ceciliaaether · 3 months
A Lonely Star
Malignant Star
Spread your wings, you’ve come so far
Always there for this
Always there but something’s wrong, I know
I see you
I see your shine, I see the way you burn
I know how far you’d come to burn my wings
Malignant Star
I cry for you
I cry for you to stop your fusion now
Novas scream and yet you sing to me
You sing the sting of a thousand little beams
And still I sit
I wait to hear your hymn
I wait to see the signals I can write into my core
I write inside your every word in hope that I become a star
A Lonely Star
A Lonely Star that watches from afar
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ceciliaaether · 3 months
The Fading Mantis
Waking in a little empty den
The Fading Mantis becomes prey
Speaking with an ancient sense of death
It tells her she’s gonna fade today
A simple warning from a friend
“Say your goodbyes, it’s not too late”
So the insect stumbles out in pain
Her tiny little empty life is yet to meet the end
Climbing to a nearby den
The Fading Mantis wants a taste
A death row’s meal of a traitor's nest
A spilling, chewing spectacle of closure on a silver plate
It dawns to her it’s all in vain
She cannot have angelic dates
She doesn’t even have the veins
To use her blood as bait
Eating from a bloody den
The Fading Mantis prays
“O lord raise fiery haze
So I will not see the pearly gates
Knowing they’re not mine to take
You teased me with your scaly pale
Then locked me down to Earth itself
To watch my love be lost astray”
So she went back with a blurry ache
To her tiny little empty den
Where a self-inflicted illness eats her grace
The Fading Mantis fades away
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ceciliaaether · 5 months
Ritual of One-and-a-half Ghosts
Yellow eyes in the corner of my walls
Inside my heart I feel the gaze undress me
Beautiful claws reflect the shine of pupils in the dark
Pale complexion, like a sheet
Where I want to write my lies
My truths are bare for her to see, I lay in bed and sing 
“Forgive me, truly I have sinned
I dreamed of you today
Under the sun I cried to call you home
I asked to fuse my bones with yours”
With tape I shut myself to hear the whispers of the void
My aura glows around the scene radiating what I’ve been
I feel her nails caress my cheeks…
They dig inside
And break me.
My skin a coat that hides our woes
My hands, like gloves wrapped in cotton, hug her fingers whole
My brain
The tiny moon around her soul.
The winter’s fires burn the names of two forgotten suns
As flowers of one branch we burn away to sparks
And new the forged body rises from the ashes of every bit of love
Torn open our chest caved in
Like a box of needles,
And meat.
I reach for her lips but I kiss my own, confused I cannot stop
She bites her tongue and bleeds her words, I speak them with her voice
Her throat, my instrument
Her worlds, my home
The holes she hid I fill with bliss
I dissolve away in dreams of self
The phantasmagorical polymer of patches 
A ghost with many names.
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ceciliaaether · 5 months
Ritual of One-and-a-half Ghosts
Yellow eyes in the corner of my walls
Inside my heart I feel the gaze undress me
Beautiful claws reflect the shine of pupils in the dark
Pale complexion, like a sheet
Where I want to write my lies
My truths are bare for her to see, I lay in bed and sing 
“Forgive me, truly I have sinned
I dreamed of you today
Under the sun I cried to call you home
I asked to fuse my bones with yours”
With tape I shut myself to hear the whispers of the void
My aura glows around the scene radiating what I’ve been
I feel her nails caress my cheeks…
They dig inside
And break me.
My skin a coat that hides our woes
My hands, like gloves wrapped in cotton, hug her fingers whole
My brain
The tiny moon around her soul.
The winter’s fires burn the names of two forgotten suns
As flowers of one branch we burn away to sparks
And new the forged body rises from the ashes of every bit of love
Torn open our chest caved in
Like a box of needles,
And meat.
I reach for her lips but I kiss my own, confused I cannot stop
She bites her tongue and bleeds her words, I speak them with her voice
Her throat, my instrument
Her worlds, my home
The holes she hid I fill with bliss
I dissolve away in dreams of self
The phantasmagorical polymer of patches 
A ghost with many names.
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ceciliaaether · 5 months
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ceciliaaether · 2 years
i love pitting classically trained magic users against self-taught magic users in sci-fi/fantasy but it shouldn’t be snobbish disdain for them it should be terror
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ceciliaaether · 2 years
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Hello! New here :D Hope you guys liked this work of mine
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ceciliaaether · 2 years
“Nobody will hear you scream!” the serial killer said to their would-be victim. Too late did they realise that this also means that no one would hear them scream either.
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ceciliaaether · 2 years
I'm not qualified (yet) to translate my shit but in two languages I can bother twice as many people to be my beta-readers for The Cardboard Star
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ceciliaaether · 2 years
I thought translating my own writing to Spanish would keep everything intact, but it kinda loses a bit of the touch it originally had. Do people have a different narrative voice for each language they speak?
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ceciliaaether · 2 years
“Nobody will hear you scream!” the serial killer said to their would-be victim. Too late did they realise that this also means that no one would hear them scream either.
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ceciliaaether · 2 years
Sunset this, sunrise that
But what about starset and earthrise
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ceciliaaether · 2 years
“Nobody will hear you scream!” the serial killer said to their would-be victim. Too late did they realise that this also means that no one would hear them scream either.
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ceciliaaether · 2 years
“Nobody will hear you scream!” the serial killer said to their would-be victim. Too late did they realise that this also means that no one would hear them scream either.
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ceciliaaether · 2 years
"Stop, stop you fool!" Denicio cried out hoping the man crudely revising his home would stop and leave. His throat, sore left the taste of blood inside his mouth each time he warned the stranger. His arms were numb, bent behind the back of the wooden chair he had been tied to, with burn marks he did himself trying to stand free from the rope around his body. The hooded man entered through an open window at the fall of night. He kept opening drawers, breaking doors, and taking what he pleased, walking back and forth through the kitchen he left Denicio in. Old, trembling Denicio had no choice but to see his darkened silhouette pass in front of the kitchen window, shining the inside of his farmstead with night glow. Time and time stopping to make a new wound on his flesh or a new rip on his clothes, turning the lone farmer into a twisted artistic piece of bloodied cotton and rusted nails. Despite the searing pain eating away at his body, Denicio did not care about his well-being. Despite having a front seat to the looting and vandalization of his lovely home, with sweet memories so distant, he did not care about the property and the state he would find it in during the morning. "Leave! Leave now!" It was not the chipped wood that was once a table now spread on the floor, nor the currently burning wheat he would have to remove and replant for the week. Not the blood in his mouth, the nails in his legs, or the wounds in his chest. It was the increasingly flowing saliva at the taste of blood, it was the nails falling out one by one as his muscles stretched and bulged, it was the wounds on his chest slowly closing and disappearing into scars. It was the frightening sight of the ever-pale moon peeking through the kitchen window and the increasing difficulty he had to keep his own thoughts coherent, that he cared about. "Listen." The stranger returning to finish his work, immediately found himself paralyzed, staring at Denicio's chest inflating and bloating with his agitated breath. His voice boomed through the house with new roughness and a defeated tone. And before the ropes that kept him immobile snapped like the seams of stretched fabric, Denicio uttered his last human breath and stood an extra meter tall. "Run."
“Nobody will hear you scream!” the serial killer said to their would-be victim. Too late did they realise that this also means that no one would hear them scream either.
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ceciliaaether · 2 years
Meeting The Team: Icarus, Coleus and Melorae
Rounding the building and heading for the back, where the ship rested during Pre-Launch, Icarus found one of her teammates in the middle of a smoking break. He was leaning against a wall, under a balcony, already looking at her with those sharp eyes and that no-friends tilted to the side mouth. As usual, the sight followed the smell of cologne. “Coleus.” She nodded
-” Icarus.” The smoke roughed his voice before he could switch to the electronic cigar he had between his fingers. Time and time he tapped it against the wall before pocketing it back. “ Hardly working? Those reports must be daunting to complete.” -” Shut your mouth. It’s not like you do much outside the missions either.” He passed his hand back over that short, oil-shiny hair and then checked down to see if his black body suit was right, crudely grabbing onto it around his crotch and pulling it to the side while he raised a leg to stretch that part. He attempted to look good to impress people around but did not have the grace or manners to pull it off. Coleus, of course, didn’t even try to keep the facade up when Icarus was around since he liked to see her turn away in disgust, always with a stupid smile. -” Not so tough now, eh?” -He chuckled.- “I’ll get you a drink if we survive today.” “ Don’t even start. I don’t need that right now.” On the spot, she turned around and kept walking to the back of the building. Coleus tried to call her back and followed behind but Icarus only waved her hand, she had enough to make the pessimistic comments herself, and Coleus was exceptionally good at making a big complaint out of any problem. Both arrived at the back exit shortly after Melorae, the ship’s researcher, had closed the door behind her, crossing eyes with them as she got out. Melorae pulled her long grey hair behind her right ear and tapped her glasses up the curve of her nose with the free finger she had from grabbing into her remote panel. It was a relief to see her tiny smile and compassionate eyes at the moment when Icarus wanted to pull her own hair out. Better than looking at Coleus being himself, who saw his moment to check the length of his 5 o’clock shadow with both hands over his chin before walking up to Melorae.
-” Are you gonna ignore me too, Melo? You wouldn’t. Have you done anything to your suit? It looks good.” He softened this tone for a more breathy intonation, the truly floaty sweetness was that of Melorae, she always talked like Icarus thought a mother would, and the age difference contributed to the association. Consequentially, it was normal to hear the staff speak more passively and never demanding when they referred to her.
-” Ignore you? Don’t be silly. Today it’s important that we keep our communication strong… and no, I haven’t done anything to my suit, but thank you! You two look fine as well.” She wore the same black suit with white sections that he had, they needed it to keep their body heat controllable in the cold of space and their skin covered from radiation. It was purely functional, the white patches that covered most of the limbs barely gave it a sense of style, what was Coleus even talking about?
“ Anyway, I’d trust you to know how to handle The Cardboard Star, Melorae, but I suppose you know Mutio will be the guide.”
Melorae was usually the operator directing Icarus through the earpiece, suggesting how to move and what distance to take. She had the information about the stars, and Icarus the field action, and both provided each other with information to complete the mission. Adding Mr.Mutio into the formula sounded like unnecessary trouble, another voice to keep track of could slow her down when quick acting was necessary.
-” He has told me, yes. I trust him and his experience, but I didn’t want to object either. He sounded seriously sick. It must be important to him if he came to work with his voice in such a state.”
-” Let’s get going. The faster we get it all done, the less I have to fly the ship around that thing.” There it was. Coleus went on, headed to the ship docked around the launching platform. Leaving like that, Icarus couldn’t stop herself from stabbing him with her eyes. Melorae giggled and went behind, checking her station with her control panel as she walked. Lastly, Icarus shook her head and reluctantly followed the two.
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ceciliaaether · 2 years
Temples are built for gods. Knowing this a farmer builds a small temple to see what kind of god turns up.
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