#// let me be self indulgent 👁️
angelicxlly · 2 months
{ tw: bit of body horror }
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——Roses were ever beautiful & delicate; unique for their spectators to delight in their ephemeral marvels... & yet, blooms of such sweetened perfume & symbols worth of poetry & affections were still capable of growing thorns amidst the adversity.
Birthed from the Twilight Blossom herself; Wild Magic given blood, bones & flesh She was no more than a Nymph overwhelmed by contradicting emotions, without enough time to process them; lost in the sorrowful pain & consuming sadness;the intense fear & terrible anger, & she was not different from the bloom...
& so power, even if weak, would attempt to leak without being commanded, seeking to protect herself from the perilous & agonizing underworld.
—Through open skin, blood growing thorns,breathless as chocking on petals of gold…
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{ I have the little headcanon that, since Emilia was born from a magical flower, even if her body was now of bones & blood, her Magic would still behave instinctively when she was far younger in recognition of imminent danger & torture, growing thorns aimlessly right from her flesh… something that mostly happened during Mordekaiser’s tyranny before she would be able to control it properly & being the main reason why below the glamour magic, several little scars & scratches could be counted… being her very thorns hurting herself.
In her youth, it would have also happened during the destruction of the Night Garden, yet upon bonding with her familiars, those wounds were closed & her former ability to heal enhanced despite her age. Whereas during Mordekaiser’s reign, her power was being corrupted & darkened more & more, eventually losing the capacity to heal others or herself. }
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sapphic-woes · 2 years
Yk. I'm quite gay.
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shankschewtoy · 9 months
If you were in the hospital
a/n - I’m in the hospital so this is absolutely perfect 💪 kinda self indulgent sorry
Warnings ⚠️ - g/n reader, sick reader, modern au, I bully kidd even when I’m sick (don’t worry I’m not too sick to bully him)
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- this asshole wouldn’t fit through the damn doorway 💀 and he would be the person the other patients were complaining about
- “Um. Nurse? There’s this red haired guy who threatened to kill me earlier?” -random innocent person
- jokes aside, he would stay with you and get you whatever you need. Aggressively.
- “Hey Kidd, I need some water.”
- “Kidd! Ask nicely-!”
- poor you 😭
- he would try and sleep with you on the bed but his fat ass can’t fit 💀 bro is too big for that
- he would also invite killer if that’s ok with you, killer is a better caretaker than him obviously
- he would be helping the nurses politely and making sure you were comfortable
- Kidd would literally threaten the doctor to come and check on you or else he’d kill his family 😭😭😭😭 pls save this doctor
- when the room gets super quiet, he’d ask the literal most random ass questions so it doesn’t get awkward but it gets more awkward after he asks them
- “Does your ass itch? Mine does.”
- “WTF KIDD?!”
- 💀💀💀💀
- He snores really loud so you’re probably not going to sleep very well, but knowing he’s there with you is comforting at least
- bro wakes up the other patients in other rooms 💀
- if Kidd is there, killer’s there too- they’re inseparable and also Kidd would die if killer and you weren’t there trying to keep this dumbass alive
- killer would be telling Kidd to shut up every five seconds as he should
- all in all, a 0/10 hospital experience, but a 10/10 emotional support experience 👍
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- let’s just say this time, he’s not your doctor
- trust me, he’d be there before you even arrive in the ambulance 💀 he has everything you need
- changes of clothes, your favorite blankets, water bottles, stuffed animals, movies, literally everything
- he’d be the one who’s talking with the nurses and telling them what to do 😭 the poor doctor became his subordinate
- it got kind of annoying, but he asks a TON of questions almost every minute or so
- “Are you feeling nauseated?”
- “Dizzy?”
- “Do you need to go to the bathroom?”
- “What’s your name, and where are you right now?”
- yeah he’s just worried, go along with it
- he’s the type of guy to literally never leave and just stare at you the entire time, it’s creepy
- “Law, you staring at me is not helping.”
- “I- wha-?! Fine. I’m just worried y/n.”
- “Okok! Sorry- you can stare at me- don’t sulk and turn emo in the corner!”
- “I’m not EMO!”
- “Yeah you kinda are.”
- Law is the definition of emo 💀 he can’t lie about it, and he can’t hide it, it’s just natural
- even if you don’t want to, he’s going to help you walk around the hospital room, just to keep the blood flow going
- he knows that even though you’re not supposed to move around a lot, walking a little bit is good
- law will not sleep at all- he will continue to stare at you as you sleep, it’s creepy 😭
- literally law: 👁️ _ 👁️
- it’s amazing how you were able to sleep with him staring through your soul, I commend you for that
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- my man is THE WORST when it comes to you getting sick
- he looks everything up on google and gets the worst results
- “S/o has a horrible stomachache.”
- “Cancer.” -google
- “S/o feels dizzy.”
- “Cancer.” -google
- oml poor ace 😭
- he rushed you to the ER, and almost crashed into 80 cars on the way 💀
- trust me, they moved out of the way
- the doctors hate him because he thinks you have some crazy disease when in reality you just have a really bad flu
- “I’m telling you! It’s appendicitis!”
- “Sir- it’s the flu- please calm down.”
- “I’M CALM.”
- no he’s not 😭
- very confused by the machines
- “Ace. It’s an IV. It’s so I don’t get dehydrated.”
- called sabo and started freaking out to him 💀
- “Ace I’m sure y/n is not dying. Calm down.”
- you sure abt that ace?
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- I can confirm that he is never calm when it comes to your health and safety
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- he wouldn’t know what to do, but he’d follow you and stay with you for the entire time, so don’t worry about that
- he’s like law, and would stare at you literally every second that you’re there
- “Zoro you don’t have to stare.”
- “I dunno- what if you start having a stroke?!”
- my guy doesn’t know that you’re not an old, senile elderly person 💀
- he would fall asleep on you while holding your hand, since he’s been so worried, it kind of exhausts him
- it’s adorable though
- he snores, but it’s cute that he fell asleep holding your hand just tight enough to let you know he’s there with you 💜
- if you ever needed help getting some water, a heat pack for your stomach, or literally anything? He’s got you covered
- but if he has to leave your room for it he might not come back. Ever.
- as you were watching tv about some crash a couple miles away, you saw a green haired guy in the background that looked oddly familiar
- he seemed to be buying a water from a vending machine
- when he turned around you almost broke the tv remote in half
- “ZORO?!”
- nah this idiot 💀 y/n I suggest you put some kind of leash on him
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a/n - zoro needs to eat the gps gps no mi 😭
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teopatra · 9 months
💙 Happy Blue Moon🌕 💙
Posts like these you don’t sea 👁️ often .. maybe once every blue moon 🧿👄🧿
Todays pick a pile messages are songs since Pisces energy and full moons are likened to mermaids whom are know for being sirens 🚨 🧜🏽‍♀️ 🧜‍♂️
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Message 1:
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During the full moon transit you’ll feel like there is a stillness in their air. Kind of like when the ocean gets eerily calm before a storm. A peaceful terror. You could feel the urge to be by yourself more or hermit in your own energy; it will befit you to turn off your devices and just listen to the sounds around you and your mind. The best thing you can utilize your phone for right now is noting your synchronicities and your feelings. If you notice people being distant don’t take it personally, but pay attention to how that makes you feel and the conversations people have with you especially your tone. Others you know are facing introspection and are delving into the deepest parts of their psyche. The intensity of repressed emotions may be too much for most to handle. I noticed my social media page engagements are lower than normal today, it reminds me of a ghost town with nothing but tumble weeds lol that’s the energy of this Pisces full moon. Work with quartz crystals, protect your immune system and indulge in a warm bath, shower, or foot soak since Pisces rules the feet.
Message 2:
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At this time you will experience MORE lucid dreams. Pay attention to the people in your dreams and what these particular people may say to you in your dreams. It’s one thing to be lucid in the dream state but it’s another to wake up with dream amnesia. Why is that? Bc something in your waking life is not aligned with your higher self meaning you could indulging in bad habits like not getting enough rest and over saturating your third eye with too much media. You’re prob a creative person or a water sign so you should be clearing your mind. Create something that is visually stimulating for you to aid in your create process and ease/unload the mind; mercury rx is cashing a lot of mental tension rn. A salt bath, a foot soak with pink Himalayan salt or you may need to gargle with salt water to unblock throat chakra blockages. Try sleeping next to grounding crystals and dream enhancing crystals like blue apatite. Also don’t sleep directly next to your phone, turn TV’s, mirrors, phones, tablets, and other types of black mirrors away from your bed if you can. If not try covering them with a towel or something light. Work on protecting your aura and strengthening your auric field
Message 3:
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Worrying about an ex at this time is unhealthy for you. As much as you may think this person will change it’s not up to you to focus on them, pour into yourself wholeheartedly and you’ll see where your shadow work needs to be done and why you feel the need to give to someone who probably doesn’t have your best interest at this time. I see a lot of people from your past being nostalgic over you, but that is none of your concern anymore. Turn from the past and be open to all possibilities ( this is the mantra for piscerian energy). Your destiny is waiting for you, but you are holding on to your karmic energy. The moon has met up with Saturn as he’s been transiting Pisces since the beginning of the year, so challenge yourself to let go of the things that aren’t serving you and you know what they are. Also everyone seems to be on edge so it’s best to just be quiet stay out the way and mind your business until mercury retrograde blows over. If you’ve been overindulging in tarot stop, OR you may notice that tarot isn’t resonating with you lately like it used to. Try intuitive games to improve your own cartomancy or tarot skills if you’re into that
Message 4:
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I see you have done a lot of shadow work over the years and it has caused you to feel a bit isolated at times and that’s because others have not done ENOUGH self development therefore you are not resonating with most people. You are supposed to soar and it may feel lonely at the top but know that you are an example of Christ consciousness to those around you. you are a beacon of light that illuminates a path behind you. You are not a flash light searching for dark spots. Reward yourself for how far you’ve come and don’t stop because this is how you will romanize your life turning fantasies into reality. The full moon wants you to relax and to plan ahead so you can have a more fulfilled day. Pisces is a mutable sign meaning ever changing , therefore this energy can be a bit sporadic. Which isn’t always bad, BUT I see time can easily evade you if your daily intentions aren’t set properly. You’ll see what I mean if you haven’t already. I see you thinking back on this post weeks later like ohhhh now I get it. 🤭 also eat some more vegetables, try making more home cooked meals bc it’ll be therapeutic .
Message 5:
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Please be mindful that with most people in their late 20’s experiencing their Saturn returns with the moon currently in the same sign as Saturn may force you to observe people change for the better or for worse. It all depends on one’s karma and the work they’ve chosen to do or lack thereof. With the sun being n Virgo and Virgo being the sign of the hermit, the change of season will cause you and others to recluse and maybe even become lethargic. For example during this time of year most people go back to school, and as the older generation phases out and retires, the old “students” are the new teachers. I see a lot of millennials changing the dynamics of school systems compared to how we experienced it growing up. You are the future, help your inner child and inner teenager even if you’re an adult by connecting with those younger than you. If YOU are a teenager pay attention to those in their mid to late twenties. A lot of times we think our lives are going to go certain ways and end up something completely diff. Just know that if you’re aspiring to do something that may not need a traditional education don’t waste your money going to school for something you don’t even really wanna do or you’re doing it for just the money or to satisfy family. Find the moon tonight and do some moon gazing , stare at her and let your mind wonder off; your higher self will handle the rest.
Message 6:
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People want to know what you’re up to 👀 I see you have a magnetic energy like the moon. People stare at you like they do the moon, for some reason I see you’re a walking personification of a mirrored portal. You are a conduit of the higher dimensions, you see a person but they see you as a hypnotic metronome. Just like the effect the full moon has on mythological creatures like mermaids and werewolves, I’m seeing you know you had some time of power of psychic gift but you’ll begin to resonate with being other worldly as your gifts play out in front of you. Pisces energy is about illusions and for some reason you create an optical illusion that doesn’t play tricks on peoples eyes but their minds 😵‍💫 THIS message will only resonate with a small few but please comment if you experience any weird nuisances. With great power comes great responsibilities, be careful not to put people in trances at the wrong time, don’t stare at people back if they stare at you but if it’s a lover stare and you’ll both take an astral trip. Please move in silence at this time and work on grounding. Going into hermit mode will benefit you and please don’t get distracted by lust bc I see that being the side effect of this heightened power rn like a hungry vampire. Also stop trying to be captain sage a h*e and realize how earthly you’ve been, lighten your aura in weight.
🩻This is your time to illuminate the truth deep within you bc you already hold the answers you seek.. there’s no research to be done at this time because you have spent the time and effort. Now you are reaping the rewards
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flowersforjoy · 16 days
Hey Joy,
I’m Caleb, new to Tumblr and wanted to reach out. “Rectifier” sounds fascinating! The alien angel concept is really unique—how did you come up with that idea?
Hi Caleb! First off, welcome to the indie space very excited to see your dev journey 🤩 and thank you for reaching out 😭
I’m so glad you think so! It’s mainly two things- self indulgence and this want to merge fantasy and sci fi eventually. I don’t do too much merging in Rectifier, but definitely want to go the full mile eventually with another project down the line.
I love the trope of aliens coming to Earth or Earth equivalent to learn about humans through first hand experience. Aliens are also allowed to look weird or unsettling and I’ve always found the biblically accurate angels to be more fascinating.
When boiled down- Nephelim are just aliens with biblical aesthetics, which has more meaning than I will spoil here.
There is definitely more than meets the eye 👁️
I’d always recommend trying to have your cake and eat it too with writing. Self indulgence and general, “fuck it let’s make it, make sense” mentality has helped me in more ways than one.
Thanks again 😭💞
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gasolinerainbowpuddles · 10 months
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sub!joel is my literal favourite and i just about died when i saw that that's what your latest fic was. you truly never disappoint and i am actually feral at the prospect of more of this
you are so talented and amazing and wonderful and i would read anything written by you in a heartbeat because you are just so consistently perfect at writing
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this is so nice wtffffffffff
half the time I'm just posting self-indulgent, cathartic healing shit. the other half I'm posting my goblin brain, horny demon hours ideas. sometimes it's a mix of both. the fact that you like all of it is very [deeply emotional word that accurately describes the complexity and depth of my feelings].
and don't be shy, babe! send me some of your *~hopes and dreams~* when it comes to sub!Joel. I'm open to any and all suggestions! (so far there's a vote for pegging) whatever "activity" or if there's certain tropes or dialogues or whatever.
👁️👄👁️ LeT yOuR cReAtIvE jUiCeS fLoW 👁️👄👁️
and then send it ovah, babes.
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catch ya later, ♥Puddles♥
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sunriseverse · 6 months
4 for the ask meme??? I desire all your thoughts. require them even. and a glimpse into your wips. 👁️
okay. deep breaths. i will not throw my phone out the window because tumblr crashed this ask and deleted everything i had written. anyway.
i have a LOT of wip ideas but the most active wip i have in my head at the moment is sunrise, and i have a couple things planned at the moment.
1. this is a xiaoge pov fic, with a mixture of third and second person pov (third for past/present, second for behind the rift). i keep trying to write it and stopping because it’s such uncharted territory for me and i want it to be PERFECT but i know i shouldn’t be so intense about it……..but also i want it to be exactly how i have imagined it in my head. here’s what i have so far:
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2. this is a xiaosanjiao fic, with two main focuses: one, how wu xie in this verse is specifically callous and cruel towards li cu while also trying to maintain his innocence, the only reason he has any use for him, and two, the way li cu only survives because he is loved. i’ve got a lot of thoughts about prototypal anchor bonds and they are quite literally the case study for it—especially when you consider that their bond is basically comparable to the iron triangle’s. what can i say, sha hai took me out back and shot me with that metaphor and now i can’t let it rest.
now onwards and inwards towards my notes app, where lieth the beasts who dwell in waiting (wips i would like to get to some day but which have lower priority). there’s a lot of these so they’re going below the cut.
1. iron triangle time loop fic. i love a good time loop i love when things hurt and people have to watch their loved ones die. for a change of pace it would be pangzi who remembers the loops. because i like to torture the characters i love.
2. xiaoge taking pangzi and wu xie to visit baima’s grave. i just………have a lot of feelings about graves and how xiaoge only knew her for three days and how she wasn’t even really conscious and how despite that it was clearly an incredibly meaningful thing to him. also i think xiaoge would want the men he loves to meet the woman who loved him, even if they’re separated inescapably by time and distance.
3. silly fake marriage fic that hinges on that stupid marriage chair of fo ye’s (okay that’s not what it is and that’s not what happened but allow me to jest for a moment. to joke.). this is 100% self indulgent and ignoring any real world implications etc etc so the likelihood of it getting written ever is vanishingly low (i cannot stop thinking about Implications, alas), but hey, it’s a fun concept.
4. technically i wrote this but i would love to revisit it: dæmon au where xiaoge’s dæmon isn’t able to cross over the bronze gate with him and instead is left comatose in the real world and the only true indication that wu xie and pangzi have that xiaoge is still alive. i think initially when i thought of it my plan was for wu xie to care for them, but i’ve since decided that he would probably entrust that to pangzi, both because that’s safer, and because he doesn’t trust himself with the task.
5. pangzi in a qipao as a disguise for some fancy party they’re infiltrating for whatever reason. do i need to explain this further. alternatively a mundane au where pangzi is a model.
6. au where wu xie’s hatred and disgust and fear of what he’s turning himself into physically alters him into being visibly “monstrous” and it doesn’t go away after everything and he tries to hide it because he’s terrified of how pangzi and xiaoge will react if they find out. heavily inspired by this one comic i saw about a character hiding in a bathtub behind the curtain because they turned into their monstrous form and can’t remember how to turn back, and then the other person gets into the bathtub and holds their hand and shows them a photo of some happy moment and tells them it’s okay, they’ll wait. yeah. also vague allegories for bipolar onset because i have exactly three dead horses and i’m not going to stop beating them.
7. wu xie with glasses. listen. look at me. the glasses agenda must be advanced.
8. boyfriend item thief xiaoge. sweaters. food. that one blanket pangzi could have sworn he left on the sofa. hearts. etc.
9. technically i kind of wrote this a bit with “hearts’ keep” but a fic where li cu and wu xie keep running into each other and li cu is horribly reminded repeatedly of the ways that people keep drawing parallels between him and su wan and yang hao and the iron triangle. i just want to write about complicated relationships and the horrifying knowledge that you are in love with your best friends you know?
okay that’s it i THINK. or at least everything that’s more than just three words and no context/scribbling that got incorporated into other things.
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mickmundy · 1 year
sniper's loft bed headcanons pls 👁️👁️
omg.,., ehehe.,., i’m soo glad you asked this is something i am Not at All Insane About.,., ehee.,., and i actually think its probably for the best that i elaborate on this here since there really isn’t a graceful way to fit posts like this within a fic SKDFKSD so!! let’s get to it! starting off by saying i’ve been in and out of motorhomes, trucks with camper shells, vans, etc my entire life (though i would be doing it a lot more in my adult life if i could find ways to not have Every Bug On Earth eat me alive ;_; gwah!) so i guess i’m just a little biased for what i see In My Mind. i have yet to sketch out/floorplan out sniper’s van layout itself In My Mind but let’s just keep it vague enough to say it’s nothing flashy, but it’s cozy and Aged and… lived in! i’ve talked about it before in one of my Many headcanon posts but i think he was always taught that he doesn’t need material things and while i wouldn’t say he’s a hoarder by any means, i think he tries to convince himself everything in his home has a Practical Application just so he can justify hanging onto it! i think sniper is v sentimental and the stuff he chooses to keep might be a little “unconventional” by average standards (ie he doesn’t have lots of photos of his family, but kept his mum’s handmade quilts and his dad’s old knife and hunting rifle. also presses flowers and would keep the eggshell of when he and medic first ate breakfast in bed together, etc) but i could ALSO make a whole other post about just little knicknacks i think you’d find in sniper’s home at any given time HEHE… but i’m doing my best to stay on track so!!
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i’m going to preface this with IM SORRY for the “pinterest looking ass” photos to describe what i’m talking about but just use this as a Basic Jumping Off Point. Not as the Literal Visual. work with me here… so i think sniper’s bed has LOTS of pillows and blankets. if you’ve ever slept in one of those loft bed camper van beds you’d know that those walls are cold and hard and don’t really hold heat in all that well! i think the blankets are a combination of furs he has (though he rolls up and stores them when its hot out), sherpa/wool, knit blankets and quilts, etc. all of different sizes and weights. whatever makes him comfortable! pillows are extremely worn in (as are the blankets; you could find lots of mends on them!) and comfortable just the way sniper likes them. i think he has so many layers because he sleeps naked and likes to be able to adjust what parts of his body are covered and what parts aren’t. he’s the king of sticking one of those loooong legs out of the covers, or having only his tummy covered and the rest of him exposed, etc! he likes being able to change things quickly to suit his needs. this is also great for draping something over his shoulders when he’s laying out on top of his van at night watching the stars or sitting in a lawn chair feeding hoots!
the space is small, so i think he’d also have a “nightstand” which really is just a “coffeetable book” (ie a big-ish hard cover book) of some subject he’s interested in that he’d keep pressed against the “long wall” of the camper that has just a battery-powered plastic lantern (for reading before bed ehe) on it, a worn-out old book of poetry or some kind of book he’s read a thousand times that he likes skimming before bed (this is not to be confused with the Utility Books he reads at others times about survivalism, gun cleaning, etc. this is a Wind Down Specific book), and aheh, when he starts really falling for medic, something else too… but i’ll discuss that later in my fics! ;-) if i’m being really self-indulgent i think he also has a stuffed animal from his childhood that he’s still hung onto all these years, but he keeps him stored away safely in a pillowcase because he doesn’t want it getting lost or damaged! :’( also he’s just a huge cuddlebug imo, so he likes having things he can Grab or fling his leg or arm over in his sleep (pillows, bunched up blankets, etc)! the space is small but he makes it very homey! HEHEHE
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do you think strange would have any pet names or terms of endearment for kronos? 👀 (perhaps spoken during an especially difficult procedure...) also you know who this is and i am simply thrilled to know someone else who gets it 🤝 strangefucking alliance!!
YES SOMEONE ELSE my husband is also a little 👁️👁️👁️👁️👁️👁️👁️ over him heehee We both hit the sauce hard when we were watching Gotham together and then uh. I spiraled. Like I do with every f/o. Just "wow, how much media of him can I consume in I DUNNO a month?" And now he's back heeheeeeeeeee--
Kronos is a bit of a broken clock in like a literal sense--fae has absolutely no sense of time, and it is very tempting to draw allusion to it. If it didn't so immediately send faer into a rage, maybe he would. Faers feuds with The Clown Prince Himself though are enough evidence that even hinting at it out of endearment is going to mostly just get him an angry episode, and in these circumstances he's not prodding for that reaction. Also I should make HIM a tag too, I just... His ship is too self indulgent...
So instead, he leans more on basic ones. "Darling" often sends a jolt of panic into faer (it was how Crane usually referred to faer, almost entirely in place of faers name.) Still, he's at this point fully aware that it's a "mark me down as scared AND horny" kind of thing, and he pokes that bear at his own discretion (usually also successfully dodging making things worse. Ironically, during a difficult procedure, that goes better than in domestic circumstance.)
"Kitten" and "pet" are the more generally safe options, albeit they sound kinky as shit out of context. Maybe even in context too. (Remember: scared, but also horned up.) He also stole "doll"/"babydoll" from Edward, who never made things official with faer anyway (and shouldn't be surprised considering who HAS officially scooped Kronos up.) This was 100% for non-yandere reasons (that is a lie, this was 100% for yandere reasons. If faers going to be his, faers going to be his.)
He is weirdly proud of himself when fae eventually comes to associate "darling" more strongly with their endeavors than Crane. Crane 100% has wanted his test subject back, and he's all too willing to rub that in his face. Let alone the fact that fae has even submit faerself willingly to some of these procedures--if they spoke regularly, Crane would never hear the end of it. My "Crane/Strange as fucked up exes" does come into full swing here, apologies.
I'm rambling, I hope this was coherent. I get so excited whenever I get asks hehe...
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I must know numbers 2, 13, 41, 58, 94 :3
2. Talk about a notable time a narrative or character has looked you dead in the eyes and said “fuck your plan, here’s what we’re actually doing.”
HAH THIS JUST HAPPENED WITH CHAPTER 10 OF WAKING NIGHTMARES. Okay so. Without spoilers. There’s a small chase scene. I had intended for it to happen a particular way. But Mr. Fuckin Freddy Krueger – because OF COURSE it was him – refused to let the scene happen the way I wanted it to, no matter how hard I tried to force him to do it. And I guess he fucking unionized and went on strike with the rest of the characters because it’s been MONTHS and I’ve been STUCK on this ONE POINT so eventually I gave in and things are going a bit differently now and everybody’s happy. Well, except for Roxy. She's still having a rough go of it.
13. Talk about a writing experience that has pleasantly surprised you.
Writing x Reader stories in general, honestly. It's so self-indulgent and fulfilling in a way I'd never previously considered :D
41. What is the weirdest story idea you’ve ever had?
Oh lord. Ummmm…. Something something crossover something something crackships from hell don’t ask, it was a strange concept I pursued for far too long.
58. What is the last thing that a fic made you google when you were writing it?
I literally just looked up the Wikipedia article for the archangel Gabriel for…. reasons 👁️
94. Do you prefer dialogue or description?
Description baybeeeeee I love me some unnecessarily long-winded rambling and vibrant imagery and flowery prose
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