#[His Beloved Children]
petitemelusine · 1 year
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bruciemilf · 3 months
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Dad! Harvey and baby Jason wip!!!
Don’t :) Upset :) the baby :) mkay?
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palskippah · 6 months
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Hi! Some human koopalings c:
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fluffs-n-stuffs · 8 months
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Thinking about Terapagos' beef with Amethio tonight
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tiistirtipii · 8 months
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Only Friends + Textposts part 10/?
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moeblob · 3 months
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New farmer (for 1.6 update reasons).
His name is Death and he's really death. He's pretty quiet and just wants to live in peace with his chickens. Tries to interact with the town as little as possible but is really curious about them and how they live and is super satisfied to simply watch them - but as the new person it seems no one wants to let that happen.
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ooowyn · 1 year
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hey remember that time in owk where the old man took a nap. yeah me neither
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the interior-design fanatic in me would love to know the layout of wayne manor. like where are the family bedrooms? how close are all of their bedrooms to each other? where’s the kitchen? the living room? are there multiple living rooms? wheres the motherfucking library?? are there other white house-esque amenities like a movie theater or bowling alley? swimming pool?? these are essential questions people! i just need someone to draw a layout like those apartment layouts like below:
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aromanticannibal · 1 month
dadzawa situation where hitoshi does something profoundly reckless and stupid and almost gets killed and he realizes how deeply he's fucked up when aizawa starts calling him shit like sweetheart and baby because he's just fully about to have a full blown breakdown over it and is just talking to him like he's eri
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petrichorium · 10 months
pluvi begging you to expand on gojo not wanting what happened to his mother to happen to you 🙏
warnings: it’s all a dream so nothing is real aside from the flashback stuff but pregnancy as horror, (sewing) needles, implied gore/eye trauma, implied child harm, gojo is messed up yo!!! and its bc of his mama!!!
he dreams about her.
it’s an odd thing, really. gojo isn’t much of a dreamer—not much of a sleeper, all things considered, but it’s difficult not to give in when you drag him to bed and curl up in his arms. the soft rise and fall of your chest, the steady thump of your heart, the sound of your breath; it soothes him into slumber.
and he dreams about her. she was always young. he’s older now than she ever got to be. frail, thin; borderline skeletal, robes hanging from her body like webbing. she sits in a chair facing a window, swathed in moonlight, the silver of her embroidery needle glinting with each stab. her face is veiled. her stomach is swollen with child.
she doesn’t turn to him, but she beckons without noise. his feet take him easily to her, and he kneels at her side as she sets aside the embroidery hoop to let him place his head on her knees.
her hand is cold as it threads through his hair. it’s gentle, at first. then harsher a moment later. she grips firm, tugs him up by those electric white threads, stares down at him through all that elaborate lace.
he imagines she’s weeping beneath it. his mother never wept before him, but she was pretty in the aftermath, eyes puffy and pink and shining. they were a cold kind of loving when they regarded him. she must have been beautiful once, elegant and lithe and willowy, cruel like the heartless sea and sharp like a brilliant diamond, but whatever was there is long gone. he thinks all sons must empty their mothers, bleed them dry from within, because his was always a shell.
she trails her hand down the side of his face, and he turns into the palm and closes his eyes, and she is silent as she sets down her embroidery to lift her veil. she is silent and hollow and eidolic as her fingers brush down his jaw and tilt his head up to look at her.
but it’s your face that he sees when he opens his eyes.
it’s your hand against his cheek, your eyes pink and puffy and pretty, your stomach bulging by his own doing. it’s your fingers that pluck up the needle, still attached to a thread of brilliant cerulean, and raise it to his eye.
his mother never was able to pierce him with that needle. she stopped herself, each and every time, dropping it and tugging him close in shame. she never doted, never was kind, but she never did manage to harm him.
you do. he lets you. it’s only fair. whatever thing is in your stomach can’t be human—whether god or demon what does it matter, at the end of the day—and didn’t he put it in you himself? if his mother never got the satisfaction of spilling his blood, shouldn’t you?
but he wakes just as the tip pierces his iris, and you hold him in your lap, eyes wide with concern and not puffy from weeping, and you hold no child within you. your hands thread through his hair and they’re warm, your lips plush when you bend to press a kiss to his brow.
he turns inward to press his face into your (empty, blissfully vacant) abdomen. the wetness he leaves there, falling from his so very coveted eyes, is colorless.
he thinks it ought to be brilliant crimson.
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tyttamarzh · 2 months
"It's to protect them… it's to protect them…"
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I'm a little busy, but I made this quick because I can't stop thinking about Missa away from his sweet, warm home, missing his family, alone, curled up on the floor of the hole where he hid, in the dark, crying, shaking with cold and fear, hoping not to be found by that demon he thought was his friend… dreaming of Philza's soft touch… wishing he could hug him again… just… I can't, I'm not that strong… Just think about how he wish his children are safe… just think how he remain like this until CC Missa, log in again (which could be tomorrow or in two months)… I can't… my poor baby…
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milkymooshi · 1 month
RIP Oswald Cobblepot from the hit DC Fox drama Gotham…you would’ve loved snatching products from Sephora 10 year olds 😔😔😔
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mxntjam · 1 year
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Pizza Tower Doodles I’ve made a couple weeks ago.
They were really fun to draw. But also please know I do not condone the creators actions and hope they will resolve it anytime sooner or later.
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always-a-king-or-queen · 10 months
there are literally so many reasons why we don't need a third Narnia adaptation
first of all, while they might not be the most accurate, the Disney movies are actually so good and, in my opinion, still manage to capture the heart and soul of the series and what it's truly about. The characters are each perfectly portrayed; the Pevensies act like actual siblings and yet love each other dearly and would die for each other even through all the petty arguments; the music creates perfect atmosphere and emotion and never fails to make me tear up or get shivers down my spine; and the CGI is honestly just absolutely stunning.
I really do not feel like we need another adaptation by Netflix.
Especially not through Netflix.
Netflix has already been known to mess up so many shows and movies by completely changing the source material or adding in unnecessary things that completely take away from the purpose of the story. I can already see them warping Narnia into something that barely even resembles the books, that strips it of its purpose and simply makes it about a fantasy world, nothing more. I've already seen posts saying that the new movies just can't end the way the books end, that heaven must be explained away, that Susan never forgets and falls down a dark path, that the faith aspect must be taken out so as not to offend new viewers.
Here's the thing.
If you take faith out of Narnia, you remove the very heart of the series. you remove the entire purpose. Because Narnia is entirely about faith, and trust, and Someone greater than yourself who sacrifices everything to save your own traitorous soul. the Disney movies did not shy away from portraying this faith as openly as possible. if anyone was offended, I've never seen proof. I have seen many nonbelievers talk about how much they were affected by Aslan's death, which goes to show that you simply don't have to be Christian to understand what Narnia is about, and to love and enjoy it.
So if these new remakes remove the faith aspect, then what is the point? four siblings go to a magical land and save it from a witch and befriend a talking lion with nothing special about him and live there as kings and queens and return home and live happily ever after? there is no sacrifice, there is no "he's not tame, but he is good," there is no creation, there is no redemption, there is no last battle, there is no "in your world, I have another name", there is no sister straying down a dark path because she has forgotten how to hope, and then returning because her story is unfinished and the road to heaven is paved with flowers that symbolize her name.
so then, what are you left with? Aslan is just a talking lion, nothing more. the stone table never cracks, the sun never rises. "That by knowing me here for a little, you may know me better there" is forgotten entirely, because why would Aslan exist in our world if he is merely a talking lion in Narnia? Aslan's country is changed to be something else, and there is nothing about how Aslan suddenly no longer looks like a lion, and how the things that happened after are more great and beautiful than can be described. Edmund's life is never threatened because of his traitorous deeds; Aslan never offers his own life in place of a guilty boy, is never killed, is never resurrected.
the very core of Narnia is removed, and what you are left with is emptiness.
sure, it might make for a good fantasy story nonetheless. you might still have sweeping views and epic music and an intriguing plotline, but something will always feel like it is missing. like there is an empty hole, desperately needing to be filled.
of course, I don't know that all of that will happen; it's just speculation at this point. But I am fairly sure that it is safe to predict these upcoming movies as such. I highly doubt the producers will want to include the faith that shapes Narnia, because according to them, having a faith aspect means less viewers since too many people would be offended.
but if only they would look at the already wonderful existing adaptations, they would know that is simply not the case.
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s0ckh3adstudios · 8 months
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Been seeing pawno circulating for a while now. What a funky lil menace. Have a doodle
THIS GOT A GOOD GIGGLING OUT OF ME I WON'T LIE THIS IS SO FUNNY. you step foot near father you untrustworthy jester? you die for your crimes
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diamondsheep · 1 year
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Polaroid (kinda?) version :
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