strangehermit ¡ 6 years
I love that so many people in the background are just grinning when Uncle Metzen is like, “So, hey...y’wanna bring Thrall back?”
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His eyes. His smile… Him! (Via)
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strangehermit ¡ 6 years
Oi... This is important to know, but thoroughly unpleasant to think about.
TL;DR on the latest round of Wikileaks:
Literally nothing you do is safe from the CIA. There are numerous full-on spyware suites developed by them, mostly for iOS and Windows, but also targeting Android, Linux, OS X, and Solaris. Apps thought to be secure (Telegram with encryption enabled, WhatsApp, Signal) were compromised as well, as were a host of other devices (ie smart TVs).
If you live in a Shengen area country, your country likely hosts several CIA backed cyberwar experts. They came in via the US consulate in Frankfurt. If you don’t, you likely do as well, but I can’t find anything without sifting through the files myself.
“I have nothing to hide, why does this matter?”: Because there are now multiple thousand “zero hour”- ie “developers get zero hours to fix”- vulnerabilities floating around that no one had any idea existed. The vulnerabilities themselves weren’t leaked, but it’s the fact that someone knew about these and didn’t say.
I hate to make this kinda clickbait-y thing, but this is honest to God one of the most important leaks in history. Our response to this is pretty much going to be life or death for privacy in the developed world. Be loud about this, be annoying about this, and do not shut up about this. Please reblog this and other posts relating to it.
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strangehermit ¡ 6 years
Huh. This simultaneously warms and deeply confuses my heart.
I’m not sure if I’m ugly; at best, I suppose I might be very average-looking. But, that’s okay. There’s nothing wrong with being a decrepit sewer goblin!
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strangehermit ¡ 6 years
Two bros, chillin’ in a hot tub...
Two fair men lie in water warm and slow,
As brothers are they joinēd heart to heart;
But Cupid hath not struck them with his bow;
Lest that be thought, they sit five feet apart.
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strangehermit ¡ 6 years
Sea cats.
They’re soft and silly.
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strangehermit ¡ 6 years
Jeff Goldblum is my favorite autistic lizard (that I don’t personally know).
Jeff Goldblum is somehow even more Jeff Goldblum than you think he is.
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strangehermit ¡ 6 years
Such a good murderous friend...
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Rare shots of Rory Kinnear as the Creature in Penny Dreadful
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strangehermit ¡ 6 years
i don't remember the books so well, what is legolas' personality like in them? all i remember is tht the books and movie where massively different?
Oh my dear anon. I could go on about book Legolas for hours.
Book Legolas is a sassy little sh*t who skips on the surface of the snow when everyone else is drowning in it up to their waists and carrying the four hobbits. Book Legolas sleeps with his eyes open. He watches Aragorn throw himself to the groud and listen to the sound of running horses, only to say afterwards, “yeah, there are a hundred and five of them, they’re all blond and they all have spears nbd“. Book Legolas cries that Gollum escaped grom Mirkwood right after everyone was like, “phew, it’s good that Thranduil’s elves keep an eye on him, what could go wrong???“. He screams all the time, and occasionally drops his bow too. He kills a warg, shooting it right in the throat with a burning arrow. Book Legolas is a trees stan. Book Legolas walk away singing “To the Sea! To the Sea!“. Book Legolas is not afraid of zombies, thank you very much. He addreses his friends “children“, even though he is probably the youngest elf in Middle-Earth that we know of. And of course, book Legolas takes none of your bs, builds his own grey boat because who says he can’t sail on his own ship right, packs his best friend and shows up in Valinor 120 years late with Starbucks and a dwarf.
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strangehermit ¡ 6 years
This turned out so well! It’s good, it’s worth it, and it’s just the right amount of armor noises to be really funny whilst also not becoming overwhelming!
Also, like...this armor’s fit really well. I know shockingly little about armor fitting (given that I hoard useless knowledge), but the mobility in this means it’s gotta fit nicely.
the cha cha slide in full metal armor
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strangehermit ¡ 6 years
I’m literally making that “Doctor Strange” poster my phone wallpaper. Right this second. It’s amazing.
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strangehermit ¡ 6 years
Honestly, Karamo reminds me of a modern Dumbledore. Practical wizardwear.
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these outfits are perfect
jvn lookin like jane fonda
bobby classic but not boring
tan british af & tryna make himself taller
antoni like he’s in a band from the ‘80s or early ‘00s revival
& karamo just ??? doin the most
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strangehermit ¡ 6 years
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reading LOTR and having feelings about Orc boyfriends
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strangehermit ¡ 6 years
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Another Namo. What do you think, @irmolorienaskblog-headcanons ?
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strangehermit ¡ 6 years
I tried getting my bees to stay calm, but they were confused as to what to do with the Bee Chill Pills. So, now they’re back to doing normal bee stuff.
people with uteri are never gonna have a perfectly flat stomach. they’re always gonna have a little pouch, because that’s where we keep our bees.
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strangehermit ¡ 6 years
What’s a Bard to a failed Charisma roll?
More fun facts about ancient Celtic marriage laws: There were no laws against interclass or interracial marriage, no laws against open homosexual relationships (although they weren’t considered ‘marriages’ since the definition of a marriage was ‘couple with child’), no requirement for women to take their husband’s names or give up their property, but comedians couldn’t get married
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strangehermit ¡ 6 years
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they’re friends
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strangehermit ¡ 6 years
I once had a PT who would literally drive her elbows full-force into my back muscles because they were so tight and misshapen that nothing else could seriously dent the tension.
...they would tense up again 10 minutes after she attacked them, but that was probably as close to normal back muscles as I got before I had surgery to correct my scoliosis.
Also, the left half of my pelvis likes to get super out of place for no good reason sometimes, so I end up with pelvic misalignment until I go to the chiropractor and get it shoved back where it’s supposed to be. (Unlike my fingers/wrists/neck, I can’t effectively fix my pelvis...it’s too large of a joint. It’s why I can’t really realign my shoulders and knees all that well, either.)
Anyway, these are great.
Things my new physio has said to me, part 3
Seen as how you all keep asking:
“Ah, there you are.” *clapping his hands together* “Are we ready to suffer?”
“Well your rib cage isn’t doing that thing, so that’s good. Lets see what else we can find.”
“Oh dear.”
“This is going to feel like I’m triggering a migraine. And that’s because I am. Don’t worry, it’ll all be over quickly.”
“Yes, that was rather ominous wasn’t it?”
“My that’s a lot of glitter.”
“I get a lot of people coming in and telling me their pelvis is misaligned. It’s something their chiropractor said in passing once and it takes over their whole mentality. “No I can’t possibly stretch or do that, I have a misalignment”, when what they actually have are too tight muscles and not enough exercise. You however, actually have a pelvic misalignment, it’s why your body is turning inward like that. And I’ll be honest, last week when I noticed it, I was hesitant to tell you. Because for so many people it’s just the end of their recovery in terms of how they think of themselves. You however, my dear, took it as an insult from your pelvic bone, and asked what you needed to do to fix it. You’re angry, but in an entirely motivated and driven sense. It’s like zen but on the other side. Keeping that in mind, this is about to really hurt.“
“Everyone keeps laughing at me because I have to ice my hands after you leave, but honestly I’ve handled more pliant wood in my time. Okay stop laughing, you’re undoing all my hard work.”
“How is your blog by the way?”
“Oh, good.”
“Well, I’m glad to hear that. Especially from someone who bruises easily. I try very hard not to cause surface damage where I can avoid it. I have one client…fuck, I hope nothing happens to her on her way home. She’s got my thumbprints all over her neck.”
(Responding to a comment I made about how I’m amazed how sore I am after our sessions, but never actually bruised. Whereas usually I’m just bruised but not actually sore in like, a good “this is helping” way.)
(One of the other therapists watching from the next table over makes a comment about how she didn’t think my back was that bad.)
“And that is why she’s seeing me now, and not you. Go on, shoo. Get back to your corner.”
“My other client is coming back at his regular time next week, so short of shanking him for this time slot I think we’ll need to move you later in the evening, if you’re okay with that.”
“You’re shaking, are you okay? Okay, just let me know. Actually, no, lets get some water.”
“Okay, we’re going to do some work on the tensor fasciae latae. Yes I know it sounds like a Starbucks order, but bear with me.”
(Him, going really quiet for a short while after I tell him about always being in pain for as long as I can remember and how hard it is to get a doctor to listen to me.)
“So, my mother,” *clearing his throat* “my mother was in pain for forty, gosh, probably closer to fifty years, and she never told anyone. She never … well she never complained. Not once, even when she’d go to bed early just so none of us would hear her cry. And I never knew, I never knew till—well I started taking this massage class, for like, for fucking fun, right? And I winded up using her as my practice patient, and I realized … I realized something was wrong. And I saw the pain she was in, the pain that she hid for the longest time, and it just … No one should suffer alone like that. It changed the course of my whole life. And here we are twenty years on … anyway. Yea. I believe you. I believe you …”
*him, tucking his arm underneath mine and using it to brace me while he digs his other elbow in*
“Yes, it is rather like being a muppet. If muppets were made of crackling bone and sinew. Lets be thankful they’re not.”
[part 1] [part 2]
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