riaosnotfound · 3 years
Actually. Arguably the stupidest shit I've seen all month.
Amism, Amistic, amistic spectrum: A replacement for the term “ADHD”
Chosen from the latin root “am-” for movement, towards, forward movement, etc. Removed “disorder” and took away the focus on the negative aspects. This makes it more similar to its cousin, Autism. 
Use and spread this term!! It is for amistic people! no credit necessary.
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riaosnotfound · 3 years
Okay this is the STUPIDEST shit I've read all week. There's nothing wrong with ADHD. It IS a disorder.
The definition of a disorder: An illness that disrupts normal physical or mental functions.
ADHD is a disorder. No the name doesn't encompass all of the symptoms and experiences. But if it did, we'd be here for fucking ever. Even though it is a neurodivergency and is related to autism, it is STILL A DISORDER.
ADHD has overlaps with depression and anxiety as well; the thing that mainly differentiates it from those and autism is the ATTENTION DEFICIENCY and the HYPERACTIVITY.
Please. Sit the fuck down. And stop trying to replace everything because a few of you don't like it.
Amism, Amistic, amistic spectrum: A replacement for the term “ADHD”
Chosen from the latin root “am-” for movement, towards, forward movement, etc. Removed “disorder” and took away the focus on the negative aspects. This makes it more similar to its cousin, Autism. 
Use and spread this term!! It is for amistic people! no credit necessary.
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riaosnotfound · 3 years
do you guys wanna see how bs ‘’’bmi’’’ is?
let’s start with a few pictures of my body shall we
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(please ignore messy room i’m in the process of packing)
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okay so that’s the body of someone that eats healthy, literally my fave food is broccoli, and i work out 5 days a week, you’d think i’m at ‘’’healthy weight’’’’ right?????
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that bitch telling me to eat 1500 - 1900 calories a day are you fucking joking??? that’s fucking starving myself and i’m not doing that. fuck you.
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riaosnotfound · 3 years
Yet another reminder that faking is a conscious choice that you make.
It is not something you can do accidentally, regards of what you're talking about.
You can't accidentally fake depression, or anxiety, or bipolar disorder, or schizophrenia, or any other mental illness.
You can't accidentally fake Borderline Personality Disorder, Histrionic Personality Disorder, personality disorders.
You can't accidentally fake ADHD, autism, Tourette's Syndrome, auditory processing disorder, aphasia or any other neurodivergence
You can't accidentally fake being trans or ace-spec or aro-spec or any other LGBTQIA+ identity.
You can't accidentally fake chronic illnesses like CFS, fibromyalgia or any chronic illness.
You also can't accidentally fake being good/intelligent at something. You didn't fool your peers into reaching your position.
You can't accidentally fake trauma, PTSD/cPTSD, DID/OSDD/DDNOS or any other trauma-based disorder.
Faking is a conscious choice.
You cannot do it by accident.
If you are worried that you are faking, that in itself is proof that you are not.
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riaosnotfound · 3 years
here are your daily reminders...♡
• you are loved, even when it doesn't feel like it
• you are stronger than you think
• you are not a burden
• it's okay if all you can manage today is getting out of bed
• making mistakes is apart of life
• do something that makes you smile today
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riaosnotfound · 3 years
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riaosnotfound · 3 years
this is beautiful and the post in the link made it so much better, I love this. Thank you.
did cinderella ever talk to her man about his faceblindness
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riaosnotfound · 3 years
How do I use tumblr, help
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riaosnotfound · 3 years
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just some love from @chibird !!! remember that you are doing great and that I am and your friends are proud of you and that you are loved!!!
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riaosnotfound · 3 years
hello I was just on canadian old navy and noticed this, just wanted to let people know this exists. good job old navy, this is a good first step!!
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riaosnotfound · 3 years
Reblogging so I don't lose it 🥺
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Here is the link! What an amazing idea ❤️
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riaosnotfound · 3 years
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riaosnotfound · 3 years
... *stares in the 18+ Discord servers that are completely sfw but are also just tired of immature minors apparently* (I say apparently because that was their explanation)
Hi how old are you? Can minors follow?
im 16 so yes but also this is a strange question simply because my blog isnt like. inherently or even remotely nsfw save for a couple posts. i run a shitposting blog. why did you think i had an age restriction
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riaosnotfound · 3 years
As someone who has attempted to climb a tree that was not entirely dry, the scar on my shin will recommend you to not do that. That's all. Enjoy your not climbing of the tree.
drop whatever you’re doing right now and climb a tree
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riaosnotfound · 3 years
Since there's a 10 photo limit... Here's a continuation 💖.
First of all, thank you for existing. I'm glad you exist. I'm so incredibly thankful you exist.
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And you are so incredibly loved. Beyond measure, regardless of how bad you feel. You are so loved, and I hope you remember that.
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It's okay if you make mistakes. It's okay if you mess up! Mistakes are how we learn. It's okay if you're having a bad day. You're allowed to have bad days. You don't need to be perfect. It's okay if you're less than perfect. You're doing your best and that's amazing. It's okay to do what's best for you. Taking care of yourself isn't selfish. You deserve the love you give to others. Do what's best for you and be yourself. It's okay to be yourself, however weird, quirky, or dorky that may be.
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You are loved. And I am so proud of you.
this post is for a specific friend, but if you aren't that specific friend and somehow have seen this, that means it's for you too 💖
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You are stronger than you think you are.
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You are enough. You are so enough. You don't need to prove your worth to anyone.
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You deserve love. You deserve good things. Even when it feels like you don't.
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If all you did today was survive, if all you can manage is to just breathe, that is still enough.
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You are worth the time it takes and the energy it takes to love you.
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And anyone who doesn't see that? That's their loss. Your value doesn't decrease because others are blind and don't see it.
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You don't need to be perfect to be loved. You are still worthy of love, despite your flaws.
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I love you and I'm proud of you.
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If you've been sent this, then whoever sent you it agrees with me. You deserve to be loved and you deserve the good things. Life is tough, but so are you. Hang in there, it'll get easier. I believe in you. 💖
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riaosnotfound · 3 years
this post is for a specific friend, but if you aren't that specific friend and somehow have seen this, that means it's for you too 💖
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You are stronger than you think you are.
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You are enough. You are so enough. You don't need to prove your worth to anyone.
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You deserve love. You deserve good things. Even when it feels like you don't.
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If all you did today was survive, if all you can manage is to just breathe, that is still enough.
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You are worth the time it takes and the energy it takes to love you.
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And anyone who doesn't see that? That's their loss. Your value doesn't decrease because others are blind and don't see it.
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You don't need to be perfect to be loved. You are still worthy of love, despite your flaws.
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I love you and I'm proud of you.
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If you've been sent this, then whoever sent you it agrees with me. You deserve to be loved and you deserve the good things. Life is tough, but so are you. Hang in there, it'll get easier. I believe in you. 💖
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riaosnotfound · 3 years
Hey, I just want everyone to know that what the world is going through is a legitimate trauma. Full on. It fits the “official” definition and everything. This is a traumatic event.
That means that it’s normal and expected to find yourself using coping mechanisms that you thought you were done with, to find yourself numbed out, to be on the verge of constant panic attacks, to be acting impulsively and compulsively, to engage in very old patterns, to have wide swings of every behaviour especially regarding sleep, food, and sex.
The research shows that people in a traumatic situation who most often develop PTSD (which I would say we are all at risk of) or have their existing PTSD/C-PTSD intensified are folks who cannot or believe they cannot do anything about it the trauma event.
So, if you are able, look for a place in all of this where you can feel that you can do something. Harass a company not doing enough for its employees, sign a petition, check in on a neighbour, set alarms to remind yourself to eat (it’s on my own to do list for today), intentionally spend time every day doing straw breathing to shift your sympathetic nervous system response. You don’t have to become some social media hero, or spend all your time improving yourself. But if you can find something that makes you feel like you can do something for yourself that decreases the trauma load on you, it will greatly benefit you going forward.
If anyone has any questions about this, my asks are open, or you can message me. (I cannot do any online therapy, I am happy to share information about trauma itself and any tools that I know)
It is okay to reblog this.
- Registered Clinical Counsellor, with 10+ years specifically working with trauma
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