#; they're more like in my top 20 tbh
opens-up-4-nobody · 5 months
#man ive never seen an eating disorder kill someone else besides a parent infecting a child but my nana is really trying#shes like 1000% orthotexic. will not eat anything not filled with vegetables or fat. and my grandpa is 87yo with a heart condition currentl#in the hospital for covid bc thry went to Christmas church and dont believe in being vaccinated and my dad is so frustrated#bc he knows his mom is not gonna give his dad hearty foods. he needs to eat like protein shakes and meat and ice cream. anything thats not#her cooking which sucks on top of being extremely healthy. except its not healthy bc they dont eat a balanced diet#so its my nanas eating disorder killing her husband and shes so fucking frustrating. im like 99% sure she has obsessive compulsive#personally disorder bc she fits to a T and has zero insight. she may have full on 0cd bc talking to my dad he has more obvious 0cd#compulsions than i do. he used to say phrases before going to bed and would take 2 steps across the floor to prevent bad things from#happening. so like im pretty sure my nana is where i get my perfectionism and 0cd. god. i wish i could express how fucked up she is#like my dad said at least he had a stable home to grow up in but like she has zero sympathy for other people. cannot look past herself. wil#not wear a mask bc she doesnt care enough abt other ppl. my dad was like: u would not have survived in that house. which is fair bc i am#barely keeping it together coming from a stable home with two sympathetic parents who i know love me#and like its sad that they're suffering the effects of buying into the fox news bullshit and its killing them#but also. genuinely. i think theyre not very good ppl. theyre the type of people who think they're better bc they're religious. white. and#thin. and theyre not better thsn anyone. their grandchildren cant stand them. well cant stand her at least. papa is just quite so its hard#to say what hes thinking. apparently he was confused last night and saying something about eating dinner on the golf course. which sounds#nicer thsn being in the hospital lol. ugh. he seems not long for this world tbh. may he pass peacefully to b with his 1st wife who died of#brain cancer at age like 20 or something. so it goes. bleh. how many funerals are intended for me in the next 5 years? hopefully none but#that seems improbable with the unspoken drain circling that seems to b going on in this family. old age and like almost 10 years of cancer#defying the stats but for how much longer?#i dunno. its just so weird to watch these things happen and not talk about it directly to the other ppl who see it#i worry that ill come off as too callose or inappropriate bc i have that tendency when something bad is happening but thats everyone else#excuse? idk i just feel like its better to talk abt things#unrelated#ed mention#i tell u this so i can say these things to someone and also bc if i were u. i would like to hear the drama#bc im nosey and i assume other r too ;-]
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This is actually SO funny to me. Lesson in being perceived
And sorry if I used your tags lol no offense
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imsobadatnicknames2 · 9 months
top 5 ttrpgs for beginners
Sorry that this one took me a bit longer to answer than all the other Top 5 asks :p i wanted to explain a bit of my reasoning behind it and this gave me q chance to ramble a bit about something that bothers me lol
So, first of all I want to talk about what TO ME makes something a good beginner RPG.
I've talked a bit in the past about how I have sort of a bone to pick with the way so many people, when asked for recs for beginner TTRPGs, immediately decide to recommend extremely rules-light/minimalist/one-page RPGs (Hacks of Lasers&Feelings in particular seem to be somewhat popular on this front), when IMO these types of RPGs are at their best when played by an experienced group (or at the very least with least one very experienced player/GM who can provide some guidance to the others). I think a lot of ppl seem to have the impression that simpler mechanics inherently make a game more beginner-friendly, and that thus the most beginner-friendly games are inherently gonna be the ones with the simplest mechanics. And while this is true to an extent (a 700-page RPG with tons of complicated mechanics to remember is obviously gonna be inaccessible to beginners), when you consider that mechanics exist to DELEGATE decisions about the fiction away from the players and the GM so that they don't have to manually arbitrate them every time, there is point where less mechanics are gonna make harder for new players because it means there's more thing they're gonna have to find a way to arbitrate on and decide by themselves, and that's a skill that takes time to develop. An experienced group can probably get a ton of mileage out of a system that essentially ammounts to "the GM describes the world. The players describe what their characters do, and the GM describes how the world reacrs. When the outcome of a player action is uncertain, then [simple resolution mechanic]" but a beginner group is gonna be a little lost. Especially if the game, like many of these types of games, includes practically nothing in terms of GM tools. So I think recommending beginner RPGs solely on the base of how simple they are is well-intentioned but misguided.
(Ramble over)
So, some of what, to me, makes something a good beginner RPG is
Rules provide enough support that the group won't have to constantly be figuring out how to adjudicate stuff on the fly, but they're simple and flexible enough that they're easy to remember and learning them doesn't feel like a daunting task like it does with a certain game (*cough cough* D&D)
Relatively short and uni timidating. Maybe between like 20 and 100 pages. Players should be able to read through the rules and mechanics in one sitting.
Plenty of examples of play, often a good example of play is what makes a game's rules really *click* for a new player.
Relatively quick and painless to start running for the first time. Character creation should be quick and snappy, and if possible a short pre-written adventure (hopefully with some room to be expanded into something larger) should be included within the same book and ready to run out of the box. Even if your group doesn't like using prewritten adventures, having a *good* prewritten adventure can be a huge help in understanding how to write/design them.
Solid set of GM tools and resources (if it's a game with a GM, of course)
Optionally, plenty of compatible material to either use or take inspo from.
So, I think my recs would for beginner games would be...
If any of you have EVER heard me talk about RPGs you knew Mausritter was gonna be here TBH. I've repeatedly talked about it being one of my favorite RPGs and also that I consider it pretty much an ideal introduction to the hobby. I think the woodland critter theme is extremely charming and attractive for people of any age, while the slightly darker elements that rear their head from time to time keep it from feeling too childish.
The mechanics are simple and flexible but still provide enough structure that even a new GM will rarely if ever be at a loss about how to resolve a particular action. They're familiar to anyone who's played a dungeon game while still being extremely streamlined. 3 stats with the main action resolution being roll-under tests, no classes, characters are defined mostly by their inventory, all attacks auto hit and initiative is extremely streamlined, which keeps combat quick and dynamic, etc. And the mechanics are pretty short and esy to digest too, the players' section of the rulebook only takes 18 pages, including stuff like inventory tables and examples of play, and the website features a handy one.page rules summary (which also comes with the box set)
It's super easy to get running: character creation takes a couple minutes at most, and it features both a simple adventure and hexcrawl that can be used right out of the box with plenty of interesting directions to expand for further adventures.
Now, Mausritter takes most of its mechanics from Into The Odd, so a lot of its virtues come to it, but I think the few changes it made DO make mausritter most beginner-friendly, such as its inventory system which makes inventory management into a genuine challenge without having it devolve into a slog of tedious book-keeping, and the incorporation of a streamlined version of GloG's magic system, which manages to still be simple and easy without being as loose and freeform as the magic system from a lot of OSR games of similar complexity (which can be initially daunting to new players)
But what REALLY makes mausritter shine IMO is the extremely solid set of GM tools. In just a few pages mausritter manages to provide simple rules, procedures, generators and advice for running faction play, making an engaging hexcrawl, making adventure sites, and generating stuff like treasure hoards, NPCs, an adventure seeds and overal just a ton of useful stuff that takes a huge load off of the shoulders of any beginner GM.
Lets say you're into Mausritter mechanically but your players aren't into the whole woodland creature theme and want to play something more traditional. Cairn is also built on Into The Odd's system, and takes inspiration from some of the same sources, so it's very similar mechanically. It does feature some significant differences regarding magic, character advancement, and how injury and healing work, but overall it's still mostly the same system under the hood, so a lot of what I said makes Mausritter a great introduction to the hobby mechanically still applies here (quick and flavorful character creation, dynamic and streamlined but dangerous combat, etc). It's also a classless system that features msotly inventory-defined characters, but aside from the option to randomly roll your gear, the game also offers the option of picking a gear package in case you wanna emulate a particular fantasy archetype.
Now, Cairn is a much more barebones document, and doesn't even feature examples of play or an explicit GM section with resources for running the game, which breaks with the things I said I look for in a beginner RPG. However, in this case I'm willing to forgive this because, first, Cairn's website features a plethora of first party and third party stuff that isn't featured in the book itself, including examples of play, GM procedures and tools, modular rules, and a wealh of conversions of creature stat blocks and adventures from D&D and other fantasy adventure ttrpgs.
And Second, something different that specifically distinguishes Cairn as a good example of a beginner RPG is how it explicitly outlines its philosophical and design principles, and the principles of play for both the GM and the players before it even shows you any rules, which is something that I think more games and ESPECIALLY begginer games should do. IMO the whole book is worth it just for that little section.
Troika is a game built on the Fighting Fantasy system (which originally was less of a TTRPG system and more of an engine for a series of choose-your-own-adventure books) with a really interesting pseudo-victorian space opera weird gonzo setting which is a load of fun. It has very simple 2d6 mechanics, with characters having three stats (Stamina, Skill, and Luck), and being mostly defined by their inventory and the special skills from their background. Character creation is quick and snappy. The game gives you 36 weird and extremely creative character backgrounds, but creating a custom background is as easy as coming up with a concept and the names of a couple special skills that support that concept. It also has a very unique initiative system which might be a little divisive but which I DO find fun an interesting.
While it lacks many of the GM tools I praised Mausritter for, it makes up a little bit for it with an initial adventure that does a wonderful job at naturally introducing the weirdness of the setting, and which at the end presents a ton of opportunities to segway into a variety of urban adventures.
Now, a lot of beginners come into RPGs specifically looking for a D&D-type fantasy game (which is a problem because D&D is a pretty bad option for a beginner RPG) so for those types of players I would recommend
The Black Hack
The Black Hack is probably my favorite game for doing D&D-style fantasy roleplaying. It's a game that at its core uses the original 1974 white box edition of D&D for inspiration, but modernizes, reimagines, and streamlines every aspect of it to be one of the most simple yet elegant D&D-like experiences out there. For example, TBH uses the six stat array that all D&D players know and love, and with the same 3-18 point range, but does away with the attribute score / attribute modifier dichotomy, instead building its entire system around the attribute scores, with all rolls in the game being roll-under tests for a relevant attribute (including initiative, attack/defense rolls, and saving throws). It also innovated some extremely elegant mechanics that went on to be very influential for other games, such as its Usage Die mechanic as a way to streamline keeping track of consumable resources. Basically, it's like if D&D actually played the way it looks in cartoons and stuff: character creation doesn't take 3 hours, every combat encounter doesn't take five hours, and you can place some emphasis on resource management without the game making you want to tear your hair out with boring bookkeeping.
And one of the coolest things about it is the way it handles compatibility. Despite taking loose at best mechanical inspiration from D&D and playing very differently from it, TBH is intentionally designed to be compatible with a wealth of old-school D&D material. While it very clearly stands as its own distinct game, it's designed in such a way that you can prety much grab any creature stat block or adventure module written for any pre-3e version of D&D and use it in The Black Hack with little to no effort in conversion required.
The first edition of the game is a pretty barebones 20-page booklet that just describes the basic game mechanics, since it was assumed you'd probably be using D&D creature stat blocks and adventures with it anyway, but the second edition was significantly expanded with a bestiary, expanded GM procedures and advice, and tool for creating anything you could want: Hexcrawls, towns, dungeons, quests, treasure hoards, NPCs, dungeon rooms, traps, secrets doors, etc. plus a short premade adventure and even a few premade unkeyed dungeon maps that you can take and key yourself if you're in a pinch for a map, which as you all know, I think GM tools are an important part of a beginner game.
The game only includes the 4 basic classes from old-school D&D (fighter, thief, cleric, magic user) but the community has made several supplements adding back more modern classes.
Now, if you're that type of player that wants a D&D-like experience and you want an alternative that's still beginner-friendly but doesn't deviate as much from D&D's design, I would suggest:
either Basic Fantasy, or Old-School Essentials (or any good retroclone of Basic D&D tbh)
BF and OSE differ a bit from each other but at their core they're both attempts to repackage a relatively faithful but slightly modernized version of the 1981 Basic/Expert D&D set, retaining mostly the same mechanics while ditching a few of the aspects that might seem counterintuitive to a modern audience (such as descending AC, which I personally don't mind but I udnerstand why a lot of people find it confusing). I'm recommending these bc I think if you're gonna play any actual D&D product, the B/X set represents D&D at its most beginner-friendly (character creation is at its quickest and simplest, combat flows faster and remain itneresting due to doing side initiative rather than individual initative, the mechanics forsurprise, stealth, and dungeon exploration actions such as looking for traps are streamlined to simple D6 rolls) while still being recognizably D&D and these retroclones put in a bit of an extra effort to make them even more accessible to modern audiences.
Now, just like The Black Hack, these retroclones are limited in their race/class choice to the classic old-school D&D human/halfling/elf/dwarf and fighter/cleric/thief/magic user, but in the case of Basic Fantasy, the community has made several race and class supplements, some of which are showcased on the official website, and in the case of OSE, the OSE: Advanced addon reintroduces many of the modern classes and races that were originally introduced in the Advanced D&D line.
Have in mind that this list is pretty limited by my own tastes and experiences. I'm very aware that the very specific type of game I tend to play and like and experiences inroducing some of my friends to the hobby completely color the scope of what I can recommend as a good beginner RPG, and that that scope is significantly limited. I also like more narrative storygame type stuff, and I don't doubt that some of them would also make a fantastic introduction to the hobby (some PbTA stuff like Ironsworn, Dungeon World and Monster of the Week comes to mind) but my experience with them is not significant enough for me to feel confident in telling which of them are good beginner RPGs.
Also note that there are several games that I consider to be more MECHANICALLY beginner-friendly than the ones I listed here, but that I avoided mentioning specifically because they offer extremely little to no support in terms of GM tools, which I think is an important and often overlooked aspect of beginner-friendliness for any game that includes a GM! But they still might be worth checking out. These include games like DURF, FLEE, OZR, A Dungeon Game, Bastards, Dungeon Reavers, Knave 1e, and Tunnel Goons.
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aroaceleovaldez · 2 months
the show chb logo was also ripped from fandom, like in the past decade all the official chb shirt had the logo without the circle and then the fandom started doing and the show went for it, sorry your tags reminded me of that
[Link to post/tags in question]
Yeah, I know Delphi Strawberry Service has done more circular-based CHB shirt designs for ages, and I've seen the more circular-based designs floating around for awhile. I think Magicbysab's circular-based CHB shirt designs also predate the show design? Those are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head. I understand on a level that if they did base it off fandom designs, particularly if they're basing anything on widespread fanon or fandom-based concepts, it can be difficult to pin down credit or may even seen unnecessary. But if they're going to be doing that I feel like at least they could hire like, a fandom consultant of sorts? Instead of just ripping off from the fandom, hire someone from the community who produces that already so at least there's some recognition and acknowledgement of where it originated.
Heck, in some instances if you ask around in the fandom it's not hard to pinpoint who specifically popularized certain concepts! I could talk for ages about Cherryandsisters being a driving force behind photokinesis!Will, or Saberghatz with plague!Will (tbh between the two they spearheaded a ton of early Will/Solangelo fanon), and I swear Drksanctuary alone is behind like 50% of Alabaster fanon, etc etc etc. People in the fandom know these things! Heck, we know ReadRiordan company knows how to do that kind of thing! They commissioned Viria for the official art, and the UK Riordan newsletter reaches out to fans all the time to feature their work (with credit, they're one of the better ones)! Though in Rick's book tours he did showcase Viria's art (at least with credit) without asking before she got commissioned, and during the Tower of Nero book tours they actually straight up stole a solangelo edit from Pervysloth with completely zero credit (link is to my canon url readriordan parody blog).
I think it doesn't help as well that Rick and his editor allegedly use the fandom wiki in place of a series bible. The PJO wiki is notorious for putting inaccurate information or fanon onto pages at random and having no sources. (What I wouldn't give for the PJO wiki to have frequent book/page sources a la Warrior Cats wiki...) There are what, now almost 18 books in the main series alone? Of an extremely renowned best-selling series that's 20 years old and now being adapted for TV? And they STILL don't have a series bible? That's like, step 1 of writing a series. This kind of reliance of the fandom for resources and concepts definitely isn't new for them.
It just feels so bizarre as to what it says about how the ReadRiordan company views the fandom and the creatives within it. I understand that trying to figure out how to give credit to the concept of "CHB shirt design, but circular!" is difficult, if you even can find out who did that first or popularized it. But if you're going to rip things from fandom, at least find somebody to try and credit? Show that you put in even the tiniest amount of effort? And if you get it wrong and people know, they'll correct you and that's that! But ReadRiordan just keeps trying to actively obscure these kinds of things, even with their own media, not ripped from the fandom, which makes it feel all the worse when it gets pointed out. And a lot of the time the whole reason those concepts get popular is because they're filtered through big names in the fandom! The fandom is a community! We know these people! We can point to them and explain exactly what they popularized! Remember how Velinxi popularized long haired Piper with the heart-shaped flyaways? Goodness only knows how many fandom designs are heavily influenced by Viria and Minuiko and Burdge (and Indigonite and Fuocogo and Ikimaru and Thecottonproject and Joker-ace and Sixofclovers and Vikingmera and Saber and Cherry and and and-). If you are in the community this stuff is easy to find. But Rick and the ReadRiordan company clearly being ~5 years behind with fanon pretty obviously tells me that they're not in the community at all, and aren't bothering trying.
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bts-trash-blog · 1 year
Best Of Us Hidden Moments
A Moment Between Chapter 20 and 21: So You’d Want More
Summary: just little moments that I thought up after posting a chapter or just didn't flow like I wanted to
Pairing: Rap Line X Fem!Chubby Omega!Reader
Warning: A/O/B!Vers, angst, fluff, smut(all the warnings on the main story tbh)
AN: No taglist as of now for this little sub-series of Best Of Us. Wanna mainly focus onto the main story. Will be trying to post this in between chapter in no logical order tbh they're just gonna be tossed out there. 
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You were nervous-fingers typing away on an essay that you honestly had no clue on how to write. Yet here you were-winging it- teeth slightly grinding and you swear you were sweating. Yoongi was typing away his eyes casting to the paper files then back to his desk top- after he had asked you out on a date you had instantly fallen into a slightly awkward yet comfortable silence. You had finished what little work Jin had given you- having argued that you could handle more yet the older Alpha shook his head and huffed that you had a paper to write. An economics paper- the dreaded paper one that you only had a title page for and nothing else. The five page paper that was due by the end of the night. You were at this point just bullshitting half of the stuff you were writing and you couldn’t help the anxious laughter as you suddenly dropped your head down into your arms. Groaning.
“Pup?” Yoongi mumbles, making you shake your head as your laughter slightly grows as you move to sit back up as you look at him- his head slightly tilting as his slick back hair slightly moves as he sits back away from his computer. His eyes were moving from you to your computer screen and his smile grew as he watched you pout. “What is it?”
“I hate Economics-and yeah I get it it is very important for this career but still- it feels pointless.” You ramble as he chuckles “And this paper-this paper is literally gonna drive me to jump out your window- I don't understand the topic I was given let alone whatever-that mess I’ve written.” You finished with a huff, eyes closing arms crossing over your chest as you hear him inhale- the sound of his chair rolling right next to yours, his body heat radiating off of him onto you as his arms slid across the back of your chair, the other gripping your laptop and scrolling up.
“Let me see if I can help.” He mumbled making your nod as you unconsciously leaned your head against his shoulder making him tense up slightly-which in turn made you inhale and lift your head. Though his hand lands on your shoulder and slides up your neck making you look over as he smiles at you.
“Sorry I just wasn't ready for that, come back here." he whispered, making you smile as you moved to rest your head back on his shoulder. His hand is still pressing against your neck- his thumb running against your scent gland as he reads through your works-half chuckling at certain parts and then he stops and removes his hand from your neck, sliding it under you and reaching around to the keyboard to delete and retype a sentence. “That was worded horrible-how are you a senior in college.”
“I'm second in my class.”
“If they saw the sentences that would change everything.” He mumbles a teasing tone as you smack his leg making him chuckle as you feel lips press to the top crown of your head. “Also if this is you bullshiting I really want to read a paper of yours actually trying. I can see why you’re top of your class.”
“Second.” You grumbled making him huff as he stopped scrolling and moved his hand to your thigh.
“I know the only reason why you’re second and not first is because you’re an omega-so you to me are top of the class.” His words had your face heating up- your mind going hazy as you let out a soft purr like sound making him chuckle as you pull away and clear your throat, though he doesn't let you get far. “Hey-hey look at me-well hello there baby.” he muttered when seeing how dilated your eyes were-it had you closing your eyes, hands reaching to cover your face but his hands caught your wrist. “Oh no don't hide.” He chuckled his minty breath fanning your face as you felt the tip of his nose against yours as his lips gently brush against yours. “You’re fucking adorable.” he mumbled arms wrapping around you after he had turned your chair towards him. His nose brushed into your hair as you awkwardly bent forward.
“Small.” you whispered, making him chuckle again as he pulls back hand moving to your neck, thumb at the base of your chin as his pointer fingers brushes against your ear. It had you whining as he smiled at you. “Stopppp.” You whine making his laughter grow even more.
“Comeback-then we’ll work on this paper together okay? I’ll be your wall to bounce ideas off of.” nodding you let yourself breath-closing your eyes as you tried to focus on you. The way your clothes move against your skin, your hair was being slightly tugged at by the hair tie-the way his skin burned yours. It had you opening your eyes and blinking rapidly as you huff at the Alpha in front of you-his half gummy smile as his brown eyes stared into you. The feeling of his hand back at the base of your neck-brushing agasing against your scent gland really wasn't helping you ground yourself.
“Stop.” You grumbled, arms moving to push his hand away as he bites a laugh- his head shaking as he dropped his hand from your neck-though the moment his body heat wasn't against yours you felt this overwhelming feeling of sadness-of fear. His eyes widened as your sweet  cookie scent started to burn as he quickly moved back in front of you-hand placing itself right back at the base of your neck, thumb moving across your skin as he pressed his forehead against yours. It had your scent changing- sweetening back up as he chuckles at you.
“Though you knew how to control your drops without an Alpha." His teasing words came after a couple of minutes of the two of you justin sitting there-it had you huffing eyes opening-mind clear as you pushed his hand off of your neck as you stuck your tongue out at him.
“Don’t make me rethink going on that date.”
“Oh no whatever shall I do-” he mumbles sarcastically, making you swat at his arm as he let out a soft chuckle as he grabbed the bottom of your chair moving his legs apart so he could roll you and your chair between them. Squishing your knees in the process. “My little Alpha heart can’t take the thought.” He pauses, eyes locked with yours as his hands resting on your thigh as you let out a shaky breath-his hand sliding up your thigh the feeling of his warm calloused hand against your skin had you shivering. Your inner omega rolling on her back- submitting- yet you fell frozen. “Of you not with me tonight.” He mumbled his fingers drawing shapes as he kept his eyes locked on yours. “Just pains me to my core.” His lips suddenly touch yours, his hand squeezing as you let out the most drawn out whine you’ve ever heard. It had him chuckling as he pulled away.
“Why’d you stop?”
“So you’d want more.” He shrugged, making you huff as he pushed you back to your original spot. Rolling next to you as he smiled at you. “Now let's get this paper finished.”
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wikiangela · 1 month
20 Questions for Fic Writers
tagged by @dangerpronebuddie @diazsdimples @aroeddiediaz @underwaterninja13 @nmcggg @ladydorian05 thank you <33
How many works do you have on ao3?
right now it's 90! (57 of these are 911 lol)
What's your total ao3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
currently just 911, but I have some destiel and sambucky fics and who knows, I might get back to them at some point haha
Top 5 fics by kudos:
For a holiday (and forevermore)
I can't love you any more (than I do now)
I'd marry you with paper rings
the next best thing
There’s no way that it’s not going there (with the way that we’re looking at each other)
(they're all buddie and I just noticed that the top 4 are all over 1k kudos?? when did that happen lmao)
Do you respond to comments?
I do! sometimes it takes me a while bc i get lowkey overwhelmed lol but I always do!
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
there's not a lot bc I prefer happy or hopeful endings, but I guess by post 6x10 fics? Fine and don't know what I'd do if your tomorrow never came idk lol
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
most of my fics have happy endings, but I guess I'd say For a holiday (and forevermore) 
Do you get hate on fics?
not really? got like one or two not very nice comments but generally no haha
Do you write smut?
yes I do 😁 not often and it always takes me forever but I do have two smut fics in the works (one buddie, one bucktommy lol)
Craziest crossover?
don't have any
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
no, as far as I know
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Have you co-written a fic before?
All time favorite ship?
(ngl, bucktommy is a veeeeery close second rn🙈)
What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
there's two that have been fighting me for so long they're lowkey abandoned now and tbh I don't know if I still want to finish them? one is a 5+1 nicknames, and the other just a silly idea about eddie flirting with buck since they met but buck being veeeery oblivious lol
What are your writing strengths?
I think (usually) I'm pretty good at staying true to the characters and not making them too ooc (and I know when it's ooc, okay, I have one wip rn where I just don't give a fuck, I'm writing it anyway lol), and I can get into their heads pretty well. Also I think I'm good at the cute fluffy stuff lol idk
What are your writing weaknesses?
there's probably a lot lol - rn the one that comes to mind is descriptions probably, which is why writing fanfic where we have established characters and settings is so much easier than og stuff haha
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I don't mind it but I don't do it a lot aside from a pet name here and there bc I just don't wanna get anything wrong lol
First fandom you wrote in?
for tv shows supernatural, but before that I did write rpf which i just wanna forget about lol
Favorite fic you've written?
rn it's three:
we don't know where this is going now (don't be afraid of heights, let me open your heart wide) - my tommy pov fic <3
I'm comin' back, don't let me go - buck driving/breakdown fic
baby, you drive me wild - car smut - might not be my best but it's my fave smut lol
tags: @elvensorceress @eddiebabygirldiaz @watchyourbuck @loserdiaz @evanbegins
@wildlife4life @lover-of-mine @monsterrae1 @weewootruck @loveyouanyway
@spagheddiediaz @rainbow-nerdss @epicbuddieficrecs @pirrusstuff @spotsandsocks
@rogerzsteven @hippolotamus @sunshinediaz @honestlydarkprincess @exhuastedpigeon
@jesuisici33 @steadfastsaturnsrings @buddieswhvre @theotherbuckley @daffi-990
@hoodie-buck @tizniz @bidisasterevankinard
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rebouks · 1 month
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-- anon
I'm sorry, but what kind of accent does Ivan have? He's the only sim who speaks that way and now that he's more in focus, I can't help but wonder where he comes from! Also, while I'm at it, I've also noticed that you stay loyal to the Sim world ("speaking in Tartosan" "a Tartosan goddess", etc), and while it's obvious that Tartosa was based on Italy and Spain, do you imagine your characters being from real countries and with distinct cultural backgrounds?
hmmm idk that he really has an accent as such, it's more that he speaks more loosely/common than every one else. i don't really have voice claims or any real countries to pin these pixels to cos they're sims u kno, it'd probs get messy if i started tying things to irl and not others.. so nah, other than rough stuff like vaguely japanese for mt. komo or italy for tartosa i don't pin em to real places ig you could use my northern english accent as an example tho, like my mom is pretty well spoken but still northern right? so she pronounces her t's n shit but my accent is way more common and i drop all mine to a ridiculous extent (if i was to write butter or water the way i'd say it it's practically unreadable lol.. like bu'uer? bUHer?? idk lmao) so Ivan probs speaks like me tbh.. Tommy, Rhys and a couple others speak that way too and Oscar does when he's drunk
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-- @zosa95
For Bryatt!
Disagreements: How often do they argue/disagree? ehhh probs not a lot, i can't imagine Wyatt engaging in pointless arguments, he'd just walk off lmao
Sex: Who moans the most? Brynn..
Family: Who changes the diapers? mostly Brynn
Family: Who gives their children ‘the talk’? idk ig with Ellis it'd be Wyatt but it'd be like "wrap it up n' pee" so i can see Brynn adding to that 😆 all Brynn if they have a girl tho
Affection: Who gives the most kisses? Brynn!
Sleeping: Who wakes up with bed hair? Wyatt.. u know Brynn has pictures of that shit
Home: Who does the groceries? Wyatt.. gotta make sure actual food is in the house u kno
Miscellaneous: Who kills the spiders around the house? no one.. lil spider did no one any harm 🕷
Miscellaneous: What do they tease each other about? hmm idk if they tease each other all that much tbh, they're playful but not at each other's expense u kno
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-- @akitasimblr
hello becca! for salton, pleeeeeeease <33
Who is on top? Sid most the time lmaooo.. let's face it, Alton be lazy n' submissive
Ever had sex in public? a couple times
Do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’? in between? mostly the latter
Where is the strangest place? probs a broom cupboard or smth at uni idk lmao 😆
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-- anon
I know you don't do WCIF but would you mind sharing the creators you like most for male sim clothes? I struggle to clothe my guys a lot and I noticed you have a huge cast of male sims, so I was wondering. My bad if this sort of ask is unwelcomed too tho
but.......... skjdskj idk darte77 and gorillax3 are prolly good places to start or u kno.. google
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-- @akitasimblr
hello becca!!! one more extra i wish to know of: well, a couple now, rickey love and patrick harvey :) a) where are they living now? b) what do they do for a living? c) any chances of seeing them again in fib (or their daughter...??)? thank youuuu!
ohhhh idk.. i think the whole point of em, as sad as it may be, is that Oscar n them lost touch n they kinda fell off the face of the earth u kno? a price Oscar paid for his choices ig never say never tho! and we'll see 'em again when i eventually get round to doing a uni flashback for Oskie so yay! 🤸‍♀️
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OC Deep Dive Questionnaire Tag
A set of 20 questions to get to know your OC! ty for the tag @dandylion240 @hannahssimblr @sirianasims & anyone else i forgot <33
What uncommon/common fear do they have? that Oscar will disappear off into his confusing world of horribleness Robin doesn't fully understand yet ;-;
Do they have any pet peeves? not rlly.. pretty hard to piss the guy off
What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom? headphones - cameras - letters ^^
What do they notice first in a person? their thoughts 👀🧠
On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance? idk.. 4/5? i imagine he's kinda used to feeling other ppls pain as well as his own but he's still a baby ;-;
Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure? FIGHT!
Do they come from a big family/are they a family person? yeeeeah.. he likes some quiet time now n then but he loves his family sm 🤗
What animal represents them best? fuck if i know.. a fly on the wall? lmao
What is a smell that they dislike? stinky younger sibling diapers
Have they broken any bones? not yet.. somehow
How would a stranger likely describe them? weird.. QUIET
Are they a night owl or a morning bird? night owl.. it's peaceful when everyone's asleep 💤
What is a flavor they hate and a flavor they love? cilantro/coriander - pastries
Do they have any hobbies? photography - pissing around in the sea/on his bike/in whatever he shouldn't - writing to Alex - SPYING ON PPL
Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprises? u can't surprise the lil guy.. i dare u to try
Do they like to wear jewelry? yeah ig as much as a kid does.. string stuff, friendship bracelets or w/e
Do they have neat or messy handwriting? kinda messy.. maybe it'll be neater later
What are two emotions they feel the most? intrigue & overwhelmed
Do they have a favorite fabric? he said he doesn't care
What kind of accent do they have? ✨imaginary pixel land accent✨
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and ty to anyone who's sent me any love trains recently <33333 ily all sm but i got overwhelmed the more i let pile up in my inbox so i deleted everything so i could breathe again 🙈
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mariii1 · 2 years
🌕 Your First (or Next) Sexual Encounter 18+ 🌕
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4-5-6-7 (all photos from Thierry Mugler's 1997 collection)
Also my pinterest go follow for more gothy stuff 🤗
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Hehehe I'm back baby 😈 and in time for spooky season. The college transition is the hardest thing I've gone through so far. Anybody tellin you college aint that different from highschool is praying on your downfall, be aware, you actually have to learn things in college. Anyway still working on that 20 pile pac we'll see how long it takes. I've changed my tumblr to a dark theme and it's gonna be like this even during Christmas 🤭. This pac is dedicated to all the horny bitches who are so desperate they think spells for sex will get them somewhere☠️ ☠️
1. Some of you might feel like late bloomers. Or too old to be having you're first time. If you're getting penetrated (with a dildo/dick) this person is gooooooddd. Like heavenly. Iike you wouldn't even know someone could move soo welll. Even if its "hardcore" its not boring none of tht janky porn shit, its more like they'll go very deep if you want them to. Damnn the visuals this is giving Ginuwine my pony. To make shit 🌽, its giving magic mike ✨️ 🤭. But yeah they seem verry sweet in bed. If you're not into penetration but oral, this person is godlyyy. Regardless of how you view yourself this person doesn't give a shit; inexperienced or not, this person wants you a lot like, I'm getting top/dom femme vibes for a lot of you for this person, they want to jump on you, i think they get wet/hard the moment they see your body and honestly just when they see your face for some of you 😳. Listen even if you're older than this person, maybe there's an age gap, and you're not very experienced they. want. You. Honestly whatever difference is making you insecure, its incredibly arousing to them. Especially if you're older, they might view you as super cute and get really turned on by you being shy or more meek than them. They're intensee. Even if you have other sexual partners, i feel the way they give head is incredibleee. Like they're not even flashy with it but they do a lot for you.
2. You've probably, almost definitely been with this person before. Even if you didn't see it as going all the way, you at least done something sexual and/or romantic with this person. If not you might've chose the wrong pile. You might've been heavily sexually attracted to this person, they could've been a domme, maybe even thought of themselves as professional for some of you, or you liked dominated them. Whoever was dominant in this scenario ruined the connection/ relationship. Regardless, this person is gonna come back to you and offer something. You might have sex, it'll make you reconsider things, but I don't see you taking them back regardless of the role you had. Tbh i don't even know if you'll care about the sexual encounter, i feel like your head will be somewhere else the whole time cuz i cant see anything about it. 💀💀
3. This person might've been someone who was very controlling. I think they actually really changed. You could've know them in the past and fantasized about being with them, maybe even masturbated about them but never actually thought it could happen. They might've been very popular/"out of your league"/or you just knew they would be bad to you in some way. They might've been a realll asshole in the past. Like did some shady shit ewww. Like creepy stuff for a few. Or endorsed it. Anywayyyyy it must've been a long time ago cuz they changed a lot and I'm see this could be a current or future partner who you'll be with for a long time. I feel this person loves/will deeply love you. For some this person is already very in love with you and your first time with them will be when you decide to be a couple. So for the actual encounter, they might masturbate with you. Like they might want you to jerk off in front of them. If y'all have dicks, they just want to rub em together. Or honestly rub coochies together. They want to make you feel good without scaring you off. This person doesn't want you to feel like you're doing too much too fast. Step by step whatever that means to you. They might talk a lot or even repeatedly say how much they like you. This might be someone you see as a friend at first.
4. SLURP THAT DICK TILL IT CUM 😩💦 HAHA srry cupcakke came into my head when I was pulling for this pile. Y'all might pull a lot of ppl and don't even know. "Mind over magic" I'm getting you might give a dick a handjob, and they'll cum pretty fast. This person is very pretty/very beautiful. I'm not sure why but you'll be using you're mind a lot during this encounter. I think you'll be very focused on it but not in a feeling type of way. It's very observant, it's like you're trying to figure sex out like how it works from an intellectual stand point. Very much curious virgin vibes. This person is very cute very precious honestly. You're gonna be up all night trying to please this person. For some reason you're entertained by their facial expressions, okayy top energy. You really want to experiment and see how it feels when you do a certain thing. Im not getting a lot of info about this person, i think they're quite inexperienced too. They'll definitely orgasm im not sure you will though. I think they'll try to please you it doesn't work out, so you just go right bqck to pleasing them. I don't think this pile likes to sit still and just recieve. You might make them orgasm or at least feel good a lot. They might cum a lot or when they orgasm, a lot comes out. You might like how they moan too.
5. You could do it with someone who doesn't want to be in a relationship egardless of whether they have feelings for you or not. This person could also be hot and cold, as if you can't tell whether they actually want you or not. I think you may cling onto them or sort of pressure them into having sex?? Obviously not actually but its like you're looking over their hesitancy but they are too. Idk they keep giving mixed signals. You might stop halfway through cuz of how they're acting. It might also take you awhile to get aroused whether its generally takes longer for you to or they just aren't that great at giving (pr should i say finding?) pleasure. Um for some reason it feels like they fought to have you sleep with them though, you might've had a lot of other competitors for you. I think they told you they wanted to be exclusive (not dating yet) but then they got weird. I think even during having sex you're gonna feel conflicted on whether you feel good or not cuz they're confusing emotionally.
6. This could happen on Halloween for you 😮 Ok im genuinely getting spooky vibes from this pile, yall could be into occultism or whateva lots of new age ppl in here. Anyway i think during this encounter you're going to realize you dont actually like this person. I think you let your sexual fantasies get to your head and projected them heavily onto this other person and basically your daydreams are gonna get shattered by reality. Maybe in a not so melodramatic way, but you're going to lose any fake or i guess made up romantic feelings you have and realize you just were very horny and/or you don't actually want to date this person so youre not going to have sex with (if you only want to have sex in a relationship) i think some of you again are gonna do a double take and stop before anything gets serious or if you do go through with having sex which is only for a few of you, i think you'll get an orgasm and have post nut clarity in that you'll realize that maybe you werent even that sexually attracted to this person 💀💀 yall better not go around breaking somebody's heart and ego 🤭🤭
7. A lot of you could be men or masc. Any internalized toxic masculinity or femininity will leave you during this encounter OR you're just gonna be able to soothe your insecurities in some way. This doesn't mean you'll feel this way after the encounter tho. I think some of you will come to accept your body and looks and even kinks/what turns you on particularly if you identity as a man or transmasc. Maybe you felt like it was taboo or gross but i think whoever you have a sexual encounter with, they'll accept and maybe really enjoy it. They could also juat not care and you might be relieved its not a big deal to other people. I think you'll really be able to please this person and that might make you more confident, this is also specifically for men who are exploring their sexuality. I think you're going to realize you made something a problem when it didn't have to be and you might reflect some more about it after the encounter. This pile could be related to group 4 btw.
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snackugaki · 9 months
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... just make an iteration* for fun, I said
a universe where they've made it into their late 30s-early 40s and they chill and can be serene in the company of friends and family for once. maybe a flashback or two for the action moments
"fix" your childhood turtles so they can have a reprieve and some shenanigans, i reasoned with myself--
my tmnt au iteration (where everyone made it past their 20s, splinter’s alive just old, venus is here, and they deserve some goddamn respite and shenanigans)
tmnt au iteration part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8 | part 9
tmnt au iteration omake 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11
lny visit 1 | 2
is this actually new ramblings for the iteration or like one new lore bit and just a rerererererehashing of lore i sprinkled across the other posts.
first though, with my sorta-outsider-not-active-participant-in-fandom history I realized "au" isn't the proper term for what I've been doing, the more suitable term is "iteration".
and we're gonna sit with the fact that even someone at my old-ass age recognized my previous understanding of a term was, for all intents and purposes, not entirely correct and that I acknowledged it, rectified when I could, and that's it, it can be that easy.
okay back to the bullshit.
so my Mondo was introduced in the Archie run, a funky guy with a metal band called Merciless Slaughter, dressed like a punk Hulk, all around good peoples, hung out with the Mutanimals.
His design cobbling isn't too deep, I don't think. Just thought it'd be more rad if he looked more like a guy who fronts a band called Merciless Slaughter while remaining the same ol' Mondo inside, post mutation.
Kept some of his original color palette around in his hat, his pants, his NYHC logo (links) knockoff, and his little dyed leather cord bracelets.
the letters for the logo are for, Skate or Die (across), and Merciless Slaughter (down)
hmm still waffling on if I'm more tickled by him being taller than Mikey or the same height (5'4")
and now for the rererererehash rambling because none of this design progression is coming out linear for me. so super quick, am an original 90s turtlemania survivor, Rise brought me back, gorged Rise then Bay then 2007 movie then rererererewatching of Next Mutation and the 90s trilogy for fun then hacking my way back through the Archie and Mirage runs then caught up with IDW and then just... slogging through 2003 and 2012 which honestly I feel like I got the gists of through gif sets alone.
one hand I can see why old fans (90s turtlemania) didn't seem to like the Rise designs, ours really were just the same li'l green dude but in different colors and hit sticks looks-wise. But here comes Rise with all the character design classics: different shapes! different sizes! exaggeration! and that's on top of all the nudges and twists made to the usual lore; Raphael is now the oldest, Leo and Donnie are now twins, they're different species of turtles, they're tools for war, brand new antagonists etc.
idk, to me when I was watching that shit, it was fun and refreshing so... ionno, built different cope maybe to the other oldheads pissing their pantaloons still ig whatevs
what tickles me most, personally, is the utter fuckton of Rise AUs, and a few Rise-driven iterations, and also some of the other non canon media iterations. so tickled that I got hit by the makeaniterationigitis itllbefunoccocal virus too. UnU (i'm kidding, i'm having so much fucking fun) just I'm addressing the flowers I wanna give to the kids who took Rise's take on tmnt and just RAN with the "different turtle species" from full out coloring their turtles the same as the species they picked to mimicking Rise's design language with different markings.
God, the markings thing just really nestled into my heart, it's such a simple thing and yet it took Rise to just try it, not even a lot, just a little for flavorrrrr. It's just enjoyable as fuck to me tbh and I'm sharpening my teeth when I revisit my coloring choices for the 8th time... fuck where was I?
right, mine are mistakes. wrongright place at the wrongright time, mutagen was there and now they can swing swords around and eat pizza.
someone(s) was high tailing it outta a TGRI lab with some mutagen barrels, driving recklessly while a bunch of eco-vigilantes had broken out of a pet shop that was the face of a black market pet trade/medicine/exotic food racket of endangered species. hence where their bit of human pre-mutagenic contact comes from (the strike team of people who freed them from their cages because all of them were endangered species & destined for a tank, a cutting board or a pill box); including a sea turtle Venus, Leatherhead, Tokka, Rahzar, Man-Ray some others etc etc. Jennika keeping her origin because it was dope as fuck. splinter was just there watching this symphony of human fuckery happen and decided to adopt some kids with no one asking (it was tang shen's onryo that is rooted in Splinter's mind that was asking, shh)
and ever since it clicked when I was gathering ref shots, ✨sea turtle Venus just makes sense✨ to me, it's taken my brain stem and rung it like a bell for new year's nonstop and i am not mad
... fuck, I am but also am not looking forward to when I start delving into ninjutsu, ninpo, Venus' whole schtick and how the supernatural fits into this world that I definitely don't need to be fleshing out this much just to draw them chilling on April's couch.
i've got like over 70 refs, holy shit
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fudgetunblr · 3 months
Guide to Studenten
Idk if anyone has done this because I haven't checked the tag, but anyways, here we go:
Swedish High School is three years of education, where you have a specific area of studies. I feel like perhaps someone has talked about this before, so let's not dwell on it.
There's usually countdowns, 250 days, 200 days, 100 days, 50 days, blah blah before where there are theme parties. You don't have to go to these, not everyone does, but the closer you get, there's more parties. The legal drinking age in Sweden is 18. However, you can't go out and buy your own at Systembolaget (the only alcohol company in Sweden) until you're 20. This doesn't really stop people, unsurprisingly.
The hats are the white ones they wore on the show, and back in the day it was very simple, something like this:
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however, nowadays there's a lot more design options. You can pic your own tinsel in the middle, many go for stones. There are specific colours for different programs, but most people don't care. You usually put your name on it, other things that are common: your class name, the year you graduated, some put their school, and at the back of the hat many put a little quote on the back. You can also customise the inside. Often you pick a few of these things and not all, because the hat costs a lot of money :3 I made my own really cheap tbh.
Mösspåtagning is a typical event where the students get to wear their hats. Because of covid, ours was combined with like a prom, but usually this happens before that, according to google, often outside or whatever.
There's a prom. But that's pretty normal.
Champagnefrukost or champagne-breakfast happens the day of studenten, where you go to one of your classmates houses, usually one who lives closest to the school, and have breakfast with your class. There you hand out the plates around the neck, aka the "class... [insert whatever, take clown as an example]. You drink, you eat, sometimes teachers will stop by. You get hyped with your class for the day.
Then you head to the school.
There's a photographer that takes a picture of the whole class and then individual portraits that you can later chose to purchase.
You meet with your mentors and say goodbye. They usually hand out a little scholarship thingy for the person with the best grade in the class. You write your name inside your classmates hats. My mentors held speeches based on Carola songs, it was pretty great.
Utspring - you're running out of the school. You've chosen the song/songs that you're running to, you dance around, sometimes there's choreography, to be greeted by family and friends. Because of covid this activity was limited, but traditionally it is fucking packed with people from all different programs, because the times are more stacked on top of each other.
Your parents greet you with a plaque of a baby picture of yourself, with your name and class-name. You take pictures, you get a bunch of stuff hanging around your neck like tiny champagne bottles, teddybears with their own graduation caps, whistles, other loud shit you can use at:
Flak - or flatbed according to translate is when you ride at the back of one with your class and blast loud music and dance around while it drives you around town. They're all in tow. There's a huge linen sheet on both sides that has been decorated with your class, consisting of the class name, the names of the people in the class and usually some funny quote or something. (I never got to do this because of covid)
After this you go home to greet family and stuff and celebrate however you want at home.
Then it's time to go out and partyyy. Usually you've booked a table at a specific event.
How do you fund this??? Well, over the three years of school you've built up a lot of money with your class through different fundraising methods. There's a service where you can sell cookies and another where you can sell clothes and shit.
There you go, it's not everything ofc, there are other traditions, and it's also important to note that not everyone does this. Not everyone goes out to drink, not everyone gets a flak, etc etc. But if we're talking very stereotypically here, that's the gist.
It's really fun (even if I had mine with a lot of covid-restrictions), and I hope this has given a bit of context to the new season of Young Royals (and probs the last episode where the graduation will be), and why they were so pissed to be missing out. (even if there are clearly specific school traditions that aren't custom for everyone).
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the-final-sif · 5 months
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
I have 75 total works currently!
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
904,821 total words written!
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently only really DSMP, but in the past I've written for bnha, marvel, rise of the guardians, homestuck, transformers and a bunch of other random ones in there.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Before looking, my guess is it'll all be bnha, since some of those are my longer ones and and got pretty popular.
Katsuki Bakugou has No Goddamn Chill (But It's For The Best That He Doesn't) - 26,412 kudos
Lessons Learned - 15,859 kudos
You know that thing where an orchestra swaps instruments, and like, some of them get it right away, but others have no clue what they're doing? This is that but with quirks, two unwilling participants, and also Emotions - 11,774 kudos
The Green Eyed Monster - 7,066 kudos
A Yellow Box, Time, Trust, and A Few Adjustments - 6,579 kudos
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Not usually, I respond sometimes if there's something that catches my attention. but. Uh.
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This my inbox filtered by "comments without replies". I do read them all though! Even if I don't mark them as read.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Uhhhh, for dsmp they aren't too bad but probably A Palimpsest Mind.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
For DSMP again, Mercenary to Mailman
8. Do you get hate on your fic?
Nope, never really had issues with that. I've had a couple of weirdos but not really hate.
9. Do you write smut?
I did it once to prove I could but I didn't find it too interesting. Sometimes ideas can be fun but ever since the one time I found myself just wanting to write something else when I tried.
10. Do you write crossovers?
Nah, it's not my thing.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yes, very weirdly. Was able to get it taken down though!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I have! Several of my fics have been translated and it was super cool!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
I don't think I have? But I've done RP and worked out ideas with people before!
14. What‘s your all-time favorite ship?
Uh, honestly I'm less interested in ships themselves and more the nonsense that you can create with that. Any ship can be my favorite if it serves my purposes.
15. What’s the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Fissile Family tbh. I have so much written for that and it all planned out but my interested in the bnha fandom is currently dead.
16. What’s your writing strengths?
I'm a pretty fast writer overall, and I think I do well with characterization and dialogue. I know that when I get in a flow I can get character voices down pretty well and that's something that I'm proud of. I'm also pretty good with doing my own take on characters that's different from their canon versions but is still verisimilar.
17. What’s your writing weaknesses?
Sometimes I just forget words or switch what sentence I'm writing halfway through and then never catch it. Also I have to actively beat back my own comma abuse.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
It's neat? Unclear what this question is asking me for.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Warrior cats! It was hand written in a binder that I actually still have, about clans in an abandoned shopping mall. It was very silly and I'm still proud of baby me for writing it!
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
Seven Year Old Katsuki Has The Ability To Kill A Grown Man And No Concept Of Legality
The formatting on this one was insane and took so long and I'm proud of how it came out!
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clare-with-no-i · 2 months
20 q's for fic writers
thank you sooo so much for tagging me @kay-elle-cee I unfortunately could not approach this in a completely earnest fashion due to who I am as a person, so everyone please take this slightly ersatz set of answers with all of the love I intend…which is a lot I swear…
AO3 Username: clarewithnoi (pronounced 'clare with no eye')
1. How many works do you have on A03? lol I keep orphaning stories when they annoy me but for now 37 (I think?)
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 403,419…what is this word city
3. What fandoms do you write for? Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, others which I have not published lol
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
not the statistics page!!!!!!! john mulaney voice that's the thing I'm sensitive about!!!!!!
one long day (all my love will make you shake) at 1,151 WOW my god I did not realize it had surpassed 1k!!! did I know that? holy shit!
I will carry you, always at 873 ok this is also shocking but I do know that my they-lived AUs tend to be more popular and they're older so they've had time to accumulate hits
foreigner's god at 701 still can't believe this <3
theogony at 682 (!!)
growing pains at 675 another they-lived AU! I really carved out a niche early on
5. Do you respond to comments? don't look at me…I always want to…I swear I just get overwhelmed…put the gun down please…
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? uhhhh jesus idk, probably the derelict art of letting go? I don't write a lot of angst but I guess that one is on the sadder side
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? foreigner's god! or I will carry you always! in one of them I contend with reincarnation and shared grief and second chances at life. in the other one they hook up in the DADA classroom. so it's a toss-up
8. Do you get hate on fics? not really, and given the number of public fights I've had on this account you'd think that people would take their dislike of me to ao3 more often, but everyone's been remarkably charitable in that regard. thanks guys <3
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? only if I can exorcise personal trauma through it. or if it's 2020 and I'm dissociating in my studio apartment.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? no and no one say theogony or I'm turning this bus around
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? yessiree and it was not pleasant!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? yes! a few! the ones with my permission were lovely. the ones without my permission not as much.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? naur…
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? it's like a three-way tie between jily, percabeth, and zelink tbh! but I've mainly read jily fic in the past few years I think. but this answer can change dependent on me developing a new hyperfixation lmao
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? the last time I answered this question I did it as a joke and then I wrote theogony about it so I'm going to choose peace and just plead the fifth here lest I commit to another wip that'll take three years
16. What are your writing strengths? I do a lot of (an excess of) research, I'm good at description, I am funny when I want to be, I've had some really good prose moments if I do say so myself (I do)
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I am structurally a very weak writer, I can't be succinct, I don't have a great literature background so I never really know what I'm in conversation with and have limited points of reference for writing, I am very bad at writing characters who are subtle about their emotions/romantic feelings, I submit to time pressure and rush myself, the list goes on
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I've always wanted to write a fic in Spanish omgggg
19. First fandom you wrote for? either Zelink or Percabeth when I was like 12 lol.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? theogony!
tagging @thequibblah yes I know you've been tagged already. cope <3 and @mipwrites go get 'em champ
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necros-writing-stuff · 5 months
ALRIGHT FOLKS, I hope y'all are ready for my fav seasonal treat.
I hope Eden would like it too
TODAY'S TREAT ISSS *drum roll*
It's a german, cookie-like treat whose name roughly translates to "corner nuts." I'll be using grams and mls because I don't know any other measurments.
For the topping
200 grams of butter
150 grams of sugar (I usually put less sugar, do as you like tbh)
15 grams of vanilla powder
4 tablespoons of water
400 grams of whatever nuts you like! Almond, hazel, walnuts, you name it. I personally really like almonds, sometimes mixed with hazel.
For the cookie base
300 grams of white flour
1 teaspoon of baking poweder
130 grams of sugar (again I usually use less)
2 eggs
15 grams of vanilla powder
130 grams of butter
extra ingredients
Dark chocolate (you'll need this one to garnish the topping)
Jam (traditionally you use apricot or orange marmelade, but you can use the jam you like most.)
Start with the mixed nuts topping, because it'll have to cool down before you can actually put it together.
For the topping:
- take yor nuts of choice and blend them. Cut them up enough to have a rough crumble. You want them to be crunchy, not creamy. But definetly not big chunks. A crumble consistency.
-in a pot, put in the butter, sugar and water, and melt them.
- add your crushed nuts and cook them for 5-10 minutes MAX. Just enough to combine it all and be a little sticky.
-let it cool down a little.
For the cookie base:
-in a bowl, put all the ingredients together, and start working them with your hands.
-You have to work it like a pie crust. If you don't have experience, here's sone tips:
-don't use electronic tools. Your hand's warmth will melt the butter and combine it better.
- at first, it'll feel dry and crumbly and you'll be tempted to put liquid in it. DON'T DO IT. trust the process. Believe in the slowly melting butter.
-keep working it until a solid dough forms. It has to be firm and the ingredients must be well combined.
-don't overmix it.
-Take a solid tray, put some baking paper on it. Slap the cookie base on it and start flattening it. Ideally you'd put it in a rectangular shape to cut the cookies better.
-The cookie height should be around 0.5 to 1 cm tall. Depends if you want a tall cookie or not, or if you simply prefer quantity over quality.
-Slap the jam of your choice on the cookie dough. Distribute it on the whole surface. Use more jam than you think you need: it'll help to stick the cookie and the nuts together.
-slap the nut topping directly on the jam. Don't care to keep the layers clean, smear the jam with the nuts if you have to. That shit has to stick together. Distribute the nuts evenly.
-shove the bad boy in an oven at 200 degrees Celcius for 20-25 minutes. Check the sweets, if you want the nuts to be a bit toasty you can put on a grill mode at the last minute. NO MORE THEN A COUPLE MINUTES. Otherwise the nuts might burn.
- let the bitch cool down to room temperature.
- once it's cold, cut it up into triangles. (That's the traditional shape, squares work too)
chocolate topping:
- take a large pot, fill it with water and put it on the heat to boil.
- take a smaller pot, put in enough chocolate to coat the cookies in, and submerge the small pot into tue warming water.
- this is a pretty safe way to melt chocolate without burning it. Just be careful to not splash yourself with the boiling water.
- once the chocolate is melted, take your cookie triangles and dip the corners into the chocolate. Then put them on a tray with baking paper and let the chocolate cool down.
-alternitavely, take a sac-a-poche, fill it with the chocolate and just pipe it on the crumbled nuts. A spoon works too.
Let the chocolate cool down and VOILÀ! NUSSECKEN!
They're not too difficult to make, the only bore is the waiting time for stuff to cool down. Hope y'all like this recipe! ;)
I want to feed it to Eden snsbnansn
What kinda sweets do you think Eden likes? I thought about the Nussecken because the nuts remind me the forest(?) somehow and it feels very homely to me. If you have headcanons, oh Maestro of Eden, please share >_<
1) thank you so much for the recipe, I'm gonna try it at some point and I'll let you know how badly I do at it lmfao.
2) I think you're right that Eden would like this a lot because we see them enjoying roasted chestnuts in game. Which makes me think they'd enjoy those chocolate bars with nuts in them.
Also, scones with fruit jam! Both made by PC! Black Berry jam piled on Eden's shelf in the seasons they grow, ingredients for scones on every shopping list.
Keep Eden away from anything resembling warheads or sherbert. If it's sour they'll die. Just nice and sweet things, but not artificial flavours.
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gothicprep · 5 months
some interesting twitter discussion i encountered today, piggybacking off a tiktok screenshot of an either late-teens girl or early 20-something woman saying "i wish i could be friends with boys the way that boys are friends with boys". the guy side of twitter chimes in, basically saying that whenever they had women express this to them, they reacted poorly to stuff that's pretty common in guy group friendships. the woman side of twitter is screenshotting these and saying shit like "ack, for all this talk of male loneliness, isn't it interesting how these guys talk about friendship in a way that's antisocial and boorish!"
it's always really something to see conversations like this happen, because it's a very clear expression of someone not being familiar with the social nuances in a setting they haven't really spent time in. and on top of that, it being so alien to them that they don't even realize they're wearing this lack of experience on their sleeve.
this is hard to put into words and there are probably a few things i'm missing here, but in my experiences of being the only woman in a friend group, Guys Being Dudes social culture involves a lot of giving each other shit, but not in a way that's mean. it's more like a signal that indicates you being a part of the same group. it's not like there aren't any generic insults that fly like "hey, you dipshit", but what's more common are insults that show you're paying attention – "hey, you dipshit that's always tripping over because you don't know how to tie your own shoes." it shows you actually notice what that person is like lol. and that person has the right to come back at you, and it's kind of a give and take. it's a game. there are bad dynamics that can sometimes come out of this, where someone is picking on someone else too much and there are awkward dominance displays going on. but for the most part, it's mostly just clowning around.
and – not always, obviously – this stuff drives a lot of women nuts. and as you get older, you move away from acting like this around people who will be bothered with it, because out of the context of a friend group, it's rude. but "we give each other shit for fun, and that's how we know that we're friends" has a lot of connecting power under the right circumstances.
there's a scene in "jackass: forever" where jason acuna is staked to the ground and a vulture is picking cuts of meat off his body, and the bird pecks him and he starts spasming and kicking (it's been known to happen when you get pecked by a bird with a giant beak). and one of the guys off screen is like, "don't kick the bird, dude" and acuna says, "i'm not kicking the bird!" but he's mad that someone would suggests that he would kick the bird. he understands that the bird is an outsider. the bird isn't in on the joke! nobody wants to be mean to the bird here. it's all about what's happening to acuna. this is obviously a pretty extreme version of the thing i'm talking about but, eh, it works for my purposes.
and it's not like it stays this juvenile forever. you grow up. life happens. but having this foundation in a friend group of 5+ doesn't prevent you from talking about life stuff together. even if this type of camaraderie doesn't make a lot of sense to you on the surface, that doesn't mean it's not tried and true. and, tbh, i get the sense that a lot of the men who struggle with pervasive feelings of loneliness probably *aren't* part of a group dynamic like this.
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samuelroukin · 13 days
twenty questions for fic writers!
tagged by @meyerlansky thank you 🙏
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
2. what's your total ao3 word count?
3. what fandoms do you write for?
right now just cod 😔 i gotta write the third turn fic but the brainrot is strong
4. top five fics by kudos
limerence (i'll be your animal)
no face, no case
baptized in gunpowder
bliss in suffering
bite (this is war)
5. do you respond to comments?
sometimes it takes me a while bc i get Anxiety but i try to respond to all of them, it means so much that someone would take the time and i'd feel horrible not at least saying thanks
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
probably and i'm glad the world is ending bc well. nothing like knocking out the guy you just had weird sex with to make your escape.
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
genuinely couldn't pick one, i think they all end on a pretty happy note? i don't always resolve Everything but i leave them in a spot where they can work out the details later if necessary lol
8. do you get hate on fics?
not to my face! i can think of a million reasons why i would, but everyone's been really niceys
9. do you write smut?
me??? write smut?? never.
10. craziest crossover:
i don't have any, and they're not really something i'm interested in so i'm unlikely to ever write one
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
i don't think so, i'm not a big name author so unless it's just ai scraping i don't think anyone would bother
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
nope, not as far as i know! i do have one reader that used google translate bc they don't speak english tho
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
nope, most i've done is discuss ideas and Options which is really fun, but i don't think actual co-writing is for me
14. all time favorite ship?
i don't think any ship i've liked has ever had the grip on me that soapghost has 💀
15. what's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
at this point it's looking like part three of the simleb fics but i WILL get to it. i will. i can't abandon my boys. there's also the one with gaz overhearing soapghost and relaying the details to price which i still like but it needs Something and i couldn't put my finger on it
16. what are your writing strengths?
smut. i think i'm alright at setting tone as well, and i like to think i'm ok at building up tension
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
i'm terrible at dialogue and pacing. set descriptions too, i never know how much detail to put in vs letting readers fill in the blanks. i also don't really know how to describe it but i feel like my fics read less like a book and more like a script. and i get pointlessly, annoyingly wordy to say something that could be said in like two sentences lmao. add to that abuse and misuse of punctuation marks and it really is a mess lmao
18. thoughts on dialogue in another language?
i don't like it generally speaking unless it's a word or two. i've used it once or twice tho dkjfhjkhst. it depends on the Why i guess, but if they're speaking another language together (as in one or more characters understand what's being said) i think it's better to be like 'he switched to dutch' and then use italics to go "Okay, this is what's happening, don't let them catch on." instead of writing the language
19. first fandom you wrote in?
i think it was death note? maybe something for a band before that, i'm not sure tbh
20. favorite fic you've written?
miannach my beloved 🙏 it's not perfect but i had a lot of fun with the magic and the crack taken seriously while still also being a little funny, plus it has one of my fave smut scenes i've written
tagging @bayonettotheheart @brotherdusk @meduseld @c4tto626 @ferindencadash only if u want ofc 🫡
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johaerys-writes · 2 months
Do you know the approximate ages of all the main characters in The Iliad?
Hi anon! I haven't looked into this topic before tbh, and I feel like researching it thoroughly will take up a lot of time, so these are just off the top of my head!
Achilles was a teenager when Agamemnon called the men of Hellas to sail to Troy. By the time of the Iliad, he must be in his late 20s.
Patroclus is described as being slightly older, and therefore wiser, than Achilles and is sent to Troy to counsel him. So he must be in his early 30s in the Iliad.
Ajax is Achilles' cousin, and is said to have been trained by Chiron too. But I'm not sure if they trained at the same time? Telamon, Ajax's father, is the elder brother of Peleus, so if we assume that both these men had their kids at about the same age, then Ajax would be at least a few years older than Achilles. Maybe Ajax was sent to Chiron first, and then Achilles followed. I'm really not sure haha. But I would say he must be about mid to late 30s.
The sacrifice of Iphigenia is one of those myths that not everyone accepts as part of the Iliad, but I am one of those that believe that it should be read into the greater myth of the Iliad and the Epic Cycle (for various reasons that I will not go into now lol). Agamemnon and Clytemnestra had four kids, and Iphigenia was the oldest, who at the start of the Trojan war was at marrying age (let's say about 15). That means that Agamemnon must have been at the very least in his mid 30s when the war started (although men generally married older than the women). So in the Iliad he should be at least mid to late 40s.
Menelaus is Agamemnon's younger brother, so.... let's say he's late 30s, early 40s when the Iliad starts? Give or take?? My impression is that he's a quite a bit younger than Agamemnon but I don't remember a specific passage about it right now.
Odysseus left Ithaca after Penelope had just had Telemachus, so that would have been in the first or second year of their marriage. He must have been at least in his 20s when that happened, let's say mid to late twenties. He must be mid to late 30s in the Iliad.
Nestor is described as having seen two generations of men, and that he's still ruling as king in the third age, so I would assume he's FUCK old lmao. Probably 70s-80s in the Iliad, I would say.
Hector is Priam's oldest son by Hecuba, and he has 19 siblings by the same mother. The youngest son, Polydorus, is old enough to meet Achilles on the battlefield in the Iliad. I'm not sure in which order the children were born, but if we assume that Hector has at least a 10 year age difference with Polydorus, and that Polydorus is at least 15 in the Iliad, then we're already looking at a man who is in his mid to late 20s at the very least. But he's most definitely much older than that, because...
Helen's daughter, Hermione, is quite young when Helen leaves with Paris, but I'm not sure how old exactly. What we do know is that Helen spends 10 years in Troy before the Achaeans arrive, and then there's 10 more years of the war, so at the time of the Iliad she must be... late 30s? At least? And Paris is probably around the same age as her. And if Paris is in his late 30s, and he's Hector's younger brother, then Hector is even older than him. Which means that Hector is probably in his early 40s.
Priam has a ton of children, and he is generally described in the Iliad as a kindly and mild-mannered old man, so I would place him about Nestor's age. Virgil in his Aeneid has Priam be in his 80s when Troy is sacked, and I think that estimation is correct.
I think these are the main characters?? Don't think I've missed anyone lol. As I said, these are off the top of my head so if anyone has any corrections or additions they're welcome to add them <3
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