?” Maisie opens to door, her demeanor tired and slightly more gloomy than usual. She tries to sound happier, for Fay at least. “What’s up, hun? Oh, you brought your...” She looked down at the tablet in Fay’s arms.
“May! The astrologist whines. “Do you think you could help me? I can’t read what the video says and there’s no sound at all! Which is uncalled for! But, um...” She awkwardly held it out to her taller friends. “Could you watch it for me?”
Maisie looked left to right anxiously, more on edge than she had even been before. She reached out and grabbed Fay’s shoulders. “You know I would, sug, you know it. I’m just... I need to talk to someone first, okay? If you wanna wait for me to get back, that’s fine. Or maybe one of your roommates would help too?” She smiled sheepishly. “I’m sorry, starlight. It’s just... urgent..”
“O-Oh... okay! Yeah, I’ll go see if they could help too, if not I’ll wait for you!” She promised, sighing as Maisie ruffled her hair and walked off into the distance. “Guess I’ll need a plan B...”
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