#// then they are about 'holy fucking shit it's a monster - can this even be CONSIDERED jin anymore??? is our friend just DEAD???'
demonsfate · 1 year
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the thing about pacifistic characters is that they don't see the good in people - they see the POTENTIAL in people. they see their potential to be good. that's why they don't kill - because they believe these people can grow, and possibly become better. however, most (good) pacifistic characters are still willing to give a bad guy a well deserving beat down. and truth is? most of the audience enjoys watching the bad guy get their comeuppance. like it's always VERY satisfying to watch the bad guy get beaten around a little. why? because the bad guy has hurt somebody, or even many people. the good guy giving them a beat down is giving them a small taste of their own medicine. but what separates the good guy from the bad guy is that he doesn't kill the bad guy. most of us want the satisfaction of the bad guy losing. ESPECIALLY if the bad guy is an abuser of any kind.
that's why i hate this scene. even if they likely didn't intend it to be, it feels like it's chastising the audience for finding enjoyment of watching bad people get hurt in any way.
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as i said in the previous post, this scene comes off as... preachy and pretentious. i'm sorry! but you can ABSOLUTELY take pleasure in the suffering of others - ESPECIALLY your abuser. there is NOTHING WRONG with smiling that your bully / abuser / whatever was "defeated" and will likely not mistreat you again. there's nothing wrong with being happy that your abuser was hurt. and AGAIN! i wouldn't have mind if this was just jun's opinion alone, and it gets challenged by other characters (no, heihachi doesn't count) but the WHOLE SHOW treats it as if this is the ABSOLUTE RIGHT THING and something you shouldn't debate. the whole show being filled with this just comes off as annoying, and removes any satisfaction you, the viewer, would've gotten from watching the fights.
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infernalurge · 21 days
The Astral Prism Isn't Grindr!- Why the Emperor didn't catfish you.🦑
Very long, rambling post I wrote while manic at 4 am. Enjoy!
I feel like the worst thing you can actually say about Emp in regards to his actions towards the player is that he lies by omission. But even then, to consider it lying you basically have to work from the perspective that you as a player, person, character or whatever, are entitled to know everything about someone you just met, who might have some very good reasons for not wanting to reveal certain things
He didn't "catfish" you the prism isn't grindr lmao?! And the game/companions/etc repeat to you over and over that the Dream Visitor is some kind of manufactured vision. You all have one and it's specific to your individual minds. He wasn't exactly doing some deepcover shit with a fake backstory to get your cryptowallet information or whatever real-life equivalence you keep trying to make. As if you run into alien squid monsters every day or something!
It's doubly bizarre because there is an extremely popular companion character whose entire arc is ACTUALLY lying to you about who they are, only admitting it when you catch them attacking you in your sleep, and then goes on to try to ACTUALLY manipulate you with sex and intimacy while at that point, not actually feeling it. This is the most popular character in the fandom btw- Astarion.
Emperor's morality is held up to a ridiculous standard. Not even the companions are held to that level- not even close!
A better equivalence to his situation than "catfishing" (a term completely exclusive to our world) would be if a sentient, alien creature was stranded on our planet and had to use a disguise to y'know....not be shot at and killed by confused humans? Why the heck would your brain first jump to catfishing? Girl if you approached your DG as a tindr date that's on you! Lliterally the only prompt the game gives you before creating them is "you need a guardian" (At least currently that's how it works, after official release.)
if you met a kind of weird guy and fell for him and he then revealed he's actually a sentient squid monster, I don't think your first response would be "OMG YOU CATFISHED ME?" I'm pretty sure it would be "HOLY FUCK A SQUID MONSTER!" because it would be very obvious and apparent (by virtue of them being a squid monster) that the intent was not to "catfish" you, but to survive a world that would be actively hostile towards him, on sight.
We accept this type of "ambiguous morality for the sake of survival" from characters like Astarion who are traditionally attractive, but we don't accept it from a being whose very appearance, forces them into that position of moral ambiguity. Emperor is not afforded the same privilege of even being able to consider full honesty, because just one look at him could make someone hysterical. Hiding himself from you is not an active choice he's able to make, anymore than a turtle can choose to break open it's shell- it will die.
Even if YOU wouldn't kill him, what about companions like Lae'zal, who are already suspicious of him and will definitely cut him down at that point? Even if you think that would be a good thing, you would then lose your protection from the tadpole/the Absolute. The game basically wouldn't exist without the Prism.
Let's also not use "well Astarion is traumatized" as an excuse here. Emperor is pretty obviously traumatized as well, in addition to being a brain-eating squid monster and having to manage that part of his nature, the way Astarion has to handle his. Yet he's still more up front than Astarion was. Astarion can accidentally kill you while drinking from you and he still doesn't reveal who he is to the others, AND pretends he doesn't know what happened to you lol.
Note my point here isn't "Astarion bad" but simply that if you have room in your heart to sympathize with characters like Astarion, then there's no reason you can't squeeze my man Emp in there too. He doesn't do anything significantly worse than any of the other main characters but is the most hated, and it's literally because of this ridiculous perception of him "catifshing" the player. The most media illiterate take I have ever seen in my life, honestly
Like first off, he's a squid, and secondly! ☝️ Read all that again.
tl;dr if you feel "cafished" by the Emperor you simply weren't paying attention for more than half the game. Fantasy might not be for you if you can't remove the plot from real life circumstances and turn complex fantasy monsters into human romance scammers, as if they're actually alike in any meaningful way.
Read more books maybe. That might help.
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coolattas · 2 months
thinking about lucretia adventurezone and grinding my teeth down to the gums because holy fuck dude. holy shit. she was impossibly, horribly young on the starblaster. three hops and a jump from being a fucking baby. the two-sunned planet is devoured by the hunger in the same year that she graduates from high school. she is easily the youngest of the birds, even considering the differing rates of aging amongst the rest of the crew. teenaged astrophysicist, wizard, author, artist, without ties solid enough back home to keep her from the starblaster's maiden voyage. she writes and rewrites every moment she can wring from her memories into enough notebooks that it's damn near arthritis-inducing to step within 50 feet of the stacks upon stacks of field notes, of detailed accounts and gentle, domestic benignity. she loves and she loses and it still can't ever prepare her for the next decade. a century dwarfs the time she spends alone running the bureau, but the sheer magnitude of her loss is incomparable. lucretia learns to live in the stolen century, learns to rely on others, learns to trust and care and laugh and build, create, sacrifice, indulge. she pries these things away from herself in the name of a greater good, to what she believes to be their only hope. she sees the agony they're in, and she inadvertently compounds that anguish when she tries to fix it. she is 18 and 118 when she feeds fisher her journals. she is 30 and 130 and 50 and 150 when taako holds a staff to her chest and counts down like it means anything to her anymore that she dies. maybe it's atonement, but even that sounds far too holy a word to describe it. her brother grips her life in his hands, and she thinks it's only fair that he is the one to soundly smother it at last. the lonely journal-keeper is so young and so impossibly old and she is so, so tired. her family will outlive her by centuries. she will be a fine powder, dust beneath the crust of the planet, long before she believes their forgiveness will ever be known. if that day comes at all. everything she has ever done is soured by a guilt so weighty that she spends every day trying to play damage control with the havoc she feels solely responsible for having wrought. she lives within the confines of dichotomy, of red and blue and good and bad, even when she knows she's lying through her teeth, because its easier to live with herself (it's not) when she justifies it, when everyone else lives and dies by the idea that she got it right. she spends 12 years alone, sitting in the thick of her own grief. she mourns men who are right in front of her face. she sees the way they have changed, so fundamentally, sees the ways her choices have ruined them. 12 years is such a long time to be alone. 12 fucking years. she ages 32 in the same span, shedding decades in wonderland in the blink of an eye, and she knows she's running out of time. she's willing to give up whatever she has left, without question. lucretia loves so fiercely and so unquestionably and still she believes herself to be irredeemably cruel when really she was just so scared, tethered to any sense of hope only by the idea that she was doing right by her family. in a position that no one should have to be in, a situation that virtually no one else could truly understand. she was so young and she suffered so, so much. more than any person should. she is flawed but she is not the monster she convinces herself she has become. lucretia adventurezone they could never make me hate you lets kiss on the mouth ok?
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needle-noggins · 11 months
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Time for Vol. 5: Meryl's very bad no good horrible day
Even though she saved the day by shooting Legato, breaking the craziest stand-off while also scared shitless. I love my wife. She can hold so much complexity in her. Now let's get into it:
First, a moment from Vash:
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Our boy is in utter agony here, and the thought of Meryl is what keeps him going. Obviously she's in danger and needs rescuing, but come on. He's enduring this pain for her. He can't quit, for her. Yeah, this is par for the course for our anime jesus figure, but come on. Let me have this.
Quick moment of Meryl seeing Vash's feathers for the first time and she's terrified. It's interesting how Wolfwood and Meryl are both so deeply terrified of Vash, but Wolfwood saw a lot more up front at Jeunora Rock and from a distance. Meryl, on the other hand, is trapped. I also think Wolfwood processes it completely differently because he also sees himself as a monster, so to him it's recognition of the self through the other (deragatory). For Meryl, it's just all traumatic. She's just a 23 year old woman and she didn't ask for this.
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I think these panels above explain my question from earlier - Meryl is definitely seeing Vash's flashbacks to July here. She sees the black hole gate, the destruction, and the angel arm; I'm not sure if she knows about the part with Knives, but based on some really helpful people on my earlier post today, I think she reveals that she saw that too (oof). I'm not sure what she's seeing in the bottom panel of page 95, though. If someone could explain, I would be super appreciative.
Like I said, she's just a normal person. What was it that someone said to Vash earlier, that he's endured more pain than any person possibly could live with? And now Meryl feels some of that - a lot of it, perhaps, considering that July was so traumatic to Vash that he lost his memory of it. Someone else pointed it out wonderfully that while Fifth Moon was Knives controlling Vash, July was 100% Vash aiming to kill Knives and everyone else was an unlucky casualty of Vash's fear and anger. Meryl sees what Vash is capable of - and that he has killed scores of people - not just second-hand through circumstance, but in actuality.
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I mean, Vash doesn't have great control of his power anyway, between hardly ever using it and feeling intense emotion that affects it. Thank god he doesn't use the angel arm here, but holy shit? Meryl just saw what that thing is capable of, and Wolfwood saw it in real time, and he's yelling at Meryl to escape but she's trapped underneath him. After she was also trapped in an elevator, and the elevator fell, and holy shit if i were her I would need extensive therapy to go into an elevator ever again, never mind all of Vash. And then as Vash's angel arm powers down it morphs again into this ungodly homunculus of body parts like it's fucking Envy from Fullmetal Alchemist (*Trigun predates FMA, to be clear) and he is apologizing profusely, knowing how terrifying it is and he has no control over what's happening with his body.
Huh. Between that and how Knives keeps assaulting him, that's a pretty painful running theme.
Thankfully, as Elendira takes the spotlight (my other wife) (she can do no wrong, I love her dearly), I think it gives Vash some time to cool down long enough to go back to "normal". And then he holds a dying Hoppered's hand, showing compassion to a man who tried to kill him but then re-experienced the horrors of July with him, showing that Vash still cares that despite how terrifying and destructive he can be when he loses it. And Meryl watches on.
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prettyboypistol · 11 months
The mercs learning that they are in fact. gay.
Doesn't admit he's gay ever
Would rather die than say he likes men fr
But GOD men are so hot. Muscles. Chests. Thighs. Di-
Bisexual, Def hides his gay side tho
Has drunkenly made out with men before.
He's BEEN knowing that he's pansexual. He's kissed a few boys on the playground in grade school and drunkenly made out with multiple people.
"A hole is a hole" energy
Very casual about affection, sees nothing wrong or any difference between cuddling a boyfriend on the lobby couch and cuddling a girlfriend.
Has punched a transphobe and would do it again
Aroace soldier ftw honestly.
No room for romance when you can be patriotic
Wants a family tho, desires a QPP (sex neutral)
Would rather have a best friend that he kisses and fucks rather than a relationship.
Realizes it in early childhood but ABSOLUTELY REPRESSES THE FUCK OUT OF IT.
Dates for marriage with women but absolutely has gotten drunk and begged to be used by every man in the bar as a glory hole.
So many crushes. So. Many. Goddamn. Crushes. On. So. Many. Men
pansexual with a heavy preference for men.
Aromantic heterosexual! He always thought he was a monster for not wanting a relationship but only wanted to have sex with women.
childfree single uncle in his mid-40's that gives you the richest gifts at the reunion energy.
Drunk heavy is fun tho, he's the best wingman
sober heavy is S tier relationship advice giver.
would hear about aromanticism and go "o shit that ME HOLY FUCK IM NOT ALONE"
Gay Medic Gay Medic Gay Medic
Frank Infurter energy during pride month
*sock bunches at his ankles* "zis is un hate crime."
calls random things homophobic
would give top surgery for free(just give him ur titty after)
Demiboy! He never fully resonated with being a full man, but he/they??? fuck YEAHHHH
homophobic gay
Genderfluid. Pansexual.
Would punch a homophobe
any pronouns at all btw. He, she, they, it, Pyro, anything!
They don't understand how people can be homophobic when kissing people is so fun, especially little gas masks boops!
This man is the most demiromantic bisexual man to ever exist.
you gotta be FWB first for him to even consider you a canidate for romance
Wouldn't punch a transphobe, but would just lean into their ear and whisper where they live.
doesn't celebrate pride, but doesn't think less of people who do.
doesn't have any pride wear except a bisexual handkerchief an ex got him like, seven years ago.
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taranza-stan · 2 months
What is the first ever horror movie?
Oh Buddy, you just triggered an unskippable cutscene.
So, obviously, Horror in film already existed prior to 1920, but those were only short 5 minutes clips that couldn’t be really called „Horror“
No, the first actual Horror Movie released on the 26th February 1920. And it’s a German one.
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„Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari - Ein Filmschauspiel in 6 Akten“
„The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari - A film spectacle in 6 acts“ Was a Silent Movie directed by Robert Wiene and tells the tale of a sleepwalker (A Somnambulist) who is paraded around as a Circus attraction by the Ringmaster Dr. Caligari during the day, and commits gruesome murders in his name by night. It was a gigantic milestone for the History of cinema and an important part of german expressionism.
It was one of, if not the first Movie to have flashbacks, multiple Plot-Twists and many other things that we would consider a staple of today’s Cinema. But most importantly, this is the movie where so many horror movie tropes originated. It was technically the first Slasher. The whole „The Monster/Killer falls in love with the woman“ thing first appeared here. Honestly as a semi Horror fan myself it was really neat seeing this Movie for the first time and going „Hey, I know that Trope!“
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When I say that this Movie is an important part of German Expressionism, this is what I’m talking about. LOOK AT THAT SHIT!
The Geomatry is so off, everything fells like chalk, Nothing is ever actually rectangular, the sets look so fantastical I want to inject this set design into my Veins. And this design isn’t just for the set, all the Characters look so unique as well! I especially love how the set sometimes works like an Actor itself. Windows are shaped so that they point towards certain parts of a scene. Light falls in weird places so that it highlights important aspect. Scenes that are supposed to take place at day and Scenes that are supposed to take Place at night have a different hue. It’s fucking awesome man.
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The shadows on their faces, the weird and rigid movements, OUGH i am biting on this.
You can see that so many other Directors, namely Tim Burton, took so much inspiration from this film.
Genuinely, If you have even the slightest bit of interest in the History of Horror and Cinema, do yourself a favor and watch this Movie. It’s a treat. Personally, I’ve already seen it like 5 times, and it always manages to pull me into this sort of trance. Everything about the movie is so unique and special, I can’t explain it. I’ve purposefully avoided most Spoilers, so again, if you’re interested watch it.
Personally, I recommend this restored version from 1980. The music had to be replaced, but tbh I don’t think it does this movie any injustice. Also it has english subtitles, but since it’s a silent movie, you won’t need to read much.
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akalikai · 2 days
TEDDY??? Okay no this man has shown up too many times he's going to end up back at the OIAR.
"Irritating yet faintly erotic" I LOVE YOU ALICE
"She's really weird but like in a hot way" ALICE YOU'RE DOWN SO BAD PLEASE
"She'll make you forget all about your embarrassing obsession with Sam" GIRL THE PROTOCULE IS PROTOCULING HELLO?????
Alice my love. You're so. Hhhh. She cares so much but like. Hides it behind humor. I love you sm
Lena is so awkward god I love her she's like genuinely trying to be nice to Sam but she only knows how to be intimidating because of Gwen akdhsjfb.
My God I love Lena too "consider my silence a compliment" GIRL
Oh my God shut up. SHUT UP. IMMEDIATELY AFTER ALICE HAD A DROWNED PERSON START TALKING TO HER. This is interesting because that person was drowned but this one seems to be dehydrated???
Wait wait spiders??? And confusing passageway and locked doors??? Hmm interesting. I know we'd classify this as The Web and The Spiral but I don't think those classifications exist in this world?? Additionally, all the talk of "Mother" makes me this of The Web being called "The mother of puppets"
I also see a bit of The Lonely. The weird filter om "laugh" bothers me.
Sam telling Alice about this being same as her experience ALSO YES SAME HES GETTING IT "sounds like she was trapped in her greatest fear which then actually killed her"
Alice come on sweetie you really shouldn't ignore this come on. You know this.
Okay I can see why Alice and Sam didn't work out in the past. Like in a way, I just don't think they could have been compatible during the time after Alice's parents death because Alice does not handle trauma well and lashes out a bit without noticing it. I'm only saying this because I do kind of feel bad for Sam, he's trying to help Alice to keep her safe but she's shutting down every idea he has.
I do get Alice's side though, in her place, she wants to put it behind her and not think about it. But it's not good for her especially not in the genre she's in lol
"Trouble in paradise" there is ALWAYS going to be trouble in paradise with those two IN FACT I highly doubt there IS a paradise.
Oh boy. What's the next monster Gwen is gonna have to deal with.
Oh no. Oh no poor Gwen, she's never going to open up to anyone again. I mean I understand them thinking she's fucking with them but Jesus. She's traumatized from that.
Okay yeah Alice my girl I love you. But you keep ignoring these things and someone you care about is going to really get hurt.
JACK SOUNDS SO CUTE (who keeps taking Georgie's face) AKBDKSBF
Oh dear. Okay so I'm absolutely sure Celia woke up in the middle of bumfuck nowhere again and called Georgie to watch Jack but said that it was because she went to grab baby food. Georgie knows she's lying.
Celia I like you??? Oooo????
Okay interesting interesting I just feel really bad for poor Gwen now. She's never going to trust them with anything again and she's probably going to be even worse to them. Which like they do kind of deserve but also like I get why they wouldn't believe her immediately? But they should have read the room she seemed genuinely distressed. And I think Alice knows it's real which is why she didn't say anything. But at the same time, she didn't stop Sam and I think it's partially because she wants to pretend it's not real.
Hooo boy lots to think about.
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altocat · 5 months
Angsty Gen and Seph dream I had that I figured I’d share below:
This was probably inspired by a fic I have been reading where Sephiroth was warned by Hojo that if he didn’t succeed in Nibelheim and actually kill Genesis, he would be considered no longer useful as Shinra’s weapon, but only for Hojo’s research as a lab rat like he was as a child. A very BAD outcome lol.
In the dream, canon diverged and Sephiroth actually was pulled away from the library mid-breakdown by Zack and they planned to escape, but Shinra was evil as usual and bombed Nibelheim like they did Banora. Zack was seriously injured and barely crawled away with his life, but Sephiroth got taken back in by Shinra, also barely aware of what was happening thanks to the impact of Shinra’s ambush.
I don’t even want to say what went down with Hojo afterwards but it was…bad. Hojo being the sick dad of the year he is, just got everything he always wanted. Sephiroth failed the mission so yeah…
But good news, Genesis found Zack! In the dream it was so sweet and pleasant to see, but Genesis actually came to his senses and realized that Sephiroth had rejected him in the reactor because he thought Gen was trying to use him for his cells. Gen had this big epiphany and was thinking “Oh shit I fucked up. Seph thought I was pulling a Shinra and trying to use him.”
Gen realized that what needed to happen was that they all escaped Shinra and Gen could find a cure for his degrading that way. He also was saying something about Zack being Angeal’s worthy successor iirc? Anyway. My favorite thing was seeing Gen redeem himself and save Zack, then decide to be a real hero by saving his friends and standing against Shinra.
So he rescued Zack and they decided they needed to go get Sephiroth. It was a longgg process in the dream because Genesis was still dying actually. But holy shit the angst was brutal because Gen did NOT fucking care. His degradation meant nothing. He had to get Seph out of Shinra and burn the whole place to the ground if it killed him.
Alto it was sooooo sad though. The end part destroyed me😭
Basically Gen finally broke into Shinra, fucking wiped the floor with Hojo, and saved Sephiroth’s life, who was barely functional by that point but ALIVE at least, and Gen was able to tell him he was sorry for everything and that he only ever wanted them to be equals, friends, even if they were both monsters. Once Sephiroth understood what Genesis had done and realized that they were still real friends, he forgave him and it was all made well but…well…you can probably guess….
Genesis didn’t survive. Zack and Seph made it, but Genesis had put all his energy into getting through to Seph. For him it was worth it because of the reconciliation and knowing that when Sephiroth was back to normal, he would avenge them and destroy Shinra. Gen died a hero. Aaaaaa!
It hurt so much but I loved this au that just randomly invaded my dream?? I’m only wondering now if Cloud survived the Nibelheim bombing 😐
If I had skills I would write this into a fic but since I don’t, I just wanted to share on the Sephcanons blog as an au headcanon!
Hhhhh Anon you're so creative. That was a sudden whirlwind flash of feels there lmao I'm losing it rn
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anaalnathrakhs · 2 months
it fucking breaks my heart i've been killing myself for months trying to repair my relationship w my parents and the three of us are just fucking deficient human beings. we're incapable of changing we're fucking incapable of it there's no going back everything was set from the moment i was born. they never should've had a child, but what the fuck could i blame on them? once the kid is here you just do your best you can't just decide it was a bad idea and get rid of it. they did their best. there's no good way to deal with a fucked up child. but holy fuck i wish i wasnt just idk born wrong. i wish life didn't suck and wasn't so hard. i wish when my mom said she'd take more time for family and relaxing she didn't go back to working until 8pm at least every day in the following month, but there's realities pushing her to. i wish when we saw each other we had things to do rather than just stare at each other awkwardly. i can't ever do anything because everything impacts my parents. and god knows i owe them to stop impacting them so much i did enough shit already. i can't enjoy a trip out with them because then we go home and it's MORE incredibly unsatisfactory socializing and forced eating lest they look at me like a monster. i can't leave because then it's WE leave not I leave. i can't just live my life after school because i have to be back to have the terrible binge-inducing dinner with them else i'm a fucking monster who makes them stay awake and worry at night. i have to make them aware of my every move because else they're gonna worry, i can't do that to them i have no valid reason to. i can't ever relax. i have no safe place anymore. there's always food in the house, we always have to go grocery shopping the same day and fill up the pantry. i can't buy anything substantial or component of a "normal" meal because then they just sit there while my mom never uses them despite knowing about them the whole time. there's been bricks of soup in the pantry for like two months she hasn't even MENTIONNED CONSIDERING THEM for the whole time. we bought, and i mean WE bought, WE took a couple canned vegetables from the shelves and we said good idea and we put them in the cart, and then she NEVER used them until i desperately broke the agreement that i was not to have control over what's for dinner and suggested we could perhaps maybe eat the food we had bought to eat, and she was like yeah sure great idea! we ate one can, and then for WEEKS afterwards we still don't touch any of the other cans. she keeps adding and adding and adding a billion things to every meal it makes me wanna rope. she keeps putting huge slabs of butter in pasta MOTHER it tastes the same except it's gross and five billion calories now can you stop doing that thanks. i've had my parents pretty much at my will for many many things all of my life, because they're completely floating in the meaningless void on what it means to be a parent, and it's just not healthy in ways i cannot possibly wholly imagine, and now we're stuck in some sort of circle that if i don't DEMAND something it's like i never said anything. but i can't DEMAND things because that is not a control a kid should have over their own parents and there's no nuance of possible things it's either they'll bend over backwards for even the most ill-advised demand or they will not budge an inch for the most structured three-parted argument doubled with the plead of my failing mental health even if it has demonstrably not worked before, and i certainly do not want to have a relationship with ANYONE where they feel forced to act a certain way because of me. and it's been so weird having developped this kind of very marked independance on like, DRIVE, while i was a neet, that now that i'm older and more legitimate to slowly leave the nest it feels incredibly weird and bad to entrap myself more closely instead.
so i keep trying to give them the elements of what consequences this or that thing has on me, and letting them evaluate themselves what they value, and so far the result has been that they don't give a shit about making me suffer, and they're completely cool with watching me act like i'm coked up in public bc i'm in pain or about to jump out of my skin in fearful anticipation of the next meal. i can handle myself all day and literally just ramble a little under my breath when we're going home at 9pm because it helps with the pain, and they're like "WHAT NOW we say something and you start sighing, what the hell did we do wrong this time??" which i guess is their genuine answer to the situation so i got what i wanted, i didn't control their reactions, but i guess it's pretty disappointing anyway.
and i can't really tell them because hey, how is that conversation gonna go? mom, dad, living with you is unbearable, all of my life you've done nothing but hurt me despite your best loving intentions, and i honestly don't think we're ever gonna fully repair that. cheers. i can't fucking do that to them. i've been the worst child to deal with my entire life i can't do that i just have to hold on until i move out anyway. it itches SO BAD to hurt them to blame them to throw every nasty thing i've ever wanted to yell at them to push them down the stairs and run away in the middle of the night. but i can't because they've done their best. genuinely. i wouldn't have handled it better if i had to parent kid-me. i don't think there's any right answer to a situation like that. i just can't wait until i can live for myself and not for walking around eggshells being the normal kid my parents never got to have now that i can force myself to. it feels like i try my best to give them respect and foster a good mutually-trusting relationship with them, and they don't give back anything different in return. and i do think part of that is that i'm WAAAAAY too in my own head about it and i have massive "nobody is allowed in the kitchen when i'm there" syndrome except my entire existence is the kitchen and anything i do besides "staying the usual unshowered neet disappointment in my room" being seen by my parents feels to me like if walking around naked in public. like how people ask out as a joke, like HA you really believe you could be more than a depressed piece of shit, but you're really nothing more than a pathetic failure barely keeping up the mask of a normal person. and that is totally my responsability to deal with except idk seems like every time i step out it turns out to be a disaster. and the coming down is even harsher, having to turn back into some featureless zombie picking and choosing what interests are undisruptive and inoffensive enough for me to tell my parents about it. i havent even managed to try to get into a sport club because the thought of my parents knowing this and that about my schedule and knowing i do sports and what sports i do and perhaps asking about it just makes my skin crawl. and i can't be spending their money, and i don't have a job, so.
they wont leave me the hell alone, and i can't refuse else i just become defined by my avoidance of them. it's rotting in my bed without any of the recharging. i don't fucking want to eat dinner with them, but else WHAT DO I DO? the kitchen is upstairs, upstairs is where they are, especially during dinner time but also they can hear i'm there if they're awake at home. and i owe them to spend that time bonding w them since we never did, and it's pretty much the only time my mom is home. i don't want to go with them to random events i don't really care about, because they're unenjoyable anyway since they're followed by MORE proximity and shit, but i kinda have to because i owe them that after i was nothing but a fucking emotional leech for my entire life, and also if i don't go to these events with them i go NOWHERE, cf the problem with my parents seeing anything about me mentionned above.
you might notice i've been saying "they" the whole time, rest assured, i mean my mom, or the united parental authority driven by my mom. i barely even have a dad anyway, i have a guy who lives in the same house and comes when my mom calls family reunion time, but spends his entire time every day following his own intellectual pursuits while floating through every actualy physical situation he's in. he barely listens. he barely reacts. he's not stupid or wholly incompetent, he functions alone pretty well, but in most situations in life he just stands to the side and goes "damn" whenever anything would require a reaction. i'm not really sure he fully realizes (or cares) that his actions impact other people. it scares me to be like him. i know how similar i am to him, and i really really hope i don't end up hurting anyone by being like that.
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bestworstcase · 1 year
If it turns out that Summer joined Salem of her own accord, it'd honestly put a VERY different light on Raven's words and action, especially her point towards Lionheart about "doing whatever he had to do to survive".
Because if everyone on Ozpin's side had found out about Summer's changing of sides, the fallout would have been devastating, especially given how everyone at the time was still in "Ozpin's war is hopeless, just gonna leave and not bother with it" or "Ozpin's war is the most greatest thing in the world and no one can tell me otherwise" mode of thinking.
Maybe Raven knows that Summer defected, and out of her own personal loyalty for whatever reason, ended up basically being Summer's secret keeper, basically allowing other people to see her in a bad light for Summer's sake.
Because who's gonna believe that the black sheep of Team STRQ would be actually still caring of their team leader, especially when she had already abandoned them years ago? If they had found out years ago in their mental state of obedience to Ozpin, finding out the truth would have made them either worse off, or try to get rid of Summer and Raven without being willing to understand what was going on.
But now? After multiple volumes of realizing how Ozpin is full of shit, and coming to understand more and more just how fucked up his holy crusade and his mission really is? They might be a helluva lot more willing to listen.
After some asskicking and hurt feelings at least.
something to keep in mind maybe is raven wouldn’t just know that summer joined salem, she would’ve gotten a “join salem with me” recruitment pitch and rejected it, because they were clearly very close despite the tension between them in the flashback.
“all previous acts of defiance against salem will be forgiven”—previous acts of defiance like turning down a job offer, perhaps?
the pain, disgust, and anger with which raven reacts to ruby entreating her to work with them; “you sound just like your mother.” (“if i get this right” “trust me”—in what context did raven hear summer delivering an earnest plea for raven to work with her?)
“i’m not helping salem. i’m not helping ozpin!”—raven helping ozpin wasn’t a point of concern until raven brought it up; cinder even overtly points out that raven abandoned ozpin’s cause. but you know what else cinder says? “you’re not the only one to turn your back against oz.” perhaps that was a jab at something more sensitive than lionheart’s treachery. perhaps it brought up some memories of the last time someone asked her to join salem.
“that’s why i tried to leave when i did”—TRIED to leave. raven doesn’t say she left. she says she tried to leave, and in v9 we saw the extent of how very much she did not succeed. her loyalty to ozpin shattered but she was still actively working with summer, unbeknownst to anyone else including her own brother. summer was very, very important to her. the present day state of affairs, where raven flatly refuses to share ANY useful information with qrow unless he gives her equal information in return first, did not begin until summer left.
“what does she have on you?”—so here’s the thing, right, about raven knowing where summer is, and raven having rejected summer’s team salem pitch, and raven’s militant refusal to help ozpin. summer is important to her. there was a time when raven was closer to summer than to qrow, and raven is a person who cares very deeply and permanently whether she likes it or not. right.
and raven is firmly convinced that salem is an unstoppable, inhuman monster who cannot be reasoned with and who only uses people until they’re no longer useful, then discards them. and summer rose is working for that monster. raven has been living in terror every day for more than a decade of what’s going to happen when summer stops being useful to salem.
what happens if raven tells the other side where summer is? summer becomes less useful, because now she can’t act in total secrecy. (remember that everyone connected to ozpin is convinced that salem values secrecy as highly as ozpin does.) what happens if raven passes more information to the other side—such as, for example, the detailed spatial awareness of what’s going on around summer that her semblance can feed to her? she could undermine summer’s usefulness so hard that she turns summer into a liability for salem.
and then summer dies.
and it will be raven’s fault.
that’s what she’s so fucking scared of.
she’s not keeping this secret out of concern for qrow or tai or ruby or yang; she’s not sacrificing her own reputation to salvage summer’s, nor is she trying to protect herself or summer from anyone on ozpin’s side. she’s keeping her mouth shut and loudly, stubbornly maintaining her neutrality to protect summer from salem.
and none of these factors have changed whatsoever. raven’s opinion of salem’s character hasn’t budged, summer hasn’t left salem’s side (metaphorically speaking), and certainly raven hasn’t stopped caring about her. i think the only circumstance where raven divulges where summer is rn is one where she thinks there’s a chance in hell of immediately getting summer away from salem—which means ruby could well be the only person raven might be willing to tell, because if she could put ruby in a position to appeal to summer directly then maybe, MAYBE that would be enough. but even then it’s going to be a heavy lift, i think.
no asskicking just raven being eaten alive by more than a decade’s worth of her own miserable anxiety
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butwhatifidothis · 2 months
Help me, i've been looking at bleach stuff again and suddenly feel that i was too harsh on the thousand year blood war when it first published, and now im desperately scrounging for good byakuya/hisana content.
so with that in mind, what do ya think about the sternritter in bleach? personally i've always felt that for all the cool aesthetics and powers at play, they're just a bit too unsympathetic/monsterous in terms of character writing that it hurts a lot of the drama of the tybw. But also recently I have considered how that was arguably the point in terms of ywach creating an army of metaphorical and literal monsters because the value of their lives mattered so little to him that all he looked for was strength. which... seems somewhat obvious in retrospect but still. idk, i guess all these years later bambiettas fate still unnerves me. and i wasn't even much of a fan of her until all that happened to her.
You asking this on the SAME DAY that I bought six zanpakuto at a con is HILARIOUS timing lmao
The Sternritter are in a sort of weird spot for me. There was always a hint of sympathy from me to them just on the basis of what had happened to so many Quincy by the hands of the Shinigami, and how on top of that many were under the culture Yhwach cultivated of pure-blooded Quincy needing to rule over everyone else as the strongest and if they can't live up to his exacting standards they will be considered just as worthless as impure-blooded Quincy/non-Quincy - for the majority of them it's kinda just a no-brainer that they would end up being as cruel as they are even to each other, after living in what is essentially a dog-eat-dog world filled with Uber Racism. And you can see how deeply some of the Sternritters buy into this, how even being sentenced to death or having their powers stolen from them does nothing to shake their belief in this man who stabbed them in the back. The dogmatism is engraved into some of these characters, to the point where literally nothing will make them ever see Yhwach as anything other than their leader.
Along with that, some of the Quincy, like Bazz-B and Liltotto and others, realize (at least somewhat) how shit their system was once they see how easily they are thrown away after doing everything right (or, if nothing else, never doing anything more wrong than the Quincy Yhwach chose as "the best"); they're willing to work with Shinigami to get justice against what was done to them by a leader they genuinely saw as god.
And in the middle of absolute dogmatism and rebellion, there are ones like BG9 and As Nodt, who seem to follow Yhwach not out of outright loyalty but out of a fear of death itself. Given who they're fighting (literal death gods) and who they both are as characters (As Nodt being someone who induces fear into others, BG9 being a robotic lifeform), it's definitely A Neat Choice to have these two specifically follow Yhwach not out of a sense of loyalty but out of an intense internal fear that they feel Yhwach both alleviates (by giving them the means to avoid death) and induces (by promising to kill them should they fail him).
They aren't all a monolith even with how deliberately isolated they were from pretty much all non-Quincy society, which honestly makes them pretty interesting as a total group.
But, yeah, on the other hand a lot of them don't really have much in terms of individual personality outside of cool one-liners or My Power Is My Personality. And some others have that issue and their power is just fuckin' annoying as shit and makes them inherently unlikeable GERARD. FUCK YOU GERARD HOLY GOD WERE YOU THE ACTUALLY THE WORST QUINCY EVER. There will be Bazz-B and Jugram's immensely interesting dynamic with each other, there will be Bambietta's genuinely tragic fate despite how deeply despicable she was as a character, there will be the Femritters' absolute determination to continue living and not letting anyone including Yhwach kill them... and then there's fuckin'. Pepe, the Bootleg Zommari that Kubo bought on the black market loose in an envelope. Or The Yapper who literally died in a montage and whose name no one gives a shit to remember. Some who really have nothing to them at all despite being elite enough Quincy to be given Schrift at all.
So, like. Overall I actually like them quite a bit? At least definitely as a generalized group. Individually there are some really really good stand-outs here and some really really wet farts there. And Gerard fucking sucks and I hate him
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ARI IM BREAKING IN AND SHAKING YOU SO HARD RN. u think u could just drop those tags on my post AND LEAVE???!!!! im literally so giddy rn because u get it……u get it so bad
“knightly demeanour vs animalistic tendencies…gentle nature vs his violent actions” my knuckles are white im clenching my fist so hard rn because!!! ur so right there IS something just Off about the guy isnt there?? “simmering” UGH THATS SUCH A GOOD WORD like its there but it isnt so obvious at first because he truly believes hes a good person, fighting for a good cause, helping the weak, protecting vulnerable towns and villages!! but its also the fact that like that isnt really what hes fighting for deep down in his heart. im still messing with this but tell me what u think!! i think hes just the slightest bit misguided (by slight and bit i mean a lot❤️) and has no clue how to view his knighthood because he doesnt get to choose!! he doesnt get to choose who he has to raise his sword for and who he has to bend the knee for
BLARGG i got carried away but im so glad u liked the little drabble🫶🏽🫶🏽knight!sugu lives in my head rent free, im so glad someone else is crazy about him hes so hot
PEHJDJSJD MOSS????? ur making the brainrot worse pls stop 😭😭 this is gonna get extremely long i think just bear w me </3 god i adore ur take on him SO much i cant even explain it
moss. grabs ur shoulders. no because youre actually a genius. i was already sold but i never even considered how perfect a knight au is for suguru holy shit????? UR SO RIGHT. ALWAYS. he is ABSOLUTELY misguided and i think there are so many possibilities for his character in an au like this…
its so similar to his canon circumstances but also Not. and there’s that whole other factor of knighthood and honour thats so different from sorcerers because sorcerers can be (and SHOULD be) a little insane in the head but knights have to be Perfect. but then they also have to be Human and the tragedy is that u cant be both at once. (more on that later 🔥🔥 im normal abt this concept)
this is just my own take on sugu but!! i see him as like… Obsessively Moral. in the sense that he follows his own morals without thinking about anything else. almost destructively. and god moss the way that could translate into a knight au…..
just. suguru being born with so much empathy and strenght (and also that one simmering Thing that makes him a bit off) and immediately being recognized by the people around him. being branded a knight and given a sword to Protect people with. a purpose that he devotes himself wholly to, pledging himself to the protection of the people around him, and finding genuine satisfaction out of helping them (while also getting his kicks out of killing monsters bc it satisfies that one little simmering Urge he has). and the people love him and he loves them!!!
but then we get into the concept of knighthood (which im extremely normal about) and how fucked up and paradoxical it is. bc knights are supposed to Protect but also Kill. and they have to do both. suguru is given a sword to Protect people with but swords only do one thing and that is Kill. so how could he not get a little addicted to the way it feels?
its just sooo… messed up. honestly. knights are branded as heroes and saviors and theyre loved by all but deep down theyre more like dogs who have to lunge in whichever direction their superior throws a bone at. ”he doesnt get to choose who he has to raise his sword for and who he has to bend the knee for” <- LITERALLY THIS. he has to be obedient because knights are defined by Loyalty above all else and there are…. SO many ways that could fuck suguru up mentally.
him being seen as a Perfect Knight… having love for the people hes sworn himself to protect but also an undeniable love for violence…. and having no choice but to do what his king tells him to. its just bound to go wrong!! and when it does he’ll have no choice but to bear the blame alone bc thats what a good knight is supposed to do.
like im just imagining knight!sugu having a similar crisis to canon sugu in which he fails to protect someone, or has to sacrifice a certain amount of people to save more, or maybe just has to Kill something in a very gruesome way. and then slowly people turn their backs on him. maybe not entirely shut him out or anything, but now there’s this tension when he walks in and he sees a hint of fear in the eyes of the people he used to speak to so warmly.
and its just this nausea that he cant get rid of because hes spent his LIFE protecting these people. its all he knows. its what he was born for. and now theyre afraid of him? when he does nothing but devote himself to them? when all he ever did was save them over and over again? i can just imagine that contempt building up inside his stomach. slowly rotting.
and then suddenly all he can think is how ungrateful they are, how weaklings who cant protect themselves should just sit still and let him do it for them……. Yeah. i just think knight!sugu could be corrupted so easily because of how kind and moral he is (the traits that made him a Perfect Knight in the first place . throws up blood)
anyway all this just to say knight!sugu is genuinely the hottest sugu ive ever seen in my life not even kidding thank u for feeding me 🙏🙏🙏 i SCREAMED when i saw it in ur masterlist. if i saw him beat the shit out of a monster w his bare hands i would fold instantly and follow him wherever even if he went crazy and got banished <33 rip to the rest of the village but im different
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meowsticmarvels · 1 year
hello mcsm community. this is a repost of a long ass twitter thread i made so i apologize in advance if its formatted weird (and sort of disorganized). but heres some of my Thoughts and analysis on radar. i have much more to say than just this of course but HERE WE GO! radar insaneposting tumblr edition. long post incoming (i worked very hard on this)
- he idolizes the new order and puts them on a pedestal above himself a bit. i mean from some dialogue it's clear he doesn't have the highest opinion of himself but he treats the new order smiliarly to how they felt about the old order in thw wither storm arc
- i have mentioned this several times but the "prison radar" thing definitely comes across to me as him trying to overcompensate (and mimic those he sees as "strong" like petra and jack) sort of. like if you contextualise it with how a lot of the characters called him weak an episode prior and it definitely seemed to have an impact on him its like. yeah. especially being thrown into a situation like w/ the sunshine institute and the whole iron breathtaker thing that has Got to fuck you up. idk i jusy see a lot of people take that at face value like "oh look he's being silly" when it comes across to me as more like insecurity ig?
- hes so autism its unreal
but yeah the whole thing kinda fucks him up
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ig the only thing thay kinda bothers me is that arc doesnt feel finished. and also jesse can ENCOURAGW him to act like someone hes not??? OH AND. id like to point out this thing also involves him trying to break his own strict patterns which is p interesting to me. by this i mean the "disregard my bedtime! break whatever rules I feel like! within reason!" he seems to feel that in order to become stronf he has to be like. less caring of the rules w/e but the "within reason" line and the fact that he dislikes things being disorganized still is like. he doesnt Want to act like this. he doesnt seem to like thag but he feels iys the only way he can be strong and adapt to such a lifethreatening situation (to act like someone he clearly isnt)
another point id like to make is his relationship with Stella. it isnt really explored past this one scene in episode 2 of s2 but god there's a lot to unpack here
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"you'll never change" - has stella... always been like this?  even when radar worked under her (which HAS to be at least a year before s2 bc apparently he's been working for jesse for about a year)
 also she calls him a "quitter" which. 1. has a negative connotation meaning that she Does Not Approve of him leaving 2. implies he quit of his own accord. this isn't normal former boss/former employee interaction though something definitely happened. like theyre both Weirdly Hostile and this is never brought up again....... ehat happened.
also "he doesn't even know how to use a sword" this part stuck out to me but Considering this thing i noticed a few months ago about how the mcsm world is very. survival oriented and people who can slay powerful monsters (i.e. old order) are looked at with high respect. so basically she's calling him weak here which is. Huh. also "you don't know anything" girl what happened.... why does radar feel he has to prove himself like that...
"id be careful about counting on him for anything" what did she mean by this. did radar fuck up in some way unintentionally and it pissed stella off or something??? because something clearly happened and im very sad this is never explored further bc this is a fucking interesting plot point.
also. the last image...... this is so fucking interesting regarding radar as a character because it does actually provide context for the whole prison radar thing. like holy shit this says a lot. the first line kinda shows his insecurity already. he's aware people don't believe in him and think he's weak and a coward, but he's going to try anyway. he feels he has to prove himself kinda.. like "you'll see! i can do it watch!" and considering his behavior in this episode it shows. he's overcompensating for that fear and trying to prove that he can be enough to make a difference. especially shown by how he reacts when "Vos" tells him he's not up for the task. he's trying, it isn't enough, so he decides to mimic his heroes and pretend to be someone he isn't (which... unfortunately half the cast doesn't take seriously)
the second line proves my points more. "im not the person she thinks i am anymore" raises a lot of questions on what happened ofc but there's also the "I can be different. Braver. If that's what the situation requires... I'll do it." and guess what! he *does* do that! a combination of pressure from people telling him that he can't do it and he'd just get hurt in the process and is too weak and cowardly to really do much + the stress of the situations he's thrust into seems to sort of catalyze his decision to put on the "prison radar" persona and pretend to mimic his heroes and act strong to not only make a difference and mean something but also to survive The Horrors . but he doesn't want to do this, that isn't who he is as a person, moreso what he feels he has to do. also thinking of pne line where he says something abojt the "incredible misery in the world crushing down on you". like this is a random throwaway line?? clearly the entire situation of s2 is Getting to him but he never really gets to Express that
now ofc like i mentioned this arc is in no way perfect. it's fucking interesting but it feels unresolved and forgotten by episode 5 along with the other characters completely ignoring the fact that that isn't who he is along with jesse even praising that in some dialogue options. like the writing of this kinda confuses me because everything radar says and feels up to that point implies that it's a façade built to be what others want him to be and as a stress response but some later things kinda treat the way he acts as a Good Thing and like ???? like i get it if they wanted to do the "being more courageous" arc sure. fine. but this doesn't seem like it was simply written as that. he does Not usually act like how he does during the "prison radar" thing and its just never addressed. which fucks me up bc this is personally one of my favorite character arcs of mcsm due to how complicated and insane it is + hes one of my favorite characters ever and i relate to his issues a lot but instead thw writings kinda ????? but yeah. its always bothered me really but to be Fair mcsm was hit by a lot of budget cuts that affected the plot like dont even get me started on the scrapped assistant to the warden who sesms to be meant to be the antithesis to radar kind of... and im p sure some episodes had different writers. so yeah this sucks but it isnt gonna piss me off that bad I just wish his arc was handled a bit differently. might potentially write something or w/e about this but anyways if you read this entire thread 1. you're insane 2. we do a little trolling. follow me mcsm truthers
original tweet thread here: https://twitter.com/rival_trevor/status/1659130820999753730?s=20
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nighttimeebony · 1 year
A collection of my thoughts, reactions, predictions and whatnot that I had and wrote down while I was reading The Sea of Monsters. So spoilers for that under the cut.
EDIT: part 1, part 3, part 4, part 5
Ah, I just now realized that Percy’s sword, Riptide, is another nod to his Poseidon heritage
Where the hell was this kind of school when I was Percy’s age? You don’t get grades, and you just get to blow shit up in science class?? I fucking wish
Tyson kind of reminds me of some of the special ed kids I knew in elementary school. Or kids with low-functioning autism. That’s probably what Percy figured, too, since he didn’t know that Tyson was a cyclops at first. Percy is such a sweetheart, and he does his best to treat Tyson kindly and to protect him from bullies. And he does it not to feel better about himself but because he wants Tyson to feel better. And he doesn’t just protect Tyson and leave him alone afterwards and hope he doesn’t talk to him. He genuinely considers Tyson to be one of his friends and he cares about him. I just. I love this kid.
Ah, yes. Tantalus. I remember you. Your son had sex with Percy’s dad.
I like that whenever Percy sees Grover in a wedding dress, he says nothing about the fact that Grover is a boy wearing a dress, he’s just like, “bro, that does not fit you at all, you need a size 9 at least before we can call it kosher”. I love these kids.
I like Silena Beauregard and Charles Beckendorf. I imagine that they're a couple, because it would be a cute reference to the fact that Aphrodite and Hephaestus are technically married. In a very crack shippy kind of way.
I just now realized that the name of Luke's sword (Backbiter) was foreshadowing for his inevitable betrayal. Backbiter is a term used to describe someone untrustworthy, or used to describe a traitor. It’s basically a synonym for “backstabber”. The trickster Norse god Loki is actually frequently referred to with the epithet Backbiter. It could also be a reference to the fact that Hermes is not only a trickster god, but also the god of liars and thieves, which would make sense considering that Luke is a son of Hermes.
Holy shit, Luke is trying to Voldemort this shit!
“‘Percy,’ Annabeth said, trying to keep her cool, ‘we’re going to Polyphemus’s island! Polyphemus is an S-i-k… a C-y-k…” She stamped her foot in frustration. As smart as she was, Annabeth was dyslexic, too. We could’ve been there all night while she tried to spell Cyclops.” I love this book.
Percy’s like, a donut shop in the middle of nowhere is a little weird, but donuts aren’t all that high on my list of threats to worry about. Percy, last book you were almost murdered by Medusa at a diner. I think you should know by now that free food is sketchy as hell when you’re you.
“‘I DON’T CARE WHAT IT SAID!’ Ares bellowed with such force that his image shimmered. ‘You will succeed. And if you don’t…’ He raised his fist. Even though he was only a figure in the steam, Clarisse flinched.” Oh, baby…
I think Clarisse should swear. She deserves it.
Annabeth talking about weaving and Athena’s skill with weaving specifically makes me wonder if we’re ever going to meet or get some other mention/reference to Arachne.
“‘But…’ Annabeth’s voice sounded hurt. ‘What’s wrong with my hair?’” Annabeth saying this broke my heart, but then I remembered that she’s going to be Black in that new live action series, and thinking about this scene with that context in mind hurt me even more considering how Black kids are often shamed and punished for their natural hair texture. I’m just imagining little Annabeth getting made fun of by other kids for her hair and teachers punishing her for being “dirty” or “ungroomed”, and then thinking about the way this cunt is manipulating Annabeth to feel like she’s lesser than because of it. That new live series Disney+ is making better not mess this up.
Holy shit, did C.C. also invent the concept of Instagram?? Why is she obliterating these thirteen-year-olds’ self-esteem???
Oh, because she’s a witch. Yup, Circe, that checks out
Amelia Earheart was a half-blood? I love that. Also, yes! Thank you for mentioning Atalanta, I adore her! She’s one of my favorite characters in Greek mytho-history.
Also, Blackbeard being a son of Ares makes way too much sense
Percy being good at sailing is amazing. Finding that one interest that’s very niche and obscure that’s almost useless in modern society and nailing the hell out of it is very neurodivergent of him and I’m so proud of him for that
“I looked over, expecting to see Annabeth, but the girl wasn’t Annabeth. She wore punk-style clothes with silver chains on her wrists. She had spiky black hair, dark eyeliner around her stormy blue eyes, and a spray of freckles across her nose. She looked familiar, but I wasn’t sure why.” Wait. Is that Thalia?
"'But… you're still getting married?' Grover sounded hurt." Grover, baby, he was going to kill you. This is not about you not being hot enough for him.
Annabeth calling herself Nobody to get Polyphemus's attention—I remember that myth; I read it in elementary school. I thought it was hysterical. It still is. Also Annabeth's burn game is on point.I didn’t know that that hero was Odysseus specifically, but now that I do, it makes a lot more sense.
By the way, isn’t Odysseus related to Poseidon? I can’t remember, but I could swear that Odysseus was a grandson of Poseidon… (two Google searches later). Nope, it was Hermes. He’s a grandson of Hermes, which, yeah, that makes more sense than Poseidon.
"'Not a traitor,' Tyson said. 'And you are not my kind.'" YES, BABY!!
Percabeth. Just Percabeth. I love these children and I love them together.
Percy is one of the best protagonists ever. When Polyphemus was crying and asking Percy not to kill him, Percy spared him. Not because Polyphemus didn't deserve to die, but because Percy didn't want to kill him and felt bad for him. He sympathizes with Clarisse when she's upset, even though she's insulting him and Annabeth is angry with her. He remembers the way Ares had treated her on the boat, and instead of yelling back at her, he treats her with kindness and patience. He lets her complete her quest and have the glory that comes with it, because Percy doesn’t care about getting recognized by the camp for what he did—he just wants the camp to be saved, and as long as the Fleece is delivered to do that, he doesn’t care how. I just. I love him so much. He's such a sweet kid.
I love that Annabeth is the bloodthirsty, petty one between her and Percy.
Holy shit, Tyson's watch thing!! Damn, Tyson!
Percy proudly calling Tyson his baby brother is everything to me.
I love that at this point in the story, Percy is only 13 and has canonically been wanted by the police on two separate occasions.
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amoneki-ramblings · 5 months
oh and also idk if the amoneki blog is the place to ask but can u tell me about ur opinion of eto :]
OH HELL YEAH !!!! I should've clarified, I'm cool with asks for anything/anyone, unfortunately I might not have as much to say for some characters/ships since. I'm still getting through the manga orz but I'd down to discuss anyone!!
Also sidenote but thank you for sending two asks?? I'm answering this one first since the amoneki ask will take me. A while. But also I read this and immediately went "eto !!! eto holy shit it's her!!" so I must get the energy out (and hope it's coherent)
How I feel about this character:  Goddd Eto is so fucking Cool as a character. She has so many things I absolutely Love in one character. She's an absolute monster in terms of power, eldritch-like, she is a horror beyond anyone's comprehension and I love her so much for that. When she made her first (I think) big appearance in :re (Volume 5. The Kanae Scene) I loved her sooo much more I love her fucked up-ness, I love her Apple and God Thing and 'breaking down people's idols and becoming their god' because I Love religious symbolism. She's so ominous and formidable and she has such a fucking presence, it's amazing, yet at the same time we still see the same loneliness in her that's prevelant in the majority of Tokyo Ghoul, but maybe even moreso. Throughout the series it's shown how important parents and family are and how they've shaped the characters and give them drive (especially considering almost nobody has both parents. alive, and it effects everyone So Much it's a constant theme.) And obviously Eto couldn't really. Have that. At all. And it fucked her up definitely. The loneliness is overshadowed by. The Monstrosity (which makes sense of course, because that loneliness also brews Hatred for the world) but it also cuts through in things like her writing as Takatsuki Sen (which Kaneki obviously picks up on and relates to), the way it shines through when she's able to deconstruct others' desires and wills and suffering (after all, one must experience suffering themself to truly understand someone else's), and the slight respite with Aogiri (man. I wish to know more of her dynamics with the members/executives so bad) god I love her so much, she also has such a cool character design I'm in love with it, I can't wait to see her even more in :re.
All the people I ship romantically with this character:  Hmm since she hasn't made too many major appearances with individual characters so far none really yet? However I feel like I may grow very intrigued in etoken, two people that share loneliness, they're also a little fucked up I think they could be interesting together (I'm certain they're gonna interact more later also i've seen. the eyeball scene (on accident) and honestly yeah that's my kinda Weirdness))
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Again I want to see more of her appearances/interactions with others more first !! But I'd honestly be happy just to see her interact with the other Aogiri executives more, it's pretty entertaining and it's definitely my kinda thing
My unpopular opinion about this character:  I guess I wouldn't really know if anything I thought is considered unpopular haha, I just kinda like her all around okay?
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: Well, currently I just want to see her more in general, although I think seeing more of the ways she can totally screw with people would be great, she is so Psychological Horror and I fully support it
my OTP: Again, none yet but there may be Something on the horizon
my cross over ship: Honestly I don't really have any crossover tg ships
a headcanon fact: I am taking this opportunity to increase the religious undertones tenfold. She can pull out So many bible references on the fly (that a lot of people probably don't get) and definitely weaves them throughout her writing (Kaneki canonically knows things from the bible, more than the average person at least, so he would absolutely pick up on them). I think she'd have some very interesting thoughts about the bible and what it says about humanity and the idea of God itself, and she definitely owns one somewhere
Hopefully that wasn't too long orz Anyways yes I see Eto in my inbox and I jump up and down in excitement I don't have a coherent list of favorite characters but she is definitely Somewhere in there and I'd let her rip my limbs off anyday Eto my beloved
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Arc V was a lot messier than I remembered
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No, this is not on the dub. The first time I watched Arc V was in sub and I could tell when they changed things in the dub. Actually, out of the Yugioh dubs I’ve seen, this one is the most faithful. There were no massive story changes and the voice acting is all pretty solid, at least from an acting perspective, I can definitely see reason to take issue with some of the voices themselves. There’s also definitely moments the sub did better but overall, the dub is quite solid.
So... that means I have to accept that I just genuinely didn’t enjoy Arc V as much as I did the first time I watched it. I still liked it but man it just really fell apart for me, especially in the final season. The first two arcs are honestly really solid. They introduce the characters really well and slowly drop hints to the overarching conflict before hitting us with it all it once with the gut punch that was Sora vs Shun. That duel up to the end of the Arc League Championship is consistently great and... honestly kind of where Arc V peaks (outside of maybe a duel or moment here and there in the later seasons.)
I’ve always considered the first half of the Synchro arc to be the lowest point of the show because of how little it accomplishes plot wise and how just overall uninteresting it is. There are hardly any meaningful character moments and it feels like the plot is at a complete standstill until, at earliest, Dennis is revealed to be from the fusion dimension. I do still think the prison break/riot/invasion and final few duels of the tournament are where this arc finally picks up but that takes up far less time than I remembered and the resolution to the City’s problems is still total bogus.
And then XYZ/Fusion dimension... I definitely only said I loved this arc because of my GX bias, holy shit. The utter disrespect and mishandling of Asuka and Edo is insulting (full rant here, as I don’t wanna repeat myself: https://at.tumblr.com/overobsessedfanboy13/i-have-to-confess-something-i-still-really-like/c9gbj4yv2ms6)
What I will talk about regarding this that I don’t think I explained very well last time was what has now became my most hated duel in all of Yugioh:
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Well, as a duel at least. The second Yusei vs Akiza is certainly more insulting and harmful but that’s not for anything that happened in the duel itself.
But THIS duel. This fucking duel. Asuka is flat out not allowed to duel at her best here. She doesn’t summon her ace monster (the one she uses in her Arc V introduction) or any particularly powerful monster, she doesn’t get to show the extent of her skills, she gets screwed over by Yuri cheesing a target effect. It doesn’t feel like Yuri fully defeated a powerful duellist, it feels like the writers just wanted to get rid of Asuka so she lost BECAUSE OF BULLSHIT. Even Sora in his subsequent duel with Yuri was allowed to summon some of his iconic monsters, Asuka was only allowed to summon a fucking level five ritual monster that was introduced in this piece of shit duel and makes Asuka look far weaker than she is. GX is an older show and yet it treated Asuka with actual respect.
Also, the Battle Beast arc is a total waste of time and only accomplished getting Crow carded, something that gets undone with pretty much no explanation during the Z-Arc duel and could’ve easily been cut since it was ultimately pointless in the long run. Similarly, the bracelets girls being mind controlled was also completely pointless and all it did was steal any opportunity Rin or Ruri might’ve gotten at being actual characters before the climax turned them into mere means to an end to bring back Ray and Z-Arc.
Although to be fair, Ruri vs Shun was a pretty good duel, I think seeing Ruri fight against the mind control was a neat idea that really should’ve been expanded on.
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Then... honestly I’ve never been that big of a fan of the final Z-Arc. I like the three duels leading up to it (Reiji vs Layra, Yuri vs Yusho, and Yuri vs Yuya) but the Z-Arc duel just... goes on way too long. It felt blatantly obvious to me that only Ray, in some form, was gonna be able to defeat Z-Arc so every duel beforehand felt like a waste of time and didn’t do much good for the characters. And then the way Ray does manifest is....
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*long sigh* I... I think we can all agree this is stupid and completely undermines and even flat out destroys Layra’s character arc about being their own person rather than a vessel for others by making them become a vessel for Ray, right? I don’t have to explain it again? Cool. Moving on.
The final eight episodes are honestly a saving grace in some ways.
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They’re a far cry from perfect, Yuya and Yuzu having all their counterparts inside them and Layra de-aging into a baby were both really questionable decisions but otherwise, I did enjoy these final episodes. I think seeing the characters get memory holes/flashbacks akin to what Leo Akaba experienced when the dimensions split was really interesting to see in real time, I like the return to the simple fun the series started with, the duels are really fun, and I LOVE this scene:
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I’ve talked about it before but it deserves to be mentioned again. Yuya going from fearing that he’ll turn out like Z-Arc to understanding and even empathizing with Z-Arc, the villain who caused all his suffering, is a very powerful moment. That moment, and the duel overall, are such a great conclusion to Yuya’s character as well as Z-Arc’s. Z-Arc’s backstory and the tense buildup to him coming back are the highlights of the final arc, and the things that keep me from outright disliking it.
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