from-books-with-love · 5 months
Quand j'éprouve de nouveau cette sensation brûlante qui s'était emparée de moi sur la plage, je comprends que cela ne pouvait pas se terminer autrement. Que pour survivre, je n'ai pas besoin de la flamme de Gale, nourrie de sa rage et de sa haine. J'en ai déjà bien assez en moi. Ce qu'il me faut, c'est le pissenlit au printemps. le jaune vif qui évoque la renaissance plutôt que la destruction. La promesse que la vie continue, en dépit de nos pertes. Qu'elle peut même être douce à nouveau. Peeta est le seul à pouvoir m'offrir ça.
Suzanne Collins, Hunger Games : La Révolte.
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from-books-with-love · 5 months
Nous savons tous les deux que je ne rechigne pas à faire tuer des enfants, mais j'ai horreur du gaspillage. Quand je prends une vie, c'est toujours pour une raison précise. Et je n'avais aucune raison d'éliminer tous ces enfants du Capitole. Pas la moindre.
Suzanne Collins, Hunger Games : La Révolte.
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from-books-with-love · 5 months
Et soudain, il n'y a plus rien au monde que ces deux-là qui se précipitent l'un vers l'autre. Ils se télescopent, s'enlacent, perdent l'équilibre et s'écrasent contre un mur, où ils ne bougent plus. Irrémédiablement accrochés l'un à l'autre. Indissociables.
Suzanne Collins, Hunger Games : La Révolte.
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from-books-with-love · 6 months
We have been subjugated, enslaved in our own country, forced to watch barbarian masters bring our great civilization to ruins. But now we fight for our own cause. Let our lives be the currency by which the honor of our people will be avenged!
Shelley Parker-Chan, She Who Became the Sun.
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from-books-with-love · 6 months
And will you stand and kill me stone-faced with nothing but duty in your heart? I loved you! You were even closer to me than my own brother. I would have given you anything! Do I mean no more to you than those thousands I've watched you kill in my name?
Shelley Parker-Chan, She Who Became the Sun.
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from-books-with-love · 6 months
"This is your death. That is mine. We're fixed, Esen." The saltiness was chocking him. "We always have been."
Shelley Parker-Chan, She Who Became the Sun.
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from-books-with-love · 6 months
Oh, Esen. How many times you imagined my betrayal. How willing you were to think the worst of me. Why aren't you happier? I'm just being who you've always thought I was. I'm giving you the ending you believed in.
Shelley Parker-Chan, She Who Became the Sun.
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from-books-with-love · 6 months
It's too much to ask for an ordinary man to put all his faith in fate. But I have faith in you.
Shelley Parker-Chan, She Who Became the Sun.
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from-books-with-love · 6 months
Her eyes slid over General Ouyang's shoulder and met the stares of his ghosts. She had wondered, before, what bound them to him. But it was the opposite: he bound himself to them. That was his tragedy. Not being born to a terrible fate, but not being able to let it go.
Shelley Parker-Chan, She Who Became the Sun.
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from-books-with-love · 6 months
Pure emotions are the luxury of children and animals.
Shelley Parker-Chan, She Who Became the Sun.
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from-books-with-love · 6 months
I hate him! And still I love him. Would that I could only hate. It would be easier.
Shelley Parker-Chan, She Who Became the Sun.
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from-books-with-love · 6 months
This was why he had wanted to be angry, so it could wash away everything else he might feel. But instead it was his anger that hadn't been strong enough, and had been drowned.
Shelley Parker-Chan, She Who Became the Sun.
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from-books-with-love · 6 months
Why can't you make it easier for me to hate you?
Shelley Parker-Chan, She Who Became the Sun.
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from-books-with-love · 6 months
Ouyang's emotions nearly chocked him: revulsion and scorn and jealousy, so tangled that he couldn't tell where one ended and the other began. Beneath it all was a piercing yearning. He had no idea if it was a yearning for or a yearning to be, and the equal impossibility of each of those hurt beyond belief.
Shelley Parker-Chan, She Who Became the Sun.
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from-books-with-love · 6 months
Every time the world turns its face from you, know it was because of me.
Shelley Parker-Chan, She Who Became the Sun.
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from-books-with-love · 6 months
It felt like something new, something they'd invented themselves. Something that existed only for the two of them, in the penumbral shadow of their little room, for the span of a single kiss.
Shelley Parker-Chan, She Who Became the Sun.
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from-books-with-love · 6 months
Don't look down as you're flying, or you'll realize the impossibility of it and fall.
Shelley Parker-Chan, She Who Became the Sun.
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