#// *hes a very expressive hedgehog
jorrated · 6 months
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fleetway sonic is soooooooo bad with being cared for, he wants to be the most special boy in the spotlight ever but if somebody gives him a genuine hug he will die
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alleycatchitchat · 7 months
wow sonadow fans feeling very validated right now
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true-blue-sonic · 3 months
I imagine Espio messes up a recipe but Silver eats it anyway and thinks it's fine (he's eaten worse)
I get the feeling Silver would quite like cooking and baking, but just not in moments wherein he is busy or on a mission. And since that is often, I figure he'll just throw whatever he can together and eats that, if he gets that far in the first place. Thus, he'll probably have consumed a whole matter of things that were... unique in their combination, haha. But I think he really does not care so much about it! Food is food and time wasted is time wasted. So when Espio comes in with a recipe that's not exactly what he had desired, Silver will just down it with little complaint. And I figure he'll be happy to help out later and see if they can make it better together <3
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saltedsolenoid · 1 year
i would do an analysis on sonic's character writing in sonic boom but that'd mean that i'd actually have to watch the show and i can't do that because everyone else's character writing sucks balls imo. peace and love
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monmuses · 2 years
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// *another xeno doodle dump bc i love drawing him so much <3
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nagichi-boop · 1 year
First of all, just him showing up to Amy’s party is a step up from his recent “I will do everything myself, I hate everyone, imma fight you” attitude that we have seen. Secondly, and idk if it was intentional, but him attending shows he cares about Amy. He’s always had a special place for her after the events of SA2, so it’s nice to see him showing up for something that maybe isn’t his style for her sake. (Parties aren’t really his thing, after all.)
It’s also really sweet of him to go through so many lengths to try and get Amy’s present. I definitely don’t think he forgot to get her a present, he genuinely just didn’t seem to know that it was a social norm to bring presents to a birthday. If he really didn’t care, he either wouldn’t have gotten her anything or he would’ve given her a rushed gift. But no, he went through a lot of effort, basically foregoing the game, just to stall Amy so he could get her a present she would enjoy.
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And not just any present - he remembered her mentioning a specific band she liked and that she hadn’t seen them live. This not only suggests he listens to her and remembers what she tells him, but also implies that he has had multiple conversations with her. Clearly he must have also done some research too since he knew that the tickets were going live soon. He thought this through, even if it was a bit last minute, and did his best to get the tickets (even though he admits to not being the best with computers, which is also nice because usually Shadow just insists he’s the best at everything). I also think it was sweet that he didn’t heavily protest Amy’s suggestion to see the band together. He hesitated, but then yielded. This…for a character who recently has been written to be quite selfish.
He seemed upset that he couldn’t keep this a surprise, but he also didn’t become enraged or lash out at Tails and MC/Barry. In fact, he didn’t really lash out at anyone at any point which is refreshing, since in most Sonic media that’s his go-to emotion.
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Most of his expressions throughout the game are fairly gentle in fact. Sure, he doesn’t smile, but he also isn’t actively angry. And the one expression where he does seem a bit negative just seems like his resting expression, or at absolute worse just a little annoyed. He’s very mellow throughout the game and it’s refreshing.
Even after he has finished talking to Amy, Tails and MC/Barry, he offers to stay with them and help them with the investigation. Normally in Sonic media, Shadow has no interest in helping others and only really cooperates if there’s a mutual goal/interest. And even then, he tends try to do things on his own. But in this game? He actually cooperates, and what’s more, he goes out of his way to offer his help.
So far I’ve mostly talked about his attitude towards Amy. But what’s his attitude towards Sonic? People debate back and forth on whether Shadow hates Sonic and the recent games and media have made it seem like he does hate Sonic. But in this game? I wouldn’t say so. I mean, he’s literally hanging out with him and his friends and instead of having beef with Sonic, he just focused on making Amy happy. And even when the situation gets more dire and Sonic is found to be knocked out, he doesn’t make any snarky comments or anything. In fact, he actually helps to tend to Sonic’s condition, even if it was just checking his pulse. If he rly didn’t care, he would’ve left it to everyone else.
Man, I could talk for hours about Shadow in this game. I can’t believe this April Fools prank game is actually the best characterisation for Shadow we’ve had recently. He’s not overly aggressive, he isn’t selfish, he isn’t super edgy. He is still sorta cold, but he’s not rude or mean. He’s actually really kind (in his own way), putting his needs and desires on hold to make Amy’s birthday fun and to help everyone out. I seriously hope that Shadow is written more like this in the future and not like he has been. Maybe Sega wasn’t joking about taking on board the complaints of the fandom.
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lovings4turn · 3 months
★ hedgehog . . . (oscar piastri)
— when he reunites with his girlfriend, oscar quickly learns that his attempt at a new look has one huge downfall
+ aka. becca saw the pics of oscar's new stubble and struggled to be normal about it !! very short n sweet n silly, but i hope you enjoy regardless lovelies <3 banner from cafekitsune !!
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"hey bab- oh."
oscar pulls away from your hug with a confused expression, brows furrowed and bottom lip pulled into the slightest pout. he looks down at you and scans your face, before turning his scrutiny onto his own form, trying to find an answer for your unusual reaction.
you haven't seen oscar in about a week now, and normally, you're all over him, not an inch of his face nor neck left untouched with your kisses. yet you're currently standing in front of him with an almost dazed expression on your face, arms still linked around his neck from your hug.
before he can open his mouth and allow a nervous question to trickle from his lips, you speak up for him, your knuckles coming to graze against his jaw.
"this is new," you hum, tilting your hand to grant your pinky finger the chance to trace the growing stubble that dusts oscar's upper lip.
his nose scrunches, and his amused exhale hits your fingertips as he lets out a laugh at the tickle.
"how have you hidden this from me?" you continue, your voice taking on a teasing tone. "been on facetime to you almost every day and i didn't even notice."
oscar lifts his own hand to scratch at his jaw, the feeling of coarse hair against his fingertips becoming more familiar with each passing day. it's by no means a full beard, god no. it's glorified stubble, scruff you might have called it. but it's the most facial hair you've seen oscar with since... well, ever.
"yeah, i'm uh, trying something out, i guess," he says with a slight laugh, looking down at you to gauge your reaction. "couldn't be bothered to shave one night and just thought i'd see what it was like."
though his tone is casual, his heart pounds a little faster as he tries to detect any form of opinion radiating from your body language. oscar wishes he was a mind reader right now, able to tell exactly how you feel about the slight stubble without having to ask you outright.
the answer seems to satisfy you, and your lips curve up into a smile as you lean in to finally pepper soft kisses to his face.
oscar stoops down a little to grant you access to his forehead and temple, and you press another kiss to his nose before moving to attach your lips to his.
the kiss is tender, full of love, and bordering on passionate as oscar's tongue swipes at your bottom lip in a silent question. he hardly realises you're pulling away until he's forced to chase after your lips unsuccessfully.
his breathing is a little shallow as he speaks.
"why'd you stop?"
the question almost comes out as a whine, and it takes a lot for you not to tease him about it.
"y'scratching me a bit," you admit with an amused tone, nibbling at your bottom lip. "y'know, with the hair. 's a bit like i'm kissing a hedgehog" you clarify, rubbing at the skin of your own top lip as if to add emphasis.
oscar's mouth opens in a silent oh, and you can practically see the cogs turning in his mind as he puts two and two together. coarse hair plus friction against your own skin is definitely not an award winning combination for you, and oscar sees no more need for experimentation.
"gimme a minute to shave this off, sweetheart," oscar promises with a crooked grin, already making his way to the bathroom. "then you can give me a proper kiss, hm?"
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hotteoki · 1 year
playing with skz’s hair
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warnings : one or two swear words
©️ hotteoki | do not repost
chan (방찬)
you were both on your shared bed, him sitting up facing away from you, focusing on his laptop; you laying down, head resting on your pillows beside him, phone in hand and looking up to stare mindlessly at his back every now and then, contemplating if you should ask what you were about to ask. “hey channie?” you reached up to poked his side. he hummed in question, eyes not straying away from the screen.
“can i tie your hair up?” chan laughed, caught off guard, “what?” he emphasised his point by turning his body slightly to look down oddly at you. you sat up, scooting forward until you parallel to him. placing your chin on his shoulder, you shook his arm gently, “please? i’m bored.” he pretended to think for a few minutes, “alright, but you’re not allowed to take any pictures.”
you nodded happily, stretching over to snatch a hair tie from your bed side table and realigning your body until you can see his face properly without blocking his view. staring at his concentration expression for a few seconds, you wondered how you were going to pull this off.
finally deciding on a look, you placed a chaste kiss on his cheek, his blush motivating you to get to work. bunching up a section of the hair laid on top of his forehead, you collected them to a smaller section right behind it to ensure his hair would stand after you’ve tied it, instead of flopping back down. lowering your hands and grinning to yourself at your handiwork, you tried to sneak in your phone to take a picture of the adorable state chan was in right now.
“i said no,” he gave a pointed look. “but you look so funny right now! i want this as my wallpaper so i can look at it every day,” you put on the sweetest smile you could muster. chan’s melted heart had practical evaporated by then. the thought of him being the reason of smiling down at your phone each time you pick it up. sighing, he posed until he heard the snap shutter. the things he’d do for you.
minho (민호)
you were both watching howl’s moving castle on the tv in your shared bedroom. you were sat with your back against the headboard, minho in between your legs, head leaning back to rest against your chest. dori slept peacefully on his lap, letting out contented purrs from minho’s soft strokes.
it was an absent-minded action at first. you had picked up a small piece of his hair, rubbing it in between your fingers and making it stand up straight. you hadn’t even noticed until fifteen minutes later or so, when you reached to fiddle with his hair again.
holding in your giggles, you repeated the movement several times around his head, doing it as slowly as possible so minho wouldn’t notice. by the time the movie had finished and dori had padded away with an attitude over no petting being received, minho’s hair made him look like a hedgehog. you resisted the urge to coo at him, he looked so cute!
his steady breathing confirmed your suspicions of him being asleep. using this amazing opportunity, you reached your arms around his body until your phone, currently in selfie mode, showed your giddy smile and his calm, sleeping face. you had forgotten your phone wasn’t in silent mode; you hadn’t want to miss important work messages while you were matching the movie.
the loud shutter went off and minho stirred awake. “did you just take a picture of me?” he turned his head to stare at you accusingly, eyes blinking away the sleep. “maybe,” you grinned. his tired state could barely process the entire thing. minho nudged for you to lay down properly on the bed.
after you did so, he twisted his body fully until his entire body weight was flopped on top of you. “they better be good photos,” he mumbled, too exhausted to argue with you. it didn’t matter though, because when he picks up your phone tomorrow and sees that very picture as your wallpaper, a reaction will be pulled out of him.
“yah! what is this picture!” you knew him too well.
changbin (창빈)
changbin’s natural curls were one of the sole reasons why you’re living. he looked heavenly with his black shirt and matching shorts, sitting on a nearby bench, scrolling on his phone, exhausted from his long workout, which led you to walking up from behind him, leaning down to wrap your arms around his torso.
this wasn't an unusual thing for you to do, so changbin responded as he normally does: take one of your hands and press a chaste kiss to the back of it. you eyed his phone as he scrolled through tiktok, coming across an edit of stray kids mistreating skzoo (hint for an upcoming work in progress 👀). an idea sprung in your mind out of nowhere, and you waited for the right moment to act on it.
after holding and drawing circles to your palm for a while, he kissed the back of your hand again and relaxed his grip, a subtle way of saying 'you can go if you want'. you carefully slid your hands up to his hair, carding through his curls. another regular action. nothing out of the ordinary so far.
it was until you bunched a section of his hair, tying it firmly with your spare hair ties from your wrist on the left side of his head, that he let out a laugh, switching his phone off, “babe, what are you doing?” “one second,” you pursed your lips in focus. “alright, alright, sorry,” changbin chuckled, patiently waiting.
you repeated this on his right side, creating two pigtails at the very top of his head. you tried to resist a snort, failing and catching changbin’s attention. “what?” he demanded, turning around. “you look just like dwaekki!” you laughed, hugging his body again in cuteness agression. he only shook his head, returning to his phone with a smirk on his face.
hyunjin (현진)
you watched as your boyfriend and the rest of the group practice the choreography of god’s menu. the way he moved was so captivating and that made it extremely hard for you to look away. you smiled brightly as hyunjin made his way towards you, slumping on the floor next to you. soon, he manoeuvred his body until he could comfortably lay his head in your lap, which was what he did.
after using almost every app on your phone, you grew bored. seeing as hyunjin was here, you busied yourself by braiding little sections of his smooth hair. “what are you doing?” he asked in between laughs, confused as to why you were tugging on his hair. “making you pretty,” you responded simply, leaning down to kiss the pout on his lips when you said that.
“what’s wrong?” you teased, now working on a second braid. hyunjin huffed, “my girlfriend doesn’t think i’m pretty anymore.” “you know that’s not what i meant,” you chastised fondly, booping his nose as he scrunched it up, “i’m making you even more prettier than you already are, if that’s even possible.” you added the last bit just in case he began whining about him not being pretty enough.
he seemed satisfied with that answer, and left you to play with his hair. “done!” you cheerfully tapped his forehead, pleased with your work. hyunjin sat up, checking the mirror wall you were leaning against. he covered his hands with his mouth dramatically, gasping. he tackled you to the floor, kissing your face all over, “you made me the prettiest in the world! i didn’t even think that was possible!” oh, hyunjin.
jisung (지성)
jisung was minding his own business, going on his phone, leaning back comfortably against his gaming chair. you had been sitting in your spot on the couch for over half an hour, bored out of your mind. deciding to do something about it, you stood up and walked over to him, perching yourself comfortably on his lap, one leg of either side of him hanging off the gaming chair he was sitting on.
he nearly dropped his phone from the shock, confused as to why you had decided to randomly cling onto him. it wasn’t absolutely unusual, but you normally would spring into conversation as soon as possible. jisung didn’t say anything, if you want to speak, you would. although he had the cutest intentions, he was wrong. you weren’t particularly sad about anything, you were just up to no good.
you had bought a packet of tiny colourful butterfly clips, being inspired by hyunjin’s selfies on twitter. pulling them out of your pocket, you began your work, clipping away jisung’s soft hair. “jagiya, what are you doing?” he asked, laughing. he didn’t really expect a response, it was more of a rhetorical question, and this was proven right through your simple hum in reply.
“done! you look so cute, ji!” you squished his cheeks lightly, kissing him hastily. jisung’s head was littered with bursts of colour, making him look a bit like a mythical creature. he giggled with you, wrapping his arms around your waist and nuzzling into your shoulder. rest assured a polaroid was taken and slipped into your phone case.
felix (용복)
if he ever said anything about hating his hair being tied up, it’s a huge fucking lie. felix was having way too much fun in his live with seungmin and jeongin, it was hard to take the little pigtails seriously. you decided you needed an actual, real life picture of his hairstyle, and continuously bugged him about it.
“please! you looked so adorable!” you chased after him around the dorm, colourful hair bands wrapped around your wrist, only slightly cutting your blood circulation. “no!” felix screamed in reply, his cute, heavy australian accent only making you more eager to accomplish your mission.
“oh for the love of- yongbok just get your hair tied up and get it over with! you two are giving me a headache!” minho yelled, causing you and felix to skid to a stop. you both smiled sheepishly, and felix turned around, dragging his feet back to you. you grinned, pointing at him to take a seat on one of the stools next to the kitchen island.
standing behind him and bending over slightly to kiss his fake pout, you easily recreated his iconic look. almost immediately, felix began swinging his head side by side, flapping the loose pigtails around and giggling. “sit still!” you commanded mid laughing, holding up your phone to take a selfie. he obliged, giving a derpy smile in the photo. “send that to the group chat!” “minho!”
seungmin (승민)
“no.” “but why-” “no.” “but you’d-” “no!” you slumped back in your spot on the couch. poking seungmin’s shoulder consistently, you forced him to pause the netflix show and sighing exasperatedly, turning his head to your awaiting eyes. “please! i’ll buy you anything you want from the convenience store,” you plastered on your best smile.
“no,” seungmin made sure to drag the word out, he was determined to not give in to your pleas of hairspraying his pink bangs and making them curl up, standing and sticking together. “you never know until you try,” you shrugged your shoulders playfully, still poking his shoulder. he grabbed your face with both hands, letting out a sound that was a mixture of a growl and laugh, secretly melting at your judgemental stare. “on second thoughts, maybe i don’t want to be near you.”
seungmin pretended to push you away, rolling his eyes, “fine, but this will never happen again.” he almost gave himself away when he saw the gleam in your eyes; you were so fucking adorable. after several ‘are you done yet?’ and ‘this is such a compromising position’, you were finished. leaning back to look at your work, you bursted out laughing, “you just look like jyp himself!”
seungmin held back a series of remarks, his face flushed with embarrassment, “i hate you.” you calmed down slightly, still giggling, “and i love you too.” placing your hands on either side of his face, you kissed him as forgiveness. he sighed, accepting his fate and kissed you back.
jeongin (정인)
you had finally managed to convince jeongin to take a nap and rest his eyes after gaming on his phone for over 5 hours consecutively. it was meant to be a day off for all the members as a reward for a successful comeback. however, jeongin went a little stir-crazy with the free time.
knowing he would execute any stupid ideas that came into his mind when unsupervised, a perfect example being him drinking 25 cans of energy drinks live, you had made sure to keep an eye on him the whole day, which was how you noticed that he was clearly exhausted, but refused to sleep from the intensity of his game.
letting him finish off the final round, you had told jeongin to switch his phone off and take a nap, and he had happily agreed with no protests given his tired state. taking a seat next to him on the couch and allowing his feet to rest on your lap so he could lay horizontally in a comfortable position. realising his growing hair was tickling his forehead and causing him to stir awake every now and then, you pulled your spare hair band from your wrist and tied his bangs together.
his sleeping form breathed steadily and that's when you knew jeongin had fallen into deep slumber. silently gushing at his precious form, you retrieved his phone from his loose grip, snapping a picture and sending it to the bubble community. almost immediately, the chat went wild. smiling to yourself, you reached over to intertwine your hands with jeongin's large ones, cherishing this moment.
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pinchofhoney · 7 months
be careful what you wish for
coriolanus snow x fem!reader
word count: 1.7k
warning: platonic relationship, quite angst-ish, text in italics is a flashback
summary: Turning in a district boy to the authorities felt like the right thing to do for Coriolanus. But what if, in doing so, he betrayed you as well?
a/n: absolutely no one asked for it, but i'll deliver it to you anyway<33 i'd say have fun but i'm not sure i'd be appropriate here
pages that may interest you: masterlist ♡ taglist ♡ who i write for
taglist: @watercolorskyy
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gif is not mine, credit to the owner
The moment Sejanus shared Billy Taup's escape plan with you, there wasn't much hesitation on your part. It's not that you acted without thinking; it's just that you didn't need much time to decide.
The summer was scorching, feeling like an unending oven. The sun never let up, and even when you hoped for cooler nights, the heat lingered. You've gotten used to the coal dust that's practically become your second skin in District 12, but what truly got to you wasn't the clinging dirt. It was the musty scent of men's sweat, a scent that clung to the air, heavy with the hard work that defined your daily life.
Being one of the few female Peacekeepers among a crowd of men wasn't your ideal situation. Many other girls had come and gone, unable to stand the sacrifices the job demanded, but you stood your ground, determined to prove yourself in this role, even if serving in this particular district wasn't your dream come true.
At least until a certain point.
When you first arrived in District 12, your main goal was to pass your officer's exam as quickly as possible and secure a transfer elsewhere. But when young Plinth kindled the idea of a life beyond authority and rules, the seed of belief in freedom took root within you. The very thought of it resonated in your mind, sounding truly incredible, and you couldn't wait to leave the filthy district behind, escaping through a gap in the wire mesh fence.
But, of course, life wouldn't be too easy if everything just went as planned, right?
One moment, you were getting ready with Sejanus and the other rebels, gathering the basics for your escape north to the supposedly destroyed District 13. The next, you found yourself standing behind one of the empty houses on the Seam with Coriolanus. He held onto your shoulders, telling you urgently that you had to leave the District as soon as possible.
“What?” was the first word that slipped from your lips, your brows furrowed in confusion as you looked at your friend. “Isn't that exactly what we're working on?” you added, slightly amused, pushing Coriolanus' hands off your shoulders.
Shaking your head, you were about to update him on your progress when he caught your forearm again. “I think you misunderstood me, Y/N,” he said, his face dead serious. “You need to get out of here now,” he continued, and seeing your raised eyebrow, he almost gritted the last word through his teeth.
“What do you mean, Coryo?” you asked, breaking the silence after staring at him for a while, tired of him speaking in riddles.
Now Coriolanus was the one staying silent, his cool eyes fixed on you. You couldn't decipher his expressions; it felt like he was betraying a hundred feelings at once and, at the same time, nothing at all.
“I… um, there's…” the blond man started, stumbling over his words, unsure how to share the information he needed to tell you. “There's a chance that the talk Sejanus and I had, which you joined not long ago, about your escape plan, might have been fully recorded by one of the jabberjays.”
You seemed not to grasp the gravity of Coriolanus' words, so you stared at him, searching for any hint in his eyes that he might be joking.
“Okay, so what?” you eventually asked, once again furrowing your brows, this time with a bit less intensity.When a twig snapped around the building's corner, you quickly turned, thinking it might be someone eavesdropping, but finding only a small hedgehog, you shifted your attention back to the boy in the bluish uniform.
“So what?” Coriolanus repeated your question, unable to believe your difficulty in connecting the dots. “Y/N, these birds are headed to the Capitol. To the lab of the woman who’s the Head Gamemaker of the Hunger Games. And do you know what the Capitol authorities do to rebels?” he asked the question, not waiting for your response. “They hang them on the hanging tree, Y/N.”
You stared at Coriolanus, steadying yourself with a hand against the wooden building. With every word he spoke, you felt the color drain from your face.
“How… How did this happen?” you asked, trying to keep your emotions in check.
Coriolanus happily took care of the mockingjays, moving their cages, tagging them, and passing them along. As Bug left with the fiftieth cage, Sejanus burst into the room, full of excitement. He shared the good news about the upcoming package from his mother with his friends, watching Bug leave with a smile before turning to Coriolanus, who had just finished dealing with the bird marked as number 1.
The bird chirped in its cage, mimicking the last mockingbird, but once Bug was gone, Sejanus' cheerful expression faded, replaced by a troubled look. He glanced around the hangar to ensure they were alone before speaking in a quiet voice.
“Listen, we've only got a few minutes. I know you might not like what I'm about to do, but I need you to at least understand it. After what you said the other day, about us being like brothers, well, I feel I owe you an explanation. Please, just hear me out.”
This was the moment, the confession.
Now was the time for the pieces to be explained, especially about the alliance with rebels and money that he found in Sejanus' belongings. Once Coriolanus heard it, he'd be as good as one of them, a traitor to the Capitol.
Panic, running, or trying to silence Sejanus could be expected, but Coriolanus did none of these things. Instead, his hands moved instinctively. His left hand adjusted the cover of the jabberjay cage, while his right, hidden from Sejanus's view by his body, reached for a remote on the counter. Coriolanus pressed RECORD, and the jabberjay fell silent.
Turning his back to the cage, Coriolanus leaned on the table with his hands, waiting.
In the middle of Sejanus' explanation, you dashed into the hangar like a hurricane itself.
“There you are!” you exclaimed, both happy and a bit annoyed to find young Plinth. “Why didn't you wait for me? I said I wanted to go to Coryo with you,” you added, crossing your arms on your chest as you closed the gap between the boys and yourself.
It seemed that Coriolanus, noticing you in the hangar, tensed up a bit. He glanced briefly at the cage with the bird recording the conversation on the table, but neither of you or Sejanus noticed, and together, you continued explaining your plan to him.
During your report, where you and Sejanus competed over who could give Coriolanus more details, he lowered his head and rubbed his brow with his fingertips. It looked like he was trying to gather his thoughts, unsure how long he could stay silent without seeming suspicious.
But Sejanus rushed on, “I couldn't leave without telling you. You've been like a brother to me. I'll never forget what you did for me in the arena. I'll find a way to let Ma know what happened to me. And my father, too. I'll let him know the Plinth name lives on, even if it's in obscurity.”
The mention of the Plinth name was enough.
Coriolanus's left hand found the remote, and he pressed the NEUTRAL button with his thumb. The jabberjay resumed its earlier song.
Something caught Coriolanus's attention. “Here comes Bug.”
“Here comes Bug,” the bird echoed in his voice.
“Hush, you silly thing,” he scolded the bird, secretly pleased it had returned to its normal pattern. Nothing to alert both of you. He quickly covered the cage with a cloth and marked it with J1.
“I swear, I have no idea,” Coriolanus lied, wearing a worried expression. “While rearranging the cages, one of them must have snagged the remote control.”
You lightly bit your lower lip, eyeing your friend. Without any reason to doubt him, you finally let out a shaky breath.
Gazing up at the sky, you counted to three in your mind to steady your nerves. Then, you looked back at Coriolanus.
“Does Sejanus know?”
“Of course, I told him first,” he lied again, his gaze fixed beyond your shoulders without losing the concerned look on his face.
“God, what are we going to do now?” nerves took over every cell in your body as you asked another question. You leaned against the wooden building, slowly lowering yourself until you were sitting on the ground.
You lifted your head to meet Coriolanus's eyes, and he crouched in front of you, placing his hand on one of your knees.
“Hey, don't stress. You're heading back to the base now. Pack what you need, and tonight, you'll slip out of the district just like you planned with the rebels. You'll meet Sejanus at the lake, alright?” he spoke with a calmness, almost like talking to a kid, trying to reassure you.
Even though Coriolanus despised rebels — those who went against the Capitol's rules — he didn't want you to suffer the consequences that would surely befall Sejanus. He had nothing against you; in fact, he genuinely liked you. Your innocence about a better life beyond the Capitol's control wasn't his concern because you hadn't caused him any trouble, unlike young Plinth who had stirred up problems more than once.
“But won't it be suspicious if I suddenly vanish? They'll be searching for me, Coryo. They'll find me and punish me,” you said, placing your hand on his.
“I told you not to worry, remember?” Coriolanus replied, a bit sharper but still maintaining his reassuring tone. “I'll figure something out. No one's going to harm you.”
“But Coryo, you-” you began, but he quickly cut you off.
“Enough, Y/N,” Coriolanus said firmly, standing up from his crouch. “Get up. We're heading back to base,” he reached out a hand to you, which you took after a moment's hesitation. He helped you stand, silently conveying to act naturally before stepping out from behind the building.
You had no choice but to go along with Coriolanus' questionable plan, clinging to the hope that he knew what he was doing.
Little did you grasp the reality—that he was the cunning architect behind the recorded conversation. Sejanus wouldn't show up at the lake beyond District 12's boundaries. Instead, his fate would take a dark turn as he dangled lifeless from a tree in a matter of days.
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0vergrowngraveyard · 4 months
It was another quiet and still night in Green Hill.
Sonic was sitting on his bed in Tails’ lab, leaned up against the wall of his room. He didn’t use his bed very often, he always preferred the couch since it was easy to just plop down on and pass out, but he’d been using it a lot recently.
He wasn’t sure why he suddenly wanted to use the usually forgotten room. It's not like what piece of furniture he decided to lay on really mattered, he rarely slept either way.
Ever since he returned from the Shatterspace, everything just felt…different.
It wasn’t a good or bad thing, it was just different.
He was different.
And it’s not like he was very discreet about it, his friends definitely noticed. They just never said anything about it.
Well…that wasn’t entirely true. There was one person who occasionally hinted at his concern, but was never direct about it.
He knew the hedgehog too well to do that.
He looked down at the back of one of his gloved hands. For a split second, his white gloves turn grayish with white lines forming a grid, a familiar piece of technology at the center of his hand.
He blinked and it was gone.
Sonic sighed, putting his hand being his head, his other resting on his stomach, as he closed his eyes.
His ears perked up at the sound of his name. A small, fond smile forced its way onto the hedgehog’s muzzle as he opened his eyes halfway, his emerald green eyes meeting the baby blues that belonged to his little brother.
“Shouldn’t you be in bed, kiddo?”
Tails’ expression went from unreadable to annoyed in record time, an all too familiar glare forming a knot in Sonic’s stomach. A small pout formed on the kit’s lips as he averted his gaze downwards.
“And before you go and call me a hypocrite,” He moved the hand that was situated on his stomach, bringing it to about shoulder height and pointing down. “I am in bed.”
“You know that’s not what you mean by that.“ Tails groaned, rubbing his gloveless paw down his face. “And I was but I…I just…nevermind.”
Eyes slightly wider, Sonic took another look over his brothers’ appearance. He wasn’t wearing any shoes, gloves, or even socks, all four brown paws visible, and his fur was slightly ruffled. He always wore at least socks and gloves in his workshop and if the fuss he made anytime Sonic messed with him was anything to go by, he hated his fur being unnecessarily messy.
The kid was right, he had been in bed.
He noticed Tails starting to turn to leave and he sat up a little straighter as he swallowed past the lump forming in his throat.
He really didn’t want him to go.
“D’you have a nightmare?” Sonic asked him, desperately hoping that his voice sounded normal enough but alas, the kid could read him like an open book. The look he gave him definitely suggested that his voice wavered a bit.
Tails fidgeted with the tip of one of his namesakes and glanced back at the floor. “N-no, I just…it’s stupid, I’m sorry.”
Sonic begged to differ, Tails never came looking for him when he was upset anymore — even during thunderstorms, he’d argue that he was too old to look for comfort in his big brother and that he should be able to handle it himself — so the fact that the kit was standing in his doorway looking upset meant something was wrong.
And Sonic had a pretty good idea as to what it was.
“I can guarantee you it’s not, bud. What’s botherin’ ya?”
Tails was quiet for a few seconds, most likely debating if he should voice his worries. His grip on his tail tightened as he took a sharp breath, mentally preparing for the daunting task that telling your big brother about what’s bothering you apparently is.
“It’s just…” He started, refusing to meet his eyes, “ever since we got back from the cave with the whole prism thing, you’ve been…weird.”
Sonic’s mouth pressed into a line, it seemed he had guessed correctly.
“You’re constantly trying to be around us, but you’re also distant. A-and…it sorta feels like you’re walking on eggshells around me specifically.”
The kit’s ears pressed against the back of his head. “So uh…I guess I just wanted to ask if I did anything to upset you recently?”
Sonic just stared at him. The answer was no, easy. It was pretty much always no. Tails could never upset him. But the words were caught in his throat.
Because that was it, wasn’t it? Tails could never upset him, but someone who looked exactly like him did (well, he wouldn’t say that Nine upset him, either. It was more like he scared him, but even that felt a little harsh.)
He knew it was wrong, projecting one two-tailed fox onto another. He thought he’d learned his lesson, but considering his baby brother was standing at his doorway at the ass crack of dawn, hurt by the way he’d been subconsciously treating him like he had been the one who tried to steal his prism energy, it was pretty obvious that he hadn’t.
But he couldn’t help it that everytime he looked into the kit’s eyes, all he saw was that angry and hurt version of him.
He must’ve been staring for too long because a small “I’m sorry…” snapped him back to reality.
Tails had shrunken in on himself, looking smaller than he usually did. He looked so…young. He looked so guilty even though he hadn’t even done anything. He turned to leave, namesake still in his hands.
Sonic sighed, spreading one arm open. “C’mere bud.”
Tails’ eyes went wide in disbelief…and embarrassment.
“W-what? No-! no. It’s fine, really. I can go, there’s no need for this. Really! I’ll—“
“My arm’s gettin’ tired kiddo.” The hedgehog said, gesturing his head towards the open spot next to him. “Ya got like, 10 seconds.”
Tails hesitantly took a step forward, looking up at his brother to see what he’d do and once nothing happened, he took another step and looked up again.
Then he walked as fast as he could to his brother’s bed, climbing up and curling into his side. Sonic let out a chuckle as he pulled his little brother close to him, Tails responding by snuggling closer.
They sat in silence for a while. Sonic gently rubbed the kit’s back as he blankly stared ahead. The sound of palm leaves gently rustling in the wind was the only thing that filled the air.
“I really am sor—“ Tails started to say, but he was cut off by Sonic ruffling his fur.
“Shush, you.” The hedgehog said. “You didn’t do anything wrong, I promise.”
He looked down to see the kit looking at him, a confused expression on his face. “But-“
“Nope. I’ve just been a little stupid is all. Nothing that’s your fault.” Sonic expected the quiet that would follow, so he let his guard down, until he heard a small snicker coming from the fox kit.
“That’s a recent development?”
Unfortunately, he forgot how cruel his beloved baby brother could be.
Sonic’s gaze shot towards the kit, his expression turned to one of obviously fake shock as his brother giggled quietly into his side. He squeezed the kit as hard as he could without actually causing damage, Tails wheezing out a laugh in response.
“And here I was having a moment, speaking from the heart and all that, and this is what I get?” He said in a joking tone in between Tails’ giggles.
“You set yourself up for that one, don’t blame me!” The kit said, earning being trapped in a headlock and dragged halfway onto the hedgehog’s lap and noogied mercilessly. “Sonic!”
“Nuh uh, you don’t get any mercy after that!”
They both continued to laugh for a few minutes. Sonic dragged his little brother fully onto his lap, the kit squeaking as the hedgehog wrapped both arms around him in a tight hug. “Sorry for makin’ ya feel like something was wrong, bud.” he said.
Tails snuggled up against his big brother’s chest, feeling nothing but the security, love and warmth he’d grown up with flowing throughout his body as he melted into the hedgehog’s touch, a soft purr making itself known. “You don’t need to apologize.”
Sonic’s arms stayed looped around the kit as he leaned back and closed his eyes, the rumbling from the fox’s chest soothing the knot that had formed in his own, just like it always did.
The comfortable silence returned. Sonic was glad that the conversation turned light hearted. He didn’t think he was ready to even begin to explain whatever the hell happened in the Shatterverse, especially to Tails. Not when he knew the kit would blame himself no matter how many times he was told not to.
As the hedgehog felt his brother slowly drifting into slumber, his soft breathes slowly evening out, he suddenly felt a burning need to say something to him. Something he never usually said out loud because he never needed to. It always went without saying, that’s just how close their bond was.
But after everything that happened…
“Hey, bud?” He whispered, the kit stirring as he gently tapped him.
“I love you, Miles. I don’t want you to ever forget that, ok?”
Wide blue eyes snapped up at him, blinking owlishly. He was definitely confused by the use of his real name, but instead of voicing that confusion, he just smiled and nuzzled into his brother’s chest.
“Love you too, Sonic.”
Somewhere in the Shatterverse, there was another twin-tailed fox kit who sat alone in The Grim. Another Miles who had no big brother to cuddle with when he had nightmares or when he was just worried that he had somehow hurt his feelings.
Deep down, Sonic hoped his words would somehow reach him just as they reached the twin-tailed fox kit asleep on his chest.
He leaned forward, placing a light kiss on the top of his little brother’s head before he slowly followed the kit into slumber.
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shogunish · 3 months
𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗴𝗼𝗷𝗼𝘀 & 𝗶. [𝟬𝟰]
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synopsis. you got your period & satoru bought too many pads.
words. 996
warnings. reader cusses like once
note. i got my period and thought, hey why not turn this into some cute fluff for the series 😔🤞🏻
comments and reblogs are highly appreciated! <3
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no calls, no text messages and the ones satoru sent you all remained on delivered.
usually, you’d ask satoru how megumi was doing, ask for pictures of the dogs, but this time it felt like your very presence was erased from the face of earth aka the display of his phone. a coil of worry sat in his abdomen like a snake, just waiting to crawl up his neck and slowly suffocate him before it’d eventually eat him up in one go.
“are you still alive?”
after thirty minutes of no reply, satoru got up from his seat on the couch and made his way over to your apartment. with a spare key — which you’d given him for emergencies — he unlocked your door with a quiet creak. “[name]?” he called out carefully, but got no reply. satoru swore he heard a shuffling of blankets from the living room.
with the curtains half-drawn, only a few sunrays dappled the living room. on the coffee table rested an empty pack of painkillers, a half-empty bottle of water and an empty bowl of chili chips. the tv was still running on the lowest volume, playing some movie satoru didn’t care about; not when you laid on the couch curled in on yourself and buried underneath a fluffy blanket like a hedgehog.
“satoru?” you raised your head from the pillow and rubbed some sleep from your eyes. you’d been taking a nap, satoru guessed.
taking a seat on your couch, satoru peered into your tired eyes and the pained expression painted across your face when you moved. “you look like shit,” he deadpanned, “what’s up? you haven’t been answering any of my messages.”
with a little hiss slipping through your teeth, you sat up on the soft cushion. a hot water bottle was stuffed in the waistline of your sweatpants. “sorry. i got my period and i’ve been feeling like shit all day. thanks for pointing it out, by the way.”
there was a little tug at satoru’s heartstrings when he saw your face so unusually pale and the discomfort in your body. he knew there was little he could do, yet he still asked. “is there anything i can do for you?”
satoru was too good for his own good. he didn’t have to check up on you and make sure you were alright. after all, you were supposed to be nothing but his son’s babysitter. or nanny. or whatever satoru called that arrangement. yet, here he was, in your home and looking at you with eyes that betrayed the worry in his abdomen. how could you refuse such an offer? you couldn’t, that’s how.
“actually..could you fetch me some pads and painkillers? i’d go myself but– oh fuck.”
as another cramp seemed to stab your womb, satoru gently put his palms on the slope of your shoulders and pushed you back down onto the soft cushion of your couch. to see you so out of commission tugged at his heartstrings in way it probably shouldn’t. “say no more. you just rest. i’ll be right back.”
all you managed was an affirmative grunt and a nod of your head before satoru made his way out of your four cozy walls to fetch you some pads and painkillers.
about half an hour later, he came back with a bag of the things you asked for and some salty and sweet snacks as well as some heat patches for your lower back.
“..why’d you get so many pads? these are enough to last me a year.” a smile tugged at the corners of your lips as you pulled out item after item.
satoru shrugged his shoulders, a sheepish smile on his handsome face. “you didn’t specify which pads you needed, so i asked the lady in the aisle for help. well, in the end, i wanted to be sure and bought a little bit of everything.” he filled the bowl on your coffee table with some salty chips and stole one or two chips for his own before letting you have a taste. “i think i did a good job. i made sure all of them have wings, too!”
laughter bubbled in the back of your throat and for a moment, you forgot that your uterus was made of knives – or maybe it was thanks to the painkillers you had swallowed. “yeah. you did the best job.”
when your praise went in his ear like sweet honey and you looked at him with those sweet eyes, satoru swore his heart skipped a beat under his ribs. a feeling he hadn’t felt in so long, but it wasn’t too bad. at least, it was better than the snake of worry in his tummy.
“you didn’t have to buy all these things though,” you said and turned around so satoru could reveal the skin of your lower back. with careful fingers, satoru stuck the heat patches to your skin before pulling your shirt back down.
“you’re right. i didn’t have to, but i wanted to,” satoru replied, sitting back on the couch and casually draping his arm over your shoulder to pull you a bit closer to him. “besides, you looked so miserable that i took pity on you.”
“..i’m gonna pretend like i didn’t hear the last part,” you grumbled and snuggled up to the taller man who took up half of your couch, but you didn’t mind. in fact, you appreciated the warmth he radiated and so willingly shared with you.
satoru found a piece of home as you were cuddled into his side and watched the movie running on tv. how sweet it was to have a pretty woman in his arm, finding amusement in the silly lines of the characters and eventually snoring away on his shoulder like it was where you belonged.
satoru made a mental note to come by in four weeks again when your period would start just so you’d let him cuddle you.
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taglist. @risuola, @torusmochi, @cinnamonmon, @ayanominitrash, @lordbugs, @phoenix666stuff, @hotvinimon, @stevenknightmarc, @sukunasleftkneecap, @erigaur, @lu-lynds, @staryukis
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000marie198 · 3 months
What were to happen if Sonic and Tails both became babies? Y'know, besides Knuckles and Amy having to wrangle their clingier than usual sibs.
Imagine two gremlin twin kittens who just got reunited staring at you with these faces:
:3 :3
Moments before disaster strikes
But this happens after they are placed in the same space together and make friends.
The first instinct of baby Tails would be to pounce on his fellow age mate cuz he wanna play
The first instinct of Sonic would be to yip in terror and roll away from the fox and tremble while still curled up in a teeny ball. He won't know it but his action will make baby Tails pause and tilt his head in confusion and then curiously approach the still trembling ball to nudge it. It pricks him due to quills and he also yips and scuttles away, then whimpers and sniffs, holding his bleeding snout.
The hedgehog, recognizing the sounds as expressions of pain and fear and not sensing anything else for a full minute uncurls slightly to make a little peek at the kit, he's cautious but also curious.
They don't really have the memories of their lives but the general instincts and bonds are there and seeing the teary blue eyes and soft sad sniffles... Little hoglet is not able to handle it and uncurls completely and whimpers too.
He hurt the other. He doesn't want the other to be hurt. He's really sorry he hurt the other.
Little hoglet stumbles towards the sniffling kit and pats him with his little paws over and over till baby Tails stops tearing up with a hiccup and stares curiously at the hoglet.
Baby Sonic let's out an open mouthed smile. Tails gets curious and comes closer, which reactivates the hedgehog instincts and Sonic rolls away again.
Baby Tails realizes the other one can get scared if he comes close without warning or pounces so he doesn't do that. He just sits and waits, tails lightly swishing back and forth, watching baby Sonic till he calms down and uncurls, meeting the fox replicating his earlier smile.
Big wide eyes staring at each other and slowly they both become comfortable enough to actually start communicating, in babbles and gestures but it's still communication.
In a while, Sonic's stomach growls, he has always had higher metabolism okay. Baby Tails starts sniffing around to find him something to eat. He sniffs something he likes, FLIES OUT OF THE PEN, locates a cookie and brings it to Sonic. The hoglet muches on it and offers it to Tails after 3 or 4 bites. Tails also munches on cookie.
They start competing on who can munch louder, it's a miracle one of them hasn't choked on a crumb while giggling so much.
They bond over chocolate cookie :]
There's a lot more moments we can add afterwards, aka once the two have become friends. .
Both babies would literally have that package deal, Do Not Sperate level separation anxiety specifically and only when it comes to the other.
Knuckles would carry Tails away to feed him something and Sonic would start wailing and reaching, Tails doing the same. They are very loud and they won't shut up till you reunite them, which will end up in close hugs and sniffles
There was that one time Amy had to take Sonic away for a little bit to give him a bath and Knuckles had to fight to hold a frantic clawing fox kit away, especially when Sonic's cries of sorrow turned into screeches of fear. This was so not easy.
Tails bites both their older friends after that while Sonic naps in the background all freshened up and tidied.
You cannot leave the babies unsupervised anywhere! They will work together to escape one way or another no matter where and they will drive everyone nuts looking for them only to be found inside a barely ajar cupboard with cereal scattered all around them and blinking like deer caught in a headlight.
You give one of them a toy or teether or rattle and they'll fight over it and scream. Sighing, you take away the toys. Next time you make sure to give both of them identical toys. They still look at the other and try to snatch it, starting another fight.
There are two gremlins rolling around and flying all over the house, getting into the craziest, unreachable places. Sonic just scuttled under the fridge, Tails is perched on a ceiling fan. Everything is scattered
The next time baby Tails pounces on the hoglet to play with him, Sonic doesn't curl up in fear
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true-blue-sonic · 9 months
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My bois!!💕💕
I find it funny that the 'Espio' one on the right says "Definitely killed someone"... because Silver is just as complicit in that Deliberately Leaving Someone In A Place Where They Are Very Liable To Die murder, haha! I feel like Silver would be the scarier one because he is quite loud and his powers are nothing to sneeze at, and if that anger gets turned towards anyone who doesn't have super powers or 300 IQ intellect, they'd best start running. Espio meanwhile is scary because he remains calm and collected 95% of the time, but then he skewers you with a shuriken from the shadows with perfect aim and without breaking a sweat. While invisible, lol. But I quite love the idea that everyone who doesn't know them sees Silver cuddling Espio like that and is like "awwww, cute puffball <3" at Silver whereas Espio has more of a "hm, kinda scary-looking" appearance, but then they tick either one off and it is Silver who immediately flies at them XD
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essycogany · 5 months
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The Roll Reversal Between Sonic And Amy
In Sonic Prime did Sonic and Amy’s rolls get swapped? Because MAN THE IMPLICATIONS IN THIS SHOW IS BOTH SUBTLE AND NOT SUBTLE AT THE SAME TIME.
The reason I say the two hedgehogs rolls are swapped is because one line in the entire show is the only indication of Amy’s crush on Sonic.
Sonic: “You like me….To some extent.” It’s never hinted at in the original Green Hill. Though a funny and random detail I liked is Amy apparently tricked Sonic into getting into the water (Probably to teach him how to swim) and I thought that would’ve been adorable to see.
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Now onto Sonic’s part. Sonic possibly having a crush on Amy shouldn’t be a surprise. First of all the implications in actual canon Game/Modern Sonic is increasing more and more in my opinion. Secondly, this show’s version of Sonic is probably the most emotionally driven and affectionate. He’s not as secretive about how he feels either.
Sonic in episode 8 s2: “We’re all in this together. And I’d really think you’d grow to love them as much as I do.”
Onto the small details. We have short, but not hard to miss moments of Sonic just….staring at the different Roses. Sure, it can be viewed as platonic, but it’s the constant softening his gaze in a bunch of different scenes that didn’t have to be added, but was. It’s all up to interpretation.
Anyways, Sonic and original Amy’s first interaction is with the blue blur coming up to her excitedly and standing in a flirtatious manner. His tone of voice when he says “Got a little sidetracked,” could be interpreted as anything, but how he’s animated makes me pretty sure it’s intentionally flirtatious. That’s just me though.
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Then we have the flirting teasing at Rusty Rose in the pirate dimension.
Rusty: “Not that anyone will remember you.”
Sonic: “Now you’re just being hurtful.”
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Sonic not minding Black Rose hugging him and might even appreciates it.
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And almost all the scenes between him and Thorn Rose was ship fuel for me. With Sonic calling her “Thorny,” as a nickname. He kept the location of the green shard a secret so Thorn could trust him. Sonic stopped himself from fighting Thorn as much as possible. (The Amy Flashback was adorable) Not to mention the last few scenes with Thorn holding onto Sonic was sweet as well.
Sonic even helped improved the sisters lives.
With Rusty finding her humanity and ability to live without her Flikie.
Thorn regained her broken friendship and trust with the Bose Cage Gang.
And Black Rose became the new leader of her Crew. (I say that knowing it was mostly Dreads redemption that helped, but still)
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Sonic’s also the reason for all the Roses to gain a sisterhood. Which was one of the most precious part of the entire show. Season 3 has scenes of them running up to Sonic to make sure he’s alright, and helping Sonic twice by saving the last three pirates from No Place and getting him back home.
And here’s my favorite detail. I love how Sonic adores Amy’s way of thinking in Prime. When helping Thorn come to her senses, Sonic mentions how the original Amy would handle the situation. Expressing herself and discussing how she feels. The reason I bring it up is because Sonic finds value for Amy being able to do it without issue. Understanding he’s not the best at expressing himself.
Thorn: “I don’t know. She sounds pretty great.”
Sonic: “Yeah. You are.”
In fact. Sonic thinks so fondly of Amy that the show couldn’t end without having him come to her bashfully and calling her, “Sweet Amy.”
Also the posing with Sonic’s hand behind his back and feet up doesn’t help.
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Last thing I’d like to point out is Sonic’s implied crush on Amy is very subtle and despite all of this can be interpreted as platonic which I’m fine with. But the thought of a roll reversal between two characters that’s never experienced it prior to now is awesome to speculate.
Stay Creative! 💜
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solalunar-eclipse · 5 months
Okay. Okay, I don’t normally do this, but I’ve been wanting to do some sort of analysis post recently and the Sonadow shipper inside me grabbed me by the throat and pointed in Netflix's direction, soooooo...let’s have a look at some clips of Sonic and Shadow interacting in Sonic Prime, shall we? (Putting this under a readmore because of all the images.)
The first clip comes from this post. (I don't know how to add that particular gif to my post, or else I'd put it here too, but oh well. I'm analyzing the first one, to be specific.)
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So, we begin with Shadow walking away, saying “We’re going after Nine”.
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Sonic then reaches out to stop him (with his right hand, despite the fact that he has to reach all the way across his own body to do so, possibly suggesting that Prime!Sonic is right-handed?). This seems to be just before Shadow’s noticed, because he’s still moving forward, looking resolved now that he’s decided what to do.
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Shadow sees Sonic’s hand, and looks at it with an expression that seems…mildly irritated, but not outright angry. It’s about halfway between his “resting grumpy face” and his “actually angry face”, in my opinion.
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He looks over at Sonic himself with a slightly angrier face (mainly made evident by the fact that the point in the middle of his brow is actually touching his muzzle instead of resting above it).
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Then he looks back at Sonic’s hand again (in a pose that I swear is slightly different from the last one even if it doesn’t look that way). The only real difference is that he’s just looking down a little more. The effect of these last three images in actual motion, though, is a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it glance at the hand, up to Sonic, and then back to the hand. It's sort of a "huh-what-huh?!" motion, I think. To me, this gives off extremely strong “what the heck is even happening right now?!” energy.
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For completion’s sake, I’m going to finish out the rest of the gif with these last three pictures. Shadow pulls away from Sonic at this point (which, fair, Sonic did grab him out of nowhere and he’s not normally very touchy-feely although this may be disproved in the next gif), and it may or may not have felt like a small punch to the gut for me to see Sonic’s hand outstretched like that, but anyway.
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Shadow shifts into one of his patented I’m Trying To Be Cool And Aloof Despite Being An Adorable Three Foot Tall Hedgehog poses, complete with an eyeroll. He doesn’t actually seem that upset about Sonic touching him, however, I think it’s probably more the context of the situation. Shadow keeps insisting that Nine is a threat that needs to be stopped, and Sonic keeps preventing him from doing that, so his frustrated reaction seems to have much more to do with why Sonic touched him than the fact that he did so at all.
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And, least but certainly not least, a cute contemplative (and still slightly grumpy) expression from Shadow. (He’s just adorable!! Aaaaaaa—)
Now then! Let’s move onto a really, really big one…
…The Hug™.
The post that I got this clip from actually has some really good points that I’m going to discuss further, so please go read that first! It won’t take long, and also everything the OP says there is absolutely true.
Ready? Here we go! (Please excuse the slightly crunchy pictures...the only way I was able to get this level of detailed analysis was by recording the gif, scrubbing through the frames, and taking screenshots of specific moments, which naturally led to some artifacting.)
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So, what's just happened prior to this frame was Rebel Rouge saying happily, "Sonic, you're okay!". Sonic, like the goof he is, does not acknowledge this in any way, fully focused on introducing his boyfriend to his other Shatterspace pals. Instead, he's just looking over at Shadow. Notably, Shadow is instead looking up at Rebel. I'd like to think this is because Rebel has the most put-together and leader-like behavior out of the Rouge counterparts, so he could be waiting for her to continue speaking and give instructions or commentary on the situation, like she does with Team Dark in the games. That's just my take, though, he could just as well be generally on edge—he is in the middle of a battlefield, after all.
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Smear frame!! This is included for the expressions as well as for completeness…but mostly for the expressions. Look at how big Sonic's eyes are. Look at how excited he is. He's so hyped to introduce his best rival to everyone. Shadow, meanwhile, looks like he just bluescreened out of pure shock. Sonic's yanking him over so fast he's all blurry, but we can see that his expression is basically 0—0 right now. He has been Touched and he is being Moved and he has not had time to process Why.
(Notably, however, he doesn't break the hold, despite the fact that he definitely could...)
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Now, they’ve both settled into place (although ‘settled’ may be the wrong word for Shadow, haha). Sonic is doing what I can only describe as beaming—just look at him! He has a big smile on his face, and he looks almost proud to be introducing Shadow. It really shows how much Sonic values and respects him. (*sobs*) Shadow, meanwhile, has shifted from “what is happening” to “oh Chaos I am being held I am being hugged?? What??? Physical contact? Why????”. He just looks so stunned by the hug, it’s too adorable! More specifically, in addition to the obvious fact that his irises and pupils have shrunk and that he has very stiff posture, if you look very closely at the gif as well as at the following pictures, his ears are also standing up a little straighter and his quills have pushed back slightly, possibly prickling at the sudden contact? Interesting…
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Here, we can see Shadow’s ears relax now that he’s processed what’s going on, and his quills have more of a visible curve to them instead of sticking out so much. He’s also glaring off to one side in a position that could either be interpreted as frustration at his current situation (though not so much that he’s willing to push away!!) or as embarrassment. Personally, I think it’s a little of both. Sonic, meanwhile, is still smiling like the sweetheart he is.
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Now, we’re getting into the frames leading up to Sonic leaning into Shadow (aka one of the most precious moments of the show). Honestly, I don’t have too much to say about this one, except that Sonic is moving in a way that he would normally while talking right now (shifting around, because this boy has loads of energy) so I have a feeling Shadow probably doesn’t expect the cuddles that are coming his way, ehehe.
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The Smush begins!! Shadow looks like he’s quickly resigned himself to his fate, but also decently irritated that he’s essentially getting side-snuggled in front of everyone. This could’ve been another part where he shoved Sonic off himself (goodness knows he did it before in Avoid the Void), and yet he doesn’t, leading to the best part of this whole moment!
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Sonic, you smug hedgie. Shadow’s already letting you hug him, don’t push it with that smirk! Shadow does have his eyes closed here, suggesting to me that he is at least a little bit annoyed by now. Again, though, I think this has more to do with the fact that he’s essentially in front of an entire crowd, none of whom recognize or know him. I’ve seen someone else point out that Shadow gets more closed off in Prime when he’s around people aside from Sonic, so honestly, the fact that he’s putting up with this at all sure is…something. (Shipping goggles on: it could be because he appreciates Sonic’s affection enough that he’s willing to cope with the embarrassment if it means the cute annoying hedgehog next to him will hold him a little longer :] )
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Okay, so this is really difficult to see, but look at Shadow’s wrist protectors in this image as well as the last one. See how there’s less of them visible in this picture here? That’s because, as the person who posted this gif noted, Sonic moves his hand up and down Shadow’s arm twice after cuddling up to him like this. It actually moves Shadow’s entire arm and shoulder up and down with the movement, making it look a little bit like a friendly rub or shake. Sort of like “hey, look at my grumpy friend, isn’t he great?”. Meanwhile, Sonic’s still looking smug, but I’m now wondering if it’s a bit of a knowing look as well? I mean, this is the one friend of his who’s truly known him for more than a few days. I’m wondering if there’s a bit of “‘ey, Shadow, c’mon, don’t be so shy! You’re my pal!” vibes here, partially because he knows it’ll annoy Shadow and partly because he just knows how Shadow is but wants to drag him into his circle of friends regardless. (Look at how much Sonic cares about Shadow, trying to make sure he’s included! So cute!!)
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THE PAT. Two of Sonic’s fingers are lifted up here, which he then uses to give Shadow a light tap on the arm. THE AFFECTION. THE OBVIOUS CARE AND FRIENDLINESS IN THIS ONE SIMPLE ACTION. SONIC CARES ABOUT SHADOW SO OBVIOUSLY IT HURTS ME TO WATCH. MY HEART. No matter how many times Shadow puts up walls, Sonic smashes them down. After all, Shadow doesn’t get to be the only one who does things like keeping Sonic safe or helping him stay grounded! Sonic’s not going to pretend those things just didn’t happen—Shadow cares about him in his own awkward, emotionally constipated way, and Sonic is reciprocating. You can’t stop him, Shadow!
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I’m skipping the smear frame here, just because Sonic and Shadow basically pop up and right into this position. Sonic’s two fingers come out of the tap/pat and straight into the peace sign, and now he’s smiling even more than he was at the start of this whole thing. His eyes are all big and shiny too—he’s clearly very happy to have introduced Shadow, and perhaps also quite happy that he’s getting this moment of prolonged physical contact with Shadow. Now, while Shadow’s shoulder is still kind of smushed upwards, which could indicate stress in another circumstance, it seems to me here that this is mainly because Sonic’s hand is pulling it upwards slightly. (Although, I’m afraid it does appear to be the case that Sonic and Shadow are approximately the same height in Prime—remember, Shadow’s ears aren’t as perky right now as Sonic’s, and the ears are really the only height difference between them here.) Shadow’s expression, however, is honestly quite neutral. Despite his previous discomfort (part of which, I just realized, could be because Sonic essentially was pushing him off balance. Shadow was tilted pretty far to his left, which could be a little awkward of a position to be in, especially for an extended period of time), he doesn’t look bothered at all, instead just quietly existing in this situation. Most of the irritability in his expression comes from his angular eyes and his aforementioned “resting grumpy face”, honestly.
(I couldn’t find any gif that includes this next part—probably because the camera cuts away from Sonic and Shadow here for a moment to show the general confusion of the Shatterverse folks—but when it cuts back, Shadow is still standing there with Sonic’s arm around him. Heck, he looks willing to continue standing there for however long Sonic stays next to him, only pulling away when Nine comes back and makes noise, reminding everyone that we’re in the middle of a battle for everyone’s survival here. And when he does pull away, Sonic is dragged with him, which is probably mostly for laughs, but does also imply that a) he was holding onto Shadow pretty tightly and b) he wasn’t expecting to have to let go even AFTER Nine made himself known.)
This post is long enough already (and I drafted it when I could've been going to sleep, because the force of Sonadow infected me), so I won't be doing the "Shadow saves Sonic" scene just yet (unless a lot of people want to see that). For now, though, thanks for bearing with me throughout my descent into madness over these two. And if you want me to take a look at other gifs, feel free to send them my way or put them in a reblog and I'll see if I can make the time to analyze them!
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sonic-oc-showdown · 8 months
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Fibula belongs to @son1c
Foxglove belongs to @sonboygemerl
Find out more about them below!
Fibula the Hedgehog:
(art by @/starrjoy)
oops! looks like this guy died. but wait, what's that? eggman?! and he's suddenly got a taste for necromancy? well, can't really blame him; it IS pretty cool. so, now this hedgehog's got a second chance at life--as a zombie! he's powered by chaos energy, and can sniff it out like a bloodhound, which makes him useful to the empire since he can hunt down the chaos emeralds with his nose. he's bold, brash, and can flip a bus with his bare hands. he's not bothered by the whole "undead" thing, in fact, he's actually pretty silly about it.
Foxglove the Porcupine:
She's a creation of Dr.Starline, made to be a copy of Amy, in the same way Surge & Kit were made to reflect Sonic & Tails.
While the original Amy Rose can be described as a happy energetic person, Foxglove at a first glance couldn't be more different than her.
Unlike the original, Foxglove is not a very 'emotive' person herself, her face often staying stuck in a tired bored expression no matter the circumstances surrounding her.
In the end, the things that she does share with the original are her super strength, a high sense empathy towards others (but zero to no sympathy to anyone that isn't Kit or Surge.), and a need to protect those close to her while completely disregarding her own safety in the process.
A perfect way to describe her would be: "someone with low sympathy but high empathy."; "Someone who cares a lot but is very picky about who they care"
On a less serious side she's also a big fan of horoscopes, modifying her own dolls, and causing twitter drama
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