#<- made it this because LOW ON IDEAS OTL
@buddymuses liked for Unico!! ( Helegard and Wolf )
It was just the same as any other time the West Wind took him places.
Unico would wake up somewhere new, with no memory of where he was. He'd begin to look around for anyone to tell him where he was, and the cycle's process would continue. In fact, Unico was already beginning the part...
But that was seemingly about to be cut short by the sound of stomach growling... the unicorn was hungry.
He trotted around, looking for something to eat. Maybe an apple... he liked apples. He could faintly smell them... and then he noticed a few up in a tree, yes! But now was the issue of getting them down.
Unico turned around, and using his back hooves, gave the trees a hard kick. And just like on tv, a few of the apples on the lowest branches fell! OK, maybe not exactly on TV, but close enough.
He trotted over to one of the apples and took a big bite. Mmmm, so good. This must've been a gala apple, the best kind! He continued chewing excitedly, the juices of the apple filling his mouth and swishing around it.
What an adorable sight, a baby unicorn eating an apple! If only someone was here to see it... oh wait, there was! Unico looked up to see someone approaching, it was... some kind of person. Maybe they wanted an apple, too? Unico was ready to push an apple to them, only to notice that they had... a... what was that? He wasn't sure what it was, but it looked like a weapon... something very dangerous. And that creature with them looked much bigger than he was. Even if it looked like a big, white puppy. Puppies are nice.
Unico's mane was now standing straight up, indicating nervousness. However, he still pushed over an apple (the closest one, and thankfully the one that he hadn't bitten into) towards the stranger and their furry friend, using his hoof to do so. Best to at least be polite, after all.
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"...W-Want it?"
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merakiui · 11 months
hi mera!! this is my first ask but i hope it doesn’t get eaten, but before that i just want to say i enjoy your writing a lot, especially your azul writings???? and azul thought 2 was so good, that one got me on a tight octopus grip. i look forward to the sequel
i want to share this idea that got stuck in my head for days: nun!reader running an orphanage but it’s low on funds until one day rich businessman!azul makes a visits and donate a large sum of money
at first it seemed like azul did it out of generosity from the bottom of his heart and reader is incredibly grateful and indebted to him…but as it turns out he has other intentions
he’s deeply inlove with nun!reader but she’s a nun!! she can’t return his feelings sadly but azul finds a way… as he keeps donating more money to the orphanage and nun!reader has to make it up to him…with her body perhaps? like imagine they’re doing it an empty church after the kids of the orphanage go to bed
also it’s optional but imagine adding rollo to this scenario as the priest!!!
AAAAAAAAA YES YES OTL this is such a yummy concept omg!!!
You can't thank him enough! Oh, you're so grateful for his generous donation and you go on and on about how exciting this is. With these funds, you can buy more workbooks for the kids, replace the chalkboard, buy better ingredients for meals, replace some of the old bed frames, and more! Azul's a little annoyed with all of your never-ending prattling. Sure, it feeds his ego to see you bow your head over and over in thanks. But you could put your mouth to better use instead of just verbally expressing your thanks. >:( he's impatient and horny, but he smiles politely and tells you it's not a big deal. He loves to help those in need! Please come to him should you ever need any help.
You insist that he must come with you to meet the kids. He's a little unsure at first, but you're just so bright and bubbly and he decides he might as well accept your offer, if only to build rapport. Come the next day, he's knocking on the door to the little classroom and poking his head inside. The kids all adore him. They think Mr. Azul is the nicest, coolest guy they've ever met! They prepared drawings and wrote little thank you letters to express their gratitude, and he feels so fluffy inside when he notices how the kids flock to you when you tell them to give him some space. He watches the way you interact with them, so soft and sweet and motherly. It's not fair that you're a nun sworn to celibacy. What he wouldn't give to make you a mother...
Azul didn't think he'd become so fond of you so quickly, but every day spent with you is a blessing. You're just so perfect. Even the kids think so when he asks them about you. "What's Miss (Name) like?" he'll ask and the kids all say such nice things about you. Some of the girls giggle and gossip amongst themselves, eagerly theorizing if Mr. Azul is interested in you. It doesn't help that everyone calls you Mama in the orphanage; it really tests Azul's patience and restraint when the kids come running up to you and tugging on your habit to get you to play or to drag you to Azul because they found him shopping in town. Some of them try to pair the two of you together, setting up not-so-subtle dates under large trees in the courtyard. You find it charming and amusing; Azul thinks it would make for a nice reality.
But then his current reality, which is just as good (for now), is uprooted when Father Rollo comes to visit. Though he looks frigid and stern, he is very gentle when speaking to the kids. He reserves smiles for you and them, or so Azul has learned from observations. When he met Azul, he hesitated to shake his hand, looking at him as if he was a pest, before welcoming him to the orphanage and thanking him for his donation. Azul already dislikes Rollo. Most of all, he's jealous that the kids talk about you and Rollo as if you're a match made in heaven. What's so good about that father anyway! He looks as if he's crawled out of the grave, what with his dark circles and gloomy disposition. Azul, on the other hand, is handsome and put together and eloquent. So why do you seem to look at him as if he's the love of your life? It should be Azul you love, not Rollo! Azul would give you the entire world if you asked. He loves you! He's infatuated!
Maybe he'll just have to prove it to you before the eyes of the god you have so much faith in. :)
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selfox · 25 days
I had far too much time during these 24 hours of getting home Xd but I feel so dang proud surprisingly. Even if later I'll regret it cus I barely slept. A bit yes, but not as much as I should have
The Random Tales of Drakgo by @gothicthundra
The villains retreat the ark
I was so invested in this ark I wasn't making any notes while reading hdhdhd so it's not first time reaction and more.... Of a second one ^^· So I had more time to think what I was writing and was monologuing
This is a behemoth of text
They are so husband and wife. Yhe opening scene reminded me about Mr and Mrs McAllister from Home Alone, when they already were on the plane and Mrs McAllister realized that they forgot something someone
Hoarder Drakken is an eternal mood to me.... But it also made me feel called out
“hard to mess it up” Shego, careful with words
«How could you mess this up?» ma'am.
To be honest, I would get a couples stuff and bunked with my friend, if it was a better deal. We all grown up… can't say it for sure for those two.
Ma'am 🤣 I wasn't and am still not surprised
“I'm done being mad at you” are you sure about that?
«You know how it is traveling with someone. Did he happen to tell you that it's our honeymoon?» just forge that marriage contract already.
Ngl I would want to chill in that cabin thing.
Jet lagged bby, breathe in and out. Feelings are hard
He was sleeping so soundly you didn't have a heart waking him up eh, Shego? ;3 mosquitoes are worse than evil tho
He is a man of many talents, Shego
Them getting ready for resting is making me sleepy XD so cozy
The fact that she keeps feeling insulted over how Drakken is reluctant to join her in the bed makes me laugh so hard
Maam, you are a tsundere... Well, definitely some kind of dere.
"A nice relaxing morning will kill this," sighed Shego as she curled up in her bed. - yeah *sure*
Drakken needs some undisturbed rest honestly, poor guy is so wind up.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
«Yes, can we alter orders, because I don't want to start this day having an argument about mushrooms," sighed Shego.» I love that she knows he hates mushrooms... And that they argued about them previously xD
🤣🤣🤣 I am so sorry, Shego, that must have been a holiday experience
“why are you naked?” 🤣🤣🤣
There is your answer. Hi, Cleo
The big awkward
You know, I really like those 4 in there. Even if it's just to make a huge argument.
Huh, and I guess it's a side effect of Drakken and Eddie growing up together? Cus I read them as siblings rather than cousins.
Oh boy low blows are all around.
Funny thing about rereading this one more time to make notes that I now see deeper details, that I didn't notice in my rush of the first time. Like Eddie trying to distract girls. He isn't idiot, the guy is smart, his boisterous personality does cover it a lot… which in hindsight, if he times it right can be a great distraction … it already does in some manner
Even for jabs, Eddie can read you so well Drew.
Hmm, hmm… I'm really curious what story lies behind that one
Jesus, someone get a hose
They all are hypocrites and I already forgot who started what
Have I heard before that Ed called Shego by her name? But that, does show that, he wants her to calm down.
What can I say? Villains.
Xd I still find it so funny that every villain decided to go on vacation. Feels like someone gave them this idea especially considering how the ark ended, unless it's some huge cosmic coincidence.… buuuutttt Murphy's law been following Drakken and Shego for a while.
Hellooooo~~~ Carmella. Hi, Hench
Aww, friend here! Hi Duff
Ooohhh, yeah I was reading too fast so I didn't see it Xx
Shego, your green is showing
Good candy call, but who knows.
Heh, why this family stuff makes me want to hug those two?
“Cleo? Ha, nah, she's more a casual fling. I mean, she'd go I'm sure, but you know Cleopatra. She's not exactly the ride or die type, seriously," chuckled Ed.” uhu *sips*
Miscommunication all around.
Hello, Pandora and Hermes~
Seriously (grumbles curses at Edward Bartholomew P Lipsky) how those 2 met? Another case of cosmos making foils to Drakken and Shego? Just put of all exes, just so curious.
Ouch OTL I wish there were some apologizes voiced OTL but alas
Eddie, I am still surprised that it was just 10.
PANDORA NO! Ruby… you are going to regret it!
Ok for me it's kinda cute sight of Ed putting arm around Cleo and Carmella - cus it “shows” how small they are xD But I get Drakken's and Shego's feelings too.
Pandora no OTL I have yet to read the whole thing on Tumblr, but with how it all goes in here... Man, thats brutal OTL Pandora... OTL Hermes you are a champ for putting 2 and 2 together. OTL OTL think its also the fact that she is very inebriated takes it to the atmosphere of the thing too.... Yeahhhhh villains were more hardcore back in the day OTL
I am so glad he went for her OTL ;-;
I want to pull them in a hug. OTL the issues *sigh* Drew, maybe time to be honest? You are just in love with her.
Hermes is a champ
*sigh* those two… Once again I say you need couples therapy on top of individual therapy
Hdhdhd like a child with hand in a cookie jar, but it's just dismantled kitchen appliances. Insomniac Drakken strikes back
I'll never get over how much she knows him, his little habits and reactions.
.... Hehe, Chekhov's gun.
The whole scavenger hunt heh I love every single one of those doofuses. I love seeing them all bond villainous style. And when Drakken sneakily made Shego go through it and her *knowing* what he been up to. And drakken being Indiana Jones
I guessed cooking in Lipsky family means something of a bond between significant others?
Shego, once again you are A CAT. Sidenote. I still don't understand salad with marshmallows, how's that a salad??
Wait is that a salad that Dylan B Hollis made? The diabetes one? ........ That doesn't narrow it down xD
Ah, right, Pandora.
Yeah... Chick fight alright.
Heh, like I've said. Brothers
“Ran off”? Huh 🤔
I have no words still, but ough OTL
YAAAY Eddie and Drakken are talking about feelings!
Yeah yeah, Eddie knows his cousin well.
«Ever think you'd be a little less uptight if you guys were...?» cannot believe I say it, I agree with you Ed. But there will be more feelings involved.
Ah :((
*takes a mental note*
The moment near fire pit it gives difficult combination of emotions. From melancholy, exhaustion to weirdly enough comfort and coziness. Her giving him the bottle without a question and then sharing her turmoil with him. His asking if he can do anything. Heh, even Drakken's quip about staying there or following her. I guess cus it was said in such sense of normality.
Complexity of this all. Even that complicated anger and sadness from Drakken.
OTL Shego, girl OTL
My thoughts about what animal Shego would represent is still a cat. OTL yeah... Shego tends to run away OTL not the best method of dealing with problems. Drakken would care though. And yes, birthday.
«You're not really going to ditch your best friend on his birthday...»
«Why do I trust you?»
I'm getting heart palpitations bdhdhdh
«Shego, how about some revenge for breakfast? It doesn't say you can't shoot at non-participating people. Eddie says Pandora spends a lot of time by the pool.»
I had such a stupid wide grin. That what it means best friend.
Aaah my favorite moment of this chapter! The paintball fight!
It feels me with giddiness seeing Drakken all pro during it, and that mental image of kiddies Drew and Eddie spending time at paintball.
Awwww Shego is so eager to shoot people
........... Is he angry cus they took his favorite color? Bsjxhd that question I had ever since I read it lol
Discussing strategy while having domestic dispute, such a drakgo vibe.
There!!!! There is shooting Drakken!
«Shego, now may be the time to inform you that my aunt and uncle ran a paintball arena... This was what Eddie and I did on weekends.”
“Motor Ed I can see..." Shego raised a brow as Eddie almost got hit and ducked behind a barrel. "Or not."
"Shego," said Drakken. There was a devious smirk forming on his face. "I made it a point not to lose to my little cousin. I'm not about to start now."
"Noted," said Shego. She felt the smirk tug onto her lips.»
Thats... Doing something for me... *cough* same Shego *cough*
«We've been played into a trap," said Drakken. Shego glanced to see him grinning. "Nice."
"I don't see..." Shego readied her gun, but Drakken tackled her just as shots were fired.
"What was that!" yelled Carmella as she was covered in purple along with Cleopatra, while Anubis and DNAmy had been saturated in pink.
"We won, that's what that was," smirked Drakken above Shego as he gloated at the four who grumbled and skulked off.
"Hah, classic accidental team fire, didn't think it would work.»
Standing ovation to Drakken!
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) hehe
They are so husband and wife without realizing it. And yes, Shego, you are a gold digger 🤣
I am so very curious what the hell happened between Drakken and Ed in the past so it so sour rn. Idk... Like yeah I understand what happened within the fic is also a major factor, but there feels something more. Especially when other chapters kinda indicated that they were close. And Eddie before idolized his cousin.
Well... Eddie you kinda were a dick
Well Shego… cus you *leans closer conspiraciously* maybe wanted him to pin you?
Kinda jealous of her ability to lounge like that.
F microwave
I've been making such a peculiar face at this back and forth.
Keeping your hamnds busy for sure, it's like heh a fidget toy for him. He probably needs many of those
Heheh oh the tense moment is coming
Morning, Sleeping Prince.
Why I love them shit talking others?
Ah hi there, Dr. Botox.
Ah, it's showtime
I've seen the illustration and it's amazing. Love Ed's and Dementor's shirts
Under table banter.
Eddie you have no idea. Tho... Maybe you have.
Drakken surely would have loved to hit both of them.
“blond mullet king” I am squinting at Demetor.
Ngl thats pleasant to hear correction from Shego dhdhdh :')
It maybe a wishful thinking on my part, but did Shego instinctively went for Drakken's comfort? Nevertheless it is heartwarming and him comforting her
«You're one to talk, you were double-crossing all of us just because you had some point to prove to yourself that you could work alone," said Cleopatra.» she got you there Shego. That's exactly what happened.
*sigh* Ed.
Hmm.... Yes a set up for sure, but was it from the very beginning of the vacation with that mass deal or something else🤔 it could have been a call from someone… Carmella? Maybe someone else hmm 🤔 thing is Botox from seeing Shego's shoes must have understood that descendants of Leviathan fam should be around cus how else Shego got those shoes?
I love this intense fight so much. From Ed and Demeter back to back, to Duff on the table and even guys were are out but they were still battling. And Drakken with his fast thinking.
Scary how Botox ... I assume Dollmaker helped them, modified henchwomen to get boost from Shego, it definitely shows that *she* is the target.
Villain solidarity!
OTL the moment when Shego got his was genuinely unexpected and scary.
I assume the scream was from Drakken hitting Botox's arm with toothpick gun. Which was badass as fuck especially considering... Well he went for blood for Shego.
I think... This specific character is one of my personal favorites. Especially the absurdity Xd but I guess after one maddening night of fighting for their lives and almost getting caught … they all need chill time.
Dr D you had the biggest instinct to protect.
Hench for the win!
Heh, Dr D. I think this mishap helped them all honesty.
And Hench is a very smart cookie. Props to him indicating to wait up in case of eavesdropping and ordering candles himself and getting them too.
Also yeah Duff was in between rock and a hard place for sure.
There was a scene in Transformers movie (the 2007 one) and villains being cramped in the kitchenette reminded of it. It was and still is hilarious. Both of those scenes djdhjd
DUFF DUFF OMFG you are a mad lad and suicidal at that
And still that question who tipped them....
I just love their stories so much.
Cleo, I might have done the same thing xD fuck that guy.
Dementor's sorry is honestly adorable, but ending is sad 😔
«Right... I once rebuilt the entire school staff's vehicles on the roof «
of the school building because I was bored," said Ed smugly. Drakken glared.
"Excuse me, I did that," said Drakken with a scoff. "It was four cars and I only asked you to help because you kept talking and it kept you quiet."
"Yeah, but I did it... And I was talking because I was bored, seriously, chill," said Ed with an eye-roll. "Why do you always have to have the attention?"
"Seriously?" asked Drakken.
"Seriously... It's like you need constant validation," said Ed. Cleopatra snorted and nearly choked on her drink.
"What's that supposed to mean?" he asked, his brow furrowed."I think she snorted because it's funny how you're telling Drakken he acts like he needs validation, when you're the one taking credit for his story," said Hermes.»
Sorry but this whole moment sent me in such giggling feat, I couldn't breathe for a bit
Epic save with booze~
Strip poker scene is .... Delightful in my books xD
After this whole ark I kinda like this mentor relationship between Camille and Dementor. It's just so sweet... Thank you, Shego, I think I got that one from her.
This is a party :3
OTL you'll see soon Shego
Another moment where I had to wipe my eyes XD Dick jokes and puns
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Shego
I'm so glad she finally started to notice that she likes him... More than a friend.
Hello green Shego
She had hit the nail on the head with such accuracy Shego, go Adrena...... Omg no Xd well now yes, but still omg.
And now crucial moments between those two
*Sigh* Shego, just listen to what he has to say, please?
Drakken the badass, knight in the shining blue armor that is his labcoat.... Unfortunately not on him rn dhhdhd
I love those two, I really do.
The story time. Dollmaker. I don't knkw who is the creepiest still. But this guy ... Yeah in Shego words “Creep”. OTL poor Shego
;-; wiping away tears. Hug you two. Or kiss. You both want that. But probably, ngl it isn't right time. Some you... Even both, hadn't realized something important. And there is a hug. Slept together on one another's shoulder ; 0;
*Sigh*... I sometimes wish that she realized sooner how much Drakken was holding himself with not to act (to the point of it being unhealthy in the future) *sigh*
And now back home, you two
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arollingriver · 5 months
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(Why are you hiding away? Are you afraid of being laughed at? Do you not want to see anyone? Is that the truth?)
I tried to participate in the evil art style challenge! Since I received very few prompts, I figured it was alright if I just drew a low effort piece ( ̄︶ ̄)↗ In all seriousness, thank you so much to those who submitted ideas!
Those were: - the Soul Eater nose - soft colours - half tones
All of which were a definite call-out. I decided to go with a character I draw a lot, being Akiro! But I think I might have shot myself in the foot by picking one of my OCs - I have very specific ideas of how they should be drawn... Going for this angle probably didn't help showing off my attempt at drawing a different nose, lol. (More details under the cut!)
Here's what I tried to do: - not Soul Eater nose (which is torture btw. It was very difficult to feel satisfied moving on to colouring when I felt like I'd drawn the nose wrong.) - I tried to go for full on dark/saturated shading at first but to be honest, it looked like shit. So what I did instead was use overall brighter shades than usual, made use of it being Akiro (a man who blushes) to have redness all over the skin, and integrate the full opacity in some key places. - I kept a dark lineart, because colouring it & lowering its opacity largely contributes to the "soft" aspect of most of my drawings.
I think I might have failed the challenge because this looks soft as shit OTL Why did I have to pick A-
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Hang on a minute.
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yellowocaballero · 2 years
I haven't done anything not Star Wars in a while I'm so sorry OTL. So I think I'll go a little bit further back, actually, in hopes that it will motivate me to actually finish the story. Percy Jackson!!
Percy slouched in his seat and folded his arms across his chest, stewing. He always sounded guiltiest when he denied it. He should go back to playing dumb. Pretend that he had no idea what water was. He had gotten away with it when he was six during that one birthday party at the aquarium, but something about being a third grader meant that people expected that you have basic observational skills.
It was stupid. There was no way to win. If he said that he didn’t do it then he sounded guilty. If he tried to point out how it was impossible for him to break the boiler and destroy the gym or whatever, using facts and logic and a rhetorical argument like the Youtube videos taught him, then they just told him he was making excuses. Sometimes Percy had the impression that everybody just wanted him to supervillain cackle like the Joker and brag about how terrible he was. Maybe he’d give that a shot once he entered middle school. It seemed like an evil teenage thing to do.
Percy Jackson was a liar, a thief, a cheat, a menace, and a bad kid. There was nothing more to be: not for someone like Percy.
Percy Jackson!! This is from the thing I wrote ages ago where the premise was, (although it was only hinted at), 'Luke steals all of the children away from Camp Half-Blood, made the gods pay child support, and set up a group home in Brooklyn where there were no adults allowed'.
Percy has a very typical kid's book background, very similar to Harry Potter. In many ways it's the very stereotypical 'Cindarella' - nobody understands, schools all kick him out, abusive stepdad (that, like Harry Potter, was never addressed again in a satisfying way), he's not accepted anywhere but Camp Half Blood makes him feel accepted etc.
As an adult, I'm a little captured by it. He reminds me of a lot of people in my life, and just of the story of a lot of kids in general. Kids with disabilities are very, very left behind by the system. Kids of color ESPECIALLY - any low-income Mexican kid with ADHD and dyslexia who keeps on accidentally destroying things is going to be ground down by the system. He's housing insecure and very soon he's going to get an abusive stepdad. Many kids who are Assigned Bad By The System often get older and play into that, because they're going to be punished anyway. One might say...that he's set up as the villain...and he's incapable of becoming a hero...
It's all very Harry Potter (and don't get me started on how HP and PJO both have similar levels of recognition about the psychological impacts of bad family lives). But it's also a lot more culturally grounded than Harry Potter, which fits in with PJO's emphasis on culture in general. I really enjoyed drawing up such a visceral and visible life of this kid who was losing all opportunities for his future.
in PJO, this kid is The Hero. He's the image of hero to every other protagonist who comes afterwards. He's the chosen one, he's the strongest, everything. And that's who he always was! He was always this brave and good. But if his life kept going like this, then he would never have the opportunity to show everybody that.
And, in PJO, then the escapism kicks in and he goes to magical horrendous fantasyland camp where everybody dies, etc. I thought it would be funny if they like, move 20 minutes away by subway. And that's the magic - that you can have a happy, safe home, that you will be able to go to school and get support that you need to do well, that you can have a happy childhood with people like you.
That's what Luke wanted. And that's what Luke, as implied, set Olympus on fire to get. Good for him!
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floralcalaveraa · 3 years
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hello my friends :-)
to make a long story short: im back from my hiatus (?) but taking a month long break off of tumblr for no reason other than to try out the experience, made me learn some things- ( aka this post is going to detail what i’ve been up to and what’s going to happen ) tw: mentions of unhealthy habits, but how I’m going to overcome them
note: you can just read the bolded text and you’re good to go-
I’ve been watching lots of Adventure Time recently and I feel inspired. For those that don’t know what it is, it’s basically a boy and his dog friend that go to a shit-ton of adventures and the episodes get crazy and nonsensical but that’s the charm of it. In it’s chaotic good energy, there is actually lots of lore in it -- different kingdoms, species, items that give the user powers. I’m mentioning this because ... I wouldn’t mind if you have lore that isn’t canon to pokemon. I think it’s a given that everyone is super friendly with headcanons, but seriously, give me the whole thing and don’t hold back! Your muse has made a love potion and you want to try it out? Go for it! I don’t care how unrealistic it is. All that I will ask is that you give me a heads up before hand so that I can go with Your agenda :-)
I have rekindled with another hobby that I might dedicate to more than roleplaying. In my time away, I’ve been drawing the most I could, and today, I find myself believing that I have developed significantly (a new art style that I’m growing fond of). I’m able to portray my ideas easier and have become more quicker with the sketching process (Before, it would take me the whole day to come up with a sketch, now, it takes me about 20 minutes) And more. Right now, I’m content with my progress and how I’m going at it ♡ What fucks me up is how rping on tumblr has prevented me from doing That. I spent so much hours on Tumblr ... a whole day on Tumblr, just sitting and staring at dash feed for the past many months- Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with anyone having a habit for rping, but when it gets me idle for most of the time that I log on, it’s embarrassing how much time I have wasted doing that. Waking up, sitting and staring at a screen, maybe getting one message done if you’re lucky, stare at the dash again, and then by then it’s already time for bed. And the cycle repeats tomorrow. It’s been like that for me, for months, a year, and I don’t want to encourage that anymore.
So here’s what I’m going to do: I’m making roleplaying low-maintenance. I’m no longer going to check it daily. I won’t be seeking for new interactions ... but I will always welcome and do my best to reply to newcomers. I will begin to prioritize my close friends and grow our muses interactions. I guess I’m selective now, but not in the sense of ‘aesthetics’ or if you write like a songwriter- rather, if your interested in being friends with me. There are those that I have yet to befriend and I will work on that too :-)
if you’ve been roleplaying with me and you’re unsure if we’re friends yet: chances are i will still love to interact and get to know you better :-)
if you have my discord: you're good :-) im just slipping up and i got to do better OTL
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dourpeep · 2 years
Hello peep! >:D I was the anon that said "thoughts being thunk-" and I'm back to say that I'm very excited from reading and seeing this talk about rubedo, he's got so much potential that we can create with.
Just these stories and ideas are great-
he's so cute qwq y'all really made me love him more than I originally thought XD I couldn't help but wanting to make designs for him made two because I have the energy to draw so might as well use it for the babie because he deserves it
Just head empty for him and albedo-
I apologize anon, my memory is Not Good so I have no idea of which ask that was oaishdfoiehfe but also also yesyeys
I'M GLAD b/c Rubedo should be cherished nodnod
The potential?? The dynamic as is??? Well. The dynamic needs some work, I don't think it'd be particularly good for Albedo and Rubedo to constantly be at each other's throats, but that's what the whole idea of giving Rubedo his own identity is for!!! You know what they say- if canon don't cut it, make up your own
But that being said oooo I've been meaning to make my own design for him apart from changing his hairstyle + eye color to be more blue rather than the seafoam color I use for Albedo...but OTL
My creativity is at a low atm
BUT THAT BEING (x2) should you ever feel like sharing--my inbox is always open uwu
or if you're not too keen on me knowing your user yet, then I shall be patient!! I will do my best to be patient--
Goodness knows that these boys have me by the throat OTL OTL
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feminaexlux · 4 years
A Day or 3 in the Life Of...
It was @bloody-no-kissu‘s birthday a week ago (oTL) and I made a Body Swap AU fic for her! Happy (belated) Birthday Bloody! Btw this is Part 1 of 2 🧡
Rated T for a little bit of language I guess
Marinette was still asleep sprawled out over her bed, sheets pushed off.
"Hey, wake up." She felt someone jab her in the side, so Marinette grumbled and turned away from the annoyance. Oddly enough, that other voice sounded like Juleka. "Are you still Marinette?"
Wh-what? Oh no, that's right. Marinette slowly opened her eyes and looked around. She was in Luka's room. In his bed.
In his body. Still.
Which meant that the akuma she defeated yesterday (in Luka's body, that was a surreal experience) wasn't the origin of this problem. She bolted upright, startling Juleka. "Wh-what time is it?!"
"Still Mar, then," Juleka sighed. "It's so weird seeing Lu all… like you, I guess," she mumbled, shaking her head. "Time for class."
"Which class?" Marinette groaned, covering Luka's face with Luka's hands. "Oh god I… I probably… ugh." She needed to… take a shower? Why was Luka's face so itchy? Did Luka need to shave?
Why was Luka's crotch so itchy? Oh no. How did he deal with this every day?
She got a ping on her phone from Luka. They had swapped phones just in case.
Next class is ____, I'll send you directions
Because Luka was in Marinette's body.
This was a very surreal sort of nightmare, but… on one hand Luka seemed very… respectful of the situation. If it had to be anyone, and if it had to be any boy in particular, Marinette had begrudgingly accepted that Luka was the best choice.
Neither Marinette nor Luka answered any calls but they kept sending out texts as needed. For the most part everyone around them didn't find things too strange about either of them. No one but Juleka and Luka's best friend figured it out for Marinette. Surprisingly, Alya immediately picked it up for Luka, but Alya never said a word to anyone else. Alya had followed enough akumas and spoke to enough victims to know that sometimes people were affected in deeply private ways.
But most people didn't notice the switch, which was a relief. Except it was almost heartbreaking that Adrien didn't seem to notice a change.
"Okay, Marinette, you can do this," she said, Luka's voice coming back instead of her own. She still needed to get used to how different his voice sounded when she was in his body.
thanks Luka. Here's my schedule…
how are you doing?
Fine, are you okay?
He seemed to be managing things for her well enough. Marinette wasn't sure if she should be upset or not, but he'd made and sold the excuse that Marinette had caught a cold and was feeling under the weather. That's why "Marinette" had been so… "chillax", as Alya called it.
as ok as we'll be
The only bad thing was he hadn't been nearly as concerned with dressing the part of a Fashion Designer (still in university) as Marinette had hoped for. He had just kinda thrown on whatever seemed comfortable and left her tiny dormitory room. Maybe he might have a better idea today? Marinette wasn't sure. Then again it didn't feel right to expect that from Luka, except for what happened yesterday.
Chloe Bourgouis had stopped him in the afternoon and tried to ridicule him in front of the whole campus. Marinette was there to watch it unfold (mostly because Luka didn't have anything scheduled at the time and Marinette was a natural busybody). Luka stood there calmly listening to Chloe provide a bulleted list of everything that had been such an atrocious fashion faux pas about lame Marinette Dupain-Cheng's choice in clothing.
Luka had looked thoughtful while Marinette was fuming. Chloe couldn't talk to Luka that way! Especially not when he was piloting her body!
Luka (as Marinette) had spoken up after thinking for a few seconds. "Interesting points. I'll consider that. But next time you don't have to be such a bitch about it." He had adjusted the backpack and continued walking off, leaving Chloe and Sabrina (and everyone really) in a relatively stunned silence.
Well, okay, Marinette supposed that was handled… alright. Marinette probably would have sputtered and squawked and made herself look worse but Luka seemed just… observant more than anything.
Now she was just overthinking. She shook her head to refocus on what to do next. Take a shower, get dressed, I should get some breakfast maybe? Head to Luka's class and maybe try to talk with Tikki after to figure out how the heck to break this… curse thing. If it wasn't the akuma yesterday… could it have been another akuma?
Empress was a trickier Butterfly user than Hawkmoth ever was, so maybe Empress had sent out a secondary akuma to wreak havoc more passively while the flashier one took Ladybug (or rather, Red Beetle for Luka's body) and Chat Noir's attention.
God, as if it wasn't hard enough trying to get through university. Now she and Chat Noir had to deal with a villain that was smart enough to use diversionary tactics. She got into Luka's class and sat at the back with Dingo, Luka's best friend. "Hey Dingo," Marinette sighed.
Dingo raised his heart-shaped sunglasses to his forehead and squinted at her. At Marinette in Luka's body. "Hey babes," he said casually. "Still a lil' scrambled, ain'tcha?" Marinette just nodded sadly. "Aww, come on baby girl don't worry. I'm sure Ladybub and Cat Nerd will figure it out!"
"God, I hope so," she said, leaning forward on the desk and dropping Luka's head in his arms. Luka would look like he'd passed out to anyone else but at least Marinette been recording the lessons on her phone for Luka so he'd be able to catch up. That had been what they agreed to when they first found out after waking up that they'd been swapped yesterday morning.
Now that was such a painfully awkward memory. Thankfully Luka was cool enough to accept her pathetic and inane attempt at an excuse to swap earrings. "They're a family heirloom," Marinette had pleaded. "I mean, they mean a whole lot to me! The me me, you know? I… I need to be the one to wear them?"
Marinette ended up being more thankful than anything that it had been Luka that fate had bound her to. He had just nodded and gently took the black studs off, handing it over to her without complaint.
She wasn't going to assume it meant anything more than his taking her word for it. If he knew she'd been Ladybug all this time, that'd… that'd be something, and that something wasn't good. Probably.
Dingo leaned in and whispered "How's Lulu?"
Marinette rolled her eyes. "I thought you and Luka text each other all the time."
"Pfft, like he'd say anything," Dingo snorted. He hid a smile from Marinette. "But you got a way with him, yanno? Maybe that feminine wiles of yours."
"Yeah, like I have any of that right now," Marinette rolled her eyes again. "It's just so awkward though. He's doing so much better than I am and I'm… I just hope I'm not messing anything up for him." She sighed and sat up only to slump down low in the chair.
"You're alright, Mari. Well. Probably. Imma say that maybe this whole body swap thing hopefully won't be permanent or anything you know? Me and Lulu have a gig coming up in a few weeks. You see I'm thinking maybe you didn't pay attention much to his 'guitar lessons'," Dingo had said with air quotes. "Not sure Luka was really teaching you at his best either," he snickered.
"Oh, oh God, I hope it's not permanent! Oh God Dingo why did you have to go and even suggest that?" Marinette groaned, putting Luka's head in Luka's hands. "This is already pretty stressful! Ugh, I wish I knew how to deal with it like Luka does."
Dingo snorted. "Trust me, he's 100% as freaked out as you are."
"No way."
"Yeah? Next time you see him, you take a good look at his hands."
Okay, Marinette wanted to meet up so they could swap notes for the day. This was fine, this was perfectly reasonable. She had wanted to do that yesterday and that went fine, just fine. Everything was just fine.
Luka wasn't going to mention that maybe he spent maybe an hour staring at… himself? Well, okay, at Marinette. He hadn't been sure it'd be comfortable going to bed with her hair still up in pigtails. When he pulled off the hairbands as gently as he could and her hair came undone like it did, it caught his eye and he looked up at the mirror and saw that Marinette was…
Gorgeous, that was the word.
He'd lost his ability to think for a while. She'd never let her hair loose in front of anyone and he had no idea why. He knew she was already pretty and cute and adorable but… something about the loose hair took it up a couple of notches.
So yeah, he wouldn't mention that little detail to her. He'd be seen as kind of a hypocrite after he told her he didn't… didn't really think about her that way. God, why did he say that? "Bodies are bodies, Marinette," he had told her, when she had freaked out about him having to… do anything in the bathroom.
He'd meant it at the time. He'd treat her body like a temple. He did. He really tried to anyway. He just also… appreciated like any good tourist would, maybe? Oh God that was creepy, stop thinking about it Couffaine.
Okay, she was going to get here in a few minutes.
He wasn't going to mention anything about her hair. He wasn't sure how to get it back into the pigtails again but he tied it back in low ponytail. Hopefully she'd be okay with that? He wanted to keep things fairly consistent for her, and he'd never seen her not have her hair tied so he managed a ponytail.
He also tried dressing up, sort of. It hadn't been at all what he intended but he got more attention yesterday trying to dress casually rather than less. That… Bourgeois lady had tried to bitch at him for wearing track pants or something. Along with a hoodie. Luka was honestly baffled at how seriously Chloe took everything about Marinette's clothes. He had heard from Juleka that Chloe was a major pain in the ass, but having to deal with it in person was… an experience. And it was over clothes? Did Chloe Bourgeois have nothing better to do?
He knew Marinette had a little drama and spitfire in her too, but the way Marinette used her force of personality was to help everyone.
Luka loved her for that. Still.
But she wasn't supposed to know that. He did his best to let her know it back 5 years ago when he was 16 and a bit less reserved with his stupid music puns, but she wasn't into him. That was fine, that was totally fine.
Except maybe it wasn't entirely. And this? This body swap thing? Probably pure karma for him just… being an idiot or something. Or being a complete and utter… coward. Now Hawkmoth or Empress or Karma or whatever spiteful Divine Entity had punished him by putting his mind in her body.
The really unfair bit was that she was in his. Marinette didn't deserve any of this crap. Still, it wasn't like he was Ladybug and could fix everything with a Lucky Charm. God he had no idea how to fix this, and it hadn't been the akuma yesterday!
"Hey?" It was something like his voice coming from nearby. Luka looked up and saw… himself, looking somewhat amused. "Did you wait long?"
"Not really. What's up?"
Marinette, in his body, sat down and pulled out her phone. "Just wanted to send over the class notes before I forgot. Also I wanted to check in and um, I guess, see how it was going with you?"
"It's fine." It was fine. It was all just fine. He finally noticed she was staring at his hands, and he looked down and saw that he'd been tapping the little café table with her pen. Apparently hard enough that he made a slight indentation to the wood top. Whoops. "Oh." He stopped and put the pen back in Marinette's bag. "Sorry about that."
"Hey, Luka, you know it's… Are you sure you're okay?"
He stared up… into his own face. God that was going to take some getting used to… then again he really didn't want to get used to having a literal out-of-body experience. Somehow even though Luka was a generally expressive guy, Marinette being the pilot meant that the facial expressions on him were slightly… more? Maybe not exaggerated but definitely more obvious. He actually thought he looked kinda goofy and winced. "Uh, just… it's still weird. That's all."
"Yeah. I'm really hoping it's something Ladybug and Chat Noir can fix. And soon."
"Oh, did something come up?" Luka asked.
"Er, um. Well, no?" Marinette stumbled. "I just meant I'd… not that your body's like bad or anything but I'd love to be back in my own body! I'm sure you hate being in me." Marinette choked. "I-I-I mean… oh god." She facepalmed. "A-anyway, ahem. Yeah." She pushed her phone out toward him. "Here, uh, just so you're not missing anything relevant!" She laughed nervously.
"Do you think it's actually an akuma?" Luka asked, suddenly hit with a suspicion. "I'm wondering why the Ladybugs didn't… fix this. Do you know anyone else that's going through this?"
Marinette blinked, then frowned, putting a finger to her chin. His chin. Whatever. "No, actually. Not even the LadyBlog mentioned anything like this. But what else could it be?"
"I don't know. I'm throwing it out there just in case it's not the obvious answer. I don't have a suggestion on what it could be though."
"Ugh," Marinette groaned, resting his head on the table. "Why is this happening…" She raised his head back up. "Oh, good choice in clothes, by the way."
He stifled a laugh. "Thanks. Didn't want to get you in trouble with Chloe again."
"Pfft, ignore her. She's just petty."
"Did you have to deal with that before?" Luka asked, feeling slightly guilty that he'd unintentionally made Marinette an easy target.
"For the past 10 years or so, yeah. Don't worry, she's always been kind of a bi--bothersome." Marinette had caught herself in time before uttering anything untoward. "Where'd you find that jacket? I thought I lost it a while back," Marinette giggled.
Oh crap. He probably should have thought about what to say about all this but he had… he really had gone through her closet and dresser trying to find something that he thought Marinette would wear. He wasn't a designer in any sense of the word, but he kind of remembered Juleka talking about some of the clothes and the styles she'd modeled when she got steady gigs from a punk design house.
He also figured that Marinette would look good in red and black.
It'd been a somewhat self-indulgent early morning of him trying out a few different outfits Marinette had, and trying to figure out what she looked best in. He had grabbed a red half-jacket and a slim, short black dress and almost tried wearing heels but went for the practical ballet flats Marinette usually wore. He wanted to be stylish, not accident-prone.
"Hey?" Marinette waved a hand in front of him.
"Sorry, was trying to remember where," he smiled. "But I can't. I'm just glad you approve," he said. Oh, that… that was another thing. "And… a couple of other people approved as well." This was going to hurt. "Adrien said you looked lovely in this." She did, but it felt kind of wrong to say that while he was inhabiting her body.
"O-oh really?" Marinette had blushed and tried to cover it up by coughing. "That's nice!"
This was really going to hurt. "Yeah. He asked you out, by the way, but I said you… you'd think about it. He says he's good next weekend for dinner and a movie."
Marinette looked pale. Which was pretty odd in his skin tone. "We have a problem," Marinette groaned. She took her phone back from in front of Luka and scrolled to her messages.
Hi Marinette, it turns out that I didn't have next weekend free. Let's meet up tomorrow!
"I didn't know what Adrien was talking about until you just explained it," Marinette said anxiously.
"Maybe you should tell him no?" Luka half-asked, already knowing that she'd never shoot down Adrien. He knew it was the one chance she had to finally have Adrien notice her as more than just-a-friend. Only Luka was the one that looked like Marinette right now.
"I-I think… I mean we could… we could wake up back to normal tomorrow?" she laughed, brushing hair away from her… his face in a nervous gesture. She stopped, staring down at something. He looked at the same place and noticed she was staring at his… her hand.
Luka had been unconsciously tightening Marinette's hands into fists so hard they had white knuckles.
"You're… right. I should say no, I'll go ahead and say no." Marinette said simply. "If we're still in… this mess tomorrow it's… not fair to you." She smiled down sadly at Luka, reaching out with his hands to unclench and massage hers. It felt… intimate. And… it felt like he was asking Marinette to keep silently suffering like she'd been all these years. He knew how much that sucked.
"I'll do it," Luka said impulsively. "If we're still… like this tomorrow, I'll go ahead and… make it work."
"Luka, you don't need to…" Marinette trailed off, their hands still intertwined.
He tried to smile. "Hey, I think it's time, right? Finally Adrien's noticed. You gotta take this chance."
Marinette looked back down at their hands. "Adrien noticed… the outfit," she muttered to herself. "And he noticed you…"
"But… if you're willing to help me out, I… I think this is a good opportunity. I've always wanted to see what would happen, and… maybe this is a blessing. You won't be a wreck like I'd be, anyway!"
Luka had his doubts.
Marinette had a plan. She had almost decided on an outfit for Luka to wear except… well that wasn't what Adrien had noticed. She had asked if Luka wanted to style himself again, but… his reply was oddly sweet. Luka had just said "This is your date. I want you to feel comfortable and be happy with it. That includes wearing whatever you want me to."
It wasn't as if she hadn't already planned out the whole date thing in her head about 25 million times and 25 million variations. She knew exactly how she wanted it to go: what to wear, which movie to see, where to go for dinner that encompassed both convenience and privacy. She'd tried to be considerate of Adrien Agreste, semi-permanent bachelor supermodel (and how it might look to other people). She had checked the weather and the sunset time and if certain places were open for the day and if everything was walkable. She just had to adjust for the fact that it was Luka that would actually be on the date and not her.
Actually, if she thought about it, it was a lot better this way for multiple reasons. She'd be free to go out and do her Ladybug duties if the need arose, and Luka was a mirror-surface lake compared to her turbulent white water nerves.
Marinette and Luka had agreed on a somewhat discreet earpiece if there was something that had to be communicated immediately. Marinette didn't want to admit it to herself, but… there was something about this whole situation where she felt… her future was safe in Luka's capable hands. She owed him big time.
Which was why when the date ended, she was so, so thankful that she'd been in Luka's body instead of her own.
"Hey, that was fun!" Adrien said cheerfully. "Next time we should bring Alya and Nino with us."
That sounded… wrong. At least, that sounded like it didn't belong in a romantic date. "… What do you mean?" Luka asked. He'd been doing everything Marinette had asked and it still lead to this? Did Luka really ruin this somehow?
"It was great to hang out, just the two of us, but I think the more the merrier right?"
Luka was confused. "… Hang out? This wasn't a date?"
"Yeah, like a friend-date, right? You'd been so down recently that Nino said I should take you out to cheer you up!"
Oh jeez. "Are… are you kidding me, Agreste? You invite a girl out to dinner and a movie and you say it's not a date?" Luka asked, an edge of acidity in his voice. "How could you lead a girl on like that?"
Adrien looked taken aback. "We've been friends forever, Marinette. You've been feeling down. I thought friends did things like this to cheer you up?" Adrien started looking panicked. "Oh no, did… did you think this was a date? I-I thought Kagami was just being weird when I said you wouldn't think of me like that! I should have listened--"
"What the hell does Kagami have to do with all of this?"
"I'm dating Kagami, Marinette! I've been with Kagami ever since you got us together! That's why I didn't think you'd mistake this for a date!"
"Luka…" he heard Marinette sigh shakily over the earpiece. But no, this was… this was bad. And Luka was angry.
"For a man who's a freaking model and supposed to be meticulously worried about your image, can't you pull your head out of your ass for one second and take a good look at what's happening? You do not take a girl out to dinner alone, especially a girl that's been in love with you for ages, and say that it's not a date after it's done."
"'In love'?! Wh-what? Marinette, I'm… I'm sorry that it happened this way but… I don't understand. I'm with Kagami!"
The Couffaine Chaos energy nearly overtook Luka and he realized he had drawn back Marinette's arm and fist in preparation for decking the ignorant blond. But… this wasn't going to help. Luka lowered her arm and started breathing to calm himself down, realizing a little after the fact that Marinette was yelling at him over the earpiece. "Okay. Fine. If you wanna play it this way, Adrien, fine. I have to tell you, though. I hope you treat Kagami better than this." Luka got Marinette's jacket back from Adrien and threw her evening bag over his… her shoulder. "I'm out. I'll make my way back home."
"Marinette, I'm really sorry!" Adrien yelled after her, trying to grab her arm.
Luka spun back around, batting Adrien's reaching arm away and said "Shut it if you know what's good for you, Agreste. Don't touch me."
Marinette slumped down in her chair outside the theater. Well, that could have gone worse, maybe? she thought at herself. She shook her head and jumped up, running after Luka, who was more or less stomping away in her body. If she'd been able to see clearly she might have commented to herself that basically everyone in Luka's path dove out of the way of his murder walk. But she had… some problems seeing that had nothing to do with the nighttime or Luka's vision and more to do with the fact that she'd been crying.
Because she made Luka have to go through that.
Because she felt more relief than anything, after the fact.
Not because of the final nail in her Agreste Infatuation coffin sinking in and closing off forever her already long-dead feelings over Adrien.
"Luka!" She yelled at him. With his voice. "Luka, wait."
He spun and looked back at Marinette. At himself. He was… he was both angry and extremely worried. "Marinette, I am so sorry," he said to her. "I… I'm sorry. I messed this up for you. God I am so--"
Marinette started laughing. She wasn't sure what had come over her, but Luka was actually acting like she would have and it looked… comical. Because he did nothing wrong. She brushed the tears from Luka's face and sighed. "No, don't be sorry, Luka. You didn't mess anything up. I… I think we were set up!" Marinette laughed again. "God, I'm glad that's over," she breathed out.
"Are… you alright?" Luka asked, as still and as quiet as a mouse. He tightened his grip on her bag and she knew he'd been trying to hide his discomfort.
"I'm… I'll be fine," Marinette giggled, a spillover of the increasingly bizarre reaction of hers. "I'm just… I gotta take a few to um… process this," she continued giggling.
Luka continued holding her bag in a death grip. "Alright. I'm… we should head home."
"No, wait," Marinette said, reaching for… her own hand. "Wait." She gently unfurled Luka's grip and straightened out the fingers, massaging the hand again. "We should talk. Let's… let's get a drink. Like a smoothie or something, not like at a bar. I'm not sad, really."
Luka looked skeptical and Marinette had to laugh. The less exaggerated doubt on her own face was somehow more effective than the overly dramatic disbelief she usually had. "Sure," he said, still doubtful. "But… Juleka's probably at Rose's right now. Let's head back to my place and we'll talk there."
"Better yet," Marinette said, her giggling finally under control. "Let's go back to my place." She didn't have to worry about roommates, at least.
"Hey. I really am sorry about the whole thing," Luka said quietly.
Marinette smiled at him. "Luka, you're…" She pulled him into a hug. "You're wonderful, I hope you know that. You did exactly what I asked for. None of this is your fault." God she was so tiny in his arms. "Thank you. For everything."
"Right," he said slowly. "Okay. Let's go get some smoothies."
End pt 1
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ivisite · 4 years
For the drabbles game, could you do 1 please?
I’m sorry it took so long! I had a good idea for this one but I’m not at all this intimidating so I had to try and find some ~ bad bitch vibe ~ music and that was also hard because my music, while inclusive is as edgy as cotton candy OTL
#1. “ She never misses, she never quits, and never loses. If you’re alive, it’s because she wants you alive.”
Maven Black-Briar stood poised at the entrance of her home, watching everyone and everything closely so not to miss anything. She was a terribly intimidating woman, just as graceful as she was calculative. She knew everything that went on in Riften from the petty gossip of the inns to the underground network of shady dealings and whom was involved in them. Every detail of the city was stored and tucked away in her mental library for later use and she made sure not to let any bit of information go without heeding it’s usefulness. Maven was a powerful woman, for sure. She never misses, she never quits and she most certainly never loses. If by chance you find yourself alive within a realm of her own, it’s because she wants to alive or at least needs you to be for the time being. 
While he son struggled to lock their home up for the day, she rolled her eyes and looked out to the marketplace. It was brimming with citizens being heckled by merchants but one stall in particular always kept her interest. Having a fancy to take a stroll over, she left her son to fumble with the key and made her way down the boardwalk.
She kept her foot in the most important and prominent peoples’ doors, using them just as much, if not more than they used her. Power and respect were things that she craved and with all of her gains within Riften and even the Empire, she intended on ruling what she controlled with an iron fist. As she passed vendors and citizens, people stepped aside, watching as she passed by and whispering among themselves. A cocky smile would make its way across her mouth, tugging at the corners until she re-composed herself. She had an image to keep and if someone were to see her true pride showing through, past her cold facade, she would have ends to tie up and who has time for that?
En route to one stall in particular, she kept her chin high as she walked through the crowd. People were either smart enough to step aside or were pushed past via careful footing and a firm shouldering. Maven had plenty of prominent friends in high places, but she made she to keep friends in low places, too. After all, getting dirty deeds handled best suited allies of lesser standing and Maven had a lot of dirty deeds show up on her desk. 
“Brynjolf, this is just another scam. What are you going on about now?” A Dunmer vendor said, leaning against the wood of his own stall. The red headed man in question across the way shot him a charismatic smile in return. 
“A scam?! I’m offended, Brand-Shei.” Brynjolf cooed, winking to a gaggle of older women that were walking past his stall. He was notorious for being one of the most charming if not questionable men in the entire marketplace, just as quick to pickpocket you as he would be to cut you a deal on one of his magic elixirs. He was above the law, it would have seemed and Maven was always impressed by the younger man.
While he bartered and tried to talk his way into selling his wares, Maven watched closely from the back of the growing crowd. He was apart of a guild that had all sorts of connections in all the darkest places and was poised to take over whenever the current master stepped down. Mercer, the current guildmaster was her true business partner in under-the-table type work, but she always had more interest in Brynjolf, Mercer’s protege. Orphaned after his family and farm in the Rift countryside were burned to the ground by wandering highwaymen, he made his way to Riften, living off the streets and his own smarts until his persistence landed him a place in the thieves guild under the sewers. No older than fourteen, stubble just sprouting on his chin, Brynjolf made his way through the ranks rather quickly, impressing not only the senior members but also Maven. She’d kept an eye on him since as long as she could remember and had plans for him, unbeknownst to the dashing thief.
Where Mercer failed her, she looked forward to the potential of the future that likely sat on Brynjolf’s shoulders. Given the right chances and opportunities, he could be greater than he or the guild could ever imagine and Maven would be sitting pretty on the throne above ground, running Riften under the jarls nose and the throne of the underground world with the guild as her headquarters and pawns. She had no interest in him herself and wasn’t concerned of matters of the heart in regards to marriage. With enough pressure and temptation of power, she looked to her daughter Ingun as a rung on the chain between Maven and having even more power. Ingun wasn’t interested in anything other than her potions, something that disappointed Maven, but when the moment was right she intended on making moves to have her married to Brynjolf. Love or interest aside, she wanted more power and with enough persuasions and threats if need be, she would have her way and guarantee herself a seat of power in the black-market of Tamriel. 
A smirk made its way across her mouth subtly at the thought. She had everything planned out right down to the very fine print. Watching now, she could have laughed, a wicked lump of humor forming in her throat only to be halted at the sound of another voice. She’d stopped paying mind to the marketplace but knew all too well the person the voice belonged to.
“-Can’t believe you lot are passing up the chance to at least sample this man’s elixir. I admit I was cautious at first, too, but after one sip I felt invigorated. I swear I could have breathed fire." 
The crowd watched with a sudden curiosity as another red head approached the stall, the owner, too, seemingly surprised by the intruder. Maven watched as the biggest threat to her plans made her way over and found herself a spot in the stall next to Brynjolf. She was a lovely woman, short for a Nord but with all the presence of one if not more so to make up for the height. She’d been a problem in days passed but was increasingly becoming a larger one in recent weeks. Saoirse was powerful enough with her social skills and bartering abilities but now that she was supposed to be some great dragonborn, a hero among mortals, she posed an even bigger threat to Maven. While the marketplace filled with curious mumbles and a few braver souls stepping forward to the stall for a closer look, Maven knitted her brows in disdain.
The two worked together like cogs in a machine, dancing around the art of bartering with the ease of breathing. To the untrained eye, they seemed like good business partners but to Maven it was far more than that. She could see all the subtle smiles and glances the two passed to each other when they thought no one was watching, how her end-game pawn Brynjolf found himself comfortable with the shorter woman, touching her shoulder or pressing himself against her a bit too much when reaching over her. He was enamored with the dragonborn, as he’d always been and it didn’t fit into the greater plan Maven had in mind.
The dragonborn being Saoirse made things difficult. Saoirse was a woman of a respectable nature, fond of making money and arguably superior than most at doing so. Her childhood spent traveling with Khajiit caravans, learning and watching as they used their masterful bartering skills and stealth to make riches beyond what the average person could imagine. She was potentially a powerful rival to Maven and while the younger woman seemed to be unaware of it, Maven was far too aware of what the potential her coming back spelled out. With full force in the guild, member or merely paying off a debt aside, Saoirse had the most prominent members of the guild and their allies on her side and that made Maven’s skin crawl. She was a rival for power without even knowing it and that simply added to Maven’s disdain.
Fist clenched under the too long sleeve of her fine dress robes, Maven composed herself and stepped forward, breaking through the crowd with her shoulders set firmly back and her chest forward. She had the walk of a queen, a terribly elegant and deadly sway that parted the crowd of people before her like waves against a cliff. She was razor sharp in her gaze and aura and set her eyes on the two red heads at the stall ahead. Brynjolf seemed more aware of situation than Saoirse, but Maven wasn’t surprised. His intelligence might be wavering but he was smart enough to lessen his presence and acknowledge greatness when it approached. His accomplice wasn’t nearly as intimidated, simply raising her brow at the sight of Maven and giving her an bored look.
"Brynjolf, good day.” Maven began, nodding to the Nord male. She let her eyes glance to Saoirse next to him, hoping the closer proximity would threaten the younger woman. It was to no avail, however. 
“Dragonborn.“ She nearly scoffed. 
"Black-Briar.” Saoirse retorted, switching weight between legs. The two shared an intense moment of silence before Brynjolf cleared his throat. He knew better than to get between two sabre cats so instead he changed the subject, stepping forward with a smile. He subtly pushed Saoirse behind him, unsure of what she would say if Maven prompted the wrong thing.
“Maven, to what do we owe the pleasure of a visit?” He asked with a handsome smile. Maven eyed the two for a moment more before chuckling darkly in her throat.
“Business, of course. Perhaps you and Mercer would like to have lunch?”
It wasn’t so much of an invite as a demand and Brynjolf was quick to nod. Maven enjoyed the obedience, dusting her sleeve off towards Saoirse as she smiled in a sickly sweet manner.
“Oh good, I’ll have my cooks start right on that.”
Maven is one of my favorite characters? She’s so badass and I love a good, powerful woman trope. 
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chimerickat · 4 years
Behind the Scenes with Dragonsilk
Also known as info dumping on the most recent update of Best Intentions and my thoughts with Kaiba and Mokuba.  
I wanted to have this chapter up for the new year.
Well, initially I wanted to have three new chapters posted for the new year. Lol. Big goals. Also unrealistic for me. I would have loved to have the New Year Party Chapter (all caps because it will be just the party for the whole chapter and is a BIG plot point) up for the New Year, but alas it is too far in the future. 
So I wanted to post this with the end of December at least. I missed that goal by a few weeks. (Which, for me, not that bad. Lol. OTL )
But honestly, this chapter was something I have not really done much either because I failed to do it or the story didn’t call for it. I think writing Kaiba and Mokuba together is so much fun, and honestly, I love scenes with the two of them, but I also write their dynamic as being very exclusionary and that leaves nothing for other characters to do. So often, I don’t write them because they’re more fanservice than actually having a purpose. 
By the same token, I’m writing Mokuba as a character who is very much looking for family. Not in the sense that he needs one, because of course he has Kaiba, but more in the sense that he’s expanding the family he has with Kaiba. Family can be found and made out of deep friendships. It’s why Mokuba is so stubborn about his relationship with the reader. She is family to him. He’s found her. They’ve seen some shit and done some shit, and she’s stuck with him for better or worse. She’s family, and the sooner she can figure that out and move into the mansion, the better off they’ll all be. ;) So of course Mokuba brings her into his dynamic with his brother. He wants her to be part of the family and that means that she has to have some sort of relationship with his brother. 
But also, he wants that for Seto. Mokuba knows that Seto loves him. He knows that Seto doesn’t think he needs anyone else, but he also knows that he can’t be a companion to his brother in the same way. His brother also is his father and has that distance from him. So clearly, he needs either someone to love or a deep friendship like what Mokuba has with the reader.  
Mokuba’s got a few more ideas in store for that. He’s just taking a break right now because he knows that both his brother and best friend are MAD. So now is the time for him to lay low and get forgiveness and then he can go big again~ 
Just some of my thoughts as I wrote the chapter! So far, I have been loving the feedback because I feel like I successfully pulled off Mokuba’s character as well as showing the dynamic that he has with the reader and his brother. This makes me feel like I’ve set up a good stepping stone to the next update. 
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secrecykept · 5 years
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His house. In this drabble, I explored some of the place but I wanna go through it some more. I’ve done a really rough and quick floor plan here, dont mind the scale of things and the fact i got lazy and didn’t add all his furniture, and dont focus on the colours that much or that the layers are weird and things dont quite line up, i still dont really know how to use the site and its pretty limited with furniture but i dont wanna get too fussy OTL its a rough idea as i said.
Firstly, Chesh’s house is very important to him and not just because he designed and all but built it himself, but because it’s his territory. As a therianthrope of a predatory animal with a territorial nature, the space is basically sacred to him. Permission to enter the house, or to even know it’s location, is not easily given. Only his brother has free passage in and out of it. Chesh never invites anyone over and would never bring anyone there (so any one night stands are Never at his place).
To be trusted and invited to his house is a pretty big deal.
But anyway. The house is made to be environmentally friendly and easy on the senses. The exterior even camouflages well within the forest environment and does not disturb it. To further keep the peace with nature, the whole house is soundproofed and he doesn’t have a garden or anything extending out or around the house itself.
Starting at the very front of the house, even the door is unobtrusive and blending in. Entering the house finds you in a small entrance, where a few elegant hooks for coats are on the wall, and a shelf and rack for shoes are positioned. A small bowl sits on the shelf and accepts keyrings and other bits one must remember to grab on the way out.
A few steps inward and the room opens out into a rather vast space, though there are ‘trees’ throughout and giving the illusion that the forest is inside. 
To the right, the wall is almost entirely all glass, and the same is true for the left wall across the room that forms the lounge. Looking directly ahead from the entrance, you would see a set of stairs against the right, a good several metres ahead. Further from that is a glimpse of the kitchen and a long, multipanelled door. 
Following the line of the stairs up, you’d see the upper level of the house; and it’s truly an upper level, like a massive balcony overlooking the lounge. It’s a loft half the size of the house itself, with a somewhat low wall serving as a barrier along its open edge.
Heading up the stairs takes you to his bedroom, more glass to the left as he has french doors for windows despite having nothing to step out onto. His bed is a grand thing, wide enough to accommodate three of him, and plump with comforters and pillows. The bed is flanked on both sides by nightstands, and there’s a wardrobe, shelf and chest of drawers on the opposite, partly lining that low (waist height) wall overlooking the other half of the house.
In the far corner of this bedroom area is a bathroom. It’s large inside, with dark tiles and a magnificent glass wall shower and spa bath. The shower itself almost mimics waterfall, the water cascading down from the ceiling as opposed to a wall mounted head. The bath is set into the floor, but isn’t flush with it, there’s a small barrier but it’s a rounded rim, preventing any pain from knocking against a sharp edge.
Everything about the house is spacious and the bathroom is no exception.
Back in the bedroom, moving over to the half-wall and looking down, the couch and lounge furniture is visible. But straight ahead, exposed beams run along and cross each other, lining the ceiling from one end of the house to the other. Many of them are not actually required for supporting the house, but they’re a playground for the leopard and can take several paths to different areas of the house.
Frequently, instead of taking the stairs, he jumps or climbs from this place onto the beams and makes his way down. The scratches and texture upon the wood shows its history of use, and the vines wrapping around several add to the forest feel.
Down the stairs, the lounge is just a few strides away and is set down a step or two, as if the square-ish area was a frame pushed down into the ground while the rest of the floor remained level. At the far end of the room, not included within the lounge’s level, there are shelves against the wall. They hold an assortment of mostly decorative items, along with his very adored plants.
Stepping down into the lounge, a very comfortable couch and arm chair awaits. A coffee table made by his own hands sits at a good distance before them. His favourite place to sit or lie however, is the large mattress embedded in the floor in front of the wall-mounted TV. Shelves full of DVDs and games are against the TVs wall for easy access.
But turning and moving back towards the stairs opens up the rest of the house. Past the stairs, on the left, is the kitchen. And a very nice kitchen it is too. Large and in a functional layout, with the very best appliances of eco friendly design. The kitchen itself doesn’t have a door to close itself off, but there are three doors visible. A smaller, second bathroom, still spacious and with a shower (but no spa), can be accessed from one of the doors, while another hides the laundry machines.
The doors slide into pockets within the walls, saving space. The third and largest door does so by also folding itself as its pushed aside. It’s this door which conceals the last room of the house, his workshop. While he’s typically the type to only work at work, there are times when he likes to work on projects at other times, or when he’s inspired for a design during the night. 
Since he lives alone, he felt no need for a dining room or extra bedroom.
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merakiui · 1 year
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↑ THESE!!!! And with the choker collar as well…….. OTL the way the sleeves are short enough to expose the wrists!!! It’s more shirt and pants rather than a gown, but even so it’s still good!!!!!! The light color contrasts well with Idia’s uniform hehe.
Just,,,,, the idea of him making you wear the thinnest of materials so it’s easier to tear and take off. He probably has one custom-made for you and it’s so skimpy. T-T call him Master Idia and he’s folding. When anyone else calls him that, he can’t stand it because it’s a reminder that he’s heir to STYX and that his future looms ever nearer. But when you do it… it’s a different story. You keep telling him he’s a loser and a coward, so watch him don the STYX uniform and prove you wrong when he’s kidnapped the NRC students. :) you can watch through the cameras with him while you sit on his lap, speared on his cock. <3 all while dressed in that thin hospital wear.
But also please just imagine being some poor side character (in Idia’s eyes) who essentially grew up in the STYX facility because there’s something about you they’re studying. Maybe your guardian(s) gave you over to the Shrouds because there was nothing they could do and they couldn’t afford the funds for proper treatment, so in exchange for curing or helping you STYX gets its research. You’re separated from the world beyond by a thick wall of glass, trapped in the little cell they’ve put you in so that if at any point your vitals or mentality become unstable they can easily sedate you and minimize damage to just a single room.
You’re essentially a lab rat for them, but Idia and Ortho don’t understand that when they pay your cell a visit when the lot of you were all children. Idia’s fascinated that he has found someone else his age here. He starts to bring games and books and other things he really likes to share with you, holding them up against the glass so you can read them. His hair is always tinged the softest shade of pink because lately he’s felt somewhat shy around you. You’re just happy to have someone to talk to, as it can get awfully lonely with just the researchers or STYX robots, neither of them willing to exchange many words or entertain you with friendly chit-chat.
But then the accident happens and Ortho and Idia stop coming to visit. You wonder what happened to them. No one tells you anything, but there is a thick air of tragic melancholy that hangs low the facility. You’re not sure what the reason for this is, but despite not knowing it manages to make you sad. Once again, you’re alone in this prison and no one’s told you anything.
And then, many years later into your adult life, Idia comes to visit. And this time he’s accompanied by Ortho—at least you think it’s Ortho. But there’s something mechanical about him. Regardless, he greets you as he always would when the both of you were younger and he seems ecstatic to see you again despite his robotic qualities. Idia doesn’t look as starry-eyed as he was before, rather he seems…sadder? Miserable? Cold? There’s something not right in his eyes when he looks at you as if you’re a calculation he needs to solve. You think you might finally be set free or cured or…something, but then you’re being moved into Idia’s room and he’s saying something about how you’ll be arranged to marry him because you’re the only one who truly understood him back then.
You have no idea where any of this is coming from, but when you overhear that STYX has gotten some new test subjects you hope to use your newfound (albeit monitored) freedom to good use in hopes of finding a common ally in the students from Night Raven College. And maybe it’s possible to escape. Unfortunately, you don’t realize these students also know Idia and they’re all selfish boys who’d do anything to save themselves. If their freedom comes at the cost of yours, they’ll gladly hand you over to Idia.
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musashi · 5 years
I'm having such a hard time with keto. Logical Brain says "less carbs helps your mental health" and Depression Brain says "carbs and sugar make temporary happy" and it's frustrating. Did you have cravings? Did they go away eventually?
idk if i’m the best person to ask because i really didn’t like sugar to begin with OTL it wasn’t until i started keto that i actually found myself enjoying sugary foods, before that i actively avoided anything sweet.
i’m also... kind of made of fire and willpower and if i REALLY want to see something through, nothing can tempt me away from it. my first year of keto i was SO strict like i didn’t even think about having cheat days and i stayed under 30 carbs every single day and it made me HAPPY to do that, which just fueled my fire even more. i’m... a very self-motivated & single-minded individual. i’m kind of unstoppable when i get an idea in my head.
that being said after the first year i DID start to crave carbs & sugar which was super weird, but when you cut both those things, your palate changes a lot and it can be satisfied with things that would taste muted to u before. when i’m craving sugar i usually just have a sugar-free sweet snack and it does the trick? i’m a major connoisseur of low-sugar chocolates and protein bars and things like that. im always discovering new keto snacks like just recently i found these fuckin crispy chocolate protein bars and they’re SO goddamn good. and most of my carb cravings i just satisfy w/ fathead dough lol......... my biggest loss w/ keto was mac & cheese but once i learned how to make fathead dough i just, like, cut that shit into strips and loaded it into a bitchin’ casserole.
because keto requires so much cooking it can be hard for ppl w/ executive dysfunction so you have to play w/ that dysfunction and learn how you best get past it. for me, a podcast while i’m cooking helps me to be less bored, which makes me dread the experience less. when i cook, i cook a lot of food in bulk and freeze/refrigerate it for later so i have an easy microwave meal later. and i do have the income to spend on little keto snacks to keep in my purse when i just dont have the time!!!
i don’t think my cravings will ever really go away as a concept but like i can shut them up in two seconds by tricking them into thinking that splenda is sugar so i don’t really mind much
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365daysofsasuhina · 5 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day One Hundred Seven: A Portrait ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata ] [ SasuHina ] [ Verse: Best Years of Your Life ] [ AO3 Link ]
It’s been three weeks, and he hasn’t seen hide or hair of her. And he’s not going to text her, if only because he refuses to fall to his brother’s meddling.
Three weeks since he and Itachi wandered into that art exhibition. Three weeks since Sasuke saw the street portrait of himself she’d drawn while he’d been at his usual coffee shop haunt. Three weeks since Itachi bought it and not so subtly encouraged them to exchange numbers.
And now he can’t help but be disappointed that she’s not here. And it’s all Itachi’s fault! Sure, he’d been curious before, but actually meeting her and seeing that stupid portrait (it wasn’t stupid, he’s just peeved) made it almost unbearable.
She’s yet to come back...at least, not while he’s there. Every weekend he’s popped by for a few hours, hoping for some reason to run into her while he’s there. But every weekend, he’s ended up disappointed.
Then he starts wondering if she’s avoiding it because the whole thing embarrassed her. Not that he’d blame her: Itachi made a whole spectacle out of it! Leave it to Itachi to turn something so mundane into a scene.
Thumb scrolling back and forth over his contacts screen, he watches her name go up and down, up and down. He doesn’t want to text her. He doesn’t want Itachi to win. It just seems so...ridiculous. The circumstance aren’t foretelling. They’re not some romance movie cliche. The only reason he’s considering it is due to his brother’s interference.
And it’s driving him nuts!
Powering off his phone, he scowls and takes up his laptop. She’s still not here. He’s wasted enough time as it is - time to actually be productive this weekend.
He goes home and busies himself with random take-home work from the office. Nothing exciting, but it needs to be done. And the mindless task keeps his brain on one track.
At least...until he’s done.
Lounging atop his couch that evening, he slings an arm up over his eyes with a sigh. He doesn’t know this girl. Know anything about her. The only thing connecting them in any way is the drawing she did. Nothing else.
So why can’t he stop letting his mind wander to her?
She’s cute. He’ll admit that much. Short, with a rounded face and fuller build than most girls he’s even been thrown in with. And her occupation is unique. He’s never actually really known any artists, unless you count his brother...but he’s into music, not drawing.
The next day after work, he goes to the building that had held the art open house. To his disappointment, it’s closed...and the previous galleries cleared out. Of course it wouldn’t last this long, but...he just thought...maybe…
She’s a street artist, he reminds himself. She wanders and finds whatever looks viable to draw. He can’t begin to know what draws her eyes - and he won’t pretend to. So, Sasuke really has no idea where to even begin to look.
So, he just...starts wandering.
The Spring day is drawing to a close - his work day runs until five, and he spent far too long trying to gather clues from the gallery host.  He’s got maybe half an hour of daylight left. The odds of finding her are low.
It’s well after dark by the time he gives up.
Heading into a fast food joint (it’s the only thing left open after eight), he gets something basic to shove down his throat. Not the best dinner, but it’s too late to cook, and his mood’s been soured anyway.
Digging out his phone, he idles over what to do with it. Send Itachi a grumpy text, send Naruto a grumpy text...send Hinata a casual hello…
But...why no? He can’t really kid himself at this point. He’s too curious. Too invested.  This has got to stop somehow. Opening the message window, thumbs fidget over the keys hesitantly as he chews on his straw.
Eyes go wide, taking a sip of soda by accident in an attempt to gasp...and quickly choking.
Are you kidding?!
Flinching as she holds her to-go bag, Hinata tries not to stare as Sasuke attempts to regain his composure. “Are...are you okay?”
“Fine...I’m fine. Just…” He can’t explain. Probably doesn’t have to. “What, uh...what are you doing here?”
“Picking up something fast and c-cheap. I was out all day sketching in the park, so...no time to make dinner.”
“Oh, uh...same. About the dinner thing. Was, uh...busy.”
She perks a brow at him. “...I see.”
Awkward silence.
“So, uh...get anything good?” he dares to ask, still clearing his throat a bit from the sting of soda in his windpipe.
“I did!” Glancing to her bag, she pauses a moment before asking, “You...want to see?”
Sliding into the booth opposite him, she sets aside her food and digs out a sketchbook. “Most of this was just landscape scribbles...I’ve been n-needing to practice them. But I got a pretty good portrait, too…”
Delicate fingers flip through the pages, briefly displaying the more messy sketches before opening up to the page she’s seeking.
It’s an old woman in the strangest looking coat he’s ever seen: a myriad of pockets and buttons and a frill of what looks like feathers around the collar…? She’s sitting on a park bench, feeding a rather large flock of pigeons.
“What do you think?”
Studying it a bit longer, Sasuke opens his mouth, pauses...and then says, “She...kinda looks like a pigeon herself.”
“That’s what I thought!”
The blurted reply draws eyes, and they both go pink. Sheepish, Hinata ducks her head. “I just, y’know...the feathers, and -”
“Yeah, that’s what I thought. She really -”
“Looks like one of them, doesn’t she?” Hinata giggles. “It was just too perfect! I had to get a sketch in. No idea if I’ll be able to finish it...I’ll have to see if she comes back. And hopefully wearing that coat.”
Staring at it again, Sasuke can’t help a soft snort. “You find the most interesting people to draw, don’t you?”
“I do.” There’s a small, cheeky smile. “Guess your b-brother thinks so too, huh?”
At that, he goes pink. “...I’m sorry about all that, by the way -”
“Oh, it wasn’t anything bad! Just...a little embarrassing. I’ve never actually sold anything before, so...his interest and his generosity made it quite the first experience.”
“You haven’t…? But your art’s amazing!”
She gives a modest duck of her chin. “...thank you.”
“I mean, I dunno anything about art, but...I really liked what I saw. And I guess Itachi did, too. He’s got an eye for talent. If he liked your stuff, that’s a good sign, believe me.”
That seems to perk her up.
“Anyway, uh…” Sasuke rubs a hand at his neck. “...I haven’t seen you around the coffee shop.”
“Oh...yeah, I’ve been trying to find new locations to draw. I go there a lot, actually.”
“You do?”
“Mhm! Guess we just...never crossed paths until I drew you.”
“That’s weird...cuz I’m a regular. I practically live there on the weekends.”
“Guess we just had to find the right time!”
“...yeah, guess so.”
“...a-anyway, I...better get home.”
“Yeah, me too. Thanks for showing me your drawings.”
“Sure! And, um…” She goes pink. “If...if you ever want me to draw you again, just ask! It...was a lot of fun. And you make a great model.”
“...I do?”
“Y...yeah! You have a very interesting profile. And expressions. But...maybe that was because you didn’t know I was drawing you.”
He chuckles. “Yeah, probably. Uh...sure, if you want me to.”
“Okay! I’ll text you when I’ve got a free weekend.”
“Sounds good.”
Not wanting to walk with her after saying goodbye, Sasuke lingers as she takes her leave. Well, looks like he’ll be her subject again...but he wonders if he’ll be as appealing if he knows she’s doing it. Only one way to know, he supposes.
Glancing to his phone, he considers telling his brother, but...decides against it. He’ll probably want to buy that one, too. Once was enough...though Hinata could probably use the money.
...maybe later, then.
     Exhausted, long day, this'll be brief OTL      Sequel-ish to day eighty-five. Not...that great cuz I couldn't write until VERY late, and my eyes are killing me @~@ I'm getting old. Sorry if this is a little lackluster. Tomorrow, I hope, won't be as busy, and I can write something better~      But, either way, thanks for reading!
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missholoska · 5 years
Have you ever considered making your own Underfell interpretation? Seeing how neat your Underswap is, I can only imagine what an Underfell from you would be like!
sgfdfkjh man it really means the world to me that anyone is interested in my ideas :’>
I do have some headcanons and concepts for Underfell floating around actually! it’s nowhere near as developed as my Underswap stuff though, mostly just ideas for the skelebros and Fell Soriel. as much as I’d like to expand on other characters I’ve never been any good at forcing ideas, so I’m just waiting until if/when the inspiration hits.
anyway seeing as you asked and I can’t guarantee when I’ll get to sharing these ideas through art, I’ll dump some rambles here:
I am super not a fan of Underfell when it’s just Only Angst and everyone is irredeemably abusive to each other. I enjoy AUs more when they retain some of Undertale’s charm and personally I don’t see that in those versions of Underfell.
My preference is the monsters are mostly wanna-be evil dorks who still have the capacity to be good deep down somewhere, but you gotta dig real far through the angst to find the kindness. Of course a lot of monsters even in Undertale were pretty devoted to a) murdering a child or b) just being kind of a jerk so obviously that’s gonna get multiplied in Underfell, but if everyone’s only personality trait is I Hate Everyone Around Me I get bored of it pretty quickly.
Post-pacifist mostly consists of the monsters trying their best to be good people who deserve to be on the surface, but they’re still… pretty terrible at being nice. But they’re trying and Frisk is good at encouraging everyone.
some more character-specific ideas:
Underfell Papyrus (nicknamed Crow):
Actually loves and respects Sans because I am not even remotely here for abusive Fell bros >:| (and I hope it goes without saying that I mean platonic, familial love) He’s only stern to his brother out of fear for his sake and to give him some direction when he needs it.
Despite the world he lives in and the attitude he puts on, like UT Papyrus he doesn’t have a truly cruel bone in his body. Not that he’s a doormat to the more aggressive monsters out there or that it stops him from having fun being the villain, at least until Frisk comes along.
I don’t think I’ve ever mentioned my headcanon that UT Papyrus’ glowy eye colours are integrity blue and kindness green in both eyes (though I did draw Swap Sans like that once), but Crow’s only glowy eye colour is green. He probably doesn’t show this to anyone (besides Sans) until post-pacifist when kindness is hip and trendy again though.
Also I like to try and retain some things from the original Underfell canon (what little of it is known at least), so he loves evil puns like this post mentions, and of course he annoys Sans with them for some fun role reversal :D
Underfell Sans (nicknamed Crimson):
Has a Level Of ViolencE of 2, which he gained in his pre-teens defending himself and Crow. His stats are slightly higher than UT Sans’, but still very very low.
His left eye glowing red most of the time doesn’t represent a trait (a lot of monsters probably have red-coloured magic) - his actual bad time eye colour is justice yellow in his right eye.
Again from the official Underfell blog, he hates puns but loves knock knock jokes (and other non-punny jokes). Honestly an ‘evil’ Sans hating puns seems more fitting anyway.
Tries to keep everything bottled up but is much worse at holding it together than UT Sans. Also he’s a gigantic tsundere but when shown genuine affection (familial, platonic or romantic) he kinda just melts into a tired sappy potato, and then later denies it all.
I’ve shown this before but he blushes blue and hates how it destroys his aesthetic so, so much
Underfell Toriel (nicknamed Toreve):
I think her nickname sounds really pretty but it has the worst origin it’s literally just “Toriel” and “evil” mashed together without the L sound….. oTL;;
Likes being creepily affectionate to people for her own amusement. In the rare event said affection is reciprocated, her former evil queenly attitude flares up and pushes them away, even if she genuinely likes that person.
There’s only two canon details in this post about Fell Toriel but they’re both very good (even if she mostly makes meat pies, I like to think secretly she still has a sweet tooth for good ol’ butterscotch cinnamon)
In post-pacifist when monsters are trying to learn how to Talk About Their Feelings More™, she confesses to Crimson first~
This isn’t relevant to any actual character development but I made a sim of her in sims 4 over a year ago and she doesn’t have a job so she just wanders her creepy vampire mansion drinking wine and playing organ music all day, and I think that summarises her pretty well
Underfell Frisk (no nickname yet):
When they first fall into the Underground they’re more fearful than UT Frisk, but very determined to stay alive. By the end of their journey and in post-pacifist they have much less patience for everyone’s angsting and if gently encouraging monsters to be nice doesn’t work, they’re not afraid to sass them.
Basically the entirety of monsterkind has a 7 year old life coach/therapist and it’s my big favourite
NarraChara is also a thing but I don’t have a solid idea on their personality yet
My ideas for the Underfell version of the UT Fankid Trio timeline (13 years on from post-pacifist) are very scattered but I think growing up around a bunch of edgelords Frisk would be both sick of their hot topic fashion sense and also kind of embracing it? So they’d end up with something like a pastel goth aesthetic by the time they’re a young adult. and they probably have a scene phase in their teens
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goodnightkisseu · 6 years
Ong Seongwu - Heat {M}
Requested By: Anonnie~ ( “ can i request a vampire seongwoo thirsting for you and your blood? please make it smut hihi ”)
Genre: Smut
Note: So it’s been a good while since I last wrote something with mature content in it, but with some nudging, I finally did it >///< Hopefully this is okay seeing how long it’s been OTL Also, given that Halloween is next week, what better a time than to post some vampire!ong? I also tried to edit the eyes in the gif below but you can’t see it very well ;;
Again, this does have mature content so read at your own discretion. I do hope that anyone that reads this enjoys it though >< As always, feel free to let me know what you think :3 Enjoy~
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- goodnightkisseu’s admin / ashley <3
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A short gasp left your lips as your back hit the cold wall in the apartment building’s stairwell. A pair of lips locked onto yours, the power behind the kiss making you whimper at the delicious contact. In your cloudy state you probably would have let things transpire right there, but the part of your mind that was still lucid enough knew that it was a terrible idea. It pushed through the cloud of lust and nudged your partner off you as you started at a quick pace up the stairs, the handsome male following at your heels. This happened every time the two of you worked the same shifts. But you had to admit, you wouldn’t have it any other way.
You worked with Seongwu at a night club in Seoul, one that was pretty exclusive and hard to find. Sometimes you wondered how you found your way there, what sequence of events transpired for you to land such a job, but the pay was good and the clientele were better than at previous establishments you had worked at. The two of you had met on your first day of work over a year ago and to say that there was an instant connection between you two would have been an understatement. You clicked with each other immediately. Seongwu was someone that you were comfortable with right away. He was easy to talk to, kind, helpful, and handsome. So the flirting started up pretty fast, and it didn’t take long for flirting to turn into something more. Pretty soon the two of you were staying after hours to talk. Talking became dinner, and then about a month later the two of you were already locking lips and lightly touching. Your relationship moved fast, far faster than you normally would have liked, but it didn’t feel l like a fling. It didn’t feel like the fire would burn out. Rather, it was just that the pace was fast.
Your budding relationship did cause your manager to split the two of you up on shifts however. It wasn’t that he didn’t like the two of you working together, because truth be told, when the two of you worked the same shift, you’d often make the most money of the night. Clientele either came for your pretty faces, or they came to enjoy the tension between the two of you. Still, your manager wanted to keep the workplace as professional as he could. However, even he couldn’t control when another employee needed a day or two off. So he just warned you both to keep it classy while you were working.
And you did… usually.
Being professional didn’t mean that the two of you couldn’t have a bit of fun while you were at work, and Seongwu, oh, Seongwu was particularly good at it. He was the definition of a tease while you were at work. In his quest for a particular bottle of liqueur he would brush past you, trying to get your attention. If that didn’t work he would make sure that his hand would gently brush past your waist as he was reaching for something. And if all of this failed, he would resort to more obvious things, like, purposefully flirthing with the female clientele when he knew that you were watching.
Granted, two could play at this game and you weren’t one to lose. If he would brush past you, you would sometimes lean into him as you were reaching for something, bringing your full body in contact with his. If he would flirt with the female clientele, you would flirt with any clientele in front of you, and sometimes, sometimes you’d even let them do body shots off you to really rile up your boyfriend.
Still, even with how over the top you went with things, what always got to you was his flirting. It normally didn’t bother you. You knew that it was even part of the job at times. But there were days when, his attention towards other women would make you feel a bit unappreciated. You’d want the same kind of attention, and you knew that he could see right through your indifferent façade. It couldn’t be helped that you worried sometimes, no matter how secure you thought you were. After all, you knew why he was so desirable to other women, and it wasn’t just his naturally good looks.
Seongwu wasn’t just blessed with naturally good looks. There was something else in him, his supernatural aura, his vampire aura, which really attracted women to him. You had learned pretty early on that it was probably what drew you to him, just like it drew all the other girls in, like moths to a flame. Upon learning of his unhuman abilities, you were a bit afraid, but you were still okay. You knew that you liked him enough to stick around, but there were times that you couldn’t help but wonder if, falling so fast for him was part of his plan. You couldn’t help but wonder if he was playing with you. Yet, Seongwu, knowing that these thoughts plagued your mind for the first couple months of your relationship, was very adamant on reassuring you that this wasn’t the case at all. He told you that he really did like you, that he cared for you, and given the fact that he was a 120 years old now, it was a little surprising.
Still, he never did anything to make you doubt him, and if anything, he made a huge effort to get to know you better. And now, he probably knew you better than anyone else. He could tell when you faltered, when you were feeling a little insecure, and he was always ready to make it up to you. It was a strange thought. Someone that had lived for so long, that could have anyone they so desired, would bend over backwards to make sure that you didn’t leave his side. You appreciated it though, and it made you love him more.
Tonight was no different. When he realized that you were a bit off, he asked you about it while the two of you were closing up. He coaxed the reason out of you, and though you were reluctant to say it, as you knew it meant he won your little game, you admitted that you were jealous. He reassured you that you shouldn’t be, but he also couldn’t help but smirk. He knew what it meant when you were jealous, and he knew that you would be exceptionally needy tonight. And that he was looking forward to.
So it was no surprise when, after you had put the till away, that Seongwu wrapped you up in his arms, whispering sweet nothings into your ear as his lips trailed along your neck. Things got heated in that moment and the two of you started making out behind the bar at the club. It took every fiber of your being to lead Seongwu out of there and back to his place before continuing with your night. After all, you still wanted to have a job tomorrow. And here you were, finally at his apartment door after your trip up the stairs took a little longer than expected. He had you sandwiched between the door and himself while he fumbled with the key. You were okay with this of course, as it allowed you ample access to your boyfriend. You were already working at the top buttons of his shirt, lips biting and sucking at his exposed skin. You wanted to see him lose it too, because truth be told, it didn’t happen too often.
Seongwu was already having a hard time with the door, and your distractions weren’t helping. He just wanted to revel in your kisses and bites, in the way that you made soft sounds while you explored every square inch of his chest. If he wasn’t in his right mind he probably would have taken you right there, but he knew better than that, and he knew he probably would have been kicked out of this really nice building if he did something like that. It took him a long time to find a place that didn’t ask a lot of questions, so he didn’t want to get booted any time soon.
By an utter miracle, Seongwu somehow managed to get the door open, and in the swiftest motion ever, he pulled you inside, slammed the door shut, and pinned you against it with your arms above your head. You mewled softly as you looked up at him with wanting eyes, his own scanning yours before landing on your swollen lips which had more than enough fun leaving bites and marks all over his chest. Speaking off, his chest and entire upper body were now on full display, your hands, somehow, managing to undo all of the buttons on his shirt while he was messing with the door.  You were a little naughty today, and that just excited him even more.
He hovered over your smaller form, lips close to your ears, a low growl leaving his lips in warning. “Don’t do that again. I almost lost control out there. Did you want people to see us?” he mused, knowing that, for reasons, when he spoke to you like this, it always riled you up.
It took every fiber of your being to not just moan at the sound of his voice. “No, but isn’t it more fun with the danger of getting caught?” you countered, your response causing your lover to loosen his grip on your wrist just enough that you managed to slip out of his hold, dusking under his arm, and watching as he turned around to find you again. Your hands played with the hem of your shirt as you looked over in his direction between they managed to pull it off, throwing it in his direction. The two of you stood there in silence for about ten seconds, just staring at each other before you decided to book it down the hallway and towards the bedroom.
It didn’t take Seongwu long to catch up with you, it never did. He was always able to quickly match your pace and once he did, the two of you started fumbling along the long hallway, clothes being thrown left and right as the two of you connected at brief moments to shard heated kisses. You never strayed from your destination, but that didn’t mean that you didn’t stop along the way. Just as you had now with Seongwu managing to pin you with your face to the wall.
“You’re really testing me today, love,” he whispered in your ear, one of his hands reaching up to caress your left breast while the other worked its way between your legs. He gently rubbed at your inner thigh at first, his hot breath at your neck, but that was all too much for you it seemed as you squirmed under his touch. Smirking to himself at your impatience, he brought his hand further up, his fingers gliding along your folds, even more please with himself at how wet you were already. “Someone is excited,” he stated, his voice low as his fingers played with your bundle of nerves while he nibbled on your ear. He knew this always sent you over the top, but he wanted you wound up, needy for him. Maybe it was because, he needed it too.
Seongwu always seemed to know what to do to make you into a mess. The fingers on his left hand were gently tweaking your nipple while his other fingers found their way between your lower lips and two of them found their way into your womanhood, another moan easily slipping off your lips. His pace was slow at first, but you could feel him moving them fast, his hot breath against your ear, and it was honestly all too much. You were oh so very close… and then he stopped. You made a small noise but Seongwu only chuckled before he started moving his fingers again, his hard member rubbing against your lower back. You felt yourself getting close again, you were so close to achieving your release, but he pulled away completely, your weak form barely able to hold itself up. A discontent sound left your lips, not liking that you had been denied your release twice as you turned to look at the male that you called your love. You hated when he teased you like this, but you knew he did it to get you riled up… and it worked every time.
“Not yet, princess. We have to save it for the main event,” he said with a smirk, before disappearing into the bedroom, leaving you to chase after him this time. And of course you knew exactly where to find him, and there he was, sitting on the edge of the bed, just waiting for you. He was overly confident sometimes. Part of you was surprised that it never seemed to cross his mind that you could have left in the middle of one of these sessions, But you also supposed, his confidence was something that you found attractive sometimes as well.
Seongwu’s attention shifted to the door when your figure came into view. His eyes scanned your unclothed body as you sauntered towards him, a smirk trying not to form on his features. This wasn’t the first time he had seen you naked and he knew it wouldn’t be the last, but every time he did, he couldn’t help but revel in how beautiful you were. Everything about you was so enticing and entrancing to him. You made him wild with just the smallest actions and to say he wanted you, was craving you, badly in that moment was an understatement. He needed you as much as you needed him. When you finally reached him and kneeled in front of him, he couldn’t help how excited he got as your lips connected.
The both of you were so needy that your kisses were no longer gentle. They had become needy and sloppy, small noises leaving your lips as Seongwu won in your little game of dominance. But, it wasn’t over yet. You still had something up your sleep. As your lips locked with Seongwu’s your hand worked its way between your bodies and deftly grasped onto his member, making him groan into your mouth. You held it firmly and gave it a pump, earning you another groan before placing him against your hot flesh, your hand moving up and down to create a delicious friction that seemed to make him grow bigger.
Reluctantly, you pulled your lips away from his, just in time to see that lust flicker in his eyes, that moment when he was starting to come undone in your hands. It sent a shiver down your spine and urged you to keep going. Slowly, you lowered yourself down to sit squarely on your heels as both of your hands moved to his length, one at the base and the other further up as the pumped him, and down. You varied the pressure and speed, every time earning you a noise from your partner. He never held back. He was a bit of a vocal mess, and you knew how to make him even more vocal.
Giving him one last long stroke, as you brought one of your hands back, you replaced it with your mouth as you took him in, your tongue lightly flicking along his tip before it found itself massaging the underside of his manhood as you brought more and more of him into your mouth. You gave him a gentle suck at first, earning a groan from Seongwu in the process, before you started moved around his length, your hands at the base of his member to tend to whichever parts you couldn’t fit inside your mouth. Your head bobbed gently at first around his member, but you could tell that Seongwu was really getting into it, like he usually did. It wasn’t just the sounds that were resonating through his body, but also the way that his hand worked its way into your hair, trying to urge you to take more and more of him in. You did what you could, hollowing out your cheeks as you sucked him, ignoring the slight pain in the back of your throat in exchange for his pleasure in the moment.
You were sure that he was close, mostly with the way his hips tried to not push too far forward. You wanted to get him there, but before you could, Seongwu pulled you away so quickly and threw you on the bed, a feat that could only be achieved by his inhuman abilities. Before a gasp could even leave your lips, his were on yours again, completely devouring that loud moan that left your lips when he pushed into you. His entrance was so fast that you couldn’t help but whimper, the stretch being more than you had anticipated. Yet as fast and swift as his actions were, as anxious as he was to get to the best part, he was still gentle. Seongwu placed soft kisses on your face, stilling himself before slowly moving his hips to let you adjust to him. It didn’t take you long to start moving your hips in rhythm with his, any pain turning into a complete wave of pleasure.
“S-shit… Seongwu…”
Your breathing became more erratic as Seongwu picked up the paced, his name mixed in with every moan or mewl that left your lips. Each time he pushed in your legs would spread further apart to give him more room, your mind clouded by the pure pleasure he was building up in you. You felt his hot breath against your ear as he moved in and out, the occasional grunt making you moan as he hit that one spot, over and over, that always turned you into putty in his hands. It never took much for you to succumb to Seongwu completely, but it was so good every time you did.
You still didn’t have enough though. You wanted more. You wanted to feel more, and so, wanting more of that friction that was driving you wild, you pulled him closer to you, burying his face in the nape of your neck as you moved your hips with his. You met him at each point and every time you moaned louder. “S-seongwu…” you managed to stutter, earning you a soft chuckle in your ear.
“My love always sounds so hot like this. The way you say my name… the way you moan, I can’t get enough of it,” he whispered, making you moan again. He found himself quickening his pace as his lips left kisses along your neck, alternating with sucking and leaving little marks. His mind was so clouded by how good he was making you feel, with how good he felt, that he didn’t even notice how his normally hazel eyes turned red, or that his fangs had come out.
He might not have known but you had felt them instantly. You felt the way the tips of his fangs gently grazed your skin, and it sent a shiver down your spine. He had drawn blood from you before, usually in heated moments like this because it exhilarated you and was somehow better for him. It wasn’t uncommon so you were expecting his fangs to sink him. Yet, as you became more of a moaning mess in his arms, he never bit down. His fangs just danced on your skin, teasing you of the additional bit of euphoria that came every time those fangs broke skin. “S-seongwu, are you not going to do it?” you asked, almost sounding disappointed.
It was in that moment that he pulled away from you and you saw the shift in him. Those blood red eyes that were now scanning your form in place of his usual hazel ones that were far softer. But right now, those blood red orbs showed hesitation as Seongwu stilled himself above you. “Babe, I shouldn’t. It hasn’t been long since I last fed on you, and I don’t want anything bad to happen,” he said gently. Seongwu didn’t need to feed often, and when he did he often supplemented with animal blood, but you were his only source of actual human blood, and it was the way he wanted it. He found something special in you that he liked. Maybe it was because you were his, he didn’t know, but no one else was quite the same when he drew from them. But no matter how much he loved you, his instincts would sometimes get the better of him, but he knew he had to keep them at bay, mostly after the last time.
He had gotten a little over enthusiastic the last time the two of you made love and he decided to draw blood from you. He went a little overboard and you looked like you were in pretty bad shape afterwards. It was the first time he had ever taken more than he should have and he felt a pain in his chest seeing how weak you were. After that he had tried not to take from you, but even he knew he was getting a weaker, that he needed to eventually. And his natural instincts must have taken over in the moment, because they were ready to take what they craved now, and almost did if you didn’t say anything.
“But Seongwu, you haven’t fed in a while. You’re getting weak,” you told him. You had seen it. He had been looking a bit rough these last couple of days, but he had been playing it off as just fatigue, which you knew couldn’t be a thing. He needed to feed, and he refused to take from any human other than you. But he had become so shy about it after the last time made your bed-ridden for a few days. You knew he had felt guilty, but now he needed to think of his own well-being too.
“I don’t want to hurt you,” he said adamantly, but even he was having a hard time believing his words. It was taking every ounce of willpower in him right now not to do something he would regret. But you were completely overloading his senses. Between the way your body craved for him, to how fast your heart was beating, to how your aroused aura filled his senses, it was taking all of his self-control to not give in. He needed to feed, yes, but he also didn’t want to hurt you either. It was one thing to crave your blood, it was another for it to lead to him not having you in his life anymore.
You knew he had become gun shy so you knew that you had to do the one thing that would overwrite all of his inhibitions. You pulled him closer to you and tightened yourself around his length, making him moan in your ear as you said the words that always drove him while. “Damn Seongwu, just fuck me until I see stars.”
And that was enough for him to let loose. His hips moved faster, pistoling into you at a speed that you had never quite felt before. You were overstimulated, but you didn’t care. You could feel your release and you knew that he was close too. With every thrust you moaned into his ear, urging him on, and in a matter of seconds, you felt that familiar feeling pooling in your stomach. As your body shuttered, you felt two sharp pricks on your neck, pushing you further into a state of euphoria. The combination of the pain and pleasure were enough to wear you out as you felt a warm liquid filling you up as your lover reached his release above you.
When the both of you had ridden your highs, Seongwu slowly pulled out of you and engulfed you in his arms as your eyes grew heavy in that moment of pure bliss.
Consciousness plagued your body as you stirred from your sleep. Your head felt rather heavy and you were inwardly fighting with your brain to not wake up yet. You knew that this was a feeling of fatigue, but you had expected it. You would be able to work through it if your brain would just give you some more time to rest. But it seemed like it wanted to be up now, and you would have to find time to rest later.
The room was still dark, likely because Seongwu’s blackout curtains were obscuring the much brighter world outside. You had no perception of what time it was, but you didn’t even have time to think about it when a gentle kiss was placed on your temple, signaling to you that you weren’t quite alone. The lips gently moved to yours, softly kissing you in the most loving and affectionate way possible. There was no doubt in your mind that it was Seongwu. No one other than him had ever kissed you this sweetly.
“My love, you’re finally awake. Are you alright?” he asked, his words soft as he held you in his arms. He had stayed with you the entire time you slept, worried that he had overdone it. He stayed to keep listen to your heartbeat to make sure that it was normal, and he wanted to be there right when you woke up so that he could ask if you were alright right away. Seongwu hoped that he didn’t overdue it like he did the time before. Just thinking of that time caused a knot to form in his stomach. It could have been bad then, and he hoped it wasn’t like that now.
“I’m okay, just tired it all,” you informed him, resting your chin on his chest, eyes finally adjusting to how dark it was in the room. “Are you feeling better? Was that enough?”
A gentle smile graced his features and a weight was lifted off his shoulders when you told him that you were okay. He loved you a lot, and the way he was worrying about you now really proved to him that he wasn’t capable of feeling this way for anyone else.  “Honestly, I do feel a lot better overall,” he admitted, his hands drawing shapes into your skin.
Yet, Seongwu wasn’t one for keeping a serious mood for long. “Though, you know that I could never get enough of you. I’d make love to you a hundred times over in a night if I could,” he teased, hand lightly moving lower down your back.
“Maybe that’s a vampire thing, but it’s definitely not a human thing,” you teased gently, lightly tapping his nose as Seongwu made a move to pull your body on top of him, your naked forms fitting perfectly together. “It does feel good though…” you said softly, boosting the ego of the male below you.
That smirk on his features only grew. “I know what to do to you,” he teased gently before his eyes caught sight of the two puncture marks on your neck. That feeling overcame him again, that guilt. His brows furrowed as he leaned in to lick them, sending a shiver down your spine. “Make sure to cover them up, hm? They’ll fade soon…”
You nodded knowingly. It wasn’t the first time he had fed on you, but he said it every time, making his concern for you evident. “I know. Turtlenecks and other high sweaters for the time being. Don’t worry. I wouldn’t want any other girl knowing what you are anyway. They’d probably try to steal you away from me if that’s their fantasy,” you teased with a giggle.
“You know I would never leave you like that, right?” he asked, your joke being taken a little more seriously than you had expected. “I’d keep you by my side for eternity if you’d let me…”
Your heart swelled with his words, but before you could properly answer him, Seongwu’s lips were already on yours again, just to show you how much he really loved you…
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