#> goes to a dermatologist once.
mummer · 2 years
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fully kill your self
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raeofgayshine · 1 year
Today was a supremely crappy day, so I ordered myself an early birthday present (by like two weeks but still) and it should come right around my actual birthday, and I was going to do it anyways after I got birthday money but you know
Kind of just been a crappy little while, I’ve been working on my gender playlist to help and since I have a feeling I’ll be under my weighted blanket most of tomorrow maybe I’ll post the current version of it. Might even explain some of the songs if I feel up to it.
Anyways doctors fucking suck and I already knew this but being told over and over there’s nothing actually wrong really fucking wears on me. Maybe if we just stopped trying to diagnose me for something I don’t fit and look at the whole picture… but that would make sense wouldn’t it?
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
Femme Fatale Guide: Products & Services Worth The Splurge
A great couple of bras in black/nude (your best skin-toned shade)
Comfortable, breathable, and seamless underwear
Outerwear (Coats, jackets, blazers)
The perfect pair of jeans
An LBD that works from day to night
Comfortable, sturdy, sleek, and timeless footwear (a versatile black boot, a black heel, white sneaker, and a black flat/loafer/sandal)
A timeless and versatile crossbody or shoulder bag (a larger one for the daytime/work or school and a smaller one for nighttime/events)
One or two well-made classic jewelry item(s)
A conversation-starting item or accessory
Any skincare/skin cosmetic products that are game-changers for you
A quality hair brush, comb, and hair towel
Your signature scent
A quality razor/hair removal product
Vitamin C/Retinol serums
Reliable hair tools and sturdy nail tools
A quality hair heat protectant/scalp cleansing or conditioning spray
Makeup brushes and beauty tool cleaners
Couch/desk chair
Everything for your bed: Bed frame, mattress/sheets/pillows, etc.
Dishwasher-safe and microwave-safe dishes & cups you love
A full-length mirror
Storage solutions/cedar blocks or moth balls
Quality holders for everything: Paper towels, shower storage, hooks, mailbox/key bowls
Name brand paper products/household cleaners
Electric toothbrush & Waterpik
Sound-proof headphones/Airpods
MacBook Air
Health & Wellness:
High-quality lettuce and/or sprouts
Organic frozen fruits and vegetables (if fresh is too pricey)
BPA-free canned goods
Potassium bromate & glyphosate-free grain products
Snacks free of artificial colors
Quality coffee
An at-home massage tool/heating pad
Fur products for skin/hair removal
Vitamin C/Retinol serums
Quality running shoes
Anything that goes near your vulva or into the vagina: Sex toys, lube, condoms, toy cleaners, pads/tampons/menstrual cups, cleansing wipes, etc.
A yoga mat, resistance band, and a pair of small ankle weights
Spotify subscription
Books and audiobooks
A top-tier haircut
House cleaning (even if it's only once every couple of months)
Top-tier hair removal/brow maintenance services of your choice
Best doctors, dentists, OB/GYN, and dermatologists you can get
At least one personal training/styling session in your life
Ownership of the domain for your full legal/professional name and/or business name
A CPA/bookkeeper/fiduciary financial advisor
Automation workflow/content management system software
A lawyer for contract review/LLC services
Personalized stationery/"Thank You" cards
Memorable client gifting for the holidays/milestone successes
Niche skill-based certifications (Google, AWS, Hubspot, etc.) or courses made by trusted professionals in your field
Subscriptions in world-leading and industry-authority digital publications
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saturnbellfromhell · 9 months
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Hello my lovlies, welcome back to a new post! I wanted to come back with something easy and fresh for the beginning of the colder season, since I'm guilty for not taking care of my skin in the fall as much as I am in the summer time. So I want to make a quick post about skincare once again. If you have any questions leave then bellow, I always anwser! With that being said let's get into the post shall we?
I'm am not a certified dermatologist/cosmetologist, I highly advise to go to one if your having a hard time with your skin! With that being said, let's get into the post. 🕊
Now I know in the first post I talked about skincare cycling and how that can help to stay on track and it's also very beginner friendly to understand the process and the products that go together. But as time goes and you get into skincare you'll soon realize how good it is to monitor and understand your skin. Some days it will be very dry and patchy and some days it will be immensely oily and clogged. That's why I always recommend having two sets of skincare for different occasions. I work in an environment where my face gets dry patches after a few days, so on those nights I reach for my soothing cleanser and heavier moisturizer. If you're forgetful like me, you can also put an alarm in your calender for monitoring, this also helps me out on those busy weeks.
I know many people who don't change their towels, wash cloths after a few days and I'm not saying you're dirty for that, I'm just suggesting you should try changing them everyday. I have 7 wash clothes, which I use once a day (morning and night) and I clean all of them together only with my sheets on the highest temperature. I also stopped washing them with softener, since this can lead to build up over time. If you're worried they will seem stiff, add some white vinegar, they fluff up towels real nice! I advise all my closest friends with acne prone skin to try this out or just use boxed tissues, even though this can be a little pricey and not eco friendly. Not a fan of makeup remover wipes anyway... to add on to this make sure to buy products with pumps so you don't scoop your hands into the product, even if they've been cleaned. Old skin, dust particles and such can get into the product.
I know you've heard people say this a million times, but is really is the case, especially if you have reactive/sensitive skin. Stop using exfoliating products more than twice a week. What this can do is a plethora of bad things. From stripping all the natural oils from your skin to dehydrating it, to making it more sensitive than it was before. Patience is the key here.
When talking about patience, the first thing that pops up in my head is retinol, because o boy do you need a lot of patience for this. It can seem very intimidating at first but if you stick with simple steps the purging will not be so bad. Retinol makes skin cells turn over faster, by doing so when you start using it, it will push out more dirt than usual. This is the reason people stop using it. They payed so much for this product and now they have to look at a million blemishes popping out of nowhere. Our skin doesn't like big changes and retinol is a big shock to our skin from the start. So I advise in the beginning doing it once a week. I used to have retinol Sundays and yes I did purge, but not so much I had to stop. A pimple or two a week I would say, and with that I would just put pimple patches on them and it would resolve the issue.
Rules for retinol:
1. Never use retinol in the morning, it degrades in the sun. So you're throwing your money down the drain.
2. Don't mix it with vitamin C, salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide. Yes you can have a skin day where you exfoliate with salicylic acid, but than have a recovery day after. In the same day, I wouldn't recommend it for the majority of people.
3. Never use more than a pea sized amount for a long period of time. Your skin needs to get used to the dosage.
4. I know the "sandwich" method is really popular right now with retinols, but I advise the old fashioned route. Sandwithing is putting a moisturizer before and after a retinol. I like to use a heavy moisturizer after the retinol and that's it. Even if you have acne prone skin, a heavier cream is necessary beacuse retinols dry out skin.
5. Don't apply to damp skin. Even though it may seem like a logical step, it does more damage than good. When applying a retinol to damp skin it penetrates deeper. So this can be quite irritating for your skin.
6. Don't forget the neck area and also your hands!
7. In the beginning do it only once a week and than after a month/two crank it up to twice a week. Really monitor your skin when cranking up the volume of retinol to see if you need to still hold back. Please please please dont rush this step. It's better to hold back a week or two than rushing.
8. Invest in a good sunscreen after getting into retinol and apply it every morning, reapplying every 2-3 hours when doing outdoor activities. If you work only indoor apply in the morning and the moment you exit your work place...that'll do it.
For the longest time I didn't invest in some sort of good sunscreen, I have no idea why to be honest with. I guess I was just lazy to be honest. Sunscreen is the most important item to have in your skincare bag. All this money can be spent on creams, toners, moisturizers, retinols and so on...but it means nothing when you don't have UV protection for your skin.
Many think if they have an oily face that they can moisterize less or even not at all. The trick is to find a cream/moisturizer that is not heavy or that clogs your pores. Most of the time you will damage and cause even more blackheads/whiteheads if you don't moisturize because your skin will increase your sebum production. More is more, try out toners as well for amazing hydration!
Also be sure to know that there are 2 types of sunscreen: chemical and mineral.
🖤 Chemical Suncscreens absorb UV rays, acting like a sponge. It's better for oily/acne prone skin because they are lighter than mineral one's. With this being said if you break out easily, you can also try chemical sunscreens. Chemical sunscreens have ingredients like OXYBENZONE, AVOBENZONE and OCTOCRYLENE.
🖤 Minereal Sunscreens reflect UV rays of the skin, they are more suited for babies, sensitive skin and also pregnant women! The ingredients that are in minereal sunscreens are ZINC OXIDE AND TITANIUM DIOXIDE.
I struggled with this a lot, not even going to lie. When the whole world is just throwing so many products at your face and you just don't know where to begin. What chemicals go together, what is better in the day time, what products should you spurge on etc... I had many problems in the beginning because I was introducing so much to my skin. So I'm going to give a few examples for a beginner skincare routine with some of my favorite products so you don't need to struggle. Also I go by the this too when I'm feeling lazy and don't want to put 10 products on my face.
For daytime I recommend just the simple cleanse, moisturize and spf. On to this later you can add hydrating toners, vitamin C, an essence like snail mucin, hyaluronic acid, niacinamide. All of these products can go together!
Double cleansing in my opinion is a must, even if you have sensitive skin. Start of with an oil based cleanser on DRY skin, message for a minute, rise and than apply a normal cleanser, massage for a minute and rinse again. The oil pulls out gunk from the pores. After that make sure your face is dry and than apply your started retinol followed up with a heavier moisturiser. To this routine later you can also add eyes creams, again essence/and or toners and spot treatments for acne/dark spots.
Even sensitive skin needs exfoliation at less once a week, but be careful to really keep this routine simple. Again double cleanse, only this time the first cleanser is an oil based and the second is a salicylic based cleanser. Follow that up with a very soothing cream. For deeper exfoliation later you can look into exfoliation masks (the ordinary has one with salicylic acid) or a clay mask. Or my personal fave on exfoliation night is aloe vera gel and snail mucin. Glycolic acid and lactic acid are also an exfoliating product.
Hope you enjoyed the post!
xoxo NK
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thaisibir · 1 year
the Phantom Thieves as medical specialties
disclaimer: I’m in the medical field, specifically anesthesiology, and I’ve worked in the ER/emergency medicine before pursuing anesthesia
Ren: emergency medicine -jack of all trades -the Swiss Army knife of medicine -can do everything from suturing cuts to reviving people from cardiac arrest -bikes to work -hits up the batting cages to decompress -has seen some real gnarly shit -can keep a cool head when someone comes in actively dying
Ann: dermatologist -has the bougie lifestyle that everyone in the medical field wants -no calls, no weekends, always living her best life -perpetual glowing complexion -knows a billion clinical terms to describe skin -knows the perfect skin care regimen for all her friends
Ryuji: PM&R (physical medicine and rehabilitation) -helps patients literally get back on their feet -knows all the therapies to correct gait and posture but his own posture is shit -always reminds his friends to stretch -knows every conceivable way the human body can break (mostly from personal experience) -almost went into orthopedic surgery but didn't want to do more school than he could take
Morgana: anesthesiologist (my field!) -makes you go to sleep -won't shut up about patient safety/advocacy ("watch your health!") -would sedate a combative uncooperative kid with a ketamine dart -expert at glaring at surgeons over the sterile drapes -would complain out loud if the medical student is chosen to close skin -more than happy to cancel cases and make surgeons throw a fit -crossword puzzles
Yusuke: pathologist -attention to detail, visually oriented -studies pretty slides all day -constantly mesmerized by the patterns in microscopic cells and tissues -always in search of the perfect beautiful specimen
Makoto: neurosurgeon -been in school/training forever -lives in the operating room -the queen of said operating room -in a profession that demands both physical stamina and immaculate precision -would stand for 10 hours straight correcting someone's spine with screws and rods -would make anesthesia stick an IV in her arm and hydrate her with an IV bag so she can keep operating (yes I've done this for a neurosurgeon once. She was pregnant too. Neurosurgeons don't fuck around.) -appointed as chief of surgery and regrets it sometimes
Futaba: radiologist -rich in the dark -never sees sunlight -stares at the computer all the time -has to be dragged outside by her friends so she can get her daily vitamin D -knows her patients inside and out without speaking a word to them -goes ham on trying out the latest medical tech -hangs up (generic) CT scans and X-ray images in her room for the aesthetic
Haru: pediatrician -wears cute cartoon badge holders -also wears cheery pastel-colored scrubs -keeps calm and polite even before the most anal unreasonable parents -can soothe any crying baby in seconds -very sharp eye for catching signs of child abuse -would rather take the lower salary working with kids than dealing with adults
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skin-care-news · 6 months
8 Skincare Hacks a Dermatologist Recommended for Winter Radiance
As the winter chill sets in, our skin often undergoes various challenges that can leave it feeling dry, dull, and irritated. To combat these seasonal skincare woes, I recently had the privilege of consulting a dermatologist who shared invaluable tips to keep skin healthy and radiant during the colder months. Here are eight expert-approved skincare hacks to incorporate into your winter routine.
Hydration is Key: One of the fundamental principles emphasized by the dermatologist was the importance of hydration. Cold weather, indoor heating, and hot showers can strip the skin of its natural moisture. Combat this by incorporating a rich, hydrating moisturizer into your daily routine. Look for ingredients like hyaluronic acid and glycerin to lock in moisture and keep your skin supple.
Gentle Cleansing: Avoid harsh cleansers that can further dry out your skin. Opt for a gentle, hydrating cleanser that effectively removes impurities without compromising your skin's natural barrier. Consider cleansing your face with lukewarm water to prevent excessive drying.
Humidify Your Space: Combat the dry indoor air caused by heaters by using a humidifier in your living space. This simple addition helps maintain optimal moisture levels in the air, preventing your skin from becoming overly dry.
Protective Layers: Don't skimp on sunscreen just because it's winter. Harmful UV rays are still present, and snow can reflect sunlight, intensifying its effects. Choose a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30 and apply it to exposed areas, including your face, neck, and hands.
Exfoliate Wisely: Exfoliation is essential to slough off dead skin cells and encourage cell turnover, but too much can exacerbate winter dryness. Opt for a gentle exfoliant with ingredients like alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) or beta hydroxy acids (BHAs) once or twice a week to maintain a healthy glow.
Lip Care: Chapped lips are a common winter woe. Combat this by using a nourishing lip balm containing ingredients such as shea butter, beeswax, or coconut oil. Apply it regularly to keep your lips soft and hydrated.
Invest in a Night Cream: Nighttime is when the skin undergoes repair and regeneration. Enhance this process by using a richer night cream during the winter months. Look for formulations with ingredients like retinol, peptides, or ceramides to promote overnight rejuvenation.
Stay Hydrated from Within: Hydrating your skin goes beyond topical treatments. Ensure you're drinking an adequate amount of water throughout the day to maintain overall skin health. Herbal teas and water-rich fruits and vegetables can also contribute to your hydration levels.
As winter brings its unique challenges to skincare, implementing these dermatologist-approved hacks can help you achieve a radiant complexion despite the harsh weather conditions. Remember, a consistent and thoughtful skincare routine is the key to keeping your skin healthy and glowing throughout the winter months.
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pinkhairswagtourney · 1 month
a lot of people have been asking for specifics about where any money i receive goes , so i thought i would post this breakdown
i see several doctors for a myriad of issues . each appointment copay costs $20 , and in the next few weeks i have SIX appointments ( dermatologist , psychologist , psychiatrist , gynocologist , endocrinologist , and my general practitioner ) which is gonna add up to $120 .
i also have medication + supplies that i absolutely need to function . this includes my rapid release and extended release insulin , my glucose test strips and needles , and metformin , which totals $67 . my doctors have also put me on ozempic , i’m not sure if it’s something i “need” to function but i have seen positive improvements in my blood sugar and weight loss in the month i've been taking it . it costs $40 . this is not even accounting for groceries , most of which are perishables because of the diet my endocrinologist has put me on . on low-pain days when i can make the trip to the store , it’s at least $40 for a week of food . if it’s a high-pain day and i’m out of food , the cost of grocery delivery easily tacks on another $20 .
gas has been fluctuating a lot lately but stays around $3 / gallon in my area . it costs ~$36 to fill my tank about once a week . i also have a $90 car insurance payment due once a month . 
all in all , my expenses for the next month are going to be around $520 - $600 JUST TO SURVIVE . the absolute bare minimum , not accounting for any emergencies or inconveniences that might pop up
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geonppangi · 1 year
zb1’s skincare routines
shanbin and zhang hao
THE husbands!!
i feel like they would have both had pretty intricate skincare routines and then exchanged stuff until at some point they just straight up share the same products
they definitely do the basics, cleanser, toner, moisturizer, and sunscreen
we know that shanbin also has those vitamins that he takes so i also see him taking collagen and vitamin c supplements
also some extras like retinol, serums, essence, oil cleansers, aha, bha, the list goes on
i think individually they know a lot about skincare and have perfected their routines and together they are just unstoppable
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also feel like they use sulwhasoo or beauty of joseon
my guess would be
oil cleanser
water based cleanser
chemical exfoliator (occasionally!)
serums (at night!)
sheet mask (at night!)
eye cream
sunscreen (in the morning!)
and supplements
seok matthew
i actually have no idea with him
he definitely doesn’t seem as invested as haobin
his older sister gives me major skincare vibes though (she’s so cool can she adopt me i’m canadian too)
i think he mostly just picks stuff up from her
i can see him getting a lot of the stuff that trends on tiktok
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like the snail mucin essence and sunscreen sticks
i feel like his skincare would be pretty light and gentle
an overall solid routine but he probably doesn’t know the details
my guess would be
makeup remover/micellular water
water based cleanser
pimple patch
sunscreen stick
ofc mr young and rich, tall and handsome probably has his own dermatologist who does weekly checkups and treatments
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probably has custom made skincare if he even needs it at this point
can he pls share of that with the other boys because some of them really need it…(we’ll get to them later)
my guess would be
oh boy
this is when things start going downhill
honestly i think he has a very basic but clean routine
probably doesn’t bother with any treatments or serums
i don’t see him doing anything that wouldn’t be daily so probably no exfoliating for him either
i feel like he would stick to one brand too just to make things simpler
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i’m thinking round lab
he’s probably done some research and it’s a very popular brand in korea
i can see him doing sheet masks too but more in a dog union sleepover animal face mask kind of way
pls why am i lowkey roasting him (T ^ T) in the 0% chance he reads this i’m sorry gunwook ily but you just don’t have that vibe pls tell me if i’m wrong though
my guess would be
foam cleanser (idk why gunwook feels very foam coded to me)
pimple patch
they don’t call him fashion taeraerist for nothing
i don’t think his skincare routine would be any better tbh
like i simply cannot imagine anything except for hand soap or the all-in-one soap and both options scare me
i feel like as a trainee and then an idol his routine has got to be better though
i hope he got forced to use actual products
probably ended up with drugstore stuff (T ^ T)
so um my optimistic? guess is
toner (maybe)
sunscreen (maybe)
same situation as taerae and gunwook but worse somehow
once again!!!!! i’m getting soap vibes from him
boy probably didn’t bring any skincare because we saw what his suitcase looked like
i’m not convinced he even uses skincare at this point (if that is the case i’m so jealous because how do i make my skin look like his)
either that or it’s super chaotic like the most illogical combination you’ve ever seen like only exfoliator and night cream
seems like the type to use skincare when there’s a problem if he even notices that there is a problem
alternatively there is this olay retinol spf moisturizer (my head hurts trying to think of the logistics of this) that i can see him using as his one and only skincare product
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finally breaking the curse
jiwoong gives me major vegan good for the environment vibes
i mean he doesn’t even eat snacks so
i feel like he’d like the dr. ceuracle vegan kombucha stuff
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also because he 100% drinks kombucha you can’t change my mind
i think his skincare routine is simple but well thought out! like haobin, he’s tried a lot of stuff out and has narrowed it down to the essentials
also probably uses de-aging stuff so he can be an immortal vampire
i can see him using those led face masks once in a while too
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it probably freaked the other boys out so much the first time they saw it LMAO
he probably also has the most lifestyle habits to help his skin
like changing his pillowcases frequently, using conditioner that won’t cause acne, staying hydrated, avoiding oily food, etc
he legit is what i aspire to be if i had the same willpower that he does
my guess would be
micellular water
gel cleanser (idk he feels gel coded to me)
serum sheet mask
eye cream
slugging (at night)
our wildcard yujin!!
i literally have no idea i’m so sorry
i feel like he would pick up skincare either from his mom or maybe one of the stylists from yuehua or boys planet?
would probably just take recommendations from people around him
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i’m feeling innisfree for him? might be because he sort of reminds me of wonyoung and ofc who can forget the iconic plump, glowing, hydration boost
my guess would be
water based cleanser
if you’ve made it this far, tysm for reading my random rambling! this is based off of no information except what i know about korean skincare and also what i thought the boys would be like based on their personalities. i couldn’t find bare faced photos for everybody or info on their actual routines but i’d love to find out! so if you know anything about that pls lmk!!
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chainofclovers · 1 month
go to the dermatologist!
Despite the grossness of my prior post, I did have a phenomenal medical care experience this very morning! I'm a very pale/burnable person and multiple friends (including two who experienced skin cancer, one in their early thirties and one in their early forties [thankfully both are totally healthy now]) have told me that I really shouldn't just rely on a quick check from my GP every so often but should get a full-body checkup at a dermatologist. (This goes for anyone of any race or skin tone--I mention how pale I am because I live in a place where I'm exposed to a lot of really intense sun.)
I finally made good on my promise to go to a dermatologist and I have to say, the one I found was probably the kindest, easiest to talk to, funniest health care provider I've ever seen in this city. (Like I was thinking that if I'd met her in a coffee shop or bar, I'd totally want to be her friend.)
I am lucky ("lucky") to have good insurance through my employer (access to quality health care should, of course, be a fundamental human right), and it was easier than I expected to find a derm in-network who is not a part of the big gross local healthcare monopoly that I'm trying to get away from using whenever I can.
After checking in, I was shown to an appointment room. Several floors above the parking lot, I undressed before a large window overlooking my former place of employment. Weird.
Once berobed, I answered a few follow-up questions based on the medical information I'd provided.
We made small talk while the doctor examined nearly every inch of my scalp, face, and body, ranging in topics from the delicious cuisines of a nearby city to professional occupations to the indignities of acne scarring from random pimples acquired in ones thirties to the reason I have a massive surgical scar on my abdomen! My skin and current moles/birthmarks/etc. were pronounced "boring." (YAY!)
I elected to pay $75 to have a "cosmetic procedure" done to zap away a skin tag (I'm so sorry you're reading the words "skin tag" right now but it's a thing people get!).
I'm fine! I will return in two years! And if I wasn't fine, I'd be under an amazing doctor's care.
(I really hope someone reads this and decides to get their own skin examined. It's the largest organ your body has! It's got you covered, so make sure you get it covered!)
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crashtestjeffy · 5 months
Woe is me...I am surrounded by...Fuckery!
My cat will only poop in his litter box if the litter is clean and pristine. If not he pulls out a small pile of littler beside the box and goes there. It's really fucking annoying to have to monitor his bathroom habits more than I already do.
And my daughter's math teacher has emailed me. My daughter has fallen so far behind that she is risking failing the course. It's not an advanced class, it's a practical math class. But she just doesn't do the damn assignments. She tells me she does, but there is no assignments being done. And now I have to play the heavy.
I have developed an all over itchy and redness that is unrelated to allergies or anything like that. My doctor says he is fairly certain it isn't any of my meds (I originally typed our meds...because the whole council is in on this) and it isn't soap or anything. So I got a referral to a dermatologist. But because of socialized medicine that will take 8 to 10 months. So in the meantime I am being prescribed a cream that is not covered by my disability. It cost me $307. Ridiculous!
And! And! And! I got no pickles! I am out of pickles!
I also got this weird juju today. January 19th has been in my head for no exact reason for about a month. It was like I had this date sircled in my goofy brain calendar. So like...Something is going to happen. Good? Bad? Nothing? I don't friggin' know!
Damn man I could go for a butter tart and a nice glass of cold, fresh milk.
Also I have dreamed about Tumblr people twice this week. Once I ran into one of you in a grocery store. And another one happened to be on a cross-country train trip with me and Ruby. Stay out of my dreams fuckos!
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upthewitchypunx · 3 months
I love that one of my friends sent me a text asking if I'm comfortable giving them a buzz cut because I seem like the kind of person who cut the hair of pink friends.
And they were right
Ian B used to shave and bleach his hair the first time we dated in the 90s and I used to cut his hair and s bunch of his friends hair. I still cut his hair and my hair.
I once had a magenta mohawk. Well, sort of. When I asked my ex husband to give me a Mohawk he shaved it off the back and I was so pissed. A Mohawk is a strip that goes from front to back. Who the fuck shaves the back? That's a faux-hawk.
Speaking of head shaving, I have a weird cyst growth thing on my head. I told my primary doctor I was fine with shaving my head if we need to because it's been awhile since I did that. She laughed and said she was referring me to a dermatologist so that I might not have to do that.
Dermatologists are punk, right?
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hypaalicious · 1 year
Shampoo types!
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… sorry, I guess I’m on a roll with the hair care stuff, NOW NOBODY CAN SHUT ME UP
So, there’s basically three categories of shampoo on the market.
Every day/general use shampoo
This is the vast majority of shampoos out there. They’re in drugstores, supermarkets, and all easily accessible places. Now, some of the quality will vary; Suave isn’t going to do what Olaplex does, for example. Some have humectants to draw water from the air into your hair, some help keep your dye job from fading as quickly, etc. But what they all have in common is that you can use them daily if you want with no adverse affect on your hair.
Clarifying shampoo
This is a shampoo that has a higher ph that is specifically used to strip your hair of anything undesirable. General use shampoos aren’t strong enough to do this. In my last post, I mentioned that if you use certain products, you will have to clarify your strands often in order to get moisture: this is what I mean. There’s types to remove product build up, some that remove chlorine from your hair after a swim in the pool, others that work to break down hard water deposits in your hair. These should be used sparingly.
Medicated shampoo
These shampoos are for scalp issues, like dandruff or very specific types of temporary hair loss. They contain very strong ingredients to target the problem you have, and should only be used as directed. But you shouldn’t be buying any unless recommended to by your dermatologist! Using medicated shampoos without knowing exactly what the issue is will cause you more problems down the road.
What CAN’T shampoo do?
Add volume to thin hair, have your hair grow faster, make your hair strand thicker, give you curls, eliminate frizz, mend split ends, seal moisture into your hair, add vitamins to your hair. Yeah, most advertising is straight up cap. 🥲
What should I avoid?
Drugstore shampoos generally aren’t the best; a lot of stylists will advise you to stick to salon-quality products. Yeah, they’re more expensive, but a little goes a long way!
Homemade concoctions also should be left alone; correct formulation is very important, and anybody doing psuedo-chemistry in their kitchen won’t really have an idea of how to do that. All-natural, “chemical free” labels are often just a marketing gimmick.
Shampoos really heavy in oils and butters also aren’t doing much but clogging your scalp. The softness you feel is just the residue from the product, not the real state of your hair. It will mask your problems for as long as you use it but leave your hair worse off than how it started, creating a cycle of dependence.
* I didn’t mention dry “shampoo” because it’s not actually shampoo. 😬 It doesn’t clean your hair, it’s just another product that needs to be washed out.
Once again, I’m sharing this in hopes that it helps folks! 🥺 There’s so much that I wish I knew years ago that I’ve just now learned thanks to some professionals spitting game. Demystifying hair care is the wave!
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kmp78 · 1 month
dear,you’re too late in too many things to be a model at 28: skin care daily treatment from day 1 to become perfect (models who had acne solved it because their agency paid for their dermatologist treatment since the day they started),-daily work out at the gym (she never goes to the gym as VK or Adelina or even her friends do!), strict diet (she ate garbage more than once not only during her Myanmar vacay), no excesses, very few parties and a lot of sleeping hours. VK and Adelina for instance have followed the path of real models since the very beginning and still do almost in everything. GTGTGT won’t go anywhere she is too old to start…
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Imagine a vain man like JL waking up to this...🫣
Imagine a vain man like JL asking this to take care of his morning stiffie. 🫣
I mean... 😬
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deathsmallcaps · 1 year
What kind of tans would the Batfam get during the summer?
Alfred: When he was young and in the service, Alfred got a nice tan on his legs, forearms and face. But that has mostly faded with age and inside work now. Extremely conscientious of the dangerous effect the sun has on skin, he now wears protective gear when gardening (which happens less and less as he grows older) and a healthy amount of sunscreen. However, he still vacations on beaches when he has the time, so he has a swimsuit tan.
Bruce: Sunscreens the fuck up. Can he tan? Slightly. Will he? No. He’s a little afraid of sunburn pains, and while his years of training have toughened up his skin, it’s not like he exactly WANTS to have rough skin. He got one (1) cancerous mole when with Ra’s Al Ghul and doesn’t want to tempt fate.
Selina: she was always a little sad she was never as tan as her mother, and so went through a phase where she went to tanning beds. She didn’t like the result, expense, or bluster from the doctor, however, and when one of her friends had a serious skin cancer scare, she quit. Still, Selina loves lounging by the pool in a bikini, and never puts on as much sunscreen that her loved ones would want her to apply. But as she’s largely nocturnal; and often wears a full body once piece, her tan is largely consistent but not a huge change from her look during the winter.
Dick: he always gets a nice golden brown, isn’t afraid of going swimming or sunning in *not much*, but is still conscientious of health and uses sunscreen and goes to the dermatologist regularly. He does have a bit of a sock tan though - he rolls them all the way up when wearing sneakers because he’s a dork.
Barbara: Lobster red burn, peel, back to pale with maybe some new freckles - repeat. She’s given up. She puts sunscreen on her scalp. She’s kind of jealous of Dick. Swears she once got a burn from the moon.
Jason: T shirt tan. All the way. Would have a red neck except he’s always wearing helmets. He sometimes wears a tank top outside enough that there is a 2nd level of tanning, but not too often. Also, he likes boots, so he doesn’t wear shorts and short socks often.
Cass: burnt herself a LOT during her early years as a free person. She loved the warmth and comfort of napping in the sun. She’s learned to be more careful, but you can still find her napping on roofs. As such, she develops a nice, healthy looking tan, but she sort of has the same tan outline as Jason - she doesn’t have a set outfit she usually wears, but it usually approximates a tshirt and varying lengths of pants. Her feet are brown though - she goes barefoot as much as possible.
Tim: Hasn’t ever tried for a tan really. He knew he was Supposed To wear sunscreen, and it’s one of the self care habits he didn’t really neglect. But he’s in the habit of wearing longer clothing anyway, so all that really regularly sees the sun is his hands and face.
Steph: a nice, athletic tan. She spends as much time outside as she can, often running. This originally stemmed from trying to be away from her house as much as possible, and grew to a true enjoyment. She sometimes jogs in a sports bra, so her midriff is a bit tan.
Damian: Damian doesn’t really see the point of tanning, as for most of his early childhood, he wore protective gear and/or worked in the literal shadows/inside like other sensible people who live in deserts. But he also values being outside, sometimes running with Stephanie, and finds Gotham to be too dreary to waste any sun he gets. So he tans quite nicely, though his lines seem to be a mix of Stephanie’s and Cassandra’s
Duke: Duke has a swim shorts tan. Ever since he was a kid, but especially since finding out about his light powers, Duke enjoys the light as much as possible. He also needs to keep up with the tans of people who DON’T spend many daylight hours in a supersuit. So while he does apply sunscreen, he especially applies it to the lower half of the face, as he’s afraid the difference in tone could be noticeable. Either it works or people really don’t care, as no one ever mentions it or uses it against him. Sometimes he’ll join Cassandra on a roof for a sunbeam nap.
Terry: Aesthetically not into tanning. He doesn’t avoid it exactly, but he definitely doesn’t go out of his way to get one. Occasionally gets sunburns when his forearms have been meaning by the car window for too long. Terry does not see the point of working on things like cars and machinery outside of perfectly good garages, thank you very much.
Matt: used to run from concerned adults with their sunscreen - not because he especially hated it, but because it took too long. He still hasn’t gotten into the habit, and so does the ol’ burn-then-tan thing very often. As such, he basically had a T-shirt tan.
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universitypenguin · 1 year
Hi Alice!! Hope you’re doing well and taking care of yourself 💜
I had some random thoughts pop in my head: what kind of music do u think Lloyd would listen to? Like what would he listen to running errands or working out
Another random thought: what’s his self care routine like? We all know how much our boy loves to pamper himself and keep his appearance up 😝 you don’t have to answer if u don’t want! I also just want to say I love your work and you have a gift for writing 💓💓 keep up the amazing work
Lloyd's self care routine beings with his skin. He's not particularly spendy in this department, but he always prioritizes his routine. Lloyd Hansen does not miss a day of skin care - ever. He uses Cetaphil for a cleanser because it's hypoallergenic. This is purely for practical purposes, since he goes through a lot of it. He washes his face every morning, again after his workout, and double cleanses with an oil, and then Cetaphil to rinse it off, at night.
With moisturizer, he's more picky. He likes the Blu Atlas because of the woodsy scent and their high quality ingredients. Unlike the cleanser, which is basically fancy soap, his moisturizer is going to stay on and permeate his skin for hours. So, this is where he spends his money. He uses an eye cream from Blu Atlas, and wishes he'd have started using it earlier.
Lloyd wears facial sunscreen every single day, and makes sure to reapply on the days he golfs. He keeps regular spray on sunscreen in the golf cart for the rest of his body.
He also uses a Niacinamide serum and vitamin C serum in the morning. In the evening, he applies the AlphaRet overnight cream before bed. Lloyd has no intention of wrinkling early, particularly not when he's dating someone so much younger than him.
Also, he's not hesitant to do some dermaplaning, microneedling, or a facial peel now and then. Lloyd sees his dermatologist twice a year for a skin check and preventative care.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Lloyd’s taste in music is as follows:
Rhythm & Blues
Hip Hop / Rap
First is rock music. He grew up listening to R.E.M., Guns N’ Roses, Nirvana, KISS, and the Beastie Boys. This is the genre he gravitates towards the most. 90s rock is his favorite era, followed closely by 80s rock. For that decade, his favorites are: Queen, Lover Boy, Depeche Mode, and Bruce Springsteen. In the genre, his taste spans a wide variety of artists from ZZ Top to the Rolling Stones and all the way into more pop influenced bands like Cheap Trick and The Outfield. 
Lloyd is also a huge fan of classical music.
He’d never willingly share this fact, but it’s been a coping mechanism of his for a long time. His study hall teacher used to play it during class and he found it really helped him calm down and concentrate. The softer sounds of composers like Bach, Mozart, and Debussy are among his favorites. With time, his taste expanded into underrated composers like Erich Korngold, Alexander Scriabin, and Ottorino Respighi. In terms of minutes listened, classical music is one of Lloyd’s core genres. 
He also enjoys country music. Like his taste for classical music, he sometimes prefers to hide this one. Being around Zach, who also loves country music, tends to bring it out more. His favorites are George Strait, Reba McEntire, Tim McGraw, Garth Brooks, LeAnn Rimes, and Alan Jackson. He also likes some of the older artists like Ronnie Milsap, Charley Pride, Glen Campbell, Merle Haggard and Eddy Arnold. 
Another genre he listens to is R&B. This stems from being alive in the 90’s. Boys II Men released bangers, okay? Once you heard them on the radio you went looking for more. He likes Alicia Keys, Montell Jordan, Rihanna and Marvin Gaye. His taste in Rap and Hip Hop was developed more in college. It was the popular workout soundtrack of the time and his college football program played it in the weights room. He mostly likes artists like DMX, Eminem, Nas, OutKast, Ice Cube, and Tupac.
Finally, here are some of Lloyd’s favorite songs.
Rock Music
All the Love in the World - The Outfield 
Imitation of Life - R.E.M.
Civil War - Guns N’ Roses
Lake of Fire - Nirvana
Can’t You Hear Me Knocking - Rolling Stones 
I Love It Loud - KISS 
No Sleep Til Brooklyn - Beastie Boys 
Under Pressure - Queen 
Out of Time - Rolling Stones 
The Ballad of T.V. Violence - Cheap Trick 
Take Me to the Top - LoverBoy
Policy of Truth - Depeche Mode
Born in the U.S.A - Bruce Springsteen
Legs - ZZ Top
Get Off of My Cloud - Rolling Stones
Something to Talk About - Bonnie Raitt 
Ain’t That a Shame - Cheap Trick
Voodoo Child - Jimi Hendrix 
Rosanna - Toto
Radio Free Europe - R.E.M. 
Love Bites - Def Leppard 
Poison - Alice Cooper 
You Can’t Always Get What You Want - Rolling Stones
Surrender - Cheap Trick 
Won’t Get Fooled Again - The Who 
Enter Sandman - Metallica 
Green River - Clearwater Revival 
Come As You Are - Nirvana 
I’m the Only One - Melissa Etheridge 
Sympathy For the Devil - Rolling Stones
I Can’t Drive 55 - Sammy Hagar  
Love Hate Love - Alice In Chains 
Fire Woman - The Cult 
Country Music 
I Don’t Think She’s in Love Anymore - Charley Pride 
Ocean Front Property - George Strait
The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia - Reba McEntire
Just to See You Smile - Tim McGraw
Rodeo - Garth Brooks
Hooked on an 8 Second Ride - Chris LeDoux 
Easy Come, Easy Go - George Strait 
Can’t Fight the Moonlight - LeAnn Rimes
Summertime Blues - Alan Jackson
Don’t Your Memory Ever Sleep - Ronnie Milsap
 Why Haven’t I Heard From You - Reba McEntire 
Tulsa Time - Don Williams 
Papa Loved Mama - Garth Brooks 
Is Anyone Going to San Antone - Charley Pride
Nobody - Sylvia 
A Country Boy Can Survive - Hank Williams, Jr. 
Chattahoochee - Alan Jackson 
All My Ex’s Live in Texas - George Strait 
Rhinestone Cowboy - Glen Campbell
Mama Tried - Merle Haggard 
Wild Horses - Garth Brooks
Stranger in My House - Ronnie Milsap 
Right Kind of Wrong - LeAnn Rimes 
Real Good Man - Tim McGraw 
Make the World Go Away - Eddy Arnold
Call of the Wild - Chris LeDoux
Mountain of Love - Charley Pride 
Good Ole Boys Like Me - Don Williams 
One Promise Too Late - Reba McEntire 
Give It Away - George Strait 
Southern Nights - Glen Campbell 
What She’s Doing Now - Garth Brooks 
Family Tradition - Hank Williams, Jr. 
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fibing-and-vibing · 11 months
Fibromyalgia skin care, body edition:
So, my skin is really bad lol. I’ve had a rash on my legs for over ten years, and every doctor and dermatologist I’ve ever gone to was super gaslighty about it. It was originally caused when I got several mosquito bites at once; the next day I woke up with hives that looked like I’d been bitten all over my body. From then on, they would flare up any time I experienced physical or mental stress. Which was often, bc I was in uni at the time lol. And then about five years later I got attacked by a swarm of wasps and was covered with stings, and the rash never went away again. So obviously this screams autoimmune issue, but doctors told me I probably had bedbegs (made no sense bc I slept with a partner who was unaffected, and had moved three times, but I cleaned every piece of fabric I owned anyways and it didn’t help,) that it would probably just go away bc my labs were normal (sure, that’s why it lasted for a decade,) and my fav, that I must just be scratching myself bc I have anxiety (lol.)
Anyways, I’d sort of given up on figuring out what was going on, and I’d never seen a pic that looked quite like my rash, until I got my fibro diagnosis. The doctor told me that my kind of rash was not uncommon, and when I googled it I saw pics that looked exactly like me. It was so validating.
But double ANYWAYS, over the years I developed a lot of skincare strategies to help with the situation since doctors wouldn’t. I see a ton of incorrect info/bad advice online about skincare, and specifically rash care. So idk how to get the word out about any of this lol, but if you’re reading this, and you have a weird rash caused by fibromyalgia, this is what worked for me after years of trial and error!
I’m organizing my routine into stages depending on how bad your rash is flaring up at the time, but when you’re ready to move onto the products and tools of a new phase, keep doing everything you were already doing as maintenance.
When the rash is really bad:
Bioderma atoderm cleansing oil ($$): this is a very gentle cleanser that’s PH balanced, very non-irritating if you have sensitive skin, even if it’s flaring up. Won’t cause additional flare ups.
Scrubby bath puff ($): everything online will tell you not to exfoliate if you have a rash, but that’s terrible advice!! Exfoliation is the only way to remove dead, damaged skin cells and encourage circulation and new skin cell growth!! You just need to be careful and use common sense. Put the cleansing oil on a little puff and use that, your hands aren’t good enough alone. You don’t need to press hard, just go in gentle little circles from your ankles up, wrists in, always towards your heart.
Bioderma atoderm intensive baume ($$): this is the body cream that goes with the oil cleanser, make sure it’s the intensive baume and not just the regular cream. Fixing and maintaining your moisture barrier is key! Use this twice a day: morning and night, or make one of those after you get out of the shower if you showered that day.
Polysporin gel ($): or neosporin or whatever antibiotic gel is available in your area, gel is my personal preference, I feel like it absorbs better. Use this on any open sores so they don’t get infected and heal faster.
When the rash starts healing a bit:
Frank Body original coffee scrub ($): once you have fewer open sores, using this to exfoliate once or twice a week will speed up the healing process sooo much. If it hurts to use, you’re not ready for it yet. It should feel soothing. Don’t overdo it though even if it feels good, twice a week max.
Shaving ($): obviously you don’t need to shave if you don’t want to, but shaving your legs, dermablading your arms, etc is another great way to exfoliate a layer of dead skin cells. It also allows products like the intensive baume to penetrate more easily and deeper into your skin since there’s not a layer of hair in the way. Once every week or two is plenty, shave around open sores and don’t do it if it hurts. You can use the cleansing oil to shave with in the shower.
Retinol ($-$$$): I like the one from the inkey because it’s $ and effective. Mix this in with the baume once a week and it will significantly improve your skin texture. Pointless to do this though if your rash is still active bc you’ll just get more spots, but once you’re on a healing trend it’ll help the process a lot.
Body massager ($-$$): I have a plastic one from Sephora. This is the one thing on this list that might be mostly in my head, but it feels really nice so that counts for something in itself. It’s supposed to help with circulation and lymph drainage, and if you use it after your other products it helps them absorb into your skin. Relaxing to do before bed.
When you’re mostly healed/trying to maintain, and also lessen the appearance of scars:
Dry brush ($): omg I love dry brushing so much. If your skin is mostly healed, this will drastically reduce the appearance of scars. Don’t press hard! Do the same as with the cleansing oil: sweep up from your ankles, in from your wrists, always towards your heart, with a lil swirl at your joints and lymph nodes. Start with once a week, gradually go to twice, eventually you can do it once a day but not until you’ve worked your way up to it. If you do it too intensely or too often it can backfire; I’ve had it aggravate certain areas, including scar tissue. But if you’re gentle with yourself it feels great and really encourages circulation, lymph draining, and new skin cell growth. Best done on totally dry skin before you get in the shower. Game changer.
Faded Topicals brightening and clearing mist ($$): this is a great chemical exfoliant. Topicals is a great Black-owned brand that uses really good ingredients. I find that any product designed for melanated skin is the absolute best for dealing with any kind of hyperpigmentation, including scars. Use this once a week, after the shower, and let it dry before putting on the baume; it helps over time. Only downside is that the packaging kinda sucks and starts leaking eventually, so hopefully they fix that bc it works really well.
Obviously if you have a chronic illness like fibromyalgia, the causes of your skin issues are internal, so make sure you’re also getting the right nutrients and keeping up with your stretching/exercise routine as best you can. There’s only a limited amount you can do with external interventions, so don’t get frustrated, and don’t feel like you’re doing anything wrong! You’re not wrong and you’re not crazy, you know your body. Remember that having a routine at all is good for your brain, which is good for your stress levels, which is also progress. You’re doing a good job by controlling the parts that you can control; that’s all you can do, and it’s more than enough :)
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