arctriforce Β· 4 months
Now you're getting it! 😁
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arctriforce Β· 5 months
New Plural Term - Periodic System
A Periodic System refers to an arrangement characterized by the presence of headmates who take turns assuming the forefront position for designated periods, typically observed in cycles, such as a week at a time.
This is often driven by inherent brain patterns. For example, when the periodic fronter experiences mental exhaustion, the brain may switch to another alter, creating a cyclical rotation process.
Note: This term is paired with Periodic Fronter. Go read our other blog post for that :).
✨ TERM COINER: @arctriforce πŸ’–
I upload lots of terms! And I've started taking requests through submissions too! :D You can find more coined terms I've uploaded under the tag "#terms4u"
A system that has headmates who front for periods of time (eg. 1 week at a time) instead of the typical few hours - few days.
This can be due to the brain having a pattern in which it wants people to front (eg. as soon as the current fronter has been mentally exhausted, it switches to another headmate and loops the process.)
Note: This term is paired with Periodic Fronter. Go read our other blog post for that :).
✨ TERM COINER: @arctriforce πŸ’–
I upload lots of terms! And I've started taking requests through submissions too! :D You can find more coined terms I've uploaded under the tag "#terms4u"
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arctriforce Β· 5 months
New Plural Term - Periodic Fronter
A Periodic Fronter is the current headmate at the forefront within a Periodic System. This headmate adheres to the system's pattern, taking turns assuming the forefront position for designated periods, as dictated by inherent brain patterns.
When the current Periodic Fronter reaches the end of their designated period, the brain will switch them out for another alter, perpetuating the cyclical rotation process inherent in the Periodic System.
Note: This term is paired with Periodic System. Go read our other blog post for that :).
✨ TERM COINER: @arctriforce πŸ’–
I upload lots of terms! And I've started taking requests through submissions too! :D You can find more coined terms I've uploaded under the tag "#terms4u"
A Periodic Fronter refers to the current fronter of a Periodic System.
A Periodic Fronter is a headmate who takes turns in front for a period of time in which the brain has decided for them. This usually follows a pattern. For example, when the Periodic Fronter experiences mental exhaustion, the brain may switch them out for another alter and loop the process.
Note: This term is paired with Periodic System. Go read our other blog post for that :).
✨ TERM COINER: @arctriforce πŸ’–
I upload lots of terms! And I've started taking requests through submissions too! :D You can find more coined terms I've uploaded under the tag "#terms4u"
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arctriforce Β· 5 months
New Plural Term - Hybrid Alter
This term is commonly employed to characterize an alter that concurrently displays traits of two distinct categories simultaneously. So for instance, a Kinshift and an Introject.
Hybrids embody a dynamic synthesis of multiple characteristics, often indicative of a transitional or intermediate stage in an alter's developmental trajectory toward a fully fledged identity.
-It is should be noted that the concept of Hybridity is applicable across diverse levels of permanence.
✨ TERM COINER: @arctriforce πŸ’–
I upload lots of terms! And I've started taking requests through submissions too! :D You can find more coined terms I've uploaded under the tag "#terms4u"
A Hybrid is an alter that can be two things at once. It can for example be a Kinshift and an Introject simultaneously, or a Tulpa and a Fragment simultaneously.
This is usually the middle-stage of an alters progress to being fully formed, but can apply regardless of permanence.
✨ TERM COINER: @arctriforce πŸ’–
I upload lots of terms! And I've started taking requests through submissions too! :D You can find more coined terms I've uploaded under the tag "#terms4u"
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arctriforce Β· 6 months
New Plural Term - Demoted System
A Demoted System is a (sisa)system that was demoted by the brain to either a Connected or Disconnected System from being the Central System.
It can also be used to refer to a subsytem that was an outernaut/host that is now no longer that role for any reason.
✨ TERM COINER: @baaphomettt πŸ’–
I upload lots of terms! And I've started taking requests through submissions too! :D You can find more coined terms I've uploaded under the tag "#terms4u"
This is when a (often sisa)system is demoted by the brain to a Connected System or Disconnected System from being the Central System.
It can also be used to refer to a subsystem that was an outernaut/figurehead/host that is now not for any variety of reasons.
✨ TERM COINER: @baaphomettt πŸ’–
I upload lots of terms! And I've started taking requests through submissions too! :D You can find more coined terms I've uploaded under the tag "#terms4u"
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arctriforce Β· 6 months
New Plural Term - Figureheads
A term inspired by how countries such as the UK refer to their monarchs. Figureheads are members who are/can be seen as the host, but feel disconnected from the role/position in some way. (Ex. a headmate that is seen as a host, but doesn't like fronting for long periods of time, and chooses to only front to help maintain relationships.)
This term is not for any particular origin or form of system, and can be used by any. It can also be used as an alternative term to host if you see fit.
✨ TERM COINER: @baaphomettt πŸ’–
I upload lots of terms! And I've started taking requests through submissions too! :D You can find more coined terms I've uploaded under the tag "#terms4u"
Inspired by the current situation many Western Monarchs are in: Figureheads are members who can be seen as the 'host', but feel disconnected from the position in some way.
Example: A figurehead is seen as a host, but doesn't like fronting for long periods of time and chooses to only front to help maintain relationships.
It can also be seen as an alternative term to host.
✨ TERM COINER: @baaphomettt πŸ’–
I upload lots of terms! And I've started taking requests through submissions too! :D You can find more coined terms I've uploaded under the tag "#terms4u"
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arctriforce Β· 6 months
New Plural Term - Connected System
A Connected System is a (sisa)system that is tethered to the Central System, either through some sort of visual tether, due to it revolving around the Central System, or otherwise.
This term is not for any particular origin or form of system, and can be used by any. It is usually used as a modifier for a sisasystem (eg. A Connected Sidesystem), but can be used as its own concept if seen fit.
✨ TERM COINER: @baaphomettt πŸ’–
I upload lots of terms! And I've started taking requests through submissions too! :D You can find more coined terms I've uploaded under the tag "#terms4u"
A (often sisa)system that is tethered to the Central System. This may be because it revolved around the Central System or through some more visible tether.
This term is a modifier for a sisasystem (eg. A Connected Sidesystem), but can be used as its own concept if seen fit.
✨ TERM COINER: @baaphomettt πŸ’–
I upload lots of terms! And I've started taking requests through submissions too! :D You can find more coined terms I've uploaded under the tag "#terms4u"
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arctriforce Β· 6 months
New Plural Term - Central System
A Central System is a system that feels or is visually in the center of all the (sisa)systems within one body's multi-system complex/polyplex.
This could be because it is the 'main' system, all the other systems connect to it in some form or way, all the other systems revolve around it, or some mix of those.
This term is not for any particular origin or form of system, and can be used by any. It can also be seen as an alternative of the term 'main system', but doesn't have to be.
✨ TERM COINER: @baaphomettt πŸ’–
I upload lots of terms! And I've started taking requests through submissions too! :D You can find more coined terms I've uploaded under the tag "#terms4u"
A system that is at the center of all the systems within one multi-system complex/polyplex. This could be because it is the main system, all the other systems connect to it in some way, all the other systems revolve around it, or some mix of those.
This term can also be seen as an alternative version of the term 'main system' or as it's own concept.
✨ TERM COINER: @baaphomettt πŸ’–
I upload lots of terms! And I've started taking requests through submissions too! :D You can find more coined terms I've uploaded under the tag "#terms4u"
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arctriforce Β· 6 months
New Plural Term - Mindhive
Mindhive, not to be confused with 'Hivemind,' is a shared, collective consciousness that everyone in a system or the whole body can tap into. It's not just a bunch of headmates together; it's like a complete mind that folks can anonymously connect to.
Being part of a Mindhive is often not a choice, and you might find yourself accidentally sharing thoughts while just thinking casually. Even though multiple people can access it, you can't really tell whose thoughts are whose, as there's no specific voice or person tied to the coming thought. And sometimes, the Mindhive might accidentally speak aloud.
While it's more common in Median systems, it can still be experienced no matter how a system chooses to define itself. A Mindhive can also be facilitated by a 2P.
✨ TERM COINER: @arctriforce πŸ’–
I upload lots of terms! And I've started taking requests through submissions too! :D You can find more coined terms I've uploaded under the tag "#terms4u"
Mindhive, different from 'Hivemind,' is like a shared brain for a system or whole body. You often don't choose to be in it, and you might accidentally share thoughts in it while just thinking normally. Even though many people can use it, you generally can't tell whose thoughts are whose because there's no specific voice or person connected to it.
Sometimes, the Mindhive might accidentally speak out loud.
It's more common in Median systems but can happen in other system types too. A Mindhive may also be facilitated by a 2P.
✨ TERM COINER: @arctriforce πŸ’–
I upload lots of terms! And I've started taking requests through submissions too! :D You can find more coined terms I've uploaded under the tag "#terms4u"
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arctriforce Β· 6 months
New Neurodivergent Term - Trigger Echo
A "Trigger Echo" refers to a unique way of using language that is closely connected to two related terms, "Echolalia" and "Echo."
A Trigger Echo is when someone involuntarily repeats or reflexively responds to a specific cue with a word, sentence, or sound. It shares similarities with echolalia but has its own distinct characteristics. Unlike typical echoes, a Trigger Echo happens automatically in response to external stimuli.
In everyday situations, a Trigger Echo might occur when a neurodivergent individual spontaneously echoes a response linked to a certain cue. This response can range from repeating the exact stimulus to generating related or tangential expressions, or just repeating something you've overheard. The cues that trigger these echoes can include words, phrases, or sensory inputs.
For instance, if "Bananas" are mentioned, a Trigger Echo could lead to an unplanned response like "No YOU'RE crazy," showcasing the automatic and sometimes contextually unrelated nature of this neurodivergent way of responding.
It's important to note that Trigger Echoes often happen when attention is diverted or focus is compromised. However, this isn't always the case.
✨ TERM COINER: @arctriforce πŸ’–
Hope you liked the term :3 I make up lots of terms I can't find an already existing phenomena for! You can find more definitions I've made under the tag "#terms4u"
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A Trigger Echo is a sibling term to "Echo", and a child to "Echolalia". It's just like a normal Echo, except in response to a specific cue.
Say someone asks "How was your day?", you might automatically reply "The rats made me crazy." instead of a normal everyday reply.
This usually happens vocally, rather than over text. And it is usually performed automatically and effortlessly, rather than manually.
It is especially prominent when you are focused on something, and don't have your full attention set on whoever you're talking to.
✨ TERM COINER: @arctriforce πŸ’–
Hope you liked the term :3 I make up lots of terms I can't find an already existing phenomena for! You can find more definitions I've made under the tag "#terms4u"
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arctriforce Β· 6 months
Are you a homosexual??????????????
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arctriforce Β· 6 months
Writing Term Definitions as an Autistic Person
It's fun to sound super smart when typing definitions of terms, but as an autistic person with horrible wording and reading abilities, NONE of what I wrote in the definitions of my recent terms made much sense unless you already knew the definitions beforehand. so I'm gonna start writing side-definitions for those who are like me. :3
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arctriforce Β· 6 months
New Plural Term - 2nd Personality (2P)
Are you median? Or maybe you're a facet? Are you a headmate who fragmented off of another headmate?
Well here comes a term your way! We made this to easily describe our own median experience with our close friends and partners, and you can too!
This term is paired with 1st Personality, or 1P. In order to fully understand the meaning of 2P, go read our other blog post :)
2nd Personality, or 2P for short, is a forceful alteration of your personality and/or thoughts, which happens when it mixes with your 1st Personality. This can lead to changes in what you say, how you respond, and your actions.
Every headmate has their own 1P, and when they're in the Innerworld, usually this is unaffected. However, once someone fronts, and especially if they enter primary front, the 2P will often mix itself with the 1P, and it may remain this way until the fronter leaves.
Some systems may attribute 2P to a previous headmate, a default state, their brain, and/or a blurred state. As well as this, some systems may experience 2P as being responsive, and this may show in how much it bleeds into the current fronters. However, usually the 2nd Personality doesn't speak or show up in headspace as its own entity.
This is more common in median systems and with facets, and is common with headmates who've fragmented off of another or previous headmate, however this is not an exclusive term and can apply regardless of how your system chooses to define itself.
✨ TERM COINER: @arctriforce πŸ’–
If you liked this term, feel free to show your support πŸ’ I do all kinds of stuff! You can find more definitions I've made under the tag "#terms4u"
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arctriforce Β· 6 months
New Plural Term - 1st Personality (1P)
Are you median? Or maybe you're a facet? Are you a headmate who fragmented off of another headmate?
Well here comes a term your way! We made this to easily describe our own median experience with our close friends and partners, and you can too!
This term is paired with '2nd Personality', or 2P for short. In order to fully understand the meaning of 1P, go read our other blog post :)
1st Personality is your individual personality. It's what makes you, well, you, and sets you apart from the rest of your system. For singlets who may be reading this to educate yourselves, this is just your own singular personality.
Whenever someone fronts, they remain with their 1P. However, due to the nature of some systems, they may also have a default personality, called the 2P. (Some systems may attribute 2P to a previous headmate, a default state, their brain, and/or blurred state) The fronter may then take on or be affected by this 2P, since they're in front.
The 2P usually influences how the fronter acts or speaks, and may influence their thoughts too, however the fronter's 1P is typically unaffected by the 2P in the Innerworld/Headspace, as it tends to only influence their behaviour and thoughts when they are fronting.
This is more common in median systems and with facets, and is common with headmates who've fragmented off of another or previous headmate, however this is not an exclusive term and can apply regardless of how your system chooses to define itself.
✨ TERM COINER: @arctriforce πŸ’–
If you liked this term, feel free to show your support πŸ’ I do all kinds of stuff! You can find more definitions I've made under the tag "#terms4u"
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arctriforce Β· 6 months
Little Introduction
Hello!! We are completely new to Tumblr and want to settle in the System Community- namely the Endogenic System Community.
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- General Information
As a little introduction, we are plural! We don't have any frequent fronters, just very long fronting turns :)
We have 4 systems inhabiting this body as of now, the most frequent being:
Arcadian Triforce System (Sub sys - Most frequent)
Triforce System (Main sys - Second most frequent)
Our collective name and pronouns are Tempo and They/Them in plural! We are bodily 15
We have Autism, ADHD, A Sleep Disorder (?? It was in our diagnosis papers as "Unspecified"), OSDD and Bipolar (Last two are suspected)
We're from Sweden! πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ͺ And we speak Swedish and English. We're also mainly Balkan (North Macedonia & Russia), but don't know the languages.
- Rules on our page
We don't specifically require any rules, and we don't have DNI for this page, but we do ask you follow our boundaries as listed below:
We are strictly Pro-Endogenic. However, we don't mind your opinion as long as you remain respectful on our blog!
Please don't bring NSFW to our blog. This includes nudity, gore, horror (Efforts to jumpscare, cause paranoia or otherwise terrify users), and discourse.
Lastly, please please read our triggers before interacting! Thanks!
- Triggers
We are extremely sensitive to criticism (Outside of helpful criticism on wording, art, and things like it). If we ever say or do anything disrespectful, it is almost certainly never on purpose. Please please please be as gentle as possible when personally setting a boundary between us, when warning/asking us to stop, or otherwise anything that could be interpreted as us doing/did something wrong.
Please no serious sexual intentions. We don't allow NSFW either way, but if you talk to us outside of this blog, please never ever talk about any sexual intentions without us prompting it first, which will almost never happen. Unless it is a joke, we love jokes :D
Read our member tags after the cut off!! :D
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Soup (Nameflux) - #πŸ₯£ stirring up Soup and chaos
Lanka - #🦁 Sri Lanka but not really
Robyn - #🐦 I have a Robyn in my garden
Jessie - #🌟 Pearl Lemonade
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arctriforce Β· 6 months
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cool stuff huh?
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