aquiline-lockheart · 4 years
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I made some pokemon fanart! This took ages to plan and figure out. Now I've done charizard I'm probably going to lucario my favourite pokemon next.
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aquiline-lockheart · 4 years
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Did a nice piece of an antelope skull with periwinkles and amethysts!
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aquiline-lockheart · 4 years
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I tried to do something a bit more graphic and different, the traditional sketch I did is better but nvm, you gotta experiment anyway despite its success!
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aquiline-lockheart · 4 years
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Some floral illustration inspired by watching some jungle of colours tutorials! Go check them out, the lemons was me trying to follow one of her tutorials, the lavender was more so me trying to do something similar by myself using a reference.
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aquiline-lockheart · 4 years
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I’ve been working on floral typography and trying to learn some more graphic design style illustration or whatever you call it. I got inspired by jungle of colours on YouTube so check her out.
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aquiline-lockheart · 4 years
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PLEASE DO NOT STEAL MY ART. Criticism is welcomed!
I did some art Nouveau style art! I can do commissions in this style, if you’re interested in commissions in general go to my account and look at my commission post then DM me. The price for this art for example would only be $26.
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aquiline-lockheart · 4 years
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Open for commissions!
I take commissions via PayPal
Character design sketch 10$ (full body)
lineart 10$ (full body)
Line art + flatcolor 15$ (full body)
Lineart+ flatcolor+shading and highlighting 18$ (extras like texture overlays or backgrounds 4$ per extra)
(busts are half the price of all above options)
Ref sheet: character design + full body piece x2: 28$
Scenery/landscape 15$
Digital copies only, the originals will be used for my portfolio.
Sketch 8$
Bust w/ markers and lineart 10$ + 2$ photo editing
Bust w/ watercolours and lineart 10$ + 2$ photoediting
(Traditional is less money and bust only due to my skill with said mediums and lack of supplies)
10 bust slots open.
10 full body slots open.
Please DM if interested.
- I do not ship originals with my traditional artwork
- please take the time to read what I have said, and if you aren’t sure on anything I’ve said please DM me for questions.
- please do not badger me to lower prices, I will not.
-if you treat me in a disrespectful manner and/or are threatening towards me I have a right to not commission you.
- all extras DO coast more
-I will communicate regularly with all commissioners about the artwork and update regularly. If anything prevents me from completing the commission a I will inform you privately.
-please provide reference materials such as images, ref sheets and colour pallets. They are extremely useful if you want a product to match your envisioned idea as best a possible result.
- I ask for half the payment first before starting to avoid being scammed.
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aquiline-lockheart · 4 years
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I welcome criticism. Please give me some lol.
Hi! So I finished redesigning my fursona! Since I’m proud and confident enough I wanna say if people was ref/ref sheet commissions, or just commissions in general I feel this is a good representation of my work, and I’m fairly consistent with my art, so that’s a bonus. Not sure on a price, but do if interested.
Note: just because I’m not sure of a price doesn’t mean I will underprice myself for you.
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aquiline-lockheart · 4 years
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Working on some more character art, this is my fursona, but I’m redesigning her for my webcomic series and updating her in general to match my style now I’ve found it and Imconfident in it.
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aquiline-lockheart · 4 years
So whilst I'm not busy thought I'd give a general update on the situation with art college. Currently I've not been drawing or creating as much because my first year of art college is coming to an end. Luckily, however, next week I will be doing lots of drawing and painting in class so I can actually show you guys some actual work instead of these ranty posts.... I say into the frigging void lol.
Excuse Pistachio, I draw him constantly lol he's a weird dog creature.
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aquiline-lockheart · 4 years
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I'm doodling crappy drawings in class because I finished really really early with my project lol
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aquiline-lockheart · 4 years
After my fiasco on Instagram I'm just glad I still have my tumblr. If anyone wants to dig up my past it's okay, I understand you're probably used to people not admitting when they're wrong, but I caused a lot of problems and I'm not proud of it.
My resolve:
1. Always avoid criticism unless people ask for it. To explain further, even though the internet is totally public when we post on it and criticism shouldn't be such a massive issue, people often make it a problem and it isn't worth the hassle it causes.
2. Avoid people who police art/who have rigid beliefs surrounding art. Sometimes people aren't mature enough to realise they're being petty when they disrespect others for having differing opinions to them. That's okay, just avoid conflict.
3. Note to self, improve and deal with my mental health so I don't cause a "public embarrassment" again.
4. Focus on myself. Water off a ducks back. Don't let my emotions and mental instability control me and my actions. Try to work on my own projects instead of getting caught up in others too much.
5. Take pride in my own work more often and know when I'm putting others on a high pedestal with a long way to fall down.
If I break these promises please tell me, I just want to do better for myself and not negatively affect others.
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aquiline-lockheart · 4 years
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A character design for a web comic I’m working on.
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aquiline-lockheart · 4 years
Here's the link to all my experiments in time base art for college.
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aquiline-lockheart · 4 years
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Working on a secret project in what little spare time I have.
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aquiline-lockheart · 4 years
This is my final piece for the time based art project. This short film is inspired by the Ring’s cursed video, as well as Egyptian Mythology, and many other horror films. Its title is “Life After Death”, inspired by the theme of “Life”.
By Mina Williamson.
Warning: loud noises.
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aquiline-lockheart · 4 years
Not going to be posting much for a while as my first year of art college is coming to a close and we're doing our final major projects soon.
Sorry about existing for 5 minutes then disappearing a little bit lol. I'll start drawing every day once art college is done! Though to tide you over I may show my art college work!
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