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Bienvenue to the seventh art world movie reviews: Knowing (2009).
Directed by: Alex Proyas. (Also director of “I, robot” and “dark city”.)
Starred by:  Nicolas Cage and Rose Byrne.
In 1959 a brand new school has decided to choose a class to contribute the children’s thoughts of the world and how it will look like in the future. On paper; the children drew pictures, but there was this peculiar student, Lucinda Embry (Lara Robinson), who wrote mysterious numbers instead of drawings to be put, later on, inside the school’s time capsule for it to wait 50 years.
In 2009, Caleb Koestler (Chandler Canterbury) is a pupil at the same elementary school when the time capsule is opened. He's given the page of numbers written by Lucinda. His widowed father John Koestler (Nicolas Cage), a professor of astrophysics at Massachusetts institute of technology (MIT), notices the numbers have a specific set of sequences, with some digits referring to the dates and death amounts of major disasters over these last 50 years, including the 9/11 attack. The last three sets of digits on the page...are dated in the immediate future.
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This movie is Rated PG13, according to IMDb, because of violence and gore to a rather small level.
This movie was an average success, almost multiplying by four the budget to the revenue.  With $50 million dollar budget vs a box office of $187.9 million dollars this movie did pretty well!
Sadly, the community only gave the movie a 6.2/10 IMDb and a 34% on rotten tomatoes. Some specific scenes of the movie have over half a million views on YouTube if combined.
From beggining to end, I was already hooked up to the screen. The mystery and story behind everything was incredible at every turn. It gives you some kind of perpetual chill from toe to head. I believe this is certainly one of the hidden gems of Nicolas cage’s cinematic acting works. For a movie which only had 50 million dollars, there were some “awesomazing” CGI scenes worthy of being classics. The ending was so mind blowing…absolutely mind blowing! Pretty, expensive, well made and gorgeous.  At the end I had no words…only a smile.
This might be too audacious but... 9/10
(It’s on my top 50 movies)
Absolutely recommended to a point you would not believe.
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Hey, Cami here. Now that Now You See Me 2 is out in cinemas, I thought it would be a good idea to rewatch the first film, so I will better remember the details when I will go watch the sequel. So here we go.
Now You See Me is a 2013 heist thriller directed by Louis Leterrier, about a group of magicians who perform millionaire bank robberies as a part of their shows. As the FBI tries to unravel their tricks, these start to link in a plan for a bigger goal. (keep reading)
With an amazing cast of actors like Jesse Eisenberg, Mark Ruffalo, Michael Caine and Morgan Freeman, this movie was a box office success, and its sequel was recently released.
I totally recommend this one. The plot is really well made, ingenious and entertaining. If you like plot twists, this movie is a good watch. Of course the actors do an amazing job, and all the visual part and photography is great too. This is a truly good movie, and I’m excited to watch the second part. So if you like a tricky plot to figure out, a good and original thriller, and some magic tricks, I really recommend this movie.
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Wild Tales, or in spanish, “Relatos Salvajes”, is a 2014 argentinian black comedy film, made as an anthology of six short stories that have particular things in common: violence, revenge, people breaking down and loosing control. It was written and directed by Damián Szifron, and the production had the colaboration of Hugo Sigman, Agustín and Pedro Almodóbar. A man fed up of the corrupt system, people united on a plane for a wicked purpose, or a wedding gone horribly wrong are some of the stories of this amazing movie. (keep reading)
This movie is a masterpiece. Not only it’s a hilarious comedy with so many relatable feelings and great characters, but as a piece of art it’s beautiful. The cinematography is incredibly well done, the pictures and angles are amazing and the stories and characters are well written. Besides, I found out it was full of references to great minds of cinema, like Kubrick or Tarantino. I’m getting convinced that argentinian cinema is really good, the couple of movies I’ve seen from that country turned out to be great. So if you want to watch a film that doesn’t come out of Hollywood, an Oscar nominee for Best Foreign Language Film, or a movie that is a tribute to cinema and a portrait of modern life, I totally recommend Wild Tales. I completely loved it.
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X-MEN: Apocalypse
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Bienvenue to the seventh art world movie reviews: X-MEN APOCALYPSE.
Directed by: Bryan Singer.
Starred by: James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence, Oscar Isaac, Nicholas Hoult, Rose Byrne, Evan Peters, Tye Sheridan, Sophie Turner, Olivia Munn and Lucas Till.
He has been called in many different ways trough out many lifetimes… Ra, Krishna, Yahweh.  Always accompanied by his gifted; bestowed with power followers with the only purpose to protect and serve…they were known as “The Four Horsemen of The Apocalypse”.
His reign in Egypt was supposed to be everlasting, having the absolute control over the people for the end of time…but he disappeared from the world, only to return on the present of the 80′s civilization. Now, he’s in search of new guardsmen to rebuild the world by force and destruction. It is up to the X-MEN to clash down the very first mutants of the all and stop…the Apocalypse.
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X-men Apocalypse is Rated TE+7 according to IMDb.
This is the 7th X-men movie of the franchise brought by the Marvel Universe this year 2016. With a budget of 178.000.000 million dollars vs a box office of 266.831.017 million dollars (For the moment), it is mostly evident there will be great spectacles on special effects alongside an interesting story with a large number of superheroes and villains. This movie has a rating of 7.5/10 on IMDb and a 49% on rotten tomatoes. This isn’t bad, this could mean it’s only just average.
Straight to the point and over all, it was entertaining and solid regarding the story and the actors’ performances. I enjoyed it, from CGI to photography. I liked the characters, especially Magneto. Hopefully this movie won’t be forgotten very soon. I must say, this movie confused me because of the timeline the Director chose. According to Bryan Singer, the movie uses the timeline of “Days of Future Past” but in its future of the past (redundancy). My intent is not to spoil, just as the rules of this blog. So, I’ll give you a link to the article answering the question if you would need it. Sounds great? :)
LINK: http://collider.com/x-men-apocalypse-new-timeline-explained-bryan-singer/
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Recommended! I bet there’s going to be another X-MEN movie real soon!
(May 2016)
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Forrest Gump is an american romantic comedy drama made in 1994, directed by Robert Zemeckis and starring Tom Hanks. Based  on the 1986 novel of the same name by Winston Groom, the story follows Forrest Gump, a slow-witted but kind hearted man from Alabama during his life, in wich he will witness or even take part in several relevant moments of the late 20th century history. (keep reading)
Painting of a kind life during the Cold War, this movie was a comercial success and won several awards, like 6 Academy Awards including Best Pïcture and Best Director.
This movie is incredibly pretty and smart. It made me so happy even if I cried like three times, because the messages are beautiful. It makes you see the bright side of life, and the importance of a kind mind, tolerance and perseverance. To do this, the script is pretty well written. Besides, the visual part is also amazing: I really enjoyed the photography in this movie. So I recommend it for someone who wants to see something optimistic, and i can see the reason it became such a classic.
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Hey, Cami here! I haven’t watched many new movies, so I’ll do a couple that I saw about a month ago. So today’s movie is Léon: The Profesionnal.
Léon: The Professional or just Léon, its original french title, is a french movie written and directed by Luc Besson, in 1994. It stars amazing actors like Jean Reno, Gary Oldman and Natalie Portman (her first movie, by the way!).  (keep reading)
The story is about Léon, a professional hitman, who finds himself responsible of a little girl, Mathilda, who had her family killed by corrupt Drug Enforcement Administration team. She will convince him to teach her what he knows as she wants to become a hitman like him, and they will build a strong friendship relationship.
This movie is very beautiful in its story and pictures. The photography is really pretty, its aesthetics are kinda peculiar, and the result is a piece of art in almost every frame. Even if it gets a little slow sometimes, the script is well made and the characters psychology is very well developed: each character is perfectly written, and the main actors made an amazing work impersonating them. So as a slow story it’s definitely worth watching, I liked it and I recommend it.
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Captain America: Civil War
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Bienvenue to the seventh art world movie reviews: Captain America: Civil War (2016)
Directed by: Anthony Russo and Joe Russo.
Starred by: Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson, Sebastian Stan, Anthony Mackie, Don Cheadle, Jeremy Renner, Chadwick Boseman, Paul Bettany, Elizabeth Olsen, Paul Rudd, Emily VanCamp, Tom Holland, Frank Grillo, William Hurt and Daniel Brühl.
For every day saved there’s a negative, unavoidable, outcome. Loss in war is certain. The Avengers Alliance’s free will rescued countless lives all over the planet and beyond…but that never meant they were infallible. The ordinary people of earth will not withstand their unsupervised actions. Heroes will be forced to accept new limits and rules…or simply retire. But some will not accept this treaty, causing inevitable rivalry. Captain America will not seat idly waiting for a call while the villain escapes and... Iron Man will not feel sorrow from his choice...no more mistakes...he made his mind clear.
Who is fated for victory?
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Civil war is rated PG-13 according to IMDb.
CA CV is the last movie from Marvel’s Captain America trilogy aired in 2016. With its predecessor “The Winter Soldier” (2014) and before that “The First Avenger” (2011).
This movie had an amazing success in a matter of weeks. Breaking records, being acclaimed as the #1 movie in the world and also being part of the 100th most successful movies of all time! With a large budget of 250 million dollars vs a box office of 981.9 million dollars! The movie potentially won the season!
This movie is loaded with action at every turn!  The drama surrounded me with a mist so thick I could cut it with a butter knife. The heroes had an amazing script of personality and dialogue! Very likable characters! There were some comedy scenes too, which brought me a giggles or two. Those were just filled with goodness. The only negative subject I’d bring up is the soundtrack…It was, let’s say, generic and a bit unappealing. With a total of 90% on rotten tomatoes and 8.4/10 on IMDb this movie did not fail. With great actors, big budget, great CGI and interesting story…this movie succeeded.
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Recommended! I wonder what Marvel and Disney will come up with next!
(May 2016)
-A.magnius (I’m part of #TeamCap)
Are you for  #TeamCap or #TeamIronMan ? Let us know! :)
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Europa Report.
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Bienvenue to the seventh art world movie reviews: Europa Report (2013).
Directed by: Sebastián Cordero.
Written by: Philip Gelatt.
Starred by: Christian Camargo, Anamaria Marinca, Sharlto Copley, Michael Nyqvist, Daniel Wu, Karolina Wydra and Embeth Davidtz.
An international crew of astronauts undertakes a privately funded mission to search for life on Jupiter's fourth largest moon, satellite Europa. The travel will take gargantuan wait, surfing trough billions of miles to land foot on the unknown surface of a frozen globe. By an unlucky twist of fate, all communications with the ship are gone. One thing is for certain…there will be no near help from earth for the crew. The crew’s destiny is uncertain. They’ll have to survive with their own abilities to finish the mission but... 
Will the pain be worth it?
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Europa Report was Rated PG-13 due to its psychological drama.
E.R is an almost unknown sci-fi thriller flick that aired in 2013. The budget of this film is less than 10 million dollars vs a sad and incredibly low box office of 125,687 dollars. That’s a fatally economic failure which is totally undeserving. The possibility of finding different life forms on a different water giant of our solar system has incredible potential. Sebastián Cordero and Philip Gelatt formed an appealing story first presented trough a successful trailer that instantly caught the admiring eye of many people. There is a great mystery to be unfolded! What is not to be intrigued about the questions of biological possibilities on other places than our own home earth? This could’ve been a great match but for some reason…it wasn’t.
Here is my humble point of perspective:
-The movie had barely known actors, which would mean less popularity, that played not-so-lovable characters…let’s say they were based on common personalities. That simply couldn’t lead to care too much about them…but that isn’t always wrong. Although, it’s always great to see new faces.
-There were acceptable special effects with simple, but nonetheless, attractive scenes to a kin eye. Those were subtle, creative, fresh, clever and just fun to watch.
-The story, well, the makers needed to create random adversities for plot conveniences and emotional hits…which wasn’t always working out as intended. Problems and then more problems. I mean, why?
And now I present to you the reason to watch Europa Report!
The ending was rewarding! It wasn’t cliché; it was emotional and brings up a few questions to be inspired on! It was jaw dropping. I applauded. If the movie was a book I’d buy it.
With a 6,5 on IMDb (which is not so bad) and a whole 80% on rotten tomatoes I can believe it left its positive mark on the world.
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I recommend it. When the plot showed up its unmasked face…I was jubilant and frightened.
(May 2016)
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Hi, Cami here! I just saw this movie and I can say I’m amazed! So i felt I needed to write about it like right now, having all this pictures in mind.
Er ist wieder da, or, in it’s english title, Look who’s back is a 2015 german comedy film directed by  David Wnendt, based on the best seller novel of the same name by Timur Vermes.  (keep reading)
The plot is as simple as Hitler waking up in the 21st century, confused as he remembers nothing of what happennes after 1945. People assume he is an actor impersonating Hitler and take him for a joke, and he soon gains popularity and become viral on the media.
What started as a simple comedy playing with anachronisms and misunderstandings, ended up as a looot more than that: the messages are just brilliant. A political and mass media satire, the movie is a really ingenious social critique not only for Germany but for many european countries. Using real footage of Oliver Masucci impersonating Hitler and interacting with German civilians, or images of actual demonstrations and riots in Europe concerning inmigrant issues, this movie attacks the social problem in a terrifying way. If you watch it, wait until the first credits are over: it’s the last scene that got me actually bowled over. 
This film actually surprised me because I had less expectations and because of this shocking critique, it is again a smart comedy (it’s hard to find those, these days). It has a really good script (even if I had to read it translated in the subtitles) and the chosen music and visuals are pretty good too. I really liked it, and I’m willing to read the book now. So I do recomend it, if you want to see something about current situations or a smart satire.
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Batman VS Superman                   Dawn of Justice
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Bienvenue to the seventh art world movie reviews: Batman vs Superman Dawn of Justice (2016) Warner Bros.
Starring: Henry Cavill (Superman), Ben Affleck (Batman) and Gal Gadot (WonderWoman).
Directed by: Zack Snyder.
In a world, of unlimited and ceaseless chaos, heroes are needed. The city of metropolis and the city of Gotham are the birth place of saviors and the opposites. The son of krypton inspires hope, safety and justice. The bat of the night calls to your truth, your nightmares and your fears. The greatest detective has seen the catastrophes caused by the only presence of The man of steel on earth. The man of tomorrow and The dark knight were to collide inevitably.
Man clashing the false god. Intellect power vs force of will.             Batman against Superman.
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Batman vs Superman was rated PG-13, according to Indiewire, due to "intense sequences of violence and action throughout, and some sensuality."
BVS has made a tremendous lot of advertisements way before airing in cinemas this march 2016. With over 250 million dollars on Budget vs 830 million dollars on box office. In other words, this movie wasn’t an economically failed movie at all. It has drama, a fortune of special effects CGI, well-known actors and a topic that deserves attention. Heroes battling one another to potential demise.
What is not to be excited about this movie? The numbers are just right! The characters are on! Bring on the kryptonite! The Bati tools! The insane teenager child of Lex Luthor!...
Oh boy…Alexander Luthor Jr! Now, don’t get me wrong. Jesse Eisenberg did he’s job very well…but it was an out of the blue choice for a change. Eisenberg, no Eisenberg. You’ll get a funny surprise when you first see him act like somebody as distant as possible compared to our Lex Luthor from the comics, although, REMEMBER he is Luthor Jr! It wasn’t extremely explicit on the trailers nor the movie itself...but it would explain a lot.
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It’s necessary to address this: Lex’s psychological and physical changes aren’t the only things that were off the norm! Many characters we learned about and love have some distant touches to the comics. Nonetheless, there are some spot on details you may want to look out after watching the movie for the first time.
It has been noticed the hatred towards the movie. Whether it is about the actors, the story or…that big spoiler of a trailer. With a 7.2/10 on IMDb or the 28% on rotten tomatoes. This movie started incredibly well but then it fell down to the ground rapidly.
I firmly believe it was a well spent movie. I liked the story (which could be inspired by the comic (also videogame), Injustice: gods among us, and the dialogue. Ben Affleck did a great batman, so did Henry Cavill for superman, so it was Gal Gadot as wonderwoman and Robert Downey Jr for Alfred (even if he had little screen time).
The soundtrack was excellent (great job Hans Zimmer and Junkie XL! I applaud you once more).
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I do recommend the movie for it was unique and…it is only the beginning for the world of DC movies.
(April 2016)
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You can call me, The Riddler! Batman Forever
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A couple of days ago I couldn’t reach an agreement with my boyfriend on what movie we should watch, and we ended up watching Batman Forever (without having seen the previous one, but it didn’t really matter) Batman Forever is the third movie of the initial Batman film series, directed by Joel Schumacher and produced by Tim Burton in 1995. (keep reading)
 Burton had directed the previous movies of the series, but he was criticized of making them too dark and not “family friendly”. He had to leave the direction of the third film to Schumacher, who tried to change this by adding colors and humor and stuff. The changes are pretty obvious, and it ended up as a weird mixture of Tim Burton’s dark style and childish jokes.
Anyways, Val Kimer is batman in this third part of the series, where he will had to fight Two Face and the Riddler (Tommy Lee Jones and Jim Carrey respectively) who unite with a plan to steal information from Gotham City citizens’ brains using mind manipulation machines, and use these to find out batman’s secret identity and kill him.
There’s a lot of stuff in this film that could have been better, the script and plot are pretty simple and the character design could have been a bit more... serious. I liked the contrast of bright colors and darkness in the whole movie, it made a special style for it. But definitely what I liked the most was Jim Carrey’s character.
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As a villain, the Riddler was very well developped, had good motivations and a credible psychology. He was a well written character, and Jim Carrey did an amazing job on him. I really admire Carrey for his comedy roles, the personal style and subtle stylishness he can give to any character, and this role is not an exception (look at him he’s fabulous). Carrey’s Riddler is great, and I believe he is what made this movie memorable.
- Cami
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Fight Club, David Fincher
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Hi there! Cami here! Yesterday I watched Fight Club, a 1999 movie by David Fincher based on the Chuck Palahniuk’s novel by the same name, starring Edward Norton, Brad Pitt and Helena Bonham Carter. (keep reading) 
 The story of a man tired of his every day life who seeks ways to rest from it, until he finds the soap maker Tyler Durden and together they will form a fight club under a bar, with other people who also wanted to fight recreationally.
I loved this movie. It had some amazing psychological messages and a reaally good concept: I spent a while thinking how could someone come with such a complex and ingenious idea. The script is great too and the main actors played their roles prefectly. In a few words, it’s a smart movie. Truly a classic that must be seen.
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Bienvenue to the seventh art world movie reviews: Circle (2015) (not to mistake with Circle 2010 for they have no relation)
Starring by: Michael Nardelli, Carter Jenkins, Lawrence Kao, Allegra Masters and Julie Benz.
Directed and written by: Aaron Hann and Mario Miscione.
On a room of full uncertainty, where light is barely visible, fifty individuals were mysteriously placed in enigmatic figures on the floor as they were standing in red circles.
As they have woken up perplexed without any memory of how they got there, the trials began and the clueless poor souls of those trapped must, against time and will, choose who is worthy of living another round…no matter if old or young, smart or a fool, woman or man…there will be a dead corpse by the minute until there’s only one standing.
This movie is rated R since there’s the presence of some semi-explicit graphic death carried with blood, drama, horror and other disturbing contain that are not suitable for children. According to notyetrated.net the Circle’s budget was only of 1-2 million dollars. Along side it, the rating of the movie wasn’t excellent with only 6/10 on IMDb.
The Circle premiered at the Seattle International Film Festival on May 28 2015, before being released on October 16, 2015. The sources also claim the movie was inspired by 12 Angry Men (1957). Although, I got the suddent vibe of the Saw series while watching it until the end.
The movie has a simple plot with a simple scenario and CGI. Nonetheless, on my personal point of perspective, even if this might just sound a tad vile…the ending pleased me...but the answer to that is uncomplicated. No matter the budget it had…this movie proved me and showed me, definitely, that cheap movies can contain greatness on their own! 
“To succeed you have to believe in something with such a passion that it becomes reality.”
-Anita Roddick
I recommend it for an interesting time.
(March 2016)
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Bienvenue to the seventh art world movie reviews: Zootopia (2016) Disney.
Starring: Ginnifer Goodwin and Jason Bateman.
Directed by: Byron Howard, Rich Moore and Jared Bush (co-director).
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Welcome to Zootopia! The city where all kind of animals, whether is a fierce lion or a gentle foal, live in peace and harmony with each other in a world where humans never happened! 
Judy Hopps, voiced by Ginnifer Goodwin, dreamed of becoming a policebunny to make the world a better place. Against all odds, Judy succeeds her goal and, later on, she travels to Zootopia for a merrier tomorrow. Eventually Judy finds herself a new fox partner in justice: Nick Wilde voiced by Jason Bateman. 
Together they carry the task to solve the mysterious civilian disappearances that puzzled Zootopia.
This movie is rated PG since, according to some internet surfers, there are messages that could be interpreted on a possible non-desirable way with various topics that reflects our present world.
This movie exceeded my expectations! I’ve never been so amazed for such an animated movie’s level of detail! The story was very good, the graphics starting from the Zootopia arrival were incredible; those dialogues with its comedy bathe in gold were outstanding! Just look at this face!
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...that’s the face of a winner, I tell you! Keep it up buddy you can make it home for the holidays!
…Going back to topic. Zootopia has made a big sound around news, the cinema and all over the internet. Having very good ratings and reviews all over the globe with a 99% on rotten tomatoes. This movie had a great box office too! With over 882 million dollars vs 100 million dollars on budget.
I believe this film is worthy of being part of the Disney movie family. Even though we only had (basically) one song (Shakira: “try everything” (which was really catchy and great.)) but I do not mind.
I recommend Zootopia! ...for this is nothing you’ve seen…be-fur.
They are waiting for you!
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(March 2016)
Update of April: Yours trully has watched for the seconth time the movie Zootopia on the big screen, this 16th of April. It has been the very first time I ever did rewatch the same movie on cinemas! And that can say something joyful about the experience on it’s own, wouldn’t you say? Little details, big smiles! And remember: “A good story is one you listen to twice!”
Have a lovely day, wonderful people.
(April 2016)
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Event Horizon.
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Bienvenue to the seventh art world movie reviews: Event horizon (1997), starring: Laurence Fishburne, Sam Neill, Kathleen Quinlan and Joely Richardson.
Directed by Paul Anderson.  He’s also the director of many other films such as: The first Mortal Kombat movie, a couple of Resident Evil movie ones and Alien vs Predator.
The story takes place on the years 2047 when a distress signal is received from the ship “Event Horizon” seven years after its sent. The Lewis and Clark rescue vessel, commanded by Captain Miller, and its crew must travel for a rescue mission to the Event Horizon…but they would never expect what lies inside the cursed starship.
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This movie was rated R for pretty obvious reasons. Let me warn you this film is not for the faint of heart… for it contains gore, jumpscares, disturbing imagery and psychological horror. (Though it had some funny or rather ridiculous scenes to lighten up the mood).
I found it very unique, well done, with an interesting concept and very inspirational. Say… Do you like the Dead Space videogame saga (one of my favorite video game series of all time)? Watch the movie…maybe you’d feel a familiar vibe and like the movie as much as I did. Now, bear with me and remember this movie is before the years 2000’s. The CGI and any other special effects are from a different era, sort of speak.
Event horizon wasn’t really acclaimed or a remarkable movie according to critics and the box office compared with this movie’s budget (budget: 60 million dollars vs box office: 47 million dollars). Also, there are some elements on which one would think some scenes and lore was “ripped off” from the Alien series or the Hell Rising films.
I recommend the “hell” outta this movie!
I hope you liked my first movie review and good luck! ^_^
(March 2016)
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