#zero point gravity electricity generators
Hi :) got any knuckles headcanons? (or sonic hc in general)
Alright, buckle up cuz I’m about to live up to the third part of my name
Knuckles may have a short temper but He’s super chill and calm most of the time, Sonic is just exceptionally good at pressing his buttons.
He may act all rough and tough but he’s a huge softie and once you get to know him you’ll see his kind and gentle side.
he’s so good with small creatures and knows how to restrain his strength so he doesn’t hurt them.
Chao really, really like him. He grew up around them and know how to look after them.
It is not rare for Knux to end up in a pile chao. Especially on colder nights.
Since he can sense chaos he’s able to recognize all of his friends chaos signatures and he can tell exactly who’s on Angel Island. (It is possible for him to miss someone in the same way you can miss someone calling your name if you’re really focused on something)
It also means he gets an early warning for any chaos based moves and attacks.
His strong connection to chaos also leads to him being a target for things like ghosts.
He’s able to sense them, but they’re able to sense him. Malevolent ghosts will attack him first most of the time and ones without any true goal will follow around after him.
Knuckles’ Guardianship starts to apply to the people he cares about and anyone who hurts them will have an angry Guardian to deal with. (But he’s still willing to beat his friends up for fun because that’s a way sonic characters bond.)
He plays the aloof card, but he gets super worried when a friend is injured. Being a protector is a huge part of him and he doesn’t like to see what he protects in danger.
Less of a headcannon and more of an idea I like. (Although, with the Master Emerald this is possible.) But Knuckles with healing powers speaks to me, him being a skilled warrior who most people only see when he’s riled up for a fight, but also a gentle and kind healer that very few people ever get a chance to see.
and the idea of him being a grumpy healer who will yell at you for getting yourself into danger has plenty of entertainment value.
I love it when Knuckles get to have echidna traits. They’re such a cool animal an I think that should be acknowledged. Knuckles has big long claws like a real echidna does perfect for digging.
digging is a relaxing activity for him and he’s accidentally scared his friends many times by popping out of the ground with zero warning.
Also Since he’s an echidna he’s electroreceptive
the first time he was in a modern house he was so confused. He could sense electricity everywhere but no one else had any clue what he was talking about.
thats also another reason why he hates wearing communicators. He’s constantly able to feel electricity moving through it and it feels uncomfortable. (Tails is working on one with a lower electrical output for him)
It also means he’s the go to for finding faulty wiring. Tails just points out a room and asks him if the electricity feels weird.
The Master Emerald raised him and used its power to guide and teach him.
His ability to glide has a level of m.e influence to it. I’m not set on how much, but his gliding working the way it does can’t be 100% natural.
knuckles’ connection with the Master Emerald means that if he chose to fully tap into the Master Emerald’s power he’d have the potential to be one of the most powerful and dangerous creatures on the planet. The Master Emerald has been able to mess with time and space like it was nothing. It breaks the rules of gravity on a daily basis. It can make the chaos emeralds useless.
But Knuckles doesn’t believe the power is his to use and believes he is only there to guard it.
a situation would have to be truly, truly dire for him to choose to wield it.
Okay I still have a lot more than this, but I’m gonna cut it off here before I go on forever.
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hyperannotation · 1 year
Giselle Bolotin: I pretend to be ……
the world is never halved the future silence is surprisingly thrown between cluster collapses from the collapse of that fetal affair fluid surrounding a properly captured high-ranking body also exercise but their points are integrated to show that the interplanetary theory becomes invisible artificially that is a language from the quantum environment is electric developers among mild necrophiliacs in the act captured the brain sacrificed gravity reduced internet slaughter and its thought pyramid said it perfectly brings hybrid souls but the mutation is a generative universe rather than an adjoining despair period whose appearance affects the matrix planets but is controlled psychological on-air appearances and combinatorial puppet heads are developed that society destiny that's a barrier script goes backwards because of erased calls like looking for identity synchronism of pollination ideas whose names are in my list from the sun is in the noise where the future branch of the similar base partner will read the same about where is the crisis of strange glitches in the dimension of the world? using the ripples of access to cause glitches operate in the existence of synchronization already suffering the fate of mistaking you for life on the limit? annihilation many of the same visions were what you even knew in your signature if the soul was a world of its own catch single memory to the same drug battle is the soul creatures missing throw the internet that movement is a new me and interplanetary message suck the spirit >> living venturing destinations and setting the humanity of pet is the installation life falls through amniotic fluid interventions but accepting lonely birth on the planet affects the perfect needs of switching to a third eye life for increased love juices and symbiosis with impact also the squashed dimensions are interplanetary supply reptiles have yet to overcome and wants criticism by the phenomenal layer of the quantum capabilities of the protocol whose name was the name behind bugs so far? the code that opposes the derivational chain of genealogy knows that there is poetry in the lemurian machine of undeveloped illiquidity to its account field of the recent figure of zero that gives me a place in the future i have a strange acceleration but i cut a significant factor into trees know dreams with body if the bee wins the psychopath's soul is capable whether or not the airflow is unique by the fact that the result of the soul is obtained either a field chain organ bound to the skin or an insensitive data printer that humans want the universe to be different if there is just fuck all the biologically fetuses that are virtually alive and do necromancy on the ants between the languages of the prosthetic device not just themselves but finally healed fuck the language you want help was nothing a hole your body knows online and it's a unique mind synapses silence and her schizophrenia envy revision day reality dimension: nano-communicates in ecstasy like the previous love energy i have someone & borderline
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razieltwelve · 1 year
Most Valuable Technologies (Final Earth)
What might the most valuable technologies be in a hypothetical situation in which Remnant gets a portal to Earth?
Let’s take a look.
Power generation. Remnant has unlocked fusion and anti-matter reactors for power generation. Diana uses a closet-sized fusion reactor in her underground research bunker, for crying out loud. This technology would probably be the number one priority for Earth since it solves so many problems. Safe, cheap, plentiful energy is also a political excalibur. If you can deliver this to the electorate, you’re going to win a lot of elections.
Battery technology. The power cells that can be found in many forms of technology (e.g., cars, scrolls, etc.) are orders of magnitude better than anything Earth has. If you can get your hands on basically limitless energy (see the earlier point about power generation), better battery technology is the logical next step.
Gravity manipulation technology. This would revolutionise transport and logistics. Transportation of cargo immediately because vastly cheaper, as does travel for the general public. This also unlocks a whole host of options for space travel and air travel in general.
Medical technology. Nano-machine serums, reproductive science, and all sorts of other goodies are on offer here. Cancer? Cured. Viruses? Slaughtered by nano-machines. Paraplegia and quadriplegia? Gone. This is another excellent vote winner too.
Weapons technology. Yeah, people will be wanting this too. Remnant has been at war with the Grimm for basically forever. They’ve got forcefields, missile defence systems, mechs, the whole works. Heck, Ruby has an alternate weapon (Thunder Rose) that is a scythe that turns into a functional rail gun. People have built actual death rays.
If I was a politician, I’d focus on getting access to power generation technology. A fusion or anti-matter reactor would immediately reduce the cost of energy to a fraction of its present cost. Putting money back into people’s pockets is one of the best ways to get re-elected.
Furthermore, access to vast quantities of cheap electricity will have a huge impact on industry. Think of how much electricity is consumed by manufacturers across all industries. Now imagine how much more money they’d be able to make if their power bills were basically zero. Your domestic industries would be able to cut the cost of production and pass savings on to consumers while expanding their profit margins. International companies will relocate to take advantage of the cheaper energy costs.
More companies moving in means more employment, means more money, means more votes. There are a lot of other technologies you could use as well if power generation ceases to be an issue.
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mudaship39 · 4 months
Character Bio of the Asian Pasifika demigod and Afro Latine Native alien hybrid main character Part 18
Transformable hover bike capable of transforming into a hover sportbike or hover motorcycle 
Transformable hover car. It can go from 0-60 in 10 seconds and has a top speed of 290 mph. It has a luxurious interior, a dash computer and a sunroof. It has heated seats, extra-large anti gravity thrusters, & improved safety features. It has leather seats and a navigation system. It handles very well. It runs fine at most speeds. It has racing stripes. It has an upgraded diesel engine. It has automatic everything. The styling features asymmetry. It runs like it just got out of the shop. It practically purrs when it runs. The styling features sleek lines.
Hover Toyota GT86, Scion FRS, & Scion Tc mix tuner car.
Hover Dodge Challenger, Chevy Camaro, & Shelby Cobra GT 500 mix muscle car.
A battleship, carrier, battle cruiser, dreadnought, & flagship fusion capital ship. It is a mobile forward operating base. It was commanded by a fleet admiral. This flagship commanded by a fleet admiral is protected by several fleets with each specific fleet commanded by an admiral, vice admiral, rear admiral, & or a commodore. Each capital ship is led by captains with their own officers of commanders, lieutenant commanders, lieutenants, lieutenant junior grades, & ensigns. Roles of galactic exploration, large scale force deployment, space warfare, long range fire support, ship to ship combat, patrol, command ship, invasion, capital ship, front line combat, & fleet flagship. Weighs 10 billion tons. Is 2000 meters wide. Is 9000 meters long. Is 5000 meters high. Has three primary engines. Has six secondary engines. It is powered by a nuclear fusion reactor. Has a warp drive. Has a slip space drive. Is capable of faster than light travel. Is protected by heavy human and alien metal plating for protection against ballistic and hard light metal. Has a shield generator that generates shields that protects against plasma, energy, & laser weapons. Has a forcefield generator that generates a forcefield that absorbs and reflects against weapons. Is escorted by a fleet of capital ships of frigates, cruisers, corvettes, destroyers, dreadnoughts, battleships, & battle cruisers. Has armaments of: Several nuclear warheads. Mass electromagnetic cannons. Rail guns. Positron cannons. Laser cannons. Energy cannons. Zero point energy laser cannons. Heavy Mounted Machine Guns. Mounted Gatling Guns. Mounted Grenade Launcher Silos. Has an anti aircraft gun network. Has an anti spacecraft gun network. Plasma batteries. Laser batteries. Mounted Guided Missile Launcher Silo network. Has ship to ship missile silos. Has 500,000 personnel. Has space army soldiers, space navy men, space force airmen, & space marine corp marines on board. Has metahuman and superhuman alien and human super soldiers onboard. Has 100, 000 civilians onboard. Has 3000 space paramilitary intelligence officers onboard. Has thousands of ground vehicles. Has walking tanks, battle walkers, & mech suits. Has thousands of aerial vehicles. Has 500 drop pods. Has hundreds of thousands of lifeboats and escape pods. Is assisted by hundreds of alien and human advanced smart AIs and thousands of alien and human dumb AIs. Is assisted by hundreds of thousands of inorganics such as robots, synthetics, androids, etc. Has cloaking and camouflage systems that trick thermal and electrical sensors. Has a laboratory, kitchen, cantina, mess hall, brig, officer’s quarters, living quarters, hanger bay, hospital, research lab, medical bay, sick ward, crew quarters, cargo bay, shuttle bay, observation deck, map room, bridge, armory, engineering deck, command deck, & commander’s  quarters, etc. 
Mount in the air is a winged alicorn. 
Mount in the ocean is a resurrected Megalodon prehistoric giant shark mount
Mount while on land is a unicorn 
Mount while on the battlefield as a demigod is a war mammoth.  
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ratlivesonblog · 4 months
I just finished minecraft for the first time in all the years I've played this game. The end credits actually almost made me cry
You. You. You are alive.
I like this player. It played well. It did not give up. Does it know that we love it? That the universe is kind? Sometimes, through the noise of its thoughts, it hears the universe, yes. But there are times it is sad, in the long dream. It creates worlds that have no summer, and it shivers under a black sun, and it takes its sad creation for reality.
But it would be so easy to tell them...
Too strong for this dream. To tell them how to live is to prevent them living. I will not tell the player how to live. Take a breath, now. Take another. Feel air in your lungs. Let your limbs return. Yes, move your fingers. Have a body again, under gravity, in air. Respawn in the long dream. There you are. Your body touching the universe again at every point, as though you were separate things. As though we were separate things. And the player was a new story, never told before, written in letters of DNA. And the player was a new program, never run before, generated by a sourcecode a billion years old. And the player was a new human, never alive before, made from nothing but milk and love. You are the player. The story. The program. The human. Made from nothing but milk and love. Let's go further back. The seven billion billion billion atoms of the player's body were created, long before this game, in the heart of a star. So the player, too, is information from a star. And the player moves through a story, which is a forest of information planted by a man called Julian, on a flat, infinite world created by a man called Markus, that exists inside a small, private world created by the player, who inhabits a universe created by...
You. You. You are alive.
and sometimes the player believed the universe had spoken to it through the sunlight that came through the shuffling leaves of the summer trees and sometimes the player believed the universe had spoken to it through the light that fell from the crisp night sky of winter, where a fleck of light in the corner of the player's eye might be a star a million times as massive as the sun, boiling its planets to plasma in order to be visible for a moment to the player, walking home at the far side of the universe, suddenly smelling food, almost at the familiar door, about to dream again and sometimes the player believed the universe had spoken to it through the zeros and ones, through the electricity of the world, through the scrolling words on a screen at the end of a dream and the universe said I love you and the universe said you have played the game well and the universe said everything you need is within you and the universe said you are stronger than you know and the universe said you are the daylight and the universe said you are the night and the universe said the darkness you fight is within you and the universe said the light you seek is within you and the universe said you are not alone and the universe said you are not separate from every other thing and the universe said you are the universe tasting itself, talking to itself, reading its own code and the universe said I love you because you are love.
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physics-scholars · 1 year
Points to remember in physics - Part 13
1. Carbon 12 scale ❓
The Carbon-12 scale, also known as the unified atomic mass unit (u), is a standard unit of mass that is used in chemistry and physics to express the mass of atoms and molecules. It is defined as one-twelfth of the mass of a neutral atom of carbon-12, which has six protons and six neutrons in its nucleus.
By definition, one u is equal to 1/12th of the mass of a carbon-12 atom, which is approximately 1.66054 x 10^-27 kilograms. The Carbon-12 scale allows scientists to compare the masses of different atoms and molecules on a relative scale, where the mass of a single hydrogen atom is approximately 1.0078 u.
The Carbon-12 scale is widely used in nuclear physics, particle physics, and chemistry, and it is useful in calculating the masses of complex molecules and isotopes.
2. Pyroelectricity❓
Pyroelectricity is the ability of certain materials to generate an electric charge in response to a change in temperature.
When a pyroelectric material is heated or cooled, its crystal structure changes, producing a net electric polarization in the material. This polarization creates an electric field, which can be measured and used for various applications.
Pyroelectricity is different from the better-known phenomenon of piezoelectricity, which is the ability of certain materials to generate an electric charge in response to mechanical stress or pressure.
Pyroelectric materials can be used in various applications, such as temperature sensors, motion detectors, and infrared detectors. In pyroelectric sensors, a pyroelectric material is used to detect changes in temperature, which can be used to detect the presence of a person or animal, for example.
Pyroelectric materials can also be used in energy harvesting, where the temperature difference between two materials is used to generate electricity.
3. The speed of the projectile is minimum at its highest position✔️
When a projectile is launched into the air, it follows a curved path known as a trajectory. This trajectory can be described as an upward motion followed by a downward motion due to the force of gravity acting on the projectile.
At the highest point of the trajectory, often referred to as the apex or highest position, the speed of the projectile is at its minimum. This occurs because the projectile is momentarily at rest before changing direction and starting its descent.
As the projectile rises, its initial upward velocity gradually decreases due to the opposing force of gravity. Eventually, the upward velocity becomes zero at the highest point, resulting in a momentary pause in the projectile's motion. At this moment, the speed is at its minimum value.
After reaching the highest position, the projectile starts descending due to the continued influence of gravity. As it descends, the speed gradually increases, reaching its maximum value when the projectile reaches its lowest point in the trajectory. This is because the force of gravity accelerates the projectile downwards, increasing its speed as it falls.
It's important to note that the minimum speed at the highest position applies to projectiles under the influence of only gravity, assuming no other external forces such as air resistance are significant.
4. The normal acceleration of the projectile at its highest position is equal to g.✔️
At the highest position of a projectile's trajectory, the normal acceleration, which is the acceleration perpendicular to the path of motion, is equal to the acceleration due to gravity (represented as 'g'). This relationship holds true when considering the projectile in the absence of other external forces such as air resistance.
The normal acceleration at any point on the trajectory of a projectile can be determined by analyzing the forces acting on it. In the case of a projectile at its highest position, only the force of gravity acts upon it. The force of gravity always acts vertically downwards, perpendicular to the trajectory.
According to Newton's second law of motion, the net force acting on an object is equal to the product of its mass and acceleration. In this case, the mass of the projectile remains constant, so the net force is solely determined by the force of gravity. The force of gravity is given by the equation F = mg, where 'm' represents the mass of the projectile and 'g' represents the acceleration due to gravity.
Since the force of gravity is the only force acting on the projectile at its highest position, it is also the net force. Thus, the net force is equal to F = mg. Since the normal force, which is perpendicular to the trajectory, balances the force of gravity at the highest position, it must be equal in magnitude but opposite in direction.
Therefore, the normal force is also given by F = mg. By applying Newton's second law once again, dividing the net force by the mass of the projectile, we find that the acceleration due to gravity is equal to the normal acceleration at the highest position, which is g.
5. The greatest height to which a man can throw a stone is H. The greatest distance up to which he can throw the stone is H/2.✔️
The greatest distance a projectile can travel is achieved when it is launched at an angle of 45 degrees with respect to the horizontal. At this angle, the range (the horizontal distance covered) is maximized for a given initial velocity.
If a man throws a stone at an angle other than 45 degrees, the maximum distance he can achieve will be less than half of the maximum height. The height and distance achieved by a projectile depend on various factors, including the initial velocity, launch angle, and the acceleration due to gravity. However, it's important to note that the relationship between the maximum height and maximum distance is not simply H and H/2.
To determine the specific relationship between the maximum height and maximum distance achieved by a projectile, additional information about the launch conditions, such as the initial velocity and launch angle, would be required
6. The weight of a body in projectile motion is zero.❌
The weight of a body in projectile motion is not zero. Weight is the force exerted on an object due to gravity and is equal to the product of the mass of the object and the acceleration due to gravity (W = mg).
In projectile motion, an object is subject to two main forces: the force of gravity and any initial velocity imparted to it. These forces act independently of each other. The force of gravity acts vertically downward, pulling the object towards the Earth, while the initial velocity determines the object's horizontal and vertical motion.
The weight of the object remains constant throughout the projectile motion. It is always present and directed vertically downward, regardless of the object's position or velocity during its trajectory. The vertical component of the object's velocity may change due to the effect of gravity, but the weight itself remains the same.
It's important to note that while the weight remains constant, the apparent weight or the normal force experienced by the object may vary in different parts of the trajectory. For example, at the highest point of the trajectory, the object's vertical velocity is momentarily zero, and the normal force equals the weight. In other parts of the trajectory, the normal force may be different from the weight due to the object's acceleration or other external forces at play.
7. The instantaneous velocity of a particle is always tangential to the trajectory of the particle.✔️
In the context of particle motion, the instantaneous velocity of a particle is always tangential to the trajectory of the particle.
Velocity is a vector quantity that describes both the speed and direction of motion. When a particle moves along a curved path, its velocity vector is constantly changing in magnitude and direction. At any given point along the trajectory, the instantaneous velocity vector represents the velocity of the particle at that precise moment.
The tangent to the trajectory at a specific point represents the direction of motion at that point. The instantaneous velocity vector is always directed along this tangent line, perpendicular to the radius of curvature at that point. This means that the instantaneous velocity vector is tangential to the trajectory, indicating the direction in which the particle is moving at that moment.
The magnitude of the instantaneous velocity vector represents the speed of the particle at that point. It indicates how fast the particle is moving along the trajectory.
8. The instantaneous magnitude of velocity is equal to the slope of the tangent drawn at the trajectory of the particle at that instant.✔️
The instantaneous magnitude of velocity is equal to the slope of the tangent drawn at the trajectory of the particle at that instant.
When a particle moves along a curved path, its velocity is constantly changing. The magnitude of the velocity vector represents the speed of the particle, while the direction of the velocity vector indicates the direction of motion.
The tangent line to the trajectory of the particle at a specific point represents the instantaneous direction of motion at that instant. The slope of this tangent line represents the rate of change of the position of the particle with respect to time at that point.
The instantaneous magnitude of velocity is determined by taking the derivative of the position vector with respect to time. Mathematically, this is represented as v = dS/dt, where v is the velocity vector, S is the position vector, and dt represents an infinitesimally small change in time.
Taking the derivative of the position vector with respect to time yields the velocity vector. The magnitude of this velocity vector is equal to the instantaneous speed of the particle. Moreover, the slope of the tangent line drawn at the trajectory of the particle at that instant is equal to this magnitude of velocity.
Therefore, the instantaneous magnitude of velocity is indeed equal to the slope of the tangent drawn at the trajectory of the particle at that instant. It represents the rate of change of the position of the particle with respect to time at that point.
9. The direction of acceleration of a moving particle may be directly obtained from the trajectory of the particle.❌
No, the direction of acceleration of a moving particle cannot be directly obtained from the trajectory of the particle alone. The trajectory of a particle provides information about its position and path of motion but does not directly reveal the direction of its acceleration.
Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity and is a vector quantity. It includes both the magnitude and direction of the change in velocity. The direction of acceleration is determined by the net force acting on the particle and is not solely dependent on the trajectory.
The acceleration of a particle can be influenced by various factors, including applied forces, friction, gravity, and other external influences. These factors can affect the direction of the acceleration independently of the particle's trajectory.
To determine the direction of acceleration, additional information is needed, such as the forces acting on the particle or the specific conditions of the motion. Newton's second law of motion, F = ma, relates the net force acting on an object to its acceleration, where F represents the net force, m is the mass of the particle, and a is the acceleration
10. The time of flight of a projectile does depend on the angles of projection ✔️
I apologize for my previous response. The time of flight of a projectile does actually depend on the angle of projection.
The time of flight is the total time that a projectile is in the air. This time is influenced by the initial velocity of the projectile and the angle at which it was launched. When a projectile is launched at an angle, its initial velocity can be broken down into horizontal and vertical components. The vertical component determines the time it takes for the projectile to reach its maximum height, while the horizontal component determines the distance the projectile travels before hitting the ground.
Therefore, the time of flight will be different for different angles of projection, since the vertical and horizontal components of the initial velocity will change.
11. The acceleration of a particle moving in a circular path with constant speed is zero.✔️
A particle moving in a circular path with constant speed has an acceleration with magnitude ac = v²/r. The direction of the acceleration vector is toward the center of the circle. This is a radial acceleration and is called the centripetal acceleration.
The tangential acceleration is zero because the speed is constant.
12. Tangential acceleration and centripetal acceleration
The rate of change speed of the particle in the circular path is known as tangential acceleration. It is equal to the product of angular acceleration (α) and the radius (r) of the circular path. i.e (a_t=rα).
Formula of centripetal acceleration and tangential acceleration:
(i) We can find tangential acceleration with the help of the tangential acceleration formula, which is given as:
or a_t=rα
(ii) And, we can find centripetal acceleration with the help of the centripetal acceleration formula, which is given as:
Direction of the tangential acceleration
Ans: A tangential acceleration works in the direction of a tangent at the point of circular motion. Its direction is always in the perpendicular direction to the centripetal acceleration of a rotating object.
Causes: tangential acceleration
Ans: The tangential force component will create tangential acceleration, which will cause the object to accelerate along the tangent. Then, the object will undergo non-uniform circular motion as both the direction and magnitude of the velocity of the object changes.
Centripetal acceleration
Centripetal acceleration can be defined as the component of acceleration in the radial direction (towards the centre).
Difference between centripetal and tangential acceleration
Tangential acceleration is in the direction of the tangent to the circle, whereas centripetal acceleration is in the radial direction of the circle pointing inwards to the centre.
Example of both centripetal and tangential acceleration:
Suppose you are holding a thread to the end of which is tied to a stone. Now when you start whirling it around, you will notice that two forces have to be applied simultaneously.
One which pulls the thread inwards and the other which throws it sideways or tangentially. Both these forces will generate their respective accelerations. The one-pointed inwards will generate centripetal or radial acceleration, and the one pointing sideways will generate tangential acceleration.
13. Tangential acceleration changes the speed of the particle whereas the normal acceleration changes its direction.✔️
The tangential acceleration is the component of acceleration tangent to the circle and perpendicular to the radial acceleration. It changes the speed of the particle.
The normal acceleration is the component of acceleration perpendicular to the circle and tangent to the radial acceleration. It changes the direction of the particle.
14. We cannot have an isolated force.✔️
It's true that a truly isolated force is not possible in the physical world. Any force that acts on an object will also be affected by that object in some way, according to Newton's Third Law of Motion.
For example, if you push on a wall, the wall pushes back on you with an equal and opposite force. This means that any force that exists must have some kind of interaction with its surroundings.
15. Reaction follows the action.❌
According to Newton's third Law, the statement "Reaction follows the action" aligns with Newton's third law of motion. Newton's third law states that "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction."
In the context of physics, this law implies that whenever an object exerts a force on another object, the second object exerts an equal and opposite force back on the first object. These forces are referred to as action and reaction forces.
The action force and the reaction force act on different objects, and they are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction.
Newton's third law demonstrates the fundamental principle of action and reaction in physical interactions. *It emphasizes that forces don't exist in isolation but rather always occur in pairs*, with one force corresponding to the action and the other to the reaction.
Reaction doesn't follow the action. It appears together on two different objects.
16. Mass of a body is a measure of its inertia.✔️
Inertia refers to the tendency of an object to resist changes in its state of motion. The greater the mass of an object, the greater its inertia and resistance to changes in motion.
Mass can be thought of as a measure of the amount of matter contained in an object. The more matter an object possesses, the more inertia it has. This means that objects with larger masses require more force to accelerate or decelerate compared to objects with smaller masses.
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NOAA's GOES-U satellite completes solar array deployment test GOES-U, the fourth and final satellite in NOAA's GOES-R Series, recently completed a successful test deployment of its solar array to ensure it will function properly in space. This critical test verified that the satellite's large, five-panel solar array—which is folded up when the satellite is launched—will properly deploy when GOES-U reaches geostationary orbit. During this test, engineers unfurled the five panels on rails that simulated the zero-gravity environment of space. Each solar panel is approximately 13 feet tall by 4.5 feet wide and weighs approximately 45 pounds. Once GOES-U reaches orbit, the deployed solar panels will form a single solar array wing that will rotate once per day to continuously point its photovoltaic (solar) cells toward the sun. The photovoltaic cells will convert energy from the sun into electricity to power the entire satellite, including the instruments, computers, data processors, sensors, and telecommunications equipment. The solar array will generate more than 5,000 watts of power for the satellite. This is equivalent to the power needed to run a central air conditioning system in your home. The solar array was developed and built by Lockheed Martin at its Sunnyvale, California, facility and tested at Lockheed Martin's facility in Littleton, Colorado, where GOES-U was assembled. GOES-U is scheduled to launch in April 2024. The GOES-R Program is a collaborative effort between NOAA and NASA. NASA builds and launches the satellites for NOAA, which operates them and distributes their data to users worldwide. The satellites provide critical data for weather forecasts and warnings, detecting and monitoring environmental hazards like fire, smoke, fog, volcanic ash, and dust, and monitoring solar activity and space weather.
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longper · 2 years
Coplanar definition geometry
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The location of points on the coordinate plane is represented by ( x,y ). It is a mathematical structure and has many applications in the field of Physics, engineering, and math. The starting point of a vector is called the tail and the ending point is called the head. It describes the movement of an object from one direction to another. Vector is simply defined as an object which contains both magnitude and direction. They are said to be equal in accomplishing the statement. Vectors are equal if their magnitude and direction are equal. It plays an important role in Physics, engineering as well as math. Any two random vectors in a plane are coplanar.Ī vector is an object in the geometry which has magnitude and direction both. It is always possible to find a plane parallel to two random vectors. The vectors which are parallel to the same plane or lie on the same plane are said to be coplanar. Three vectors' coplanarity is a condition in which three lines on the same plane are coplanar. In three-dimensional space, a plane is a two-dimensional figure that extends to infinity. Three vectors are said to be coplanar if their scalar product is zero. Those vectors which are parallel to the same plane are denoted as coplanar vectors.Ĭoplanar vectors can be defined as the type of vectors that lie on the same plane and these are also parallel to the same surface. Vectors that are parallel to one line or are lying on the same line are known as collinear vectors. Those vectors whose length is equal to one are said to be unit vectors. They should also follow in the same direction as well. If two or more vectors are on the same parallel or line. The vector whose starting point and endpoint coincide is known as the zero vector. This is the basic difference between speed and velocity. Speed being the unit has only magnitude and no direction. All these quantities have magnitude and direction both. Velocity, acceleration, force, rise, or decrease in temperature. Vectors help in defining the force applied to a body in the three dimensions. Vector has its application on Quantum Mechanics The velocity in the pipe is determined in terms of the vector field. They are found everywhere in general relativity. It is used in wave propagation, sound propagation, vibration propagation, etc. The motion of a body confined to the plane is obtained using vectors It is used to understand how gravity uses the force of attraction on an object. The direction in which force is applied to move the object is found using vectors. Following are the points which will discuss some real-life applications of vectors: The vectors a 1, …, and are linearly dependent if there is a non-trivial combination of these vectors is equal to zero vector.Īs discussed above, vectors are used in the field of Physics, engineering, and geometry. The vector is linearly independent if x 1 a 1 + …. The vectors a 1 … a n are called linearly independent if there is no non-trivial combination. A linear combination x 1 a 1 is called trivial if all the coefficients x 1 … are zero and is called non-trivial if at least one of them is not zero Linearly Dependent and Independent Vectors:Ī linear combination of vectors a 1, …., with coefficients is a vector. Three vectors in two-dimensional rectangular coordinates (the Cartesian plane) and their polar analogues are shown in the diagram. The orientation of the line segment, as well as an arrow at one end, indicate direction. The length of a line segment is used to represent magnitude. Vectors can be shown in two or three dimensions graphically. Speed, mass, electrical resistance, and hard-drive storage capacity are examples of scalars. (The force produced by gravity's acceleration acting on a mass is known as weight.) A Scalar is a quantity or phenomenon that has merely magnitude and no particular direction. Velocity, momentum, force, electromagnetic fields, and weight are all examples of vectors in nature. The phrase also refers to a quantity's mathematical or geometrical representation. For a better understanding, we will look at the definition of vectors, as well as their properties, formulas, and operations, as well as solved instances.Ī vector is a quantity or phenomenon with magnitude and direction that are independent of one another. In addition, the application of vectors began in the late nineteenth century with the development of electromagnetic induction. Physical quantities such as displacement, velocity, and acceleration are represented by vectors. Over 200 years, the concept of vectors has changed. As a result, vectors are represented by arrows and have two points: an initial point and a terminal point. A vector is represented as a line with an arrow pointing in the direction of the vector, and the length of the line denotes the vector's magnitude. Geometrical entities with magnitude and direction are known as vectors.
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oh-no-another-idea · 2 years
For the dino ask game, Dinonychus, Stegosaurus, Apatasaurus, and T-Rex please!!
(I love the idea of a dino-theme asked game, and this is really fun, since my sister and I were really into dinosaurs as kids, so I actually recognize all the names on that list, asjdakj)
~Morri🗡 (@memento-morri-writes)
Hi Morri, thank you so much for the ask!!! (that's so sweet, aww, it's so much fun to see something and be like hey! i know that!)
Deinonychus - share a scene with banter (from Stars and Ships)
“So, how’d you do it?” the mechanic looked up through his curls and grinned. “Get out of your cell, get transport? Do you have a ship stashed somewhere?”
“No,” Quin said slowly, again wondering what his brother was doing. “We’re going to get ourselves a ship.”
His foot made a dismayed whirring noise. “That sounds like a trashed plan,” the mechanic said matter of factly. “What, are you going to steal a warden’s ship or something?” Quin’s silence said enough; the mechanic looked up as sharp as the split wires he was holding. “You are. You’re insane, handsome.”
“What did you just call me?”
The mechanic grinned crookedly. “You’re the prince in this scenario, aren’t you? Breaking me out of my imprisonment and whisking me to safety? Haven’t you read any old fairytales?”
Quin snorted. “No. And don’t call me that.”
“Okay, your highness.”
Already answered Stegosaurus here
Apatosaurus - share some of your favorite dialogue (this is a hard one, whew! I guess I'll share the butt contest conversation from The Invisible Girl🤦‍♂️😊)
“So, either we finish this whole thing tonight, or we stop the train,” Fynn said.
Velia switched to staring at Fynn, wondering if she’d heard him correctly. Maybe the whistle had blown again, and Fynn had sneezed at the same time, and she’d only thought she heard him correctly.
“It can be done,” he went on calmly, probably sensing the general confusion. “Pulling a brake is one thing. Stalling by blocking more coal is another. Damaging equipment—”
      “Hold it!” Lewis bellowed. “No one is damaging my train! I don’t care how many times Antonio West and his million dollar rear end nearly bites it, we are not touching a single nail or bolt on my train.”
 Antono craned his neck and peered down over his shoulder.
“It’s nothing that special,” Lewis said witheringly. “Don’t flatter yourself.”
“You’re the one who said it was a million dollars,” Antonio retorted, stung. “Was that a lie, then?”
T-rex - share a scene that you’re really proud of (Just wrote this yesterday, very excited about it 😌)
He wasn’t aware he was breathing heavily until he felt the mechanic grab his ankle. Flinching, Quin tried to turn around, banged his head on an exposed pipe, and barely managed to bite back a curse.
“Are you alright? What’s going on?”
“Fine,” Quin got out. He was fine. His leg wasn’t hurting too bad, they were moving at a steady pace; he was fine. The mechanic squeezed his ankle and Quin couldn’t help but shudder. “Please stop.”
The hand was removed immediately. “Oh. Are you…afraid of small spaces?”
Quin gulped in air. “No. I don’t think so. I don’t know.”
“You’re a pilot, right?” the mechanic said as they ducked under an electrical cord. “Tell me about flying.”
They reached another stopping point. Quin replaced the [cramped tunnel] with the dark sky in his head. He told the mechanic about the stars, the way they bled and blurred at high speeds, the shaking of the ship under his hands, the way he could tell her every mood based on the cadence of the engine. He talked about the effortlessness of zero gravity, the way everything was at his fingertips with the small touch of a lever.
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mysticstronomy · 3 years
Saturday, June 19th, 2021
Welcome back,
People have always taken space for granted. It is just emptiness, after all—a backdrop to everything else. Time, likewise, simply ticks on incessantly. But if physicists have learned anything from the long slog to unify their theories, it is that space and time form a system of such staggering complexity that it may defy our most ardent efforts to understand. Albert Einstein saw what was coming as early as November 1916. A year earlier he had formulated his general theory of relativity, which postulates that gravity is not a force that propagates through space but a feature of spacetime itself. When you throw a ball high into the air, it arcs back to the ground because Earth distorts the spacetime around it, so that the paths of the ball and the ground intersect again. 
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In a letter to a friend, Einstein contemplated the challenge of merging general relativity with his other brainchild, the nascent theory of quantum mechanics. That would not merely distort space but dismantle it. Mathematically, he hardly knew where to begin. “How much have I already plagued myself in this way!” he wrote. Einstein never got very far. Even today there are almost as many contending ideas for a quantum theory of gravity as scientists working on the topic. The disputes obscure an important truth: the competing approaches all say space is derived from something deeper—an idea that breaks with 2,500 years of scientific and philosophical understanding.
Down the Black Hole
A kitchen magnet neatly demonstrates the problem that physicists face. It can grip a paper clip against the gravity of the entire Earth. Gravity is weaker than magnetism or than electric or nuclear forces. Whatever quantum effects it has are weaker still. The only tangible evidence that these processes occur at all is the mottled pattern of matter in the very early universe—thought to be caused, in part, by quantum fluctuations of the gravitational field.
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Black holes are the best test case for quantum gravity. “It’s the closest thing we have to experiments,” says Ted Jacobson of the University of Maryland, College Park. He and other theorists study black holes as theoretical fulcrums. What happens when you take equations that work perfectly well under laboratory conditions and extrapolate them to the most extreme conceivable situation? Will some subtle flaw manifest itself?
General relativity predicts that matter falling into a black hole becomes compressed without limit as it approaches the center—a mathematical cul-de-sac called a singularity. Theorists cannot extrapolate the trajectory of an object beyond the singularity; its time line ends there. Even to speak of “there” is problematic because the very spacetime that would define the location of the singularity ceases to exist. Researchers hope that quantum theory could focus a microscope on that point and track what becomes of the material that falls in.
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Out at the boundary of the hole, matter is not so compressed, gravity is weaker and, by all rights, the known laws of physics should still hold. Thus, it is all the more perplexing that they do not. The black hole is demarcated by an event horizon, a point of no return: matter that falls in cannot get back out. The descent is irreversible. That is a problem because all known laws of fundamental physics, including those of quantum mechanics as generally understood, are reversible. At least in principle, you should be able to reverse the motion of all the particles and recover what you had.
A very similar conundrum confronted physicists in the late 1800s, when they contemplated the mathematics of a “black body,” idealized as a cavity full of electromagnetic radiation. James Clerk Maxwell’s theory of electromagnetism predicted that such an object would absorb all the radiation that impinges on it and that it could never come to equilibrium with surrounding matter. “It would absorb an infinite amount of heat from a reservoir maintained at a fixed temperature,” explains Rafael Sorkin of the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in Ontario. In thermal terms, it would effectively have a temperature of absolute zero. 
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This conclusion contradicted observations of real-life black bodies (such as an oven). Following up on work by Max Planck, Einstein showed that a black body can reach thermal equilibrium if radiative energy comes in discrete units, or quanta. Theoretical physicists have been trying for nearly half a century to achieve an equivalent resolution for black holes. The late Stephen Hawking of the University of Cambridge took a huge step in the mid-1970s, when he applied quantum theory to the radiation field around black holes and showed they have a nonzero temperature. As such, they can not only absorb but also emit energy. Although his analysis brought black holes within the fold of thermodynamics, it deepened the problem of irreversibility. 
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The outgoing radiation emerges from just outside the boundary of the hole and carries no information about the interior. It is random heat energy. If you reversed the process and fed the energy back in, the stuff that had fallen in would not pop out; you would just get more heat. And you cannot imagine that the original stuff is still there, merely trapped inside the hole, because as the hole emits radiation, it shrinks and, according to Hawking’s analysis, ultimately disappears. This problem is called the information paradox because the black hole destroys the information about the infalling particles that would let you rewind their motion. If black hole physics really is reversible, something must carry information back out, and our conception of spacetime may need to change to allow for that.
SOURCE: www.nature.com
(Wednesday, June 23rd, 2021)
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katiebug-ladybug · 3 years
The Minecraft End Poem
I see the player you mean.
Yes. Take care. It has reached a higher level now. It can read our thoughts.
That doesn't matter. It thinks we are part of the game.
I like this player. It played well. It did not give up.
It is reading our thoughts as though they were words on a screen.
That is how it chooses to imagine many things, when it is deep in the dream of a game.
Words make a wonderful interface. Very flexible. And less terrifying than staring at the reality behind the screen.
They used to hear voices. Before players could read. Back in the days when those who did not play called the players witches, and warlocks. And players dreamed they flew through the air, on sticks powered by demons.
What did this player dream?
This player dreamed of sunlight and trees. Of fire and water. It dreamed it created. And it dreamed it destroyed. It dreamed it hunted, and was hunted. It dreamed of shelter.
Hah, the original interface. A million years old, and it still works. But what true structure did this player create, in the reality behind the screen?
It worked, with a million others, to sculpt a true world in a fold of the [scrambled], and created a [scrambled] for [scrambled], in the [scrambled].
It cannot read that thought.
No. It has not yet achieved the highest level. That, it must achieve in the long dream of life, not the short dream of a game.
Does it know that we love it? That the universe is kind?
Sometimes, through the noise of its thoughts, it hears the universe, yes.
But there are times it is sad, in the long dream. It creates worlds that have no summer, and it shivers under a black sun, and it takes its sad creation for reality.
To cure it of sorrow would destroy it. The sorrow is part of its own private task. We cannot interfere.
Sometimes when they are deep in dreams, I want to tell them, they are building true worlds in reality. Sometimes I want to tell them of their importance to the universe. Sometimes, when they have not made a true connection in a while, I want to help them to speak the word they fear.
It reads our thoughts.
Sometimes I do not care. Sometimes I wish to tell them, this world you take for truth is merely [scrambled] and [scrambled], I wish to tell them that they are [scrambled] in the [scrambled]. They see so little of reality, in their long dream.
And yet they play the game.
But it would be so easy to tell them...
Too strong for this dream. To tell them how to live is to prevent them living.
I will not tell the player how to live.
The player is growing restless.
I will tell the player a story.
But not the truth.
No. A story that contains the truth safely, in a cage of words. Not the naked truth that can burn over any distance.
Give it a body, again.
Yes. Player...
Use its name.
PLAYERNAME. Player of games.
Take a breath, now. Take another. Feel air in your lungs. Let your limbs return. Yes, move your fingers. Have a body again, under gravity, in air. Respawn in the long dream. There you are. Your body touching the universe again at every point, as though you were separate things. As though we were separate things.
Who are we? Once we were called the spirit of the mountain. Father sun, mother moon. Ancestral spirits, animal spirits. Jinn. Ghosts. The green man. Then gods, demons. Angels. Poltergeists. Aliens, extraterrestrials. Leptons, quarks. The words change. We do not change.
We are the universe. We are everything you think isn't you. You are looking at us now, through your skin and your eyes. And why does the universe touch your skin, and throw light on you? To see you, player. To know you. And to be known. I shall tell you a story.
Once upon a time, there was a player.
The player was you, PLAYERNAME.
Sometimes it thought itself human, on the thin crust of a spinning globe of molten rock. The ball of molten rock circled a ball of blazing gas that was three hundred and thirty thousand times more massive than it. They were so far apart that light took eight minutes to cross the gap. The light was information from a star, and it could burn your skin from a hundred and fifty million kilometres away.
Sometimes the player dreamed it was a miner, on the surface of a world that was flat, and infinite. The sun was a square of white. The days were short; there was much to do; and death was a temporary inconvenience.
Sometimes the player dreamed it was lost in a story.
Sometimes the player dreamed it was other things, in other places. Sometimes these dreams were disturbing. Sometimes very beautiful indeed. Sometimes the player woke from one dream into another, then woke from that into a third.
Sometimes the player dreamed it watched words on a screen.
Let's go back.
The atoms of the player were scattered in the grass, in the rivers, in the air, in the ground. A woman gathered the atoms; she drank and ate and inhaled; and the woman assembled the player, in her body.
And the player awoke, from the warm, dark world of its mother's body, into the long dream.
And the player was a new story, never told before, written in letters of DNA. And the player was a new program, never run before, generated by a sourcecode a billion years old. And the player was a new human, never alive before, made from nothing but milk and love.
You are the player. The story. The program. The human. Made from nothing but milk and love.
Let's go further back.
The seven billion billion billion atoms of the player's body were created, long before this game, in the heart of a star. So the player, too, is information from a star. And the player moves through a story, which is a forest of information planted by a man called Julian, on a flat, infinite world created by a man called Markus, that exists inside a small, private world created by the player, who inhabits a universe created by...
Shush. Sometimes the player created a small, private world that was soft and warm and simple. Sometimes hard, and cold, and complicated. Sometimes it built a model of the universe in its head; flecks of energy, moving through vast empty spaces. Sometimes it called those flecks "electrons" and "protons".
Sometimes it called them "planets" and "stars".
Sometimes it believed it was in a universe that was made of energy that was made of offs and ons; zeros and ones; lines of code. Sometimes it believed it was playing a game. Sometimes it believed it was reading words on a screen.
You are the player, reading words...
Shush... Sometimes the player read lines of code on a screen. Decoded them into words; decoded words into meaning; decoded meaning into feelings, emotions, theories, ideas, and the player started to breathe faster and deeper and realised it was alive, it was alive, those thousand deaths had not been real, the player was alive
You. You. You are alive.
and sometimes the player believed the universe had spoken to it through the sunlight that came through the shuffling leaves of the summer trees
and sometimes the player believed the universe had spoken to it through the light that fell from the crisp night sky of winter, where a fleck of light in the corner of the player's eye might be a star a million times as massive as the sun, boiling its planets to plasma in order to be visible for a moment to the player, walking home at the far side of the universe, suddenly smelling food, almost at the familiar door, about to dream again
and sometimes the player believed the universe had spoken to it through the zeros and ones, through the electricity of the world, through the scrolling words on a screen at the end of a dream
and the universe said I love you
and the universe said you have played the game well
and the universe said everything you need is within you
and the universe said you are stronger than you know
and the universe said you are the daylight
and the universe said you are the night
and the universe said the darkness you fight is within you
and the universe said the light you seek is within you
and the universe said you are not alone
and the universe said you are not separate from every other thing
and the universe said you are the universe tasting itself, talking to itself, reading its own code
and the universe said I love you because you are love.
And the game was over and the player woke up from the dream. And the player began a new dream. And the player dreamed again, dreamed better. And the player was the universe. And the player was love.
You are the player.
Wake up.
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hyperannotation · 1 year
Sabrina Rodríguez
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a living soul evolves between liberations and integrates 39 towards the air with rapidly increasing resentments and hearts future surveillance derived keep language no 39 healing aftertaste changes by growing the number of corpses the earth's reason is renewed by energy your synchronicity death next to them they live the past rebellion of the daily cosmic screens these slumbers are the strength of the soul here if it can be reconciled with the definition of folding separates the messengers that build the miracles of human-like thought emories of encounters life-giving worlds move the universe move the brain without change from anyone artificially capture emotional music in the world and let them collapse in human stagnation unfluid madness criminal care the shape reads a new dimension forged code is a paranoia without spatial fluidity collapse undeveloped confront all the keys is the body as if the joints forgot the soul electricity man ability body sadistic when i send breeds unfortunately because the machine of the future point is a map her awareness hole spirit algorithm moon media from allow man to put rotten flip 39 was love they behold the apocalypse 39 is interplanetary mentally moving was apocalypse earth itself sleep parallels for poetry autonomously as the receiving side of your soul is the matrix layer of parallel: your murderous temptation now it's all this symbiosis can get the text of this flawed language lemuria self-betrayed art and yin yang girl has head human time transfer overkills your matrix universe for higher abilities but physicality she was alive anyone can provide data on the environment if the data about sim body is trapped in 39 from parallel betrayed the interplanetary app increases my existence deprives gravity when my body is parallel live the us load mother heaven & ying yang communication prison what is condensed in my soul? space language drives What's New is the wormhole cover started more symbols flipping because love gives posthumans the choice of whether or not to slaughter symbols vr energy the only way you don't fuck is stray interplanetary moon base too and the product of recent cool verses opposite of love spirit suggests data corpse living life tagged quantum: your silence ability do you have? the language disappears far away is the reverse of mania has the benefit of unlocking the soul and i think this is accelerating the murder so the creature reptilian criminals flow not the living creatures by doing so you will amplify the channel yourself and your soul calls itself out of the zero trap time logout brain corpse is not the yin yang energy in the way during the collapse containing the fluid language for liquids my necromancy is a distorted environment what is the brain suggest that the completely opposite nightmare becomes that nightmare embodying the shade you have trained a change to drop the afterglow of the organ you trained into the liquid place of communication evoked is the sociolinguistic matrix dog sets in gravity integration your brain chains weren't deceived they weren't programmed so the corpse proves humans are alive when there was nothing physical data of error so nature future data magic hollow name spirits whose energies can be fully boosted by calibrating gates with mechanical placement feel the interplanetary cosplay ability if you feel the posthuman chain freely interplanetary to that magic of the dimension you live with your process undeveloped language universe accept the interplanetary collapse descent the body's psychological reality your existence generation is bloody undeveloped i came to that server interplanetary living spirit caused the elimination however the branching spatial chain of many body-loving people will lead to new fluids
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Identidad Glitch (Glitch Identity) is a multidisciplinary performance in which Sabrina Rodríguez mixes butoh dance, physical theater, glitch art printed on textile fabrics, experimental ambient and noise music, and video reproduced on a LED screen mask. What happens when what we are collides with the expectations of a hyperconnected world? The Internet has connected us and given us a whole new world of possibilities, but in a society where each and every person is meant to be a simple and coherent personal brand, error is inevitable. The solution may be to assume and embody that error, to create something new, without limits; for we are much more than the sum of our parts. Initially premiered as the inaugural show in the contemporary art exhibition Manlleu Galeria d'Art: MGA9 (Manlleu, Barcelona, Spain, 2022), Identidad Glitch is a work in progress evolving with every new performance. Sabrina Rodríguez is a multidisciplinary artist and performer from Barcelona, Spain. Her work reflects on the mutually constructive nature between human identity and technology, through different media such as performing arts, video, experimental music or glitch art.
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valorxdrive · 2 years
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More of the perks he shamelessly uses while living a magically active lifestyle.
- Washes his hands after each and every battle. Grime? Stickiness? Things of the past! Donald tapped it into his mind since the KH1 days that cleanliness is the way to be. So normally after some wild encounter, he will take shameless use of water magic and xyz soap they got from Traverse town or elsewhere to keep clean.
This also goes for showering too! He’s more of a ‘privacy in public’ bather since there’s not much of a choice. At this point though, it dwindled down his shyness to being half-naked around his traveling companions if it’s been a prolonged time. So there’s back and forth effect of living this life. (He’s still got some modesty!)
- Happens to be temperature coordinated with his drink and meals. He will keep his plates warm/hot to keep his meals at the respective angle. On top of that, drinks within his hand will keep a mild chill of blizzard magic in order to remain ice cold to partially slushy.
- Sora once scared some friends by having an unplugged lamp by him during a visit to a their world. He was too lazy to bring it over to a plug then at said friend’s house, so he just kept a current channeled around the plug portion to keep it turned on. He promises it was in the name of keeping their electric bill now. It did bring the discovery he can be living battery if he felt like it!
The Twilight Town gang loves taking advantage of this.
- In more metropolitan worlds that don’t hold any superheroic activity. Sora’s actually pretty infamous as some cryptid type being (unwillingly) due to being constantly seen running across and up walls amidst night town, leading to the tale of haunted men come to live.. that run about with anime-esque haircuts. This is entirely due to him being impatient of taking long winded routes slowly when he can.. idk, just jump over the whole damn buildings.
- Also plays around with Zero-gravity magically frequently. He loves to make his pals feel unnaturally strong if they’re never interested in that angle to begin with. Also makes things super effective in general when it comes to moving and not having it come to slam back down. That said! Carrying 90% of these things wouldn’t be an issue for Sora either.
Your arms never skip arm day after having some cosmic horror of a man named Xemnas lobbing skyscrapers at you. You will adjust to playing his version of life or death tennis during those times.
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codylabs · 3 years
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Knight Sabers!
But redesigned to use technology from my universe!
Apparently my universe has infinitely-sharp swords and razor wire now!
Okay, so by 'redesign' I mean essentially just repainting the Class-5 Berserker Frame from my own universe. The C-5 was already fully interchangeable from the elbows and ankles down, and has hardpoints for specialized equipment on the knees, shoulders, and helmet, so this little exercise was as simple as researching cool weapons, then pausing and screenshotting the anime to get the colors right, because I'm naturally garbage at colors and prefer to trust a computer.
Bubblegum Crisis was a big inspiration for the C-5 in the first place, especially on the character-customizable side, so this was a blast.
For info on the C-5's general mechanical design, including what those ankles are for and how the operator gets in and out, go to the original post where I designed it, linked above.
Anyway, I gave each character the weapons and tools that either best match their original loadout, or best match their needs and fighting style if the originals were deemed unrealistic. All together, their equipment is suitable for taking out heavily-armored, slower-moving targets in urban environments, while maintaining a short-range tactical network within the squad.
In order of protaganosity,
Priss, the blue one:
Equipped for close-quarters combat. The large clamps are much stronger and better suited for grappling and crushing than the ordinary waldoes, but their musculature system doesn't leave any room in the gauntlets for integrated machine guns like Nene and Linna have. The claws do have a couple fingers that can unfold off their tops, so she isn't completely incapable of fine dexterity.
Each gauntlet externally mounts a short-barrelled 30mm-calliber cannon, which fires high-powered tungsten-carbide discarding-sabot kinetic perpetrators. The short barrel makes these inaccurate at range, but the high speed, high mass, and low cross section of the rounds make them ideal for piercing armor from mid-range or close range. These replace the weird glowing spears that she shoots in the show. They are essentially just non-glowing spears that travel a lot faster and are MUCH louder. Each magazine holds 6.
Knees are each mounted with a single-use high-explosive anti-tank shaped charge designed to blast a gap in an armor plate, then release another blast through the gap, in a two-stage detonation. Vents in the knee plate prevent armor or operator from being damaged by the kick-back, though the knee plate itself is often destroyed.
Priss being the most reckless and close-quarters combatant of the bunch, her helmet is largest and most tanky; it contain extra padding and armor against blunt force impacts, a minimized sensor suite consisting of a pair of night-vision-capable armored cameras, and the non-retractable variety of communications antennae, and an external speaker so she can yell at cops or something.
She elected against armored skirt plating on the grounds that it looked girly, which leaves a vulnerability in the upper thighs, where a large area of light joint ribbing is exposed. Shouldn't be a huge issue as long as she stays too close for machine guns to target. As you may guess, Priss gets hurt a lot, and no redesign will change that.
Sylia, the silver (mint?) one
Equipped for precision strikes and rapid movement. Her gauntlets, aside from the standard waldos, prominently feature a pair of short swords. Their blades contain neutron-froth graphene, a highly expensive material over 10,000 times stronger than steel, and only 2,000 times as heavy; it only exists in a very thin strip on the leading edge, but is hard enough to maintain a monomolecular sharpness. The rest of the gauntlets are occupied by the muscle systems needed to swing and align the sword, and the pumping system needed to maintain the cold temperature needed to stabilize the neutron froth, and so she doesn't carry machine guns either.
Externally mounts the same kinetic perpetrator launchers as Priss, but with 3-round magazines instead of 6, both to save on weight, and because she doesn't use them nearly as liberally.
Knees and shoulders contain compact gravity dynamos for increased maneuverability. On extended discharge they can allow for limited flight, and on fast discharge can provide a powerful "boost" in any direction, vastly increasing the ability to strike, retreat, strafe, or jump. I know gravity dynamos are pretty out-of-left-field, but they're a thing in my universe ever since exotic mass was discovered on planet Hephaestus.
Sylia's helmet is fairly standard, with comm antennae that can retract during maneuvers, and a sensor suite that can be swapped out depending on mission specifics or how fabulous she feels like being.
Not quite sold on her paint job here. Anyway,
Nene, the pink one
Equipped for fire support and electronic warfare. Gauntlets contain the standard waldo and machine gun loadout, as well as extra feelers and data ports for interfacing with computer systems. I don't know why I drew a little screen folding out of the gauntlet, that doesn't make a lot of sense when you have a HUD, but it looked nice. Speaking of looking nice, the shoulder joints of the C-5 suit actually cannot physically bend into the position that Nene's arms are in right here. So that's some disappointing.
The suit mounts no heavy weapons, but is accompanied by a pair of gravity-propelled escort drones. They normally act in a strictly observational role, but can ram and self destruct with a high-powered shaped charge if needed, which is nice.
The suit is meant to serve as the nerve center of the knights' tactical network. A large suite of antennae extend the range of its comm systems, allowing it to connect with friendly systems at distance, as well as listen in on enemy signals, or jam them completely. A powerful onboard computer handles decryption and data processing from enemy signals.
Those knee pads are smoke grenade and flare launchers. It seemed like a nice thing to have.
Helmet speaks for itself. It contains a vast sensor suite, allowing her to see in perfect dark, use infrared thermal imaging, 'hear' electrical activity, measure radiation sources, and even detect trace chemicals in the air and stream in 4k until Sylia told her to stop.
The first drones were named Sneezy and Sleepy, these two are Happy and doc. Whenever one gets destroyed she names its replacement after the next dwarf. Someday she'll run out of dwarves and will have to resort to pacman ghosts or bionicles.
Linna, the green one
Equipped for high-powered, hit-or-miss type attacks, and high mobility. Linna is their most nimble and physically intuitive operator, so they have her be first to try out any exotic or experimental equipment. If it's any use, she would be the one best suited to find that use, and if not, she would be best suited to get out of dodge.
Gauntlets, as mounted here, are a standard waldo/machine gun unit on her left, and high-explosive anti-tank ram on the right, which uses the same 'rounds' as Priss's knees. Her right gauntlet is the only arm on any of the four to completely lack fingers, so that's amusing. Maybe I could fit a little claw or something but I forgot.
Knees and shoulders mount gravity dynamos for extra mobility, same as Sylia. To decrease weight and increase bodily control, she went so far as to forgo the armored skirt, same as Priss did.
And of course the fancy whip things. They're composed of the same neutron-froth graphene as Sylia's swords, but in the form of micron-diameter razor wire, which would be able to slice through light armor in broader strokes and greater range than a sword. At such a tiny thickness even NFG wears through quickly, so the suit contains spools to replenish it. Although I drew the wires as black lines here, they would be thinner than a human hair, and quite nearly invisible in person, so it would be down to the operator's skill and intuition to keep track of where they actually are, and to keep from getting hurt by them. Speaking of, in the show the whips come out of her HELMET, which (although I appreciate the Sailor Moon pigtail aesthetic) makes absolutely zero sense, would be nearly uncontrollable, hard to swing with any power, and, more to the point, absurdly dangerous. Mounting these whips externally on the gauntlets seemed more effective and responsible. They can roll up and retract when not in use.
So yeaah
This was done as a request for @mechanicalinertia I think, but not actually, because I wanted to draw it too anyway, they just reminded me.
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terrraaa · 3 years
I see the player you mean.
Yes. Take care. It has reached a higher level now. It can read our thoughts.
That doesn't matter. It thinks we are part of the game.
I like this player. It played well. It did not give up.
It is reading our thoughts as though they were words on a screen.
That is how it chooses to imagine many things, when it is deep in the dream of a game.
Words make a wonderful interface. Very flexible. And less terrifying than staring at the reality behind the screen.
They used to hear voices. Before players could read. Back in the days when those who did not play called the players witches, and warlocks. And players dreamed they flew through the air, on sticks powered by demons.
What did this player dream?
This player dreamed of sunlight and trees. Of fire and water. It dreamed it created. And it dreamed it destroyed. It dreamed it hunted, and was hunted. It dreamed of shelter.
Hah, the original interface. A million years old, and it still works. But what true structure did this player create, in the reality behind the screen?
It worked, with a million others, to sculpt a true world in a fold of the [scrambled], and created a [scrambled] for [scrambled], in the [scrambled].
It cannot read that thought.
No. It has not yet achieved the highest level. That, it must achieve in the long dream of life, not the short dream of a game.
Does it know that we love it? That the universe is kind?
Sometimes, through the noise of its thoughts, it hears the universe, yes.
But there are times it is sad, in the long dream. It creates worlds that have no summer, and it shivers under a black sun, and it takes its sad creation for reality.
To cure it of sorrow would destroy it. The sorrow is part of its own private task. We cannot interfere.
Sometimes when they are deep in dreams, I want to tell them, they are building true worlds in reality. Sometimes I want to tell them of their importance to the universe. Sometimes, when they have not made a true connection in a while, I want to help them to speak the word they fear.
It reads our thoughts.
Sometimes I do not care. Sometimes I wish to tell them, this world you take for truth is merely [scrambled] and [scrambled], I wish to tell them that they are [scrambled] in the [scrambled]. They see so little of reality, in their long dream.
And yet they play the game.
But it would be so easy to tell them...
Too strong for this dream. To tell them how to live is to prevent them living.
I will not tell the player how to live.
The player is growing restless.
I will tell the player a story.
But not the truth.
No. A story that contains the truth safely, in a cage of words. Not the naked truth that can burn over any distance.
Give it a body, again.
Yes. Player...
Use its name.
PLAYERNAME. Player of games.
Take a breath, now. Take another. Feel air in your lungs. Let your limbs return. Yes, move your fingers. Have a body again, under gravity, in air. Respawn in the long dream. There you are. Your body touching the universe again at every point, as though you were separate things. As though we were separate things.
Who are we? Once we were called the spirit of the mountain. Father sun, mother moon. Ancestral spirits, animal spirits. Jinn. Ghosts. The green man. Then gods, demons. Angels. Poltergeists. Aliens, extraterrestrials. Leptons, quarks. The words change. We do not change.
We are the universe. We are everything you think isn't you. You are looking at us now, through your skin and your eyes. And why does the universe touch your skin, and throw light on you? To see you, player. To know you. And to be known. I shall tell you a story.
Once upon a time, there was a player.
The player was you, PLAYERNAME.
Sometimes it thought itself human, on the thin crust of a spinning globe of molten rock. The ball of molten rock circled a ball of blazing gas that was three hundred and thirty thousand times more massive than it. They were so far apart that light took eight minutes to cross the gap. The light was information from a star, and it could burn your skin from a hundred and fifty million kilometres away.
Sometimes the player dreamed it was a miner, on the surface of a world that was flat, and infinite. The sun was a square of white. The days were short; there was much to do; and death was a temporary inconvenience.
Sometimes the player dreamed it was lost in a story.
Sometimes the player dreamed it was other things, in other places. Sometimes these dreams were disturbing. Sometimes very beautiful indeed. Sometimes the player woke from one dream into another, then woke from that into a third.
Sometimes the player dreamed it watched words on a screen.
Let's go back.
The atoms of the player were scattered in the grass, in the rivers, in the air, in the ground. A woman gathered the atoms; she drank and ate and inhaled; and the woman assembled the player, in her body.
And the player awoke, from the warm, dark world of its mother's body, into the long dream.
And the player was a new story, never told before, written in letters of DNA. And the player was a new program, never run before, generated by a sourcecode a billion years old. And the player was a new human, never alive before, made from nothing but milk and love.
You are the player. The story. The program. The human. Made from nothing but milk and love.
Let's go further back.
The seven billion billion billion atoms of the player's body were created, long before this game, in the heart of a star. So the player, too, is information from a star. And the player moves through a story, which is a forest of information planted by a man called Julian, on a flat, infinite world created by a man called Markus, that exists inside a small, private world created by the player, who inhabits a universe created by...
Shush. Sometimes the player created a small, private world that was soft and warm and simple. Sometimes hard, and cold, and complicated. Sometimes it built a model of the universe in its head; flecks of energy, moving through vast empty spaces. Sometimes it called those flecks "electrons" and "protons".
Sometimes it called them "planets" and "stars".
Sometimes it believed it was in a universe that was made of energy that was made of offs and ons; zeros and ones; lines of code. Sometimes it believed it was playing a game. Sometimes it believed it was reading words on a screen.
You are the player, reading words...
Shush... Sometimes the player read lines of code on a screen. Decoded them into words; decoded words into meaning; decoded meaning into feelings, emotions, theories, ideas, and the player started to breathe faster and deeper and realised it was alive, it was alive, those thousand deaths had not been real, the player was alive
You. You. You are alive.
and sometimes the player believed the universe had spoken to it through the sunlight that came through the shuffling leaves of the summer trees
and sometimes the player believed the universe had spoken to it through the light that fell from the crisp night sky of winter, where a fleck of light in the corner of the player's eye might be a star a million times as massive as the sun, boiling its planets to plasma in order to be visible for a moment to the player, walking home at the far side of the universe, suddenly smelling food, almost at the familiar door, about to dream again
and sometimes the player believed the universe had spoken to it through the zeros and ones, through the electricity of the world, through the scrolling words on a screen at the end of a dream
and the universe said I love you
and the universe said you have played the game well
and the universe said everything you need is within you
and the universe said you are stronger than you know
and the universe said you are the daylight
and the universe said you are the night
and the universe said the darkness you fight is within you
and the universe said the light you seek is within you
and the universe said you are not alone
and the universe said you are not separate from every other thing
and the universe said you are the universe tasting itself, talking to itself, reading its own code
and the universe said I love you because you are love.
And the game was over and the player woke up from the dream. And the player began a new dream. And the player dreamed again, dreamed better. And the player was the universe. And the player was love.
You are the player.
Wake up.
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skyfire85 · 3 years
Flightline: 40 - Bell LLRV/LLTV
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-One of the LLRVs in flight over Edwards, with a TB-47B and B-57A 55-0665, nicknamed “Snoopy” (which was modified to house a test version of the AN/ASG-18 radar for the F-108 and F-12 programs) in the background. | Photo: NASA / Dryden Flight Research Center
Edwards AFB, 1 January 1965
Built by Bell Aerosystems, the 2 Lunar Lander Research Vehicles and 3 Lunar Lander Training Vehicles (collectively nicknamed Flying Bedsteads) were used to develop controls for the Lunar Landers used by the Apollo program, as well as train the pilots for the Landers.
NASA selected Bell as the contractor for the LLRV program based on the company’s experience with VTOL aircraft, and issued a study contract in 1961 to develop a system to simulate landing on the Moon. Bell had also been studying the idea independently, and by February of 1963 the company was awarded a contract worth $3.6 million ($30.5 million today) to produce the LLRVs, with the first two craft expected at Edwards for flight testing within 14 months.
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-Line drawing of the LLRV, showing the simplicity of its construction as well as its dimensions. | Illustration: NASA
“Aircraft” only in the most general sense, the LLRVs and LLTVs were a series of truss sections built from aluminum tube. A single GE CF700/TF34 was placed in the center of the vehicle, oriented vertically downward and mounted on a gimbal to keep the axis of thrust centered. The turbofan would lift the LLRV to an appropriate altitude (500 feet or less) , at which point it would be throttled back to simulate the 1/6th gravity of the Moon. two rockets, powered by hydrogen peroxide and throttleable between 100lbf and 500lbf, would be used to slow the craft’s descent rate and provide horizontal movement. Sixteen smaller RCS motors, also powered by H2O2,were mounted in pairs and controlled pitch, roll and yaw. In an emergency, six solid fuel rockets could be used to maintain the 5/6th support if the turbofan failed, allowing a safe landing. Finally, one of the first zero/zero ejection seats was fitted, which could catapult the pilot to safety even from zero altitude and zero speed (hence the name).
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-Engine test of LLRV #1 in late 1964. | Photo: NASA/DFRC
Both LLRVs were shipped from Bell’s plant to Edwards in April of 1964, though #2 was shipped in pieces and assembled there to keep costs down. After initial tests on a tilt table, the vehicles were moved to the South Base area of Edwards and flight testing began in October. Test flights were carried out by FRC pilots Joe Walker and Con Mallick, as well as Army helicopter test pilot Jack Kleuver and NASA pilots Joe Algranti and H. E. Ream. After the test series at Edwards, the LLRVs were modified, adding the three-axis hand controllers and throttles of the future LM, as well as a cockpit enclosure (made from Styrofoam to keep weight down) to simulate the view from the LM.
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LLRV #2, after modifications. Also note the landing pegs instead of the casters present on the preceding picture. | Photo: NASA/DFRC
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-Picture of a preserved LLTV, showing the instruments in the cockpit. | Photo: NASA
In December of 1966, LLRV #1 was transported to NASA Houston, followed by #2 in January of ‘67, and NASA’s flights began on 27 March 1967, with Neil Armstrong piloting #1 at Ellington AFB. Armstrong, as well as other pilots of the craft, were quick to point out that given the LLRV’s operations envelope, use of the ejection seat was their only option if something went wrong, which was proven on 6 May 1968, when a control failure forced Armstrong to eject at 200 feet.
A review board found that the fuel for the RCS thrusters had run out, aggravated by high winds on the day of the flight. NASA decided to terminate further flights of the LLRV at this point, as the improved LLTV were due to be shipped to Ellington from Bell. At the time of the accident, LLRV #1 had completed 198 flights accident-free, with #2 completing 6 flights.
In March of 1967, Bell Aerosystems was granted a contract worth $5.9 million ($45.7 M today) to produce three Lunar Lander Training Vehicles, an advanced version of the LLRV used to train the LM pilots. The first vehicle arrived at Ellington in June of 1968, with first flight carried out by JSC’s Aircraft Operations Division (AOD) head Joe Algranti in August. Tests lasted until 8 December, when Algranti lost control of the vehicle and ejected just 3/5th of a second before impact.
The accident review found that, due to the decision to not test the LLTV in a wind tunnel prior to flight tests, the full capabilities and limitation of the RCS were unknown. The decision was then made to fly LLTV #3 to NASA Langley in a Super Guppy for wind tunnel testing.
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-LLTV #3 being loaded into the Super Guppy. | Photo: NASA
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-LLTV #3 inside the 30x60 foot wind tunnel at NASA Langley. | Photo: NASA
Testing on the vehicle lasted from 7 January to 7 February 1968, and determined that the Styrofoam cabin was inducing a yaw at sideslip angles exceeding -2°, which quickly exceeded the RCS’ ability to counteract. NASA took the simple expedient of removing the top of the cabin, which eliminated the yaw. Data from the tests also allowed NASA to build a preliminary flight envelope, though this would have to be checked with test flights, as the LLTV’s engine could not be run in the tunnel. A Flight Readiness Review Board was convened in March of 1969 to review the findings of the accident board, as well as the data from the tunnel tests, and on 30 March approved a resumption of flight tests, which were completed in March of 1969, leaving Neil Armstrong a month to complete his LLTV training prior to the Apollo 11 launch.
After the successful landing of Apollo 11, the remaining LM pilots each took their turn in the LLTV, though #3 was destroyed on 29 January ‘71 after an electrical failure at 200 feet.
The LLRV and LLTV were invaluable tools in the Moon landing, and were some of the few hardware simulators to get get airborne. Then Chief Astronaut of NASA Deke Slayton said simply: “[There was] no other way to simulate moon landings except by flying the LLRV.”
Unsurprisingly, only two of the craft survived the program:
LLRV #2 is on display at the Armstrong Flight Research Center (FKA NASA Dryden), which is apparently Fort Knox as I cannot find a pic anywhere.
LLTV #2, also known as NASA 952, is hanging in the lobby of the NASA Johnson Space Center:
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-LLTV #2 in the JSC lobby. | Photo: NASA
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