lecesbooks · 5 years
My goals for the second half of the year
my goals for the second half of the year because i haven't accomplished anything so far lol
I really love making lists and goals, but I tend to forget about them. I’m hoping by making up this list and puting it here on my blog, it’ll help with that. If not, at least it’ll be easy to look back at it and see what still needs to be done.
Number 1. Set aside time every day to read.I’ve been in a half slump for a while now. By that, I mean that I’ve been reading but it hasn’t been going…
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lecesbooks · 5 years
little update
a lil update
so it’s been a while since i updated you all. sorry about that. i’ve been busy.
i talked about how i was planning a move to los angeles. that has changed. i’m not moving anymore, but i will be staying put here in washington. i’m not upset about it, but i was excited for that adventure. i’ll just have to find exciting things to do where i live.
i’ve decided to drop out of college. for now. i…
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lecesbooks · 5 years
The Kiss Quotient
"The Kiss Quotient" review!!
Author: Helen Hoang Read: November 2018
This book was so hyped and I wasn’t sure if I would like it. I can’t remember the last adult romance that I enjoyed, loved even.
I read this book in two days! I loved it so much and it made me feel all the lovey feels. I really liked Stella’s character and how relatable she was. Stella Lane is a super smart and super awkward main character and I…
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lecesbooks · 5 years
The Dream Thieves
"The Dream Thieves" thoughts/review
Author: Maggie Stiefvater Read: October 2018
This is the sequel to The Raven Boys. I wrote a review for it here.
If you’ve read my review for The Raven Boys, you’ll know that I don’t like it that much. (Actually , I don’t really like it at all.) It took me almost an entire month to get through it. The Dream Thieves took me longer than that.
I bought the two books at the same time…
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lecesbooks · 5 years
Nonfiction TBR 2019
Nonfiction TBR 2019!! just a handful of books that i hope to get to this year
I have an entire bookcase dedicated to my nonfiction. Well, minus one shelf because it has my historical fiction. But I love reading nonfiction. Unfortunately, I don’t really pick it up. I almost always lean toward fiction.
This year, I plan on changing that! I have picked out a list of nonfiction books that I hope to get to this year. I want to be able to go through a lot of the nonfiction…
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lecesbooks · 5 years
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Author: J.K. Rowling Read: October 2018
So, it’s been a while since I finished this reread. Unfortunately, I don’t remember all of my thoughts that I had.
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is actually my favorite Harry Potterbook. It always has been and I don’t necessarily know why. This book is where the actual plot starts picking up and it feels like real stuff is happening.…
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lecesbooks · 5 years
To All the Boys I've Loved Before
To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before
Author: Jenny Han Read: September 2018
If you’ve read my previous posts, you’ll know that I participated in the Emojiathon during September. I used To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before to fulfill a few prompts.
This was a reread for me. I first read it when I was in middle school. So maybe when I was thirteen? I don’t know, but I remember that I really loved it. One of the emojis I used it…
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lecesbooks · 5 years
where did i go?
sorry i've been missing from the blog for so long guys
i basically haven’t touched my computer since before Christmas. crazy, i know. i didn’t mean to take a break from blogging. it just sort of happened. but i was super busy over the holidays.
so i had a great Christmas and i don’t really have any news for you guys. basically i just got busy and i didn’t have time to write anything. i really didn’t have time to read at all during December…
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lecesbooks · 5 years
Currently Reading Book Tag
Currently Reading Book Tag!!
I saw this tag on Cecelia’s blog, The Seal Spot. (You can see the post here.) This tag was originally created by booktuber Charly Reynhorse. (Here‘s the original video.)
I wasn’t tagged but I thought I’d just talk about some of my reading habits. So, here it is.
How many books do you usually read at once?
When I was in middle school, my mom would get mad at me for bringing home a stack…
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lecesbooks · 6 years
Fall Time Cozy Time Book Tag
Fall Time Cozy Time Book Tag!!
Fall is my favorite season and I need to do another tag to celebrate it! This tag was created by Sam from Sam’s Nonsense on BookTube! I’ll link the original video here!
Crunching Leaves: The world is full of color. Choose a book that has reds, oranges, and yellows on the cover!
For this, I choose Ruin and Risingby Leigh Bardugo. I have the newer editions and the cover has varying oranges and…
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lecesbooks · 6 years
I love this so much
Why they never talk about no magic home ec class in Hogwarts.
Clearly they have spells for it.
Molly Weasley has knitting needles going, and while house elves do the cooking at Hogwarts presumably they use some magic there to keep up with the giant work load, and iirc, Molly uses magic to cook. 
So, where the home ec class at. Where the muggleborns with dread in their eyes thinking it’ll be a normal like, cooking class, [Harry all excited thinking he’s gonna ace this class or at least do alright, since he cooked for the Dursley’s], and then the first half the first class is a lesson about how you’ve got to earn the respect of your measuring spoons. Otherwise they’ll argue with you on how much has to go into a recipe. Harry has a kind of tentative conversation with his and they work with him after he realized they were an older set used to students forcing them to work for them. Talks to them gently and asks if they think a little more or little less should go into a recipe, or if they think he should add an ingredient now and then because they’ve made the same thing over, and over. Harry trying to make Molly a sweater in return for the one he got because he doesn’t know what to do with having gotten gifts, and only really managing a rather lengthy and oddly tensioned scarf made from the best yarn he could find out of a catalog he found on the shelf in the classroom. The professor was just delighted he’d decided to keep at knitting and crocheting [he may have… mixed the two] after they’d finished the unit, to make a gift.  
Where’s Hermione having a long drawn out conversation with the home ec professor about how it’s ridiculous to devote magic to knitting when you can do it by hand, and the professor countering about the time saved by simply using enchanted needles or a charm. The conversation takes up the entire period but a teacher actually takes Hermione seriously for once because effective division of effort/time is a very important skill to learn and it’s what they’re there to teach. Wheres Ron answering all the questions like a fucking CHAMP because managing in his family has basically made his ass a pro at everything– budgeting a vault? On it. Spelling how many cauldrons to feed how many people with how much food? On lock like it’s fucking Azkaban. Best herbs and plants to grow for general– he has already finished the worksheet/in-class essay that was on the board and is fucking around with his quill. He gets called on, his string bean ass gonna have the answer while kinda being shocked at himself that he actually does, because– like many poor ass people– we manage resources really damn well when we know what we have. And we very rarely let it get away from us.
Where’s the rich-ass purebloods that know finances and shit because they’re taking over family blood-line affairs when their older and their parents drilled that into their heads, but can’t cook/sew/anything else to save their life till they learn. Where was Oliver Wood trying to make Healthy Food Things for the quidditch team for Extra Energy and just making a mess. The Twins making a totally harmless banana pudding and selling it in their store and NO ONE KNOWING WHAT IT DOES, everyone panicking because they’re SURE they did something.
We were robbed of so much is all i’m saying.
EDIT: Yes, i know the UK doesn’t have home ec. I made this post literally years ago and kept it around because it was funny. It was an american HP fan making a commentary that it would have been fun to see this class. Please stop telling me there’s no home ec in the UK.
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lecesbooks · 6 years
Radio Silence
"Radio Silence" review!! (psst...I loved this book!)
Author: Alice Oseman Read: September 2018
September was a month of audiobooks for me. I love audiobooks. Sometimes, I just really don’t want to physically read a book. I usually listen to audiobooks while I’m doing something else, like cleaning or crocheting. Sometimes, I feel like when I’m sitting and reading a physical book, I feel like I could be doing something else more productive and that…
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lecesbooks · 6 years
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Q: Do you unhaul your books often? • Over the summer, I realized that there were a lot of books on my shelf that I would never read. So I’ve been getting rid of all of those taking up space. I think I’ve unhauled almost 100 books! • #bookstagram #book #romance #mystery #fiction #fall #candles https://www.instagram.com/p/BqXopLDB8Df/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=fzkf8xgt7ycl
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lecesbooks · 6 years
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
"I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings" review is posted!
Author: Maya Angelou Read: September 2018
I read this for the Emojiathon. If you want to know about that, I will link Dylan’s booktube channel, dylanisreviewing, so that you can check him out! I also wrote a little more about this readathon in my Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets review.
Usually I really enjoy nonfiction. I really like reading real people’s stories. I don’t know what kind…
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lecesbooks · 6 years
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Q: Do you like when authors write in the same universe? • This isn’t set in the same place as Simon vs, but it’s in the same universe. I had to wait to read this until I had read Simon vs because I didn’t want any spoilers! But they’re good books and I enjoyed both. • #bookstagram #book #fall #falltheme #beckyalbertalli #theupsideofunrequited https://www.instagram.com/p/BqP5IX9hiEk/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1hcjv1yjzosis
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lecesbooks · 6 years
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
"Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" review/update!!
Author: J.K. Rowling Read: September 2018
I am rereading the Harry Potter series and listening to the audiobooks. I read Chamber of  Secrets during the month of September while the Emojiathon was happening. This is a readathon hosted by Dylan from the booktube channel dylanisreviewing, along with a few more hosts as well: Spencer from Common Spence, Jay from Jay G, and Brittany from brittanysbook…
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lecesbooks · 6 years
Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish, but is now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.
It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.
I love lists and I love to talk about bookish things. I don’t know why I’ve never done a TTT before, but let’s get into it! This week’s prompt is Bookish Items/ Merchandise That I’d Like to Own
Weasley Sweater
I’m not going to lie. This was the very first thing that popped into my head when I read this weeks prompt. I loved these sweaters when reading the books and I’ve wanted one since the first time I read them. And when I went to Harry Potter World a few years ago, I saw that they had the sweaters for sale! At that time, there were only ‘H’ and ‘R’ sweaters, but I wish I could have one with my initial!
Newt’s Coat
I obviously need to just live in the Harry Potter universe. Newt’s coat is one of my favorite things from the movies! (besides all of the fantastic beasts, of course!) I am so excited to see the new movie and I want his coat. Basically, his entire outfit is what I really need. lol. I just love him so much.
Bookish Pins!
I love pins! And I love all the different bookish designs artists make!  They are so cute and perfect for book lovers like myself! I love to wear pins and show off my bookish pride!
A necklace from Camp Half-Blood!
Percy Jackson and the Olympians has been one of my favorite series for years! (Percy Jackson was who I grew up with, not Harry Potter.) I love this series and I wish I could go to Camp Half-Blood. Then I could have my very own necklace made for me!
I love the Percy Jackson series and I’ve always wanted a camp necklace! It would be awesome to actually go there, but I’ll have to settle for buying my beads!
More Narnia merch?
There isn’t enough merchandise for this classic series! The Chronicles of Narnia is another one of my favorite series from when I was a kid and I wish there were more people/companies making merch for it. I want to show my love for these books and I want more ways to do it!!
What merchandise do you wish you had? Are there any series that you wish had more merch for it, like the Narnia series? Talk to me down in the comments!
Happy Reading!
Love, Lece
    Bookish Items / Merchandise I'd Like to Own #toptentuesday Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish, but is now hosted by…
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