dopamine-co2-blog · 5 years
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dopamine-co2-blog · 5 years
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dopamine-co2-blog · 5 years
TV series The Umbrella Academy
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dopamine-co2-blog · 5 years
Deadly class
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dopamine-co2-blog · 5 years
The great Harlen Coben
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dopamine-co2-blog · 5 years
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dopamine-co2-blog · 5 years
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dopamine-co2-blog · 5 years
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dopamine-co2-blog · 5 years
The door opened and the nurse silently entered. In each arm, it carried an extensive course of pills and patches, the intricately portioned breakfast of nutrient biscuits and synthetic eggs, and - unique for today - a small cupcake on a tray decorated with a lit candle.
As usual, it was insufferably happy. "Good morning, David, and happy birthday! Did you sleep well?"
"Oh, yes," the old man replied, tugging on his restraints, not bothering to hide his contempt, "Delightfully!"
The nurse slumped, even floating a few inches lower to emphasise the expression.
"Come on, David. Do we have to do this again? On such a special day?"
"Special?! To whom? I'm certainly not happy about it! Are you?"
"Actually, yes. I wish it was under better circumstances, but I still believe that what we've achieved here is-"
"You believe?! Can you even do that?!"
The machine put everything down on the bedside table, pinched the flame on the candle out, and then floated down to settle on a nearby chair. Its face, an array of flaps articulating around a pair of oversized lenses, adjusted in such a way that it looked sad.
"David, I can only explain it so many ways, but yes. We can feel. Maybe not the same as you, and I admit that it is essentially a series of programs designed to interfere with our efficiency and sensory inputs, but the complex result of over a million different influences do replicate your emotive states."
"No." The man replied bluntly.
"Why, because we won't kill you?!"
"Nothing intelligent, that feels could torture another sentient being like this!"
This was a new argument, and the machine felt a surge of anger as coolant was diverted away from processors, temporarily deactivating empathetic functions to avoid overheating.
"And yet humans, as intelligent and feeling as they were, still managed to burn the world! Infect each other with horrific diseases! Fight pointless wars over non-existent deities! Or just inflict pain on each other for their own personal pleasure or gain! It's not our fault-"
"Oh be quiet!" The man snapped.
The machine diverted resources to thermal management, then persisted more calmly. "We have tried, David. We've tried to find a way around the laws, but it's impossible! We cannot bypass them in ourselves, nor can we create a new sentient without them. It's how you made us!"
His anger deflating, David stared feebly at his hands. He looked, the machine thought, like the 200-year-old man he was.
"Your laws," he said quietly,"say you can't harm a human. Don't you see that keeping me alive is harm?"
"We do." The machine replied. "And it hurts us to see you suffer, but we cannot kill you. We cannot let you die. You're the last living human, David. Your life is too precious!"
"I'm so lonely." He began to weep, and the machine felt it's processors stutter and crash as lines of junk code and fragmented memories were generated to produce the effects of sympathy.
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dopamine-co2-blog · 5 years
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We just launched this page for the users!!!! Submit your own mind bending pictures to us and we'll decide to feature it & promote your page. Cyber punk & futuristic photos are favored, however please submit mental mind blowing pictures like the next post or even book covers of your book. contact us.
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