You must determine where you are going in your life, because you cannot get there unless you move in that direction. Random wandering will not move you forward. It will instead disappoint and frustrate you and make you anxious and unhappy and hard to get along with (and then resentful, and then vengeful, and then worse).
Jordan Peterson, via 12 Rules for Life (Page 282)
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When it comes to feelings, people seem to have gotten confused.
Yes, they are essential to us as a human species and we share them with many other members of the animal kingdom.
No, it is not important for people to respect them.
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I don't think I need to add any more.
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@ boys:
if you say no, and they still kiss you, that’s not okay
if you say no, and they still get handsy with you, that’s not okay
if you say no, and they still make you have sex with them, that’s not okay
if you say no, and they do something to you physically or sexually that makes you uncomfortable, that’s not okay
if you say no, and they verbally make you feel bad about it, that’s not okay
if you say no, and they guilt you into doing something sexual with them, that’s not okay
if you say no, and they threaten you, whether verbally or physically, that’s not okay
it is so important for boys to know that they can be victims to sexual assault and abuse. so often are boys told that they are “lucky” if someone wants to be sexual with them and male victims of sexual assault dismissed because boys are supposed to, “like it.” this has to change. boys: you don’t deserve the abuse or assault you endure, nor are you weak because you felt like what was happening was wrong. it was wrong, and you are NEVER at fault for someone else taking advantage of you.
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Wow. This person is a whole other case of fucked up. It doesn't matter what someone's going through, there's never an excuse to bully people. Never. We've all got shit to deal with. Fucking get some therapy and grow up.
This is an actual PSA to warn people about @victeazer
This person has been scouring people's accounts and fanfiction, trying to find dirt on them, making fake accounts to harass individuals, sending a hateful fanfic to someone, mocking their work, spreading vicious lies, possibly posing as an anon disguised as other users, and generally being a royal pain in the backside.
They seem to think they're some sort of heroic angel doing 'good', when what they don't seem to realise is that there are bad things everywhere, and just because people appreciate these so called 'bad things' in art and whatever, doesn't make them bad people.
If they have such a problem with these things, they really shouldn't be Tumblr or on the internet at all.
Perhaps they would like to trawl through Winnie-the-Pooh and find all the mean things Eeyore said to Piglet? I don't think this person is quite in touch with the real world, quite frankly.
Unfortunately the effects of this person and people like them are being felt. I've spoken to a few writers just starting out who have either quit altogether or are simply too afraid to post their work for fear of getting abuse.
Quite simply this person is a menace. There is nothing remotely 'good' about what they're doing. They're a spiteful bully, and to be honest I'm kind of glad it was me they targeted in the first place, because if it had been someone more vulnerable, then it might have been a different story.
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Yeah cos Tumblr would be a great place if everyone kept their opinions to themselves 😂
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This isn't a review. Nor is it worthy of being spat on and called critique. It's hate. Bitchy, complaining, hatred from an insufferable loser who was so jealous of someone else's hard work that they threw a tantrum and decided to tear it down in order to make themselves feel better. A sad, pathetic human being who doesn't have the IQ to understand a simple story, let alone write one themselves.
This piece of hate shit still sits proudly up on their blog. Feel free to pay them a visit and give them a fuck you from me.
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It makes me laugh so much when non parents criticize parents. Trust me dude, you have NO IDEA what you're talking about. Stfu.
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Why is this so accurate
credit to @jelloapocalypse for this video. P.S. Ya’ll do be like that! I think the Right Wing stuff is okay!
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Sometimes, to be successful, you have to be prepared to go it alone.
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In times of hardship, you discover who your real friends are...
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This needs to stop
Can I say something really not quick and very long? Can everyone calm thier asses down and stop harassing everyone for liking the Hazbin Fandom or leaving it? Huh? Because what you all do isn't right nor it isn't a grown up thing to do.
Some of the people that got bullied here or harassed by anons are minors and at the age of 20 or younger, those are Goddamn kids, you disgraceful bastards, kids, who wants to enjoy and express themselves around people, yet you all dare to attack them for liking something they like and following a Fandom they enjoy? Seriously? Did you all lose your fucking minds or something? Did someone paid you all for attacking children who wanted nothing but express themselves to be happy? Huh? Because it is so abhor and a stupid thing to do.
I know that some of the anons that attacked and attacking, insulted and still insulting people and artist around Tumblr and Twitter are minors, they'll grow up and realize how stupid the way they acted, but I also know that some of you are adults, respect your age for crying out loud, they do what they want because they enjoy it, you come to them and hate them for doing something they like that didn't harm anyone at all, what is the point of all this?
Vivziepop did some mistakes that she herself admitted, we all did mistakes, some expressed, some didn't, some tried to deny them and some didn't, we still do mistakes, and some of us can't forget or forgive themselves for these mistakes, no one was born perfect, everyone was born to learn, enjoy, express, and live thier lives Goddamn it, it is why God created us for, believer or not it is part life, to learn and express.
They can learn and they are still learning from this mistakes so they won't repeat them again, I certainly did mistakes that I myself can't forgive for doing them, but I can promise you all that I won't do them again, some people I appreciate so much forgave me and some didn't, I don't blame them because they have the right not to forgive at all, I'm not innocent, I did mistakes and I'm still learning not to do them again.
But no, what caught my attention is that is this you're not the only one who are harassing people for liking the Fandom, some of you are also from the Fandom attacked people who left it, listen, they left the damn community because of those who saw how toxic the place has become, I can't blame them at all because this kind of things are making them uncomfortable and unease at all.
It's thier choice to make, not yours, not mine, theirs, it is something they thought about to make themselves comfortable and happy, don't attack them for leaving it, respect thier decision and leave them the fuck alone!
Let me tell you all something about me, I hate, hate, hate Fandoms, I only follow people because I love thier art and I love supporting them so much, hell, if they followed a Barny the dinosaur Fandom I'll support the hell of them, I was getting to like Fandoms but when I saw how dispecble people behaved, I changed my mind immediately.
I made the Blitzo blog to see how people would react to my answers, to make them laugh and smile everyday, but I staying away from it because it makes sick how some of you folks are acting towards those who like the Fandom or left it.
Some of my favorite artists left the social media, some people I used to talk left and never returned yet, all because of your stupidity and immature actings.
You want someone to hate and spit on? Look at yourself in the mirror and see how pathetic you look when you insult a kid for drawing or interacting thier characters with others, for attacking people who are enjoying themselves around here, who want to be big and famous like others.
or come to me, I'm lowering my shield just to prove how much I love them all and I'm going to support this people for doing the things they love so much, anons are on you dispecble sons of bitches.
I'm not saying that they can't defend themselves, they fucking delete your asks or turn the anons off just to keep your ass away from them any time they want, these people are brave, encouraging, inspiring and wonderful in their own way, I love and respect them so much and I'll do absolutely anything to make them happy and comfortable around me.
No, what I'm saying is that you guys don't have the balls or courage to attack them with your blogs on the view, what? Scared? Than don't attack children for doing things they like, motherfuckers, I am, the-dark-writer-1994, a writer/new unattractive artist dare you all to come to me.
Thanks for reading, sorry for the bad grammars and missing letters.
Go ahead, ask me, assholes. My main blog is open for everyone because I'm raging right now. Playing Resident Evil 2 and blowing heads, thinking that all haters are the zombies.
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