howtobesassy · 2 years
Enemies to lovers
Imagine entering the Ball floor and being spotted by your nemesis immediatly. You are wearing a ancient greek inspired gown, that makes feel like a warrior godess without neglecting your femenine and grecious assets.
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He walkes toward you with a strange look that you couldnt quite interprete. It wasnt his usual despiteful frown. This time he seems... almost gentle. He tends to kiss your hand, which you accepts to preserve your dignity in front of the society. He gets up and asks you for a dance. You hesitated. Why should you accept and give him this pleasure and honnor? This man does not deserve even a look from you. He is every single thing you loathe in this world. But somehow... somehow the voice inside you got the best of you. "Yes".
His hand on you hips. Your fingers interlaced. The deep stare into each other's eyes. The place seemed empty. There were just you and him in the room. You. Him. And the music. Nothing else. The time passed quickly and slowly at the same time. It lasted one song, just the time to question your hatred for each other.
P. S : the music you’re dancing on is Enemies to lovers by Joshua Kyan Aalampour.
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howtobesassy · 2 years
The opposites attrack each other
Life and death. Light and shadow. Instinct and pragmatism. Opposites attrack eath other since the dawn of time.
Persephone saw in Hades comfort and peace, he was forbidden for her, not only because she was signed up to be a maidden but because he incarnates the opposite of what she representes. Hades, on his side, felt like breathing again whenever Persephone stands near him, she makes him alive and heal his troubles and scars, she is his peace. In the end, love (or kidnapping) finds his way and they form the most terrifying but also loving godly couple.
In parallel, the sun and the shadows live and work together everyday. There is no light without darkness. The balance between them is undeniable and truly remarquable as the link between Nico and Will. Nico needs Will, with his chill vibe, thoughtfullness and protective behaviour. Will is to Nico his link to the real world, the world of light. On the other hand, Will was always looking for an escape from the light, that was kind of a burden for a Child of Apollo. Then, he saw Nico a gloomy little kid who doesnt give a #### about people comments' on him. Will saw Nico as an escape, where he could finally be himself and not a 24h surfer boy. They both embrace themself with their true selfs.
Then we have the confrontation between logic and instinct. The howl and her wisdom pushes Annabeth to let her instincts aside and encourage her to think efficiently about her actions, their consequences and their whereabouts. While, Percy follows blindly his instincts. I'm not saying that the guy is dumb, not at all, he is pretty smart ! But he prefers to follow unconsciently his feelings. Thats why he seems more impulsive than Annabeth. She priorities reason before feelings. And that is also why I think percabeth is a wonderful couple they complete each other.
Those three couples complete each other in so many beautiful ways, to make a perfect harmony.
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howtobesassy · 2 years
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Can you see a poster avec percy's number on it in camp ? Because I do.
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howtobesassy · 2 years
Gilbert Blythe 🤝 Theo Sharpe : stealer of hearts
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howtobesassy · 2 years
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howtobesassy · 2 years
Do you ever wonder if the seven go back to Rome or Athens juste to visit and spend some quality time after all the trauma they've faced there?
Because I do.
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howtobesassy · 2 years
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howtobesassy · 2 years
I do imagine that the Gods and a lot of their kids treat Christmas with a lot of contempt and there's not really a huge festive presence at chb BUT I also think the Apollo kids are absolutely insufferable about it and just generally very Christmassy. Kayla wraps her bow in tinsel, Austin is never not playing jingle bells, and Will starts wearing a Santa hat around the infirmary the day after Thanksgiving. Apollo himself is actually the worst offender and the real reason it's so cold out in Winter is because he's too distracted writing new christmas songs and hosting gingerbread competitions to keep up with the sun like he's supposed to.
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howtobesassy · 3 years
I've just finished rewatching New Girl and I am at this point in my life :
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howtobesassy · 3 years
I've just finished the tower of Nero, and before reading it, well, waaayy before reading the book, i saw à post that said that despite Apollo's great character development, at the end he proclamaid that gods couldn't chance, and that he could do nothing about it. In fact, this would mean that Apollo would mean that they will stilll send young demigods to do their dirty work, risking their frail life for the gods.
I firmly disagree with that post.
Apollo explicitely said that Zeus couldn't change, and he even compared him to Nero ! Moreover, during the Olympians' meeting, we could sense that the 10 other olympians were not that convinced about zeus' words, they were even bored or just thinking about how many bullshits were coming out of his mouth. So, i think that Apollo know now that the real problem is Zeus' behaviour to the demigods, and that a frontal confrontation wouldnt work (hence his past trials). Indeed the only way is to protest with resistance acts, like form an alliance between Olympians who think the same way about the situation and plead à cause to Zeus, because à voice is better heard when it comes from several people. Or maybe, help more the demigods in their quests, of course by being disguised and in a subtel manner so that the CEO wont see much. Finally, the easiest way to show halfbloods that gods truly care about them is to come visit them at camp!
So I believe that Apollo did convince some of the Olympians to care more about their children, thus to do some apparitions to camp, and to get to know their offsprings more. Particularly i could see Hermes going to camp, at least twice a month, aphrodite poping some time to time, ofc Apollo tries to visit his children once a week, and even non-Olympians dieities start to make an effort towards their children.
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howtobesassy · 3 years
Athens or the born of modern civilisation
Part 1
As you may know most of nowadays civilisations have democracy as the main cornerstone of their functionning. However, democracia didn't appear like that out of the blue, it has grown to that fundment today from a starting point. This point being in athens, in Ancient Greece time, when the Olympians were at their finest moment of glory. Indeed, democracy itself was born from an evoltion, taking its origin from the past way to rule the city.
When we talked about Athens, it wasn't just referring to the city but also to the surrondings, so Athens was a polis. Instead of being rules by kings, the polis had an aristocratic group of men at his head. Hence, oligarchy as the name of thiq periode. But, tyranny and social unfairness resulted from this political system, thus it led Draco (a political mind of Athens) to write what it is considered the first common laws to all citizens of the polis. Of course, it is important to know for the rest of the series that, only Athenian men born from an Athenian family were considered citizens of the polis of Athens. The rest were women, who depended on citizen men, slaves, or simply foreigners coming from other cities.
Moreover, other athenian minds got themselves to work and helped create fundamental institutions, in order to improve current ruling. For example, we can evoke Solon who put down slavery for endetted citizens, or Cleisthenes the man who created to real pillar of democracy. In fact, he divided the polis in 10 tribus, made sure by that, that all citizens were equally egal in front of the law. Which reduced the aristocrats' power over citizens of the polis, and helped reducing the tyranny.
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howtobesassy · 3 years
Greek gods often had an other name attached to their original one, those are called epithets. Indeed, we know that for a fact, since the existence of epithets was evoqued in the Burning maze (TOA), when apollo and Meg found out about the Meliai, and he mentionned that people used to call him "Apollo Meliai, Apollo of the Ash Tree, because of a sacred grove [he] owned"
The greeks used the epithets to invoque a specific arch of the god he was praying to. For exemple, when the Athenians found themselves at war against the Persian king, they immediatly prayed and hoped for Zeus's help to get strengh for the battle, calling him out by the name of Zeus Eleutherios, which means "Zeus of freedom".
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howtobesassy · 3 years
It definetly happened that Percy at one moment tried to convince Grover to cut the empathy link between them, obviously this one refused firmly. I know this link represents their bond as Bff, they shared many quests and near-death experiences, which allowed to connect in a whole new level. However, as we all know halfbloods have a quite short life expectency, those who are "lucky" are in their twenties at most, so Percy is clearly aware of that fact and think about it more often than he wants to.
Moreover, Grover informed Percy that if something bad happens to the son of the sea, it will put Grover in a coma or worse... and that info did not leave Percy's thoughts ! Indeed, how could he risk his friend's life, by keeping the link on, knowing that he is the lord of the Wild and that he is a major life force to the entire world?! Percy could not let that happen. So, he urged Grover repeatedly many times to cut the link, he couldn't bear the thought to take his friend with him in his fall, and put the mortal realm in a tough position, even if this link turned out to be useful and also to be the ultimate act that a protector can do for his halfblood. Finally, after hundreds tries, Grover listened to his friend and supressed the empathy link between him and Percy.
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howtobesassy · 3 years
TOA spoilers
So, the emperors made themselves minor gods and survived through the centuries because of their names that are engraved in history books. That led me to think about other names that was written on books and that went worldwide for years, hopefully more in the future... Obviously, I'm talking about the characters in the pjo univers.
So, if we follow the emperors exemple, Percy, Annabeth, Grover, nico, Reyna, the rest of the 7 and all their friends (more or less) would be remembered if people continue to read RR's books and keep believing and loving those characters! Finally, they would be immortal, if you think that they exist in real life.
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howtobesassy · 3 years
After the battle of Manhattan
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howtobesassy · 3 years
I just freaking love this moment!!! And let me tell you that Apollo knows how to introduce someone!
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howtobesassy · 3 years
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