bookbitch22 · 2 months
‘I see you as you see yourself through all the books you read’
You know I forget just how fucking beautiful this line is.
It’s saying that the person sees you as the beautiful immortal princess , the brave queen of a forgotten kingdom, the best warrior anyone has ever seen, a legendary wizard, a damn good spy, the chosen one, the mortal with powers no one has ever seen before, the leader of the revelation, a god, a prisoner , any bunch of misfits you’ve ever read about. They see you how you imagine yourself in every book you pick up, everything that you’ve ever wanted to be and couldn’t be because it was just a fantasy. They see that you are influenced by every word you have ever read and every stranger you have ever met in a different world.
It’s all I’ve been able to think about since I heard it. My heart is stone.
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bookbitch22 · 3 months
You know what I’ve been thinking about and it stresses me out. I’m seeing all of these people put on their original copy of the lightning thief with the original cover and it’s ripped with pages missing. It makes me so sad because I first read the Percy Jackson series in my primary schools library so never had my own copy and then when I could it had a different cover. Mine is obviously battered but it doesn’t give that same timeless effect. Idk if anyone else relates but it makes me sad sometimes, the book has so many good memories for me and I feel like I don’t love it enough because I loved another copy first.
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bookbitch22 · 4 months
I’m so pissed of right now. I was just going back through some of my work books from lower years in high school and I got to year 8 History. I hated this class with a passion, the teacher was rude and taught us terribly. Now look , I loved history it is my favourite lesson of them all but Year 8 History was the worst thing to happen to me.
We were taught about Henry the 8th and his 6 wives and I completely forgot until now how horribly they teach us about them. We were made to call the girls , ugly , stupid and poor if they were or if History thought they were. We would rank the girls in appearance , to find the ‘best wife’. We were made to focus in on their downsides but never their sacrifices.
Personally I think we should just let kids watch Six the Musical and then move onto a different topic.
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bookbitch22 · 4 months
Tell me why I have a too many paragraph essay about Hamilton in my drafts rn. I’d tell myself it’s not that deep but if it wasn’t I wouldn’t have wrote it.
I don’t think I’ve ever wrote the word ‘time’ more in my life.
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bookbitch22 · 4 months
So , just finished Iron flame and all I have to say is … what the actual fuck. I’ve made up a few theory’s for the next book , What’s gonna happen to Xaden , everything that’s going on with Andarna and Violets second signet.
(Might be a long one guys)
1.Venin, thoughts and ofc Xaden
Obviously this came as such a shock I was actually dying , but then I read the bit at the top of the page. It’s a correspondence between Nolan and General sorrengail that says that she’s requested research to be done on finding a cure for venin. Not how to kill them like the general in her should be asking , no. She asks for a cure. This makes me think that it’s personal. I believe that her husband got turned venin somehow and she was desperate for a cure. They didn’t find any. This would explain why he taught Violet all about them with the Fables and how nobody else had that book. I think the book was found in a research attempt to cure him but it was no good so he gave it to Violet. To add onto this I thought about Violets dad being Sage , it could work and would be a good twist but I don’t know if it’ll go that way in the next book.
What I think is going to happen to Xaden is that he will eventually be cured , I’m thinking him and Violet argue for a few pages and then he breaks up with her to protect her from him maybe , then about halfway through she’s that desperate that she finds it somehow. (I’m going to come back to how) . I also think that his and his dragons bond will weaken which will cause a lot of stress and turmoil. In the next book I also think we’ll see and appearance from Xadens Mother , she may just be Venin as well. I think this because Violet and Xaden both had the dreams , wether this was just Violet somehow in Xadens or not. Maybe both of their only parents are Venin and they want them to join them, that’s why Xaden said that they were here for him but Violet also had an encounter with one who wanted to take her to see someone important.
Oh also I think maybe Violet has some sort of immunity to Venin , I’m not saying that she does but it’s a theory. Can you be half-Venin. This would only work if her father was Venin like I said but it would also explain the silver hair.
2.Andarna and Violets signet
So , Andarna can quite obviously blend into her surroundings. She did it with the boulder and with Tairn. I think that she can do this by choice and is naturally black which is why Tairn didn’t notice. She is the seventh type of dragon , the only one of her kind. So that would mean that she would give Violet a very special and rare signet , no?.
Got a couple of theory’s on this one:
She can speak/raise the dead — this is a good one. Everyone remembers seeing Liam in those few interrogation chapters , Violet thought she was hallucinating but it would have to be a pretty strong hallucination wouldn’t it?. If she could speak to the dead it would make sense why he was there and it was at a very low point for her. A point of need. This could also be worked into a few theory’s I’ve got for the next book . Like we know she gonna try and find a cure for Xaden , it’s probably not gonna be in any of the Archives . What if the only answers are with someone long gone. Boom, she can speak to the dead.
Another one is that she can amplify signets — lots of examples for this one. Do u remember when Mira said that she couldn’t shield this far from the wards but when Violet needed her to, she could. Also when Rhi pulled Violets dagger through the wall when Varrish was searching her and she’d never been able to do that before but when it was going to get Violet killed , she could. There was another example that I remember thinking about including Ridoc and an Ice wall that he made against Dragon fire but I can’t remember exactly what happens all I know is that as a second year he wouldn’t have ever been able to do that. It would make sense for this to be her second signet because I swear I read somewhere that the author said that her signet is in the book.
Now this one is my favourite but the least likely—she has more than one second signet. I’ve heard someone say this so I thought I would add it in, I didn’t come up with this so I have no idea how it would work but I thought it was pretty cool. With Andarna being able to be multicoloured , basically anything she chooses to be it was said that Violet could do this too. Although I do think if this was right the two powers that I said should surely be in there. I also read somewhere that in an extra chapter to fourth wing Xaden talks of Violets eyes changing colours, which really kind of backs this up. I don’t know if that’s true cause I haven’t read the extra chapter but lmk.
Right I think that’s it.
In the next book we’re probably going to get sone answers, some fights between Xaden and Violet , more death and definitely more pain.
If yous have anymore suggestions I’d love to hear them I’m a stickler for a good fan theory.
Thanks I guess.
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bookbitch22 · 4 months
“I am Sally Jackson’s son”
Yes you are Percy and don’t you ever forget it.
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bookbitch22 · 6 months
If your ever feeling down just remember that in season 3 ep 3 of Merlin , Gaius is possessed by a Goblin and Uther is bald . Gaius literally uses authors bald head as the bongos .
“Is it really necessary for you to slap my head like that?
“Completely and utterly necessary”
Doing a rewatch and forgot that this ever happened , literally dying of laughter .
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bookbitch22 · 6 months
Trying not to cry because no matter how hard Arthur tried he was never good enough for his father . He put on a such a strong front and pretended that nothing bothered him when really he’s such a soft caring boy who’s father’s love hurts . Uther wanted a child , a son . But instead he treat Arthur like a soldier , a piece to play and his only heir to the throne . Never once was it ‘Arthur it’s too dangerous , you are my son and I care for you’ it was always ‘Arthur it’s too dangerous , you aren’t expendable as you are the crown prince’
Gaius cared for him more than Uther ever did and I love him so much for taking both the boys in .
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bookbitch22 · 7 months
It was “things to make them beautiful”
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The way I confidently screamed tampons is actually embarrassing.
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bookbitch22 · 7 months
Me watching the ‘in the next episode’ of Merlin at the end of each episode seeing that:
- one of the pendragon men have been enchanted
- somebody’s snogging a new girl
- Arthur’s life’s in danger
- Merlin is having a mental crisis
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bookbitch22 · 7 months
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The way I confidently screamed tampons is actually embarrassing.
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bookbitch22 · 7 months
I’ve just imagined long live by Taylor swift but it’s Arthur singing to Merlin after he’s dies.
Like this bit especially:
If you have children someday
When they point to the pictures
Please tell them my name
Tell them how the crowds went wild
Tell them how I hope they shine
Long live the walls we crashed through
I had the time of my life with you
Long, long live the walls we crashed through
How the kingdom lights shined just for me and you
And I was screaming, "Long live all the magic we made"
And bring on all the pretenders, I'm not afraid
Singing long live all the mountains we moved
I had the time of my life fighting dragons with you
And long, long live the look on your face
And bring on all the pretenders
One day, we will be remembered
Like the mention of dragons , magic , kingdom lights , the crowds going wild . I just love it . About to go throw up brb .
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bookbitch22 · 8 months
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bookbitch22 · 8 months
I no nobody will ever understand what the red queen series means to me , I started it straight and ended it very Bi . It was the first book series that I ever read properly and it launched me into this great community that made me feel comfortable being me . I found myself In Evangeline, Maven , Farley and Cal. They were my friends when I didn’t have many .
I don’t know if anyone will ever understand or if anyone’s ever felt this way about a series before but I feel like it needs to be said that I love the red queen series .
Watch this get like 2 notes now that I’ve just poured my heart and soul out .
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bookbitch22 · 8 months
This is so end of KC
Cal is sunshine and Mare is midnight rain
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bookbitch22 · 8 months
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If this physically doesn’t show you the two sides to tumblr i don’t know what else does .
Fucking crippled
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bookbitch22 · 8 months
POV: it’s ur seventh time watching the RWARB movie and you’ve only just realised that it’s a 12
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