#yousetsu awase
quirkwizard · 7 months
Rifle and Weld?
New Quirk Name: Nail'Em
This Emitter type Quirk allows the user to turn their dominant arm into what resembles a large nail gun. When this bullet hits something, it will begin to unravel and fuse with the target. This process works down to the molecular level, making the bullet extremely difficult to remove. This extends to anything nearby, such as fusing the target with their clothes or pinning them to a wall. The user can remove the nail without any complications. This gives the user a good mix of offensive options, hindering their foes with some well-placed shots. They can fuse enemy equipment to the surroundings, pin enemies to make it hard to move, deal serious damage to foes, make foot holds from the bullets, or simply use it to repair stuff. Though the Quirk heavily relies heavily on the user's ability to aim, misfires can be quite an issue, and the user will need to reload between shots. Using the Quirk too much can lead to shots jamming, requiring the user to clear it.
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class-1b-bull · 10 months
Rating class 1Bs casual/daily wear!
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Awase - 8/10 his fit is a vibe but I wish his jacket was either a little longer or a little shorter because its in a weird middle place. Also he looks weird without his headband ngl
Sen - 9/10 pretty good fit. Kinda basic but I think it works well for him I dont rlly like the shoes tho
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Kamakiri - 10/10 no words need to be said his fit is amazing and he looks great in it
Kuroiro - 9/10 minus a point because it would be better with some jewelry in my opinion
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Kendo - 10/10 the shoes are a little weird but it somehow makes the fit honestly. Love it.
Kodai - 10/10 I love when people wear turtlenecks and overall she looks nice
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Komori - 10/10 she gorgeous, it fits her character, its unique and I love it
Shiozaki - 10/10 I feel like im giving out too many ten outa tens but they all look so nice!
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Shishida - 9/10 very classy and I like the look but if it was colored I feel like it would be very monochrome-y ykyk
Shoda - 9/10 something in the fit is bothering me but I cant tell what rip. Looks good tho!
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Pony - 10/10 she looks so good! It fits her personality and overall is a nice outfit
Tsubaraba - 8/10 minus two points because its kinda bland and I have unironically wore this exact fit multiple times so
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Tetsutetsu - 8/10 I dont really like the shoes but the rest of the fit is pretty good!
Tokage - 9/10 shes beautiful and her outfit is too but it doesn't look like she has socks on
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Manga - 9/10 i like the fit but how tf does his hat stay on if hes 2D?
Honenuki - 8/10 hes standing like a toddler that just got put in time out or like a final boss in a game or something lmao. Anyways good fit but there one or two little things that bugs me
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Bondo - 6/10 his undershirt looks annoying and those types of jackets are loud as fuck
Monoma - 3/10 dont get me wrong the fit is nice but its really disappointing after seeing his hero costume yk? Im not expecting him to walk around in a full blown tux but this is just a shirt and shorts?! Wheres the flair?!
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Reiko - 9/10 she looks amazing but her shoes are non existent (and so are her feet apparently)
Rin - 9/10 I love the look all the way through but the shoes hurt my soul. They look like those shoes people wear at lakes. Water shoes i think their called? Idkidk.
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heronoegg · 9 months
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love how me and my friend handle class B characterization
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deathnguts · 10 months
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That alien meme reminded me of some peeps
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13ghostlytitties · 1 year
The Heart of a Hero is returning once more!
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Today marks the 5-year anniversary of the premiere of HoaH, and is fairly close to the 3.5 year anniversary of its last official upload. Well, the wait is over. It’s time for me to resurrect this series and eventually bring it to its end (not that it left off anywhere close to ending 😉).
Since it’s been a while, I’ve put together a recap of the story so far that I’ll post at some point here. It’s not complete, I had to cut out some of the newer chapters since it just became a play-by-play synopsis that doubled the total word count, but hey, having to reread 5-10 chapters is better than rereading 150.
The tentative return date will be this time next month as I work on creating a backlog of chapters. If I need to push it back, I’ll let you know. As for other questions I’m sure some of you have, check below the cut. For those who don’t care, see you in a month, hopefully.
So, some questions I’m sure some of you are asking:
1: where have you been? And why did you stop?
I’m not gonna go into details since I’m not that kinda person, but overall, just been living life, dude. I originally began my unexpected hiatus when college was kicking my ass and expected to get right back to things, but some stuff happened, and by the time I had dealt with it, it was Spring of 2020. You can guess what stopped me up then lol. But yeah, things just got away from me and eventually, I didn’t have the time or energy to dedicate to diving headfirst back into this outside of unconnected one-off stuff like those Bang fics. There’s other facets too, of course, the biggest one being a general disinterest in the source material. I stopped reading MHA around the villains arc (though I’ve kept up a bit in terms of big stuff like the traitor reveal), so I lacked that interest to pull me back into this world. Where I left off in the story, in the middle of a complicated arc full of OCs and big fights and stuff, was also a hurdle to getting back into things. But I’m here now, I’m working on my backlog, and I’m gonna commit. If you guys are excited about my return, spread the word and lemme hear it so I can keep this motivation 🤟
2: Is A New Era coming back too?
And now for the other shoe to drop. It is not. Im very sorry, especially to those whose OCs I included, but it’s just not feasible. Every time I considered it or tried it, the whole return to the main story was stopped up with it. Anyone who’s interested in continuing it themselves in some way shape or form, you have my permission in terms of the general idea, the OC kids I came up with, the places that canon characters are in it, etc. As for other people’s OCs, I’d check with their creators. One again, very sorry, but it’s just not doable.
3: What will this return look like? How often are chapters gonna drop?
Still working out the specifics, but my idea for now is to drop 2 chapters a week. If I need to go on hiatus, I’ll announce as much and plan the placement of it much better so that I don’t stop in the middle of an arc. That way, the hiatus will only be a month instead of years lol. The schedule may change over time, but I’ll keep everyone informed as I move ahead with it
4: a lot has happened in the manga and anime and movies since you stopped. Will these things be worked into the series?
Nope. I stopped reading and probably won’t start again until it’s over and done with. More than that, I’ve been sitting on these plans for a couple years now and don’t feel like changing them much. Besides, this story has had a long, rich history of shitting in the soup of the canon story, so I’ll just continue doing my own thing
5: are you still as epic and cool and funny as in the past?
Don’t ask questions you already know the answers to. I never was 😎
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siren-mic · 1 year
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saturnsickle · 1 year
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An illustration I made for the @underdogszine with the commonsense kings in various fashion styles!
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deusvervewrites · 1 year
Do you think Awase can weld stuff to the air?
I severely doubt it. Weld connects things on a molecular level, and gases have molecules that move around much faster than solids. It would be like trying to pin a hole in flowing water.
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maycat-19-142 · 1 year
Random awase yosetsu headcannon
A/n: enjoy
⚠️:fem coded reader
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He fell for one class one A's students. You were popular and powerful. You could fight and yiu even had beaten him in a fight. In his head you were a goddesses that could kill him in 2 moves. So how did he end up here. Holding a rose and walking up to you. "Will you go out with me" he walked over to you was you sat on the stairs of your drom
"Yes" you said in reply
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I'm very bored. Have a good day and night 🌙
Pixie out 🧚‍♀️
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annairaartsuwu · 1 year
Dang it’s been so long since I’ve been back here--
Currently, I am planning to write an awamomo Royalty AU fanfic for my Awamomo AU  series I have on ao3. I have a bunch of ideas I want to use, but I’m very unsure so here I am letting you guys decide what you want to read more for a royalty au of awamomo!
Here are our options:
A) A ball was hosted in the palace of the Aichi Kingdom because Princess Momo will soon be married. The event was made by her parents (the king and queen) so that suitors they have chosen for their daughter may meet her and for her to meet them. In the midst of the whole event, Momo decides to go out and take some fresh air due to the number of princes wanting to court her was overwhelming for the princess. Suddenly, a young prince went outside and joined Momo, keeping her company and the two began to talk. Momo really enjoyed talking to the prince. He was sweet, kind, and quite charming, and she was confident that she would choose him as her future husband. There was just one problem: the young prince, named Yosetsu Awase of the Niigata Kingdom, is not one of her suitors. *Despite the realization that Yosetsu isn’t one of her suitors, she still pursues to try and court him herself by sending him letters, flowers and even small pieces of jewelry as gifts. Little does she know, is that Yosetsu already likes Momo even before they met, he just didn’t know Momo was that interested in him for her to do things like this for him. That’s why he becomes in denial with the moves Momo is doing. *This idea may also be seen in Yosetsu’s POV where he was invited to come with his friend, idk who but basically anyone, to the ball because he’s one of the suitors for Momo and wants Yosetsu to join him (the friend of Yosetsu doesn’t want to marry Momo but is willing to just be friends with her lol)
B) It was stormy night in the small village within the woods. Yosetsu is a baker, working in the bakery as usual, until a loud thud on the door was heard. When he opened it, he didn’t expect an injured princess to be at his doorstep. What he didn’t expect more, is for him to fall for her, and perhaps the princess to fall for him too. *Momo is the princess here and basically she’s a target for an assassination so she was told to escape from the palace, but due to the weather and other obstacles she faced when running away, she got hurt and ended up at Yosetsu’s bakery. Because the Aichi Kingdom (Momo’s kingdom) is closest to the village Yosetsu lives in, that’s how she ended up there.  *Throughout this fic, it would be Yosetsu and Momo falling in love with each other and fluff and angst ensues (but mostly fluff...if it’s possible-) *This can also be in both their POVs, but I’m still not sure so it depends on what you guys think
AND THATS ALL!! Hope you like the ideas I came up with. I only had two in mind but they’re the ones I want to do for this royalty AU. Let me know which idea is something you’re more into reading!! (P.S. Check out my Awamomo AUs series in ao3 if you haven’t and just letting you know that another AU oneshot of that series is being made *cough* flower shop au *cough* it’s also college au *cough* 
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decrescentmelancholy · 9 months
Thinking about how I mostly already have a solid background story for Awase thanks to roleplay I might as well write a whole story about it so it stops nagging at my brain
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quirkwizard · 2 months
Which teams and matchups would you have wanted to see in the Joint Training Arc?
I assume you mean whole teams and not individual, one on one match ups that could be interesting. The thing is though that there are a lot of characters and potential pairings. So for the sake of this, I'm only sticking to one matchup of eight students. And for this, I won't cover any matchups I talked about before, like Mina and Kamakiri.
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So to me, my prefered match up would be Ibara, Manga, Awase, and Reiko versus Shoji, Momo, Kirishima, and Mina. And while I will talk about these like they are one on ones, there'd still be plrenty of crossover between the fighters. Like Reiko could get Awase to combine items, Momo could equip Shoji with new weapons, Mina could melt through what letters Manga makes, and so on and so forth.
Awase vs Kirishima: While I could think that you could stick Kirishima with a more direct fighter like Rin, Ken, or Kamakiri but I went with Awase because it's a different kind of fight for Kirishima. Kirishima could be up Awase, but that'd easily play into Awase's hands, piling on more and more items onto Kirishima. Inversely, Kirishima could use all that extra weight to smash straight into Awase.
Mina vs Reiko: I know these two fought in the original series, but I think that the dynamic could be interesting, both against each other and as characters. We've got the extroverted alien girl and the introverted ghost girl, but their powers clash as well. Reiko has a lot more range and control over so many small items, but Mina can erode away at anything Reiko tries to throw at her. It give Reiko a chance to shine and Mina a chance to show off more of her power.
Shoji vs Ibara: Ibara can spread her vines out over a wide range, able to constrict Shoji's mobility and ability to see stuff around him. On the other hand, Shoji can easily tear through whatever vines are around him with his greater strength, even as they keep coming all around him. And the holier-than-thou Ibara fighting against the monstrous, down-to-earth Shoji? It just writes itself, even giving the chance to explore Shoji before the Final War Arc.
Manga vs Momo: "Comic" is one of the most varied and interesting Quirks among any of the classes and it's a crime that Hori barely did anything with it. So pairing him up against Momo could give it a chance to shine. Not only could he fill a similar role to her, acting as support in interesting ways, but give Momo a real challenge with own abilities given the scale and power of what he can output. It'd almost be like the mythical shapeshifter battles, with each fighter constantly pulling out new forms to counter one another.
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class-1b-bull · 9 months
how would the 1-B members react to being HEAVILY flirted with by someone they like? Like, it's so obvious that there's no question about their intentions.
Not proofread we die like men
(Sorry if this one is a little rushed I am really sick rn and I wanna take a nap lmao)
Awase - at first he would flirt back playfully but the more his crush flirts with him the more he clams up and becomes a blushing mess incapable of speaking.
Sen - he honestly becomes a little overwhelmed and he freezes up although hes also really happy about it.
Kamakiri - bro tells you to stfu at first but then he starts to flirt back after a while of ignoring it and questioning why his crush would be flirting with him
Kuroiro - bro is in HEAVY denial. Hes trying to find any possible reason hos crush would be flirting with him and his crush genuinely being interested isnt a reason to him. He actually thinks its a joke but he really hopes its not
Kendo - she didnt get it at first but after her crush continued to flirt she got more and more embarrassed
Kodai - she stays silent because she has no idea how to react to her crush flirting with her but it makes her really happy
Komori - not only does she become supper flustered and embarrassed but the flirting got her distracted for almost a full month afterwards.
Shiozaki - she feels really special for getting that kind of treatment from someone she values honestly. But she just becomes a blushing mess for the most part
Shishida - once you start to flirt with him he freezes up completely. He mostly tries to figure out if you like him or if you were just joking when you flirted because he cant grasp the idea that you actually like him
Shoda - when you actually flirt with him he simply gets embarrassed but for every interaction you two have he overthinks everything.
Pony - the second her crush starts to flirt with her she becomes really happy and excited. She lightly flirts back but will get too embarrassed to flirt back a ton
Tsubaraba - he would immediately start blushing like crazy and he becomes an embarrassed mess that cant get a proper sentence out
Tetsutetsu - the flirting probably catches him off guard and surprises him more than anything else but he will talk about it for hours later. (Probably talking about how manly it is)
Tokage - she honestly doesnt know how to react and ahe will either akwardly laugh and smile or sit there silently embarrassed. Or a mixture of the two
Manga - other than his speach bubble head giving away his exact feelings towards the person and the flirting itself but he would talk about the flirting non stop for months (tbh he would do that if his crush just complimented him or something)
Honenuki - he probably blushes a bit and stays to himself while his crush flirts with him. He will lightly flirt back tho.
Bondo - not only does he immediately clam up and become a blushing mess the second his crush starts to flirt with him (or even when their near him for that matter) but he also cant get a proper sentence out and becomes a bit embarrassed
Monoma - he either flirts back or belittles you for flirting with him. Or he does a bit of both. Either way he teases the shit out of his crush
Reiko - she immediately would become extremely embarrassed and flustered once her crush starts flirting with her. The more they flirt the more red she becomes
Rin - he tries to flirt back a little but he would probably end up tripping on his words and having the attempted flirtating end up not good to say the least. Then he just clams up embarrassed
Gif anime - girls last tour
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heronoegg · 9 months
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some sketches from tiktoks i made
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ao3feed-bnha-girls · 2 years
When Your Summer Camp Ends with a Traumatic Vibe Check
when your summer camp ends with a traumatic vibe check by YukippeTodo
“It was green and muscular and h-had chainsaws coming out of it. It had this horrible screech and it came for us. It-"
No. 7: Everything Hurts and I'm Dying Stomach Pain | Head Trauma | Back from the Dead
Words: 1362, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 9 of Whumptober 2022
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: Kendou Itsuka, Awase Yousetsu, Monoma Neito, Kodai Yui, Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu, Kan Sekijirou | Vlad King, Minor apperances from Shoda Yanagi Iida and Yaoyorozu
Relationships: Awase Yousetsu & Kendou Itsuka
Additional Tags: Concussions, Blood and Injury, Post-Training Camp Arc, Hospitals, Monoma is an asshole, Sorry guys
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/42244482
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