fallingoverforcalum · 4 years
pairing: Timothée Chalamet & y/n
warnings: tension, and SUPER SHORT
Please do not not steal this, thank you.
“Why are you in a bad mood?” Timothée asked, while he watched you put in earrings as you paced around the room looking for your shoes.
“i’m not” you said in a slightly annoyed tone, trying your best not to snap at him.
He sighed and waited for you, watching you finish up getting ready for your date night. He couldn’t help but think of a million things on why you would be upset.
He started to walk over to you enraveling you into a sweet embrace. You wrapped your arms around him for a quick second, patting his back, then back to what you were doing.
At this point, he was even a bit annoying. He wasn’t sure what else to do. Should you two still go on this date? What if you were mad at him? What if-
“Am I driving or are you?” You asked in a monotone voice, grabbing your bag.
He leaned against the door frame, crossing his arms. “First, lose the attitude” he said in almost a joking tone, but he really did want you to lose the attitude.
You scoffed. Grabbing your keys and walking up to him, you grabbed his neck and pulled him in for a kiss. He easily gave in and kissed you back, letting his eyes close, and his knees go weak.
“I’m fine now” You said walking past him, and downstairs to leave.
He smiled to himself while his cheeks went pink and followed you.
author’s note: Hello!! sorry i have not posted in awhile. I will try to be better! i also still don’t know how tumblr works, but i think you should be able to message me, if you want to send in requests or anything! thank you for being patient!
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fallingoverforcalum · 4 years
Two Drunken Nights - Part 2
part 1 - (once i figure out how to link it i will but you can go to my account and find part 1 there)
Y/N: Your Name
warnings: sad :(
Waking up in Calum’s arms made me uncomfortable and want to cry at the same time. For a moment I layed there, in our bed, soaking in the moment, in his arms. I had to leave.
Slowly, I tried moving out of the bed. Watching him intensely to see him if he’d wake up as I moved out of the. I made my way to the bathroom, looking in the mirror.
Makeup smeared, one of his t-shirts, hair tangled. I tried fixing myself, like cleaning my face, brushing my hair, brushing my teeth all those sorts.
When I walked out of the bathroom, I saw Calum on his phone. All I could think about was him texting other girls everytime he was on his phone. I stopped in my tracks, I was almost stunned, staring at him.
He noticed put his phone down and stared back. It felt like for ever we stared at eachother. I finally started to grab my dress from last night. I saw him sit up in the bed in the corner of my eye.
“Can we talk?” He asked. He was nervous, I felt like my heart was beating out of my chest.
“Yeah” I said softly, walking over sitting on the end of the bed of his side.
“I-I know you know.” he stuttered out. I went through the different things to say, and what the outcome would be. I decided to play dumb.
“know what?” I asked. I needed to hear him to say it. I needed to know that Im not crazy or imagining it.
You stared at him confused and worried, knowing the next few words that were about to come out of his mouth.
he stared at his hands, holding them anxiously. back against the headboard of yours and his bed. You’d hate to admit it at this moment, but this was a beautiful site, he looked so good. And if it weren’t for all what was happening in the moment, you would be peppering him with kisses. And you hated yourself for having those thoughts.
“I-I...” he choked out. You can tell the lump in his throat was making him unable to get the words out. Your heart fell when you saw a tear roll down his cheek. He refused to look at you.
“I ch-cheated on you” He finally croaked.
Even though you already knew, you felt frozen. Like everything had stopped, your heart, your breathing, the world.
You felt your eyes well up. You didn’t know what to do at this point.
“I know... I’ve known” you choked out. Couldn’t help but cry.
“I-I’m so sorry baby, it meant nothing. I love you! I love you so much! I cant even imagine how you feel right now or how you’ve felt this past month. I didn’t tell you sooner because I knew you’d leave me. I don’t deserve you! I don’t! But I want you to know that I love you and it never and will never happen ever again with anyone.” He rambled, on and on.
You stood up pacing the room. Running your fingers through your hair, imagine pulling your hair out from the emotions you were feeling. Sobbing. Breathing heavy. Feeling unable to understand or function the past 5 minutes and past month.
He watched you. So scared, not knowing what you were going to say. Especially scared when you stopped in your tracks, breathing in, the out.
“I need to go” You said staring at him with tears in your eyes, with a pity look on your face.
He crawled to the end of the bed, trying to get close to you as you stood at the end of the bed. Grabbing your hands with tears in his eyes as well.
“I completely understand. I don’t want to lose you, not over one drunken night.” He pleads.
You slowly take your hands back, folding them over your chest.
“I love you” You hated saying it but part of you felt the need to say and let him know.
“I love you too, I love you so much. I cant even describe it to you.” He told you in a panicked tone.
“I have to go..” You said touching his cheek wiping his tears.
“Get it all figured out, and when you’re ready... if you’re ever... ready, come back to me” He said standing holding your shoulders.
He hugged you, you unfolded your arms and hugged him back. Crying into his shoulder, as he kissed the top of your head.
“Come back to me, okay?”
You nodded into him.
AUTHORS NOTE: hi, i hope you enjoyed. I think there’s going to be a part 3? and then that will be it. thank you for reading <3
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fallingoverforcalum · 4 years
I’m working on lots of stuff, and i’m trying my best to get them all finished up and posted! I have been gaining quite a few followers, so thank you, and welcome! Hope you all are staying safe and well!
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fallingoverforcalum · 4 years
Morning Laughs
summary: morning shenanigans
warnings: none, but this is very short
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Weekend mornings were always lazy, no matter what. You’d open up your eyes around 10 am, Calum would still be dead asleep. You’d roll out of bed only to be met with a hand grabbing your wrist to pull you back in his arms and under the covers. And you let him pull you in, everytime.
11:30 AM
After about an hour of cuddling and trying to fall asleep. Not so much for Calum, he fell asleep perfectly fine, in that matter of 5 minutes. You wiggles out of his grip starting to get up.
“I can’t make you stay this time, can I?” he asked with a smirk.
You turned putting your hand on his cheek.
“Afraid not” You responded swiping your thumb on his cheek staring at him lovingly.
You started to get up and walked to the bathroom. While, Calum rolled over getting comfortable once again. You had turned on the shower, adjusted the temperature, and played some music that was tolerable for Calum while he slept and for you to hear, and sing while you showered.
After your shower, hair stuck to your back while you put some product in your hair to make it look how you wanted, when it dried.
Calum walked into your shared bathroom, wrapping his arms around you and kissing your cheek. Your hand quickly grabbed the top of your towel as you felt it slipping.
He chuckled in the crook of you neck, and placed a kiss there, once again. You smiled, knowing you were blushing. You would think after years of dating the butterflies would go away, but they haven’t. And you loved that part of being with Calum.
His grip loosened from your waist as you go to grab your toothbrush and toothpaste. You could feel Calum’s eyes on you as you put the toothpaste of your toothbrush and wet it.
As you started brushing your teeth you turned and looked at Calum, staring at you in awe leaning on the bathroom counter and his arms folded.
“what?” you mumble with your toothbrush in your mouth, giving him stink eye because you’re a bit alarmed by what he’s up to.
“nothing” he shrugs, and you go back to brushing.
You finish up, spitting and washing your mouth out. Calum still staring and in the same position.
“What? Do you want me to brush your teeth too?” You ask a bit snarkily, but jokingly.
“Well I wouldn’t mind” He jokes back laughing.
You grab his tooth brush, that was next to yours in the holder. You put toothpaste his, and walked over to him.
“Open” you ordered laughing.
He opened his mouth as you stood on your tippy toes, both laughing uncontrollably.
Once you were done you rinsed off his toothbrush and put it back, still laughing. And he rinsed out his mouth.
You walked over to him kissing his cheek, as he blushed just as hard as you did earlier.
Authors note: hi ! i hope you liked this. i kinda thought people would think this concept is weird, but maybe someone will enjoy it? Thank you!!
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fallingoverforcalum · 4 years
You Can’t Do That!
summary: in the middle of a fight Timothee starts speaking in French to prevent saying something he’ll regret
Y/N: you name
warnings: i do not speak french at all so please bare with me, and if you do speak french please feel free to correct me and help me out. Also angst. And this is pretty short.
“I didn’t even say you said that!” says Timothee as you both sit on the couch watching a movie that was completely forgotten after you two had started fighting. “Yes you did! You just yelled and said that about 3 minutes ago!” you shouted back at him as you sit up on the couch. “You’re so annoying! It’s like I can’t even have an opinion without you judging me!” he shouts back louder. “Of course you can have an opinion! I wasn’t even judging you!” you replied as Timothee stands up from the couch mumbling something in french.
“Tu es une salope, je ne peux pas m'occuper de toi” (you are being a bitch, I cant deal with you). You then storm up from the couch and follow him into the kitchen. “You can’t do that! You know I don’t speak french, and you decide to talk and fight with me in french?!” he gets in your face “regarde moi (y/n)! ce n'est pas de ma faute” (watch me (y/n)! it’s not my fault). You had only known phrases and some words, like cute nicknames that Timothee had given you, or how to say hello and introduce yourself for when his family came to visit him. “How would you like it if i spoke in spanish during our fights?” you argued, he squints his eyes glaring into yours “vous ne parlez pas espagnol, les langues du lycée ne vous font pas couramment” (you don't speak spanish, the high school languages ​​don't make you fluent) he shot back with only attitude in his voice. “no me gusta pelear contigo” (i dont like to fight with you) you said to him still not having a clue what he was saying or had said before.
You spoke with anger, in your heart it felt like you were begging him. Begging for you two to just stop fighting and for him to hold you. Just for you to wake up from this nightmare, and wake up in his arms. You didn’t even remember what you two were fighting about.
“(y/n), (y/n), (y/n)!” Timothee caught your attention after you had been deep in your thoughts. You looked at him, then you it all came up, tears started to well in your eyes as you stared back at him. His face softened as he saw the tears well up. You felt bad. Bad because YOU started crying and making HIM feel bad.
“I hate fighting with you” You spoke so softly.
He looked at you as if you were a piece of glass. So fragile, and delicate. He took a step closer, and took your face in his hands. You grabbed his wrist, not for him to take his hands off you. But to keep his hands there, the feeling of his touch was full of love.
“Please don’t cry” He wiped the tears from your face. “I don’t like to fight either. But it happens no matter what, and that’s okay” he spoke looking into your eyes waiting for you to look back at him. “Couples fight, we fight. Its okay, everything is okay.”
He took his hands off your face, and moved them to hug you. He cradled your head, as you put your head on his chest, wrapping your arms around his waist.
“See...we’re okay! I love you ma cherie” he reassured you kissing your head.
a/n: Like I said IM SO SORRY IF YOU SPEAK FRENCH AND NONE OF THIS MAKES SENSE. Please let me know if i said something wrong or anything, and please let me know how to say it. hope you enjoyed!
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fallingoverforcalum · 4 years
Two Drunken Nights: Part 1
summary: when you find out Calum has cheated on you, you had kept it a secret that you’ve known until it comes up on a drunken night.
(y/n) = your name
warnings: Pretty long idk why i didn’t expect it to be.
please don’t steal this, thank you.
One month ago...
Calum and you were laying in bed watching cartoons with Duke laying right between you two.
“I’m gonna take a shower real quick” he said standing up pecking you on the lips.
Your eyes back to the tv as Duke had moved up the bed to Calum’s spot.
His phone had kept buzzing on the nightstand next to his side of the bed. It wasn’t like it was ringing. You knew you shouldn’t have looked at, but you couldn’t help it.
You had just assumed it was his and the guys’ group chat. But it was just Luke. You unlocked it to see what he was freaking out.
“You have to tell her, it was a mistake she’ll understand”
“You can’t hide it forever”
“When are you going to tell her”
“It needs to be soon”
You panically continued to the rest of the messages, every other one seemed the same
You went out of their messages and found the list of people he had been texting. You scrolled and found an unfamiliar name.
You tapped into their messages, scrolling all the way up to the beginning.
“I want to see you again”
The girl had said.
“I miss your touchhhhhh”
“come over?”
They went on for weeks. He had only responded to a few. You could hear your heart breaking in your chest.
You heard the shower turn off, then quickly turned off his phone and set it back on his nightstand, and got snuggled back into the covers and had your eyes glued back to the tv.
Calum has gotten dressed, and slid back into the bed. You had been laying with your back to him hoping he wouldn’t ask you what’s wrong or try to look at you or get you to look at him. You were on the verge of tears not knowing what to do.
Lost in your thoughts, you suddenly feel him drape his arm over you and pull you closer to him. You panicked. It didn’t feel right. You didn’t feel okay. You sat up quickly, he gave you a puzzled look trying to figure out what was going through your head. You bounced in your head trying to think of something to say.
‘Think, think, think, think, something. please!’ you basically shouted in you head.
“Uhm... I-I I’m going to go make a snack downstairs, you want anything?” You asked, finally saying the first thing that popped in your head.
He still was giving you this confused look. “uh no I’m good, thanks” he stammered.
You quickly got the covers off, and walked out the room shutting the door behind you.
Sprinting down the stairs you felt your face get hot and tears stream down your face.
You sat on the kitchen floor sobbing, as quietly as you could.
20 minutes later...
Still sobbing on the floor unable to think of what to do, or how to approach him, or the situation.
“Hey doll?” He called from up the stairs.
Shit. Did he hear you? Is he coming down here?
“Yeah?” You called back up.
“Everything alright?” He questioned.
“Yup, all good I’ll be up in a couple of minutes just cleaning up” You answered.
You then heard him walk back into your shared bedroom closing the door.
You sighed in relief he didn’t come down. You loved him so much. You just didn’t know how to talk to him about it. You invaded his privacy by looking through his phone, but he obviously did worse. You still didn’t know how to bring it up. You never liked fighting with him, but with something like this, it was impossible not to fight. You’ve always thought Calum was your forever, you still thought that. But you had doubts if he thought you were his forever. He hadn’t been acting off or distant. Was he not ashamed? Did he enjoy his night? or maybe nights with her?
You went to the bathroom, wetting a washcloth with cold water dabbing your face with it. Trying to get the red out from your face.
Once your face wasn’t a red, tear stained mess you went back upstairs. Calum was laying in bed, his eyes had been glued to the tv until you walked in.
“Where’s your snack?”
“uhm” Think think think “I already had it, I just ate downstairs” you blurted as you sat down on the bed.
“oh. why didn’t you eat up here?” He questioned.
“I didn’t want to get anything in the bed” you lied.
You got under the covers and tried to fall asleep. You felt Calum get up and turn off the light, and then felt him again crawl back into bed and cuddle you. But this time you let him, not because you forgave him, but because you knew you wouldn’t be able to come up with another excuse.
After a month of knowing you became distant, not too distant for him to bring it up.
“I’m gonna go out with (Y/F/N)” you said about to walk into the bathroom.
You needed advice but you also needed to forget about the whole month.
“Oh. okay... do you need a ride there or home or anything?” He asked in sort of an upset tone.
“Um maybe a ride home, (Y/F/N) is gonna pick me up from here” You said.
An hour later....
You were all ready, wearing a tight black dress with gold stars plastered on it. And just a simple pair of black doc Martins. Your hair just down as usual. And your makeup minimal but with pops of color in your eyeshadow and on your lips.
You walked out of the bathroom giving calum a peck on his cheek and mumbling a goodbye.
You hadn’t kissed him on the lips since you found out. Just forehead, cheek and temple kisses. And all the times he had tried to kiss you on the mouth you pretended you didn’t notice or hugged him, just something to dodge it.
After a long night of drinkin... crying and more drinking....
Calum’s POV
(Y/N) has been acting weird, but i had just thought she was in a weird place and she’d get through it because she always does but it’s been a month. She went out with her friends, I hope they make sure she gets out of this weird spot.
It was 1 am and (Y/N) still wasn’t home, at this point i just waited for a phone call.
2 am
My phone started buzzing. I quickly pick it up.
“hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii” she slurred and dragged out when i picked up.
“hey doll” I said, putting on a t-shirt and some slippers.
“I’ve always lovedddd that nicknameeee bubba” she said into the phone like a giddy teenage girl. I smiled when I heard the pet name ‘bubba’ she hadn’t called me that in so long.
“you need me to pick you up?” I questioned, knowing the answer.
“yesss ppleasee babyy” she slurred into the phone.
“I’m on my way, my love” I told her.
Even though she was drunk I still loved what she was saying through the phone, I missed it. I loved (Y/N) still do. She had seemed off and i was 90% sure she was gonna break up with me soon. I felt guilty about cheating on her when me and the boys were away. But I was drunk. And I know I would never ever do it again. I made a mistake. And I wouldn’t make it ever again, not even if I was drunk, high, or anything like that. Lost in my own thoughts I had pulled up to the bar (Y/N) was at.
As Im about to go inside and get her I see her running out like a toddler then waving to her friends goodbye and saying “my uber is here, byeeee!”. I laughed.
She got into the backseat and said “helllloooooo”. Shit, did she really think I was her uber? Is she that hammered?
“Hey baby” I said looking in the backseat trying to look at her to let her know it’s me, and not some random uber guy.
She smelt like vodka, and nothing else.
“I have a boyfriend” she slurred turning off her phone as I started driving.
“wellllll” starting again.
“well what?” I questioned, my heart picking up.
“He cheated on me and ever since I found out.... things just hadn’t been the same” she said in a fussy drunk tone.
My eyes widened. Shit. Shit. Fuck. Fuck. I was panicking.
“How did you find out he cheated” I questioned, trying to get more information and how she felt.
“I looked through his phone, which I knew wasn’t right but i still did it, but maybe it was a good thing that i did.” she started to ramble, she did this often when she was drunk and upset.
“When did you find out” I asked knowing she was starting to either sober up, which is doubtful to how drunk she is. Or fall asleep. probably fall asleep.
“about a month ago.” she said, almost sounding sober.
A month ago?! She has known for a month?!
I had pulled up to our home we had bought about a year ago together. I helped her get out of the car and into the house.
I sat her down on the couch. “I’m gonna get you some water, okay?” I said getting up walking to the kitchen.
Bringing it to her, I helped her sit up and drink. She was wrecked, her makeup smudged, hair a mess. Only smelling like vodka.
I carried her upstairs. “Let’s get you changed, okay doll?” She blushed kissing me on the cheek. I kissed her on the lips, feeling that this would be the last time i’d be able to kiss her.
We continued upstairs, I set her gently down on the bed. I went to the bathroom getting make up wipes and bringing them back to her. “Here take off your makeup” I said setting them next to her “I don’t want to” she said tossing and turning like a fussy toddler. I take a wipe out, gently wiping her face.
I wanted to sob. What if this is the last time i get to touch or kiss, or pick her up from nights like thi, forever. I don’t want to lose her. She’s my forever. I don’t want one mistake ruining that.
I grab something for her to sleep in from the dresser. I grabbed one of my t- shirts and my pair of sweatpants and helped her change into it.
She slid into bed and I followed. I held her and she held me back. I cried into her shoulder without making a sound. I’d hate to lose her.
In the morning I’ll bring it up. And hopefully we talk through it.
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fallingoverforcalum · 5 years
Late Night Uber
inspired by @pinkk-peonies ‘Tired’
summary: After a long day and a long night with shawn, on the way home in the uber you both fall asleep
Y/N = your name
warnings: none, it’s just fluff
please don’t steal this, thank you
As soon as you came home from a long day of work, shawn had been wanting to go out since he had been stuck in the studio for days. Brian has invited you both to a movie night with some other friends. As soon as you got home Shawn was standing in the kitchen on his phone, with his shoes already on. It had seemed he was ready to go, and he was waiting on you. “Hi baby” he said as soon as you walked in, looking up from his phone. You smiled softly, full of love, happy to see him. You walked over and hugged around his neck as he quickly responded by hugging your waist, almost picking you up. You removed you hands from his neck but he kept his grip on your waist. “You still want to go to Brian’s tonight?” you nodded in response, smiling, looking into his eyes, maybe too lovingly at this point.
You and Shawn were on your way to Brian’s in an uber. You had been looking out the window for the whole ride, the raindrops had seemed like they were pouring in slow motion. Your eyelids felt heavy, then you felt a hand on your thigh. You slowly look over at him. He had the same loving smile you had before, you gave a smile back when he whispered “Are you okay?” with a bit of concern in his voice, as he started to rub your thigh. “Mhmm just a bit tired” you told him, he nodded as he heard you and understood.
You had your head on Shawn’s chest, while your legs were wrapped up with his. You nocticed his eyes also getting heavy with it being 11:30 pm when usually shawn and you had been in bed already. You reached and put your hand on his cheek, he looked down at you, a sleepy smirk placed on his face. “You wanna go home?” you asked rubbing his cheek. he hummed an ‘mhm’ in response as he blinked slowly.
He had ordered an uber minutes again and any second the uber could be here any second. We had said bye to all of our friends, and got downstairs and out of the building to get into the uber.
Shawn sat there looking at where the driver was going, making sure he was going the right way. You had your head pressed up against the window, you had looked over at Shawn. The traffic lights and street lights hit his face just perfectly. He nocticed my staring, and looked over at me and gave a kind smile.
I started to move and i laid on his arm laying across the middle seat. He kissed my head as I started to fall asleep.
“Baby.... hey baby wake up, y/n wakey wakey” he softly whispered in attempt to wake me up as he softly kept nudging my shoulder. I opened my eyes that immediately met with his “come on, let’s go inside”. I sat up, and he grabbed my hand pulling me out of the car. We ran out of the car, running inside due to the rain pouring. I hadn’t even realized it was raining.
Right before we had gotten inside he stopped. I tucked my hair behind my ear, and had a confused expression. “What are y-“ and he had his lips pressed against mine. i pulled away and blushed. I had wondered how long that kiss was since we had both been soaking wet. “Let’s go get changed” He says and we finally go inside.
𝓼𝓸𝓻𝓻𝔂 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓮𝓷𝓭 𝔀𝓪𝓼 𝓪 𝓵𝓲𝓽𝓽𝓵𝓮 𝓬𝓱𝓮𝓮𝓼𝔂
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fallingoverforcalum · 5 years
Can you? | Kian Lawley Imagine
summary: Y/N has a rough day and comes home crying, and tries to get Kian to sing to her to make her feel better.
Y/N = your name
warnings: none you’re just sad
please don’t steal this, thank you.
You had a rough day. It was just stressful and it seemed like everyone was attacking you. And everything from today just made you want to breakdown and sob anywhere and everywhere.
Right when you got into your car you started to cry, putting your hands and forehead on the wheel sobbing. After a couple of minutes you started to drive home.
Unlocking the door you walk in heading straight to yours and kian’s bedroom, hearing the roommates conversation die as soon as you walked in. You felt everyone’s eyes on you as you went. You heard faint whispers as you fell into the bed.
Some of the whispers you could understand, some you couldn’t. It made you even more anxious that they were whispering about you. Suddenly you heard footsteps coming towards the door. You quickly wiped your tears and got underneath the covers pretending to be asleep.
You heard a faint knock on the door thinking it was one of the roommates, because why would kian knock on his own door? But it was Kian.
“Baby?” he said softly and with concern and opening the door and peaking in. He closed the door behind him and came over to the side of the bed you were sleeping on, seeing your eyes red from tears. He could tell you weren’t actually sleeping you don’t know how, but he could.
“Y/N, I know you’re not sleeping” he said trying to say it nicely not to make you more upset, somehow. You flutter your eyes open. He moved his hand from your hip to your cheek, wiping away any tears you missed. “What happened today, baby?” he asked lovingly, you sat up and leaned back on the headboard shrugging in response to his question. He went to his side of the bed sitting next to you, also leaning back on the headboard.
“Baby, you know I don’t want to pry, but I hate seeing you so upset. And I know if you talk about it you’ll feel better” he knew you so well. You just stared blankly down at the bed, as he stared at you concerned. You finally sighed and rested your head on his shoulder and he wrapped his arms around you.
You told him about your day, him pulling you closer with each sob that left your mouth. “I’m so sorry” he said, you shrugged in his arms. You both just laid in bed, holding eachother as you sobbed.
“Can you sing to me?” you asked a bit nervous, afraid of his response. He just chuckled, and you continued to waited for his response. “So... can you?” you practically begged. “I don’t even know what to sing” he told you “anything” you said quickly “that doesn’t help” he chuckled “How about that one you sang in Zac & Mia, or one from tangled?” you suggested.
He started to sing the one from Zac & Mia that he sang in the first or second episode. He had noticed when he was done that you had calmed down a bit, your breathing became normal, you stopped sobbing, crying just in general. He started to sing ‘I See The Light’ from Tangled.
About halfway through the song you felt your eyelids get heavier and you started to drift off to sleep. Kian had noticed you fell asleep at the end and he rested his head on top of yours as he drifted off to sleep aswell.
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fallingoverforcalum · 5 years
Paint | Kian Lawley Imagines
Summary: Kian wants to post a video with you on his own channel so he decides to post one involving you guys messing around, paint and nonsense.
Y/N = your name
warnings: none
please don’t steal this, thank you.
You and Kian had been public about your guy’s relationship for about a year now. And Kian had recently started posting regularly on his own main channel again.
“Hey babe?” Kian asked as he walked into your guy’s shared bedroom. “Yes?” you said as you looked up at him from your phone.
He plopped on the bed, and told you about his new video idea. “So what I was thinking was that we answer questions about eachother, and if the person gets it wrong you can either throw or dump some paint on them” you nodded and smiled as he talked about it.
“I think that’ll be such a good video. I love the idea.” you responded genuinely “So will you do it with me?” he asked. You looked at him with furrowed eyebrows “I thought you meant you and jc, not kian and Y/N”. He laughed and put his hands together as he begged “Why aren’t you doing it with Jc?” you asked softly “Because we already have all the videos filmed for this week, and i need one for my channel, and I wanna do it with you” he said, saying the last part with love. “Alright I’ll do it” you said with a smile.
Next thing you knew you and Kian were dressed in all white with all the colors of paint you could think of. He was doing the intro to the video explaining the game. “But if the person gets it right they get to paint the asker” he said finishing up the intro as you looked at him “You didn’t tell me me that part” “i added it” he said as he shrugged. You sighed “Okay lets get this over with” you told the camera and Kian laughed as you guys got started with the video.
“So as you can see we have these white tarps on the walls and floors so we don’t get paint everywhere” Kian told the camera. “Are we taking turns?” you asked him “Well yeah, duh” he said with sass. You smacked his shoulder jokingly as you both laughed.
“I’ll go first i insist” kian said as he looked at his questions for you on his phone, and you rolled your eyes and laughed. “What is my birthday?” he asked “September 2nd” you answered quickly “Year?” he dragged on “1995” “alright, that was an easy one anyway” he said in defeat. You picked up purple and splashed it on kian as you laughed.
Only a few questions later, and Kian was looking at his phone searching for a hard question, as you got a little bored. While Kian had his back turned you dipped your hand in red and went up to him and wiped your hand all down his back. He turned in shock “What’d you do?” he asked warningly. You giggled and tried to run away when kian dipped his hands in green and blue and ran after you picking you up and throwing you over his shoulders as you laughed historically.
“Okay if you get this wrong... there’s an issue” you started warningly “what are my dogs’ names back home” Kian eyes widened. It took a awhile and he finally said defeated “I don’t know, i give up” you pretend to walk out the room “I’m sorry!!” he laughed. You came back “You deserve a dump for that” you told him as you picked up the yellow paint from the floor and dumped it on top of his head as it dripped onto his clothes mixing with the other colors.
At this point you were both covered in paint, and about to end the video. “You look kinda cute covered in paint” he told you as you laughed “you do!!” he insisted, you rolled you eyes thinking it was cliché but cute. He walked up to you wrapping his arms around your waist as you wiped some of the wet paint away from his eyes. He dipped his head kissing your lips as you wrapped your arms around his neck and stood on your toes. “I’ll cut that out of the video” he laughed pulling away to do the outro.
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fallingoverforcalum · 5 years
I am planning on to write imagines, and stuff like that about people. Such as knj, 5sos, tom holland, shawn mendes, etc.. So stay tuned for those!
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