#ziris records
satohqbanana · 1 month
I discovered this back in December, during Yssaia week. I had interest in covering this song, but the way the lyrics fell against the instrumental in the middle portion was a bit difficult for me to follow. This version contains modifications for some of the lyrics and the melody.
The recording quality of my voice drops towards the end a bit, some of my singing doesn't 100% fit the beat, but I'm happy enough to finally cover this song.
Original song [ver. Arlasaire] [ver. Kinnavaris] by @amaiguri and RigzProductions.
A Svanihk zyov tosvirizavi U Zyovinav svoni a zavlya Myar Somenihk ziri rizigi ihsva? El rizigiz traidi tiarna ta riz ziri
E mye myarziriz traidiz ziriz Svana ta Lihsvana tsa rizid
Ziri tsori vyagiz revana E fyagi ihsva, iva sven el dave Ziri tsori ihsva travshe "El sheli ihsvani" keni
Ziri tsori "A zalya Sheli ihsva" keni? Myediz ihdriza, fetziri Yeulia Ta urav aria Ta raz ihsva "Rizigi" keni
Myar Somenihk ziriz hali Ihsvihk Myar Somenihk ziriz hali travshe myi
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leviiackrman · 1 year
4, 7, 8, 16 and 38 for any OC! 💞
4. which oc can cook? what’s their favorite thing to cook?
Quite a few of them can actually! Margot is resident chef when they're out on expeditions because she knows the best recipes for when they're on the road! Margot's go to thing to cook for everyone is a travel safe version of a veggie casserole! All the scouts love it and its even better when they have access to meat aha!
Asami also loves cooking and has a cooking club on sundays with Sato where they bake cakes - and pastries which are asami's fave! (Bakugo is designated taste tester when no one else is watching - and he sometimes joins in too if its just them in the dorms) Her fave thing to cook with everyone is spicy hot pot, but when its just her she enjoys making cheesy ramen noodles!
Shen is a vegetarian and cooks from time to time, but its usually Katara's job (with Shen's assistance of course) she knows mostly recipes to keep herself going rather than the tastiest, but they're full of nutrition and v well balanced! Her fave thing to cook is roasted veggie and nut skewers! (katara helps to season them tho otherwise they're v bland aha!)
7. which oc has the most cohesive color pallet? the craziest color pallet?
oohhh shit thats a tricky one! I'd probably say Shen and Margot have the most cohesive colour palettes, with the earthy tones and all. They just go with everything!
Craziest colour palette would deffo be Hideko, and Rin cus of the numerous neon colours!! Ophelia has a pretty chaotic one too, but the rest seem pretty reserved. OH Bubbles' palette is quite crazy too actually, lots of random colour
8. which oc prefers flowing clothes? tight clothes?
Ziri and Rin ADORE tight fitting clothes!! Ziri for the practicality of her job, Rin because she loves to show off her bod aha. Una also likes tight fitting/semi revealing clothes but will add a flowy element so she doesn't come across as a total bitch lmao.
For flowy clothes, that would be Asami, Isla, Umetarou and Shen most likely! A lot of my ocs share my style of loving over sized clothes (for a number of reasons) so that counts as flowy right? OH Ophelia deffo wears flowy too! Helps her come across more innocent than she is tehe
16. which oc has the most admirers?
RIN. The gal has SO MANY followers and a lot of them are in love with her aha. Some work for her because of their crush on her, others admire her skills and ambitions so they wanna work for someone deserving yknow?
Una is also v sought after - by men and women - but only the latter are given the time of day aha! Same goes for her brother but he does NOT like the romantic side of things. Many women fawn over Isaac/throw themselves at him but hes genuinely not interested, he would rather sleep in the barn with his horse than sleep with a woman (not meaning he'd fuck his horse btw i mean in a Kristoff and Sven kinda way)
I'll also say Theo. She's v popular and enigmatic so lots of people admire her for being a young business woman etc, as well as liking how hard to get she is. But again, she's not interested in love atm and would rather satisfy her sexual hunger with a rare one night stand than occupy herself with a partner (currently anyway)
38. drop a fun fact about your oc!*
Bubbles and Johnny have held competitions to see who can put the largest and weirdest item in their stretched ear holes without it falling out! Bubbles holds the record by putting one of her largest wrenches through it! Johnny tried to beat her by putting the face of his watch through, but it fell out real easy lmao
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kissingagrumpygiant · 4 years
ziri and liraz 😔😔😔😔✌️✌️
The year 2020 we give liraz and ziri the love and respect the deserve
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chaoticspacefam · 4 years
Character Traits Meme - Aria & Vano
I was tagged by the lovely @mercurypilgrim​ (thank you! :D)
I can’t remember who I tagged last time so if I’ve tagged you twice and/or you don’t wanna do it again (or the first time), no pressure as always :D but I shall tag @abyssal-space​ @sentinelapologist​ @thatmmolesbian​ @stratosara​
I did the Sith twins last time, so it’s Aria and Vano’s turn this time! :D
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$ Financial : wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty
(Aria lived hand-to-mouth on the streets for a while during the start of her story, but built it back up after she returned to the Empire. She’s not quite “wealthy” but she did inherit a lot of her father’s things after his death so she’s what I would call “comfortable”.)
✚ Medical : fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged
(Mostly fit, but has extensive scarring from her younger years and some long-term memory damage thanks to a bad glitterstim habit in her younger years.)
✪ Class or Caste : upper / middle / working / transient / slave / unsure
(Was a smuggler for about 5 years after joining up with Merak & Ziri, but after returning to the Sith/Jedi, she worked her way back up again ;))
✔ Education : qualified / unqualified / studying / other
(Graduated from the Sith/Jedi Academy, sooo that counts as qualified right? :P)
✖ Criminal Record : yes, for major crimes / yes, for minor crimes / no / classified
(Uhhhh, yeah. Murdering a lot of Jedi Masters for the Sith, need I say more? She was arrested during the battle of Ilum and spent several years in jail until the first proto-alliance had need of her to help them fight the Revanites. As a show of “good faith” after Yavin, Satele expunges her record and allows her to return to the Sith with Vano, since any further damage Aria could cause has already been done - she’s already been feeding the EmpireJedi intel for years by that point!)
◒ Children : has a child or children / has no biological children / wants children / has adopted children
(Ziri is SORT OF like an adopted daughter to her. Sort of. But uh, she’s bad with children. Do not leave them with her.)
◑ Relationship with Family : close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling(s) / has no siblings / sibling(s) is deceased
(An only child (though in the Zephyrverse AU(s) she does have several half-siblings on her father’s side!)
◔ Affiliation : orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by birth parent(s) / not applicable  
(Killed her mother as part of her Sith trials (something that still haunts her), was raised by her father Darth Noctis, but later on as an adult orphaned when Baras’ assassins kill Noctis. Then adopted into Vano’s family after they eventually marry. What a mouthful huh?)
♦ extroverted / introverted / in between
(One of the loudest people you will ever meet, Aria has NO filter and almost NEVER keeps her mouth shut. Vano wishes she would, but she does not XD)
♦ dis-organised / organised / in between
(I would call it “organised chaos”, it might seem a mess to someone else, but it’s organised to her. She never sticks to one plan and is always improvising on the fly, but she’s very good at that!)
♦ closed-minded / open-minded / in between
♦ calm / anxious / in between
(This one was difficult for me to decide...she doesn’t really get anxious or panicked so I decided to go with “calm”, though a more accurate description would simply be “doesn’t give a shit”)
♦ disagreeable / agreeable / in between
(Unless she’s close to you, she’s NASTY. Not someone you want to spend quality time with.)
♦ cautious / reckless / in between
(When it comes to life-or-death, she’s always cautious. She’ll never risk her life for you, unless your name is Vano or Qyzen. But if death is not on the cards, she will absolutely take risks without balking about it.)
♦ patient / impatient / in between
♦ outspoken / reserved / in between
♦ leader / follower / in between
(She’ll follow Vano and the Ahaszaai twins - and her father when he was alive - but otherwise, don’t tell her what to do. She’ll flip the bird at you.)
♦ empathetic / unempathetic / in between
♦ optimistic / pessimistic / in between
♦ traditional / modern / in between
♦ hard-working / lazy / in between
♦ cultured / uncultured  / in between
♦ loyal / disloyal / unknown
(loyal to a select group of people (Vano, Saarai, Ni’kasi, Qyzen, her father), everybody else, you may never know if she’ll help you or put a knife in your back.)
♦ faithful / unfaithful / unknown
(See above)
❤ Sexuality : heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual
❥ Sex : sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favourable / naive and clueless
♥ Romance : romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favourable / naive and/or inexperienced
(Aria is demiromantic so it takes time for her to build that sort of bond with someone, couple that with her father teaching her from a young age that “loving someone was weakness” means she’s not really given it much time of day. Now that he’s not around to keep pushing that viewpoint and she can learn to be more openly affectionate with Vano, though, she’s starting to try.)
❣ Sexually : adventurous / experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious
(I think this speaks for itself LOL)
⚧ Potential Sexual Partners : male / female / agender / other / none / all
(If it’s human(oid) and it has a pulse, she’ll fuck it. She’s a whore, sir.)
⚧ Potential Romantic Partners : male / female / agender / other / none / all
☠ Combat Skills : excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
(I would hope so, she’s been fighting stuff for a good few decades now!)
≡ Literacy Skills : excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
(Her dad was a Darth and he intended for her to take his place one day, he made sure she could do everything she needed to be successful.)
✍ Artistic Skills : excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
(She can dance well enough to not make a fool of herself, and maybe draw some simple things, but not much more than that!)
✂ Technical Skills : excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
(She ran with smugglers. She’s not as good as they are, but Merak and Ziri taught her how to slice and she can make do in a pinch, though she wouldn’t be able to handle like...advanced encryptions and so on.)
☕ Drinking Alcohol : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
(She’s always loved a good drink. If she’s not working, you’ll find her at a bar somewhere, drinking the other patrons under the table XD)
☁ Smoking : trying to quit / never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
(Not nearly as often as she drinks, but yes.)
✿ Other Narcotics : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
(Oh boy, oh boy, she did a LOT of stims in her younger years while she was smuggling. Hasn’t touched them for a long time as of re-joining the war(s) proper.)  
✌ Medicinal Drugs: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
(Previously a lot. Medical stims were a good, quick substitute if she ran out of other things. Since she’s gone clean, though, she won’t touch them now for fear of relapsing if she does.)
☻ Indulgent Food : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
(If Vano wants to go out to eat, she’ll go with her, but it’s not something Aria herself will specifically suggest.)
$ Splurge Spending : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
♣ Gambling : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
(On occasion, if she has time.)
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$ Financial : wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty
(Vano’s never had to worry about money, but she’s not rolling in it either. Just comfortable :))
✚ Medical : fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged
(Gal works out, she keeps herself in good condition! :D)
✪ Class or Caste : upper / middle / working / transient / slave / unsure
✔ Education : qualified / unqualified / studying / other
(Graduated from the Sith Academy, so I am once again assuming yes :3)
✖ Criminal Record : yes, for major crimes / yes, for minor crimes / no / classified
◒ Children : has a child or children / has no biological children / wants children / has adopted children
(Unfortunately for Vano, her wife is not a child-oriented person, so they probably never will. It’s okay though, she’ll find a way to substiturte, probably helps teach younglings at the Enclave or something!)
◑ Relationship with Family : close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling(s) / has no siblings / sibling(s) is deceased
(Vano has a younger brother, Merak, who is my smuggler. While they’re separated for some time, they’re still close - in fact, Merak begins his smuggler career because he wanted to travel the galaxy to try and find Vano again, and he needed money to keep searching so smuggling it was!)
◔ Affiliation : orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by birth parent(s) / not applicable  
(her father was killed when Vitiate’s Inquisitors raided Mirial and he tried to stop them from taking Vano with them to train, but her mother is only very weakly Force sensitive and was left behind. She works in the local Jedi Archives on Mirial, but after the Alliance forms and Vano and Merak reach out to her again, she eventually joins them on Odessen <3)
♦ extroverted / introverted / in between
(Vano is pretty outgoing and friendly, but not very “in your face”. She’s the quiet-but-friendly sort of type.)
♦ dis-organised / organised / in between
♦ closed-minded / open-minded / in between
♦ calm / anxious / in between
(Mostly calm and collected, though post-Valkorion possession, she has moments where she gets anxious. Particularly if she’s alone, or if she can feel he’s about to pop up and start bothering her D:)
♦ disagreeable / agreeable / in between
(The only time she won’t be agreeable is if you’re a dick, basically.)
♦ cautious / reckless / in between
(Not STUPID reckless, but Vano will take calculated risks and/or react first, think about herself later in order to defend someone else.)
♦ patient / impatient / in between
♦ outspoken / reserved / in between
(Mostly pretty reserved and quietly thoughtful, but known to be VERY vocal in terms of defending minorities or other disadvantaged people and so on.)
♦ leader / follower / in between
♦ empathetic / unempathetic / in between
♦ optimistic / pessimistic / in between
♦ traditional / modern / in between
♦ hard-working / lazy / in between
♦ cultured / uncultured  / in between
♦ loyal / disloyal / unknown
(Vano’s loyalty knows no bounds. She has a strong moral compass and she won’t continue to follow a complete tyrant (which is why she always kept Baras at arms’ length) - but if you’re generally a good person (even if you make mistakes sometimes - or a lot of times if your name is Aria XD - she will cross the entire damn galaxy for you and do anything for you, no questions asked.)
♦ faithful / unfaithful / unknown
❤ Sexuality : heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual
❥ Sex : sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favourable / naive and clueless
(She likes it. Buuuut she can also go a long while without any and not get twitchy about it, if the world’s on fire or something of that nature, sex goes on the back burner, she can survive without it if necessary.)
♥ Romance : romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favourable / naive and/or inexperienced
(Yes please! Flowers, chocolates, sunsets and rolling credits, Vano’s a sucker for some good-ol’-fashioned romance.)
❣ Sexually : adventurous / experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious
(I struggled with this one, because Va’s not really “naive” she’s just very...vanilla? XD Willing to try things, but Aria’s definitely more experienced in terms of variety of things than she is, so Ari’s usually the one um, “in charge”. ;))
⚧ Potential Sexual Partners : male / female / agender / other / none / all
⚧ Potential Romantic Partners : male / female / agender / other / none / all
☠ Combat Skills : excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
(She trained with the Sith. She had to be good or she’d be DEAD XD)
≡ Literacy Skills : excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
(Pretty good, she’s not illiterate, but certainly not as silver-tongued as say, Aria.)
✍ Artistic Skills : excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
(Decent enough singer and dancer, very good at calligraphy, which is one of her main hobbies when she’s not saving the galaxy from mass-murdering tyrants :’))
✂ Technical Skills : excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
(Decent enough. She can work the Razor’s computer systems, crack some rudimentary passcodes and do other basic things, but she would leave the more advanced slicing and coding to Aria, Vette or her brother, they’re better at it.)
☕ Drinking Alcohol : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
(Social drinker, so will have some at a party or occasionally one or two while she’s out with Aria, but nowhere near as much as her wife.)
☁ Smoking : trying to quit / never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
(Va’s a stress-smoker, so the more pressure she’s under and the more worried/frazzled she feels, the more she smokes. If she’s having a pretty “normal” time of things, it’s in moderation.)
✿ Other Narcotics : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
��� Medicinal Drugs: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
☻ Indulgent Food : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
(Sometimes ya just have a shitty day and you have to eat an ENTIRE bag of toffee all to yourself. When you’ve saved the galaxy like 3 times over you deserve that much XD)
$ Splurge Spending : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
♣ Gambling : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
(Not so keen on it, prefers to watch Aria and her brother whilst they do so she can get them out of trouble if they get into it.)
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truetgirl · 4 years
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More characters! I have an addiction but I’ll take this over pretty much anything else.
Ziri: half-elf rogue, inquisitive, chaotic good. Ziri is a creature of the city. She has lived her entire life slipping between the alleyways and bustling streets of her home as her father’s forest dwelling cousins might slip through the trees. When she came of age she followed in her mother’s footsteps and joined the town guard. Ill suited to patrolling and physical confrontation, she worked with them as an investigator. Several years into her career, an impressive record already behind her, a riot broke out while her mother was out on patrol. Unable to intervene, she prayed her mother would return home safely, but to no avail. After the riot the guards focused their efforts on cleanup and maintaining order, the sole exception being the investigative branch, tasked to discern the reason for and instigators of the riot. Despite many protests, Ziri was told she would not be out on the case, instead being told to return home and mourn her mother. Despite her frustration Ziri did as her superiors suggested, returning to work about a month later. She did not remain long. Upon her return she found that the investigation had already been all but abandoned with its questions still unanswered. Her superiors claimed they wanted to avoid stirring up trouble again if they could avoid it. Ziri walked out and never returned. Now she works as a detective for hire, and in her free time she still tries to find answers and justice for her mother...
Layla: human cleric, twilight domain, neutral good. Growing up in a small farming village, Layla had been raised from a young age to be a hard worker. Her life was a simple one of work, prayer, and tight-knit community. Though she did not complain about her work, she still came to resent the sweat, soreness, and tedium that it brought. Each night, thought she, was a welcome release from the exhausting labor and harsh light of the sun, replaced instead by rest, family, friends, and the gentler light of the moon. As she grew older, she took to singing in the town square one night each week with friends that played the fiddle and flute. Eventually this weekly ritual grew into a celebration of another week’s work done and of the simple bonds they shared as farmers and friends. As the years went on this gathering became known in the village and to their neighbors as the Sunset Dance, drawing guests each week from the surrounding villages as well. Layla, all the while, kept singing, dancing, and enjoying the respite she and her friends had offered their community. She thought that, perhaps, she could be truly happy here now. That is, until the goddess of the moon paid her a visit in her dreams...
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just0nemorepage · 4 years
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Days of Blood & Starlight || Laini Taylor || Daughter of Smoke & Bone #2 || 517 pages -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Top 3 Genres: Fantasy / Young Adult / Romance
Synopsis: Once upon a time, an angel and a devil fell in love and dared to imagine a world free of bloodshed and war.
This is not that world.
Art student and monster's apprentice Karou finally has the answers she has always sought. She knows who she is—and what she is. But with this knowledge comes another truth she would give anything to undo: She loved the enemy and he betrayed her, and a world suffered for it.
In this stunning sequel to the highly acclaimed Daughter of Smoke & Bone, Karou must decide how far she'll go to avenge her people. Filled with heartbreak and beauty, secrets and impossible choices, Days of Blood & Starlight finds Karou and Akiva on opposing sides as an age-old war stirs back to life.
While Karou and her allies build a monstrous army in a land of dust and starlight, Akiva wages a different sort of battle: a battle for redemption. For hope.
But can any hope be salvaged from the ashes of their broken dream?
Finished: January 19th, 2020.
Progress: 2 / 10. 20% complete.
My Rating: ★★★★★. [5/5]
My Review: [Under the read more - NOT SPOILER FREE]
I… don't know what to say about this one. I truly don't.
I know I enjoyed it, and heavily. I don't think I like it as much as the first one, but it certainly set the stage for what's bound to be an excellent third book.
I know I forgot what the hell happened in the first book, so I'm very glad by the time the book ended I remembered most of it hahah.
I know I really could've done without all the violence towards women, but alas, at least everyone (and Jael's is probably incoming) got their due.
I know this got across really well how absolutely devastating war is, and the never-ending back and forth of it all. And I know how I heavily enjoyed how all the women were written, with great strength of totally different kinds and variety and a full spectrum of emotion – and actually, I enjoyed how the MEN were written too, some as complete and total monsters but others actually with emotion and humanity (so to speak).
I know I had a really hard time putting it down, and I managed to finish a 500+ page book in 10 days, which is astounding for my current reading record.
I don't know, it's strange. I feel like I loved it, but I don't have much to say about it. I'm not freaking out singing its praises like I usually am, and particular scenes don't really jump out at me that much. The plot progressed well and I'm very excited at where book three is going to pick up, characterization and character growth were all notable, I loved the setting and the story just as much as before, the complications of emotions were very realistic and well done; just, it feels like due to this book being mostly about the numb dragging on of a war, nothing particularly stands out as excellent or terrible – it all just IS.
Let's be real, though. I'm glad Joram's concubines escaped, and Thiago and Ten are dead.
Next up is Jael, though. Bitches be comin' for him.
Also, Ziri is a CINNAMON ROLL and must be protected.
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lucienballard · 5 years
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Black hole picture captured for first time in space breakthrough
Network of eight radio telescopes around the world records revolutionary image
Astronomers have captured the first image of a black hole, heralding a revolution in our understanding of the universe’s most enigmatic objects.
The picture shows a halo of dust and gas, tracing the outline of a colossal black hole, at the heart of the Messier 87 galaxy, 55m light years from Earth.
The black hole itself – a cosmic trapdoor from which neither light nor matter can escape – is unseeable. But the latest observations take astronomers right to its threshold for the first time, illuminating the event horizon beyond which all known physical laws collapse.
The breakthrough image was captured by the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT), a network of eight radio telescopes spanning locations from Antarctica to Spain and Chile, in an effort involving more than 200 scientists.
Sheperd Doeleman, EHT director and Harvard University senior research fellow said: “Black holes are the most mysterious objects in the universe. We have seen what we thought was unseeable. We have taken a picture of a black hole.”
France Córdova, director of the US National Science Foundation and an astrophysicist, said that the image, which she had only seen as it was unveiled at the press briefing she was chairing, had brought tears to her eyes. “We have been studying black holes for so long that sometimes it’s easy to forget that none of us has seen one,” she said. “This will leave an imprint on people’s memories.”
The image gives the first direct glimpse of a black hole’s accretion disc, a fuzzy doughnut-shaped ring of gas and dust that steadily “feeds” the monster within.
The EHT picks up radiation emitted by particles within the disc that are heated to billions of degrees as they swirl around the black hole at close to the speed of light, before vanishing down the plughole.
The halo’s crescent-like appearance in the image is because the particles in the side of the disc rotating towards Earth are flung towards us faster and so appear brighter. The dark shadow within marks the edge of the event horizon, the point of no return, beyond which no light or matter can travel fast enough to escape the inexorable gravitational pull of the black hole.
Black holes were first predicted by Einstein’s theory of relativity – although Einstein himself was sceptical that they actually existed. Since then, astronomers have accumulated overwhelming evidence that these cosmic sinkholes are out there, including recent detection of gravitational wavesthat ripple across the cosmos when pairs of them collide.
But black holes are so small, dark and distant that observing them directly requires a telescope with a resolution equivalent to being able to see a bagel on the moon. This was once thought to be an insurmountable challenge.
The EHT achieved the necessary firepower by combining data from eight of the world’s leading radio observatories, including the Atacama Large Millimetre Array (Alma) in Chile and the South Pole Telescope, creating an effective telescope the size of the Earth.
When observations were launched in 2017, the EHT had two primary targets. First was Sagittarius A*, the black hole at the centre of the Milky Way, which has a mass of about 4m suns. The second target, which yielded the image, was a supermassive black hole in the galaxy M87, into which the equivalent of 6bn suns of light and matter has disappeared.
The collaboration is still working on producing an image of the Milky Way’s black hole. “We hope to get that very soon,” said Doeleman.
The success of the project hinged on clear skies on several continents simultaneously and exquisite coordination between the eight far-flung teams. Observations at the different sites were coordinated using atomic clocks, called hydrogen masers, accurate to within one second every 100 million years. And, on one night in April 2017, everything came together. “We got super lucky, the weather was perfect,” said Ziri Younsi, a member of the EHT collaboration who is based at University College London.
The sheer volume of data generated was also unprecedented – in one night the EHT generated as much data as the Large Hadron Collider does in a year. This meant waiting for half a year for the South Pole data, which could only be shipped out at the end of Antarctic winter.
The observations are already giving scientists new insights into the weird environment close to black holes, where gravity is so fierce that reality as we know it is distorted beyond recognition.
At the event horizon, light is bent in a perfect loop around the black hole, meaning if you stood there you would be able to see the back of your own head. The observations also provide one of the most stringent tests to date of Einstein’s theory of general relativity: this predicts a rounded shape of the black hole’s halo, in line with what EHT has observed.
Scientists are also hoping to understand more about the origin of jets of radiation that are blasted out from the poles of some black holes at close to the speed of light, creating brilliant beacons that can be picked out across the cosmos.
However, the observations do not yet reveal anything about the black hole’s inscrutable interior.
“The black hole is not the event horizon, it’s something inside. It could be something just inside the event horizon, an exotic object hovering just beneath the surface, or it could be a singularity at the centre … or a ring,” said Younsi. “It doesn’t yet give us an explanation of what’s going on inside.”
Heino Falcke, chair of the EHT science council, who is based at Radboud University in the Netherlands, said: “The big question for me is whether we’ll ever be able to transcend that limit. The answer may be maybe not. That’s frustrating but we’ll have to accept it.”
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Would you say the dceu treat their poc right? (Apparently justice league is going to prove they are treated 'badly')
As far as how the actors feel I can mostly only speculate, but I assume you mean characters of color, in which case I’d say the track record is not stellar.
As excited as everyone was about Man of Steel includng General Swanwick and Perry White as positive black male authority figures, I really expected more progress in BvS because Man of Steel was still very white.  The casting in both MoS and BvS is a problem because it treats non-white characters as a backdrop. Including these characters and casting this way increases the realism of the film, but without allowing those individual characters to be much more than set peices that revolve around the white heroes of the peice. We need to fix that. 
For example, the crowd shots during the Black Zero event were pretty diverse compared to what we’ve come to expect from both the disaster movie and the superhero genre, but those characters don’t have names, and while I think the film is directed toward the audience sympathizing with them, they’re disposable backdrop at the end of the day.
BvS one-ups MoS with the Nairomi incident, offering a large number of jobs to underemployed black actors in roles where the characters are slaughtered as a ploy to harm Superman. It seems like General Amajagh is a truly fascinating character, and he has some really iconic lines, but we never even know what becomes of him. Viola Davis’ husband Julius Tennon appears in that scene, too, and then never again.
These roles need to expand past their utility to white characters, but some of the roles listed with actors of color on imdb are “Inmate thug,” “Nairomian Crying Woman,” “Hostage Girl,” and “Island Diver.”
Even when the characters of color in these films are pushed toward the center we have problems. In the theatrical cut, Kahina Ziri merely disappears once she’s served as a mouthpeice for Lex and for the film’s major themes, but in the Ultimate Edition, she’s pushed infront of a subway train. Racebending Mercy Graves was one of my favorite decisions that this film made before they decided to give her two scenes and then blow her up to show how pitiless Luthor is. The man in the Gotham tenement who delivers the “there’s a new kind of mean in him” line isn’t even listed on the imdb page.
All of this, if you ask me, is a little more disturbing given that the most hiring they did for actors of color was for a film composed almost entirely of villains. I thought Suicide Squad was really fun, and I think a lot of the criticism it gets is bullshit, but I also think that Croc, El Diablo, Slipknot, and Katana deserved better than they got from that film. At least SS seemed to propose the idea that these characters stories were worth telling and that they were just as capable of heroism as our white centerpeices.
I do think that there are reasons to be hopeful, going forward, though, and I think that arguing that Justice League will “prove” that characters of color are treated badly in the dceu is pretty foolish, considering the fact that there’s no good reason Cyborg shouldn’t be the center of that narrative, and that Aquamomoa looks like he might even pull MY focus from casting a dewy eye to the horizon for red capes.
In particular, I’d like to see much more of Deadshot, Waller, and Katana, especially using Waller as a connective fiber for the universe. I still scream a little watching her after-credits scene with Bruce. I am pretty sure Wonder Woman is not as white as it seems from the trailers, but I have a feeling it’s still not gonna be progress. They need to do a lot more racebending and include more characters of color in these stories, which is why I think fancasts that don’t go for the obvious white fave and campaigns like #keepirisblack are really significant work that fandom can do. I hope the naysayers aren’t right. I want the dceu to welcome everyone.
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hudsonespie · 5 years
73 Out Of 122 Ships Broken On Beaches Of South Asia
There were a total of 122 ships broken in the third quarter of 2019. Of these, 73 ships were sold to the beaches of South Asia for dirty and dangerous breaking. Between July and September, eleven workers have lost their lives and twenty were severely injured when breaking ships in Bangladesh and India. So far this year, the Platform has recorded 19 deaths and 30 severe injuries in South Asia.
Cutter helper Mamun Hossen (35) was killed on 3 July when he was crushed by a falling steel plate at Tahsin Steel Corp shipbreaking yard in Chattogram, Bangladesh.
On 23 July, cutter man Shahidul (40) lost his life while working at Kabir Steel’s Khawja shipbreaking yard in Chattogram, Bangladesh. Shahidul was dismantling the container ship EVER UNION (IMO 9116618), owned by Taiwanese shipping giant Evergreen, when he fell from a great height.
Image Credits: @NGOShipbreaking
He died on the spot. Following the accident, the government imposed a three month ban on the import of end-of-life vessel on the yard, and has demanded that safety measures are taken. Already in 2018, Scandinavian investors withdrew their funds from Evergreen due to the company’s poor shipbreaking practices.
On 30 July, fitter men Nantu Hossen (24), Rasel Matabbor (25) and Chobidul (26) lost their lives due to a toxic gas leak on board the tanker MEDELIN ATLAS at Mak Corporation yard in Chattogram, Bangladesh. At least six other workers were severely injured. According to shipping databases, the vessel was sold for breaking by Indonesian ship owner Waruna Nusa Sentana.
During the scrapping of the Greek-owned container ship CSL VIRGINIA (IMO 9289568) at Ziri shipbreaking yard in Bangladesh, a heavy cable collapsed on 31 August, hitting several workers at once. Aminul Islam (35) and Tushar Chakma (27) lost their lives. Thirteen other workers suffered severe injuries and were taken to Chattogram Medical College Hospital for treatment.
Image Credits: shipbreakingplatform.org
The circumstances of two additional fatalities at the shipbreaking yards in Chattogram this quarter still remain unclear.
According to Indian media, two workers died on the shipbreaking beach of Alang in the last quarter. Two separate accidents took place at scrapping yards that have applied to be included in the EU list of approved ship recycling facilities and are promoted by the industry as “safe and green”. On 29 July, Subash Vishwakarma lost his life when a metal plate fell on his head at Priya Blue yard – Plot V1. On 3 September, an explosion during cutting operations caused the death of one worker and severely injured another worker at Shree Ram’s yard Plot 78/81. In September, Dutch TV revealed the dire working conditions at a yard owned by Priya Blue, and the trafficking of false inventories of hazardous materials to hide high levels of mercury onboard offshore units.
In the third quarter of 2019, Japanese, American and Greek ship owners sold the most ships to South Asian yards, followed by Indonesian and South Korean owners.
Almost half of the ships sold to South Asia this quarter changed flag to the registries of Comoros, Gabon, Palau and St. Kitts and Nevis just weeks before hitting the beach. These flags are not typically used during the operational life of ships and offer ‘last voyage registration’ discounts. They are particularly popular with the middlemen that purchase vessels cash from ship owners, and are grey- and black-listed due to their poor implementation of international maritime law. The high number of flag changes at end-of-life seriously compromises the effectiveness of legislation based on flag state jurisdiction only, such as the EU Ship Recycling Regulation.
Criminal investigations have been launched by authorities in Europe following Platform alerts of imminent illegal exports of toxic end-of-life vessels. The case of the ferry SIR ROBERT BOND is, however, illustrative of the Canadian government’s lack of action. In the last two years, the ship was bought and sold several times: from the Canadian government to a peat moss producer in New Brunswick, to an agent in Quebec, who allegedly sold it for scrap to Indian breakers. In May, the Platform alerted competent authorities about the imminent illegal export of the vessel to South Asia from Canada. Despite authorities having been informed, the owner managed to illegally tow the unit to Alang, where it was beached a few weeks ago.
Reference: shipbreakingplatform.org
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from Storage Containers https://www.marineinsight.com/shipping-news/73-out-of-122-ships-broken-on-beaches-of-south-asia/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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motioncollector · 5 years
DCN Video Pick: PEARL CADILLAC / Gary Clark Jr. by Clément Oberto // Gary Clark Jr. is heading down the road of life looking back to where he came from. Shot in Super 35mm, 'Pearl Cadillac' showcases moonlight as the image of a mother's love. Rolling Stone: https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/gary-clark-jr-pearl-cadillac-video-887792/ Billboard: https://www.billboard.com/articles/columns/rock/8530593/gary-clark-jr-pearl-cadillac Left Productions presents: A film directed by Clément Oberto Line Producer: Roger M. Mayer Cinematographer: Ernesto Lomeli Executive Producers: Blase Biello & Boris Labourguigne Executive Producer / Warner Records: Devin Sarno Starring: Gary Clark Jr., Tiffany Hudson, Aidan McMillan Extras: Brant Hodyne, David Kellogg, Rileigh Hooton & Robert Hooton Concept & Editing: Clément Oberto Production Designer: Vanesa Wilkey-Escobar Art Director: Ryan Pilz MUAH: Peggy Wright Stylist: Maxi Steadicam Operator: Kenny Niernberg 1st AC: Mark Strasburg 1st AC 2nd team: Grant Sicora-Friesen 2nd AC: Masson Harrelson Key Grip: Jake Smith Grips: Vadim Frumin & Emilio Guerra Gaffer: Patrick Russo Best Boy Electric: Rafael Ramirez Lighting Tech: Kyle Hardesty Swing: Sergio Nava Carpenter: Kyle Rettinger Assistant Carpenter: Erick Verduyn Colourist: Dimitri Zola Production Coordinator: Caitlyn Murchan V1 Projection: Brian Dickson V2 Projection: Gaston Soloman Projectionist: Ralph Parra Production Assistants; Kara Scobey Brown & Jake Bergman BTS Photographer: Robin Mir Studio Teacher: Todd Pliss Wardrobe Assistants: Elizabeth Arroyo & Liz Portugal Location Managers: Ryan Repasky & Royce Dudley (Remmet Studio) + Amira Ziri (Waldorf-Astoria) Special Thanks: Our moms, MPC LA, Scooter Weintraub, Pam Adams, Veronica Biagi, Gaston Jouany, Peter Standish, Rick Gershon, Vanessa Williams, Brianna Colell, Bethanie Clar, Samantha Goldberg, Caitlin Lowden, Cori Salinas, Morgan Kellum, Ray Wongchinda, Niloo Bakhsh, Vivian Umpierrez, Fotokem, Keslow Camera, Sim Los Angeles, Camadeus Film Technologies Inc., Mole-Richardson Co. Left Productions & Warner Records © 2019
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umukunzimwiza · 5 years
Indirimbo Tetema ya Rayvanny na Diamond  yaciye agahigo mu gihe gito ishyizwe hanze
Indirimbo Tetema ya Rayvanny na Diamond  yaciye agahigo mu gihe gito ishyizwe hanze
Tetema indirimbo nshya ya Diamond yaciye agahigo kurusha izindi ndirimbo bakoze muri uyu mwaka wa 2019, aho imaze kurebwa n’abantu barenga miliyoni mu gihe kingana n’amasaha 24 ishyizwe kuri Youtube.
Umuziki wo muri Tanzania ukomeje kujyenda waguka mu buryo bwihuse aho izi mpinduka ahanini ziri kuzanwa n’abahanzi bakorera muri Wasafi Records barimo na Rayvanny ,Diamond ,Mbosso, Richmavoko…
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touchrwanda · 5 years
Indirimbo Tetema ya Rayvanny na Diamond  yaciye agahigo mu gihe gito ishyizwe hanze
Indirimbo Tetema ya Rayvanny na Diamond  yaciye agahigo mu gihe gito ishyizwe hanze
Tetema indirimbo nshya ya Diamond yaciye agahigo kurusha izindi ndirimbo bakoze muri uyu mwaka wa 2019, aho imaze kurebwa n’abantu barenga miliyoni mu gihe kingana n’amasaha 24 ishyizwe kuri Youtube.
Umuziki wo muri Tanzania ukomeje kujyenda waguka mu buryo bwihuse aho izi mpinduka ahanini ziri kuzanwa n’abahanzi bakorera muri Wasafi Records barimo na Rayvanny ,Diamond ,Mbosso, Richmavoko…
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recentnews18-blog · 6 years
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New Post has been published on https://shovelnews.com/shiri-maimon-set-to-spread-some-funny-honey-on-broadway-as-roxie-in-chicago/
Shiri Maimon set to spread some Funny Honey on Broadway as Roxie in 'Chicago'
NEW YORK — As she posed for photographers in an off-shoulder red dress at Sardi’s restaurant in New York’s Times Square on Friday morning, it seemed Israeli singer Shiri Maimon has settled into her new role as Roxie Hart in the musical “Chicago.” But up until a few days ago, she said, this new adventure still hadn’t sunk in.
Maimon spoke to the press two weeks before her premiere on Broadway at the famous Sardi’s restaurant, where the walls are lined with caricatures of showbiz celebs. It is steps away from the theater that will soon become her temporary second home.
“I didn’t even think it was an option to do Broadway,” she confessed to The Times of Israel. “Look, I’m a dreamer. Since I was a little kid, I always dreamt about all those things that are actually happening to me right now, but I always thought of Broadway as unreachable.”
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Maimon said a few months ago she got a call asking her if she’d be willing to come over to New York to play Roxie Hart on Broadway. “I thought it was a joke at first,” she laughed.
Singer Shiri Maimon ahead of the Broadway opening of ‘Chicago,’ August 2018. (Danielle Ziri/Times of Israel)
The decisive phone call came from the CEO of Helicon, her record label in Israel. Maimon recalled that he asked her “very casually and in a calm voice” about performing the role. It turned out that someone close to famous Broadway impresario Barry Weissler had been on vacation in Israel a few weeks before and seen her in a production of “Evita.”
From there, everything else fell into place: she arrived to New York for a formal audition and got the part. Soon she began rehearsing both in Israel and the US, attended fittings and photoshoots.
“It’s starting to get real now,” she said. “And still, even if it’s a big deal, at the end of the day it’s a stage, there is an audience: I’m used to it. This is what I do, it’s my work, it’s my pleasure. It’s my dream come true.”
Israeli singer Shiri Maimon as Roxie in the Broadway production of ‘Chicago,’ August 2018. (courtesy)
Maimon will fill Roxie Hart’s tap shoes for a relatively short run, from September 21 to October 6, with eight shows a week. But her “Chicago” adventure will not end there: the entire New York company of the musical will join her in Israel for a few performances from March 7 to March 11 in Tel Aviv. In the interim, Israeli fans will be able to catch Maimon on the hit reality TV show, “Hakochav Haba” (Rising Star Israel). Maimon herself was discovered on a similar program, “Kochav Nolad” (A Star is Born) in 2003.
Tony-award winning Broadway producer Barry Weissler, who cast Maimon told the Times of Israel that there was no denying that the Israeli singer could master the role.
“She’s very talented and she’s very beautiful,” Weissler said. “She sings, she dances, she’s got a vibrant personality. How could we miss that?” Weissler said he watched her on tape and in concert and concluded she’d “make a great Roxie.”
“She is not known in this country. We intend to make her known,” said Weissler.
Playing Roxie, Weissler said, takes talent, but also requires intelligence to navigate the material and blend in with the existing team.
“You have to make sure there is a melding of personalities on stage. We have to create a fusion, we do it, and it’s not always easy, but believe it or not, Shiri is one of the easiest ones we’ve had.”
Israeli singer Shiri Maimon (Dudi Hason)
He added that this is not the first time that “Chicago” features a foreign performer as Roxie. “All of our Roxies are different: We’ve had tall we’ve had short, we have Black, Asian, White. We’ve even had a Japanese Roxie who didn’t speak a word of English.We taught her phonetically and she did the show. She was dynamite,” said Weissler.
For Maimon, her first role in English is definitely presenting some challenges.
“As a start I think the biggest challenge is to have fun, because it is stressful,” she told The Times of Israel with a smile. “I’m here with the whole family — I have two little kids — so I’m trying to adjust everything, and then, of course the language is not my comfort zone but I’m going to work on it. That’s what I’m doing right now, rehearsing.”
More than 31 million people across the world have already seen “Chicago” on stage and millions more saw the 2002 film. It is also one of the longest running musicals on Broadway.
For her first number, Miss Shiri Maimon – שירי מימון would like to give you a sneak peek of her song of love and devotion. Don’t miss her Broadway debut as Roxie Hart starting September 21.
Posted by Chicago The Musical on Tuesday, 14 August 2018
“’Chicago,’ as cynical and as dark and as entertaining as it is, has become a mirror to what is going on in the world today,” Weissler said. “It’s about the hunger for stardom, the kinds of people who rise to the top — people unnamed in this conversation but I think you know what I mean — people who are television stars and have the power to motivate people. It’s a crazy time we are living in and I think ‘Chicago’ exemplifies that.”
Maimon added that it is a “great honor” for her to be the first ever Israeli actress to perform on the Ambassador Theater stage, where she is an unofficial de facto diplomat.
“I think when I’m on stage, I’m just celebrating my own dream coming true. But if I go outside and let’s say there is a protest or someone criticizes the fact that I am from Israel, I’ll say, ‘Yes, I’m from Israel and I’m proud of it.’ So yes, I am an ambassador, I have no problem with that.”
Source: https://www.timesofisrael.com/shiri-maimon-set-to-spread-some-funny-honey-on-broadway-as-roxie-in-chicago/
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stratosproject · 8 years
JiBë - Let Me Play (Original Mix) [2013]
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lesziris · 12 years
Our label's new Techno EP to listen now : Nodin - The Mute EP (Ziris Records 003)
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lesziris · 12 years
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