theamateurauthor · 6 years
-happy days-
Light falls on the curved turrets, a kind of still glow and calm shadow against blue.  Is this a daydream, I wonder as I close my eyes and listen to the birds and people chatter.
 It must be, yet I breathe and think and move with purpose.
 I think of you and I feel so very safe, I just want to hold your hand and a kind of immense peace will wash over my soul. 
 Is this real, real, real? 
Nothing is if you question it too much, examine its constituent parts.
 I know that this will escape, run away with the sun at the close of day but can’t I run with it, run with you? Will I always chase for the still glow or is it here to stay? 
Don’t leave me, please. You make me whole, my head is even, open and oh, so contented.
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theamateurauthor · 6 years
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Sunday afternoon thoughts. Emotions.
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theamateurauthor · 7 years
"Cheeky grins. Secret notes in that polkadot bundle of pages. Ecstatic envy, oblivious joy. These bittersweet memories flit in and out, perching on my shoulder , diving into my heart , resting on my chest as I recollect those times. I'm teetering between what I know and what I dream, the past takes me by the hand and ambles innocently through avenues of my childhood.
What if I am scared that I will lose myself skipping through the unknown streets of the future? Is it possible to cling to the past and yearn for the future? I am trying to bridge two dimensions and belonging in neither. In no-mans land , one can only hope that your ghosts will return to shake your hand and lift you out of the slumber sphere."
- Georgie-
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theamateurauthor · 7 years
Dad. Regret, the stabbing, immeasurable knives of pain and regret plunge deep when my eyes unwillingly catch yours. Words you say carelessly on glass screens transpire into innocent whispers of the venom which consumes my veins. Will you ever say those words , not that they'll change the estrangement and strained courtesies , but to know that you witness our pain, our tears and feel sorrow and mercy? For you to be a good man, the earth would have to roll off the stars, crushing the iridescent clusters of light and man would be unrecognisable. Yet now you are eternally unrecognisable, I see you and yet see through you. You are but an embodiment of emotions which I keep hidden inside, you are fragments of my childhood, pieces of neglect , echoes of the joy we could have had , shouts of the abuse which ricocheted off our fragile walls, my hope is shattered glass, my love is a sea-swept bottle which was never received.
- G.W.-
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