introvertedbread · 23 days
just asking for your opinion: who would be the best roommate in Homestuck?
huh! that's a tricky one :D I'm still pretty new to Homestuck but from what I know, I'm gonna have to say...
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everyones favorite Texas Longhorn cow! :D
-he would definitely always help with dishes and chores where he can, obviously his wheelchair makes certain things tricky, but he does his best!
-100% pays his share of bills on time! and wont mind chipping in on your part if you actually need it!
-Tavros would never intrude on your space, just like how he would prefer you not do the same with his!
-may ask you to babysit Tinkerbull once in a while if he's busy!
now, I'm sure you're wonder, who would be the worst roommate?
that honor goes to none other than:
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look at this man and tell me does dishes!
look at this man and tell me he pays his bills?!
look at this man and tell me he's sober enough to do anything in that house?? (of course- not *too* sober, iykyk)
like- I'm sorry to all the Gamzee fans (myself included)
but he does not pull his weight- he would try and pay rent in (empty) Faygo bottles!
Thank you for coming to my ted-talk, goodbye :)
A/N: if you have any requests, please send it! :D I'm never too busy so It should be done in just a day to a week!
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introvertedbread · 3 months
Omg what abt sundrop with a reader who has ALOT of stuffies, like an insane amount of stuffies EVERYWHERE (platonic or romantic it doesn't matter :P)
A/N: heck yeah, more requests!! >:D fr yall, you send in a request, I'll answer that within like a day or two- bring em in!
btw: this can be seen as platonic or romantic! does have some PDA but thats just Sundrop being Sundrop :)
sorry but this is not proof-read :(
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☀:ohh now you've done it
-If you thought he wouldnt spoil you before...buckle up >:D
-Sunny here loves plushies almost as much (if not more) than you do!
-he has a whole bunch of discontinued stuffies or ones that kiddos left behind after their time at the daycare!
-Sundrop will proudly walk around the megaplex with you in his arms, and a whole bunch of plushies in your arms!
-he also will sometimes trade plushies with you!
-"oh come on sunshine!...I'll give you this turtle plushie for your unicorn? you will?! yippee!"
-also yes sun says Yippee when he's happy because I like projecting my stims onto fictional characters >:D
-sometimes argues with you over where they go
-he thinks they need to be in one place
-you feel like the plushies may get lonely if they're all just in a toybin
-as much as he wants to agree with you, his robotic-OCD will drive him insane if everything isint perfect
-he already compusively resets the daycare-barrels every 10 minutes and you expect him to do that while tripping over George and Winniefred? (these are both names for two plushies I own :D LMK if you want photos ^u^)
-all in all, he dosnt mind the plushies, adores them actually, just keep them neat unless you want a very grumpy Sun
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introvertedbread · 4 months
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✨There’s a sad lack of Mob Psycho 100 agere, so I made some paci edits! If anyone wants more MP100 agere stuff, I’m thinking about maybe making some headcanons for Mob or maybe some paci edits for Reigen. If you want me to do any of those, just let me know! I’m always happy to do requests!
And as always, remember to reblog if you save!✨
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introvertedbread · 4 months
this person here! omfg! I love their headcanons :D they have alot more please check them out! ^u^
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CG!Elliott Headcanons
To say he absolutely dotes on his regressor would be an understatement. From the moment they rise all the way until bedtime, if it's a little day for them then Elliott is going to make it as special as he can. Doesn't matter if they're regressing due to stress or simply for fun, it's going to be a good day for them and that's a promise he will see through. It's his sole and sacred mission as their cg in shining armor. Although—in case the previous statement didn't make this apparent—he kind of has bumbling dad energy about him. Not so much in the sense that he doesn't know what he's doing, but he can be a little awkward and fumble things—it's just in his nature and doesn't reflect his caregiving ability, but it's endearing and certainly provides them with lots of opportunities to giggle at how silly Papa is.
It all begins with breakfast. Elliott isn't exactly a morning person per se, preferring to rise the "natural" way (the natural way being around 10AM and not at the crack of dawn with the birds). So when his little one comes to bounce him awake, already bright-eyed and bushy tailed at 7:30AM, it's not surprising that he's not fully awake yet. Sure, he's up and about but he's not awake—which is how his coffee winds up in their sippy cup. Lacking the caffeine, he's still too tired to think much of just drinking the precious bean juice from the sippy himself while getting them another sippy filled with (a much more child appropriate) orange juice. At the very least he can't mix up the food, since he makes them both oatmeal with strawberries—the sliced fruit being placed to make a smiley face in theirs, of course.
Midmorning to early afternoon sees Elliott faring markedly better. If the weather is nice, then he takes them outside for a day at the beach. Oftentimes when he writes during the day he does so outside, and this habit doesn't particularly change on their small days either. They are free to play in the sand and wade in the water at the shoreline while he does some journaling for his latest project. Although generally speaking he mostly jots down some key points or loose ideas to map out later, when he's not busy keeping a watchful eye on his charge that is. And though he's working, he never hesitates to share in their excitement whenever they bring him particularly pretty shells that they've found, or the even more exciting and rare piece of seaglass. In all actuality he only gets about half a page of work done before they've lured him into building a sandcastle with them (not that it took too much convincing!).
Alternatively, on days that are better spent indoors due to rain and such, Elliott tends to play the piano for them! Sometimes he plays and allows them to dance and twirl around until they spin themself silly, while other times he plays something for them to sing along to. Happy distractions from the rain outside, which can often be the source of boredom or worry for little ones. And then there are the rarer times where he'll play and sing for them. He's not much of a performer, but this comes from a place of warmth and love so it's special in its own right. Elliott's one for classics whether it be literature or music, and what song is more appropriate to sing to his little one on a stormy day than "You Are My Sunshine"? His voice is low and full of warmth, and as they sit beside him on the bench it's obvious that while simple it's a meaningful gesture.
Of course there's always plenty of flex on how they might spend afternoons though, depending on what season it is or what's happening in town! The spring flower dance and the egg festival always have them bouncing with excitement for practically the entire season. Summer days see them swimming and sticking to the beach, especially once the moonlight jellies start showing up. Nature walks are something they both enjoy especially in the fall, offering a way for them to explore and get out their energy while Elliott gets to take in the beauty of the day. Whereas winter days are often spent frequenting the library, and making hot cocoa to enjoy with all the mini marshmallows they can convince him is necessary (which is a lot, but they are very persuasive in his defense! Elliott can't argue with the baby).
The real magic of the day though, no matter the season? That sets in at about twilight. Just after dinner, when everything seems so warm and heavy as the day winds to a close. Because that's when Papa says it's bedtime. And bedtime is the grand production of the day. It's all about chsnging into the softest cotton jammies, the floral taste of a nice nighttime chamomile tea sweetened with just the right amount of honey. And most importantly, selecting the perfect book for the evening. To be a good writer you have to be a diligent reader, and Elliott knows this—he also knows that reading is a great way to spend quality time with his little one while bolstering that vivid imagination of theirs. So he has a whole bookshelf dedicated to housing books for their small time. Lots of classics with enough whimsy and charm to keep them both satisfied; the shelf is brimming with things like Peter Rabbit, Winnie the Pooh, and Frog and Toad, but the choice of what they read is ultimately left in his regressor's (small) capable hands.
Though half the time they wind up reading from The Wind in the Willows. It's not only one of his favorites, but one of theirs as well. There's nothing quite like spending the evening cuddled up in the low, golden lamplight as Elliott reads to them, his voice deep and even as he narrates, soothing any worries and keeping them comfortably in their smallspace. And there's something really special in the way that he reads to them. He doesn't so much as do different voices, but rather focuses on tone and inflection. It's clear when he's speaking as Badger, or as Mr. Toad, or any of the other characters without taking away from what's being spoken. However they can never get through the full book, despite starting bedtime earlier than most just so they have time to read more. They try to stay awake as long as possible, though Elliott knows once their eyes start fluttering it's time to tuck them in and kiss them goodnight. They can finish the book some other time.
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introvertedbread · 5 months
What do u think Sundrop would be like where reader is really clumsy?
A/N: MY FIRST REQUEST!! Yippee!!! >:D
warnings: none really :D
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☀️: oh boy...his poor anxiety...
☀️: know he can and will make you wear knee-pads and a helmet if he has to- he's overprotective and doing his best to be a good boyfriend
☀️: holds your hand constantly!
☀️: Even if you are really clumsy- at least you're in one of the safest area's of the mega-plex! a literal daycare!
☀️: He keeps band-aids in the pockets of his pants! and of course they have cutesy designs!
☀️: "Dewdrop? would you prefer the hello-kitty band-aids or the robot ones? yeah! I like those too :D"
☀️: due to his job he often accidentally baby-talk's you and feels so ashamed
☀️: "oh my goodness! did you trip on your shoelaces?...aweh poor thing! let me get a bandai- wait."
☀️: He patches you up and while his face-plate cant move, you can still feel how embarrassed he is-
☀️: If he gets really fed up he'll straight up do what he did with Gregory (put you in one spot and guard you with every circuit of patience he has left)
☀️: any time he hears a crash, regardless of if you're even around, he will sigh deeply and go "Oh darn-it Sunshine...".
☀️: feels a bit bad if he finds out the crash didn't involve you (even if it is very unlikely)
☀️: all in all, he really loves you with all his robotic heart, even if you are a clumsy pain in his servos!
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introvertedbread · 5 months
Cabaji as a boyfriend
A/N: Yes I'm aware bf fic's are not exactly my main content, yes I've never written for One Piece, and yes...there is little demand for this guy- but what am I if not spiteful and confusing :)
CW: Tsundere's, Knives, inappropriate use of a unicycle (don't try it at home kids), likely not proof-read. F/C= favorite color
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A surprise to nobody, he's a Tsundere, buckle up.
He rarely accepts PDA, he thinks others wont respect him if he's seen being "soft"
give this guy a chance, it takes him a long time to trust others, especially after he lost his brother.
Listens to some of the edgiest "its not a phase mom" music known to man, this guy 100% listens to "Emo Girl" un-ironically.
a really good singer! he never sings in-front of others, but if you catch him in the shower you might hear him humming or full-on singing if its been a good morning so far!
Really good with clumsy partners, if he can handle a unicycle, he can handle you're dumb-ass <3
adding onto that, he once caught you once "borrowing" his unicycle to reach a high-up shelf. (you fell off and broke your ankle, he patched you up while heavily scolding you)
Loves to scare the soul out of you when its 7 am, you just woke up, and ask for a knife to butter your morning toast and he just yanks one out of his throat and casually hands it to you (Walks away until out of ear-shot and starts hysterically laughing at your shocked face)
His love-language is gift-giving! he will sneak you little things like knives, snacks, or even poetry and songs he wrote! (not that he cares or something, no way at all 👀)
In all honesty, Cabaji really does love you, he just sucks at showing it, but you're his whole world and would feel like crap if he learned you didnt think he cared (Not that he would ever show it, but expect to find a handmade knife with a F/C handle on your bed the next night)
(I really hope you enjoyed this! remember to send in a request! its totally free and really makes my day! it also lets me write more content for ya'll since I have ideas <3)
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introvertedbread · 10 months
goku as a caregiver!
reminder!: agere is in no way nsfw! and is a very helpful coping mechanism! :D also! my requests are always open hons! 
note: this was made out of pure, unbridled spite, there is absolutely no dragon ball agere stuff and yknow what they say “if its not good enough, do it yourself!” >:D 
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🧡- first up, no idea what hes doing. i think we can all predict that as good a father Goku is, hes a little clueless at times, so at first he wont be great with things like rules, bedtimes, etc. give him some time, he’ll get there sooner or later!
🧡- often really good with role-play games! he would love to be the big strong prince saving his little royal from a big, bad dragon! 
🧡- he loves handling nap time! its just so relaxing for him to help you relax! his strong-suit is definitely whenever he gets to sleep with you, if theirs one thing this saiyan can do? its eat,fight nap! 
🧡- sweetest dad in the galaxy, this man is not afraid to put on a sparkly dress and have a tea party with his little royal, or just cuddle you on the couch and watch your favorite shows!
🧡-if you’re an anxious or more timid little Goku is perfect for it! he’s super gentle even if he sometimes forgets to be quiet, but he always apologies!
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introvertedbread · 11 months
writing dragon ball?
heya! ive been into dragon-ball for the past few months now, and i was wondering if you guys would like some headcanons/fics on the characters? i would love requests and am currently working on a few things now! 
also am i writing dragon-ball because there are 0 fics about dragonball agere and its so frustrating! so im doing it myself haha ^u^
what im working on:
-piccolo as a cg (headcanons)
-ginyu force as cg’s (headcanons)
-freiza with a bratty little (fic)
-goku as a cg (headcanons) Finished as of today :D  : https://www.tumblr.com/introvertedbread/725183598285684736/goku-as-a-caregiver?source=share
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introvertedbread · 11 months
little situation is getting a wattpad rendition!
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remember my first sundrop fic little situation? i saw how much everyone loved it and how much it means to yall! so im gonna rewrite it into a full wattpad story! and im working on getting it onto AO3! 
my wattpad user is also introverted bread! 
note: postings may be inconsistent! sorry if i take long breaks between chapters :( 
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introvertedbread · 1 year
reminder for my baby breads!
heya little ones! i just wanted to say that i would love to take comissions! ive had no ideas lately id i love to hear all of yours! i love all 11 of yall! and of course ill love any new baby’s that join the bakery (get it! since its a bread theme? :D sorry i like bad jokes ^u^) 
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introvertedbread · 1 year
im not dead i promise but...
b l u e y 
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im obsessed with these two, probably gonna mention them in a fic or two :D 
also! what characters should i write! my submission box is empty and i really want some ideas! :D reminder i write for littlespace and general romance ^u^ no spice though because of the littlespace content on here- if yall want it that bad i may conciter making an alt :p 
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introvertedbread · 2 years
i’m a monster..(eclipse x reader)
warnings: body-horror,gore,murder,self-doubt,panic attacks,angst,cursing
decided to pull off an angst for our big boi :D hope you enjoy and remember to send in a request to see more of my work!
note: this is just my headcannon for eclipse, if you dont agree thats fine
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that..that thing is not sun..or moon..i don’t even know what it is. fucker looks 12 feet tall at least! and its drenched in blood!! plus..y’know- ITS EATING A CORPSE. 
you watch as it slowly turns to you,spazing,jerking its head every few minutes,and a toothy smile creaped into its glowing face. you take this as a sign to run.
(time-skip 8 minutes)
it seems you’ve lost it..for now at least, your hiding in a slide, looking around, making sure it wasn’t getting closer. you thought it was gone..
until a large hand wrapped around your stomach and yanked you up, forcing you to make eye contant, you could faintly hear suns Ai yell “don’t hurt them! that’s y/n! their not gonna hurt us i promise but but them down!”. it didn’t seem to listen, gripping tighter, muttering like a chant “intruder..intruder..”
you shake, so this thing was apart of sun and moon.? how? how come in your 2 years of working here never seen it?! your pulled from your thoughts by a sparp pain in your arms making you scream in pain, you can hear sun and moons ai screaming at the thing and all you felt after that was falling..and then you passed out...
you woke up to loud sobbing, sitting up you see it curled up in a corner, covering where its ears would be and crying, 2 familiar voices were baraiding it for hurting you. you had no idea why..but you felt a need to walk over and hug its arm as best you could for someone with broken arms. it froze, and begun to shake and sob louder, its glitched voice tearing and ripping with the sheer volume. “uh..please don’t cry?. i’m alright i promise” you yelled to it, hoping it could hear you.
you climbed into its lap and tried to get its attention. eventually it worked, making the thing look over and stare, its sobs now died down to small wimpers as yellow liquid seeped from its eyes. “uh- hi, i’m y/n, i work at the daycare as an attendant and a handler for sun and moon,and i guess now you, do you have a name?” “eclipse.” “that’s a nice name eclipse-” you were cut off by it eclipse picking you up,much more carefully now, and having an expression like it was thinking. “dolly?” it asked, looking at your smaller frame and your fragile body. “huh? what do you- oh! yeah i uh- guess i do look like a doll compared to you” you realize and give a small smile. it backed up against a wall, hugging you with all 4 of its arms like you were a plush-toy and seeming to fall asleep.
this was gonna be a strange friendship but you’re sure you’l get used to it, youl deal with your arm and the dead body later, right now, your gonna somehow fall asleep being held by this 12-foot thing called eclipse.
i worked really hard on this for all you eclipse-enjoyers! remember if you enjoyed this and my other works please put in a request! i love getting them and it helps me write more!
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introvertedbread · 2 years
runaway baby! (sunxlittle)
heres the part 2 for “little situation”! i hope you enjoy this! once again its not edited so im sorry for spelling errors! 
reminder that agere is completely sfw and not a kink (if ur into that you must be mistaken for ddlg or things similar to it) 
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“starshine..sorry papa fell aslee- DANGIT!” moon yelped as he noticed you wernt in the room. he jumped up and ran out of the dark room, turning into sun in the process. “L-LITTLE ONE?! COME TO PAPAAA!! OHHH THIS ISINT GOOD!” he cried as he ran around the daycare looking for you, finding nothing but messy toys, an open door out of the daycare, more messs- w a i t. “OH MY STARS SUNSHINES LOOSE OUT OF THE DAYCARE! WHAT IF THEY GET HURT! OHHHHH NO!!!” he bearily hesitated as he ran out of the daycare, sure he was scared of leaving, but gosh darnit his kid is missing.
 “oh! sundrop! hello :D” freddy ran over, he seemed happy to finally see sundrop out of the daycare. “HAVEYOUSEENAKID?! THEIR ABOUT THIS TALL, HAVE (your color eyes), THEIR WEARING A T-SHIRT AND SHORTS, AND THEY HAVE A PLUSH BUNNIE!!!” he screamed. “i-uh- well yes i have seen someone of that description, but it didnt seem to be a kid, a tad tall to be one, looked more like (y/n).” freddy explained, in his usual fancy yet soft voice. “OH MY STARTS FREDDY THAT’S THE WHOLE POINT!” he paused to take a breath, more of a childish huff tbh. “listen, where did they go?” he asked, a bit calmer now. “i belive i saw her in monty- sun? whered you go?” 
yeahh the minute freddy said monty sun was outta there. sun basically kicked the door down into monty-golf, and screamed louder than a train “OK WHERE IS MY KID! DID YOU EAT EM?! W H E R E”. monty, poor monty, he was just sitting on the ground trying to relax. “uhh- i mean there sorta was but their with chica” he mumbled, super freaking confused. 
aaand sun was gone again, off to the kitchen, bingo! and the sight he saw wasnt what he expected. chica was casually braiding/brushing your hair(if you don’t have any hair then she was just on the counter watching you) and you were in a different outfit, a cute one that resembled her atire. plus you had some fries in your hand, and your bunny was right next to you. “hmm? oh! hey sun! found the kid tryna eat a golf-ball so i took em here for a snack :D” chica explained, “you uh-hmmmm, you know what littlespace is?” he asked. “yeah! were all connected to the internet dummy~ also im the kids mama from now on got it?” “pfft fine. could i get some pizza?” “yeah!”
and there the 3 of you sat, just to parents lovingly hanging out with their kid, eating food, enjoying life, and occatonally having to keep you from eating a pepperoni from the floor. 
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i hope you enjoyed this! i worked super hard on it, and i’om sorry for all the spelling mistakes ;u;, in this series of sun+little fics you now have a mama! 
and as always if you enjoyed this fanfic and want to see more like it drop in a request! 
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introvertedbread · 2 years
little situation (sunxlittle)
since you guys absolutely murdered my notifications for the last fic i wrote, im making another one! if you wanna write requests P L E A S E i love requests! :D
REMINDER: littlespace is a coping mehinism and in no way sexual! the relatonship with sun and the reader can be taken as platonic or romantic, but in littlespace it is purely parental!!
warning: a few curse words, no editing at all, horrible spelling, mild self-insert
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“dear whatever damn god or goddess is laughing at me right now. W H Y did you not stop me when i was telling her!!” you growled at your cealing. you had decided to finally tell your friend about your regression last month. and she took it...not great, she asked you degrading questions and eventually cut off the friendship, saying “i cant be friends with a baby.” 
ever-since life’s been hell. you havent been able to regress for 2 months now and it was reeeeaaallly getting to you, and whats worse is sun, your, boss? but also you were his handaler and you worked in the daycare? your relationship was well- never really discussed fully. the best you could come up with was that he was your best friend (maybe more) and your caregiver. 
you snapped from your thoughts when you saw suns hand wave infront of your face, you must of zoned out again. “you ok dewdrop? you look kindaaaaaaaaaaa not good :(” he made a small pout as he poked your shoulder. “yeah i’m fine..just a bit stressed” you try to explain, hey it wasnt a total lie right? he seemed to belive you, extending his arm and slowly reeling it back to dramatically show a small bunny plush of yours.
he waved it side to side, hoping you had the same idea as him. “not today bud..kinda feel like being an adult today” alright this time he didnt belive you for nothing. “sunshine? this almost always helps when your stressed?? did something happen?” he asked as he stepped closer to you. you gulp, knowing you’ve been backed into a corner, literally and physiscally. “idk..hasnt been the..same i guess?..” you try to get out. “..dewdrop..? you suuure nothings been happening?” he asked, elongating his words like he was talking to a small child.
 “ok ok. you’ve caught me jeez- i uh- told my friend, she didnt take it too well- aaaand now my brain dosent wanna regress. there? happy?” you state, getting a bit fed up with the fact that he can always get info out of you really quick. sun was a bit still, trying to think of a solution for this, “uhhhhh....maybe..no..uh..OH!” he jumped up and dragged you over to a small area with toys. “caaan you at least tryyyy?” he asked, holding up one of your favorite bottles, it had cute little clouds on it and was a faded blue color. “already has nice warm milk in iiiiit~” he shook the bottle, making sure you heard the subtle sloshing of the liquid inside. you sigh, “if i do will you stop pestering me about it?” he exitedly nods. 
you sat down and took a sip from the bottle, the milk was really flavorful, must of been one of the ‘angel milks’ hes seen online. you had to admit, your head was already a bit fuzzy, getting more-so when he wrapped a fluffy blanket around you and rocked you slowly in his arms. eventually your brain said “heck it” and you slipped into the cozy headspace youve missed. 
“hehe! that’s my baby! all cozied up and adorable!” he was overjoyed to be your caregiver once again. he gently stroked your head and stood up, carrying you to a small dark room. 
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“hello starshine” he whisperd, placing you on a sleeping-bag and cuddling against you. “would you like a short nap and then we can play the days away when you wake?” moon asked, smiling when you replied with a simple nod.
“then let us dream away.” he began to softly hum, wrapping another blanket around the both of you, and falling asleep shortly after you do..
im so sorry i have to break this into parts, but the next one is gonna be really funny! im thinking of calling it “runaway baby!” lol. once again i hope you enjoyed this and please send in a request if you have one!
have a wonderful day kiddos!
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introvertedbread · 2 years
Hiii 👉👈
I'm somebody who said in my tags that ur lil sun moon agere fic rly helped me on a bad day and I just wanted to say thank you again you made me not feel so bad or weird abt myself with two big ginormous comfort characters and like?
I'm gonna give you a whole bouquet of flowers here u go 💐 NSNQKSJDJ
- 🌙
OH MY GOSH THANK YOUUU! i honestly never thought my fics would actually comfort or help people this much! and i'm glad you love the two robo-goobers as much as i do! if youd like i can do a few requests for ya! im willing to write pretty much anything :D once again thank you! -bread
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introvertedbread · 2 years
crybaby(sunxagere reader)
ot hope you enjoy! sorry i havent posted i took a break to get better at writing so my work was less cringy! enjoy! also reader is gender neutral!
REMINDER!: age regression is not a kink! its a coping mechinisum for stress,depression,childhood trauma,anxiety, and more! 
P.S: shoutout to lilac! ive known her forever now and shes requested to be the first to see this fic! so if you see this, love youuuuu!!!! <3
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today was so damn stressful!! first of all, you got into a huge fight with your best friend! and your job/school was putting way too much on you! like how Larry kept saying crude jokes about your outfit choice(you thought it was really cute!) and to top it all off, your mother was in the hospital due to falling down the stairs! 
you couldnt take it, you ran and snuck into your safe-haven, the megaplex, well- the daycare to be specific, you and your friend went for this siblings birthday party roughly a year ago. somehow you got lost and wanderd into the daycare and got locked inside for the night. 
thats when you met sundrop! jeez when i tell you he was the sweetest person/robot you had ever met! he imedietly took you into his care for the night, you played games, ate snacks, and when the place opend, he said “remember new friend! your welcome anytime!”
you were snapped back from your fond memories when you got to the daycares door. you push it open without a seccond thought and went down the main slide, and once you tumbled into the ball-pit of many colors your mind when to a fond place, it reminded you of when you were a little kid! always playing in small parks or daycares like these..
crap- no- not tonight! this is exatly why you got into a fight with your friend! you had told them you were an age regressor and your friend totally blew up on you! even if sun was your caregiver, he might be offput as well tonight!
“friend? oh! helllllooo! its been a while! waddia wanna do! paint! fizzy-faz drinking compitition! i have more glitter-glue!! oh and!- ....dewdrop are you crying?..” his bouncy aura faded to worry as he kneeled down before you, he gently placed a hand on your head and looked at you, like the answer was written on your body somewhere if he looked hard enough.
thats when it snapped, screw holding back, you allowed yourself to fully regress and started crying from the stress of everything. “?! w woah woah hey there..hey shhh shhh its ok sunbeam!” sunny seemed to be frantic, before he noticed you snuggling into his metal body and your crying seemed more like a little kids then someone of your age. “oh..ohhhh! hey hey its ok little sunshine! do you just need some extra cuddles tonight?”
his voice was soft, it was nice, calming even, he reached into a small fannypack he normally wears around his hip and pulled out a very small plush penguin and a pacifiar. “here ya go, want mr freezy and a paci?” he offerd, holding the items where you could see em, and let out a small chuckle when you grabbed em and popped the pacifar into your mouth quickly
“there we go! here, why dont we color and then have a little naptime? its getting late :D” sundrop reminded before patting your head. you give a shy nod and seemingly calmed down quickly. 
sun scooped you up after you stopped sniffling and carried you to a small corner with coloring books and crayons. and sat you down handing over some paper, also grabbing some of his own.
“oooooo! is that a kitty! so cutecutecute!!” he cheered as he looked at your doodle. you give a cheerful nod and babble about what you added to it(if actual words or just baby-babble are spoken is your choice!) “mhmmm mhmm i see! oh! its just about naptime! here, ill go turn the lights off and moony will help you sleep ok?” you agree as you give him a hug goodbye. 
(i was gonna cut it off here but yall deserve some cute CG moon!)
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you suddenly saw the lights shut off and the room get dark as a starless midnight sky. you freak out a little and reach into the darkness, only for cold hands to surround you in a hug, since sun and moon had connected thoughts, he already knew you were little rn. “hello starlight, here, want me to help you rest?” he offerd, a bit nervous that he would scare you. but you wernt scared at all!
 you gave a happy nod and pointed at a sleeping-bag you had setup while sun was gone. “awe starbeam..i would of done that for you yaknow?” he reminded as you shrug and get cozy inside. “why dont i read you a story and you hug mrs cowbell” moondrop stated as he handed you a small cow plushie, you cuddled it close as he grabbed a book from a nearby bookshelf and began to read. 
“and then, the brave warrior elliot and their princess friend bella, lived happily..ever..after” moon finished reading and looked at your sleeping form in awe, placing another blanket on you and rubbing your head. 
“goodnight little starlight, we both love you oh so very much”
wow you finished the fic! thank you so much!! :D if you liked this,send in a request so i can post more often! and even concider following? not forcing you! just a happy request!
-yours truely, introvertedbread!
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introvertedbread · 3 years
Underfell with a s/o that can sew
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Red :
-immediately asks if you can fix some of his riped clothing, as cool as it looks they do get uncomfortable after a while 
-trys to pick up some sewing skills to make you a ( honestly a bit patchy ) plushie for your birthday or a random holiday 
-you have to keep a medkit in his room now since poor baby keeps getting pricked by the needle 
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Edge : 
-he’s sorta confused at first. . .then gets way too exited
-he always shows you blueprints for outfits he wants you to make for him, mostly battle armor, edgy t-shirts,etc
-if you stick to plushies he will ask you to make one of him 
-please do this boi will bring it everywhere. . .Until undyne noticed and laughed his a** all the way home where he was pouty the rest of the day-
-might make jokes about how your like a “MIDEVIL HOUSEWIFE!” Or “AN OLD LADY/MAN”, please help this boi he has no kind humor
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