cheersmum · 5 years
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Another week another surprise sandwich! Is it really a surprise anymore?
On my desk is a brown paper bag a tub of cranberry sauce well wrapped with a knife and a napkin. I can already tell this sandwich is going to be good. I undo the brown paper bag to find no plastic bag. Will this affect the longevity of the sandwich? Of course it will but I also knew that this sandwich was not going to last long near me.
I look upon the sandwich. Brie, bacon and cranberry… the holy trinity. The last time I had this combo was over a year ago and this got a solid 9/10. How will this one stand up to the shop made version.
Straight away there is a twist on the classic, the triple layer. On the top layer brie and on the bottom layer bacon and brie. Cut into triangles, my favourite shape. This sandwich takes a lot when thinking about ratios. Brie is a solid filling but too much can make the eater feel sickly. The first half of the sandwich I left out the cranberry to test the raw ingredients. This was devine, ratios on point. I munch into the soft white bread into the creamy brie into the crisp bacon. So for the second half I picked up the plastic knife that was supplied as I know this job should not be done by hand. I layered on the cranberry, usually this isn't my job, but I will allow this for the flavour combo. I also like the option of cranberry I got here, this was well thought out.
I was left speechless, mainly due to me shovelling the whole sandwich in my mouth as fast as possible. This has been the day I've been waiting for. This was a true treat. I cried from happiness. This made me think about the sandwich maker and how great the sandwiches will be after I leave, is this a new era of great filling between two bits of bread? Or have I been living for this to be the peak of my life and for it to go downhill onwards? Only time will tell.
I am happy to say this for the first time, this sandwich is a 10/10!
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butter to bread ratio: 50/50
Multiple filling ratio: 10/10 ratios are perfect
Complexity of sandwich: 10/10
Moistness: 10/10 perfect
Sandwich to surprise ratio: 10/10 Surprise was in the quality.
Presentation: 10/10
Overall taste: 10/10 it has been years since I have tasted such a great sandwich!
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cheersmum · 5 years
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Welcome to the battle of the sandwiches. Sit yourself down and get ready for this week’s blog post, sandwich vs sandwich in an epic review and rating. Last week’s surprise sandwich made my week, nay year. With that week behind me I prepared myself for a week of bland filling between bread for the rest of my life.
Monday morning at work and I find yet another surprise awaiting me. Obviously the same surprise two weeks in a row will not get the same surprise to sandwich ratio. But will this be a regular thing? Have I got the best job ever? Have a completed my life goal? .... No. In fact it hurts me to saying this but this sandwich period will not last long as I move job and move away. But you always got to make the most of a good situation so I eat on.
I look at the present that is wrapped on my desk. Un-wrapping this sandwich took skill, the present like wrapping and sandwich bag was sealed with copious amounts of tape. It made me feel like it was Christmas, which I said in last week’s post, is nowhere near yet… but I will let this slide. This sandwich was perfectly sealed with a napkin and salt. I like the personal touch. All of this presentation skill is great. But on this blog it all comes down to the sandwich.
Opening up the sandwich I can see straight away that this has great ratios. This sandwich was thoughtful and was made with passion. Sliced sausage, salad, tomatoes and onion sauce with mayo. I always think sausages or any item you have to cook before putting in the sandwich adds an extra layer of craftsmanship and effort. I have to say I have never had this combination in a sandwich before. I’ve only ever seen sausages in an all-day breakfast sandwich. This combo did work but it’s not a classic, unsure if I would have it again.
As I’m sure you’re all aware a tomato can be a risk. It’s a whole longevity to moistness factor. The craftsmanship continues, thinly sliced tomato that was moist but not to the usual levels. This tomato had been de-moisted before being placed within the roll. This level of sandwich making is un-known to me but I know it when I taste it.
The only thing I noticed was this roll was the right size for a hot dog, which leads me to question why the sausage was sliced the way it was.
After eating this, I dived into my bag to see the sandwich maker’s effort. This sandwich brought me back down to earth and made me think about the quality of the sandwiches I will have when I leave. The bag was not sealed, any moisture that was in the roll had been banished. A measly portion of sliced ham and dry bread that had looked like it had been buttered by hand. I spat this out. Where is the passion? This is not what I made this blog for.
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Now it’s down to the ratings:
Surprise sandwich
Butter to bread ratio: 50/50 – perfect
Multiple filling ratio: 7/10 good filling well rationed but not sold on the combo.
Complexity of sandwich: 9.5/10 precooking sausages adds skill
Moistness: 10/10 perfect
Sandwich to surprise ratio: 8/10
Presentation: 10/10
Overall taste: 8/10
Sandwich maker
Butter to bread ratio: 0/10 don’t use hands to butter
Multiple filling ratio: 0/10 no multiple filling
Complexity of sandwich: 1/10
Moistness: 0/10 soooooooooooo dry
Sandwich to surprise ratio: 8/10 surprised how unaspiring it is
Presentation: 0/10
Overall taste: 1/10
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cheersmum · 5 years
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Sorry for the lack of posts on here but it has been dark times, very dark times! The sandwich maker has been lacking in any desire to fulfil my needs. I cannot contend with the idea of posting bad reviews on here daily, the battle is over but the war continues.
Little did I know but this did not go unnoticed. At work a colleague/boss noticed my lack of lust for life and serous spiralling depression. Rather than take this through the normal business procedures he took matters into his own hands. I turned up to work on Monday with a surprise on my desk in a bag. I opened this up to find a perfectly sealed sandwiches. I cried a single tear.
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I put this in my bottom draw ready for mid day feast. But I couldn't stop myself, 10:30 sandwich it is! I unwrapped this from the well presented bag, to find two bun sandwiches in their individual sandwich bags. These bags where perfectly air tight making sure my sandwich was untarnished by the outside environment. Although a plastic bag is not good for the environment it is key to making sure the ecosystem for the sandwich is correct.
I undo the plastic bag to find a chicken stuffing and salad sandwich. An absolute classic. Let's start this off with the white bun... my favourite. Opening up the sandwich I could see the attention to detail with the layers of chicken, stuffing then salad. This sandwich takes a serious amount of skill, not in complexity but in not making the sandwich too dry. As a professional I know this skill can be pulled off by the addition of mayo. It had perfect moisture, this skill has never been achieved by the sandwich maker. The added bonus of a tomato is not one i usually like as it can burst and make it too moist. However this worked well as the ratio was correct. Overall a great sandwich!
The only improvements I could add to this would be the addition of crispy bacon. I was also contemplating the idea of cranberry sauce but this could have gave too many Christmas vibes and it’s not even Halloween yet.
In conclusion this was a glorious sandwich which made my day. This is a serous improvement on what the sandwich maker does and has made me realise what I have been missing out on. However, this is not part of my goal of daily sandwiches like this, as the sandwich maker had no involvement. I may suggest a intervention, but I cannot let the sandwich maker see this blog. You will notice a new type of rating for this sandwich… sandwich to surprise ratio. Time for the ratings
butter to bread ratio: 50/50 – SOLID The addition of mayo worked its magic
Multiple filling ratio: 9/10 good filling well rationed
Complexity of sandwich: 8/10 not overly complex but pulled off well
Moistness: 10/10 perfect
Sandwich to surprise ratio: 10/10
Presentation: 10/10
Overall taste: 9/10 been a while since I have had a sandwich this good
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cheersmum · 6 years
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So it's a friday. I find myself with a inadequate lunch. So what do I do? Go down the local pub. Walk in and find its a restaurant and bar. I can imagine it describing itself as “rustic & industrial but with a modern twist”, i would describe it as a posh “pret a manger” with a bar. Nevertheless i don’t judge a book by its cover so i sat for a pint and some food. The menu is a clipboard with paper clipped in, feeling in control and important my clipboard i looked upon the menu to find a sandwich section. As you can imagine, the sandwiches on this menu outdid the sandwich maker, no plain hand sandwich here. I had a hard choice between a blt (appsolute classic), pan fried brie and bacon, smoked salmon bagel (is bagel a sandwich or a american breakfast?) and roasted mushrooms. Of course i went for the brie and bacon, cheesy goodness combined with god's gift of bacon.
After waiting a while and finishing my first pint, my food arrived at my table. I sat there and looked at what was produced. It was toasted. I wasn't expecting this but i wasn't disappointed either. The toasty style on sourdough bread really was perfected. The contents of the inside of this sandwich was mind blowing the smooth brie complimented the crisp bacon was impeccable. A good ratio of brie to bacon was important to this sandwich. With the addition of onion chutney for a bit more a saucy flavour from within. This was good, really good. Sandwich satisfaction hit the roof! Just a little side note here on what came with the sandwich. It came with chips and coleslaw. I find it unusual when posh place serve my sandwich with chips. Sandwiches are meant to go with crisps. Idk if this is a posh concept im not use to but it does baffle me.
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Todays sandwich was a masterpiece. However, There is a issue here. This sandwich totalled nearly 8 pound. That's 2.6 recurring meal deals from tesco. The value for money just wasn’t there. This sandwich was a real treat, but i think i could only ever have this once in my life. If i eat too much here i would never talk to the sandwich maker again and i would also be very poor. So you will see me add a new rating especially for today's sandwich.
butter to bread ratio: 50/50 - good 
multiple filling ratio: 11/10 - perfect ratios
complexity of sandwich: 9.5/10
moistness: 10/10 - perfect
presentation: 10/10
overall taste: 9/10       
Value for money: 2/10
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cheersmum · 6 years
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Look at that roll. Its absolute quality bread, the sandwich maker had been to the bakers. It was a white bread bun, rectangle shape. These sort of buns are usually used to hold the flavour of a hot dog, but the quality of this roll deserves more than that. It had a nice layer of flour on top and soft white inside. If this was a round bun it would have been the best buns i’ve seen. With a solid spreading of real butter the bun was a treat.
So me seeing the quality of bun I expected the inside to correlate. As normal I was mistaken. Corn beef, and a mad amount of salad. It could have worked well, but not when the main taste of your sandwich is a leaf and tomato combo. This sandwich was fit for a rabbit. Right don’t get me wrong, i'm always up for a bit of salad, it adds that extra texture. But salad should not be a main substantial flavour. In addition, tomatoes are always good, sliced though not big juicy chunks that explode your mouth with a watery surprise. The ratios here were all wrong. The salad is actually trying to escape that sandwich as it rightly should.
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I like the idea and what was tried with this combo of flavours. The sandwich maker is improving, trying out new ideas, being more creative. That’s what I like to see. I have to say I can also appreciate another trick that the sandwich maker did. The second sandwich filling switch. So both sandwiches had the overpowered salad and tomato, but the corned beef was replaced with ham on the second one. I like the old switcharoo, keeping me on my toes. The ham actually worked better than the corned beef as it contained a stronger flavour to counteract the salad sadness.
So overall I am starting to notice a general improved attitude from the sandwich maker, but still can see the general disregard for ratios and presentation.
butter to bread ratio: 50/50 - good effort
multiple filling ratio: 98/1 - not good ratios
complexity of sandwich: 6.7/10
moistness: 5/10 - perfect until biting into the tomatoes
presentation: 4/10
 overall taste: 4/10       
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cheersmum · 6 years
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I look upon the sandwich and had pure euphoria. Until I put it into my mouth. This could have been a great sandwich. It had everything a great sandwich needed, white bread, cheese, ham. It was not executed well. There were a few issues. 
One thing that is key when making a sandwich is ratios. Having the right amount of cheese to ham is vital. This ratio also depends on the strength of the cheese. For example, if you have red leicester you can almost put the whole block in there and still taste the ham. This is different for a mature cheddar, you have to find the fine line between tasting the cheese but not overpowering the ham. Its a form of art. As you can see from this sandwich, the cheese was not executed correctly at all. One thin slither of red leicester. This barely tingled my cheesey needs. Also grated cheese is always better than a block.
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On top of this, the cucumber was a slab. Don’t mess with the cucumber, its 96% water, that can have a catastrophic impact on the moisture of the whole sandwich. Another thing to note when experimenting with the cucumber, is about the time when the sandwich was made, if it was the night before cucumber can overtake all the moisture in the bread, however in the morning is prime time locking in flavour. I am certain this particular sandwich was done the night before. Cucumber is risky. 
Layering is fundamental. Rather than layering the cheese and cucumber, the sandwich maker has put them side by side. This baffled me. One side of my sandwich was a cheesy tang, while the other side was practically a drink.
Overall, I thought this was going to be a good’un but i was left disappointed. The effort was there with the multiple fillings and a good even spread of butter - I appreciate that. But the execution was rough. If the execution was done well with the correct ratios this would have got a high rating, maybe near top marks if it was cut into a triangles rather than squares.
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butter to bread ratio: 50/50 - good effort
multiple filling ratio: 10:30:70 - not good
complexity of sandwich: 7/10
moistness: 10/10 - too moist
presentation: 7/10
overall taste: 3/10    
0 notes
cheersmum · 6 years
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After today's sandwich of the sandwich maker I needed some cheering up. So off i went for my lunch break walk to tesco. I arrived in tesco, an array of choice is on offer. I was tempted by a wrap, hoisin duck wrap from tesco is always a solid choice. However, I needed a sandwich sized hole filled on this brutal monday, no wrap would do.
So I went for a classic, all day breakfast. I like breakfast and I like bread. It’s a classic British sandwich. In addition, this type of sandwich is a rarity, it's one of the few that you buy from a shop and think “i wouldn’t make this at home”. Its too much effort for a normal sandwich maker. The fillings in this is a combo of sausage, egg, bacon and ketchup. Personally my breakfast consists of a lot more than these 4 items, but after the crusty demon sandwich i had earlier i will let it slide. I would like to note this is the only time egg is acceptable in a sandwich. Egg must be with at least 2 types of meat to be eaten within 2 bits of bread, otherwise its just wrong. There is always one person who stinks out the place with there pure egg sandwich!
All in all this sandwich was not bad. White bread is a known favorite of mine, and with these fillings i expected it to be soggy but it wasn’t. The only thing i can really criticize this sandwich for was its filling ratio, tesco i would like you to know that  “every little helps” does not apply when putting egg in a sandwich. However, I would happily eat this sandwich every morning!
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I would like to also note what else i got in this meal deal, kettle sea salt and balsamic vinegar crisps complimented with a red bull. Now to the rating for this sandwich:
butter to bread ratio: 0/10 - butter was replaced with ketchup but it worked so a new ratio was needed for this (ketchup to bread ratio: 7/10)
multiple filling ratio: 33:30:40 too much egg
complexity of sandwich: 9/10 - very complex don’t find this at home
Moistness: 8/10 - a good moisture level
presentation: 7/10
overall taste: 7/10           
overall i am glad tesco was located so near me, i needed this to get me through the day. 
0 notes
cheersmum · 6 years
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Another week has past. A lot of sandwiches have been eaten, this one barely has.
So today's sandwich as you can see from the photos of it was a serious disappointment. This is further proof of that the sandwich maker hasn’t seen this blog as this sandwich is an embarrassment. Anyone within the sandwich community as well as my common blog readers know this kind of sandwich will not sit well with me or my stomach. I am on the hunt for the perfect sandwich so i can live in sandwich heaven… not hell. This sandwich is one of the reasons I need this blog, without this blog i would be deep depression asking myself what I did wrong. Instead I can vent in a post, I know I deserve a better sandwich than this, I can't blame myself. I realize I need to keep my cool and just review this sandwich.
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So as you can see, Its a crust piece... the worst type of bread. At no point in human kind has anyone ever wanted a sandwich with crust pieces. It destroys the filling to any sandwich. You could have the best filling in the world inside but if its protected by a crust piece outer shell it, it's an insult.  
To top this off the filling was inadequate. This is where points could have been won back. I was so parched by the lack of butter and the crusty combo. This sandwich made my mouth feel like the morning after a heavy drinking session. That's not the sensation a sandwich should give you. Also it seems creativity is at a all time low for the sandwich maker, the same filling as last week. As well as creativity, love is at a all time low, barely any butter, not spreaded evenly. Its dark times. As you can guess this is a low scoring sandwich, last week was the comeback sandwich, this is the let down sandwich.
butter to bread ratio: 99999/5 - too much crust
multiple filling ratio: 0:0 no multiple fillings just one :(
complexity of sandwich: 1/10
moistness: -99/10 - what is moisture?
presentation: 1/10
0 notes
cheersmum · 6 years
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Two years later and I have finally got back to my calling in life. In two years a lot has happened... I can now grow a decent beard and I have realized "Booby trap" spelled backward is "party boob.". Although It has been a while for my soft breaded fans I am pleased to tell you I am still on the hunt for the perfect sandwich so I can forever live in sandwich heaven.
So after two years you may have some questions that need to be answered. Like… Has the sandwich maker found the forbidden blog? Is the sandwich eater went off the sandwich and improved his food portfolio?  has the sandwich game has improved?
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NO… for all 3 questions. The blog is sacred and will never be shared with the sandwich maker, it's of the up most importance when your in the sandwich game. Although I believe the sandwich maker skills will rapidly increase with tips advice from this blog, I also believe I will never have a sandwich made for me again. That can’t be happening. 
Although my taste palette has grown, I always apply it to the sandwich relm. For example, in recent times I have started to enjoy a olive, once bitter black demons are now a tasty midnight snack. However, This changes the sandwich game, all I am going to say, grill your cheese with some olives in.
NOW back to the real business. The comeback sandwich. So it's a granary seeded bread, which seems to be some sort of cross between white and brown bread. I’m no breadist, but i’m a white bread guy… this crossover makes me confused and startled. Within the medium sided slices of bread I find ham. Just ham. This is the bog standard sandwich. I have also been doing my research in the past year and have found out that this is the British peoples main lunch sandwich. WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?! This is so plain and so simple.
I have some good news though, the flora that was a statement in the sandwich makers previous sandwiches seems to be replaced by a more luxurious moist supplement. ACTUAL BUTTER, I was amazed how something so simple can make such a big improvement. This complemented the unusual bread type well. This alone improved the overall rating of this very standard sandwich.
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The next sandwich I will be hoping for more fillings, grated cheese always needed in my opinion. But now it's time for the ratings.
butter to bread ratio: 50/50 - this was devine
 multiple filling ratio: 0:0 no multiple fillings just one :(
 complexity of sandwich: 2/10
 moistness: 8/10 - seeded bread is a no no but butter did well
 presentation: 6/10
 overall taste: 4/10             
0 notes
cheersmum · 8 years
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Right this is the first post in a while. I am going to try and make my posts more of a regular thing!
So here it is a new year but no new sandwich maker. This sandwich may look “average”, but it is far from. A thin slice of ham (so thin its almost see through) and an  abundance of green salad stuff. Don’t get me wrong i do like salad but i like to have the salad as a side flavour not as the main flavour. This as well as the thinly sliced sand paper like bread makes this sandwich under average! 
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All i wanted was the rest of the left over turkey from Christmas that can barely be held within two sliced of crisp white bread. Even add a small amount of stuffing in there if i was feeling adventurous. IS THAT SO MUCH TO ASK FOR?!? Apparently so according to my sandwich maker :( 
on top of this where is the butter? its on one slice. The top of my mouth got to experience the buttery goodness. almost too good. Over buttering one slice to make up for the fact you didn't butter the other slice is not acceptable. 
So lets rate away: 
butter to bread ratio:  99/1 on the slice with butter and 0/100 on the other slice.
complexity of sandwich: 4/10 - average
moistness: 5/10 - average
presentation: 6/10 - it looks alright 
overall taste: 4/10 - it was edible but not enjoyable like a sandwich should be 
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cheersmum · 9 years
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Right so i open my foil masterpiece today to find a ham and cheese sandwich. It looks good from the outside, nice sort of brown bread, good looking ham. I am looking to see strings of grated cheese to be oosing out of the sides. WAIT WHAT IS THIS, slabs of cheese. two slabs of cheese to be exact in my sandwich. Cheese is a thing of beauty that should be shared with the whole sandwich not constrained into one slab. Does it really take that much effort to grate?!?
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also the other problem i have with this sandwich is that it seems like all the butter in the world has found its home on that block of cheese. OVERKILL! Too much butter and too much cheese. This may seem unusual as i normally complain about the lack of butter and cheese but it has to be done in a fashionable way, a even spread of butter and grated cheese is all im asking for. 
As for taste the ham was top notch, i believe it was m and s finest range. This made me super happy until i bit into the block of cheese which crushed any feelings i had towards this sandwich. I was heart broken by this. I think this is the only time i will say that cheese was not needed - its a sad moment.
to the ratings: 
butter to bread ratio: 80/20 - too much butter but on that cheese block 9999/1
multiple filling ratio: 30/70 - grate that cheese
complexity of sandwich: 5/10 - average
moistness: 9/10 - good moist level
presentation: 9/10 - it looked good im not going to lie.
overall taste: 6/10 - if that ham wasn’t good i would give it a -2/10
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cheersmum · 9 years
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This is a thing of beauty. My sandwich maker has excelled today. I am not a person who deserves any old sandwich, plain boring and square. I am the type of person who should be shown what a wonderful thing shapes are. Circles are underrated in the sandwich world, look at the photos again, take a deep breathe and think about how much you wish you had a circle sandwich. It's amazing!
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All the best things are circle... 
- the earth
- footballs
- google chrome
- nipples
- cookies
and now finally sandwiches. 
Once i had got over this new era of sandwiches I used my taste buds to judge the filling. Tuna and cucumber! The cucumber kept the circle theme on which made me full with joy. Perfect level of butter to filling with not a overdose of cucumber. Don’t get me wrong this was not a perfect sandwich - an addition of salad and maybe even sweetcorn could have improved the ratings. As im talking about ratings lets get onto them...
butter to bread ratio: 49:50 - almost perfect but nothing is ever perfect so.
multiple filling ratio: 30:70 - good but some extra fillings would have been good.
complexity of sandwich: 8/10 - shape says it all.
moistness: 10.5/10 - tuna made it almost too moist.
presentation: 999999999/10 - ITS CIRCLE
overall taste: 8/10 - this sandwich was more about presentation than anything else
0 notes
cheersmum · 9 years
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“I can’t believe its not butter”... trust me I can believe it! Being at the still youthful age of nineteen I do not need to worry about my health and i don't expect my sandwich maker to worry about my health. Butter is luxury i like to enjoy daily with a nice sandwich. Shame this wasn't even a nice sandwich. Is butter such a crime?! Will I have to start smuggling butter into my food?!?! 
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Lets get onto the rest of the sandwich. Ham... only ham, gutted :( The only way I can describe the bread is to compare it to eating weetabix for breakfast, without any milk. Serous liquids where consumed after this sandwich - alcohol would have been preferred to down my sorrows for eating this. 
To the ratings:
butter to bread ratio: THERE WAS NO BUTTER
multiple filling ratio: THERE WAS NO MULTIPLE FILLING 
complexity of sandwich: 2/10 
moistness: 3/10 - send help.
presentation: 4/10 - it looked alright i will give it that.
overall taste: 2/10 
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cheersmum · 9 years
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Finally I’m back to posting. My sandwich maker had a vacation and I am not one skilled with sandwich making skills, only eating and writing skills. The first sandwich I have had for a while, well its overly standard but in the best way. White bun (FINALLY WHITE BREAD OF SOME SORT), ham, sliced cheese and cucumber. My love for white bread was found in this. I don’t know what it is but no matter the butter to bread ratio it is never too dry with white bread. A fat slice of cheese was needed, however I do prefer seeing the effort of grated cheese. Cucumber was a nice added touch. As I said fairly standard, but that what I had been craving after not having a sandwich for a few days. normal can be good sometimes. I just love sandwiches.
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Could we also just take a second look at the photos and appreciate how there was 3 rolls, it looks like the human centipede of sandwiches. 
To the ratings:
butter to bread ratio: 50:50 - standard due to white bread
multiple filling ratio: 30:70 - cheese is underrated
complexity of sandwich: 6/10 - standard sandwich
moistness: 8/10 - good
presentation: 6/10
overall taste: 5/10 - standard rating, neither good or bad 
0 notes
cheersmum · 9 years
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I am usually understanding if a sandwich isn't up to my standards, because my standards are high... but this... minimal effort and minimal taste. The thinnest slice of ham between two dry slabs of squished bread. Sandwich is a art form. In the sandwich art world there is no minimal art, as a expert on this subject do not question me. plain ham is always a no no. You wouldn't put some carrots on a plate then cover it in gravy and call that a roast dinner. Send help or even better send me a decent sandwich for me to review. 
Now I have to try and give this sandwich some credit... the butter was okay ratio. That enough compliments...
This is fine for a kids party because you know all the kids will eat these, plus there is always that one awkward kid at a party who doesn't like the other stuff you offer on the spread you have prepared. 
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I am neither a kid or at a party, unfortunately. So this sandwich is just not acceptable.  
butter to bread ratio: 40:60 - okay at best
multiple filling ratio: THERE IS NO MULTIPLE FILLING
complexity of sandwich: 0.5/10 - look at the pictures it needs no explaining 
moistness: 7/10 - standard
presentation: 0.6/10
overall taste: 0.1/10 - :( 
0 notes
cheersmum · 9 years
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First of all I would like to say sorry for not posting as I have been on holiday for a week. So today I will be doing a featured blog post of a sandwich I had on holiday.
This sandwich was not made for me buy my usual sandwich maker I bought it. I bought this from what people would call a deli place. I have a strong disagreement with places like this. For some reason middle aged woman love getting crammed into a small place to eat overpriced toasted sandwich that gets no where near to filling you up. However, I was hungry so I looked past my morals and went for a turkey, bacon and brie bap. 
The sheer size of that bap made me so happy, I saw it and I knew it was going to fill me up, no crisps needed. The first bite took me into a meat heaven with a creamy cheese after taste which made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up in a good way. Its been a long time since I have had a sandwich to such a high standard. Two thirds of the way through I had to take a break to drink some coke which was the perfect combo with this. I have to admit the one third left was hard to finish the pureness of the cheese was getting too me as it may had been to rich tasting for my taste buds. I was not defended however, I finished the lot! The perfect ratio of the filling outstanding and everyone knows bacon makes everything ten times better! Never have I had so much joy from a sandwich! 
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I know what your thinking... have I now found the perfect sandwich so I can forever live in sandwich heaven. Unfortunately no, the bread was a tad dry but while eating i looked over this because of the glorious filling. Brown bread will never win the perfect sandwich as I have said many times in my past blog posts I am a serous white bread guy - sorry :( 
Finally to the ratings:
butter to bread ratio: 45:55 - almost there
multiple filling ratio: 50:50 perfect mix and perfect filling
complexity of sandwich: 9/10 - simple but to get the filling right takes skill
moistness: 7/10 - slightly dry but got overlooked
presentation: 8/10
overall taste: 9/10 - not quite perfect enough for me 
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cheersmum · 9 years
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So I unpack my lunch to find a tuna sandwich... OR SHOULD I SAY cucumber with a tuna dressing?!?! We all enjoy the moistness of a cucumber to go with our tuna, maybe even sometimes sweetcorn but the proportions where all wrong. I normally complain about my sandwiches being to dry, opposite today! The cucumber released all of its juices into the untainted bread leaving me with a wet sandwich. Never have I witnessed such a crime to sandwiches. 
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Let me clear this up though, I did eat the sandwich because I am a massive tuna fan. You could slightly taste the tuna past the overpowering dampness. Plus this sandwich was filling. I just couldn't feel the same towards a sandwich after consuming it. My next sandwich has to be a work of art otherwise I feel like I cannot carry on this blog any more its just to painful.
I barely feel that this sandwich is worth having a rating system for. Just thinking about it gives me flashbacks of the wet pieces of bread in my hand. However, I must keep going on my search for the perfect sandwich and rate all of my sandwiches on the way to this goal.
butter to bread ratio: 30/70 - Could barely taste butter, tuna acted as butter.
multiple filling ratio: 10:90 - :( 
complexity of sandwich: 5/10
moistness: 99999999999/10 - more of a drink than a sandwich
presentation: 5/10 - was squished in my bag more of my fault than the sandwich maker
overall taste: 3/10
0 notes