waitingonmystraycat · 6 months
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ever since shoyo told him he looks like osamu with a baseball cap, he wears a different kind of cap on the beach lmaooo
gotta show off those beach blonde locks
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waitingonmystraycat · 8 months
Ohh 🫠🫠🫠
Gun turning his eyes back to normal for a few seconds when we ask him if he could ? Keep up the work love ya ��
Y'know. Soft Gun is one of my all time faves.
Gun Park x Reader: Eyes
G/N. Soft.
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"Oh my god, look at baby Gun!"
Adult Gun leans over, and finds you flicking between old photographs of his younger self in Japan. Back before his growth shoot and when ultra instinct was just a speck on the horizon.
"Your eyes are so pretty!"
He refrains from huffing at your comment. He has been called a lot of things, but pretty? No one has ever called him pretty in his life.
"I didn't realise they could be so golden."
He looks into your own, the love reflected in yours and all over your face.
It's been so long. Years. Feels like a lifetime ago. He's not sure it's even possible anymore. To be just himself, before the Nurture Genius. But he wants to try. For you.
Gun closes his eyes and takes a deep breath.
Feels it in his stomach, the flow of energy receding. Honed edges softening, slightly. Senses dulling, world becoming a bit more blurred, bit more hazy.
He opens them again.
Finds you still peering at the photo, yet nothing about how he sees you changes at all. If anything, it sharpens into a fine point.
When you look over, the flecks of gold are more dazzling than ever. The photographs never did it any justice.
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Mega baddie dilf
Lookism fans… let’s create an OC!! Add on with one short phrase/fact I’ll start:
OC is a male
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Shirabu manga icons. (Chap. 218)
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I’m not sure whether to say that Romero looks weird af without his beard, or that he looks fine… or… something??
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okay but imagine tendou gets his buzzcut on like the last 2 weeks of school and so everyday he has to deal with all his friends either touching or rubbing his bald head
Sometimes they’ll gather around him in a circle like they’re going to sacrifice him or something and they’ll all just vigorously ruffle his head for about 10 minutes
semi especially likes to grip onto tendou’s head like it’s a basketball, while ushijima has developed a new stim where he rubs his cheek on tendou’s head to calm himself down, and yamagata hits tendou on the back of the head any chance he gets
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As I continue to go through my drafts, I read one of my “crap writings” and realize it’s not half bad. Actually... it’s the best thing I’ve ever written.
So then I try to finish this half-written masterpiece. Big mistake. Sounds crappy again, and I neglect it for another week. Don’t be surprised if the cycle continues till I actually post the stupid thing.
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I’d like to see some more original ideas for Haikyuu angst. Something other than “I’m moving” or “we lost the finals.” I can only tolerate so many pregnant, cheated, dumping fics. I need more of that juicy stuff—
Like oh, Y/N and Suga want to have a baby, and they find out Suga is infertile and can’t get her preg anyway... and he goes into a downward spiral of self doubt that only Y/N can save him from.
Or Oikawa is separated from Y/N because his flight back from Argentina was canceled, and he has to listen on the phone as she’s knocked unconscious by her ab—sive roommate. SPICE. DRAMA. REALISM. ORIGINALITY PLEASE I BEG YOU
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Is it so wrong that the only reason I’m functioning is to see my beloved timeskip characters animated?
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waitingonmystraycat · 2 years
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Just uh… a five min Semi sketch I made at 1 am. I’m aware he looks like Oikawa- but it’s Semi-Semi. (ಡ‸ಡ)
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waitingonmystraycat · 2 years
I always pictured the Miyas as a military famity... I don’t know why? But their father wasn’t just drafted for a certain amount of years, it was his career. I’m not sure how it works in Japan- that’s just how I pictured it. However, the boys and their mom didn’t move with dad or anything, and their Gran had a big influence during their childhood. 🧍‍♀️
Fics where the Miya twins have a father should be tagged as Headcanon Divergent because the fandom has already decided that they are fatherless, tysm
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waitingonmystraycat · 2 years
easy on the headpats my dude
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pov: suna is giving u an intense headpat
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waitingonmystraycat · 2 years
Nobody seems to understand how badly I want to see Romero animated. I NEED to see his anime version
The anime only watchers NEED Romero
Everybody everywhere that stans Haikyuu needs Romero
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waitingonmystraycat · 2 years
You ever get upset when a Haikyuu fan doesn’t recognize a character... especially one from the Brazil arc? It drives me crazy when I’ll see a picture with Heitor and Nice, or Romero even, and the anime-only watchers are like:
“Who is THAT?” “Am I the only one confused?”
I’m like...
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I literally will look up characters and read about them without spoiling an entire arc for myself. If Haikyuu is your favorite anime, then you should at least know your Timeskip facts. It’s not gonna ruin Haikyuu to know what happens in the manga. It might not even be animated at this point, so learning about characters from the Brazil arc won’t hurt.
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waitingonmystraycat · 2 years
Was reading something about Asahi.
Unexpectedly and violently drooled.
Anyone relate?
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waitingonmystraycat · 2 years
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Kita Shinsuke x Reader
Random Kita drabble?  Warnings: none? This Drabble is unedited though. 😅 Genre: fluff Desc: Kita feels oddly nervous around you. As he walks you home from school, he realizes just how much he enjoys your company.��
It was late, and Kita knew he should go home. He had walked part of the way with you, solemn and wordless as you ranted about your day. Your house wasn’t far from here. And he knew you would make it there just fine on your own.
You stopped when he stopped.
The world, now deprived of the echoing footsteps that you two had been trailing for half a mile, suddenly stilled. Nature held its breath, and Kita almost felt betrayed by this sudden development in the atmosphere. Your voice lulled him out of his thoughts. “Kita-San, are you ‘kay?”
To him, your voice sounded sugary as always. He had never developed a sweet-tooth up until now. His expression didn’t change much, he just turned to face you. It was difficult for him to break it to you, but his voice came out clearer than he expected. “Yeah, I’m good. I just need to head home,” he paused, studying your expression. “Sorry, (L/N).”
All you did was nod and smile, leaving Kita’s heart beating like a stampede of horses. He released a fluttery huff, because what else was there to do? The air that escaped him earned a chuckle from you. “Sorry for draggin’ you out here. Be safe walking home.”
Your hands adjusted your bag. Kita has already noted how small they were. But in autumn, when the wind was tinged with winter-cold, he could see the cracked divots in your knuckles. He didn’t mean to stare at them... but he did. You had only walked away a couple feet when you spun around on your heel. Kita cast you a puzzled look.
“Alright,” your airy laugh had heat flaring in his cheeks, “What is it?” His gaze returned to your hands, and he knew that he was prolonging his leave. “You should make sure to moisturize your hands. They look pretty dry.”
Afterwards he shoved own deep within his pockets. Kita’s ears, you noticed, were tinged pink. He could no longer look at you without feeling as though he were reddening. You smiled crookedly at his behavior, and chuckled. “‘Kay, I’ll do that. Night, Kita-San.” “Goodnight.” And when he turned, he felt all the warmth in his cheeks drain. Kita stared at his shoes as he walked. That sweet-tooth of his, his odd infatuation with your voice and demeanor, was starting to get to him. Over and over again, like a song, he replayed your voice in his head. Kita-san.
Maybe, someday, you’d just call him Kita. But that was wishful thinking. His pace slowed as he reached an intersection. He was crossing the street when another thought popped into his head. Maybe, if he was fortunate, he could hear your sweet, sugary voice call him that. Just like gran used to.
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waitingonmystraycat · 2 years
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Matching seagull icons!
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