#<-- my new tag for my new popular ship
nadbov · 2 years
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shipping my sonic self insert OC Lilith with Scourge because I am wild and I am free. We met at club rouge after one of Lilith’s DJ sets and fell madly in love because he just GETS my music, OKAY?! And here’s our fankid, Spiky, with his dark chao, Pie, that he named himself. Spiky’s favorite activities are kickball, bullying nerds, and death metal drumming ☠️
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laismoura-art · 9 months
Sareena: MY boyfriend is too tall for me to kiss him on the lips, what should I do?
Hanzo: punch him in the stomach, when he doubles over in pain, kiss him :)
Kia: Tackle him!
Jataaka: Kick him in the shin!
Bi-Han: You knew what you were starting when you suggested that.
Hanzo: Don't have the slightest idea of what you're talking about, my dear in-law :)
Bi-Han: >:(
Again, this works in any scenario, but I had "Be My King" in mind.
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trelinha9 · 1 month
Every time I see a Friede x Amethio post, ten of my neurons die. I know these posts come from new fans who only watched the episodes released on Netflix (which goes up to 13 if I'm not mistaken), and he's only appeared in 6 episodes at this point (which is a crime against my mental health. What the hell is he doing in that time offscream? I WANT ANSWERS!!!) I remember in the first episodes of Horizontes, that Tumblr and AO3 were full of posts and fics about Friede x Amethio, and they disappeared over time as the episodes went on.
It's funny, because nowadays, almost a year after Horizons officially started, fans who watch the subtitled episodes are all worried about the mental health of this teenager and wondering why the heck they are in Exploradores, while the new fans are in the same boat as most of the old ones were and abandoned, shipping the poor guy with Friede.
I personally never shipped them because:
1: Amethio is, canonically, and confirmed by his original voice actor, a teenager (on bulbapedia it said he was between 13 and 19, but now they removed that part and only added the fact that he is a teenager, without mentioning a possible age) I headcanon him as 16, because, for me, it's the age that makes the most sense for his behavior and mannerisms, but that's just me. You can imagine him as 18 or 19 if that makes you feel more comfortable shipping him with Friede, but it doesn't change the fact that he's still a young and emotionally immature person, with no apparent emotional support base other than his Pokémon and his subordinates (Zir and Conia will get there someday, I know they will), while Friede is a fully grown adult, and clearly more mature than Amethio (there's even a line about it in episode 25). Friede had already been a Pokémon teacher for probably a reasonable amount of time when Liko was around 5 to 7 years old (we find out about this in episode 18), and honestly, Amethio doesn't look that much older than Liko. The clear age difference between them makes me uncomfortable. There are a lot of adults in the Horizons cast to be shipped with Friede, leave the traumatized teenager alone.
2: The way Friede, especially in the first arc, keeps teasing Amethio, even though he's clearly irritated and on edge, makes me want to punch him. I love Friede. But the way he interacts with Amethio, one minute he's having a good time taking care of Liko and Roy, and the next he's ready to annoy the shit out of a teenager make me so angry. I love this idea that Friede is a complete social disaster who doesn't really know how to pick up cues (scareing a deaf girl, for example, is definitely something he would do by accident 👀), but there's no way he can't see how negatively his actions and words affect Amethio. Amethio wants to prove himself. He wants to fulfill the mission ordered to him, and this idiot adult, in addition to getting in the way, bothers him every chance he gets (ep 5, ep 22 and ep 25 are the best examples). I'm amazed at how Friede either doesn't really realize the harm his actions cause to Amethio, or he does and simply decides to keep doing it.
This post may make it seem like I don't like Friede, which isn't true. I love Friede. I think he's a very funny character, but he also has a lot of flaws, and bullying a teenager is one of them.
I don't want to start fights about ships, because I'm not in Horizontes for the ships, but for the story and the characters. The only ship I really like is Friede with a certain Explorer who erased a child's memory (because for the love of god, they couldn't have made their battle in the last episode any less gay, could they) I don't want to offend anyone who ships Friede and Amethio, I just wanted to give my opinion on the matter and why I, with my interpretation of the story and characters, hate this ship. (Hate is a strong word, but I feel uncomfortable whenever I see this ship somewhere)
I'm really sorry if I offended anyone at any point in this post, I just don't like seeing a teenager and an adult being shiped.
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purpleleafsyt · 4 months
This might just be a me problem but I think it's so unfortunate that a lot of the new possible yuri ships for Dragons Rising don't have ship names or commonly agreed upon names where several new yaoi ships do have dedicated ship names
Fellow yuri enthusiasts we need to do better😔
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bdoubleowo · 1 year
sorry I'm new to mcyt -- wym, flower husbands is the reason we can openly ship desert duo?? was shipping still frowned upon in the community until a couple years ago???
there was some really viscous discourse about shipping (and. angst. yeah. angst) in hermitblr in late 2019 early 2020. like. death threats and doxxing bad. harassed Cleo off of Tumblr bad. people were really apprehensive to even touch shipping with a 10 foot poll after that. hell, people are still scarred by it and honestly i feel a little guilty bringing it up again, but i feel like. those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it. you know? so i at least want to provide some context. can't even answer privately bc its an anon 😔
I wasn't even there (fortunately, my time in hermitblr consisted of early 2019, losing interest mid 2019, and going "ooh i hear there's a new season!" in mid 2020. dodging it comically) and was nervous to post about it at all back during 3L. That's changed obviously, which I personally attribute to FH, which i explain more here.
the shipping discourse is still around, it's just more on twitter nowadays. haven't checked in with twitter lately so i don't know if its better than it had been, but i do remember people policing who each other follow, and "canceling" people for following "known shippers".
In the lifesteal tumblr fandom i had a few friends called out for shipping, so it think the mcyt shipping acceptance of tumblr is more in the hermit/empires/traffic side of things than EVERYWHERE.
basically tumblr rn is just. "tag your shit, filter tags, block liberally, but let people live". honestly i haven't been checking to make sure things have been properly tagged lately. which i should. its polite. definitely tag all your original posts with hermitshipping/trafficshipping/whatevershipping. helps people avoid it if they don't wanna see it which will help prevent conflict.
uhh. vote flower husbands
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What are your top 3 Peppino ships?
I feel like i am not the person to ask about this bc i only have one ship and its pepstavo 😭😭
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dootznbootz · 1 month
pretty please, I will give you a cookie if you tell us what dio thinks of the water wife. (I love her btw. she gets a cookie too)
Thank you so much for the ask and cookie! :D I'm giving you one also!!!
Just a heads up, this probably won't be the answer you're looking for but it is the honest answer for my writing and that's okay! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧
He thinks she's neat and is happy for Odysseus! :D
But in all honesty, he has not much thought on her because Odysseus and Diomedes relationship is basically this post in summary to me.
Odysseus and Diomedes are exes in my writing (More on that) and so when Diomedes learns that Odysseus is crushing SO hard on Penelope during the suitors of Helen/Oath of Tyndareus, he walks up to him and is genuinely like "Hey, just so you know, I'm happy for you." while Odysseus is a snappy little shit :P
Diomedes feels bad for Odysseus during the war though, despite the fact that Odysseus bullies him throughout it and the Iliad especially because he's petty. As that's how their relationship read to me. While they work great together during battle and missions, they don't do much of anything outside of that in my writing. (Reasons why he's petty and mean. People can enjoy different things and disagree and still respect each other! :D )
Penelope used to think poorly of him based on how Odysseus talked about their "romance" but Diomedes, alongside Sthenelus, does visit her after the war to tell her about Odysseus. Diomedes never really knew Penelope before the war but talking with her a bit makes him realize why Odysseus loves her so much.
"You two are the exact same."
Diomedes and Sthenelus plays with young Telemachus as well 😝
And she even mentions that to Odysseus when he returns and he's still a little shit about it
Penelope: He's not that bad, Odysseus! He played with Telemachus even! Odysseus, even more angry as he realizes that Diomedes got to play games with Telemachus before he did: ...Prick >:(
In conclusion, he thinks she's neat. He's happy Odysseus is so happy. He doesn't really have thoughts about her otherwise. With Odysseus, he just thinks is a petty little bitch of a co-worker who can't let stupid things from when they were teens go.
I'm really sorry if I disappointed you but it's my writing so I do what I please! That doesn't mean you can't write your own though! :D
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gl1tchedbun · 1 year
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I'm crazy, i'm stupid, I don't know how to engage on modern social media, I love Croisstime
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copepodkisser5000 · 1 month
heyy everyone! i'm currently trying my best to save up for a scanner, i need about £85 to meet my goal, so i have pay what you want/can commissions open. if i can even chip off £5 or £10 from that, i'll be very happy. my usual prices are up to £40 for a colour full body, but just for you, self shipping community, i'm doing PWYW. :3
just send me a message if you're interested in getting a silly little drawing from me! examples:
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no "will/won't draw" list, i'll simply turn down a request (politely!) if i'm not feelin it.
thanks for reading, and boosting via reblogs is very much appreciated! :] 💚
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groovylittleclown · 6 months
So I do this thing when I join new fandoms where I say I won't ship anything, because I don't like shipping. And then I find art of a pairing that's really cute or really funny, so I reblog it because "oh it's just cute / funny" or "oh it's just a silly crack ship". And then I find more. And now here I am, reblog account covered in Royalteeth, frothing at the mouth and scavenging the tags every two days. Apparently, I kinda like shipping.
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spacedlexi · 2 years
i always wondered if you ever read any violentine/twg fanfiction and if you have could you tell us your favorites? Or what tropes would you like to read? Idk I just really like this ship and since there was so little content I could find so i read a lot of shit 💀 but I hold a special care for it since it was one of the first fandoms I entered and finding out Clem was bi meant a lot to me cause you don't see a lot of bi representation that isn't like "I like fucking anything that moves🤩(Yea Im looking at you Elite)”.
So yeah I'd like to hear you thought of fanfiction and stuff.
i tried once or twice but didnt get farther than the first chapter or so on the few i tried 😔 i kinda for the most part stopped reading fic after high school to be fair, so im very particular about what i Do read when it comes to fic now. and on ao3 at least since im afraid of wattpad there really hasnt been anything that held my attention (at least in the past. like i said i havent tried looking in a couple years so who knows). i need plot/character development heavy stuff that i can really sink my teeth into and i didnt really find much of that... and the "tropes" i like are more determined by which characters im applying them to so i dont always like the same ones across the board
someone asked me this question a while ago and i asked for any fic recs at the time but i only got like.. one? im really not sure what the state of twdg fic is like honestly
DESPITE all that tho im still slowly slowly SLOWLY meticulously steadily working on my own oneshot that i WILL FINISH I SWEAR its over 20 pages currently and only like 2/3? done?? and half edited BUT it IS outlined so..... i just have to.. you know..... actually Finish it....
i posted some snippets from it a while ago (HERE) but here's a couple longer ones since ive written about 10 more pages (plus like 5 in outlines) since then. im Really particular about the flow of my writing which is like.. the main reason why i take so long to write.. gotta fix it until it Feels Right
A comfortable silence seemed to settle over them then. The wind outside the shack still blew harshly, whistling against the broken windows. But as the girls sat by the warm glow of the fire, and listened to the crackling of the burning logs, it was enough to melt their tension. At least a bit.
The silence continued until the fire began to dwindle with the last of the logs. "We're going to have to start burning those..." Clementine said as she looked at the loose boards they had kicked aside earlier.
"I got it," Violet said as she stood, not even giving Clementine a chance to move. As she grabbed a board and kicked hard at its center, trying to break it in two, Clementine twisted her mouth. Not at the other girl, but at herself. She was still getting used to her new limitations, and it frustrated her knowing there were just certain things that she couldn't or struggled to do now.
The boards had been sturdy once, but due to age and exposure, they had eroded enough that Violet was able to break them with relative ease. She threw a couple of the pieces on the fire and set the rest by the hearth as she returned to where she had been at Clementine's side. She gave her a soft, reassuring smile as the fire came back to life, and Clementine gave a soft smile in return, breaking her from her thoughts, if only momentarily.
She heaved a sigh as her eyes were drawn back to the missing portion of her left leg. She thought about the trek awaiting them in the morning, and her mouth twisted again. "Ugh, walking through all of that snow is gonna fuck up my leg..."
The soft smile on Violet's face became mischievous. "Don't worry, I can just carry you instead." She said it nonchalantly, but the fluttering in her chest betrayed her.
Clementine quirked her eyebrow in response to the bold statement, smiling skeptically as she laughed "Uh, aha, yeah right."
"What, don't think I can?" Violet responded, the look on her face unbothered by the other girls reaction. "Brody was the one who carried you to the school after you crashed and I'm, like, at least as strong as Brody was."
Clementine's face dropped at the revelation. "Wait-... Brody brought us back?"
"Uh..." Violet hesitated at the change in Clementine's voice. "Yeah... Her and Marlon. She was the only one he would ever take outside the safe zone." She explained, and as an aside to herself said "Huh, guess it makes sense now..."
The playful atmosphere had now quickly disappeared, only to be replaced with a quiet, somber one. In the short time Clementine had to get to know Brody, she felt they had started to become friends. However, there weren’t many good memories made between them, and so Clementine more easily remembered the bad ones.
She could still remember that stormy night in the cellar clearly, could remember the sounds of Brody's inhuman screeching. The hot blood on her hands as she fought against the turned girl for her life. The guilt sinking in her chest like a black hole as she looked over what she had done. What she had to do. Clementine mourned her in the way she mourned everyone else she had lost. And it never got any easier.
Violet watched Clementine as she internally fought through her feelings, and once again regretted her words. She didn't want to think about Brody, either. And felt guilty over unintentionally bringing those awful memories to the surface. Clementine told them what Marlon had done that night, yet never talked about what happened after. But Violet had helped the others with the bodies, had seen what Clementine was forced to do. She remembered the sight clearly, as clearly as she remembered feeling that Marlon got what he deserved.
"Maybe we should try to get some sleep before it gets cold in here..." Clementine suggested tentatively.
Violet shifted, stretching her arms out in front of her, catching the last of the heat from the hearth on her fingers. "We should use the bed, then. It'll at least be better than the floor. Plus, there's a blanket."
Violet stood up then, stretching her legs as Clementine looked up at her. "Are you sure that thing isn't completely rotted?"
"It should be okay. We only brought it in here a little over a year ago."
"'We'? Why?"
"Uh-" Violet started at that, averting her eyes. "Um... Minnie and I... we kinda... used to hang out here..."
"Oh..." Clementine wasn't sure what to say to that, but it did confirm her suspicions. So instead, she relented. "Okay."
But she hesitated, looking between her leg and her prosthetic where it still sat propped against the side of the fireplace. "Hmm..." Should she put it back on? The bed wasn't far...
"Here," Violet reached her hand out, noticing the hesitation, "let me help you."
Clementine eyed the outstretched hand, considering her options, and once again twisted her mouth at her new limitations. She kind of hated this. She had done everything on her own for so long, and now...
"C'mon, it's okay."
She looked back and forth between Violet's face and outstretched hand a few times before finally relenting. "...Fine." She really didn't want to lace up her prosthetic just to immediately take it off again.
Clementine took her hand, and Violet helped pull her up to stand. They leaned close as she found her balance, gripping tightly at Violet's shoulder with her free hand. It only took a short moment, and once Clementine stabled herself, her eyes locked with Violet's. They both started a bit when they noticed how close they had become, face to face.
"Aha. Um, you good?" Violet asked, slightly flushed.
"Yeah," Clementine said, hiding her blush better than the other girl. "Thanks."
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pingo1387 · 6 months
a LOT of different people over the past week or two have seemingly been going through a tag for a particular ship I’ve written some fics for and liking every single one of them, and im appreciative but confused bc. no one is reblogging anything so where are all you people coming from
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welcometoteyvat · 3 months
i queued. so many posts. dead
but it's quite funny to go through my likes and see how my fanwork dynamic preferences have changed
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On Cecile's plan including the destruction of the sisters' embroidery and Cecile embodying the figure of the traitor
I'm really going through it now. Okay you know that unconsolable dread one is afflicted by when history goes lost. Ancient libraries burning, historical art pieces being destroyed; it shakes to the core, because to destroy books and art and historical artefacts means to destroy the last items that carried the memory of people long gone; and doing so means killing them again, once and for all. Because if there's one thing more scary than death, that's the thought of being forgotten forever; then, you won't just be dead, but you'll cease to have ever existed.
I needed to preface that because no sane person would do that of their own will; it's going against the natural emphaty all humans share and that is ineherently human; it's going against one's own humanity.
But that's what Cecile did when she threw the sisters' embroidery to flames. The history of sister after sister who fought against the system, a legacy of trainees hoping in a better world, hoping that even where they failed, someone else could still succeed. Young, abused girls who still believed escape was possible, that a world of freedom could be real. And Cecile threw all of that away. She killed those girls again, and that makes her ruthless. And she did that because she loved another person.
And to do that because you love another person. To do put everything, everything on the line to grant their survival. To go against your own humanity just because your love for them is stronger than anything. To selflshly (can I say that?) condamn every. other. person if it's to save the person you love. To be willing to have them hate you till they're alive, as long as they stay alive.
Like idk I don't think we talk enough about Cecile as the figure of the traitor. Because she intentionally made herself guilty of betrayal thrice at least. She betrayed the system; when she put Krone's survival over hers, going against all the principles the mama system is based on. She betrayed all the sisters that came before her and that had entrusted her with the embroidery as a way to escape; to make Krone appear innocent. She betrayed Krone, by framing her; to grant her survival. And all of that- all of that, she did for Krone.
It's funny- in Dante's depiction of Inferno, the deepest circle of hell is where traitors get punished. The circle is divided in four rounds; on the first round are punished the traitors to family. On the second, traitors of the nation. The third is for hosts who betray their guests. The fourth is for traitors to their lords / benefactors / masters. It's curious, Cecile kinda fits every category: she betrayed her family (Krone), the nation (the system), the guest (the mama structure that gave her a new place opposite to sure death, though this one is a stretch); the benefactors (her seniors, the sisters that came before her and gave her the means to escape). The last round is dedicated to the punishment of what Dante deems the worst sin a man can commit: the betrayal of your own benefactors. The people there - Judas, who betrayed Christ, and Brutus and Cassius, who betrayed Caesar - are forever damned to be incessantly eaten by Lucifer.
Cecile is the epitome of traitor. Not a traitor like Minerva Norman, who tried to kill Emma's friends when she was away in order to pursue the greater good; she's probably a closer traitor to GF Ray, who gave the lives of other children in exchange of the sole survival of the people he loved because he thought there was no other way. Who was willing to be hated by them for that, as long as they would have survived.
If after dying she was sent to Dante's Inferno, she would end up in the last rounds of hell. She tainted herself of sin, and she did all of that for love.
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bluefox4 · 1 year
I wish AO3 had a tag system for primary characters and secondary characters. Just since I'll look for fics staring Character A so I'll look through A's tags, but what I actually get are Character B centered fics with A playing a secondary to just being mentioned role. Well, just exclude B then. Simple right? Except that A and B are besties. I want to be able to see friendship fics with them but with A as the center focus. I don't mind B being there, but I want B in a more secondary role.
Or there will be those fics that seem like they will focus on a group of characters from the description so its like yes, I'll get my A fix while their sharing the stage with the others (B, C, D, etc) but then reading it it turns out that it really is just a B fic again. Which might be more frustrating then the other case.
Its the one thing that I miss from FanFiction.net. Since they limited how many characters you could tag. I think it was like 4 characters that you could tag a fic as being about. So, if there were multiple characters you actually had to think about who the leads of the fic were. It lead to a greater chance that the story was actually about A then not.
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catoscloves · 2 years
#i don't see how calling out the stupidity of racist cl stans from a show that began seven years ago#is somehow any weirder than people still arguing over the toxic relationships on shows like gossip girl or tvd#and i mean the perspective is different for me because when t100 started airing i was eight and when tvd began airing i was 2#i get why y'all are confused about why i'm bringing up fandon drama from years ago everyone moved on from and that's because fandoms are#timeless? that's what fandoms and the internet are for#people still argue over team jess or team logan from gilmore girls#or team peeta and gale#it's not any different at all and i'm a new generation which is why i'm getting involved with arguments from seven years ago#like what does it matter? who cares? there are literally no people left to antagonize#or bother so to some extent i don't even have to use the anti d*ctor mechanic tag because no one's cared about that ship since 2016#but i still do because that's how tagging posts works so that it can be blacklisted#and honestly if people can still make b*llarke or cl*xa gifsets even nowadays and still get so much popularity#i don't understand why it matters if i do an anti/wank shitpost#and you can still choose to block the tag so i don't understand what the problem is#or why you're even aware of my activity/posts at all and choosing to send anons about it#if the 'fandom drama' i'm bringing up from years ago doesn't matter then why are you sending anon hate? it says more about your pathetic#ass than whatever dumb vitriol you have says about me#anyways abby griffin is the worst character in the universe and d*ctor mechanic shippers who hated bellamy were obviously#either hella racist or obtuse goodbye#anti doctor mechanic#tag rant#literally none of this makes sense unless you have the context but i didn't answer the anon troll lmao
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