katidioms · 3 years
To all of you who studied, practiced, spoke, or immersed yourself to your target language today: keep up the good work, I’m proud of you!
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katidioms · 3 years
🌠My experience dreaming in other languages🌠:
Ok. It's been almost 4 months that I've been learning french. I just had my first dream in french, where I was in a place full of people talking french and I didn't understand. I just freak out and scream: JE NE PARLE PAS FRANÇAIS! That's not the weird thing. The weird thing is that I've been studying english for years now and I had my first dream in english last year. What's wrong with me? 😂
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katidioms · 3 years
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katidioms · 3 years
Colori in italiano 🎨
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Colori: Colors
Bianco: White
Nero: Black
Giallo: Yellow
Verde: Green
Rosso: Red
Viola: Purple
Arancia: Orange
Lilla: Lilac
Grigio: Gray
Marrone: Brown
Beige: Beige
Blu marino: Blue marine
Turchese: Turquoise
Dorato: Golden
Argentato: Silver
Chiaro: Light
Scuro: Dark
Colori: Colores
Bianco: Blanco
Nero: Negro
Giallo: Amarillo
Verde: Verde
Rosso: Rojo
Viola: Morado
Arancia: Naranja
Lilla: Lila
Grigio: Gris
Marrone: Café
Beige: Beige
Blu marino: Azul marino
Turchese: Turquesa
Dorato: Dorado
Argentato: Plateado
Chiaro: Claro
Scuro: Oscuro
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katidioms · 3 years
Whenever you do journal do you end up looking some words/phrases up? (Or should you only use what you know?)
Because there’s absolutely no way for me to write all of what I’m thinking with the amount I have learned in my target language!
Yes and no hehe 😅, and don’t worry, I absolutely understand you! 😭 So, what works for me is:
✔️ Sometimes I search for quotes and the translation and If I like what means I go to my journal and write it down with its meaning, can be the lyrics of a song, a quote from a book,  or something that will be helpful to sound more like a “native” like an expression, slang, idiom, etc.
✔️ Sometimes I combine my native language and words that I know in my target language, then I’ll search the words that I don’t know.
✔️ My last but most used method is to write with the help of reverso, I write in my native laguage and then I translate in my target language. I personally like to use reverso, I think it’s very complete, you can search the meaning of words, examples of the words, the conjugation and many more things.
📌 There’s a video that was really helpful for me that talks about how to write in a foreign language, it’s by this youtuber Lindie Botes and I’m sure her content will help you a lot (here’s the video) (:
Finally, in my opinion,✨ there’s not a right way to write or journal in your target language✨. Even writing a journal in your native language is something personal, you just have to try and see what it looks better for you, it can be clean and organised with some notes here and there, or it can be an absolutely mess haha, but that’s fine! Thank you for asking, hope it helps you ;)
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katidioms · 3 years
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Journaling in you target language.
Oh mon Dieu! Where do I begin? Ok, so I'm going to talk about my experience journaling. I love it. I don't know why, there's just something so pleasing writing whatever your mind says, screams or whoever you feel. Maybe that's what everybody feels, or maybe I'm a weirdo, but I love writing. So I've been reading about other people journaling in their target language and I was like: Let's do it! But God, it is hard to put EVERYTHING you want to say in a language that you are learning, because your vocabulary isn't as fluent as your native langue, but instead of writing EVERYTHING that I want to say, I focus on small phrases. Again, I know I'm probably going to make mistakes doing this, but as Italians says: Sbagliando s'impara (which means that you learn by your mistakes) and...voilà! That's something I wanted to share with you guys. Hope your day is going great.
🇫🇷:À bientôt! 🇮🇹:Ciao! 🇧🇷:Tchau! 🇺🇸:Bye bye 🇲🇽:Adiosito
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katidioms · 3 years
 This is a friendly reminder to:
Relax your shoulders.
Use blue filter on your screen or wear blue light glasses.
Give your eyes a break.
Eat some ice-cream.
Don’t be so hard on yourself. You got this ❤️
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katidioms · 3 years
🇮🇹 Persone, famiglia e amici.
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Persone: Personas
Bebè: Bebé
Bambina: Niña
Bambine: Niñas
Bambino: Niño
Bambini: Niños
Ragazza: Chica
Ragazze: Chicas
Ragazzo: Chico
Ragazzi: Chicos
Donna: Mujer
Donne: Mujeres
Uomo: Hombre
Uomini: Hombres
Famiglia: Familia
Bisnonno: Bisabuelo
Bisnonna: Bisabuela
Nonno: Abuelo
Nonna: Abuela
Padre: Padre
Papà: Papá
Madre: Madre
Mamma: Mamá
Genitori: Padres
Marito: Esposo
Moglie: Esposa
Figlio: Hijo
Figli: Hijos
Figlia: Hija
Figlie: Hijas
Fratello: Hermano
Fratelli: Hermanos
Sorella: Hermana
Sorelle: Hermanas
Nipote: Nieto(a), Sobrino(a)
Nipoti: Nietos(as), Sobrinos(as)
Suocero: Suegro
Suocera: Suegra
Suoceri: Suegros
Zio: Tío
Zii: Tíos
Zia: Tía
Zie: Tías
Cugino: Primo
Cugini: Primos
Cugina: Prima
Cugine: Primas
Cognato: Cuñado
Cognati: Cuñados
Cognata: Cuñada
Cognate: Cuñadas
Genero: Yerno
Generi: Yernos
Nuora: Nuera
Nuore: Nueras
Patrigno: Padrastro
Matrigna: Madrastra
Padrino: Padrino
Madrina: Madrina
Amici: Amigos
Amico: Amigo
Amici: Amigos
Amica: Amiga
Amiche: Amigas
Vicino: Vecino
Vicini: Vecinos
Vicina: Vecina
Vicine: Vecinas
Photo by Kristijan Arsov on Unsplash
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katidioms · 3 years
🇮🇹 Persone, famiglia e amici 🇮🇹
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Persone: People Bebè: Baby Bambina: Little Girl Bambine: Little Girls Bambino: Little Boy Bambini: Little Boys Ragazza: Girl Ragazze: Girls Ragazzo: Boy Ragazzi: Boys Donna: Woman Donne: Women Uomo: Man Uomini: Men
Famiglia: Family Bisnonno: Great-grandpa Bisnonna: Great-grandma Nonno: Grandpa Nonna: Grandma Padre: Father Papà: Dad Madre: Mother Mamma: Mom Genitori: Parents Marito: Husband Moglie: Wife Figlio: Son Figli: Sons Figlia: Daughter Figlie: Daughters Fratello: Brother Fratelli: Brothers Sorella: Sister Sorelle: Sisters Nipote: Grandchild, Nephew, Niece Nipoti: Grandkids, Nephews, Nieces Suocero: Father-in-law Suocera: Mother-in-law Suoceri: Parents-in-law Zio: Uncle Zii: Uncles Zia: Aunt Zie: Aunts Cugino: Cousin (m) Cugini: Cousins (m. plural) Cugina: Cousin (f) Cugine: Cousins (f. plural) Cognato: Brother-in-law Cognati: Brothers-in-law Cognata: Sister-in-law Cognate: Sisters-in-law Genero: Son-in-law Generi: Sons-in-law Nuora: Daughter-in-law Nuore: Daughters-in-law Patrigno: Stepfather Matrigna: Stepmother Padrino: Godfather Madrina: Godmother
Amici: Friends Amico: Friend (m) Amici: Friends (m. plural) Amica: Friend (f) Amiche: Friends (f. plural)
Vicino: Neighbor (m) Vicini: Neighbors (m. plural) Vicina: Neighbor (f) Vicine: Neighbors (f. plural)
Photo by Kristijan Arsov on Unsplash
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katidioms · 3 years
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How language shapes the way we think.
Languages have all kinds of structural quirks. Lots languages have gramatical gender, every noun gets assigned a gender, ofter masculine or feminine. And these genders differ across languages. So, for example, the sun is feminine in German but masculine in Spanish, and the moon, the reverse. Could this actually have any consequence for how people think? Do German speakers think of the sun as somehow more female-like, and the moon somehow more male-like? Actually, it turns out that’s the case.
…speakers of different languages think differently, but of course, that's not about how people elsewhere think. It's about how you think. It's how the language that you speak shapes the way that you think. And that gives you the opportunity to ask, "Why do I think the way that I do?" "How could I think differently?" And also, "What thoughts do I wish to create?"
- Lera Boroditsky. Cognitive scientist.
You can watch the video here
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katidioms · 3 years
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Learning a language must be an experience. 
You have to live it so you won’t forget it. It’s known that we get stuck with things that we have a sentiment connections. Experiences, memories, feelings, senses, that’s because we are humans. Personally I like to learn with music, I feel the music, and it works for me because It’s more efficient if I learn a song that I can sing, enjoy and repeat many times as I want while I’m dancing or crying (depends the song) instead of making a list of words to memorize (maybe works for some people, but not me). So here’s some tips that helps me learning with music:
Search new music in your target language.
Find one you really enjoy.
Listen again and again and again...
Sing. Yes, just trust me. Try to sing!
Lyrics. Search the lyrics and the translation (you can use a translator, I like “reverso”)
Do a karaoke, give a concert for yourself while you wash the dishes, and if you play an instrument learn that song, dedicate it to someone, your friends, your grandma, or yourself, idk but make it an experience.
Repeat and enjoy.
Song of the day: Ben Mazué - Élodie
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katidioms · 3 years
🇮🇹 I saluti  🇪🇸 Saludos
Ciao:  Hola/Adios (Informal)
Salve: Hola (formal)
Buongiorno: Buenos días
Buon pomeriggio: Buenas tardes
Buonasera: Buenas tardes/noches (después de las 6 p.m/18hrs)
Buonnanotte: Buenas noches (despedida)
Come sta?: ¿Cómo está? (formal)
Come stai?: ¿Cómo estás? (informal)
Come state?: ¿Cómo están? (plural)
Come va?: ¿Cómo va?
(Va) Tutto bene?: ¿Va todo bien?
Tutto a posto?: ¿Todo está bien?
Come butta?: ¿Qué hay? (slang)
Comme vanno le cose?: ¿Cómo van las cosas?
Sto bene: Estoy bien
Tutto bene: Todo bien
Così così: Más o menos
Non c’è male: Nada mal
Come ti chiami?: ¿Cómo te llamas?
Mi chiamo: Me llamo/ Mi nombre es
Sono: Soy
E tu?: ¿Y tú?
Quanti anni hai?: ¿Cuántos años tienes?
Ho ____ anni: Tengo _____ años
Da dove vieni?: ¿De dónde vienes?
Vengo da... : Vengo de...
Di dove sei?: ¿De dónde eres?
Io sono di: Soy de...
Cosa fai nella vita?: ¿A qué te dedicas/trabajas?
Mi occupo di: Me ocupo a...
Mi dedico a: Me dedico a...
Che cosa ti piace fare?: ¿Qué te gusta hacer?
Mi piace...: Me gusta...
Quali sono i tuoi hobby?: ¿Cuáles son tus hobbies?
Miei hobby sono...: Mis hobbies son...
Anche me / Anch'io: Yo también
Piacere di conoscerti: Gusto en conocerte
il piacere è mio / Piacere mio: El placer es mío
A presto: Hasta pronto
Ci vediamo dopo: Nos vemos luego
Arrivederci: Adiós (formal)
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katidioms · 3 years
🇮🇹 I saluti 🇺🇸 Greetings
Ciao:  Hi/Bye (Informal)
Salve: Hello (formal)
Buongiorno: Good morning
Buon pomeriggio: Good afternoon
Buonasera: Good evening/night (after 6 p.m/18hrs)
Buonnanotte: Good night (farewell)
Come sta?: How are you (formal)
Come stai?: How are you (informal)
Come state?: How are you? (plural)
Come va?: How’s it going?
(Va) Tutto bene?: Is everything going well?
Tutto a posto?: Everything okay?
Come butta?: What’s up? (slang)
Comme vanno le cose?: How things are going?
Sto bene: I’m good
Tutto bene: It’s all good
Così così: So-so
Non c’è male: Not that bad
Come ti chiami?: What’s your name?
Mi chiamo: My name is
Sono: I am
E tu?: And you?
Quanti anni hai?: How old are you?
Ho ____ anni: I’m _____ years old.
Da dove vieni?: Where you come from?
Vengo da... : I’m come from...
Di dove sei?: Where are you from?
Io sono di: I’m from...
Cosa fai nella vita?: What do you do in life/for living?
Mi occupo di: I work on...
Mi dedico a: I dedicate myself to...
Che cosa ti piace fare?: What do you like to do?
Mi piace...: I like...
Quali sono i tuoi hobby?: What are your hobbies?
Miei hobby sono...: My hobbies are...
Piacere di conoscerti: Nice to meet you
Anche me / Anch'io: Me too
il piacere è mio / Piacere mio: The pleasure is mine / My pleasure
A presto: See you soon
Ci vediamo dopo: I'll see you later
Arrivederci: Goodbye (formal)
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Photo by Simona Sergi on Unsplash  
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katidioms · 3 years
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Ciao Aprile 🇮🇹
April is here and it’s time to study a new language. After studying French for almost 3 months I decided to study Italian now, and even if I wasn’t really sure because I have a long list of languages to study hehe I finally decided for Italian. I feel comfortable because it’s a Romance language, and it’s very similar to Spanish (my maternal language). So that’s how my April is going so far. March was full of french studies and it was good. So far so good. Btw, I wonder if most of people study with music. Sometimes I do, and I recommend this one:
Italian Music - Background Chill out 👌
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katidioms · 3 years
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Le printemps. He estado un poco desaparecida y con los ánimos bajos principalmente por la “nueva realidad” pero llegó la primavera y esta canción la escuché de modo random y simplemente me pareció resonar conmigo ahora mismo en muchas de sus rimas. Creo que aprender idiomas va más allá de entender las reglas gramaticales y tener certificaciones... Quizá es entender sentimientos universales pero dicho de otra forma, con otras palabras y otros acentos.  Lindo inicio de primavera 🌼 
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katidioms · 3 years
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katidioms · 3 years
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