neick-hitlz · 3 days
𐙚 A little shake-up 𐙚
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capndragn94 · 24 hours
Bow: Sooo... How'd the camping trip with your old horde friends go?
Glimmer: Try to work in why Catra has a black eye when you tell us about it.
Adora: Ugh. We were in the middle of cooking dinner when someone made a TOTALLY INAPPROPRIATE joke, that Lonnie didn't care for.
Bow: She punched you over a joke?
Catra: For context you should know that Lonnie is in a polyamorous relationship with two dudes, and we were cooking dinner on a spit.
Bow: What does that-- OH MY GOSH! CATRA!
Glimmer: Ok, the punch was justified, but the joke was probably funny.
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Kyle: What are mlm and wlw? Double Trouble: Multi-level marketing and wulti-level warketing.
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ray4youknow · 1 day
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Complete the heart :) ❤️
!Tags open!
!those who aren't tagged can do it to!
@kenn-mccormick @southparkthenewkids @orionsp @everythingisnormalhere @lem-n-aid @spookyteeth @anishka3 @nirami-blogin
(!im not forcing anyone to do this btw!)
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bluecatarts · 21 hours
Kyle why do you want to go home so bad? Isn't it all basically destroyed and radiated?
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asknamelessquartet · 21 hours
Open ask for everyone- what hobbies do you all have and are ya'll good at them?
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thegnomelord · 1 month
Okay fuck after reading @killerkillerkillher 's fic with demon Soap and Price, and angel Ghost and Gaz, it got my own brain worms multiplying (as if I don't have enough going on lol) so here's the au draft that's been rotting for a while lol.
So here's an idea for an au:
Reader is part of a small group of friends that are Ghost hunters/DIY exorcists (read: They're all drop out college students and the ghost hunting youtube channel's putting food on the table). Reader doesn't believe in the supernatural but the friends keep reader around because you're the group's 'ghost deterrent' because spirits GTFO when reader's near and reader thinks the friends are just bullshitting you.
Anyway the group are moving to a bumfuck town in the middle of nowhere where an old haunted house the reader's grandmother left is. Then their pos car breaks down an hour away from town. 'Luckily' the town's mechanic, Johnny, was just driving by and helps you lot out. And ain't he a handsome devil (emphasis on devil) thinking he can con a couple of young and dumb humans out of their souls. Soap's all hooded eyes and husky voice as he lures you away like a lamb to a supply closet, oil darkened hands sliding under your shirt and lips sucking dark hickeys into your throat.
He pulls away when you tug on his mohawk, raising his head until his lips are just inches from your own and you don't even notice him mutter a verbal contract, nor do you understand you've agreed to one when his lips crash on yours like he's drowning.
And Johnny's grinning into the kiss like a loon as he tries to take the soul of the stupid but hot mortal he's just met only to find out he... he can't. No matter how consuming his kisses are or how aroused both of you get your soul sits stubbornly in your chest and doesn't even budge.
When your friend bangs on the door and yells for you to "stop shagging every guy you meet!" you're forced to give an awkward goodbye and scurry away. And Soap's left completely bewildered and confused as fuck wondering what just happened and thinks he needs to tell Price.
Meanwhile, while your car's being fixed up, your friends drag you to the town's only pub that's run by a Simon Riley. He's an intimidating man without trying to be, but he doesn't immediately chase you out like some bar owners. He's quiet, listening to your friends chatter while cleaning a glass rough scarred hands, but the way he looks at you is... odd. Like you're an interesting bauble he's found on his gran's shelf.
He's there to catch you when you trip on a raised floorboard you swear wasn't there before. "Thanks, I owe you one." You say with a small awkward laugh, though for some reason it feels like him catching you had been an excuse to touch you.
"That so?" His thumb traces the dark hickeys across your throat, surprisingly soft, and you can feel your cheeks getting hot. "You let Johnny have fun with you?" His chuckle is rich like aged wine, fingers gently pressing down on a hickey; it feels possessive. "You'd let any old thing like me take from you, yeah?" There's something in his words that has a shiver running down your spine, though from apprehension or arousal you're not sure.
"Ye- eh, yeah." You don't know which question you're agreeing with, and you understand the weight of your words, quickly walking away from him before your friends can embarrass you by wolf whistling at you and him. And you completely forget to ask on how he knows it was the mechanic who gave you the hickeys.
With still some time to burn before sun sets you decide to visit the radio station in town, mainly because your friend swears on his life that those are always haunted or have some decrepit old host that knows all the gossip in town. And when you meet the man you had heard softly yet confidently talking on the radio? He's handsome, pretty brown eyes as enticing as his voice, and you're starting to sense a theme with you meeting all these very nice looking men.
But Kyle, or Gaz as he asks you to call him, is a wealth of knowledge to the point you're not sure where the gossip stops and some crumb of truth begins. He talks all the way into the night with you and your gang of amateur ghost hunters, and you see why he is the radio host because his voice is like the song of angels, silk soft on your ears and you feel like you could fall into the best sleep of your life from listening to him.
And all he wants from you in return for his knowledge? "Nothing much mate, just a small favor, I'm sure you'll manage." Kyle leans in and pecks your lips like he's sealing a promise, or a bargain, but that's just you being stupid after getting kissed by the second hot guy today, surely. Gaz already knows he can't just nab your soul, he has ears in every wall in this town, but at least he can put his own claim on you.
Day, for the most part, well spent you and your friends go to the house for a good night's rest. It isn't any good as you're woken up numerous times and by morning you have several broken vases and an exploded lightbulb — everything you explain away as the house being old as fuck, but your friends claim it to be the work of spirits — your friends drag you to the church on the hill at the asscrack of dawn.
And that's how you meet Father Johnathan Price. (Insert devil in church joke here)
He listens to your friends explain the situation, calm and collected, but you swear his eyes stay on you the entire time. "That's quite a predicament." Price hums, offering to bless you and your friends in hopes of protecting you from evil spirits.
You're the last to go, nearly jumping out of your skin when he grips your chin. "Relax my boy." Those words frazzle your brain enough for him to easily pull on your jaw until your mouth opens, his thumb almost playing with your bottom lip. The look in his eyes is dark, the air between you far heavier than it should be between you and a bloody priest. But Price doesn't see anything wrong with this, pressing a thumb down on your tongue and then putting a wafer on your tongue. "There you go, you are now blessed in the name of a lord. Now consume it, my boy."
You obey automatically. You're not quite sure if a communion wafer is supposed to taste so... weird, it has a coppery and peppery taste to it. Almost like spicy blood or something but that's just you being stupid again, especially as you can feel heat burning between your legs.
Sufficiently embarrassed about getting hard at a priest you give an awkward goodbye and leave, trying to fix your pants before your friends see your... problem.
Johnny appears by Price's side in a small flicker of flames and brimstone when you leave, confident smirk on his face. "Ooh, couldn't resist claiming a piece of him fer yourself?" He smirks, nudging Price on his side.
"I suppose he is more interesting than the usual rabble." Price hums, already imagining of how handsome you'd look laying naked on the altar, and how to get you to that point.
Congrats! Now you've got 4 hot dudes trying to take your soul :D
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stuckinfourthgrade · 1 year
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This past week we premiered Season 26, Episode 1, Cupid Ye! Here are some dancing poses based on The Pretty Girl Walk tiktok trend done by Keo, George, Greg, and Angie. Here is the ultra cute(and ultra creepy) cutie face filter on Kyle and Tolkien done by Shaina. 
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chlorineated · 4 months
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I accidentaly duplicated my last post lol
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hibiscuit-rose · 2 months
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season 3 screencaps redraws! distorted catra is kinda..
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stancsh · 7 months
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it’s his day
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chaosandmarigolds · 8 days
Before we begin. I would like to remind you all that Caleb is a fictional character, he cannot be hurt- but so is Simon Riley so do with that information what you will :)
Johnny clears his throat before speaking, the commotion of the station loud through the phone, “Ya n the missus still in th’ country?”
To that Kyle frowned, moving carry on bag to sit down on the chair, “We’re just gettin back from Las Vegas, Becca got-“
“Ollie is gone.”
well. That sent a shock through his system, with a quick straighten of the posture Kyle speaks again, “An’ Simon doesn’t-“
“Some bullshit happenin’ makin it look like he helped his girl with kidnappin em from da dad, dad’s takin em …”a breath, “Si doesn’t know Ollie is gone yet. He’s been in questionin for five hours kno.”
Kyle looks down at his boots for a moment, meanwhile his wife gives him a confused stare, “Jesus- fuck, you need me?”
“I dunnae ye. Probably, ya got a ETA?”
Kyle shrugged and then looks at Rebecca, who had her luggage stolen so they were waiting on the security to do their work. “Si’s kid is missin.”
She stares up at him in disbelief for a moment, “How?”
“Bio-dad bullshit.” Kyle puts the phone to his ear again, “Hows Cap holding up?”
“Pissed off. But we all are.”
“Ya seen LT yet?”
“Nah, got her’ two hours go.”
If he were being honest, he wanted to simply take the gun and shoot the detective- it would finally make that man shut his mouth. However, Simon was showing self restraint, yet that task grew harder with each moment. So as he sat in the empty room, he was mainly focusing on keeping his breathing even, and temper in check.
About ten minutes went by before someone came to let him go, and to no one surprise Price was behind the door with the officer.
“I need you to be-“
“Where’s Ollie? Where is she?”
Price tried to keep his expression neutral, “Caleb had temporary rights-“
“The fuck does that mean? Where is MY SON?” Okay, so temper wasn’t in check but he was doing his best.
“He’s going to Las Vegas.”
Rebecca sipped her coffee as she sat in the airport lounge, after talking the security and as Kyle gave out the description of the small boy. She was currently going through Caleb’s social media, as someone had gone through a lot of trouble to edit photos where Simon had been in and replace them with himself, somehow editing the timestamps as well. Which was funny, because normally she was the phone taking the family photos.
With a frown she turns her phone over and looks around the bustling airport.
That’s when she spots Caleb. Hoodie pulled up to cover his face and quickly walking through the terminals.
Some part of her knew she needed to tell Kyle, and to not rush after him. And she knew he probably could’ve over powered her/ but it was so easy to just use that book she had grabbed as she went after him to take him down.
He probably could’ve thrown her off but instead he let her pin him down, panicked eyes and heaved breathing. “I swear! I didn’t- it wasn’t my idea! They-I owed the em money! I had to!”
“Where is Oliver?”
“They had me hand him off-off to some lady! I don’t know! Russian, tall, I don’t know!”
Rebecca looks down at him, her heart beginning to race as the security began to come over and to grab them, and she slowly turned as Kyle pulls her away. “I don’t…I don’t think is about Ollie. I don’t think this is about him at all.”
Ollie stares at the ground of the small plane, having a cup of water and a little baggie of goldfish in front of him. His eyes red with tears.
“Oh, come now little man, eat up. Get strong.” The woman coax’s, her voice muffled by the accent but her smile sweet, “Your father does not want to see you hurt.”
“I wanna go home.”
“I know. But you cannot go right now, your father- he owes us a debt.”
Tee…tee hee 🤍🤍
(Am I getting carried away? Yes obviously. But I am having too much fun to stop)
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thevestigeofvanillaan · 11 months
OKAYYY whenever you write kyle and he’s like covering readers mouth and trying to keep her quiet so his parents don’t hear oh my god? it makes me feel things??? fuckin on the floor so there’s less noise EEEE (not sure what that says about me…) but can we get a kyle oneshot/hcs/ANYTHING based on that🫶 i love your work sm
aw thank youu :)❤
Kyle Broflovski "Be Quiet" Headcanons.
"nah the bed springs will wake the kids up" before you even know what's happening. then you find yourself on the floor in front of the mirror as your husband just ruthlessly fucks into you from behind.
he's so dirty. going to your childhood home to say hello to your parents and he drags you up to your old bedroom to "bring back old memories from when we fucked for the first time"
even when you guys were younger. when he was on the basketball team senior year and after the games he'd sneak you into the boys locker room so he could get a piece of that ass that looks oh so good in that cheerleading skirt.
"mama" he'd text you while at dinner with your friends. "what?" "meet me in the bathroom in 2" and two minutes later he's fucking you on the sink with his hand over your mouth so nobody can hear. which the texting thing was almost useless when you went back to the table looking wreck and stan says "soo.." with a smirk.
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taikk0 · 1 year
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some drawings make me realize that i have the power to make whatever i want real
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ripleycano · 2 months
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This is what Joey sounded like in TIOL
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