ashwolfe3450 · 1 year
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chronically-izzzzle · 2 years
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magpie-murder · 7 months
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4spooniesupport · 27 days
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witchy-fibro-hippie · 4 months
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One reason humans need to be more kind and patient with one another 💜
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willowisachy · 6 months
i hate the after-holiday crash/flare up i get. it’s like im being punished for having a good time and doing fun things :(
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eclectic-ways · 1 year
Stop. Wasting. Your. Time. MORTAL.
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© Eclectic Ways
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mx-jester · 8 months
so I've only recently begun my medical journey about my possible disability, and I'm hoping anyone with a better understanding of all this could give me some advise.
I don't have any professional diagnosis yet, although I've been using the term chronic pain & Fibromyalgia given that's what's most likely and what my experience has ben compared to the most. I'm set up to see a physical therapist at some point, and am able bodied. I'm still new to the world of having a disability, I never though it was abnormal.
I don't know if ill end up needing or wanting a mobility aid, the closest experience I have with them is older family members who don't like using their aids or using a pair of axillary crutches. I don't know what I can do to make my daily life at least a little better, I would like to be able to be more comfortable in life.
if anyone has any wish words for me, or any tips, or anything at all that you think i should know please do.
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sunnycanwrite · 9 months
What is fibromyalgia (did i spell that right?) And why do you think tim and cass have it?
im actually so happy someone asked this! Fibromyalgia (you spelled it right!), commonly just called Fibro, is a chronic pain condition. It causes pain in 18 central points across the body, chronic fatigue, and brain fog. Many doctors think it is caused by traumatic events, stress, or depression. Though the root cause is unknown. It can can be mild with pain that is manageable, but flare ups often leave people bedridden. Or like me, a wheelchair user.
Tim's canon issued with falling asleep in odd places scream chronic fatigued to me. And I can just see him hiding chronic pain for years, not wanting to mention it. Ad someone with fibro so many thingsabout him, just screams that he has it as well. It's honestly hard to explain.
It's pretty similar with Cass. I see her as growing up with it and thinking consent pain was normal. Due to the way she was treated by her biological father. So she just got used to the pain, and bonded with Tim over it, and they got diagnosed around the same time.
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blumsbee · 1 year
Chronic pain sucks because I am forced to choose between the future I am passionate about and the future that is most assessable for me
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thefriedbird · 1 year
Lol just had some “Christians” pray for my disability while I was with my family enjoying Christmas lights.
I hate abled bodied people.
How about… don’t fucking do that 🙂
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tumble-tv · 7 months
Yo fibro tumblr, does anyone else get extreme pain on the top of their head where it feels like a super bad bruise and you can't even run a hand over your hair because it makes you want to cry? I've had it for years and it's recently been getting worse and I'm not sure what to do. I uprophen and OTC stuff doesn't work, my prescribed stuff doesn't work, I've just found out the other day that ice water and naps kinda help but I wanna know if anyone else has the same thing
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chronically-izzzzle · 2 years
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A doctor explained fibromyalgia really well to me the other day so i thought I’d share:
Fibromyalgia is a condition affecting the nervous system, usually triggered by a trauma - this can be a medical trauma, physical or emotional trauma.
Following an adverse experience, your nervous system becomes over active as it tries to avoid another trauma, and so at the slightest sign of stress - exercise, tension, negative emotions, etc - it sends pain signals so you’ll stop.
The weird thing is, if you’re doing something and enjoying it, the nervous system is less likely to freak out because you’re happy and releasing endorphins. This is why some days we can do lots and others nothing at all!
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4spooniesupport · 2 months
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witchy-fibro-hippie · 6 months
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Fibro gangg 🤣
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