2700lagostas · 2 months
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Zenshu - Teaser Trailer
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gonagaiworld · 2 months
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Lo studio MAPPA rivela l'anime originale ZENSHU Anna Nagase è la protagonista dell'anime su un'animatrice emergente che non si è mai innamorata. Info:--> https://www.gonagaiworld.com/lo-studio-mappa-rivela-lanime-originale-zenshu/?feed_id=440986&_unique_id=65fdab4f28dd9 #Anime #StudioMappa #ZENSHU
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newsintheshell · 2 months
📢 Vi mancano i production shenanigan di Shirobako? Ci pensa Mappa (Zombie Land Saga, Re-Main) con ZENSHU!
La nuova serie originale dello studio, nata dalle menti di Mitsue Yamasaki (Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle, Tada Never Falls in Love) e Kimiko Ueno (Dungeon Food, Astro Note), avrà come protagonista una giovane, geniale e alquanto stramba regista alle prese con una commedia romantica. Il problema? Lei non si è ancora mai innamorata. Mi sa che ne vedremo delle belle!
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animemakeblog · 2 months
“Zenshu.” The MAPPA Produces For Original TV Anime
The official website for Zenshu, an original television anime series, was launched by the production studio Bushiroad. The teaser promotional video were all disclosed on the website.
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(Sekai Douwa Anime Zenshu Episode 6: The Little Mermaid)
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geekpopnews · 2 months
ZENSHU. o novo anime original do estúdio MAPPA
ZENSHU. o novo anime original do estúdio MAPPA, que focará em uma equipe de animadores em um estúdio de anime. #zenshu #anime #MAPPA
Dias antes do AnimeJapan 2024 começar, o estúdio MAPPA anunciou o seu mais novo anime original, ZENSHU. MAPPA lançou um site oficial e uma conta no X (antigo Twitter) para ZENSHU., um novo anime original do estúdio, pouco antes do AnimeJapan 2024. O elenco de voz principal e equipe de produção foram revelados junto com um teaser trailer e arte promocional para a série. A história se concentra em…
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ghostofcinders · 4 months
I've tons of reasons to be proud about my work on Onyx Path's The World Below, but today watching videos about RPGs horror stories I'm reminded of the Zenshu.
See, the Zenshu are a species of large flesh-weaving spider people. Think D&D driders with Tzimisce powers and the "human" part of their body being inspired by the mask crafting bug in Hollow Knight (mask included, because they're aware of how monstrous they look to others)
The Zenshu are rare. They're also nice? There are some implications about them crafting some monsters too because The World Below is dark fantasy, but those are for the Storyguide to decide. Could be true? Or not.
As far as facts go, the Zenshu travel across the world alone, offering services to people. The services? They allow people to change their body and - if asked - their memories, allowing people to take any look.
The Zenshu only ask very minor payments (a memory, a piece of flesh cut from the canvas, symbolic amount of goods/money...). Downsides? Only some maluses until characters get accustomed to the changes that vary depending on the degree of the "surgery." Afterwards, it's nothing.
And while the Zenshu are spooky-looking, they never harm anyone unless for self-defense. People are *happy* to have a rare one visit.
Now, the Zenshu enable tons of stories. People changing face to escape from somewhere, healing from terrible injuries... they're a cool addition with story potential around.
But one of the reasons I put them there is to add to the setting a way for characters to transition, just like that. No nonsense about "huh, it's fantasy, it can't happen" or "it's a grim setting".
Yeah, The World Below is a dark fantasy setting. And it has magical surgeon spiders in it people can seek out to change their bodies to their heart's content, no strings attached.
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argumentl · 10 months
Message board at the Akira cell exhibition, posted by the Otomo Katsuhiro zenshu account here.
An addition to the board, written and signed by Kaoru can be seen on the far right side.
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anthonyopal · 4 months
When art becomes intense, loneliness emerges, clarity emerges, strangeness emerges. If it doesn’t go that far, it’s a lie. My past writing has been like wine, and not even the best wine. But from now on it will be like water - clear, bright, and rippling without overflowing - or so I hope. (Santoka, Teihon Santoka Zenshu)
Through the kitchen
POEMS OF TANEDA SANTOKA is a short and varied collection of Santoka’s haiku. Each translation is accompanied by the original Japanese text and English transliteration (romaji).
Available from The Economy Press
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infiniversegod · 5 months
I found the necklace that my best friend had gifted to me.
A little backstory:
A little before new years, my friend gave me this beautiful Pandora butterfly necklace, it can be considered as an early birthday gift since my christmas present didn’t come in time, I put it in my pocket because I wanted to wait to wear it.
Obviously because I was afraid it would fall out so I put it in my bag for when I got home to put it in my jewellery box. When I went home after new years, I looked through my bag and I couldn’t find it I checked pockets and emptied everything to the bottom and still nothing. I calmed down and told my self that I hadn’t lost it that it was found and that I have it around my neck, sometimes I would do a very short image it around my neck and most of the time I literally stood up put my foot down as said ‘No I have found my necklace it’s with me’ with conviction any time I had doubts, I’ve also been working on manifestation after multiple weeks of burn out. I’ve been meditating, saying affirmations like ‘I am god’ ‘it is done’ or ‘I manifest instantly in 48hrs or less’ - credit to zenshu
Fast forward to a week(?) after this and I’m at my dads house getting my stuff ready for a shower, as I go through my bag (the same bag I couldn’t find my necklace in mind you) I felt a chain, pulled it out AND IT WAS MY NECKLACE. It felt so unreal that in the shower I thought I imagined it but I didn’t it was there and now I’m wearing it.
It really made me feel like I can manifest, this is my proof that manifesting is real and that doubts and feelings of anxiety don’t have any impact on my manifestation unless I let it affect my assumptions. I’m so grateful I thought I’d never find it again😭
[sorry if this is long for something that may seem small but I honestly didn’t believe I’d be able to manifest properly after burning out, this was such a wake up call and the start of my new journey]
WOW!!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SHARING YOUR SUCCESS STORY WITH ME!!!!!! I’m so deeply honoured and I’m incredibly happy and proud of you!!!! You are a master manifester and that’s how easy manifesting is!!! So now all you need to do is apply that mindset to all of your other desires!!!! This is definitely an illogical success story because you literally spawned your necklace!!!! 🖤🤩 THIS IS AMAZING!!!!!!! 🤩🖤🥰🤗
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pwlanier · 1 year
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A rare and superb Junyao purple-splashed tripod incense burner, Jin-early Yuan dynasty.
Note: Wares from the Juntai kiln site in Yu county, Henan province, an area formerly known as Junzhou, are remarkable for their luscious thick glazes of intense colouration which can vary from light to deep turquoise blue. In the early 12th century potters began applying splashes of deep purplish-red derived from copper to the glaze before firing, resulting in patches of purple, lavender and tones of deep blue on the primary milky-blue glaze. As seen on this piece, these splashes often had a strong calligraphic quality and added a flamboyant effect to the vessel that was of immense appeal to the literati and nobility of the time.
Junyao incense burners of this shape and with moulded designs are generally attributed to the Yuan dynasty due to their similarities with a much larger incense burner dated in accordance to 1309, excavated at Huhehot in Inner Mongolia, and illustrated in Sekai toji zenshu/ Ceramic Art of the World, vol. 13, Tokyo, 1981, col. pl. 103.
Courtesy Alain Truong
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heliosoll · 2 years
hey can you please give your opinion on this ask ? I’m not the same person who had sent zenshu this ask but it had bothered me when i had read that girl saying she entered the void and didn’t get her desires … what do you think about this situation?
Well... I want to preface this with this is just my opinion and you absolutely don't need to agree with me and I urge you to not let my opinion worry or discourage you.
Personally, I believe that the law of assumption carries through with everything, including the void. I believe that the void state is a deep meditative state in which you are pure consciousness and you are essentially "in" your subconscious/4D. The void state isn't just used for manifestation. For centuries people have been using meditation and deep meditative states for an abundance of things. The manifesting community kind of gentrified it if I'm being fully honest.
It's 100% possible that this person is just lying and trying to stir drama but if they're telling the truth then I believe that they just assumed they wouldn't get their desires. People manifest instantly with the void because they believe they can. People manifest instantly with the void regardless of limiting beliefs and doubts because they believe they can. People aren't affected by limiting beliefs and doubts in the void because they believe that's how it works. But again, the law of assumption states that whatever you assume to be true will be true. And I believe that carries into the void.
The void itself isn't a law. There's no law stating how it works or that it must work a specific way. And why is that? Because the void state will be personal for everyone. Again, it's a deep meditative state and you're in your own subconscious. So if someone believed that the void state is bullshit and doesn't work? Then it's not gonna work for them. Just like believing the law doesn't work will literally trigger the law and make it not work for them. It's like the schrodinger's law of assumption akjdghjkadgh
There have been tons of people who went into the void state and got delayed results! I think it's important to note that just having doubts won't stop it from working. Tons of people have instantly manifested with the void while still having doubts about it. Tons of people have gotten into the void state while having doubts about it, gotten doubts and intrusive thoughts while in it, and have still manifested with it just fine regardless of all that.
And listen, I don't know who this person is or if they're telling the truth, but honestly, there's a good chance they're just trolling or never even believed in the law or in the void state to begin with. It's also possible that they didn't get into the void and confused something else for it. There are tons of possibilities here and honestly who gives a shit? One person not manifesting with the void shouldn't be affecting people this much. It's their story, not yours. So don't let this discourage you or make you fear the void. It's about your assumptions, not anyone else's.
Like seriously who cares if one person didn't manifest with the void? I think this panic is just proof that people rely on the void state too much. People hear stories all the time about other "failed" methods and continue to use them because they know someone else "failing" doesn't mean they will too. So please tell me why so many people care about one (likely fake) void story?
If you have faith in your own assumptions, it shouldn't bother you. If you have faith in the belief that the void state always works, it shouldn't bother you. If you have faith in yourself and in your own journey, no "failure" story should ever bother you.
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gonagaiworld · 2 months
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Lo studio MAPPA rivela l'anime originale ZENSHU Anna Nagase è la protagonista dell'anime su un'animatrice emergente che non si è mai innamorata. Info:--> https://www.gonagaiworld.com/lo-studio-mappa-rivela-lanime-originale-zenshu/?feed_id=440964&_unique_id=65fdab19333d9 #Anime #StudioMappa #ZENSHU
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seraph-1111 · 2 years
48 hr challenge 🫧
First off thank you ZenShu for creating this challenge! I love this and I wanted to participate when I saw that you manifested tons of wonderful things for your brother. I’ve been manifesting everything recently and I want to change my life completely, especially my family’s lives.
I’m manifesting:
Everything I affirm instantly becomes true, a permanent fixture of my reality.
Anytime I think something negative, instead of it coming true, I get more positive experiences, 1,000$ in cash, and beauty enhancement.
I am God, and I enter the void state within a millisecond every single time.
I shift to any and all realities instantly as soon as I affirm what reality I’m in.
Every subliminal I listen to goes instantly into my subconscious and I always see/feel full instant results. I am immune to any affs that are negative or don’t fit my desires. All desired results are permanent.
Everything always works out in my favor.
Reality reflects only what I desire.
Nothing I think or say that’s negative becomes true because it only hardens my positive assumptions into fact instead.
Every time I check the 3D my manifestation comes faster and is never ruined.
Everything revolves around me
The world is my oyster
Everything I desire is already mine
I am living in the Sparkle Reality.
This is my reality that I’ve created/named so I can manifest everything I desire without having to write it all out lol.
Extras (some bits of my Sparkle Reality Doc that I added so you guys can see some of the cool things I’m manifesting for myself)
Acceptance to a very prestigious college on a full ride scholarship.
My twin has been accepted to the same college on a full ride.
Super super rich of course
Both of my parents are retired early and are super rich.
My older sister gets a divorce and finds herself + her soulmate.
Fluency in tons of languages, include my grandparents’ + parents’ languages German!
My entire family is immune to any and all health issues and they are mentally healthy as well.
My entire family is safe and protected.
+ a toooooon more, hence the Sparkle Reality <3
Thank you @zen-shu for creating this challenge!
I love knowing I have all of my desires and that my life and everyone I love’s lives are so much better.
I always manifest instantly, you already know it. 😉 
Finally I just wanted to say that it’s my turn to live my perfect life and I am so glad I finally am! I am letting myself do this challenge because I know I deserve what I desire. I used to struggle with manifesting and believing my limiting thoughts, am I feel so bad for who I used to be. I am no longer going to let my life be anything but amazing, I am not going to suffer anymore.
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sparklingself · 1 year
i literally love your blog the way you explain the law is so perfect and exactly how it’s meant to be interpreted!! you and zenshu and cinefairy are the ones who i think match my mindset the most i love it keep up the good work guys!! 💕💕
thank u!!!
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insomniac-jay · 2 years
Vigilantes bc I need more
Takashi Zenshu | Omni
Though he calls himself a hero for hire and doesn't prefer the term vigilante be used for him. Takashi lives by the saying "If they won't do it, then who will?" Takashi actually used to be an industry plant for the HPSC via his father, but faked his death so he could escape. But then was eventually recaptured and then tortured but then escaped again.
And once he finally did escape for good, he had a one night stand with his sorta kinda childhood acquaintance Progentia (Konomi Sohiji), realized he was in love with her, then later found out he got her pregnant with their son Kamio.
But for the time being his goal is to take down the Typhon for their involvement in aiding the HPSC in his recapture.
Quirk: Omnikinetic - Takashi can use and control all types of kinetic powers and abilities at varying levels. This makes him extremely powerful and a threat to Quirk users who have kinetic abilities.
Zeke Sorakami | Ultrastar
A member of the powerful Sorakami family, Zeke feels like he has no obligation to continue in his father's heroic footsteps no matter what his family and tradition says. This rebellion and deviation from the set path has caused strain between him and his family.
But that's alright-- at least in his eyes-- because he knows that one day they'll come crawling back to him. Until then, he operates as a vigilante. He is Miss Highness's (Juri Meirei) current boyfriend and eventual husband.
Quirk: Shooting Star - Zeke can absorb stellar energies to create shooting stars. These stars can function as missiles, bombs, and more. Another ability of his is to combine these stars to form a large one big enough to cause a supernova.
Minthe Yamaniwa | Dryad
Unlike the other two, Minthe has a good relationship with her family. She's always been one to do stuff differently as a way to spice things up-- and her career choice of a vigilante is no exception. By day, she's the manager of her sister Jasmine.
Quirk: Dryad's Garden - Minthe can consume seeds, bond with them, and gain different abilities based on the species of plant.
@floof-ghostie @calciumcryptid @s0ursop @opalofoctober @elflynns-horde-of-stuff @pizzolisnacks @peachyblkdemonslayer
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