#zack collins fanfic
zackcollins · 2 years
oughta settle down || zack collins
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Author’s Note: Yes, it’s been two months since I’ve posted a fic. I am sorry for that. I’ve just been busy having a mental breakdown about the way Zack is being jerked around this season worse than Reese McGuire was in that parking lot. Don’t get attached to the back up of the back up guys. It doesn’t go well. Anyways. GIF credit to me, myself, and I.
Warnings: In m opinion, nothing. But it’s about a pregnancy reveal and I know some people don’t vibe with that so I’ll warn about it just to be safe. Feel free to tell me if I missed anything!
Word Count: 1.5k+
Title: Broadway Girls by Lil Durk & Morgan Wallen (his walk-up song LOL)
Additional: I know the premise is a pregnancy reveal but the reader can be read as gender-neutral! I made the language vague because I know that not everyone that can and wants to be pregnant is feminine. This blog is trans inclusive because this blogger is non-binary. Hope that’s okay with everyone! most of all, enjoy this! and feedback is welcomed and appreciated!
You were laid out on your bed feeling rather unpleasant. Your stomach was twisting violently and making you feel bloated. The nerves and muscles of your lower back were alight with pain that you didn’t even think possible before today. The muscles in your chest felt tender, almost as if someone had grabbed them and started squeezing as hard as they could. You knew exactly what the issue was and had for the last week. The only problem was that your boyfriend, Zack, didn’t know. You hadn’t managed to garner the courage to tell him as of yet. There wasn’t any particular reason for that; you weren’t necessarily scared of how he’d react or anything. You just hadn’t found the right moment to tell him. And, because of that, you had been stressed to the nines. That stress was making the nausea, the back pain, and the tender chest ten times worse. It was so bad it was making you feel like you had been run over with a fucking Zamboni like that one goalie from your boyfriend’s favourite hockey team had been by his tandem partner a bunch of years ago.
“Are you okay, babe?” You uncurled yourself and looked in the direction the voice had come from. Like you had expected, your aforementioned boyfriend, Zack, was standing in the doorway of the en suite. He had a towel around his waist, though he didn’t appear to be wet. “You look a little uncomfortable.”
Sighing, you gingerly sat up on the bed so that you could get a better angle to look at Zack. “Not… not really. I think I have the flu.” You didn’t feel that great lying to him but you didn’t want to break the news to him this way either.
To try to sell your point, you broke out in a fake coughing fit and did your best to make it convincing. When you were done, you looked at Zack. He seemed to look genuinely concerned; that made you let out a discreet sigh of relief.
After you wiped away the tears that had accumulated in your eyes from the forced coughing, you looked at Zack again. You saw that your boyfriend was leaned against the en suite door frame and had his arms crossed over his chest. You saw the towel around Zack’s waist slide down a little; Zack quickly reached down and tugged it back into position, tucking it in on itself a little more tightly when he was done.
You scoffed, which you turned into a couple more fake coughs to further sell your flu agenda. When you regained your composure, you rolled your eyes at Zack. “I literally saw you naked last night, Zachary.”
“I know but being horny when you’re sick will make you feel worse,” Zack deadpanned as he gave you a pointed look. “And how many damn times do I have to tell you not to call me that, jackass?”
You went to raise your hands in surrender but you quickly dropped them to your abdomen when you felt something lurch against it. You inhaled and exhaled a couple of times to try and counteract the sudden uneasy feeling that had caused you. All that succeeded in doing was causing another lurch, this time accompanied by a burst of nausea.
You looked at Zack with a pained expression as you laid back on the bed and curled in on yourself. You wanted the pain to stop because it was driving you bananas. Then, on the other hand, you didn’t want the pain to stop because you knew if you toughed it out, the end result would be worth it. The end result was something you and Zack had been wanting for the better part of the last two years. The fact that it was finally happening made you break down at the doctor’s office when your doctor told you. You were excited for this; beyond excited, actually because you were so ready for this. You were also scared. Scared because was anyone truly ready for something like this? What if you were terrible at the job? What if Zack was terrible? What if something went wrong and your dream was crushed before it even started? There were a lot of negative thoughts running through your mind about this and they were all causing you unneeded stress. So much unneeded stress that you were afraid that it wasn’t healthy.
You had been so lost in your thoughts that you barely felt it when the bed dipped next to you under the weight of something heavy. Turning your head, you saw that Zack was sitting behind your back on his knees. He looked down at you and motioned his finger along your side. Knowing what your boyfriend meant, you nodded. Zack smiled as he laid himself on the bed and slotted himself against your back. You hummed when you felt the warmth of Zack’s body against your frigid skin.
“Holy shit,” Zack said into the base of your skull. “You feel like a fucking freezer, babe.”
You chuckled, though you turned it into another coughing fit to keep up with the rouse. Zack soothingly ran his hand along the side of your chest; you used that soft, gentle sensation as an excuse to end the fake coughing fit sooner that you had intended to. You were beyond grateful for that because your lungs were actually starting to hurt from all the forced coughing you had been doing.
Once you had regained your composure, you snuggled back against Zack’s body. “And you feel like a fucking furnace. It’s helping with my back aches. Here.” You took Zack’s hands and placed them over your abdomen. Much like he had expected, his boyfriend’s hands felt tepid against your frigid skin. The tightness of your abdomen muscles started to subside as Zack carefully ran his hands along the skin. You grunted at the feeling, dropping your head back against Zack’s chest. “That… holy fuck. Your hands feel amazing. My stomach doesn’t feel as tight or nauseous anymore.”
Zack pressed a kiss to your temple as he moved his hands up to your chest. He cupped one side of your chest in each hand, gently massaging each side as he did. You let out a soft moan because Zack had released some of the tension in your chest muscles by doing that. Zack pressed another kiss to your temple as he continued to massage your chest. And, the longer he went about massaging it, the more relaxed you were starting to feel.
Your eyes were starting to feel heavy and you even yawned once. Zack pressed a kiss to the nape of your neck as he shifted his hands away from your chest and brought one back down to your abdomen. He took the other hand and gently began stroking your hip. You hummed softly at the dual sensations as your eyes suddenly felt heavier than they had been a moment ago.
“That feels amazing, babe,” you said, voice thick with tiredness. “I feel a lot less sore now. Keep going.”
You yawned again as you wiggled against Zack to get more comfortable. Zack hummed as he started massaging your scalp. He also started drumming his fingers against your abdomen. You felt your eyes inching closer and closer to sleep the longer your boyfriend went about what he was doing. You also felt completely relaxed and free from all the pain you had been experiencing all day. Of course, that’s when you had you feel something lurch against your abdomen. You felt Zack freeze his movements and intake a shaky breath.
“Am I crazy?” Zack asked, audibly swallowing. “Or did I just feel something kick my hand?”
“I don’t actually have the flu,” you replied hoping Zack understood what you were getting at.
“There’s a mini Collins in there?” Zack sniffled a couple times as he poked his finger just under your belly button.
You chuckled as you reached your hand back and patted your boyfriend’s hip.
“What’s your defensive position on the diamond?”
“Catcher...?” Zack sounded more like he was asking than telling you that.
“Don’t sound so sure of yourself next time. Someone might think you have a god complex, damn.” You sighed and pinched the bridge of you noise. “The number, you airhead.”
“Oh. Two,” Zack said, embarrassment evident in his voice. “But what does that have to do with anything?”
“You said there was a mini Collins inside me...”
“Then you as—”
Zack jolted backwards as if you had burned him. It was not two seconds later that he turned you around so that the two of you were face to face. You smirked when you noticed that he was smiling like an idiot and looked about three seconds from a nervous breakdown.
“Two mini Collinses in there?” Zack looked down at your abdomen and poked his finger just under your belly button again. When he looked back up at you, you saw that he had a couple stray tears leaking from the corners of his eyes. “Oh my god. Leave it to us to get twins after being unsuccessful for almost two years.”
You chuckled before you moved closer on the bed and wrapped Zack in a hug. You dropped your head against his shoulder and smiled.
“I love you, Zachary. And you’ll be the best father ever to our twins.”
“Stop calling me that! But I love you too, jackass. More than I can ever put into words.”
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kingofangst · 1 year
I have been tagged by the dear @thiamsxbitch, Thank you so much💙💙. I did not see this until now. So I will honor it and show what I have.
Rules: Post the first lines of your last 10 fanfics posted on AO3. (Sorted by date posted) If you have less than 10 fics, posted what you have.
Honestly and sadly, I have 8 fanfics of different fandoms. 1 discontinued and the others are on hold due to life being a pain. But I am invested in Teen Wolf, Cobra Kai/Karate Kid, Kimetsu No Yaiba, etc. I have been interested in DC universe but I have never gotten to write for it so I have some WIPs for DCU and many, many WIPs for Teen Wolf and others.
Coup De Grace (Chemin D'Aconit series/Teen Wolf AU)
This is my Teen Wolf AU fanfic that follows the canon divergence but with some changes and altering of the canon events. A rewrite series with OC characters and world building of the supernatural world. Currently 2 chapters, working on chapter 3.
The town of Beacon Hills to any outsider seems to be just your ordinary and hospitable town in California.
At least that is what they assume. But Beacon Hills is not your ordinary town. Not to the eyes of the supernatural that reside in Beacon Hills, or those who know of the supernatural. A dead body split in half by an unknown serial killer, a burned down estate in the preserve that used to belong to a prominent family, the arrival of a powerful hunter clan trying to eradicate the ominous threat, and finally, a sophomore teenager who is bitten by a wolf.
Some Stranger Things have happened in Beacon Hills, one that will shape the lives of Florence and Cassian Saint-Claire, along with their loved ones.
Not a Bully
This is a Cobra Kai oneshot I made regarding a "What If" AU for Anthony and Kenny. The change and path it would have been for the both of them or rather Anthony's behavior.
What if Anthony didn't try to fight Kenny that night? What if he stood up to Zack and his fake friends? What if he helped Kenny instead of bullying him?
Vulnerable (Season 1)
This is a Cobra Kai AU canon divergence fanfic I have and while I haven't update it in a while, it is a fanfic that is still ongoing with 3 chapters and I am drafting the 4th chapter.
Cameron Collins; a privileged, wealthy, socialite teenager who lives in Encino and attends West Valley High. He has what others envy. Perfect grades, a large house, immense wealth, exotic party planner, a famous plastic surgeon father and a brand ambassador for Giorgio Armani. Despite how amazing his lifestyle is, he's not those privileged encino brats who hurt or judge others. He places himself as a normal human being like the rest. But when a new dojo by the name of Cobra Kai opens in The Valley, what will this do to impact Cameron's curiosity and mysterious wonder of the dojo that was banned since 1985?
This is actually my first fanfic ever written and the one with the most chapters. While it has been 2 years since updated, I have it's next chapters in drafts .
The mysterious kid who was put in the orphanage as an abandoned child, later to make friends with two others named Kaneda and Tetsuo. The lone kid's name is Hasegawa Nimura but prefers to be called by his first name as he isn't one for formalities. He joins Kaneda's new gang called The Capsules in their juvenile years and Nimura was fine with the situation he was in. But there's alot of things that neither Kaneda or Tetsuo know about their childhood friend. Does Nimura know what he's hiding or is he clueless as the rest of the pack? How long will this air of content keep up with him until it all collapses?
A fanfic I based off from Crazy Rich Asians. A combination of thr novel and the movie. I have a thing for old money family and aesthetics regarding upper class status within a aristocracy system. On 2 chapters currently.
The Young Family, a well known family only known by Singapore's elite, as well as Singapore's powerful and meritocratic aristocrat family run it's reins between it's conglomerate corporation and investments. The Shining heir, Nicholas Young was expected to return to Singapore after his 6 months abroad after he graduated from Oxford University. Instead he remained away from home beyond the 6 months. Now Andrew Young, younger brother of Nick Young, is doing many steps in keeping the family business strong, as well as being the COO of the giant corporation empire and chairman of his own investment firm while helping his CEO and engineer father be able to take some time for himself. Yet, he still faces issues of reality, and is often overlooked in society. Yet what could be keeping Nicky away from home? And what issues could Andrew be facing that he refuses to bring up?
During my Ajin Phase when I was reading the Manga. I created an OC being the son of a Japanese government minister who is in between the war of Ajins and Humans.
The world is currently on the topic of Ajins. 46 identified Ajins around the world and two in Japan. The 2 Ajins are under surveillance by the Japanese government and away from society. But what happens when the truth comes out? How long will humanity continue to play chess until it takes one bad day to reverse the board on them?
How is Tokui Ishino, son of the Japanese Minister of Health, Labor, and Welfare willing to break through the dystopian chaos that will run amok?
I have a passion for Demon Slayer (Kimetsu No Yaiba), it is one of my favorite anime/manga series. While it has been a while since I last updated it, that doesn't mean it is discontinued.
As leaders of the Demon Slayer Corps, the Ubuyashiki clan is known to lead the demon slayers with benevolence, composure, skill, pride, and determination to protect the lives of the innocent from the monstrous creatures called demons. And while this tradition has continued for century after century, what happens when one Ubuyashiki member, Kazuya, follows a different path? A path of his own agenda.
Toxic Revenge (Discontinued)
This is a BNHA fanfic that I have discontinued. No longer working on the series due to getting writers block on constructing the next chapters and phase for this story. May get a rewrite.
Suzumebachi Ronin, a underground villain who works as a spy and informant of Japan's most powerful villain with a terrifying quirk. With Sensei choosing his successor and the rise of the League of Villains, Suzumebachi now stands with his leader to bring the hero society down to it's knees and create a new era.
But Suzumebachi also has a few agendas of his own as a loyal villain to sensei.
Ho Pressure Tags! @rhyslahey @ksbbb @amatchinwater @thiamblogger @chasing-chimeras @ahscotty
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Do you have any future fanfic story ideas for Bangel and Lomax right now?
Uhh... I feel like I’ve started a few where Angel becomes human--and I’ve already written one oneshot where that happened--but I don’t know if I’ll post or finish them, since I do seem to go for that idea a lot. I think I started another story for them that wasn’t this--it might have been what could have happened if Buffy was turned by some random vampire. Like, Angel trying to help her through that, and to ignore her worst impulses, and to find a way to get her soul back?--but I don’t know what I did with it... if that’s even what I was writing about. I don’t remember. This is the problem with me writing before I’m about to fall asleep. If nothing else, I’ve thought of that AU a bit, even if I’m wrong that I ever started writing it.
I also really want to write Dawn’s PoV about everything that happened with the Bangel storyline. One day when I was at work, I mapped it all out in my head... but now I remember none of it. But I’m sure a lot of it could come back, if I sat down to write it.
As for Dark Angel, I’m currently writing an AU for season one... where Max convinces Logan to have a sibling-like relationship with her--since that’s what she’s used to (and that won’t last, of course)--to see how that would change the story... and it’s actually leading to a lot of Max’s siblings be saved unlike in canon somehow? So I guess that’s why I called it “Saving the Siblings”. A wonderful title, I know. But while I definitely plan to work on and finish this story when I have the time, I was thinking my one Kairi from Kingdom Hearts story would be at the forefront of my writing priorities right now... but I might be changing my mind on that some, and last night I actually started chapter three for this DA story.
I also have written a oneshot AU, where it actually was Ben’s body at the morgue in Pollo Loco, and Max agreed to having dinner with Logan so he could try and cheer her up some. I just need to edit and post it...
I’m definitely not opposed to writing more Dark Angel in the future. I used to have so many ideas (like an alternate season two I was working on, but--tbh--as much as I rag on season two, and this story was supposed to be “better” than it, I think some of the actual season two were ending up being better than this. Maybe that would have changed in an edit, but IDK), but I stupidly deleted a lot of them because they were via text messages I sent to myself on my phone. I didn’t know about Sticky Notes at the time.
I’m also thinking about reuploading some of the Lomax stories I’d written, like, last year, but deleted when I recently got rid of all of my old social media accounts and made new ones. We’ll see.
Also, I just want you to know I got your ask about my favorite Buffy and Dark Angel videos. And I swear I’ll answer it... it just might take me some time to think of all of them. LOL
Edit: And yeeeeeeeeears ago, this one Lomax writer wrote this oneshot for them that ended open-ended on purpose, so that other Lomax writers could write their own ideas as a sequel/response to it. And this was such a fun idea, and I loved all of them. And I’ve thought of answering it myself, because no one used my idea. Basically, Logan asked Max if she could be any profession she wanted... without having to worry about things being in the way, what would she choose to be? And my answer was chef... because she loved food, and partly went to Logan’s for good food. And she did learn how to cook some during the series, when originally she knew nothing, so I could have seen her choosing to expand on that--if she could--and learning how to be a culinary master for herself.
Edit 2: I also love to write a lot of Dark Angel stories with Jondy--often in the Lomax ones. And she’s certainly in a lot of the ones I’m even thinking of reuploading--because I’m still mad the how and books never let Max find her favorite sister. At least the Virtual seasons gave us that... and a Zack/Jondy pairing, which is another reason I do prefer them to the Max Allen Collins books, even though I still like the books for the most part.
Edit 3: And I’ve now thought about writing an AU of “Borrowed Time” like we’ve been talking about:)
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witchofthemidlands · 4 years
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Sinister (Movies) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence 
I am honestly sorry for writing this. I honestly did not want to start a new fanfic but the wonderful @gently-fading-grace convinced me that I should after sending me an extremely persuasive gif telling me to do it & I couldn’t not after that, so yeah. I apologise.
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itsalliepg · 6 years
Fanfic Masterlist
My fanfics organized by book and pairing. I’m always updating with new posts. Fell free to like, comment and share!
My AO3 Profile
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TF/TS/TJ/TS - Zig Ortega X Scarlett Thomas (MC)
The Freshman
What got wrong - Zig x Scarlett (MC)
Fixing this - Zig x Scarlett (MC) (NSFW)
Good Luck - Chris x Zig BrOTP / Zig x Scarlett (MC)
Someone Else - Zig x Scarlett (MC) x Chris
You need to be quiet - Zig x Scarlett (MC) (NSFW)
About a Girl - Zig x Scarlett (MC)
The Sophomore
Family Matters - Chris x Zig BrOTP / Zig x Scarlett (MC)
A surprise visit - Zig x Scarlett (MC)
If I got you in my bed - Zig x Scarlett (MC) (NSFW)
On the road - Chris x Zig BrOTP
Before the Finals - Zig x Scarlett (MC)
Bonding - Becca x Zack Frenemies
Happy Birthday! Series - Zig x Scarlett (MC) Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 (NSFW) Part 4 
The first Valentine’s Day Series - Part 1 Part 2 (NSFW) Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 (NSFW) Part 6 Part 7 (NSFW) Part 8
Hometown Series
The Junior
Dawn Conversation - Zig x Scarlett (MC) (NSFW)
Domestic Life (Drabbles) - Zig x Scarlett (MC) Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Early Days - The Junior Fanfic (About Scarlett’s childhood and teenage)
Ask game #1 #2
NSFW Alphabet - Zig x Scarlett (MC)
The Senior
Afternoon in The Park - Zig x Scarlett (MC)
Late Night Road - Zig x Scarlett (MC)
Summer is Early - Zig x Scarlett (MC)
Valentine’s Day Drabble
While She Was Away (Zig’s POV) - Zig x Scarlett (MC)
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LoveHacks - Mark Collins x Renata Santorini (MC)
Arriving late - Mark x Renata (MC)
Fresh Start - Mark x Isaac
Friday Night - Mark x Renata (MC) (NSFW)
Next Step - Mark x Renata (MC)
Trustworthy - Mark x Renata (MC)
Grateful - Mark x Renata (MC)
Drabbles - Part 1 Part 2
Valentine’s Day Drabble
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The Royal Romance #1 - King David Rys x Kelly Collingwood (MC)
Secret spot - King David x Kelly (MC) (NSFW)
Hold me - David (Liam) x Kelly (MC)
Destroyed - David (Liam) x Kelly (MC)
Forgiveness - David (Liam) x Kelly (MC)
Making Amends - David (Liam) x Kelly (MC)
Valentine’s Day Drabble
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The Royal Romance #2 - Maxwell Beaumont X Jessica Dempsey (MC)
Morning thoughts - Maxwell x Jessica (MC)
The first date - Maxwell x Jessica (MC)
Put your records on - Maxwell x Jessica (MC)
Mean Side - Maxwell x Jessica (MC)
Kids - Maxwell x Jessica (MC)
Valentine’s Day Drabble
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LoveHacks Non-canon couple - Horatio Santos x Dani Reynolds (MC)
The Reason - Horatio x Dani (MC)
Perfect Rhythm - Horatio x Dani (MC) (NSFW)
For her - Horatio x Dani (MC)
Surprises at Morning - Horatio x Dani (MC)
Childhood Traumas - Horatio x Dani (MC)
Her Family - Horatio x Dani (MC)
Little Things - Horatio x Dani (MC)
Desire - Horatio x Dani (MC)
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Bloodbound Non-canon couple - Jax Matsuo x Adrian Raines (Jadrian)
Night Guest (NSFW) - Jax x Adrian
Brokenhearted - Jax x Amy (MC) x Adrian/Jax x Adrian
Feelings - Jax x Adrian
After Battle - Jax x Adrian
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The Junior Non-canon couple - Zig Ortega x Chris Powell
Friends to Lovers Series: The First Time - Part 1 (N*SFW) The First Time - Part 2 (N*SFW) Secrets (Part 3) Sunday Morning (Part 4) Fun Before Work (N*SFW) (Part 5) The Party (Part 6) In the Alley (Part 7) The Bet (N*SFW) (Part 8) Prejudice (Part 9) Hurt (Part 10) Missing You (N*SFW) (Part 11) Am I Important? (N*SFW) (Part 12) Mistake (N*SFW) (Part 13) Too Late? (Part 14) Together (N*SFW) (Part 15)
New Tradition
Lift Me Up
You Do What I Say (N*SFW)
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Veil of Secrets - Flynn O’Malley x Will Jensen (MC)
The Next Day - Flynn x Will (MC)
A New Life - Flynn x Will (MC)
Hot Shower - Flynn x Will (MC) (NSFW)
Waiting for the Thunder - Flynn x Will (MC)
Meeting at the Grocery - Flynn x Will (MC)
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The Heist:Monaco non-canon couple: Uppercut Jones x Tiffany Aquila (MC)
Private Lessons (N*SFW)
Random pairings and plots
From Cordonia to NY - The Royal Romance Before Canon
One Night Affair - Bloodbound x Nightbound crossover - Jax Matsuo x Ashley Baxter (Bloodbound MC) x Cal Lowell - N*SFW
What Happened in Vegas Series: Drake Walker x Erika Williams (MC)
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zackcollins · 2 years
hard to love || z. collins/t.heineman
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Author’s Note: Hi!! I’m back with my first fic in what feels like an eternity. The fact that it’s an rpf fic about a rarepair my brain thought of for probably no reason in the middle of that shitshow of a Leafs game last night is something I can probably write a whole dissertation about. But, I’m not gonna and say I did because I don’t think I actually have it in me to write that many words about anything. Anyways! Tyler GIF credit to anotherhockeypage; Zack GIF credit to yours truly.
Warnings: A shoulder injury takes place in this fic (it’s to Zack). There is description of what the injury feels like as well as the use of a makeshift sling. If any of that bothers you, feel free not to read this. Feel free to let me know if I missed anything else and I’ll warn about it for you!
Word Count: 1.2k (literally on the nose LOL)
Title: Hard to Love by Lee Brice
Additional: If you found this by Googling yourself, are in this yourself, or know someone in this, please click back. No harm was meant in the creation of this fic. It’s a work of fiction that was inspired by the fact that Tyler was once an ice hockey goalie for the Jr. Kings in his youth. As for the jerseys I had them both wear... you’ll get a cookie in your ask box if you know why. Anyways! I hope you enjoy this and feedback is always appreciated and welcomed!
Tagging: @donttelltheelff​
As Zack stared down Tyler coming in on a breakaway, he prepared himself in the net. He was trying to remember everything that the aforementioned Tyler had taught him. Don’t commit too early. Don’t overcommit. Stay with the play. It sounded simple enough but seeing how fast Tyler was rushing at him, how he was moving the ball along the pavement... everything was suddenly becoming too much to handle.
Tyler made a move to Zack’s right; Zack moved with him. Apparently, Zack had forgotten one of the rules—don’t commit too early—because Tyler quickly moved back to his left and shot the ball towards the top corner of the net. Zack, in desperation, threw his arm out to try to stop Tyler from getting the goal. As soon as he had done that, he felt something in his shoulder snap in the wrong direction. Instead of stopping the ball as he had intended, he fell to the pavement and groaned in pain.
The ball clanked off the crossbar and deflected into the garage door behind the net It ricocheted back and plunked Zack in the back of the head before it rolled into the net. He barely registered the sound of Tyler cheering because the sound of the pain ruminating in his ears was incredibly intense.
When something touched his non-injured shoulder, Zack jolted in surprise. He had been so lost in his pain that he has forgotten that he wasn’t alone. When he looked up to see who it was, he relaxed when he realized that it was just Tyler. Zack felt something pull tight in his stomach when he saw that Tyler looked genuinely frightened and concerned.
“Zack? What’s wrong, bud?” He asked as he squatted down.
“My shoulder,” Zack said, using his good arm to motion to where it hurt. “I felt something snap when I reached for the ball.”
“Can you sit up?”
Zack nodded as he did as instructed, trying his best to keep as much pressure off of his injured shoulder as he possibly could. Tyler looked at Zack’s shoulder and manipulated it in every possible direction to test its mobility. The entire time, Zack hissed and groaned in pain because it felt like his muscles were going to explode from the pressure that was being put on them.
“I think you snapped your latissimus dorsi muscle,” Tyler said after a few minutes. He laid Zack’s arm flat against his chest. He took off the LA Kings Jonathan Bernier jersey he was wearing and tied it around Zack’s neck like a makeshift sling. “You’ll need to wear that until we can get you into the team trainers.”
“Fuck, alright,” Zack replied as he slipped his arm carefully—and painfully—into the makeshift sling. “Thanks, man. You seem to know your shit. I didn’t realize I was friends with a genius.”
Tyler chuckled as he helped Zack stand up from the pavement. “I was a goalie and that means a lot of weird injuries. You learn a lot of medical jargon from that.”
“Still, man. I’m a catcher and you get some weird ass injuries from that too. Doesn’t mean I know what the hell a latiwhateverthefuck is.”
“Yeah, yeah. I think it’s well-established that you’re mentally adjacent to something a trailer park cat dragged in out of the dumpster.”
Zack huffed in bemusement as he and Tyler walked from the driveway to the front door. Tyler opened it and motioned for Zack to go first. Nodding his thanks and smiling, Zack walked through the door and into the foyer of his house.
“That may be true but you know you still love me all the same.”
“In, um, more ways than one, bud.”
Stopping dead in his tracks, Zack turned around to face the other catcher. He had barely heard what was said because Tyler had inexplicably slammed the front door; it felt to Zack like that had been strategic, almost like Tyler didn’t want Zack to hear him. When Zack looked at Tyler to gauge his reaction, he, predictably, looked scared out of his mind. His arms were crossed over his chest and he was rubbing at his forearms and shifting nervously from foot to foot as he seemed to be trying to look anywhere but at Zack.
“Did you just...?” Zack asked, a dumbfounded expression on his face.
Tyler nodded in response. He had stopped shifting from foot to foot. Instead, he had taken a couple of steps back towards the door, his face looking like he was ready to burst into tears at any moment.
Blinking owlishly, Zack pointed at himself with his hand that wasn’t in the sling. “Feelings... for me...?”
“If that makes you uncomfortable, I can ask for a trade,” Tyler said, his back now flush against the door.
“If you do, I’m asking for a trade to the same team because the way I feel for you is well beyond ‘strictly bros.’”
“It wouldn’t be the fir—excuse me?”
Zack chuckled as he held his hand out. He raised an eyebrow and gave Tyler a rather pointed look. The other catcher nodded so Zack took that as his permission to step forward and into Tyler’s personal space. As soon as he did, Tyler dropped his head against Zack’s good shoulder. Zack pressed a soft kiss to the top of Tyler’s head as he used his free hand to feather his fingers along the skin on Tyler’s side. He smiled into Tyler’s hair when he felt a shiver run up his side at the touch.
“I feel the same way, Ty.”
“Thank you,” Tyler said, though it was muffled by the All-Star Jack Campbell jersey Zack was wearing.
“I think I can honestly say,” Zack paused to press another kiss to the top of Tyler’s head, “this is the first time someone has thanked me for having feelings for them.”
Tyler lifted his head to look at Zack. Zack swallowed thickly when he saw that Tyler’s cheeks and eyes were wet. He grabbed the cuff of his jersey sleeve and took it to wipe away the wetness on Tyler’s face. Tyler responded by grabbing Zack’s wrist and pressing a soft kiss to the inside of it. A warm sensation blossomed at the point where Tyler’s lips met his skin; that made Zack sigh contentedly as he brought his thumb up to run it along Tyler’s cheek.
Smiling, Tyler turned his head ever so slightly and pressed another kiss to the inside of Zack’s wrist. The same sensation blossomed on his skin at the kiss; this time, Zack responded by leaning forward and pressing a kiss to the other catcher’s temple. That made Tyler sigh and wrap one of his arms around Zack’s midsection as he dropped his head back against the good shoulder.
“When you’ve been as unlucky in love as I have,” Tyler said with a sigh. He patted Zack on the back a couple of times before continuing. “You learn to be thankful when something finally goes your way.”
“I’m not like anyone you’ve dated before, man.”
Tyler lifted his head and looked at Zack with a genuine smile. “Why do you think I’m thankful?”
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zackcollins · 2 years
~*~ Blog Info ~*~
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General Info
Hi! You can call me Robin-Tyler, R.T. or Robbie!
My pronouns are: she/her, they/them, or he/him
I’m okay with being referred to with masculine, feminine, and neutral gendered terms.
I live in the ancestral and unceded territory of the Aamjiwnaang people (Ontario, Canada).
I’m 24 years old. Minors are welcomed to unfollow/block me because I will sometimes post more mature content.
I  will tag anything triggering with “tw (trigger)”. If I miss something,  don’t be afraid to tell me. I’ll gladly add whatever someone feels needs a warning.
This is mainly a sports blog based around hockey and baseball. My favourite teams are the Toronto Maple Leafs, Philadelphia Flyers, Vancouver Canucks, Colorado Avalanche, Montreal Canadiens, Colorado Rockies, Pittsburgh Pirates, and Toronto Blue Jays
You can find information about some personalized tags, fanfic, and the current state of my masterlists under the cut!!
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Babygirl Info
Hockey: Jack Campbell (#babygirl crazy catman), Tyson Jost (#babygirl chromatica), Cole Caufield (#babygirl small coffee), Mitch Marner (#babygirl wall bouncer), Mikko Rantanen (#babygirl peanut egg burger), Josh Anderson (#babygirl bench dresser)
Baseball: Zack Collins (#babygirl trailer trash), Tyler Heineman (#babygirl jr king), Cavan Biggio (#babygirl mimic), Bo Bichette (#babygirl man bun), Matt Chapman (#babygirl chapstick), Ross Stripling (#babygirl chicken strip), Ryan Borucki (#babygirl free elf), George Springer (#babygirl lovebug)
M*A*S*H: Father Francis Mulcahy (#babygirl himbo priest), Maxwell Klinger (#babygirl section 8), Margaret Houlihan (#babygirl cinnamon candy)
X-Files: Fox Mulder (#babygirl spooky), Dana Scully (#babygirl doctor fbi)
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Babyboy Info
Hockey: Frederik Andersen (#babyboy pastry), Erik Källgren (#babyboy babygoalie), J.T. Compher (#babyboy jimothy timothy), Nick Suzuki (#babyboy small coffee enthusiast), T.J. Brodie (#babyboy mayor of chatham), James Reimer (#babyboy optimus reims)
Baseball: Kevin Gausman (#babyboy powdered donut), Randal Grichuk (#babyboy rocky mountain bird), Danny Jansen (#babyboy sports goggles), Alek Manoah (#babyboy mamas boy), Adam Cimber (#babyboy joe dirt), José Berríos (#babyboy mouthguard), Brian Serven (#babyboy love child), Jack Suwinski (#babyboy almighty), Trevor Richards (#babyboy silver fox)
M*A*S*H: B.J. Hunnicutt (#babyboy anything you want), Benjamin Franklin “Hawkeye” Pierce (#babyboy last of the mohicans)
X-Files: Alex Krycek (#babyboy fbi double agent)
Mass Effect: Kaidan Alenko (#babyboy biotic child)
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Babyperson Info
Hockey: Alexander Kerfoot (#babyperson ivy leaguer), Cale Makar (#babyperson movie pun)
Baseball: Luke Maile (#babyperson mailbox), Jordan Romano (#babyperson canadas closer)
due South: Benton Fraser (#babyperson wolf tamer)
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Other Info
Other content you may see on this blog includes:  M*A*S*H, due South, X-Files, Zelda, Mario, Stardew Valley, Animal Crossing, Mass Effect, animals, Marvel, food, nature/plants, paranormal, and just anything I find interesting/appealing.
I sometimes write fanfiction. Right now, the fandoms I write for are  hockey, baseball, M*A*S*H, X-Files, due South, Mass Effect, and Marvel.  And, for reference, I write/take requests for self-inserts and ship pairings. The ship pairings include hockey and baseball rpf so do with that what you will.
I’ve had a rough mental time recently, so I’m changing my URL to, hopefully, get some much needed happiness. I’ll fix the masterlists once I’m feeling back to my old self. Sorry for the sudden change. I just need this for my own mental well-being.
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