#۞ confident of this‚ i ask the world ⌱ starter call
enchantedbrew · 1 year
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۞ Roulette Starter Call ۞
{Please like this post and I will write you up a starter from one of my muses. I'll be randomly making the selection on my own. Feel free to reply with what muse you want me to write to, but I can also randomly select this.}
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arc-misadventures · 2 months
How Are You Still Single?
Consider this a sequel of sorts to, ‘The Illusion.’
Neptune: Hey, Jaune can I ask you something?
Jaune: Sure, what’s up?
Neptune: You’re a pretty nice catch, how come you’re still single?
Jaune: Oh there’s a number of reasons why.
Sun: And, those reasons are?
Jaune: Well for starters, I can’t tell the difference between flirting, and being nice.
Neptune: That makes sense.
Ren: Yeah, it’s hard for me to tell the difference between the two when, Nora flirts with me.
Sun: You can when tell she’s flirting with you?!
Jaune: I actually have no idea how to flirt with someone.
Neptune: If you want, I can…?!
Ren: No. No, no, no… Just stop.
Jaune: I don’t like people.
Sun: You do?
Ren: But, you get along with people really well?
Neptune: A fake it till you make it kind of situation!
Jaune: I am really, really stupid.
SNR: …
Jaune: I can’t actually afford to date; I am poor.
Sun: Yeah, girls want the moon when it comes to the amount of money their ‘man’ has to make.
Neptune: The amounts they want are so unrealistic at times.
Ren: I would need to be rich to keep up with, Nora’s pancake addiction.
Jaune: It’s really not that I don’t care, it’s the fact that I care too much, and if I get too invested, and then the other person winds up not caring at all then I get hurt, and it just goes into this downward spiral, and I just prefer not to be in that place again.
Sun: That hurts man.
Neptune: Again? W-What happened before?
Jaune: It’s because I’m ugly.
Sun: What? You’re not ugly, you’re…
Neptune: Average.
Ren: Yeah, you’re pretty average.
Sun: Guys?! I’m trying to boost his confidence you idiots!
Neptune: Whoops…
Ren: Sorry.
Jaune: I’m too busy, I don’t have the time for dating.
Ren: His job does keep him busy.
Sun: We haven’t hung out like this for over a week because of his job.
Jaune: Am I the ugliest guy in the world? No. But, compared to all my other friends, and every other dude in the room?
Jaune: I got nothing.
Ren: Sun is quite often referred to as the sexy one in the group.
Sun: Really? Well, I often hear, Neptune being called the handsome one of the group.
Neptune: Thanks man! Well, I hear people calling, Ren beautiful all the time.
Ren: Thank you. But, what about, Jaune?
SN: Uhhh…?
Jaune: Mostly it’s about finding someone who can tolerate all of me. Like the real me, and not the version I present in front of people so I can be accepted for more than five minutes.
Ren: The real you?
Sun: T-This isn’t the real you?
Neptune: I’m scared now.
Jaune: I’m not my type’s type.
Neptune: What is your type?
Sun: Definitely not, Weiss’s type.
Jaune: Dating is like fishing: It’s boring, and I hate it.
Neptune: Well who likes fishing?
Ren: Where are you going fishing then, that it’s like that?
Jaune: I hate myself more than someone can love me.
Ren: Ahh… that explains why she’s having a hard time getting through to you.
Neptune: She? Who’s she?
Sun: Pyrrha?
Jaune: I genuinely don’t think I’m dateable.
Sun: So long as you have that mindset you’re not!
Ren: Yeah! Get your head out of the gutter!
Neptune: Come on man, you’ve got this!
Jaune: I dispise, Taylor Swift.
Ren: WHAT?!
Neptune: You’re kidding me?!
Sun: Well it’s no wonder you can’t get a girlfriend, you monster!
Jaune: Yeah…
Jaune: Pretty much…
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rpmemes-galore · 5 months
raw lines from a variety of sources ... sentence starters
"Then perish."
"Pick a god and pray."
"Even fate picks its favorites."
"Everything happens so much."
"I pity the fool that lives like you."
"Then become the dirt I walk on."
“Confidence is quiet. You’re not.”
"I am a monument to all your sins."
“You said I killed you. Haunt me, then!”
“Do I look like the kind of man who dies?“
"You cannot kill me in a way that matters."
"If you want me to die you can just say so."
"Violence for violence is the rule of beasts."
"Your secrets are safe with my indifference."
"Will you fight? Or will you perish like a dog?"
"We might be in the history God abandoned."
"I will face God and walk backwards into hell."
"I can’t go to Hell. I’m all out of vacation days."
"The light inside me is broken, but I still work."
"Don't leave me, dear. Haunt me like a memory."
"I commend my soul to any god that can find it."
“I have been through hell and come out singing.”
"I will die on this hill before I bend on this matter."
"You are strong, child. But I am beyond strength."
"If there can be no victory, then I will fight forever."
"I cannot hold back the tide of your bad decisions."
“What an exhausting thing it is to be called a hero.“
"To become God is the loneliest achievement of all."
"You cannot condemn those who build your throne."
"No cause is lost as long as one fool is left to fight for it."
"You kneel before my throne unaware it was built on lies."
"My ancestors are smiling on me. Can you say the same?"
"If God wanted you to live, he would not have created me."
“Love is like ghosts; Few have seen it, but everybody talks.”
“I had all and then most of you, some and now none of you.”
“I hope you heal from the things no one ever apologized for.“
"If you should ever get to heaven, I’ll be there to make it hell."
"No one will know the violence it took to become this gentle."
"You either die a hero or live long enough to become a villain."
"God has cursed me for my hubris and my work is never finished."
"Kill me and live with the memory. Then tell the stars that you’ve won."
"There’s no point in being grown up if you can’t act childish at times."
"You could sooner divert a river from its course than deny my nature."
"We both stared into the abyss, but when it looked back… you blinked."
"I will seize destiny by the throat and force it into the shape of my choosing."
"The anger in your heart warms you now, but will leave you cold in your grave."
"I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me."
"If the world chooses to become my enemy, I will fight just like I always have."
"Do you think God lives in heaven because he, too, fears what he has created?"
"I forgive but I will never, ever forget. Don’t mistake my kindness for gullibility."
“Someday you will have to answer for your actions, and god may not be so merciful.”
"What is better? To be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?"
“You are alone, child. There is only darkness for you, and only death for your people.”
"You took a pure and beautiful thing, and you beat out everything good, to suit your ends."
"We all make mistakes. That’s what happens when you’re brave enough to make decisions."
“I am not responsible for actions of the imaginary version of me you have inside your head.“
"I think we deserve a soft epilogue, my love. We are good people and we’ve suffered enough."
“They dropped the world on your shoulders and called you Atlas. How long can you hold the weight?”
"I’ve heard it said that we only gain wisdom through suffering. And tonight I intend to make you very wise."
"Stand in the ashes of a thousand dead souls and ask the ghosts if honor matters. Their silence is your answer."
"The world should have protected you, but you have been asked to protect it. What an honor. What an injustice."
"Across all worlds, all times, no matter what you do or what you become: You are nothing less than beautiful."
"The bar was so low it was practically an tripping hazard in hell… yet here you are, limbo dancing with the devil."
"What can one do in the face of such monumental loss but breathe a weary sigh, for the world is a little quieter now."
"I hear your questions constantly. They come to me in my dreams like a prophet receiving visions from an angry god."
"I see now that the circumstances of one’s birth are irrelevant; it is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are."
"Too many people have opinions on things they know nothing about. And the more ignorant they are, the more opinions they have."
"Always remember that the crowd that applauds your coronation is the same crowd that will applaud your beheading. People like a show."
"One day, you will be face to face with whatever saw fit to let you exist in the universe, and you will have to justify the space you’ve filled."
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vitaminseetarot · 3 months
PAC: Messages From Your Spirit Guides 🌬🌨🛎
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Sup y'all, I'm back for another reading on what your spirit guides have to say! We are approaching a powerful micromoon on Friday night into Saturday morning, and I hope these piles will help you with whatever you're manifesting or clearing out of your life.
Sidenote: I have been in the background trying to get my Paypal account working so I can have the chance to finally offer paid readings. I know some of you have been asking me about when I'll be doing private readings! Long story short, Paypal thought I was a bot and locked me out of my account. (They won't even tell you it's locked, it'll just act like your password isn't working, lol) After struggling for a while, I had to actually call for support. 😅
It's all fixed (for) now! I'm now going over some ideas for what readings I will offer. They will likely be basic 1 and 3 card type spreads for starters. I'll fill you in when more details are hashed out. I'm still also planning another game in March, so stay tuned.
So let's dive into your readings! You can either pick your pile option through the palette cards or the corresponding pictures below for your quick message.
Pile 1 - Lavender Sky Pile 2 - Air Blue Pile 3 - Snowfall Pile 4 - Rainwater
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Pile 1
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Lavender Sky, Sweetness, Lava; V Hierophant, Queen of Wands, 3 of Cups, 10 of Cups
Pile 1, the guide (or guides) contacting you is the type to play it by the book. They know how to fill your cup because they've gone through it too. This is likely a passed ancestor in your family, though it doesn't have to be. Just someone who's really gone through it thick and thin while living on Earth, experiencing the highs and lows of existence. They're guiding you because they've been in your shoes. Their message is simple. They want offer you a cup of cheer. Although that's traditionally a Christmas saying, I picture of cup of healing tonic being passed to you. It's rich and warm, like a cappuccino or spiced chai. They invite you to sit down and relax with a similar soothing beverage.
I heard lyrics from the Evanescence song "Imaginary" while pulling out the palette card. "In my field of paper flowers and candy clouds of lullaby, I lie inside myself for hours and watch my purple sky fly over me." I'm sensing some detachment. They say you've been spending a lot of time closed off into your own inner world and not communicating as much as you'd like to, but not out of loneliness. In fact, this time alone may have revitalized you, or you may consider it a comfort zone to be in. You could have been laying dormant, working on yourself, wondering when it's finally time to stretch.
But the Queen of Wands, as confident as she is (and you are), truly enjoys being around others. It's where her light shines. If she wants to perform, she wants to do it with a crowd. If she speaks, she wants it to be with another. She knows her light, but it's not enough; the light must expand outward and be shared. Imagine that, instead of shining only in your mind, your creative abilities and unique personality can stand out in the real world to be seen and heard. For your unique truth to be recognized and lauded.
Your guides would gently like you to get out of your head a little. You have a bright mind and a caring disposition. There is no reason to hold yourself back from healthy communities. Your affirmation card says, "My truth flows through me gracefully." Holding your emotions and true self back is useless, anyway. The lava will come spilling out one way or another. Use that strong confident energy you have when alone, and channel it to reach out and connect with other people. Things likely will turn out better than you could have imagined. This could be your year for forming great new friendships that may even stand the test of time, if you're up for it.
I'm getting a lot of people in this pile may identify as shy or socially awkward. Your guides see your struggle and know this isn't an overnight event, it can a long haul process to come out of one's shell. And if reaching out to people in real life is still too difficult, please know that your guides are with you. They are available to talk whenever you need them. I suggest working with candles (safely!) or water scrying as possible methods for communication.
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Pile 2
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Air Blue, Ghost, Bee; 0 Fool, 9 of Cups, 5 of Wands, 7 of Swords
You received two affirmation cards in this reading because the yellow rose fell out almost immediately: it says "I am at peace in my life. I am at peace in the world. I'm getting some strong anxiety with this pile. It feels like the anxiety experienced on a regular basis. It's a strong contrast to your guide's energy, which is carefree and lackadaisical. I hear they can be a bit of a prankster with you? I'm seeing someone getting frustrated with computer equipment or some other machinery like a cash register. Really riding on that Mercury retrograde energy when it's there, they're opportunists. This could be your guide's primary way of talking with you, by causing strange and chaotic things to happen that put a brief halt in your day-to-day life.
It may seem somewhat cruel that a guide would 'tease' like this, but they keep pointing at the yellow rose, which symbolizes friendship. They have reached out and offered support in the normal, usual ways, but there's a sense of denying and not returning in the interaction? Have you ever met them? If you want to connect with your guides, the first step is to acknowledge that they're there and that they're reaching out to you. Otherwise they'll start to act like cats who sit on books and knock glasses over just to get your attention, if they want it badly enough. They can get even urgent about speaking at times, I heard the song "Urgent" by Foreigner.
They want you to see that things aren't as bad as they seem to be in the present, though. They disrupt your day precisely to get across that somewhere, you're getting yourself stuck in a rut. They're there to help you break bad cycles of thought that aren't helping you. It's an odd way of doing it, but if you can reach out to them and learn from them, they won't always be like this. It's only because they want you to embrace life like every day is a new beginning. Allowing yourself to get worked up in fear sets up the day for exactly that. They see your capacity for joyful and successful working and living and want to bring that out in you.
You may have times where you have very high hopes for something to happen in your favor, only to burst into panic when one little thing falls out of place or goes wrong, even if it gets resolved. Your guides aren't trying to work you into a tizzy; they want to teach you how to handle the day's hiccups with more ease instead of relying on control all the time. They want you to speak positive affirmations to yourself on a regular basis with the idea that peace and ease are available to you. Your other card says, "I can speak powerfully with ease." Your words are strong, especially what you say to yourself in earnest. Speak your wishes out and your guide will listen. Bottle it up too much, and your guide will find a way to pour it out for you. Focus on the BEST outcomes!
And if your anxiety still feels like it's getting debilitating, your guide will support you in getting you any outside help that you need. Ultimately, they want to see you thrive, both inside and outside chaos, even if their methods are unconventional.
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Pile 3
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Falling Snow, Fear, Swan; 9 of Cups, 3 of Swords, Page of Coins, 5 of Wands, VII Chariot
Pile 3, your guide is a colorful and gentle being, I'm picturing someone childlike here with the Page of Coins. This guide flourishes in nature and the innocently playing with their creations. Perhaps you're an artist or someone devoted to a craft that brings out your inner child, your unique joy? This being wants to guide you in these endeavors. Your guide embodies a playful spirituality, far from religious status and regulations. They enjoy seeing ideas come to life.
It seems like you've been calling out for help in dealing with relationships in your life, or lack thereof. If it isn't to do with love or people, the Swan card could suggest a creative passion that you already have in mind. You see this person or passion as the "One" you've been praying for, the "One" to forever come or stay in your life. Your guide wants you to begin by seeing that you are the "One" you've been looking for. See that there are two swans in the card. One of them is you, seeking the kind of beauty that's already blossoming atop your head.
I'm drawn in by the purple flowers. If you work with chakras, your crown chakra is calling for your attention. Your affirmation card says, "I am connected to the wisdom of the universe." You may have recently been hurt from a relationship, or you've been worried that dating seems far away from you. The kind of school to help you hone your talent may feel at a distance. I'm getting 5 of pentacle vibes with the Falling Snow card, like the opportunity is "snowed in". But it's an illusion; you're moving faster and more suddenly through life than you may believe, though there are times when relationships don't work out, or we get turned down from an opportunity that looked to be beneficial to us.
It's okay to be honest about how sucky rejections feels. Your guide, as playful and rambunctious as they are, wants to hold your hand with a compassionate smile. They can see the flowers blooming beneath the snow, but understand that you have a right to process how you feel. Their main encouragement to you is to give yourself the time, just as spring has time to thaw from winter. In due time, you'll be feeling better again once you've given yourself the chance to mend your heart. I shuffled an extra card for 5 of Wands, which gave me Chariot. You will be able to move on, through the fearsome fire and smoke, to the other side. Allow yourself to heal, then allow yourself to proceed, knowing you won't be burned like that again.
If pile 2 resonates with you in any way, I recommend checking it out. There are messages there about dealing with fear and speaking out kinder thoughts to yourself. See yourself and your creations as the beautiful swan, even if circumstances leave you feeling like the ugly duckling. Your guide only sees the beauty and laughter in you.
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Pile 4
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Rainwater, Sadness, Ladybug; 3 of Cups, 4 of Cups, X Wheel of Fortune, 10 of Wands
It seems clear to me that your guide is heavily connected to water in some way, be it the rain or the ocean (it all runs together any way). They appear to me as very old and wise, like an ancient sea spirit. Far from hermitage, they are connected to all life underwater, as well as the water that flows through us. They're pointing out to me the way everything in life follows a cycle. The powers of the water and the moon demonstrate this on a regular basis, showing how the essential patterns of water can be found in other parts of life as well, even if abstractly. See, for example, how cats can squeeze themselves into jars like liquid, or how crowds of people can flow like streams. When we talk about rain, we can think of either abundance or loss. Rain can represent the release of powerful emotions, or it can bring life to withering crops. To understand water magic is to see how versatile the power is.
Your guide wants to let you know that your life follows an ebb and flow like the tides of the sea. There may come times when it floods over and all feels hopeless. There may also come days when the cool rain shower comes as a welcome on dry and dreary days. Your guide says there is nothing inherently wrong with you, if you are feeling a bad streak of luck. They (though I'm feeling a strong feminine energy here) want to help you with your perspective on life. You are not 'deserving' of bad things to happen, they say, as it's an unhelpful belief to deal with troubling situations. Life happens around us, and many times we get caught in hurricanes caused by others, or by our own actions. These ebbs and flows stop for absolutely no one.
We, as people, should be more drawn to compassion towards each other because of this. I'm getting worldly energy when I channel the guide's connection to you, like your guide is a deity like figure or you are highly attuned to the earth in some way. You may feel drawn towards this need for giving and receiving compassion. Though what I sense your guide is pointing at refers to boundaries. It's dear to them that you feel connected to the world's energy, or to the pain that mother nature and her people feel, but please practice boundaries so you can give yourself a chance to breathe and live your own life instead of letting psychic woes eat at you.
Your guide wants to assure you that luckier times are ahead. The Wheel of Fortune combined with the Ladybug shows that you have the chance to count the blessings in your life to attract more of the same. To attract good luck and abundance for you is to do the same for others. Imagine if emotions were contagious, and you had the chance to spread good luck around by changing your perspective? Your affirmation card says, "I am able to let go of all sadness and negative emotions that don't serve me." There are times when things get turbulent, but don't let it stop you from getting ahead.
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This reading has not been evaluated by the FDA to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease or infection. Please ask your physician before going online.
2024, @VitaminseeTarot ™
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blu-joons · 2 years
When He Notices You Having Trouble Walking The Morning After ~ Ateez Reaction
“Y/N,” Seonghwa chuckled as he watched you walk around the room and across to your wardrobe, your steps slow, barely lifting your foot off of the ground as you moved.
You tried your best to ignore Seonghwa, concentrating on getting an outfit ready for work when he called out your name again. “I’m trying to get sorted, what do you want Seonghwa?”
“You just look to be struggling a bit.”
Your head snapped back to look at him, shooting a glare in his direction. “Now try saying that without sounding incredibly smug about what’s happening to me.”
“I can’t,” Seonghwa immediately admitted, “you can’t show up to work like this though.”
Your shoulders shrugged in reply to Seonghwa, “what choice do I have? I’ve got an hour to come up with an excuse before I walk into my office.”
“Why do you need an excuse?” Seonghwa quizzed, “why can’t you just confidently walk in and tell them that your boyfriend rocked your world?”
Your head shook straight away, “because he’s smug enough without people hearing that too.”
“I can’t help but enjoy this Y/N.”
“Do you want to come back to bed?” Hongjoong asked you, finally stirring to see that you were already up and about on your feet, even if you were a little wobbly.
At the sound of his voice, you looked around, shaking your head in reply to his question. “Why would I want to come back to bed?” You quizzed, carrying on with what you were doing.
“Are you not in any pain right now?”
A lump ran down your throat as you felt Hongjoong still watching you. “Is it really that obvious?” You nervously asked, groaning when Hongjoong’s head nodded.
“Pretty obvious,” he weakly smiled, “it was the first thing that I noticed about you.”
A heavy sigh came from you, sitting down at the end of the bed. “This is your fault,” you told him, pushing your hands against Hongjoong’s feet.
“How was I supposed to know that this would happen?” He innocently smiled, “it’s not as if I knew you’d struggle to walk this morning.”
Your eyes rolled as he defended himself, “if you hadn’t had been like you were, it’s your fault.”
“Nice try, but this is on you.”
“You’re struggling to walk,” Yunho laughed as your head continued to shake, trying your best to move around the house with Yunho following your every move behind you.
You could hear in his voice how desperate he was to get the satisfaction, refusing to give it to him. “I’m not struggling to walk; it’s just taking my body a little bit of time to wake up.”
“That’s the worst lie I’ve ever heard.”
You turned around and pushed against Yunho’s arm, “haven’t you got somewhere to be? What time are you due at the studio, it better be pretty soon.”
“I can’t go,” he shrugged, “I’ve got to look after you instead this morning.”
Your brows knitted together in reply to Yunho, “I don’t need looking after, I’m perfectly fine, I don’t understand what the big deal is.”
“So, if I was to push you right now, you’d be fine?” Yunho teased, resting his hand gently against the top of your arm to nudge you.
You stepped away from Yunho’s grip, “alright, so maybe I am a little bit uncomfortable today.”
“A little bit? Are you sure?”
“Y/N, why don’t you come back to bed?” Yeosang offered, tapping the space where you had just gotten up from. “You don’t need to go anywhere today.”
Your head shook as you continued to try your best to walk, despite the pain. “I’ve got things to do Yeosang, for starters I’m supposed to be at work, I’m already running late.”
“What if we tell them that you’re ill?”
Your head snapped around to shoot a glare back across at him, “you want me to pull a sickie because I’m in pain after last night? That makes no sense.”
“What’s the alternative?” He challenged, “go into work and have people stare?”
Your shoulders dropped as you realised how good of a point Yeosang made. “This is a one time thing, there is no way that we’re making this a habit.”
“Stay in bed,” Yeosang encouraged, beckoning you over again. “I mean you’re in pain, it’s a kind of sick, right?”
Your head nodded back across at him, “does that mean that you’ll look after me then?”
“I walked right into that one.”
“Is there anything that I can do to help?” San enquired, wrapping his arm around your frame so that he could help you to walk around the bedroom to get sorted.
Your head shook as you managed to lean forwards and open your wardrobe. “I think it’s a little bit too late for your help, don’t you think? Your help has got me in this position.”
“You weren’t complaining last night.”
You nudged your hip against San’s before pulling out an outfit for the day. “Last night I didn’t exactly think that this would be how I’d end up the following morning.”
“I’m sorry,” San weakly smiled, “I can’t help but feel partly responsible.”
Your eyes rolled at his admission, “partly responsible? You’re the one who wanted to carry on, the one who decided he wanted to try something new.”
“But you didn’t have to agree,” he smartly responded, unable to stop himself from teasing you, “you said yes Y/N.”
You hummed back across at him, “you have no idea how much I wish I’d said no now though.”
“Unfortunately, you can’t turn back time.”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” Mingi repeated for what felt like the hundredth time, with you telling him to stop laughing at your pain as you laid back down beside him.
Your head tilted to look across at him with a blank expression on your face. “I wish that you could feel the pain that I’m feeling right now, instead you’re just on top of the world.”
“After last night, of course I am.”
You let go of a sigh at how smug Mingi was about how good he was feeling. “I’m glad that you’re feeling ready to get up on your feet and crack on with the day.”
“I can help you,” Mingi offered, “I can carry you around for a little while.”
Your eyes widened at his proposition before having to shake your head. “You’re going to carry me around all day? Do you know how busy my day is?”
“I said for a while,” Mingi swiftly reminded you, “I don’t think your boss would be a fan of me carrying you around.”
You nodded in agreement with him, “my boss won’t be happy when I tell him this is your fault.”
“Maybe skip a few of the details though.”
“Y/N,” Wooyoung chuckled as he watched you try and make your way around the room, resisting the urge to pick up his phone and record you as you stumbled.
Your head shook at the excitement that was in Wooyoung’s voice. “This is your fault, my pain and suffering is all thanks to you, I hope the guilt of that sits well with you.”
“How’s any of this my fault?”
Your eyes widened as you just managed to turn around and look across at Wooyoung. “I told you that I was tired and that you needed to be careful last night.”
“I was careful,” he defended, “or at least I thought I was careful at the time.”
Your head continued to shake as a giggle escaped from Wooyoung. “You know, most boyfriends would be full of concern at their partner’s pain.”
“I am concerned,” Wooyoung sheepishly smiled, “but that is far outweighed by how funny this is for me right now.”
Your eyes shut as you took a deep breath, “I am so close to coming over and beating you up.”
“You’d have to hobble to get me first.”
“What do I do?” Jongho nervously asked as you let go of a groan, dropping back down onto the bed almost as soon as you stood up, struggling with the pain that you felt.
Your shoulders shrugged as you looked across at Jongho with a pained expression. “I don’t know what either of us do, I’ve never had to deal with a pain like this before Jongho.”
“Should I go and get some ice?”
Your head shook, reaching across and hitting against his leg. “I don’t think this is the sort of pain that calls for ice. I don’t think I’ve sprained anything; I hope.”
“Maybe I could get you some pain relief tablets?” He offered, “will that help?”
You shrugged again, letting go of another huff. “Anything is worth a try at this point. What were we even doing to end up like this Jongho?”
“What do you mean we?” He teased in reply, “I don’t know about you, but I am feeling absolutely fine after last night.”
You reached across and hit against him once again, “it’s alright for some not being in any pain.”
“Sorry, I’ll go and get some tablets now.”
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receival · 2 months
castlevania, season 3 starters.
the following is a collection of sentence starters from the netflix original, castlevania.
oh, my god. i am losing my mind.
it’s only been a month. i think.
i think it might actually be a nice night, for once.
do you think we’ll make the next town before we lose the last of the light?
do we need to make more noise?
they need to hurry up. i’m hungry.
let them get in close and get confident.
oh, god, not this again.
i am certainly doomed. doomed, i say! i am defenseless and frozen to my seat with fear!
laying it on a little thick, aren’t you, (name)?
this will all be over in a minute.
what if i said i was sorry?
i’ve been promoted from “brain - damaged servant”, then.
it’s absolutely bloody chaos out there!
i want to get in a bath, for at least a day.
the plan couldn’t have gone more wrong.
you’ll be wanting a drink, then.
you do still love me!
it’s us against the world, (name).
has there been some apocalyptic development that i somehow slept through in the meantime?
time absolutely does move on, and, sadly, none of us is master or mistress of it.
they are somewhat, uh, broken.
did you kill it?
how do you know this?
they said they felt his death.
does that offend you?
it’s time for you and yours to move along now, (name).
what the hell was that?
oh, dear. what a shame.
not until i feel a little safer here.
you killed that bastard thing. you get one free.
that is better than sex.
i do hope you sleep well tonight, with my tiny, icy foot shoved all the way up your —
and you know the smell of hell?
are you breathing, betrayer?
i was spoiled by a single act of kindness in this city. and so i attempted to be reasonable, honest, and peaceful. this was against my better nature.
it was stupid to expect anything other than hate from you.
i keep making the same mistake. i should know better.
then why are still talking to me?
do you know what annoys me about it the most? it’s a really good idea.
maybe we could just torture him until he does what he’s told.
i suppose i’m awake now.
good boy.
what a formidable beast you are.
uh … who the hell are you?
you are practically the jesus of murder.
i have no idea what’s happening right now.
and … what do you want in return?
what interests you so much about hell?
i will not be hunted.
if i wanted him dead, i would have aimed higher.
i am not “the” anything.
you’re better than i thought.
you will have to unlearn much of what you know about the world and take on more than you ever imagined.
i think my mother would approve.
now we are not alone.
i suppose we could take a break.
ah, you’ve gone insane.
you could have told me that yesterday.
well, now i want to know how you’re even alive.
the place is apparently full of lunatics.
what do you need to know?
they just looked … well. broken.
i’m not looking at you, (name).
you like looking at me.
do you partake of alcohol?
it’s not pain as you understand it.
i’m too angry. i cannot find myself.
i cannot pray. i cannot see god.
he was confused. he was grieving.
it is a skill, learned over many years.
through my hand, god lifts the damned from hell in his mercy to enact their penance on the earth as my soldiers.
well after you’ve had your blood, what will you do then?
i’ve been cruel. it’s a cruel world. maybe we do all deserve to die — but maybe we could be better, too.
revenge is good. bastards need punishing.
vampires. you like to play with your food.
sorry. it must look like blood, mustn’t it?
i seem to have some roasted chicken in here. i’m afraid there are no maggots on it — i can call the guard and ask him to get you some sprinkles.
we enjoy all the good things of life. it’d be silly not to, wouldn’t it? otherwise, well, why live forever, if you’re not going to live well?
why live forever, if you’re not going to live well?
it’s alright. i’m not here to cause you any more harm.
let’s just have something to eat, and talk.
well! wasn’t that fun!
i’m a diplomat, (name). i make peace. and because of that, people think i’m soft. people think i’m weak. you won’t make that mistake again, will you?
don’t look at those.
how long have you been here on your own?
tell me i’m wrong.
i admit it, alright? it’s been amazing. but i also remember how hard it was to get here.
i wish you’d stop talking to me like i’m insane, (name).
we wear the mark of hell?
i confess i had doubts about you.
enough. move away.
quietly confident people are competent and careful. nervous people make mistakes.
i’d rather they were nervous than happy in their work.
stop pretending that this is anything other than what it is.
it’s not poisoned.
let’s talk about what you would like.
i — i don’t understand the question.
i wasn’t necessarily looking for a reward.
so, you would have died with your boots on.
but what if you’re lying to me?
oh, i don’t have to lie to you. i have no interest in faith. faith makes for terrible diplomacy.
i like the sound of your voice.
i mean, look at you. beaten down a dozen different ways, and you don’t give up on yourself.
what a monster i have become.
i cannot believe this is happening again.
why do i keep doing the same thing and expecting a different result?
am i mad?
what the hell are you doing with your life?
what the actual hell are you thinking?
you weren’t following me, were you?
somebody always needs something.
places have a strange way of catching back up with you.
and you know it wasn’t there yesterday?
oh. that’s worrying,
i want to see how good you are when it comes down to a blade.
i’m developing a taste for the rougher things in life.
i do not trust people, generally.
who did you lose?
a bird might think your penis was a twig and fly off with it.
good boy.
the thing is, (name), humans forget things. vampires don’t.
you have a lot to learn.
so dramatic. relax and enjoy the night.
alright, i admit it. that’s fantastic.
is this a trick? am i dreaming?
i had a feeling you might find it interesting.
can i see you tomorrow night?
that’s a depressing thought.
i hope i love long enough to find out how it ends.
we — we shouldn’t be … here.
take my hand! please!
i’m sure there must have been a time when i had nice dreams.
do you remember who you were?
i think it was a long time ago.
i gave up others so that i may live.
thank you for my second life.
it will take a very long time, and there are more important things to do.
i’m not going anywhere, (name).
it’s a little more complicated than that.
not an obvious thing to find in a church.
i don’t see why this would excite you so.
i fail to see why this should interest me.
you’re alone here?
i smell you.
i see you.
i’m just not as strong as i was.
there are worse things than betrayal.
i’m a simple man with simple pleasures.
oh, i do like meeting a professional killer.
keep a civil fucking tongue in your head when you’re addressing me, (name).
you can’t keep me here.
i can’t believe i tried to be nice to you.
why are you still awake?
can you not keep it down?
well, now i definitely need a drink.
he’s holding things back from us.
can it be after i’ve had a nap?
i’m not lazy. i conserve my resources for important
i feel as if i’ve been led here.
we’re doomed.
i don’t have enough information yet.
i seem to have missed that epic part of your plan.
you’re being … kind.
alright, alright. no need to make a production out of it.
i’m simply not used to people being kind to me for no reason.
there’s not something you’re not telling me?
has night fallen already?
you didn’t hear me enter.
i’m presuming there’s some disturbing reason for that and i will regret asking.
so now we’re not all monsters?
diplomacy is compromise.
i get something, you get something.
i have all the power, and you’re a pretty man in a box.
i’m — i’m pretty?
i’ve been awake all day thinking about it.
i want to be let out.
that would be a direct betrayal.
you’d survive less than a day on your own.
i would die almost immediately.
uh, that wasn’t what i was expecting to hear.
i think we’ve made a terrible mistake.
god is no longer in that house.
sleep, you idiot.
maybe i should get a coffin to sleep in.
tell me you’re mine.
i’m yours.
tell me you belong to me.
i belong to you.
what the fuck is that?
i may have been on my own for too long.
another hopeful idea that died in its sleep.
(name), do you have my back?
you’re already dead.
why? why would you tell me this?
all this death and horror for that leech?
show me what i want to see, you fucking bastard!
i gave you everything.
the world is not against you.
i am not against you.
i never lied to you.
i just want to know what’s behind that door.
this could not have gone more wrong.
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gojuo · 1 year
Do you think Aemond loves his brother Aegon in the show? I feel a little bitter about how the showrunners have portrayed their relationship in the show. In the book I've always seen it as kind of tyrion / Jaime relationship, in fact all of alicent's children love each other there. But in the show its seems that they are trying to turn it into Aegon iv/ naerys/ aemon . Like how can they interpret Aegon II as Aegon IV? And Aemond of all people as Aemon the dragonknight? lmao
They desperately want to make aegon hated by all of his family for some reason. Even joffery wasn't hated by all of the lannisters, his mother loved him even if it's in her own way. Aegon in the other hand is hated by everyone except maybe for sunfyre lol
I don’t think Aegon is necessarily hated by his family members, just that they are disappointed with his debauchery and heedlessness towards duty. Aegon and Aemond present a united front from the “You may cuff him about as you wish at home, but in the world, we must defend our own,” line onwards:
In the Driftmark episode, Aemond lies about who told him about the Strong bastards rumor and Aegon takes the blame without blinking, protecting both Aemond and Alicent by going along with the lie.
This background dialogue insinuates that the brothers’ relationship is pretty normal and amicable, and not at all antagonistic. Aemond confides in Aegon concerning his grievances with Viserys' actions.
When Aegon provoked Jace and Baela and Jace stood up as if to talk back, Aemond stood up as well, essentially shutting the boy up and forcing him to sit back down. Aemond was protecting Aegon here.
When Aemond starts his Strong boys speech, Aegon is the only one to raise his cup when asked, smirking all the while, showing his support of his brother’s antics to the entire room.
When the scuffle between Jace and Aemond broke out, Luke tried to head over to his brother but Aegon stopped him in his tracks and slammed his head into the table, making Luke unable to aid Jace. Aegon shielded Aemond here by physically taking part in a fight that wasn’t really his.
Aemond’s line in the last episode: “Did you really think that you could just fly about the realm trying to steal my brother’s throne at no cost?”
To the outside world, Aegon and Aemond make clear that they are loyal to one another, that they are brothers through and through, that they are one family. Such a thing was never present in Egg 4 and Aemon’s dynamic and relationship. For starters, Aegon orders a statue to be made of Aemond and Daeron after their deaths and also orders that in all chronicles and court records the title of queen is only preserved for his mother and for Helaena, calling them the “true queens.” Let’s compare these small tidbits with the dynamic Aegon IV, Naerys and Aemon had:
TWOIAF, Aegon IV, p. 95:
It was said of Aegon that he never slept alone and did not count a night complete until he had spent himself in a woman. His carnal lusts were satiated by all manner of women, from the highest born of princesses to the meanest whore, and he seemed to make no difference between them. In his last years, Aegon claimed he had slept with at least nine hundred women (the exact number eluded him), but that he only truly loved nine. Queen Naerys, his sister, was not counted among them.
Egg 4 gives his bastard son one of the greatest symbols of Targaryen legitimacy, shocking the entire court by publicly favoring his bastard over his own trueborn son with Naerys. TWOIAF, Aegon IV, p. 95-96:
King Aegon knighted Daemon in his twelfth year when he won a squires’ tourney (thereby making him the youngest knight ever made in the time of the Targaryens, surpassing Maegor I) and shocked his court, kin, and council by bestowing upon him the sword of Aegon the Conqueror, Blackfyre, as well as lands and other honors.
Egg 4 greatly disliked Naerys and all of what she stood for, and made it publicly known he did so as well. He refused her plea to separate after giving him a son and the book insinuates he did it because he wanted her to suffer. TWOIAF, Aegon IV, p. 96:
Queen Naerys—the one woman Aegon IV bedded in whom he took no pleasure—was pious and gentle and frail, and all these things the king misliked. […] Naerys was said to address her brother thus: “I have done my duty by you, and given you an heir. I beg you, let us live henceforth as brother and sister.” We are told that Aegon replied: “That is what we are doing.” Aegon continued to insist his sister perform her wifely duties for the rest of her life.
Egg 4 quite literally tried to murder Aemon when he was 1.5 years old, like, really. Fire and Blood, p. 701:
On the eve of Smith’s Day, Larra of Lys gave Prince Viserys a second son, a large and lusty boy that the prince named Aemon. A feast was held to celebrate, and all rejoiced at the birth of this new prince… save mayhaps for his year-and-a-half-old brother, Aegon, who was discovered hitting the babe with the dragon’s egg that had been placed inside the cradle. No harm was done, for Aemon’s howls soon brought Lady Larra running to disarm and discipline her elder son.
Egg 4 made up false rumors that his son by Naerys was actually Aemon’s, which is a crime punishable by exile/death, and tried to disinherit his own trueborn heir Daeron in favor of his bastard Daemon. TWOIAF, Aegon IV, p. 96:
The king’s quarrels with his close kin became all the worse after his son Daeron grew old enough to voice his opinions. Kaeth’s Lives of Four Kings makes it plain that the false accusations of the queen’s adultery made by Ser Morgil Hastwyck were instigated by the king himself, though at the time Aegon denied it. […] It was also the first (but not the last) time that Aegon threatened to name one of his bastards as his heir instead of Daeron.
After the deaths of his siblings [Aemon and Naerys], the king began to make barely veiled references to his son’s alleged illegitimacy—something he dared only because the Dragonknight was dead.
Then, this is THEEE passage which shows how different the Aegon/Naerys/Aemon-dynamic is to the Aegon/Helaena/Aemond (and Daeron) one. TWOIAF, Aegon IV, p. 96:
Matters between them [Aegon and Naerys] were inflamed further by Prince Aemon, their brother, who had been inseperable from Naerys when they were young. Aegon’s resentment of his noble, celebrated brother was plain to all, for the king delighted in slighting Aemon and Naerys both at every turn. Even after the Dragonknight died in his defense, and Queen Naerys perished in childbed the year after, Aegon IV did little to honor their memory.
Contrast that to this passage. Dangerous Women, The Princess and the Queen, p. 783:
When his grief had passed, King Aegon II summoned his loyalists and made plans for his return to King’s Landing, to reclaim the Iron Throne and be reunited once again with his lady mother, the Queen Dowager, who had at last emerged triumphant over her great rival, if only by outliving her. “Rhaenyra was never a queen,” the king declared, insisting that henceforth, in all chronicles and court records, his half-sister be referred to only as “princess,” the title of queen being reserved only for his mother Alicent and his late wife and sister Helaena, the “true queens.” And so it was decreed.
And this one. Fire and Blood, p. 561:
During this time, Aegon II also commanded that the Dragonpit be restored and rebuilt, commissioned two huge statues of his brothers Aemond and Daeron (he decreed they should be larger than the Titan of Braavos, and covered in gold leaf), […]
Do you think Egg 4 would ever honor Naerys and Aemon in the way Egg 2 did with Helaena and Aemond (and Daeron too, my poor forgotten boy...)? The relationship between Aegon and Aemond is the exact opposite of Aegon IV and Aemon if I say so myself. Both in show and book.
TWOIAF, Aegon II, p. 77:
Aemond took up the mantle of Protector of the Realm and Prince Regent after both Aegon and Sunfyre were gravely injured at Rook’s Rest in the battle with Rhaenys and Meleys. He even donned his brother’s crown—Aegon the Conqueror’s crown of rubies and Valyrian steel—though he did not call himself king.
Fire and Blood, p. 437:
And so one-eyed Aemond the Kinslayer took up the iron-and-ruby crown of Aegon the Conqueror. “It looks better on me than it ever did on him,” the prince proclaimed. Yet Aemond did not assume the style of king, but named himself only Protector of the Realm and Prince Regent.
Can you imagine Aemon doing this with Egg 4? Aegon would literally rather die than having Aemon rule in his stead and he would for sure have his brother’s head if Aemon had said what Aemond said here, lmao. Aegon IV despises Aemon and Aemon doesn’t care about mending the relationship. Egg 2 and Aemond, however, are one team. They are BROTHERS. Both in the book and in the show.
About Aegon and Helaena’s relationship… The one thing that is comparable to Egg 4 and Naerys is the fact that Egg 2 also cheated on his wife and fathered bastards. However even in that they are dissimilar because Egg 4 had public mistresses of high-rank who stayed in court for all to see together with him and Naerys. Egg 4’s bastards also stayed in court together with Daeron, his son and heir by Naerys. Egg 4 publicly humiliated his wife by allowing this and openly showed contempt towards his trueborn son Daeron by favoring his mistresses’ children over him. And I mean… By spreading rumors of Naerys and Aemon having an affair and that Daeron was the result of that affair, Egg 4 essentially tried to have Naerys, Aemon and Daeron his own child exiled/executed since such a thing is high treason. Egg 2 has not ever done such a thing. Aegon II’s affairs were only with servants and prostitutes of King’s Landing, not high-ranking noble ladies who stayed in court together with the entire family. He’s only had 2 confirmed bastards (he’s probably had more, but the book only confirms two); one with a maidservant who we never hear of again (probably sent away by Alicent with a bag of money) and one with a prostitute from the Street of Silk. Aegon’s never favored those two children over his children with Helaena in the way Egg 4 did. We actually never hear of them again outside of knowing they exist somewhere. Aegon never accused Helaena of high treason, Helaena never tried to beg Aegon to relieve her of her “wifely duties” like Naerys did, Aegon’s affairs weren’t in front of Helaena’s face all the time like with Egg 4 who had all of his lovers live in the same castle with his wife, Egg 2 canonically only has 2 bastards vs Egg 4’s 15 bastards, etc. etc.
An example of Aegon trying to protect Helaena’s honor (to be fair her honor is not being insulted, but oh well). Fire and Blood, p. 387:
Still later, the fool reports, Aegon the Elder took offense when Jacaerys asked his wife, Helaena, for a dance. Angry words were exchanged, and the two princes might have come to blows if not for the intervention of the Kingsguard.
Aegon was devastated by Blood and Cheese and cared a great deal for his children. Fire and Blood, p. 425.
In his grief and fury, King Aegon II commanded that all the city’s ratcatchers be taken out and hanged, and this was done. […] Though Blood and Cheese had spared her life, Queen Helaena cannot be said to have survived that fateful dusk. Afterward she would not eat, nor bathe, nor leave her chambers, and she could no longer stand to look upon her son Maelor, knowing that she had named him to die. The king had no recourse but to take the boy from her and give him over to their mother, the Dowager Queen Alicent, to raise as if he were her own. Aegon and his wife slept separately thereafter, and Queen Helaena sank deeper and deeper into madness, whilst the king raged, and drank, and raged.
Aegon and Helaena slept in one bed together up until Blood and Cheese tore them apart, in stark contrast to Egg 4 who “never took pleasure” in Naerys.
Aegon’s reason for accepting the crown was to protect himself, his brothers, his sister and his children. Fire and Blood, p. 398:
Only when Ser Criston convinced him that the princess must surely execute him and his brothers should she don the crown did Aegon waver. “Whilst any trueborn Targaryen yet lives, no Strong can ever hope to sit the Iron Throne,” Cole said. “Rhaenyra has no choice but to take your heads if she wishes her bastards to rule after her.” It was this, and only this, that persuaded Aegon to accept the crown that the small council was offering him.
Aegon and Helaena had an okay relationship in the book. It was affable enough. Cheating aside, Helaena never went through the torment Naerys did by her husband’s hands. Egg 2 & Helaena’s and Egg 4 & Naerys’ relationships are just not comparable to each other. Even in the show, even if there is dissent in the relationship, it’s not implied anywhere that Helaena is afraid of Aegon or miserable in her marriage in the way that Naerys was. Aegon mostly ignores her, apparently, except when he is drunk (hinting that Egg feels the need to be intoxicated in order to “do his duty” AKA have sex with her). In history, Aemon and Naerys are remembered as having loved each other (AGOT, Sansa III & Sansa IV and ACOK, Sansa VI). This is not the case for Helaena and Aemond. Those two have never been suggested as having been lovers within the canon. Those two have also literally never interacted with each other in the show… Like I’m being serious. They’ve only ever stood next to each other and that’s literally it. This H*l*emond crap is being shoved down our throats by the fandom, not the showrunners. And this is happening because Team Black wants some sick type of justification for Blood and Cheese by making Helaena’s children bastards, pretending like the Greens are hypocrites, as if Helaena and Alicent are anything like Rhaenyra. They want Jaehaerys to be Aemond's bastard because they want Daemon to be vindicated for the "a son for a son" line, instead of it being what it actually is: Daemon's senseless brutality and inhumanity. And I know this because I’ve seen it happening in real time.
To conclude, Aemond is disappointed with Aegon’s immodesty but he is still loyal to T to his brother and his throne, and Aegon supports and aids and trusts Aemond, and has mended their relationship after the eye incident. Aegon II and Aemond are the exact opposite of Aegon IV and Aemon, that’s just how it is. Their dynamics with each other just have nothing in common. Absolutely not in the book, but also not in the show.
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jasonrae117 · 9 months
Just Another Hollywood Scene
CHAPTER 2- Media Frenzied
Damian was furious, that insufferable woman at the pathetic excuse for a coffee shop made him look like a complete asshole when in reality he was simply trying to expedite the process because they were taking too long. Now here he was drinking the subpar coffee in the lobby, grinning at his win. That will be the last time I see her.
“Ahem, Damian?” The receptionist, Barbara Gordon, called.
He pulled himself out of his short lived reverie, “Yes Gordon?”
Ao3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49727071/chapters/125517982
“I really wish you’d stop using my last name, reminds me of waiting for my dad to be done at the police station.” 
“We are at our place of business, and we must conduct ourselves professionally.”
“You call me that no matter where I am!” 
“Hm, instinct I suppose since I don’t see you that frequently outside of work hours. Anyway, what room is the meeting in? I’m already behind schedule, I don’t want to be late.” He leaned against the counter slightly.
“Whatever,” she rolled her eyes as she typed something into the computer. “Looks like your father canceled the meeting and rescheduled it to…friday at one o’clock.”
“Four days from now? But the article is supposed to be released tomorrow!” He almost yelled. 
“Oh, there’s a note in the memo. The media team delayed the release until Friday as well, but at five.”
“They can’t be serious! What did my publicist have to say about this?” He took a step back and began pacing.
“Damian, I don’t know why or what happened, I just have the new times. Why don’t you ask your father or Dick?” She said gently while readjusting her glasses.
“No, I don’t need their excuses. Well then I’ll see you on Friday.” He huffed.
“Mm, not so fast there. You have a preliminary costume fitting on wednesday.”
Damian pinched the bridge of his nose. “Fine, I’ll see you on Wednesday.” He stormed out of the office building.
How could they just cancel the meeting discussing the procedures of handling the media frenzy. They were supposed to announce his involvement with the movie and begin his media tour to garner buzz for the movie. Now that it’s delayed the Gotham Gazette won’t be happy that they didn’t have their front page news when expected and that might reflect poorly on him, like they weren’t confident it would sell well.
Here’s the problem Damian always had when it came to his own stardom. Many people assumed he got his starring roles because of his father’s connection to the industry or his adopted brother’s ties, and while he in no way claims that he does not benefit from nepotism, a lot of the roles he earned on his own. 
Damian started out like anyone else in this business, background roles or extras. Sure he had the best access to those roles, which he publicly thanked nepotism for, but he did his time in the background and it was other directors, lead actors and actresses, and the public that begged him to start aiming for starring roles. So, he did just that and he was a natural of course, you can’t live with one of the best actors in the world and not pick up some skills, but Damian brought something totally new to the game.
For starters, he was half Middle Eastern which he takes a lot of pride in and is happy to bring at least some representation to Hollywood. He also liked to think of himself as more in tune with his characters, that he delves deeper into who they were to better understand who they are. Not to discredit his father, but Damian simply believed he was in some ways, if not most, a better actor than anyone in his family. He wouldn’t dare openly admit that, but everyone around him seemed to suspect he felt that way.
Unfortunately Damian was somewhat of a diva. He had no intentions to be but when he sees something that can be better, he speaks up. If he thinks something is out of character or doesn’t make sense he brings his complaints to the writer and director. But the thing that most directors hate initially is that Damian would go off script and completely improvise very dramatic scenes. 
Why then would he keep landing these roles if he is such a nuisance to work with? It’s because he was almost always right about the changes and his improvised scenes were arguably his best work and has won him countless awards. He was, plain and simple, a phenomenal actor.
Even with all the praise he gets, Damian still has to answer to the trolls that ruin every interview or live Q&A. The ones that demand he acknowledges his privilege with nepotism and being half white, which he does, every single time. It’s like these people don’t believe the awards or the raving reviews of his movie, or even the general consensus online. They make him feel like he has to continually prove himself, make a bigger name, to show that he is more than his father’s name. That’s why Dick went into directing, to get out of Bruce’s shadow. 
Damian thinks that staying out of the public eye as much as possible will help his image and have him not come across as wanting to always be in the spotlight. But Bruce pointed out that all that does is make him seem like a recluse that only wishes to grace people with his presence when he has won something. Damian hates PR and having to do those talk shows or Buzzfeed Interviews but it's the only way he can change this image of himself according to his father. The only public thing Damian enjoys is his charity work with the zoos across the nation and the local animal shelters. Damian trusts animals more than people and he can tell they don’t think he is who he is purely because of his familial ties. 
This life was exhausting but rewarding all at the same time, he wouldn’t give it up for anything. Which is why he was incredibly irritated they had rescheduled his article in the Gazette, because now that meant more PR meetings and probably more interviews to make up for the delayed information. 
Damian had gone to his favorite vegan cafes a block down, he made the trip down here, might as well make it somewhat worth his time. As he was about to head out and back to his condo, he changed his path walking back toward the offices, promptly deciding to see if his father or brother were in so they could discuss the delay. When Damian got out of the elevator on the seventh floor a half dozen assistants and execs were milling about and chatting excitedly. When they saw him, some tried to scatter but still offered a polite smile.He gave a nod in their direction but continued his way towards Dick’s office. 
He couldn’t clearly make out what they were talking about, but everyone was in unusually high spirits. The beginning of a large budget movie was often hell for everyone, so something must have recently happened to garner this much excitement.
As he approached the Dick’s office, Jason Todd came strolling out with the ever present smirk he always had. Damian had known Jason for almost half his life, he played one of Bruce’s sons in a project for several years and then got his own spinoff from that. He was your average roguishly handsome actor with a ‘I don’t give a shit’ mentality, he did come from nothing unlike Damian and worked his way to the top. He was in some theatre production at a local underfunded middle school that Bruce donated money to and stopped by to see their fall play. Bruce was blown away by Jason’s performance at such a young age, but what’s more is that when Bruce exited the theatre to go back to his car, he caught the young Jason trying to steal the tires. Instead of involving the police, Bruce introduced himself and offered to pay for acting lessons for the kid and got him a few auditions which he landed. 
Since then, Jason has almost been a part of the family. Bruce and Jason didn’t always see eye to eye as Jason was brash and prone to scandal, but it was almost as if Bruce had officially adopted Jason, he was around the manor often enough, he might as well have been a legal son. 
Still Damian was often annoyed by the slightly older man’s behavior, always feeling like Jason was squandering the opportunities his father gave him by being drunk in public and saying outlandish things, as well as literally fighting off paparazzi. He also toted around a new woman every week and it felt like gross behavior from someone who was given everything. 
Damian resented Jason in some ways too, because the only thing that separated the two of them was that Bruce chose Jason to follow in his footsteps, but he was forced to give Damian those same opportunities. Except as the media saw Jason as an underdog story that made it big, Damian’s success was purely nepotism. Not to say Jason didn’t also deserve the roles he got, he was admittedly a good actor, but it wasn’t fair to be so similar yet treated so differently. 
“Hey little D.” Jason said, meeting him a few steps from Dick’s office.
“Todd, what did I say about nicknames?” Damian narrowed his eyes at the taller man.
“To be fair, I don’t remember half the things you actually say to me. I try to block you out but your incessant complaining really knows how to pry its way in my head occasionally. “ He shrugged and was about to continue walking but he stopped himself just to the side of Damian’s shoulder. “We’re all in a pretty good mood, Dick especially. Try not to sour it for fucking everyone.” He patted him on the shoulder, which Damian instinctively shoved off.
“I only complain when there is something reasonable to complain about, and how other people perceive my constructive criticism is not my problem.”
“Yeah because telling me to stop wearing my leather jacket is such a reasonable complaint that entirely affects your life.” He rolled his eyes.
“You wear it year round and half the time you don’t even ride your motorcycle because you’re being driven around. It's pointless and you think it makes you look cool, but in actuality you look like an imbecile. But I’m glad to see that maybe the tides are changing since it seems to be absent from your outfit today.” Damian smirked smugly, but was confused to see Jason shoot back the same look.
“You’re wrong about pretty much everything you said just now, but I don’t give a rat’s ass what your opinion is on my outfits or why I chose to wear what I do, but I will let you in on a little secret. I was wearing my jacket today, took it off while I sat in on a few auditions for your little superhero movie, and now it rest on the shoulders of one fucking hot new actress in town that, and here is the secret,” He leaned into Damian’s space whispering, “ will probably be your leading lady.”
“Great so I may have to deal with some bimbo that probably slept her way into the audition and-” It was Damian’s turn to roll his eyes but Jason’s unforeseen shove made him stumble and swallow the rest of his sentence. 
“Don’t fucking say things like that. She had a fantastic audition while also being fucking hot. Don’t be such a prick and just assume things about someone because I say she’s hot.”
“Only girls you think you have a chance with do you even bother bringing up and 90% of the time they’re bimbos so excuse me for jumping to conclusions. Besides, there’s still auditions for the roles over the next couple of days, we don’t know anything yet.” Damian took a step forward but looked over his shoulder, lowering his voice, “And don’t even think about laying hands on me again Todd, we’re not friends, and we are not family.”
“Fuck you little D, you used to be a touch nicer when you were younger, guess that stick never came out on its own. I can just see it now though, you being jealous when you see your co-star and knowing that you can’t have her because I already will.” 
Damian fully turned to him now. “First, I don’t date coworkers. Second, anyone interested in you isn’t smart enough to be interesting to me.”
“Mark my words Dami.” Jason called out making his way down the hall and to the elevators.
Damian was already frustrated on his way up, now he was just down right pissed off. Jason sure as hell knew how to push his buttons. He tried his best to shake the conversation and took a deep breath before heading into his actual brother’s office.
“Hey D! Everything alright out there? I heard you and Jay’s conversation get a little heated.” Dick was milling about his office, collecting stacks of files together.
Dick’s office was very cluttered but in particular groupings. He thrived in organized chaos, he was a researcher at heart and made sure to analyze every bit of data before making a decision. It’s why he was such a good director, he really understood the background of his movies and would make sure they were as accurate as possible. His mahogany desk could barely be seen beneath the mounds of different colored folders representing anything from future projects, schedules, resumes, and even lunch menus to his favorite restaurants. The floor to ceiling window across the back wall of his office gave him an impressive view over the city and let a lot of natural light in. The office was still overall bright and clean, with off-white walls and light tan wooden panels, the light reflected well around it. Knick knacks from his early days with his real family in the traveling circus were placed neatly on the many bookshelves around the office. He had a plush couch and armchair in the corner facing a large flat screen TV and a coffee table that matched the rest of the wooden furniture in the room. On the other side of the desk were two comfy green velvet chairs for guests to use. It was minimalistic, but full of life. Damian didn’t feel cooped up in here like he did in Bruce’s office that had a much darker color palette. 
“Just Todd being his usual irritating self.”
Dick set his current stack of papers he was carrying down and excitedly started searching for something else in a file cabinet. “He’s been in a better mood since the audition we saw today just before lunch, this Ra-” 
“Dick, I really don’t care to hear about it right now. From what it sounds like, she probably isn’t worth the headache she’ll give us if she’s already throwing herself at Jason.” Damian sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose and taking a seat in front of the desk.
Dick straightened up, a perplexed expression resting on his face. “I wasn’t aware they knew each other, she just borrowed his jacket for the scene but he didn’t mention he knew her.”
“To be fair, I’m not sure how acquainted they currently are, but he made it clear he wanted to get more acquainted.” He scoffed.
“Well then I’m going to tell him to back off, I don’t want anything ruining the potential this girl has. I think she’s our girl. She is our sorceress!” He threw his arms dramatically into the air.
“Be reasonable, Dick. You still have more auditions for that role coming up. You were probably just hungry.”
“Maybe, but maybe not. I’m telling you, you’re going to love her. I can pull up her audition tape so you can see what I’m talking about.” Dick practically ran to his computer, typing in his password. He barely was able to hit enter when Damian snapped the laptop shut on his fingers. “Ow!”
“Not interested until you’ve seen the rest. I don’t like you making rash decisions, that’s Jason’s brand, not yours. Besides, I came here to talk about something actually important.”
“Idunno Dami, I have a feeling about this one. But I hear you and I’d hate to be rude to the people that have worked hard on their auditions and count them out just yet. So I'll finish them out and go from there. However, this is actually very important, arguably more important than what you’ve come here to discuss.This is our lead female hero, your right hand woman. She needs to be good enough to stand beside you.” 
“You’re opening auditions for this massive role to anyone that can speak. I don’t know why you didn’t just go with someone we’ve worked well with before.” He crossed his arms.
Dick leaned his forearms on the desk. “ Like who? You’ve berated me for anyone I’ve ever suggested. Besides, how are we gonna evolve as an industry if we keep using the same handful of actors, it gets boring. I want fresh talent, and the chance to give someone their big break!”
“How charitable. I haven’t hated everyone you’ve said. Brown was okay to work with.” Damian huffed.
“Stephanie is not the right fit for this role, the Sorceress is dark, mysterious, temperamental. Steph plays the girl next door, happy go lucky type. Plus she hates you.”
Damian shrugged “True.” He always had a hard time with his female co-stars, either they were hired because they were pretty but couldn’t act their way out of a paper bag or they wanted to start a relationship with him to increase buzz surrounding the movie. He tried that once with Emiko Queen and after the movie premiered, just as he was coming around to it being a real relationship, she breaks it off right before announcing her next movie. He felt used and she somehow spun the tale to make him out to be the bad guy, and with his record, it wasn’t hard to sell. He swore that he’d never do that again, or even date co-stars in general. 
He’d done a pretty good job of making it clear from the beginning, but some leading ladies still tried, thinking they could change his mind. They never did.
“Anyway, if you came here to appeal the press release date change, I’m sorry but there’s nothing we can do about it.” Dick opened his laptop once more and typed something.
“You don’t understand how bad this is going to make me look to the Gazette, and if they mention it to anyone else, it’ll be even worse. If this is because you guys are afraid about what I-” Damian was leaning forward in his chair, his voice raising just a little.
“Damian, stop. Everything will be fine. We wanted to wait until your costume fitting so we can send some pictures with the announcement so people see this is happening and real and that we stand behind you fully. Bruce explained everything to the editor-in-chief and told them how much the pictures were going to enhance the story and they agreed. Plus with first look photos of the costumes, all the blogs are going to be jumping on the news and spreading it. By Saturday, everyone will know you’re heading my movie!”
“But won’t this put us behind schedule for the press tour?”
“Not at all, I didn’t schedule your first talk show until the following week as a precaution if we didn’t gather much wave of media presence. But I now worry we’re going to cut our impression short with the new stuff you'll be talking about." He was now reclined back in his seat, hands folded in his lap.
Damian wanted to argue, but it did all make sense. "And the other cast announcements?" 
"All will be released in due time. I'll probably save the Sorceress announcement until last though, really build up speculation and buzz."
"Not to mention drama." Damian muttered.
"Hey, drama isn't all that bad when it's speculation." Dick retorted, pointing at him. 
“This feels like the ‘no such thing as bad publicity’ excuse. And that always goes horribly wrong.” He crossed his arms, slouching a touch into the chair.
“That’s because it kinda is Dami boy. Except it’s truly not bad publicity, sure some people will get disheartened that it’s not their pick, but we’re working with entirely original material, no fanboys to worry about.” Dick seemed way too relaxed for a director releasing what is thought to be the biggest movie of the decade. 
“You still seem to be grossly overestimating the weight of the news about the Sorceress.” Damian stood from his chair and did his best to brush the wrinkles from his suit.
“And you seem to be a misogynist that doesn’t think his female co-star is as important as him!” Dick said firmly as he stood as well, palms on his desk with his body leaning towards the accused.
Damian sputtered his words, his eyes darting for anything to come to his mind right now. “I am not a misogynist! I just think that after my announcement, everyone else is gonna hold the same weight.” He settled his hands on his hips to help him look confident in his statement, but Dick could see right through it and Damian knew it.
“Admit that you’re scared some relatively unknown actress is gonna steal your limelight.”
“That’s not it.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah…” Damian watched as Dick slowly sat back down, a calm smile on his face as he rested his right ankle on the knee of his other leg and folded his fingers in his lap. “Ok, maybe I think that we are putting too much stock in the idea, but maybe I’m worried that my chance to change the public's opinion of me is going to be overshadowed, especially with how big you’re acting like it’s going to be!”
“Let it out, Dami. We can’t ease your mind if we don’t know what’s going on inside of it. Look, I know that the press has been up your ass since the Emiko incident. But anyone that’s worth anything knows the truth and will not hire her ever again. But if our sorceress is the next big thing, it may not hurt for her to like you…not in any sort of romantic way. Lord knows we won’t push that angle again, but literally just think you are a decent guy.” Damian scowled at his older brother implying the task for the new girl to be difficult. “Then, if she does reach mega popularity as we hope, then she’ll be willing to do interviews with you and about you and then everyone can see how…charming you really are.”
“I see you and your committee have put a lot of thought into this. It would be foolish to not give your theory at least a small glimmer of a chance.” Damian pulled away from the desk and headed toward the door. He turned ¾ of the way back to Dick, “But she has to be tolerable too, I won’t fake liking someone just because it’ll be good press, someone will notice eventually and then it’ll blow up in your face.”
“I wouldn’t want it any other way Damian. Now I’ll see you Wednesday for a moment to check on your costume, but we’ll really touch base again on Friday. Have a great rest of your day Dami.”
Damian nodded in response, closing the door behind but watching Dick’s annoying cheery smile disappear behind the door. He really hoped that they cast this role well because it’ll either be hell or the best thing to happen to him in a while.
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sistervirtue · 3 months
any followers of this blog for a bit know about ghds (or at least, characters from it, like Lacramioara) and probably about another project of mine, ESCHATON ACADEMY. I've decided to merge the two, so Sister Virtue is here to stay!
What I'm dumping here right now is a variety of assorted thoughts and a basic plot outline for the beginning,. It's by no means all-comprehensive, but I hope it'll help lay things out and make it a little less confusing now that I'm not jugging both.
note: this project is very much intended to be 18+ in subject matter and tone. topics like violence, suicide, and abuse are going to be present.
open with the remaining six archangels reacting to the Archangel Gabriel's untimely demise at the business end of God's Revolver by his own doing. this is quite the pickle they're in. someone has to be the annunciator and furthermore, as god's unspoken-but-well-known favorite, he gets the biggest payout of love out of all of them.
michael and raphael have been responsible for making "born-again's" to pad out michael's legion, because sacrificing born angels especially in the era of humanity pushing back against angel infestations has become a contentious issue.
born-again's are when michael and raphael reshape an existing human soul and grant them angelhood. all so far have been exousiai (soldiers), but theoretically making an archangel should be possible, especially because they still have gabriel's essence.
welcome to the world the new angel gabriel, formerly Rubén Erendirani Cuini Dominguez. [existing character brought over from ea]. it is gradually made clear that he is here out of necessity, and the others aren't too keen on their new "youngest brother", especially because of the privileges offered by status of Annunciator. Michael, as the eldest, is especially bothered™️ about this, but michael's demeanor remains placid and unperturbed.
Gabriel is partnered with an elder cherub (Theophania), because they carry all the necessary knowledge and understanding of the mechanisms of the job. advisor-esque position. previously, Theophania had been on the panel of cherubim that ruled appellate judgements on contested verdicts.
Gabriel slowly begins to endear both himself and humanity to Theophania. aha no aha dont go against your god-designed plan ahahaaa
God's been . quiet. since the gabriel incident. they're still receiving their Love in exchange for Passion, but the other archangels are none too happy about this, especially because, again, their newest baby brother is getting the most favorable payout. a decision is proposed to "downsize" gabriel's domain by reducing the amount of passion he's able to reap with a …mini-rapture. of sorts.
gabriel is like HEY WHAT THE FUCK. WHAT. WHAT. WHAT. he confides in Theophania, distraught that an existence he never asked to have may be responsible for so much death.
Theophania, a being of ultimate Reason and Logic, decides to do the only reasonable and logical thing. They steal the cherubim's relic, the Eye of God (not literal, may change name to avoid confusion), which contains the summation of all knowledge. They slam dunk that shit into their skull. Angels are like little computers that run on Love and Passion for the Father. this one just hooked itself up to the energy equivalent of a nuclear power plant. needless to say, things get messy. michael loses quite a few of his soldiers in the resulting kerfuffle, as well as a handful of angels from other choirs. fearing the compromising of their brood and Viable Spawning Population, the archangels call a truce. but there's going to be some changes for starters, they're withdrawing all unnecessary human assistance. sinners will still be punished, passion will be reaped, but if gabriel and theophania like them so much, they can handle their issues.
theophania will be Felled and trapped within a mortal body, but the condition is added that they cannot die. Dying offers too many loopholes to get out of the main point of the contract, which is: the moment theophania and gabriel decide to give up on humanity, the archangels will proceed with the initial plan.
theophania is to act as gabriel's agent on earth, and gabriel as their patron: aka, his ass is on the platter if they fuck up. theophania is armed with god's revolver and the eye of god, before being unceremoniously tossed down to earth in a new, achier form. welcome to the world, Sister Virtue
from here i think there should be some brief exploration more into the state of the world as it is. im going for a more soul eater/devils candy/etc esque situation where mythological creatures and beings mingle among humans and are more broadly recognized as like, organisms.
then a scene plays out where virtue gets caught up in the high-energy antics of Lacramioara, Leopold, Johnny, and Cross. Johnny Strings is the human contractor of Cross DeVille, a crossroads demon. she has a golden flame-spewing guitar that she rides like a witches broom. I haven't quite worked out cross' abilities yet, but something having to do with lines and intersections for sure.
Lacramioara Strigoi and Leopold Lupei are two of Michael's exousiai. they are also the oldest still-living ones. Lacramioara's weapon of choice is a shepherd's staff, with support from the shadowy tendrils tattooed over his body. Leopold wields a scythe, but his mass and beastly body plan serve as weapons just as well.
While they are not allies of Virtue by any means, they are also not enemies, and she regards them largely as annoying, out of control youngsters, since physically they're about half her age, and spiritually even more so. they think she's pretty cool, but lacramioara can't help herself when it comes to provoking auntie virtue regardless.
virtue gets the situation under control as far as collateral damage, but the two thieves (johnny and cross) get away, frustrating the two mercenaries. thats all i got as far as story/plot is concerned naturally im sure youre curious about the mentions of angel broods. and "born angels" . this is still being tinkered with naturally but brother we are about to get buggy with it. pulls out my whiteboard
by and large with the exception of those directly born of God (the archangels, christ also i guess(?) whatever this isnt about him rn) , angels are a species parasitic to humankind. they feed on Passion, and some of it is always saved and regurgitated back up for heaven-bound angels like the higher choirs and of course, God. in exchange, God gives them Love, which is directly necessary for stimulating things like joy, maintains the cooperative nature of the "hive", and a variety of other functions. they can live without it, but it sucks ass. severely. some efforts are being made on the dl to synthesize it, but these are only successful to varying degrees.
anyways, a large amount of the mythos around angels stems from their rather unusual reproductive cycle. two (or sometimes more) angels will inoculate a human host with their genetic material, forming the putto, a juvenile angel. these angels feed off of the passion for goodness of a virtuous person, and so will encourage their host towards these things when they're old enough to do so, something that has historically been understood as the classic "shoulder angel" or "conscience" or "holy spirit".
furthermore, in areas where angelic choirs are less secure in their territory, adult angels may occasionally keep watch over the new young and protect it, which has been interpreted as "guardian angels" across time. when the host dies, the putto then gorges itself on the lingering Passion and completes itself with dna material copies from the host, allowing them to emerge as a fully formed Angel. for those of the lower choirs, they often resemble the prior host, which is what has historically led to the misconception that human souls become angels when they die. they do not. that is simply an angel that has copied your loved one's face. it is entirely different from the Born Again's for higher choirs, they will continue to collect and harvest Passion before they cocoon themselves and metamorphize into their new form, which is standardized according to their function. this change is induced seemingly by the needs of their current community, and not decided by the choir of the angels that contributed to their initial genetic code continuing with the insect metaphor, you could say heaven serves as the "mother hive", but angels will form smaller outposts in various areas, usually with a seraph or two to serve as an intermediary with heaven. this position is the Bishop
naturally, upon the revelation that angels are just weird parasites, the christian world has been thrown into turmoil. the entire nature of the process isn't known still, and there's been a range of responses from some seeing being chosen for inoculation as the highest honor a believer can receive, to others looking for ways to potentially protect themselves from it. this opportunity has been capitalized upon by demons, since the best way to ensure you won't be a heavenly host is to be lacking in virtue.
angels view this as a betrayal of what they saw as a symbiotic relationship with mankind and the communities that worshipped them and their God, hence the general bitterness towards humanity expressed above. some angels even blame this change for why God went quiet, but no one knows for sure Michael plays a pretty big role, so as for what I have on him and the exousiai: Michael is the eldest archangel, as well as the head of its "army". He is responsible for protecting Eden, and handling the unpleasant jobs involving violence and viscera that angels frequently condemn in mankind, but are necessary for maintaining the grip on believers that allows them to harvest passion so efficiently.
Despite this, he doesn't really come across on a first glance as the military type; he's clean-cut, dresses fairly simply, and has a placid, almost demure manner. even when you're aware he may have less-than-upstanding intentions, it's hard to confront him on anything, because he maintains an air of plausible deniability and respectability that dissuades argument.
The nature of his work is inherently difficult. Driving out the initial dissenters, protecting the most vital parts of the "hive", and overseeing the culling of sinners or otherwise diabolical beings is one that is contradictory to the concept of all-encompassing love and mercy and forgiveness. for this reason, Michael suspects that God has been intentionally withholding Love, and that he, the eldest, is being robbed of what he's owed, but no matter how many times he asks, he never gets a response.
The Born-Again's is Michael's solution to the violent nature of the job and loss of angel life that resulted from it. Angels, by function of only emerging once their human host dies, but needing the host to be alive long enough to feed them enough Passion to properly develop, are very much a "slow-burn". Their lifespans are much longer, but when a legion can be picked off by a rampaging cherub, that sorta becomes irrelevant. And by nature of the job, constantly moving around and constantly in conflict, born exousiai themselves aren't particularly able to reproduce in a way that would help replenish those numbers. It wastes valuable time and energy and leaves them with an obvious point of weakness.
Remaking human souls, while it does take some time and effort, has been much more efficient, and allows him to experiment with different ways of improving that efficiency. The process is done in conjunction with Raphael, the archangel who rules over healing and doctors, because he is better at weaving the physical form.
What he's also found is that the human component also bypasses an issue angels face with such a job: Angels, by nature, are not particularly violent. God's Love induces ecstacy and fuels their passion, but it encourages a placid, communal temperment. While born exousiai would naturally have a stronger impulse towards such activities, they're more reactive to threats or large-scale sins than they are proactive in seeking it out. And all born angels have a natural tether to God that allows them to receive His Love.
Born - Again's, however, are entirely dependent on Michael distributing it to them, and human souls are much easier to train into efficient hunters, especially when they view him as a holy figure. Instead of a traditional army, they work more in function as bounty hunters, with each reaping earning a certain amount of Love, proportional to the worth of the sin. they're typically put into pairs, and those pairs are all incentivized to compete with one another.
And with further testing, Michael has found ways to encourage the lifestyle required for the job by remaking them in certain ways, hence the monstrous appearances of exousiai like leopold and lacramioara. they need to feed on flesh or blood, and ergo, are more likely to choose to go after sinful beings since the idea of eating innocents is inherently upsetting to such pious individuals Sin, by the way, is simply a different form of Passion; focused inward, instead of outward. It needs to be processed before it can be useful to angels, and so Sinful Souls are sent to Hell, where demons will eventually produce Passion as a byproduct. While they often butt heads, the two do come from the same initial place, and they are ultimately integral to the other's existence.
The way Michael selects viable souls to be Born Again often is similar to how Saints are beatified; they must show enough fervor towards God to be more easily persuaded into agreeing to it. Much like the Conception, Michael cannot act on a soul without explicit consent because of the extreme nature of the action. An unconsenting soul will reject the process too violently to produce anything.
In Lacramioara's case, it was the intensity of her love; in Leopold's, it was his devotion to justice. Once agreed upon, the soul is tethered to Michael so they can receive their payout (he will often offer them a symbolic representation of this covenant, such as a collar, or marking, or ring), and then violently reshaped in the image of his design.
Their original, human bodies become Incorruptible (and thus often become pilgrimage sites). After that, they're sorta thrown into the deep end with Michael's oversight, since he finds a good scare followed by positive feedback is the best way to handle the human mind. They'll need less and less oversight as they become more experienced.
Born - Again's are still very human in nature, even if their forms have changed. Vices, obsessions, fears, conditions both mental and physical; all of those remain, because all of those things are what push humans to seek God's Love in the first place. While they'll never technically be declared "sinners" by the functional immunity of their job, the dissatisfaction brought on by the human condition is what Michael relies on to keep them coming back for the next payday. It could be considered cruel, but he sees it as "If they never felt pain, they'd never know what joy feels like".
A lack of God's Love wont kill them, it's just an unbearable misery on top of the small miseries they accumulate every day of every year of every century. That's why he needs to include conditions like the need to eat human flesh: because otherwise, an ascetic like Leopold may just choose to put down his weapon and live a life of miserable peace. Monks love doing that shit.
He needs to make sure walking away isn't an option, and then reward them with something they could never get otherwise. Violence is an art, and he has it down to a science. Especially in a world like the one they live in now, where believers and forces both diabolic and celestial mingle, where the nature of belief is constantly changing, and where the idea of "blasphemy" is no longer enough to provide the passion needed to feed the hive.
It's for reasons like this he does nothing to curb the curse Lacramioara unwittingly left behind after her death: it really bumped those church attendance numbers up
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enchantedbrew · 1 year
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۞ Kaoru Rindo Starter Call ۞
Please give this post a like to get a starter from Kaoru Rindo! Please be sure to reply with which muse you want me to write to if you're multi. Otherwise I'll select one on my own! Also, feel free to reply with a specific verse, if there's one you prefer!
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undercoverpena · 6 months
Hi, hope you don’t mind and seriously no pressure but just wondered how Honey Stained Hands was getting on [and when the third chapter was being posted]? I loved the first two and your writing is beautiful!
omg plsssss, i never mind. and also you or anyone else could ever be a bother for asking i promise!
for starters, i am so sorry updates have been so sluggish and slow. usually, i'm a weekly or two-weekly gal (like one chapter every two weeks, does anyone know what that is called, i get so confused?) but with this series, i was/am so scared when i post - and it is so silly as to why but i just do, and i think i wanted to post when i felt a bit more confident and then i just got more scared? isn't that so silly. but then, my personal life got a bit messy and writing joel requires a certain headspace from me, (likely another reason i get so nervous when writing him) that it made it hard to pick it up.
BUT, anyway, chapter three is almost written - and chapter four is actually written [the beauty of not writing in chronological order ha!] so when i do pluck up that courage, you can expect quicker updates.
also, thank you for the lovely compliment on my words! they mean the world. HSH has been such a joy to write, and I've been hammering away at it for months too, so knowing what is out is meaning things to people makes me a very happy jo.
thank you for your continued patience, and hopefully, i can post chapter three within the next week (or so <- this is more in case my life gets in the way)
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supercap2319 · 2 years
The Prince and The Fairy Chapter 15
Pairing: Sky x Male Reader
A/N: “Hey, guys what’s up. This is the last chapter for this story which is so crazy because it was my first story that I ever published on here. It’s kind of bittersweet. Thanks for the love and support. You guys are awesome.
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Y/N tried not to walk with a limp as he, Sky, Bloom, and the others returned to Alfea. After a morning breakfast full of smiles and laughter, the six Faires and Specialist returned to the Otherworld with hopes for a bright future now that everything was over, or so they thought. If they had known how much Alfea was going to change, then they probably should have stayed in the First World. It would have been easier.
Y/N and his friends strolled up to the driveway of Alfea like he had on that first day by himself so many weeks ago. Before it had been foreign to him to see what looked like a castle, straight out of a storybook, but now without hesitation, Y/N could call this place home. He smiled at the thought. They passed through the gates of Alfea as all talk and laughter ceased, amid the dust and ruin of Alfea.
Before them stood three figures that radiated power in front of an army of Solarian soldiers. The one on the far left was a woman who wore a pink coat and had dark brown hair. She carried herself with the poise and composure of a queen. It was Stella’s mother, Queen Luna. The woman who thought it was better to be feared, than liked by her loyal subjects.
The other was a man Y/N had only seen in pictures, a man with his boyfriend’s face. It was Sky’s supposed to be dead father, king Erendor of Eraklyon. He was dressed in Specialist’s battle armor, his arms across his broad chest.
In the center of them as if she owned the place, smiling her sweet serpent devil smile, was the woman that Y/N and Bloom had freed.
“Welcome back, kids,” Rosalind said. “There’s been a few changes.” Terra and Aisha looked at each other as did Musa and Stella. A look of pure perplexion on their faces. Sam swallowed nervously as Y/N and Bloom glared at Rosalind.
“Dad…” Sky’s shaky voice cut through the uneasiness of the situation. He looked as white as a ghost and Y/N couldn’t blame him. To see his father who he thought was dead since he was six, now alive and well. King Erendor smiled. The same smile as Sky’s, but it was more cold and malicious. Sky’s was warm and friendly.
“Hello, Sky,” King Erendor said.
“W-what sort of changes?" Bloom asked.
"Oh, nothing to concern yourselves with, dear Bloom. Y/N,” said Rosalind. “For starters , I am now Headmistress of Alfea again."
“No, that’s not right. Ms. Dowling is Headmistress of this school,” Y/N said. His blood ran cold and for a moment, he actually felt chilly.
“Not anymore, boy,” King Erendor’s gravelly voice told him.
“Don’t call me, ‘boy,’ Y/N spat.
“With the Burned One threat still at large, I thought it seemed fit to grant Ms. Dowling a …let's just say she's taking a well-earned holiday. And I reinstated Rosalind as Headmistress and Erendor as Specialist Headmaster,” Queen Luna smiled.
“Where’s, Silva?” Sky asked.
“Facing justice for his crimes against his king.”
“Crimes? You tried to kill him first!” Y/N protested.
“You should learn some manners, boy,” King Erendor said with a disappointed voice.
Stella pushed forward, with more confidence than Y/N had ever seen from her before. “Alright, this isn't funny, Mother!” She said irately. “You do realize you're standing with a pair of murderers?”
“Oh, Stella,” said a disappointed Queen Luna as she flexed her fingers and her eyes glowed. “You truly need to learn to speak only when spoken to.” Y/N frown as he saw the look on Stella’s face change from confusion, to absolute terror. She screamed as she flailed her arms wildly as she sank to her knees as she began to whimper.
“What are you doing to her!” Musa asked as she flinched slightly as her eyes glowed purple at the sight of Stella. She could feel her fear.
“Lessons in obedience,” Queen Luna said.
“Well, you'd better stop it right now!” said Terra as she and Aisha, and Sam stood with Musa, all fours' eyes glowing as they prepared to defend their friend.
“Oh, please,” Rosalind said as her eyes glowed as Terra screamed as her back was bent backwards and Aisha’s was bent forward. Musa’s arms twisted painfully as Sam’s legs were twisted as well as he fell underneath his weight.
“Breaking bones is a trick I haven’t used in a very long time,” Rosalind said. “I forgot how good it feels.”
“Let them go, Rosalind!” Bloom shouted out.
“Right now!” Y/N and Bloom’s eyes glowed as fire and ice licked up their bodies as a pair of ice and fire wings emerged from their backs.
“Do you really think that you can hurt me?” Rosalind mocked.
“Let’s find out.” Y/N summoned floating ice spikes into the air as Bloom created a giant flame in the shape of a dragon.
“You’re not going to submit, are you?”
“Well, I’ll just give you a reason too.” Rosalind’s eyes glowed once again and before Y/N or Bloom could say or do anything, Sky gasped loudly as he held his throat with his hand.
Y/N turned to his boyfriend in concern. “Sky? Blue Eyes?”
Sky wheezed as he fell to the floor as Y/N gasped in shock. “What are you doing to him?!”
“Rosalind, you’re hurting my son!” King Erendor said.
“Relax, Erendor. Y/N’s not going to let anybody hurt his boyfriend.”
“Boyfriend! Sky?”
“Yup. You’re son’s in love with a changeling,” Rosalind said.
Y/N fell to his knees as he held Sky’s body close to his own. He couldn’t breathe. Rosalind was choking the life out of him. He turned to Rosalind and the others, his eyes glowing a dangerous bright blue as the air around him was cold enough to see his breath. “You hurt him and I’ll kill you!! I swear to God!”
“Go on then, Y/N. Do it,” Queen Luna taunted.
“Try it, Y/N and see who's faster; your Ice Serpent or my will,” Rosalind said.
“She's faster, Y/N," said King Erendor. “I’ve seen her in action. You won’t win.”
“Stop this, Rosalind. Before I freeze this school and everyone in it!” It wasn’t just a threat. It was a warning. Slowly, Y/N felt his powers slipping from his control. Like they had when he first came to Alfea, or that night he had activated them. A patch of ice started to form all around them as it grew and expanded towards the woods and towards the school.
Bloom looked at how her brother’s magic was slowly spiraling out of control. She had to do something. She had to help him. She sent her fire dragon at Rosalind and for a moment; Bloom thought it would hit its target. Instead, the older woman held up a hand as a shield encased her and her colleagues as the attack slammed into it, but never broke through it.
Once the fire had disappeared, Rosalind smiled widely. “Kudos for an impressive attack, Bloom, but you and Y/N aren’t powerful enough to stop me. It’s in yours and your friends best interest to give up.”
“Why should we believe you?” Bloom asked.
“Because you both trusted me before,” Rosalind said. “Plus if you don’t you can say goodbye to Sky and the others.”
Bloom found herself locked by indecision. There was no telling how much damage Rosalind and Luna would inflict on her friends. Nor could Bloom anticipate what Rosalind would do if they were to give up. She locked eyes with Y/N, and already knew the decision he would make. If it meant saving Sky. Saving the others, he would submit to Rosalind’s wishes. No matter how awful.
“Alright, let them go. We’ll do as you say,” Y/N called off his magic as his wings and ice disappeared. Bloom called back her wings as well as her eyes returned to normal.
“There. That’s better.” Rosalind’s eyes glowed as she released her hold on all of Y/N and Bloom’s friends. They gasped with relief as they fell to the floor, minus Sam, who was already on the floor. Sky coughed hard as Y/N cradled him in his arms, a few tears in his eyes. “I’m so sorry…”
“You can stop now, Luna,” said Rosalind. “I think they’ve learned their lesson.”
Queen Luna frowned. “Speak for yourself, Rosa. My daughter still needs to be disciplined.”
“Still harsh will corporal punishment huh, Luna?” King Erendor said.
“You know as well as I that some lessons have to be taught the hard way,” Queen Luna said, letting Stella go of her magical hold.
“That’s true.” The king of Eraklyon turned to his fallen son. “The same will go for Sky as well. I have much to catch up on with him.”
“I’m sure Beatrix will be thrilled about a family reunion,” Rosalind said.
“What are you talking about?” Sky asked as he rose unsteady to his feet.
“Beatrix is your sister. Your half sister.”
“What?!” Sky asked.
“That’s only the beginning of changes I have planned for this school and for you my dear, Y/N. Bloom.”
“What plans?” Bloom asked her.
“The Burned Ones are nothing compared to the threat that’s coming here. Coming to destroy the Otherworld,” Rosalind said.
“Why should we believe anything that you say?” Y/N asked her.
“Because, believe it or not, I am not your enemy; I merely want to help you and Bloom realize your full potential and fulfill your destiny."
“I already know my destiny, and it doesn’t include you,” Y/N said.
Rosalind smiled. “Well, that’s a shame. Because whatever’s coming here, you’re going to need my help if you want to protect Sky. Because that’s what you want more than anything, right?”
Y/N frowned. Rosalind knew how to push his buttons. How to get him to cooperate. He didn’t want to be under Rosalind’s rule, but if there was something out there truly more dangerous than the Burned Ones, then Y/N would do whatever it takes to keep those he loves safe. Even if it means working with this evil bitch.
The Ice Fairy sighed. He grabbed Sky’s hand in comfort as he asked: “So… this plan of yours. What is it?”
Rosalind smiled once again. “I’m glad you asked.”
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leoandlancer · 1 year
Alright, I'll bite: what's the intro starter pack for the Soap and the Skullman? You successfully have me intrigued.
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Skullman and Soap are from the game Call of Duty Modern Warfare II. It's a 2022 remake of a game that came out in 2009, and the remake has some notable improvements and provides an interesting perspective of how video games have changed in the last 14 years across the board; visuals, pacing, story, characters, challenges etc etc. All of which is cool but I'm here exclusively for the wall of beef being served.
Allow me to explain.
The single player story game includes 2+ hours of pristine cut scenes carrying the plot and character development, and any number of hours playing the game which includes banter and fps’ing. POV bounces between two teams having adventures and bein' sneaky all over the world. There’s also a Multiplayer mode but I know next to nothing about it so you’ve certainly come to the right place to learn some things. Youtube has a bunch of great Let’s Plays for the entire game, as well as videos of just all the cut scenes. Highly recommend, not least of all because I was blindsided by how wholesome it all turned out to be.
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Simon "Ghost" Riley 👻 💀
Character with so much going on if anyone but a triple A studio pitched him they'd be told to calm down. Wildly op. Incredible passive intimidation score. Somehow internationally feared stealth agent despite Looking Like That. Aesthetic as fuck. Ranked Lieutenant if you can tell the different breeds of officer apart. HEIGHT. Manchester accent. Tragic backstory. The mask is a whole other post and I’m not normal about it. Despite going into it like a cat being forced into a bath, he is one half of the Grumpy One Soft for the Sunshine One trope that causes me physical agonies. (Secret third thing! Poor Little Meow Meow candidate.)
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Johnny "Soap" MacTavish 🧼
You know how sometimes when a zoo or sanctuary has a cheetah or something that’s super anxious they’ll give them a chill, reliable, confident, protective dog friend? Yeah, anyway Soap is assigned to Ghost in the beginning of the game. SCOTTISH. Mohawk. Wears jeans throughout most of the game despite being continually dunked in cold water. Everyone wants to work with him so he kept being reassigned and always had to make new friends. Other half of the Grumpy One Soft for the Sunshine One trope, but Soap was an immediate, I mean immediate, adopter of his part. (Bonus! Pinnacle of AW little guy!!! Oh he’s a little bit fucked up actually..)
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Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
Carries this team on his fuckin’ wings. Good at everything. Set all the records when he was in training and no one’s touched them. Eldest sibling energy someone give him a break. If a situation could kill a normal human, Gaz might be mildly discommoded.
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John Price
Captain of Team 141, which Ghost, Soap, and Gaz are a part of. Keeps finding and adopting wildly competent soldiers/rebels/mercenaries as allies all over the world who would very literally die for him and they’re not wrong. Very protective of his kids allies. Could attack an army with a soggy corn chip and win. Team Dad. 
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Alejandro Vargas
Managing with grace and panache despite his job apparently requiring him to fight everyone within a 200km radius. A colonel in the Mexican special forces. Stressed, but make it hot. Gets to prep for disaster like the world is ending but unlike most preppers seems to be having a blast and it all comes in handy. Loves his team do NOT separate them. Does attack an army with a soggy corn chip and win.
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Rodolfo “Rudy” Parra
The only man on earth capable of being Alejandro’s second in command and exceed expectations. Incredibly good at everything. Much too well behaved and well mannered for this. Not high enough ranked to decide on problems, not low enough ranked for them to not be his problems. Someone help him.
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Phillip Graves
Commander of Shadow Company, a private military thing. Gets to live, laugh, love being a mercenary with a massive fucking armory and zero restrictions. Suspect he has the keys to his tiny southern USA hometown and his parents are embarrassingly proud of him. Energy of a Jack Russel Terrier in a world of squirrels.
How much more space do I have? There’s a lot more ground to cover. I’m missing way too many characters.
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Farah Ahmed Karim
Leader of the Urzikistan Liberation Force and a human shaped meteor. Price asks her for help and before he can hang up she kick slides in on a dirt bike with a machine gun and a squadron of fighters behind her. Coolest person in any room. Lots of stuff on her plate but seems really organized about it.
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Kate “Watcher” Lazwell
Their CIA connection. Buddies with Price like everyone else except she’s the wine aunt to Price’s Team dad. Has killed people with her bare hands and will kill again. Is married and adores her wife. Cares SO MUCH but manages to not be burned out by constant bullshit.
Ok so now we’re into the boys from the multiplayer part of the game and listen there are crumbs of canon content and a cake of fanon content.
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The man is 6′10″ tall and built better than most F150s. Wears the hood over his face because being taller than every standard doorway in Europe while dealing with heavy anxiety could be easier. Found confidence and comfort in getting really good at murder. Will go a little berserk, as a treat. Wanted to be a sniper but does not have the patience. ADHD icon. Fanon knows in their heart he can be categorized as a sopping wet man who needs a forehead kiss and a grilled cheese cut diagonal.
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Kim "Horangi" Hong-jin 🐯 
Joined the military to escape gambling debts then found out he’s actually really good at being in the military. Knows about pop culture phenomena first, cool about it when you finally catch on. Fighting unspecified inner demons. No one knows why he wears a mask but fanon assumes he has delicious scars.
(Bonus! His actor, Nick Martineau, is a menace!)
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So there’s a lot more but, listen, look at me, ok? Look at me. I am holding your face in my cupped hands. I am looking into your eyes. I am speaking so earnestly. Listen, I am so not normal about this ok? Please message me if you want to know anything else. I will be so stoked.
Genuinely, it was really fun to watch a bunch of lets plays and find it went from surprisingly good to actually good to oh I’m INVESTED invested in this. Replay/rewatch value is high, and there’s plenty of neat things that work well, good fridge horror, and a lot of the game runs on the characters just really liking each other. A central pillar of the story line is that Ghost makes a friend =) and that saves the day. Which is nice. There’s plenty more in the game to talk about but this is just what I’m taking away to share for now.
Ok thanks for asking, I hope some of this was helpful!
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levmada · 2 years
hihiiii!!! ^^ I’m here to submit a request for your event! (I am irrevocably inlove with your writing and blog overall) ahem anyway
I’ll take Levi as the character! ,,
the starter: “No, it’s bad, but I’m. Like. I’m fine. Just give me like, ten minutes.”
from the disassociation prompt list. For setting: college AU! Take this information as you will! Use your imagination.
congrats on your 1k milestone ! You deserve it and more ! ❤️❤️
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hahaha thank you so much!! i rly love how this one turned out :’)
content/warnings: descriptions of dissociation, college!au, hurt/comfort, implied loss of a parent
wc: ~.7k
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"Okay okay," you laugh. "Love you too, Mom. Bye."
You stuff your phone in your back pocket on your way to Levi's room of your dorm, and knock on the door. You know he hates it, almost as much as he hates to be rushed, but you never have to rush him to be on time for class in the first place.
"Lev'?" You put your ear to the door. "Are you ready?"
No response. You assumed after a call from Mom on Mother's Day of all days would give him enough time for him to be rushing you out the door, but no. Odd.
You frown. Could he be...
You try the knob, and it gives easily so you can let yourself into Levi's small, neat bedroom. You like to joke that it looks like a hospital room, his favorite color being white.
On the side of the bed, the mattress continuously creaks as he struggles with his shoelaces, balanced on his knee. You might as well be a ghost from the way he doesn't react, and hell, it's like he isn't even looking at his laces. His hands are trying, and failing, to do the task for him.
Your voice makes him falter slightly.
"Hold on," he mumbles, and ties. The result is a little sloppy, and with a frown, he pulls the knot loose again so the two strings hang loosely from his boot. "I can't get this..."
Then he sits back, rubbing his face with one hand. He curses.
You would recognize this un-Levi-like behavior anywhere. Right now, he isn't entirely in his head, but down deep, behind a wall, a screen, a cage. He calls it 'zoning out to an extreme', but you know better.
You step inside and say his name once more, but don't approach. It's the easiest thing in the world to overwhelm him when he's feeling this way.
"Is it bad this time?" you ask, loud enough to penetrate the static.
You frown. "Levi."
"No, it’s bad, but I’m. Like. I’m fine," he stammers; his voice is flat. "Just give me like, ten minutes.”
You make your voice light so he doesn't feel judged. "We don't have ten minutes."
Levi blinks, and looks around—you think for his phone.
In reality, you should've locked up the dorm ten minutes ago.
He blinks rapidly in recognition, then at you before he moves to stand.
"No. Here." You stop right in front of him and kneel so you can do up his shoelace. "Levi, baby, do you know who I am?"
"It's..." He sighs at the door, like he isn't entirely paying attention. "It's Mother's Day."
Your brow furrows. Levi has never talked about his mother before, or his parents in general... or his past. By the way he talks about it when it does come up, you're tempted think he just happened to drop out of the sky one day.
"Sweetie," you beckon. You take his hand, and give his skinny knuckles a kiss. "Tell me five things you can see."
His lips press, eyes shutting. "That's fucking stupid. Go... If you're late, then... Look, you're gonna be late, so, go."
You rise, and plop down beside him. "Tell me five things you can see."
Listlessly, his eyes scan around the room. "...You. The door, desk, my shoes..."
As you guide him through the coping mechanism, his gaze clears up some, and his voice gains some confidence. A weight lifts in you to know you're helping him.
Either way, you can tell something is pressing down hard on him, like something heavy anchoring him to the bottom of the sea. If he isn't disconnected from the hurt, he is hurting.
"I'm sorry," he tells you frankly, quietly. Since you had him point out four things he can touch, he has held your hand, but he pulls away now. "We're late as shit, right?"
You check your phone, and laugh a little hollowly. You've both missed half the class.
You nibble on your lip, thinking. "Wanna help me make some cookies? We have lemon."
Levi rubs his face. Reluctantly, "I'm—I'm sorry."
You won't ask him why. That can be saved for later, tomorrow, or even later than that. Today has been cruel to him.
"You have nothing to apologize for," you tell him gently, and kiss his cheek with reverence. "I want you with me, okay?"
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Hi there! What do you think about Chad/Bryce?
hello there!!
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS ASK????? probably my fav prep ship 100/10 recommend i love them aaaa lot
what made you ship it?
well, for starters. they're canon. and it was what kinda drew first my attention to them. then i started kind of observing them like little bugs in a jar (i say confidently, as a city guy who's never seen a bug outside of cockroaches) and... i slowly fell for them i guess.
also because i want you to figure. chad and bryce starting to get closer as of second chapter but then chad kind of freaks out bc bryce is not a girl (i hc them as nb personally btw) and. internalized homophobia. so he tries to go with lola who is in fact a girl and the girl everyone wants so she must be a girl he should like and bryce feeling so betrayed but then the thing with lola goes. the way it does. and chad slowly has to prove to bryce and to himself what he really feels. idk there's a lot of potential for angst there
2. what are your favorite things about the ship?
it's about the trust, babe!! also bc i think chad is the only one who knows about bryce's job and. they do not know how to act because we know how the preps' world is all about personal success at the expense of relationship right, and bryce is particularly convinced abt this, so chad could just give out their secret and ruin them. except that he... doesn't? instead keeps covering up, walking them home when the shift is over. bryce thinks they can really trust chad, when they hardly trust themself, and it scares them half to death.
and on the other hand chad, always struggling to understand what he was missing- maybe he should be more handsome? better at sports? learn to play music? chase after the right girls? be spoiled by his parents the way other preps are? so he always talks soo highly of himself in the hope to convince himself and everyone else that he's whole and valid. but then bryce come along and they are perfectly okay just with the way chad is and calls him a moron when chad insults himself as if he was perfect like this???
it's about learning that maybe you can allow yourself to trust and to be trusted and understanding how human connections beyond differences work y'know.
3. is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
this is actually tricky tbf, because i haven't seen a lot of them around- not zero, but still. we all seem to agree that they're great friends before being a couple and that works just fine. so, not really, i guess? but if anyone has any opinions, i'm all ears!!
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uncxntrxllable · 5 months
@wexarethewalkingxdead sent:
WRITING. - 7. What is your biggest insecurity in writing? CHARACTERS.- 5. Do you prefer magical or mundane characters, why? 7. Do you believe that characters can be redeemed? MULTI MUSE BLOGS. - 9. What’s the most difficult thing about being a multi muse blog? 10. What is one advice you wish you could give to multi muse blogs?
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What is your biggest insecurity in writing? My writing being out in the open for literally the entire world to read and judge me by, thus, me hoping my writing is good enough where people don't look at it and think it's awful. Actually, this used to be such a massive fear of mine that I refused to write on forums and on tumblr because I didn't want so many people just having access to my writing, I wanted things 1x1 in message-platform. Today? I'll likely never ever do message-platform writing again and I'm confident enough to be on here, BUT... That don't mean I don't still worry about it lolll
Do you prefer magical or mundane characters, why? MAGIC!!! My life is mundane, if I have to write it too, just yeet me into the sun. I want as much magic whatever as I can possibly get, I want everything to be totally unrealistic and crazy and non-human and non-normal life. You will literally never see me write a normal human character.
Do you believe that characters can be redeemed? It depends on the character. There are some characters in movies or tv shows that are literally so... So, horrible, that you just want them to be killed off. Like when their face shows up on the screen you're just like, ffs, someone kill this mf. So for those types of characters, no. For characters that are "villainous" for reasons, they have well-fleshed out backstories and all that, and you can just tell there's so much more to them than this bad shit they do, ya know? Especially those that you legit like waaayyy better than the "hero" "good guy" characters. Those guys? I'm rootin' for 'em.
What’s the most difficult thing about being a multi muse blog? Having a lot of muses but only wanting to / having a ton of muse to write one or two of them. I know a lot of people obviously follow for certain muses so, I feel bad when it's a muse that I have verryyy low writing motivation for. Not that I don't write replies as quickly as I am able to or anything like that, I don't yeet them under the bus or anything, it's just, I very much pick favorites when it comes to my muses and I can't help it.
What is one advice you wish you could give to multi muse blogs? Well, one thing I've told myself recently actually... And I love it so much?? Because it just works so well for myself and other people who follow me. I've changed my rules around and, if people don't specify my muse when they; like a starter / meme call or send me memes / questions in the ask box... That's my opportunity to just, choose whoever I want to write, and it makes it easier for people who want to just quickly throw some stuff my way without worrying about having to look at the muse list first and whatever, just, yeet, and I'll do what I want. If they ain't happy about the muse I've chosen to give them, that's 100% on them and if they knew they wouldn't be happy with certain muses be chosen, then they should have specified one, two or three names. I highly recommend it, to be honest, because I love it.
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