#reformed xenophanes
monmuses · 2 years
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// *i come from the depths to award soft Xeno hours ❤️
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toastieasheck · 2 years
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ok SO i saw this post and i thought of my Rewritten / Reformed Xenophanes meeting him and deadass? he’d find him cute like a lil dog or cat hjajhdas
also my Xeno is a total softie for ppl shorter than him so he Will Carry Him For Free
@misscloudiedays (hope u dont mind if i tag ya omo)
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Muses! The godly threats
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Name: sonic.exe/zenophane/lord x
Age: 15?
Gender: male
Bio: the most infamous hedgehog was once the most beloved. Sonic was definition of a hero: brave,kind and selfless. However one day he was infected with a parasite,after a while of studying him,the parasite took over. He used Sonics form to fool his friends and kill them,turning them into his undead army. Even when he learned of thier resistance/rebellion,it amused him cause of the fact he deems himself the iconic phrase “I am god” the .exe guys have to avoid Zeno at costs cause if he gives them a command,they will follow his orders,they’re forced to due to demonic magic. There’s an use for every form he has. He uses sonic.exe to fool/trick people that come to come to his realm. Xenophane to tower and intimidate Sonics old friends along with boosted powers. Then there’s lord x,where the parasite takes Sonics form and makes it his own,he uses this powerful form to toy the members of the resistance that aren’t dead. Despite how many times he’s defeated or the resistance gets away,he still smiles cause I thinks of himself as a god,and he’ll forever hold the fact he killed the sonic within him over the undead fox’s head
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Name: fatal error
Age: unknown
Gender: male
Bio: a creation by Zeno,who exists in a pixel world he created. Fatal error likes to toy with victims who end up in his realm,he likes to torture them and then corrupt them and make them his minions,once they’re corrupted,they cannot leave the pixel world and are doomed to serve fatal error for all eternity. Fortunately no one has suffered this fate and when Sarah’s involved,it’s easy for people to escape. Good thing is,if your not in his world. Fatal error will leave you alone.
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Name: starved eggman
Age: 30?
Gender: male
Bio: a version of eggman that feasted on mobians,the only reason he’s helping Zeno is that he promised him he would have all the meat in the world,he’s willing to eat the resistance except for eggman,he has a robot named furnace that will cook and chase down his prey and bring them to him so he can feast on them.
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Name: slash
Age: unknown
Gender: male?
Bio: as xeno faker remake,not much is known about him,all that is known about him is that he’s a crearion by Zeno and can travel through the regular and pixel worlds,so if you try to hide and he finds you,your screwed. He has four arms with claws that he uses to slice up his victims and his neck can stretch out with his bloody veiny neck.
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Name: retinal
Age: unknown
Gender: male
Bio: zenos own version of tails to combat the resistance leader. Retinal has the skills of not just tails when he was alive,but is as skilled as a ninja like espio,not to mention being stealthy,quiet and fast like sonic,his goal is to kill tails and send the resistance into a panicked frenzy.
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Name: satanic
Age: unknown
Gender: male
Bio: as zenos remake of hog,satanic not only has Sonics other abilities,but has demonic magic,being able to use demonic magic straight from hell or the underworld,and his body can stretch to zero limits,he’s like the devil if he possessed sonic,his goal is to kill the resistance and collect thier souls
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Name: werechidna
Age: unknown
Gender: male
Bio: as a remake of chotix by Zeno,werechidna is like chotix if he never reformed,violent and cocky,he shifts into his final form when his regular form is beaten up badly,he doesn’t like going into his final form cause it really hurts him and removes his ability to see,still,even in his blind final form,he is a dangerous threat,being able to make the hills collapse or crack with just his fists or his feet.
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I accidentally deleted the wrong thing, so here’s my answer:
NO, Meringue CAN’T and WON’T reform Xenophanes to be some “better person”. It would be hypocritical of her, since she’s killed many before her. She’s pretty chaotic herself, though she kills more out of pity and/or anger.
The Chaos Rings Xenophanes wears are irremovable. They keep him from harming specific people, like Piracy and SINK (when they are not a threat to him). They also unintentionally weaken him a little bit when Meringue is far away from him.
Xenophanes’ Chaos Rings were actually cuffs and a collar that he couldn’t remove. He willingly had them transformed by Meringue, the collar being Meringue’s ring. Neither like it, but it’s better than his former restraints.
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thalianitz · 3 years
Contextual Studies Research Project
In 1948 the City of London faced a fierce threat when Old Father Thames rose up in anger at the treatment of his River. ‘The Great Stink’ was the event that finally forced the government to take action and remedy the dire state of the Thames. Throughout ‘The Great Stink’ the recurring motif of ‘Old Father Thames’ became a powerful means of voicing the dire need for Health Reform, creating controversy and raising public awareness of the issues that was causing the deaths of thousands of citizens in the capital. (Bibby, M). The image of a dishevelled and filthy old man offering up death and disease to the citizens of London was a powerful contrast to the noble figure penned in poetic portraits of the River. It was a contrast that highlighted the juxtaposition between the importance of the river to London’s survival and the importance with which it was being treated. The character begun life as a character in Punch, but his effectiveness as a metaphor for the state of the River soon meant that he was a regular feature in numerous Victorian periodicals, and he became a powerful metaphor of the campaign against ‘The Great Stink’ (Horrocks, C 2009).
Today the Thames no longer functions as a sewage pipe, but the health of London’s central landmark is still precarious. Data from the Water Directive Framework shows that just 16% of UK water bodies were given ‘good’ ecological status in 2018 and 2019, and that the Thames is the second most polluted river in the UK, placing just after the Mersey, which is currently more polluted than the Great Pacific Garbage Patch (Morrit, D 2014, Greenpeace 2019, Schneiday, L 2021). Whilst in the 19th century the Thames served as a channel for cholera, today it serves as a transport for waste into the North Sea; in 2019 nearly 9000 items of plastic waste were discovered along the foreshore, the large majority of it was single use plastic, meanwhile ‘reefs’ of wet wipes are forming along the course of the river, impacting not only the wildlife but the course of the River itself. (McGoran, A 2019). The disregard for the health of the River showcases a greater disregard for Rivers and freshwater courses not just in London but around the UK.
Part of the problem potentially lies in the way that rivers, particularly industrial rivers like the Thames, are perceived. Rather than being part of a ‘Wilderness’ we feel we have a responsibility to protect, natural features in an industrial landscape are considered to be part of an Urban environment. (Cronon, W 1996) Throughout its history the Thames has been viewed as an important economic resource, something that often eclipses the equally important role it holds as culturally significant landmark (Pinch, P 2015). In this century there has been a push for significant water front redevelopment; stretches of the river that were abandoned as London's docklands were moved to other parts of the country became prime real estate, redeveloped into a “strip of affluence” (Sudjic, D 2003) Disregard for the environmental state of the Thames has potentially deadly consequences; in 1958 350 people were killed as a result of flooding, and the risks are only going to increase with effects of Climate Change; only 10% of UK floodplains still function, and between 2015 and 2018 1 in 5 houses were built in areas at risk of flooding (Taylor, V 2015) (Murray, J 2020). Work by groups such as the Thames Landscape Project attempts to combat this with large scale rewilding projects, but in the fight against Climate Change it is important that rivers are not forgotten in the wider public conscious.
In the battle for wider recognition of the plight of rivers like the Thames, the best weapon might be the same as the one utilised by the Victorian satirists, Old Father Thames. Stories of mythical figures like Old Father Thames have long been used as a way to warn of the power of rivers; characters like Jenny Greenteeth and water wyrms from folk tales highlight the dangers of disrespecting our Rivers (Schneiday, L 2021). There is a long standing tradition of the veneration of waterways, it is likely that Old Father Thames is a modern iteration of an old river God. The current representation of Old Father Thames resembles the Roman deities of the Tiber and the Nile, but it is likely that was a figure attached to the Thames long predating that (Ackroyd, P 2008). Artefacts found in several rivers, including the Battersea shield, suggest a different relationship with rivers in early prehistory; these artefacts are most commonly interpreted as votive offerings that were seen not as “wasting resources, but as an investment, a way of staking a claim in the natural power of the river,” (York, J 2002). Stories of the power and protection of these river deities have endured in to the present day in the form of myths like the Lady in the Lake and Excalibur (Yates, D and Bradley, R 2015). It is also possible to draw similarities between figures like Old Father Thames and the Greenman; the Greenman has remained a figure in popular culture; he serves as a powerful reminder of our connection and responsibilities to the natural world, holding humans to account for their actions, and there are still festivals held that celebrate our links to the Greenman and our links to the natural world (Anderson, W 1990). Mythical figures have also found their way into the popular conscious through the medium of science fiction. In the 21st century there has been a growing genre of Climate Fiction, or ‘Cli-Fi”, which has emerged as a alternative method of bringing ecology and environmental issues to a wider audience. The genre of science fiction allows writers to explore environmental dystopia, utopia and the potential for an ‘ecological apocalypse’ (Milner, A and Murgmann, J R 2020). Many important works of eco-criticisim have had an enduring impact, both in terms of cultural value, and on the ecological movement. One obvious example is Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings. Tolkien uses Lord of the Rings as a chance to comment on many ecological themes, Treebeard is a good example of a ‘Greenman’ esq figure; he challenges anthropocentric viewpoints and represents an alternative to the utilitarian stance presented by other characters (Brawley, C 2003). The impact of Middle Earth can be seen in the use of ‘Treebeard’ by environmental groups, one of which signed a letter with the characters name, writing in their statement “the Ents are going to war,” (Bregaland, 2006).
The enduring popularity of fictional characters showcases the effect the anthropomorphism of nature has on an audience. Anthropomorphism was first used as a term by the Greek philosopher Xenophanes to describe the similarities found in religious believers and their depiction of their Gods (Waytz, Epley, Cacioppo, 2010). Research into the phenomenon suggests that the desire to anthropomorphise the environment is a “basic human attitude” present from the early stages of childhood to allow us to empathise and interact with “non-humans as if they were human beings” (Airentu, G 2018). The ramifications of anthropomorphism on environmental debate are significant; the anthropomorphism of nature enables people to create a stronger bond with the environment, fostering a more environmentally friendly viewpoint. Pro-environmental views are tied to the feeling of environmental guilt, when nature is anthropomorphised these feelings are exacerbated, often prompting the adoption of more ecologically aware behaviours (Tam, K-P 2019). The use of terms such as ‘Mother Earth’ are good examples of using targeted anthropomorphism to encourage feelings of guilt and empathy in the public (Waytz, Epley, Cacioppo, 2010). Just as with the cartoons of Father Thames during the time of the Great Stink, the use of anthropomorphised representations of nature creates a stronger and more enduring message; for instance, a TV advert highlighting the environmental dangers of palm oil, featuring an anthropomorphised orang-utan was banned from being broadcast on the basis that it was too political (Butler, S and Sweney, M 2018).
Anthropomorphisation is clearly a useful tool in addressing the problems that stem from our increased urbanisation. The empathy for an anthropomorphic version of nature can help us to see ourselves as part of nature, as opposed to ‘the other’. (Daston, L 1995). In a world where we spend an estimated 90% of our lives indoors, it is difficult for environmental groups to rely solely on an individuals experiences in nature to promote an environmentally friendly attitude, anthropomorphism can help people bridge that gap (Tam, KP,. Lee, SL,. Chao, MM,. 2013). Some have suggested that a process of ‘Reenchantment’ is essential to promoting a healthier and more sustainable relationship with the environment; utilising the power of the ‘sublime’ in nature as a motivation to reconnect with the natural world, as well as retuning some of the ‘magic’ and ‘wonder’ to it (Barlett, P 2008). The use of quasi-mythical figures like Old Father Thames can especially help us to reconnect with overlooked areas of ‘Wilderness’ like the River Thames, by drawing on the cultural history of those myths and by using anthropomorphism to remind us of the interconnection and interdependence between us and the natural world.
Ackroyd, P (2008) “Thames: Sacred River”, Vintage Books, London
Airenti, G (2018) “The development of Anthropomorphism in Interaction: Intersubjectivity, Imagination and Theory of Mind”, Frontiers in Psychology
Anderson, W (1990) “Green Man: The Archetype of Our Oneness with the Earth”, HarperCollins, London
Barlett, P (2008) “Reason and Reenchantment in Cultural Change: Sustainability in Higher Education”, Anthropology, Vol. 49, No. 6, pg. 1077-1098, Chicago, USA
Bibby, M (accessed 2021) “London’s Great Stink”, History Magazine, Historic UK, (https://www.historic-uk.com/HistoryUK/HistoryofBritain/Londons-Great-Stink/)
Brawley, C (2008), “The Fading of the World: Tolkien’s ecology and loss in The Lord of the Rings”, Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts, USA
Bregaland (2006), ‘“The Ents are going to war”; Earth Liberation Front Strikes Maryland”, Earth First!, Vol. 26, No. 2, pg. 8, Daily Planet Publishing, Tuscon, United States
Butler, S and Sweney, M (2018) “Iceland’s Christmas TV advert rejected for being too political”, The Guardian, London, UK
Cronon, W (1996) ‘The Trouble with Wilderness: Or, Getting Back to the Wrong Nature”, Environmental History, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 7-28, Forest History Society and American Society for Environmental History, USA
Daston L, (1995) “How Nature Became the Other: Anthropocentrism in Early Modern Natural Philosophy”, Biology as Society, Society as Biology: Metaphors. Sociology of the Sciences - A Yearbook 1994 (Maasen, S., Mendelson, E,. Weingart, P,. ed.), vol. 18, Springer, Netherlands
Davis, JL,. Green, JD,. Reed, A (2009) “Interdependence with the environment: Commitment, interconnectedness and environmental behaviour”, Journal of Environmental Psychology, Vol.29, No. 2, pp. 173-180
Gleeson-White, J (2018) “It’s only natural: the push to give rivers, mountains and forests legal rights”, The Guardian, London, UK
Greenpeace, (2019) “UK river more polluted than Great Pacific Garbage Patch,” Greenpeace Press Release
Horrocks, C (2009) “Father Thames Revenge: visualising reform through the characterisation of a social problem”, Popular Narrative Media, Vol. 2, no.1, p.23, Liverpool University Press, Liverpool
Horrocks, C (2003), “The Personification of “Father Thames”: Reconsidering the Role of the Victorian Periodical Press in the “Verbal and Visual Campaign” for Public Heath Reform, Victorian Periodicals Review, Vol. 36, No. 1, p.2 -19, John Hopkins University Press
McGoran, A (2019) “Microplastic pollution and wet wipe ‘reefs’ are changing the River Thames ecosystem”, The Conversation, London
Milner, A,. Burgmann, J R,. (2020) “Science Fiction and Climate Change: A sociological Approach”, Liverpool Science Fiction Texts and Studies, Liverpool University Press, Liverpool, UK
Mishra, S K, (2016) “Ecocriticism: A Study of Environmental Issues in Literature”, BRICS Journal of Educational Research, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 168 - 170,
Morrit, D (2014) “Plastic in the Thames: A River Runs through it”, Marine Pollution Bulletin, Vol. 78, No. 1-2, pg. 196-200, UK
Murray, J (2020) “Rewilding Project aims to give Thames its floodplain back”, The Guardian, London, UK
Pinch, P (2015) “Waterspace Planning and the River Thames in London”, The London Journal, Vol. 40, No. 3, pg. 272-292, London, UK
Schneidau, L (2021) “Understanding the Current”, Resurgence and Ecologist, Vol. 325, pp. 34 - 36, Devon, England
Shtulman, A (2008) “Variation in the anthropomorphization of supernatural beings and its implications for cognitive theories of religion”, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition, Vol. 35, no. 5, pg, 1123 - 1138
Sudjic, D (2003) “Sold Down the River”, The Observer, London UK
Tam, K-P (2019) “Anthropomorphism of Nature, Environmental Guilt and Pro-Environmental Behaviour”, Sustainability, Vol. 11, No. 19
Tam, K-P,. Lee, S-L,. Chao, MM,. (2013) “Saving Mr. Nature: Anthropomorphism enhances connectedness to and protectiveness toward nature,” Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Vol. 49, No. 3
Taylor, V (2015) “London’s River? The Thames as a Contested Environmental Space”, The London Journal, Vol. 40, No. 3, pg. 183-195, London, UK
Urquiza-Haas, E and Kotrschal, K (2015) “The mind behind anthropomorphic thinking: attribution of mental states to other species”, Animal Behaviour, Vol. 109, pg. 167-176,
Waytz, A., Epley, N., Cacioppo, J-T, (2010) “Social Cognition Unbound: Insights into Anthropomorphism and Dehumanization”, Current directions in psychological science, Vol. 12, no. 1, pg. 58-62
Wilson, E (1993) “Biophilia and the Conservation Ethic”, The Biophilia Hypothesis, pg. 31-42, Washington, USA
Yates, D,. Bradley, R,. (2015) “Still water, hidden depths, the deposition of Bronze Age metalwork in the English Fenland”, Antiquity, Vol. 84, No. 324, Cambridge, UK
York, J (2002), “The life cycle of Bronze Age metalwork from the Thames”, Oxford Journal of Archaeology, Vol. 21, No. 1, pg. 77-92, Oxford, UK
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monmuses · 2 years
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// *another xeno doodle dump bc i love drawing him so much <3
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toastieasheck · 2 years
so i tried to draw an EXE of my own and ended up making an AU / retold story of him!
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Xenophanes here is more so a “reformed” version if his story was told with more history. he’s a “what if?” example if he was pulled out of his game and thrown into the real world. because of this, he lost a majority of his powers that involve manipulating the world around him to do his bidding. now, he’s kind of... trying to live his life and learning how the world works compared to being in his game
some old friends might pop up along the way but he’s figuring shit out :)
(and if anyone is curious, i write him over at @monmuses​! he has more headcanons and story posts there)
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monmuses · 2 years
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// *new ref sheet for Xeno! i’ll be adding more to it when the coloring and lineart comes but here’s what i have for the boi so far :3
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monmuses · 2 years
Rewritten / Reformed Xenophanes / Sonic.EXE AU
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> This post is detailing all about Xenophanes’ Rewritten / Reformed AU! It covers his history and his current ongoing story. <
     Before Xenophanes became the infamous demon we know today, he was known as Jasper. Oldest kid to a very well-off family, he was one of the two siblings his parents had. His other sibling was a little sister named Abigail, who was mute and autistic. With the two of them, it was them against the world. They did everything together and never left each other’s sides. As for their parents, they were emotionally out of the picture. It was them against the world. If their parents weren’t there to comfort them at their worst days, who else would? All they had were each other.
     Jasper and Abigail were the perfect tag team, going anywhere they could and fighting through every difficult trial the world threw at them. With his sister’s soft and quiet nature, her brother was always there for her no matter what happened. Jasper always spoke for her and protected her from the evil natures of humankind.
     To fellow strangers, Jasper was the toughest and bravest out of them all. He forced himself through the worst of times and never faltered in his courage. At his best, he was the brave lion companion everyone needed. However, at his worst, he was bitter and angry. Everything that bothered him was bottled and it would crack after constant attempts to break his resilience. Unfortunately, there were days where he could not hold it together, but Abigail was there when he couldn’t.
     Abigail is the softest of the two, having a sense of empathy for those around her. In her kindness, she gravitated more towards animals than humans and found company with her little critters. Being non-verbal and autistic, she was labeled as a weirdo and a “freak of nature” by the people around them. Jasper refused to let those words get to his sister, always defending her at every given turn.
     On a somewhat expensive trip out of the country, their parents took them on a trip for the winter. Both Jasper and Abigail often went out alone due to their parents’ negligence. He found ways to enjoy this trip on their own without worrying about safety. In this case, they had gone out for a little too long one night and had forgotten the time of day, leaving them locked out of their little hotel. They were unable to get a hold of their parents to open the door and were forced outside.
     On this particular day, it was freezing cold. Snow was falling, only equipped with little jackets. Taking the time, they visited a frozen lake to play around until they were ready to come home.
     Jasper had gotten the idea to try and slide along the frozen top, going first and then inviting Abigail to join him. A few hours had passed of them going out in the snow and doing just about everything to keep their time occupied. The lake itself looked very solid and sturdy to keep two kids up, so what risk was there. As they played their own version of ice skating, there was a sudden factor they did not take in properly: cracking ice in the edges of the lake.
     Abigail was first to notice this, chirping and silently panicking at the sight of the cracks. She tugged on Jasper’s sleeve, as she was (metaphorically) frozen from fear. She couldn’t move, no... any slight movement in any direction would worsen the cracks. Her feet could barely move, hands pressed against the ice, unsure of what to do, until--
In one swift motion, Jasper picked up his sister and tossed her to the snowy banks, saving her from the deteriorating lake. From that, the cracks worsened, reaching to Jasper as he sat there, now realizing he couldn’t make it to the banks. He glanced up at his sister, giving a final smile to her before falling into the frozen depths of the lake.
     Hearing his own name called out, he froze to death, unable to reach up for air or for warmth. This was his end, but... all that mattered was his sister was safe.
     Once he had passed, his spirit refused to leave. It had refused to ascend to either sides; he rejected Heaven and Hell out of spite. He remembered his sister, but... none of this would have happened if.. his parents. Their parents. Everything that had plagued him and his sister for years, it... it was all their fault! Everything they suffered from. Every little trial they suffered, it was their fault! Over time, his bitterness had turned into anger. To unbrittled rage, pain, and suffering. He silently vowed that he would not rest from this. He refused to! He wanted to get back at his parents for everything they did. To the folks that hurt him and his sister -- EVERYONE!
     A fellow cult called “The Cult of X” had found reminants of his spirit lingering around the lake. Mostly composed of young adults that had fallen into the idea of becoming gods to command spirits at their will, they were looking for a much more enticing target. They had gotten their hands on materials and books in how to transform someone into a demon. All it took was a direct source of malicious thoughts and whatever was leftover of their mental psyche.
     So, taking themselves to the lake, they set up shop. They prepared a ritual to re-summon his spirit with multiple materials that it took to forcefully transform a spirit into a demon. With humans, it was much harder; there was retaliation. With a spirit? Easier compliance. Their past thoughts fuel their ambitions to what they wished they could do. Jasper’s spirit was full of bitter grudges and murderous intentions - which would make this much easier.
     Nightfall came after a week of setting up around  the lake, ready to perform the ritual. He was still around where his body had fallen, and refused to leave. Now was the time to put it into action. They began to set up the ritual and had formed around the lake with small candles, small bottles of liquids, including a dose of his blood to drop into the lake. The books had opened and they began to summon his spirit. The waters of the lake began to twist and turn ferociously, forcing up his soul from the water. It burned red, eyes flaring and hands twitching while surrounding a flaming ball with pinkish tips. A final phrase was spoken, further taking his thoughts into his spirit, watching his soul transform.
     “TAKE YOUR FORM! WHAT DO YOU WISH TO BECOME?!” The main one screamed.
     In that moment, the world around them began to change. Snow changed to dark grass, flipping their sky from night to day. Angry snarls began to shout from the soul, forming into a noticeable body of a rather familiar hedgehog. And as this happened, the world began to spin around the cult members. Their books forcefully shut closed with the candles forcibly blown out.
     The papers within that book failed to mention just how much power a demon could possess if there was just enough to change someone. And, unfortunately for the cult, they undermined just how much Jasper had taken on for his transformation. Human mortality had been lost; left behind him. He was no longer the person he once waws.
     The soul’s form had changed completely, taking something physical. Claws and teeth were seen, along with blood dripping from every part of its body. Eyes sunken with a dark void had crimson tears, screaming for his life. Hands erupted from the waters, which took hold of every cult member surrounding him. Tight claws squeezed them, holding them high in the air as their world turned from the snow-covered ground to familiar grassy green hills.
     The sun had gone dark. Sonic.EXE had been born.
     The members of the cult fell upon grassy hills, with a familiar tune that played over their heads. However, in the moment they were taken away, they had taken the forms of... familiar characters. The main head of the cult had become the familiar Tails the Fox, the first one to wake up alone. Where were the others? They must have made it out, right? Or was this... a dream?
     Taking a moment to look around, this was just like Green Hills; the very first level to arrive in the first Sonic the Hedgehog game. The music was just like the tunes he was familiar with. He quickly made his way down the grassy hills, flying with his two tails to find someone he knew - anyone he could find. Oddly, it felt... empty. No one was around. No one except--
     --Sonic. He was there... standing at the end of the hills. He knew this character, at least... he thought he did. Stopping himself, he slowly approached the blue figure that stood idly by the cliff. His lips trembled... why was he afraid? He wasn’t moving, but he could hear... breathing. Heavy breathing. Reaching his hand out, he suddenly froze with fear.
     In that split second, his head turned around completely with a loud crack, eyes bright with red pupils within the dark void of eyes he had. His fur had darkened to a shade of blue-violet, sharp teeth protruding from his lips. The tips of his quills had darkened incredibly, muzzle darkened with a soft shade of light brown. Claws grew from his gloves, quickly grabbing Tails’ neck with one swift motion. There was saliva dripping from his teeth... he licked his lips eagerly, blood dripping from his eyes and nose. A scarred mark of “X” was across his chest, bright red and burning with a raging flame...
     Choking was all there was. He couldn’t make out any words, “I... I...” He began to kick at his chest, trying to push his arms or pull off his claws that wrapped tightly around his neck. But nothing could be done... he had a python’s grip. As he struggled, the dark figure that held him began to... grin. Tightly, sharp teeth appeared within that gaping mouth of his. He enjoyed seeing this. They did this to him... and they were going to pay.
     One squeeze was all it had taken, and Tails’ head had exploded like a grape. Blood dripped and soaked his fur, holding the remains of what was left in that head of his. Shards of bone and membrane was in Sonic.EXE’s palm, tossing it forcefully to the ground as he quickly disappeared, now looking for his friends...
     ...and finding his friends he did. Day after day, it was a game of hide and seek with Sonic.EXE. The friends whom he considered little toys to relieve his rage-- they were his enemies. Sworn enemies. They wronged him, they did this to him. Everyone in this world was his enemy, and it was his intention to wipe them off the face of this planet. The cult had fallen victim to this and were the poor, unfortunate souls to becoming the prime toys of his game. They had all taken forms of familiar characters; Tails, Knuckles, Eggman...
     ...with these forms, they suffered agony for years. Time after time, Sonic.EXE manipulated and forcefully took control of their brittle minds. He turned them against each other again and again, tearing out their insides and treating them as horrible housepets under his roof. Other unfortunate souls found themselves in his game, doing just the same to them. Everyone was his enemy. No one was there to save him. He was on his own, now. He was in his own perfect world; a world where he had control. He had a saying on what was to happen, but everyone that fell at his feet were his enemies. There was no mercy in his world -- no one deserved it.
     Years had passed, following the fifteen years of torture. Disappearances and deaths followed with little to no tracking of where they had gone to. However, they were all victim to the proclaimed Xenophanes. He ruled his world without the rest knowing what he did for his own little hobby. Though, his times were to change once an unfamiliar creature had made its way into his game.
     It was not human. It was something powerful. He had little time to realize that his world was crumbling. Before, he could only live within various sources of computers that people used to enter in his world. Little by little, it broke apart into many pieces. He lost power and found himself forcefully thrown into the human world without any hesitation. Something had taken control away from him, and... he lost. He gained a physical form, able to walk around in the real world, but he felt weak...
     He began to panic, having no one in this world to guide him. He was alone, truly alone with no one to strangle or to kill. There was no one with him... how could he live like this? All he can do is roam. Roam until he finds... someone, at least. He currently roams and looks for where to go. As this happens, he’s learning that... there is more to him than he realized. There was a reason why he became a demon, and that he was human before...
     ...memories are soon to be returned, but at the cost of reuniting with his sister. He had to look for someone he remembered, but he couldn’t remember his past. It would only be a matter of time before his memories return to him... or if he learns something about his past life that clicks with him.
     As of right now, he has matured and somewhat changed on his own, but very little. He has begun to relearn things about him and his true personality is blossoming little by little each day. Underneath his wall of trauma and pain is a gentle spirit, angered with the plagues of his past.
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monmuses · 2 years
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Quick Character Promo for a Reformed / Rewritten AU of Sonic.EXE / Xenophanes
Like & Reblog if interested!
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monmuses · 1 year
🌎 for Xeno?
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⤿   headcanon memes; comfort character edition! tw: death, family, religion.    
[   🌎     ] are there any aus you have for your muse? what are they like, and how is your muse different in them?
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> For Xenophanes, there are no unique AU’s but I only have two verses for him so far; his Reformed / Rewritten verse, and the canon Creepypasta story (which I don’t plan on writing in anytime soon). In his Reformed verse, he contains that old story but I added a WHOLE lot more to add more depth to his story which can be found here.
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