lunar-virgo-witch · 3 years
Daily affirmation
The light is coming to give back everything the darkness stole
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lunar-virgo-witch · 4 years
Top Ward Mistakes I
These are some common reasons why wards, even powerful ones, fail at times. I have noticed these over the years, through my mistakes and others. 
Not enough layers: Wards are made of pure energy, and usually aren’t sentient- meaning they aren’t smart and usually don’t adjust to different attackers. Without the ability to adjust, attackers can get by with ease. Having multiple layers of wards helps prevent this. While layers will vary of course based on your needs, I always recommend three basic layers for a ward, going outwards to the inside: 1) non-detection, 2) offensive ward, 3) defensive ward. The reason for these particular layers being: an attacker can’t attack if it can’t find you. If they do find you, they are then dissuaded by a ward that attacks them. They will have to go through the ward that hurts them to even get to the ward that defends you, thus weakening them and making it harder to get through that final line of defense at the same time.
Too rigid: What shatters more easily when hit- a plastic case, or a rubber ball? The plastic case- why? Because it is super rigid and unable to bend; thus, just one concentrated hit could break through it with ease. This applies to wards as well- you don’t want your wards to be unable to bend- else they shatter under a concentrated hit. Being flexible doesn’t make a ward weaker- you can still have a super tough and thick ward that bends!
Not selective or specific enough: “Keep out malicious entities.” Okay, well what do you mean by malicious? Being as specific as possible is best when it comes to protections. Instead of just saying “malicious” how about- “those that would bring me nightmares”, “those that would harm me”. This also ties into the next point-
…From whose point of view?: Okay, you did it, you made your ward. “Keep out anything with malicious intent.” But the key is…who judges the malicious intent? A nasty entity could easily go, “this is good for me!” and bypass the ward. Additionally, an abusive entity who believes, from their point of view, that what they are doing is “helping” you, and thus not malicious, could easily bypass an unspecific ward. It is best to say something along the lines of, “Things I deem as a malicious intention.” That way, it is based on YOUR judgement alone, what YOU deem as bad, and thus it cannot be interpreted any other way by trickster entities.
A circular wall, or a sphere?: You made your ward- it’s selective, not super rigid, and you made sure the terms were from your point of view. And yet- it’s still easily bypassed! Bad Entities appear in your room, seemingly untouched by the wards. What could’ve happened? Well- this ability called “teleportation” exists. If your innermost ward is a circular wall- not filled in- then an entity could easily bypass your wards just by teleporting directly to you or directly into your space! To protect against this, you want your innermost ward to be like a sphere- filled in on the inside with protective energies as well. Thus, the constraints applying to the outer layers of your wards (no malicious intent from my point of view) are applied to your actual space as well- thus nullifying the teleporting ability, or dealing damage to any entities that manage to teleport inside anyways.  
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lunar-virgo-witch · 4 years
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Tarot spread for when you’re feeling frustrated and blocked. When there’s something wrong but you can’t quite figure what that is.
The cork, what’s keeping card five trapped.
What you need to keep an eye out for, the negative repercussions that this reveal will give you
The positives that will come from this being let into the light
What you should do to work on the negatives of card two, how to move further through them.
The central issue, the thing that needs to be let out into the light
How the positives found in card three will inform and shape and improve your life.
This spread actually helps me a lot with shadow work - if I keep running up against an emotion I can’t figure out the reason for, I work on this, but it also helps when I’m feeling stifled.
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lunar-virgo-witch · 4 years
Effective Tarot Questions
Questions should be focused on yourself and your experience rather than someone else. For example the third question to follow is the most appropriate to ask rather than putting the focus on another person …
What is the reason behind Jamie’s bad grades at school? How can I help Jamie get better grades at school? What role do I play in Jamie getting bad grades at school?
Questions to Avoid
The Tarot cannot provide specific data such as dates or names. It is also unable to answer with a simple yes or no. So…
Avoid questions that ask for a time-related answer.
Avoid questions that require a name as their answer.
Avoid questions that would need a yes or no answer.
Avoid questions that require a choice between one thing and another. (In this instance it is better to gain more information in a reading and then for you to make this decision).
Effective Questions
Effective questions should be of a positive nature in order to attract constructive insight. Ask how to create something in your life rather than focusing on any negatives. They may begin something like this…
What is the energy surrounding …
What is the meaning / lesson of …
What is going on when …
What are the circumstances underlying …
What do I need to know about …
What do I need to know to decide on …
What do I need to understand / know about …
What do I need to know to get along better with …
What can I do to reconnect with …
How might I …
How can I resolve …
How can I advance …
How can I improve …
How can I improve my chances of …
How can I improve my relationship with …
How can I improve my ability to …
How can I make the transition from … to …
Can you help me find a way to …
Can you help me understand why …
Can you give me insight into …
ETA: this is not my own work, as there is a source link at the bottom. I found this useful in the regards that I am whole Heartedly a beginner in the world of Tarot reading, and was posted more in reference for myself. I didnt expect for this post to get as many notes as it has, and completely understand that others are able to utilize areas that this post says to avoid! To each their own.
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lunar-virgo-witch · 4 years
Rose Quartz: Love & Relationships
This peaceful crystal is known as the “Stone of Unconditional Love” and it transforms relationships with yourself and others, creating love and harmony.
Rose quartz is also a wonderful stone to use during a midlife crisis or in traumatic circumstances. It helps you take an objective look at the situation without being emotional overwhelmed. This beautiful stone teaches you how to love and accept yourself, forgiving the past and living from your heart. If you feel dis-empowered or unloved, hold Rose Quartz and remind yourself of a time when you felt totally positive, potent, loved, and accepted - the crystal will bring that feeling into the present moment.
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Body: This gentle stone harmonizes the brain, aligning and opening neural pathways. When placed over the center of your chest, it calms an asthma attack or other breathing difficulties. It is also helpful for dissolving the psychosomatic causes of disease.
Physiological correspondences: Heart, blood, circulation, thymus, lungs, adrenals, skin, brainstem, reproductive and lymphatic systems.
Mind: Rose Quartz supports your positive affirmations. Wearing the stone will remind you for your intention.
Emotions: This crystal is an emotional healer par excellence. it releases and transmutes previously blocked emotions and dissolves guilt and bitterness. It is the perfect stone for healing a broken heart.
Spirit: Rose Quartz opens the heart chakra and connects you to a never-ending supply of unconditional love and compassion. It also opens the third eye (the “eyes of insight” associated with the brow chakra in the center of the forehead), offering you metaphysical gifts such as clairvoyance and telepathy.
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Curious fact: Although Rose Quartz has been known as The Stone Of Unconditional Love for many years, there are no records of its use in ancient times, and no talismans have been carved form this beautiful stone.
Did you know? In the middle ages, Rose Quartz was regarded as a precious gemstone in Bohemia, and it decorated the St. Wenceslas - patron saint of the Czech Republic - is said to sleep with his knights under a mountain and will awaken to aid his country at its greatest time of need.
Hot tip: If you want to attract more love into your life, place a large Rose Quartz besides your bed.
“The Little Book of Crystals: Crystals to Attract Love, Well-being, and Spiritual Harmony into your Life,” by Judy Hall
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lunar-virgo-witch · 4 years
🧹 Home Cleansing 🧹
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This is one of the most important skill to learn for beginner witches. Practicing magic and witchcraft tends to attract a lot of positive and negative energies, so it is important for you to regularly cleanse your home to reset the space. There are many different ways of cleansing your home using the 4 elements. 
Air cleanse
🌪️ Start by opening your windows and letting some fresh air in.  🌪️ Burn palo santo wood to clear the air and reset energies.  🌪️ In a small cauldron, burn cleansing herbs like rosemary or lavender and walk from room to room to disperse the smoke. 
Water cleanse
💧 Clean your floor using a herbal floor wash (rosemary, sage, bay leaves).  💧 Make a cleansing spray with salt water, rosemary or lavender.  💧 Leave a small dish of Florida water in rooms that need cleansing. 
Fire cleanse
🔥 If possible, let the sunlight in as much as possible.  🔥 Inscribe the word ‘peace’ on a candle and let it burn out.  🔥 Place burnt-looking crystals like smoky quartz and black tourmaline in your entrance as they collect negative energies.
Earth cleanse
🌱 To cleanse your witch tools, place them on the dirt near your houseplants.  🌱 Use your besom (aka broom) to sweep dust and dirt from your home.  🌱 Finish your cleansing at your entrance door by releasing negative energies back to the earth. 
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lunar-virgo-witch · 4 years
🗡️ Jinxes, Hexes, & Curses 🗡️
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🗡️  JINXES -  quick-lasting, harmless but mean-spirited.
nox - a spell to end a source of light or positivity
your heart in my hand -  to send someone nightmares and to feel a general sense of being lost in life
burn your wishes - a simple curse to destroy someone’s wishes
spell of shattered sight -  a spell that makes a person only see the most ugly aspects of themselves and others around them
🗡️ HEXES - mal-intended spells with temporary effects. 
burst your bubble -  a simple curse to destroy someone’s ego/hope
hex for a player -  a curse from scorned lovers to the one breaking hearts, to give them difficulty finding anyone to be with romantically/sexually
cerberus hex - attacks what hurts things under plutonic protection spell
breezeblocks curse -  to affect someone you resent for leaving
pumpkin head - seasonal hex to “burn” those who wrong you
bad moon rising - a revenge curse, general misfortune for a month
🗡️ CURSES - intense, powerful and long lasting.  
to sink a sailor -  to symbolically drown someone 
marooned sailor curse -  a curse to strand them alone in life. 
avada kedavra - a curse not to kill, but to make the target feel death’s presence in their life. 
imperius curse -  to make the intended feel helpless, that things in their life are out of their power and control
cruciatus curse  - to create pain in the life of the intended, whether physical or emotional
seven devils curse -  a curse to burn the kingdom of and haunt the target
thorn in my side - a curse for abusers
red in your ledger - to return the hurt someone has done
if you take issue with cursing, jinxing, or hexing, that is your craft, but please do not add onto this post telling witches not to curse because “karma”, “the three fold law” or whatever.  mind your own craft. 
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lunar-virgo-witch · 4 years
Housewarming Magic
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For when you’ve moved into a new living situation or are ready for a new start <3
Finding your home/moving:
Spell for your dream house
The witch’s moving checklist
Room cleansing
To absorb negative energy from a room
Summer house cleansing
Herbal wall/floor wash + witchy cleaners
Home cleansing tips
Home cleansing brew
Thoroughly clearing spaces
Crystals to cleanse the home
Cleansing your space without smoke
Cleansing your space: a how-to guide
Energy cleansing
Low energy cleaning + cleansing
Warding + Protection:
A crash course on warding
To ward the home
Threshold magic 101
Protect my home spell
Home protection steam spell
Simple home protection jar spell
“Little lurkers” home protection spell
Room/home protection
Wall of fire property & house protection spell
Protection (wind) chimes
The Rowan cross
Protecting the property
Check out the sigils below!
“For a magical and happy home”
“This space is full of life, light, and bright energy”
“No fighting in this home”
“My home is safe”
“This home is safe for all”
“This home is a safe and healthy environment”
“My house is protected from unwanted influences”
“My home is protected”
Witchin’ it up:
Happy home spell jar
Home sweet home spell jar
House to home spell
Doing the dishes the witchy way
Homemade laundry detergent recipe
Laundry magic
Pleasing household spirits
When a bad guest leaves
Building a magical home
Odds and ends:
Magic, and power, in homemaking
The history and creation of witch bottles
Cottage witch tips
Hearth witch tips
The basics of kitchen and cottage witchcraft
You may also like:
Bedridden witch: garden / stale energy / kitchen edition
Spells for job seekers
Travel witchery
Links updated October, 2020 (please inform me of broken links via askbox)
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lunar-virgo-witch · 4 years
You’ve heard of healing crystals
now get ready for Danger Rocks
Please do not lick any of these
1. Chrysotile
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aka Asbestos! It heals lung cancer! heals it from 0HP to full health! it causes cancer do not touch do not lick
okay but this is a cool danger rock, it’s a physical carcinogen. As in, it doesn’t poison you into having cancer, it just has little needle-y bits that LITERALLY STIR UP your DNA and break it, and when the cells try to repair their DNA they get it wrong and you get cancer
2. Torbenite
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A super pretty danger rock! it’s a uranium ore and releases radon gas for Extra Poison!
3. Hutchinsonite - (Tl,Pb)2As5S9
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This danger rock has it all! Lead! arsenic! Thallium! All super toxic! Will legit kill you
seriously don’t lick this one, i’m looking at you, fellow geologists
thallium doesn’t taste like anything so you’re not even getting data, just poisoned
4. Cinnabar (Mercury sulfide)
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Can be a very pretty red color! so it was used to make paint. The paint was super toxic.
In addition to being dangerous to your health, it’s also morally dangerous! someone had to mine it (v dangerous) so even owning it feels unethical
5. Stibnite (Antimony sulfide)
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people used to make spoons and makeup and shit out of this, the spoons poisoned people who ate with them. It’s kinda pretty but not worth dying over
6. Orpiment  (an arsenic sulfide)
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Look how pretty it is!!
“Incorrect handling” WILL poison you, that’s fucking arsenic
Honorable mentions:
Malachite, if eaten or… you know ;) (warning: nsfw, THat Post) Galena (lead sulfide), don’t eat it or break the rock and you’ll probably be ok, the dust is the main danger
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lunar-virgo-witch · 4 years
Emoji spell: Biden will win, the GOP will not survive, and we will create a country of equality, prosperity, inclusion, and sustainability.
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lunar-virgo-witch · 4 years
𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥 𝐍𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐌𝐞𝐚𝐧🤍
000 -  The universe is letting you know that new beginnings will help you elevate your vibration and connect with your full potential 
111 - You’re on the right path to abundance, alignment, and creating your dream reality. You’re manifesting things with ease. 
222 - Trust you are on the right path. Stay focused on the things you want in your life rather than what you don’t want. 
333 - The Universe is working with you on making your dreams a reality. Belive in yourself and trust your intuition.
444 - Your being guided and supported through whatever you’re focusing on at the moment. Don’t stop, continue and keep going.
555 - A quantum leap is ahead, Embrace yourself for massive shifts. Be open to new opportunities in all areas of your life. 
666 - You’re distracted and need refocusing on your goals. The Universe is telling you to wake up to your higher self
777 - You’re in the frequency of manifesting your dreams. Good things are coming your way, let it flow your way. 
888 - Financial abundance is on it’s way to you. The Universe is letting you know you’re successful.
999 - You’re being told to embrace change and step into alignment with your soul purpose and higher self 
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lunar-virgo-witch · 4 years
Witchcraft Check-in
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• Have you cleansed your space/tools/self? • Have you cleansed any new items or tools?  • Have you consecrated any new items or tools?  • Have you charged your tools? • Have you warded your space/self? • Done some divination lately? • Done some grimoire work lately?  • Is a Sabbat/Moon phase or astrological event coming up that you want to do something for? • Left offerings to your deities? • Kept promises to your deities/spirits? • How are things with your familiar or deities/spirits in general?
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lunar-virgo-witch · 4 years
Candle color meanings
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The burning of candles for spiritual purposes is a practice that dates back to ancient times. For as long as there have been candles, there were people who believed that a lit candle can connect the physical world with the spiritual realm. To these people, fire and flame are representations of the spark of creation. To light a candle is to illuminate the self.
Individuals accepting these beliefs use the burning light of candles to unfold their divine potential. What follows is an examination of these beliefs and the meaning behind illuminated candles combined with prayer and meditation. This examination will of course include a look into the significance and meaning of candle colors.
White Candles
The white candle represents the highest level of consciousness. Burning a white candle in conjointment with a meditative state is to seek protection, healing and purification. White represents truth, unity, harmony, and wholeness of spirit. The user who burns a white candle is invoking lunar energy. Since all colors are derived from pure white light, a white candle can be used as replacement for any other candle in many rituals.
Red Candles
The color red is firmly rooted in the physical world. The burning of red candles is said to put one in touch with the power of the flesh. Red represents temporal pleasures. It symbolizes passion and love as well as scorn and courage to stand up to one’s enemies. Red stimulates energy, vitality, fertility and personal power. Those who light a red candle are tapping into Scorpio energy. They seek love, respect, power magnetism and survival.
Yellow Candles
The color yellow exemplifies brainpower and intellect. He or she who lights a yellow candle is seeking to access the wisdom of the ages, and garner control over the full benefit of their own mental powers. Yellow embodies creativity, inspiration, concentration, logic, learning and action. The light of a yellow candle brings one closer to attaining the cheerfulness, endurance, stability and security they crave.
Blue Candles
Made from a primary spiritual color, blue candles are used in the examination of emotions (Saturn energy) and the attainment of calming wisdom and healing sleep. There are many shades of blue. Burning a dark blue candle promotes joy and laughter. Dark blue influences dreams and emotions. Royal blue signifies loyalty and fealty. Royal blue stirs the spiritual self and this color of candle is invoked by seekers of truth. Light blue is another very spiritual color. Light blue candles radiate Aquarian energy (calm waters) and are ideal for pursuing inspirational meditations. Those who light a blue candle are seeking truth, harmony and guidance while amplifying their creativity and perception.
Green Candles
Green is the color of success and abundance. This meaning can be traced back through the ages to when prosperity meant a bountiful harvest. Light a green candle when you want to mediate and reflect on nature, growth, healing and the good luck that makes finding employment or business success possible.
Black Candles
The burning of a black candle is serious business. This is done when one wants to neutralize negative energies. The color black offers protection from illness, evil and the negative energy cast upon you from outside forces. The black candle is also burned to harness the healing energy of the universe.
Pink Candles
The color pink manifests love, devotion, friendship and faith. Putting a flame to a pink candle means that the devotee is interested in forming a partnership or is possibly seeking affection or perhaps emotional healing. The color of universal love, pink represents the purest form of love – unconditional and enduring. Pink candles are used in rituals to attract attention or achieve some other joyful purpose.
Orange Candles
The great portrait artists of the Middle Ages understood well the power of orange. Orange is the color of sudden change. It confers upon those who dare to wear it, a form of super-power. Few people today (including royalty) possess the boldness required to put on orange garments. To this end, the act of burning an orange candle is an aggressive move. One would do so to effect instant and profound change. The lighting of orange candles is suitable for rituals occurring on the eve of weddings or important business meetings.
Purple Candles
Students of esoterism believe that purple candles have the power to cancel out the negative effects of bad karma. Ancient wisdom holds that the color purple is associated with the third eye. Burning a purple candle can enhance psychic powers. The color has a meaning steeped in meditation, divination and hidden knowledge. Those who burn purple candles do so to expand upon what they already have. They may also wish to obtain spiritual protection, find recognition, or seek reconciliation with something that exists in the realm of the spirits.
Brown Candles
Brown is the color of our Earth. This color represents above all things balance and a firm connection to the land. The individual who supplicates in the presence of a burning brown candle is sending a message to the universe that they respect the dignity and solemnity of mother Earth (they are well-grounded), and that they acknowledge the delicate balance of all things living on this Earth. Brown candles are used in rituals to regain balance, seek refuge from chaos, eliminate indecisiveness, find lost items and develop meaningful friendships.
Gray Candles
Gray is a neutral color. It is useful to the practitioner when meditating on complex issues. The gray candle has the power to offset negative influences without repercussions. The gray candle is used in the same manner that charcoal is used to flush poisons from the body.
Gold Candles
The gold candle is burned by the votary to achieve enlightenment. This is because the color gold emblemizes light in its purest form. Gold is the very symbol of good fortune. It represents money, success, protection and victory over our troubles. The burning of a gold candle enhances communication with the universe as it attracts positive cosmic influences. Gold candles are recommended for use in rituals undertaken to gain personal power or fortune.
Highly spiritual believers hold that a candle flame can create a passageway that will enable prayers and petitions to be more easily received by such powers from which help is being sought. For these supporters of the faith, the deep meaning of candle color is what enables them to focus and meditate on their goals, objectives, problems and their ultimate solutions.
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lunar-virgo-witch · 4 years
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lunar-virgo-witch · 4 years
Stellar Divination ✨
A list of ways to divine using constellations and stars. 
Draw or carve constellations or stars into stones and cast them as runes
While stargazing, gather information from the constellations you see in the night sky
Count the stars in a chosen constellation and transform that number into a numerology reading
Create a pendulum board using constellations or stars with varying meanings
Divine using a starry themed cartomancy deck (ex: the Constellation Tarot or the Compendium of Constellations)
Use a constellation lamp or globe and gather information from those displayed on your ceiling
Assign various constellations or stars to certain crystals based on color or intent, put them in a bag, and cast them like you would with runes
Time your divination using planetary hours and lunar phases
Constellation Correspondences
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lunar-virgo-witch · 4 years
Candles: Color and Purpose
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Candles are seen as the most powerful object for witches. If one lights a candle while reciting a chant or prayer for enlightenment, empowerment, and good health is one way to use a candle. One can also ward off negative energy and impart positive energy into one’s life using a candle also. 
Historical Uses
Birthdays were the first ritual with candles used. Many believe the practice of wishing and blowing out the candle brought this wish to the gods who would grant it via the smoke. 
Candles represent earth (wax), air (smoke), water (melted wax), and fire (flaming wick).
Magical Uses
Always be in the right frame of mind, or the spell will create an opposite effect intended
Allow candle to burn down on its own for most rituals 
When the candle has extinguished itself, the spell will be complete
Some rituals and spells may ask for the candle to be extinguished and then re-lit the next day
Never leave a candle unattended 
Give decent amounts of time for the candle to burn
Choosing a Candle 
Magickally disinfecting your candles before using them is very important, since the energy from those who shipped it may linger on the wax. It is good to make your own candles from scratch for this reason also. 
Avoid dipped candles such as white candles dipped into colored wax. Try to find ones solid color throughout  
Cleansing Your Candle
Depending upon your preference, you can do a few things to cleanse your candle, such as leaving it outside for a week in the garden to soak up the moon’s rays at night. 
For a less time-consuming cleansing, you may anoint your candle, using water and oils prior to the spell or ritual:
Wipe clean with a paper towel, removing all dirt 
Prepare a solution of spring water, one teaspoon of sea salt, and warm until the salt dissolves. Allow to cool, and then pour back into the bottle. Keep this in the refrigerator for about a month for use over time. 
Intent. Stand in front of your sink, hold the candle in your left hand (nearer to your heart). Be very careful not to wet the wick, and pour a small amount of the sea salt spring water solution over the candle. If using a tea-light candle for quick burn time, remove the candle from its casing before cleansing with the water. Take a fresh paper towel and dry the candle very well and say the following: “This magickal water cleanses thee, with good intent and purity” (Robbins and Bedell, 2017).
Inscribe the candle with a small, sharp knife or thick needle, and scratch your full name and your wish into the wax. It is not important that it be legible, nor the location where inscribed. The words will clout the spell more as the candle burns down. 
To anoint your candle, pour some pure vegetable oil into a bowl. This oil is used for most anointing, but if using a spell for health and well-being, you may mix in a few drops of other oils if you wish. Lavender is common for health and well-being spells and will make the magick more intense. Hold the candle in your left hand again and dip the first finger of your right hand into the oil and run it down the candle from top to bottom in a line. If anointing a tea-light, place it back in its casing, dip your finger into the oil, and smear it in a clockwork motion around the top of the candle wax. Say this invocation: “This magickal oil anoints thee, with all things good, magickally” (Robbins and Bedell, 2017). The candle is now cleansed, charged, and ready to be placed in a suitable holder in preparation for the spell you choose. 
Rhyming and repetition can help add punch to a spell. A lot of ancient and prewritten spells will rhyme with a poetic fluidity. Repeating the spell will give power to the message each time. The most magickal numbers that represent completion are 7, 9, and 12. 
To end the spell, you will need to close the ritual. Choose one of the phrases such as “and so it is” or “the spell is cast” or “so mote it be” before looking upward and saying “thank you.” 
Colorful Uses
The correct color is the most important thing with candle use
Some spells are exact to the color needed, and others more flexible 
When in doubt, always use a white candle for it is neutral 
Color Correspondances 
Cleansing homes
Purifying spaces
Creating harmony
Invoking spirits
Improving communication with others
Summoning guides and angels
For use in every situation 
Promoting restful sleep
Finding the truth
Gaining wisdom and knowledge
Invoking psychic visions
Calming emotions
Suppressing anger
Aiding meditation
Moving your house
Becoming more patient with others
Curing a fever
Having a better understanding
Promoting strength and vigor
Rejuvenating energy and stamina
Conjuring willpower
Summoning courage
Inciting passion and sexual love
Sparking enthusiasm
Prompting quick results
Warding off enemies
Becoming more attractive to others
Healing emotions
Attracting romance
Becoming more caring
Inviting peace and tranquility 
Healing rifts
Banishing selfish emotions
Protecting family and friendships
Invoking spiritual healing
Being more compassionate 
Accumulating money and wealth
Promoting prosperity and abundance
Accomplishing goals
Growing plants
Attracting luck
Negotiating employment matters and finding new jobs
Hastening conception and solving fertility issues
Casting out greed and resentment 
Increasing activity
Resolving health matters
Nurturing creativity and imagination
Passing exams and learning
Aiding concentration
Controlling mood swings
Protecting yourself when traveling
Persuading others
Healing problems associated with the head
Increasing energy and stamina 
Improving the mind and memory
Promoting success and luck
Developing business and career
Helping those with new jobs
Clarifying legal matters and justice 
Selling goods or houses
Capturing a thief or recovering lost property 
Removing fear
Summoning spirit help
Bringing peace, tranquility, and harmony
Improving psychic ability 
Aiding astral projection
Easing sadness
Improving male energy 
Summoning spiritual protection
Attuning with the trees and earth
Promoting concentration
Helping with decisiveness
Protecting animals
Amplifying assertiveness 
Aiding friendships
Bringing material gain
Gaining mental stability
Connecting with Mother Nature
Studying and learning
Summoning the Mother Goddess
Drawing down the moon
Connecting with lunar animals
Purifying female energy
Improving all psychic abilities
Aiding clairvoyance and the unconscious mind
Ridding negativity
Developing intuition 
Interpreting messages in dreams
Banishing bad habits
healing and enhancing well-being
Rejuvenating yourself
Improving intelligence
Bringing financial gain and wealth
Winning competitions
Attracting love and happiness
Maintaining peace in families
Cosmic ordering
Robbins, Shawn, and Bedell, Charity. The Good Witch’s Guide. New York: Sterling Ethos, 2017. Print.
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lunar-virgo-witch · 4 years
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