awitchintime · 3 years
New Moon ritual with Wild Moon Lunar Phase Deck from Tamed Wild.
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awitchintime · 4 years
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Thank you so so much @nickmfbailey. This deck is so freaking gorgeous! 😍😍😍😍 I can’t wait to use this deck!
⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ #threadsoffate #threadsoffateoracle #shadowwork #shadowweaver #spiritual #oraclecards #witches #metaphysical #magic #answersfromwithin #oracledeck #witchcraft #witchy #witchesofinstagram #oraclereadersofinstagram #healing #lightworker #divinefeminine #magick #witchcommunity #dailyguidance #love #divination #spirituality #spiritguides #fateweavers https://www.instagram.com/p/CEFOR3yD6q2/?igshid=1so7470lup6o
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awitchintime · 4 years
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I did another salt bowl! This one was a little labor intensive and my neck started to hurt really bad while I was doing it. Also I was interrupted probably three or four times by my little 10 month old nursling. I imagine whatever I was doing in this bowl was really clearing out some bad energy. I received corn dollies in mine and my partner's likeness that day from his ex. She claimed their two daughters made them but the girls said otherwise. They were "for our altar." After what would be a long story to tell and zero contact with her on my part for 3 years now, we'll just say I don't trust her as far as I can throw her. Into a black cloth and into the freezer they went. But I digress.
The salt bowl makes me feel safe when I look at it. I did a cauldron harmony spell right before this. (See previous post) I found it searching for something to dispel the dollies. I opened The House Witch and landed on it and decided to go for it as it was such a simple spell. I put my own touch on it and it helped ease my mind. I did struggle to ground and center and didn't actually achieve it until the spell had already started. Once I did, it was like I felt my feet sink into the floor and become part of the house.
I really love doing the salt bowls. A very good friend likened it to a zen garden which was absolutely spot on. What better way to relax than to also have a practical magical use!
Now to get started looking up correspondences. If you read my last post on salt bowls, I didn't look up the correspondence until afterward so I could see where my instinct and spirit would take me.
I struggled to come up with a design for this one as none of the runes were really fitting for the situation. Or at least it didn't feel fitting. I'm sure there were a few that I could have used or a bind rune or sigil and I could have come up with but this is where I ended up. When in doubt, go back to the basics.
🌿Herbs (All from the garden! Yay for meeting goals!)
From The Hearth Witch's Compendium by Anna Franklin
Rosemary - mind and the memory, concentration, meditation, healing, love, marriage, birth, funerals, memorial Services, protection, dispelling negativity and evil, attracting fairies, spells designed to retain youth. Ruled by the Sun, the element of fire, and the zodiac sign of Aries.
Sage - wisdom, prophetic dreams, warding off the evil eye, purification, cleansing, Aura cleansing, immortality. Ruled by the planet Jupiter and the element of air. Sacred to Consus, Jupiter, and Zeus.
Lavender - purification, healing, cleansing, meditation, peace, Harmony, mid summer. Ruled by the planet Mercury and the element of air. Sacred to Cernunnos, Cerce, Hecate, Medea, Saturn, and serpent goddesses.
Peppercorn - (not in the book) but it's for your basic banishing negativity and protection.
Rose quartz - (from The House Witch by Arin Murphy-Hiscock) transforms negative energy into positive energy, encourages affection.
Desert Rose - (from the Tamed Wild note card in the August 2020 subscription box, also where I acquired The crystal) since desert rose is a form of selenite, it should come as no surprise that it strengthens our inner knowing and acts as a guide when navigating tricky situations. It reinforces our commitment to the goals we set for ourselves and generates a level of focus that produces the best possible outcome. (😮😳🤯 Wow... Yeah this was added at the very end when I thought I was finished. This is spot-on perfect as it's central to the bowl. Spirit lead me right again!)
Pentacle - this has so very many meanings and it's different for each person at different times. It's a powerful symbol in any magical working even if basic and familiar. For me, it's fiercely protective as well as representing all five elements. It represents my craft, my belief system, and for me, just magic in general. It brings everything full circle. It's a seal. It completes the most basic to the most complicated of workings.
Heart - love of all kinds of course, which is perfect that it's rise quartz. ❤️
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awitchintime · 4 years
Cauldron Harmony Spell
My spiritual hearth is a place of rest and renewal. It nurtures me and those in my care. With this candle I invoke peace and harmony within this home.
From The House Witch by Arin Murphy-Hiscock.
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awitchintime · 4 years
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So I can came across salt bowls, a while back, as a way of absorbing negativity for a time. With my mental health in such a state of decline and this pandemic over us, I decided to try it. On instinct, I drew this bind rune (Berkana[ᛒ] & Teiwaz[ᛏ]) and decided to sprinkle Rosemary throughout the tracing. I had originally thought to draw Algiz(ᛉ) but Teiwaz is what my hand ended up drawing even as I was thinking of it. I decided to use peppercorns around the outside as a sort of fiery ring of protection and then added the 3 bay leaves at the top.
I actually had to look up the meaning of most of this after it was complete. I do most of my work on instinct because I'm never really able to readily remember the correspondences and it disrupts my flow when I have to stop and look it up. I'll find later that correspondences match up perfectly with my intent and even sometimes with something I needed and didn't know at the time and it gives me such a magical buzz.
Correspondences listed below!
🌿Herb correspondences as found in the Hearth Witch's Compendium by Anna Franklin.
Bay: prophecy, divination, healing, consecrating tarot cards, PROTECTION, BANISHING NEGATIVITY, CLEANSING, SPIRITUAL PURIFICATION, prophetic dreams, sealing. (Seeing as I put those in last that kind of sealed the bowl I guess)
Rosemary: MIND and the MEMORY, CONCENTRATION, meditation, HEALING, LOVE, MARRIAGE, birth, funerals, memorial Services, PROTECTION, DISPELLING NEGATIVITY AND EVIL, attracting fairies, spells designed to retain youth. (Lately my mental health has not been great. I have ADHD and have been suffering from severe depression and severe anxiety as well as c-ptsd so this herb was perfect For this bowl. Especially since I just started taking Zoloft and addressing my serious mental health issues by seeing a psychiatrist and going to therapy.)
For the peppercorn correspondence, I didn't look very hard but I didn't see anything in my own personal collection of books. A quick online search and everything basically says the same thing. It banishes negativity and provides protection which I kind of knew already. Pepper is hot! 🔥😉
📚Rune meanings from The BOOK of RUNES by Ralph H. Blum.
ᛒ - Berkana represents a form of fertility that fosters growth both symbolically and actually.
ᛏ - Teiwaz is the rune of the spiritual warrior. Always the battle of the spiritual warrior is with the self. (I had originally thought to use a different rune but this one is exactly perfect for my intent and in a sort of automatic writing, my hand through this instead of what I was thinking)
ᚹ - Wunjo is also visible and it is a rune of joy and light.
Hope you're enjoy and if you have any questions don't hesitate to hit the ask question button!
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awitchintime · 4 years
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Altar change for Lughnasadh! It's been too long. 😩
My mental health hasn't been so great, so I've been working on learning to love and be gentle with myself while also working to treat and cope with my issues. Though this process, I've started to do the things I love again including and starting with witchcraft.
I got this beautiful altar cloth from my tamed wild subscription box. I've gotten two so far and I love them. They are very simple and cute and the perfect nudge I needed to get back into it.
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awitchintime · 4 years
Seems like anytime I do spell work, one or both of them is walking around me in a circle like this. It's been forever since I've really practiced. I'd like to think they're helping. Many times there's a chant involved of some nonsensical word (echolalia). They do this sometimes when I'm cooking and I've found myself coming out of a very slight trance when I realize they're doing this! My little witches! ❤️😂🤣🤗✨💫🧙🏻🧙🏻‍♀️ #kitchenwitch #kitchenmagic #backatit #takingmypowerback #mentalhealthawareness #ownyourtruth #loveyourself (at Lanett, Alabama) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCJTwGgjqH3/?igshid=1pb08eifhvwsp
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awitchintime · 5 years
An Emoji Spell for the outcome you are hoping for.
Reblog to cast 💫
Much love, Leaf 🍃
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awitchintime · 5 years
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awitchintime · 5 years
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Alright, so I want to talk a little bit about the chakra system. In this post I’ll only be talking about the western perspective, as it’s much less complex. Really, there are hundreds of little energy centers in your body, but right now, let’s just talk about the main energy vortexes.
There are seven chakra centers: The Root Chakra, The Sacral Chakra, The Solar Plexus Chakra, The Heart Chakra, The Throat Chakra, The Third Eye Chakra, and The Crown Chakra. Each one has it’s own function physically in the body, and spiritually in the energetic body. Each one has potential to over or under produce, depending on what’s happening with the others.
The Root Chakra:
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This one is survival based. It’s the foundation on which the rest are supported. If one has a weak root chakra, the rest are sure to be unstable as they are compensating for this one. The root grounds us to our bodies, to this physical reality. If someone has an unstable root chakra, they will not seem grounded. If the energy center is over compensating for the others then the person will seem aggressive. Really, this is our will to survive. It rules the adrenal glands, and governs our fight or flight instinct. The energy from this vortex is very animal in nature, it is food, water, safety.
To help build this energy center you must feel safe. Practicing self care, and taking care of your body are both essential to this vortex. If one is having issues with blockage here, grounding stones are a helpful tool to manipulate energy flow if you cannot. Tigers eye, black tourmaline, jet, obsidian, red jasper, essentially most black or red stones will have an effect on this center. I have found black tourmaline helps me personally for blockages, and jet helps for building. However our energetic bodies will be different, and I must remind you to experiment for yourself.
The Sacral Chakra:
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This is the center of joy and pleasure in the body. If it is blocked then there will be depression, if it’s over active there will be manias. Balance, my friends. The energy of this one is the enjoyment of life. This is also a very physical chakra. More without than within like the root chakra. It rules over sexuality, creativity, and physical activities like dancing and swimming. This is where our wonder comes from!
If this chakra is under functioning I recommend spending some time in nature appreciating its beauty, seeing yourself in it. I recommend looking at art, dancing, listening to or making music! Go to the beach, and play in the water. This chakra is ruled by water, and so finding a connection there is crucial. If it is over functioning, this is likely due to the sacral chakra under functioning, and so this one will try to compensate for it. You see someone who is insecure, and so they party a lot, or just concentrate wholly on pleasure of whatever kind; that’s what this is. You can manipulate the energy of this chakra with golden orange stones, like amber or carnelian.
Solar Plexus Chakra(Damn tumblr why no yellow?):
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This center rules over your sense of self, self worth, and self expression. If someone has a really strong solar plexus chakra then they’re really confident, they know who they are and they’re proud of themselves! They curate their lives and usually radiate confidence. Someone with an unstable solar plexus will want constant reassurance that doesn’t seem to help them. They will seem uncertain in who they are.
To stimulate this chakra, you must come to know yourself. No one else can do that for you. This is a lesson you must learn. So to help stimulate this chakra, as always, I recommend stones. For me lemon quartz and sunstone work best, but you can experiment with different kinds of yellow stones.
Okay guys. Now this is where is starts getting a little complicated. Those were the physical chakras, all three of the above are what connect us to this physical state, they are essentially the human condition. Then there is the heart chakra, which connects body to spirit, and then there are three vortexes of the spirit.
The Heart Chakra:
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This is the essence of universal love! Of which, I will tell you a grand secret: Humanity has yet to perfect the concept of love. It is difficult for us. We are only missing one piece though. That piece is empathy. When you hone your sense of empathy, brilliant, pure, unconditional love will come to you, and from you. It teaches us a lesson in connecting the physical to the etheric: we are all divine. Love yourself, and love others. Come to realize that there is nothing but love, that is the only emotion, every other emotion is just love in disguise. It is really no more complicated than that. You must come to trust the universe with your heart, after that, everything falls in line.
Usually the heart chakra isn’t over active, usually it is blocked. In order to unblock it, you must exercise your trust, and empathy. It sounds simple, but it can be quite the journey. Be patient with yourself, and keep in mind that love has to be reinvented from how we think of it now.
I have found paridot and moldavite to be my favorite stones while working with this energy.
The Throat Chakra:
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In essence the throat chakra should be very simple. It is the pure expression of ourselves. How do we sing our songs? If this chakra is under functioning the person may not express themselves as they need to, they may feel insecure in their expression. It is not often found to be over active, but if it was, the person might have a desperation in the way they communicate, they might talk as though their trying to leave their body. To open this chakra I recommend any kind of expression, from journaling, to writing music, or or making art with the purpose of expression.
You must learn your song, and sing it! Do not worry if others listen or not, the universe is listening.
The Third Eye or Brow Chakra:
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This energy center rules or second sight, and psychic ability. Linked to the pineal gland. This is your passage into understanding, in both a physical sense, and a spiritual sense. This is true understanding in its purest state. Usually this chakra isn’t quite an under or over actor, but it can happen sometimes. It will cause people an air of confusion or misunderstanding. Most of the time, the problem is that the chakra is inactive, and in this case spiritual clarity or psychic ability will not come. One must open up, using all of the below vortexes, especially trust! You have to trust the universe, and then you will come to understand it.
Many have found amethyst a good stone for this purpose, but my favorite is elestial quartz. And be curious, learn about the things you wonder at 4am on Tuesday nights! Learn astrology, talk to ghosts! All of it. The more you seek the more you are sought.
The Crown Chakra:
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This is the last major chakra center, and the one that brings it all together. This is your connection to the divine, because, guess what my friend: you are divine! This is your point of transcendence, where you finally come into contact with your true and complete self. This one you have to work to open. You have to explore life’s mysteries and discover for yourself what it all means!
For this I work with spirit quartz, but there are no real tools that will help you with this. The knowledge is already there, you just have to reach out and grab it. Just use your fully capable and beautiful mind.
In Conclusion:
Your energetic body, your aura, your soul, is made up of all of these different energies. This is essentially a head-shoulders-knees-and-toes anatomy lesion for the spirit. You are a wonderfully complex creature, and you need to take care of all your parts. Knowledge of how these parts function will teach us more about how we can interact with this world, as well as the world of spirit.
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awitchintime · 5 years
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Doing some jar spells today with a sister witch. We opted for self love and good communication spells. Links below. Also the fire really is blue thanks to a Yule gift. I love the fact that we ended up having the majority of ingredients on hand. Also it seems that Staci tends to stick close when magic happens. Maybe she really is my familiar! 😻
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awitchintime · 5 years
Energy Modes:
Empath - Someone who tends to be hypersensitive to the emotions and emotional states of others.  (definition courtesy of @witchy-funs​)
Discharger - The opposite of an empath, someone who affects the emotions and emotional states of others.  (definition courtesy of @spiritroots)
Emotional Empath - One of the most common types of empaths who picks up the emotions of others around them and feel the effects of those emotions as if they were theirs.  (definition courtesy of @witchy-funs​​)
Physical Empath - Can pick up on the energy of other people’s bodies. They intuitively know what ails another person. (definition courtesy of @witchy-funs​​)
Nature Empath - Sometimes called place or environmental empathy. Those with this ability have a fine attunement to the physical landscape, nature, the earth, or plants and trees.  (definition courtesy of @witchy-funs​​ with slight adaptation from @spiritroots)
Intuitive Empath - One glance at someone can give them all kinds of insight into that person. They will immediately know if someone is lying to them because they can sense the intentions behind their words. (definition courtesy of @witchy-funs​​)
Spirit Empath - An ordinary spirit worker can communicate and sometimes see spirits, but the spirit empath has a very strong sense of spirits’ emotions just like emotional empaths are with humans. (definition courtesy of @spiritroots​)
Energy Vampire - Someone who needs to receive energy from an outside source on a regular basis (does not include sanguine vampires). There is a lot of misinformation about energy vampires, so please don’t make assumptions.  (definition courtesy of @spiritroots​)
Nature Vampire - An energy vampire who has a tendency to feed off of nature energies such as energy from the earth, landscapes, and environment.  (definition courtesy of @spiritroots​)
Energy Feeder - Anyone who does not require any energy from outside sources but may want it anyway and ask to receive it. They are not the same as energy vampires and do not accidentally or unconsciously feed on energy around them as untrained energy vampires might.  (definition courtesy of @spiritroots​)
Energy Sun️ - The exact opposite of an energy vampire, energy suns give off too much energy for them to handle and need to let it out somehow or ground their energy very often. They may want to become an energy donor! Sometimes they are known as power towers, batteries, or generators.  (definition courtesy of @spiritroots​)
Energy Chameleon - Energy chameleons have an energy core that is so thin or light that it takes in the energy of their surroundings at a much higher degree than normal. This can often result in having an external type of energy integrated beyond the surface level of their own energy - for instance, having demonic energy after hanging out in hell realms or fae energy after being around fae spirits (all to a much deeper extent than for non-chameleons). Energy chameleons may also find it easy to actively mimic others’ energies, even all the way down to their core. What differentiates it from empathy is that it’s a shift in one’s innate being. An empath can take in the feelings and energies of people around them but their whole energy body and energy systems won’t alter themselves to mimic those of others, which is what occurs in chameleons. Also, chameleonism doesn’t give a heightened ability to sense emotions or energies.(definition courtesy of @subterraneanroses)
Energy Mirror- Energy mirrors are like quintessential mirrors – their inner core is strong and stable, unchanging no matter who is with them or not. However, when other people look into them, the other person sees only themselves and not the mirror within. This can lead to a lot of confusion for the energy mirror as they’re told contradictory labels, depending upon who views them. Energy mirrors function as the in-between state between the common superficial mimicking that most people do in social situations, and the deeper core-changing mimicry of the energy chameleons. 
Enhancer - Someone who constantly draws in the energy around them and then uses an internal process that can be described as enhancing, intensifying, or amplifying the energy so that it increases and becomes more dense. This results in their natural energy output being more powerful than the energy they naturally took in. There are some similarities here to Energy Suns, but a key difference is that Enhancers use an external source of energy while Energy Suns produce extra energy internally. Enhancers may also be likely to be an Energy Feeder but they are not necessarily also Energy Vampires.  (definition courtesy of @space-squid-soup)
Converter - Someone with the ability to convert or transform energy from one type to another. For example, positive into negative or emotional energy into neutral energy. This ability can be innate or acquired.  (definition courtesy of @spiritroots​)
All energy mode definitions are directly from members of The Energy Spiral Community or from the owners of the blogs tagged. 
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awitchintime · 5 years
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Self Love & Appreciation Spell Bottle
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
↟ Lavender ↟ to bring love, peace, protection, happiness, healing, & for cleansing ↟ Rosemary ↟ to bring love, peace, happiness, protection, healing, mental clarity, & banish negativity ↟ Sea salt ↟ for protection, cleansing & purification ↟ Himalayan pink sea salt ↟ for love, protection, healing, cleansing & purification ↟ Jasmine ↟ to bring love, calm, & appreciation for beauty ↟ Rose buds/petals ↟ for love, appreciation, beauty & healing ↟ Full moon rainwater ↟ for peace, healing, cleansing & purification ↟ Rose Quartz ↟ peace, love, healing, cleansing, calms emotions, banishes negativity & amplifies loving energy ↟ Amethyst ↟ peace, protection, calming, stabilizes physical, mental & emotional being, banishes negativity ↟ Aura quartz ↟ calming, healing, releases negativity, balances emotions, brings mental clarity & lifts spirit
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
I added glitter for extra magicalness and tied a pink ribbon around the neck of the bottle ♡ charged & sealed with a kiss
Instagram 🌿↟ ᛚᛁᛏᛏᛚᛖ ᛓᛟᛉ ↟🌿Main blog
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awitchintime · 5 years
“i feel connected to nature and all it has to offer”
like = charge
reblog = cast
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awitchintime · 5 years
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sea salt- for confidence
ginger (dried or ground)- for new experiences
red pepper flakes- for energy
mustard seed- for endurance
thyme- for courage
basil- for confidence
green cord- for new beginnings
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awitchintime · 5 years
So I just had a thought
What if supernatural creatures don’t exist anymore? What if they did once, but through the years, they slowly mixed in with humans?
You can see the blood of fairies in the way a ballet dancer hovers in mid air before he or she hits the ground. You can see it in the way that middle school girl never forgets when someone makes her a promise. You can see it in how that one little boy in the kindergarten class seems more comfortable in the forest on that field trip than the others.
You can see the blood of dryads in hikers who never trip over roots. You can see it in that suburban grandmother never lets any of her garden die. You can see it in that one kid who climbs a tree faster than his friends, barely looking at the branches as he goes.
You can see the blood of naiads in the way a professional swimmer seems to command the water to help them. You can see it in how a cross country runner needs a water break more often than his teammates. You can see it in the way that one girl in your class always has a water bottle on her desk.
You can see the blood of mermaids in a surfer who can be tossed around underwater for a long time without drowning. You can see it in a teenage boy who doesn’t have to pretend to be unbothered by the pressure when he races his friends to the bottom of a swimming pool. You can see it in the little girl who wades into every stream she sees on a hike without quite knowing why.
You can see the blood of sirens in people who never have a problem with getting people to date them. You can see it in that soprano who can hit notes most of her fellows can only dream of. You can see it in the camp counselor who all the straight girls have a crush on, who can play guitar and sing better than any of the others.
You can see the blood of shapeshifters in the way an actor adjusts their personality to become their character with scary accuracy. You can see it in the subconscious, barely noticeable changes a tween girl’s eyes make to match her outfit better. You can see it in the way you always lose that one friend in a crowd if you’re not careful, because he’s just too good at blending in.
People who carry the blood of werewolves don’t change with the full moon anymore, but you can still see it in the way your best friend always knows something is wrong, though even they don’t know they’re smelling the changes in your body chemistry. You can see it in the way that one guy always seems to eat more than the reasonable amount of red meat at an all-you-can-eat buffet. You can see it in the way that one werido never has a problem when the teacher turns off the lights before a PowerPoint presentation because her eyes adjust quicker and better than yours.
The blood of supernatural creatures may have mostly faded away. But if you look closely, you can still see it.
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awitchintime · 5 years
Casual Curse for Bigots
Inspired by the douchebag who saw fit to put a neo-Nazi (oh sorry, “alt-right” -eyeroll-) propaganda flier under my wiper at the market today.
May the hateful hands that forged this Have their own hatred turned back to bite them May their own teeth bite their slanderous tongues May their own bile choke them May their own spite confound them May the harm they do be visited upon them a hundred times And a hundred times again Until enlightenment finds them Or death takes them
Tear the flier into pieces, dispose of it in a public waste receptacle, and spit after it.
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