#young! john wick
worldsgreatestsinner · 2 months
красивая девушка (pretty girl)
(a snippet from what will hopefully become a one shot maybe ???)
“jardani. why have you not had a haircut?”
john shuffles slightly. he’d avoided this as long as possible,
“i like it like this…”
a mistake. the director fires back,
“you like to look like a girl jardani? then i’m sure you won’t mind wearing tutus to practice.”
john wears a soft pink skirt to his dance rehearsal that afternoon and the girls chuckle softly
the director pulls him by his long hair later when he goes to take it off.
“no. you will keep wearing this.”
“but nothing. until you cut off your hair you will wear the skirt to all your activities in the theater. including sparring and to meals.”
yippeee! my silly imagine has been released. i hope you all enjoyed and if you want more of john wick in a skirt let me know !
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iovesia · 12 days
Idk if I’m messaging right, but for ‘erotic horrors” can it be prompt 9 with John wick? Hides away
young!john wick + predator/prey.
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Don’t get lost. Don’t get hurt. Don’t get caught.
The bottom of your feet felt as though they just walked over hot coal. The cruel Russian winds etching borderline frostbite on your soft skin. Your lungs inhaling ice— you couldn’t stop for even one second.
Not one chance to let him catch you. The Director’s protégé, and latest creation: Jardani.
“Find her, Jardani,” The Director’s calm and collected tone was all Jardani needed to hear before gearing up. He was gonna find you; dead or alive.
You were running through the desolate cold woods for what felt like hours, only covered in a muddied and torn leotard. Every turn you made, you prayed you hadn’t spotted those predatory eyes.
Stupidly, a loud thud echoes through the forest when your frail wearing body met the dirty ground. Pain blooms in your side, as you let out a soft hiss.
Like a meerkat, your head jumps up to the sudden sound. He was here.
Quiet footsteps muffled your vehement panting and you hurriedly tried to stand back up. But you could barely push up on your knees before feeling a hard boot to the back.
Your face met the snow, and you let out a defeated cry. He caught you.
“J-Jardani—“ the words fall weakly from your cracked lips, and your hand trembles as you again try to push up.
“Don’t,” his gruff voice lost that boyish charm it used to have. “It’ll hurt worse.”
He says like he cares.
He doesn’t.
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97keanu · 9 months
shotgunning a cigarette with john wick (especially young jardani) is all i can think abt right now
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John's breath is visible in the cold of the night, the stink of the city rising from the gutters in the alley. You take a deep drag from the cigarette he passed you earlier. It fills your lungs with welcomed smog, and you exhale before your lungs can protest the chemicals being held for too long. Neither of you speak as the smoke dances in the air between you two. You don't need to. This little routine of yours has been suiting you both quite nicely without many words so far.
You look out into the starless night, tapping the cigarette off to the side before passing it back to John without looking. You think about how different things are for people like you. How much your feet ache despite leaning against the brick wall for support. Your ruined toes from the strict ballet routines, the callouses on your hands matching the blisters on blisters.
You don't want to think about what they teach John. You know he's due for his first true mission soon, you're both beginning to be old enough to truly start being of value to the 'family's' business.
You don't notice John's sharp eyes caressing your features. You only glance over when your thoughts drift away, and the craving for another hit of the cigarette hits. You catch his stare, and he doesn't look away, he isn't one to be embarrassed about something like that. You wonder for a moment how long he's been eyeing you, but ignore it, and reach a hand out towards that little fire John holds in his hand between you. He pulls it back, not cruely, but as if he must.
This surprises you, but you don't know what to say. John speaks for the first time tonight.
"I'm headed off tomorrow night." he says it plainly, no deeper explaining, but you know what this means. He is going out to kill for the first time, for real, not the sparing he does with the other boys. No, he will use the sharpened skills he's learned, or he won't be back. You say nothing, but you give a small, short nod of understanding, and one of your hands reaches to smooth the white, fluffy tuelle of your ballet dress. John continues.
"I want to try something with you, if you'll let me..." He isn't nervous when he speaks. He says everything so plainly, but right now you know whatever he is suggesting is important to him, so you turn towards him fully. You look deep into those brown eyes, practically as black as the night sky above right now, only a small overhead yellowing light on the side of the building casting a glow on both of you. He sees your willingness to listen, and the space between the two of you closes so slowly, you hardly notice John is even moving towards you. He is truly, stealthy.
"Stop me if this displeases you..." His voice has softened, just barely, the words ebbing upwards with the frost of his breath. You know he means it when he says that, you trust that he would never do something to displease you to begin with, but your heart picks up as he moves closer. He brings that glowing ember back to his lips and takes a deep drag, tendrils of smoke escaping his mouth as he pulls the cigarette away at last.
He closes the gap between you until he is leaning down, his height having always been there, suddenly more noticeable. John hasn't released the smoke from his lungs, not yet. He's savoring the moment. His hand is warm when it touches your waist, bringing you in until your lips are brushing his, both of you open and waiting for the other. You give a small movement towards him for the first time since this started, and that's all he needs.
John presses lips into yours with a hunger, a need barely kept at bay, still restrained. He is well trained, indeed. He kisses you, moving gently in sync with your lips, and you respond perfectly in time. You are also trained, synchronicity coming easy to a ballerina like you.
John's lungs must be aching by now, but the kiss goes on, one of his large hands reaching up to place a thumb against the base of your neck, feeling you there, and then wrapping so gently to crook you deeper into him. You feel a moan bubble up from the gesture, and feel as if you are but a swan in wolf's teeth. John bites your lower lip gently, pulling it down and asking you to open. You oblige, and he softly breathes the smoke he has been holding into your awaiting lungs.
You take it hungrily, softly sucking in to meet what has been contained inside him. You feel as if more than just smoke has entered your body. You can feel a piece of John, as if he is giving you some small part of him. As if to say, 'if I don't make it back, remember this part of me, the part that didn't kill. The part that breathed life into another. Carry it with you.' Your cheeks burn in the cold as your lungs fill to the brim and the rest over flows and descends upwards into the night.
John seals the breath he's given you with a final, passionate kiss. It's as if he's stamped your petal like lips with a flame that wasn't supposed to grow there. When his lips pull away, leaving heavy breaths and even heavier lids looking, searching deeply into one another, you can't help but feel like John has lit a coalfire in the pit of your stomach. From the look he's giving you, you can tell he feels the same, maybe even better knowing what he's done to you, how he's tainted you before he must take his leave.
"John..." His name drifts from your lips onto his, and he stops you with the brush of another kiss.
"We should go back inside..." He hasn't taken his eyes off you, you're still so close it hurts. You know he's right, but this moment is intimacy that neither of you have every been allowed here, in this place that teaches only death. You search him, a hand you didn't notice is gripping his shirt. You hold that fabric tightly, and your knuckles shake when your mind thinks to let go.
"I know..." John says simply, and you know he does. "Meet me here again, in a days time, as we usually do."
"But..." You begin, not able to bring yourself to the 'what if' of no one being here when you come.
"I would not allow myself to let you down. You know that." And you do. John will do everything in his power to make sure your little ritual out here is unbroken. You know he will come back. He must. Your grip loosens, and you two part. You both go back to your comfortable silence, and head inside.
The heat of John's lips and hand around your throat hold you through out that night. You dream of a wolf who takes you gently in it's teeth. It doesn't let go.
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Next part here!
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keanusmoonbeam · 1 year
your pov as his non-celebrity girlfriend:
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keanu-reeves64 · 10 months
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Happy Birthday Baby Rio
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iconsfinder · 10 months
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howlsofter · 1 year
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hello ???
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heartshapedcircles · 1 year
remembering john wick had been training since he was a kid and started off as an assassin, enjoying the thought of being hunted down by young assassin john wick
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and this is what he looked like when he was training/ teen or early 20s
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johnnyutah · 9 months
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omg my favourite brand has done it again i love you superyaki but also i have no money right now so i fucking hate you superyaki
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livelaughlove-000 · 8 months
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(via GIPHY)
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rosevette · 3 months
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THE VIGILANTE . young john wick
❝ is he really the knight in shining armor ?
✶𓏲ּ꩜ .ᐟ a word from rose : ty for ur req anon ! i kinda followed the whole john wick coming to america w the ruska roma sort of thing , but he encounters user in a subway station.. I really hope you like it !
© ros3cherie 2024 . do not copy !
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97keanu · 3 months
Please we need more young John wick 😭
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Young!John Wick x Ballerina!Reader
Drabble: Jardani shows you the ropes of wrestling secretly while you two are training together with the Ruska Roma. You show him a few things you’ve learned from being brought up as a ballerina, which is that your greatest strength is to look pretty and steal the show. Jardani, however, reminds you that he is a fast learner.
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Your breathing comes in harder and harder breathes, and you try to hide it, hide how much this is all taking out of you. You’re not used to this, usually only the boys were taught to fight like this, while you were more used to subtly in frilly white ballet skirts and powdery pink slippers. This was a whole new territory for you, and as your sparing partner lifts you with ease once more, and gently despite his firm grip, pins you to the ground once more.
“You ballerina’s really are soft, huh?” Jardani says with a smirk, his voice quiet and controlled unlike your labored breathing.
His teasing only ignites your will, which, in retrospect, was likely his goal all along.
You say nothing as his face is still so close to yours, in fact, your mind turns to a different approach. If beating him in sheer strength was not your strong point, then you can do what you were taught to do.
You let the breath between the two of you linger, your eyes softening into his. You see Jardani’s dark brown eyes drift, confused as to why you’re so much more relaxed in his arms, why your eyelids are fluttering softly, why your gaze has drifted down to his lips with a look of helplessness and want.
As Jardani begins to lean into you, just as you planned for him to do, you catch him off guard, slipping out of his grasp when he least expects it, and flipping him so you’re straddling his waist now, his hands pinned. He stares up at you with his mouth open to say something, anything that doesn’t incriminate him at the moment.
“Who’s the soft one again?” You say with a grin and watch as he gazes up at you with a mixture of the greatest awe you’ve seen in a man, and an equal amount of annoyance. John says nothing as you stand, holding out a hand for him to bring himself up with.
He has never been the type of man to feel emasculated by such a gesture, so he takes your hand with ease, the rough calluses on his much more apparent than yours. He lets the momentum of being pulled up pull you closer to him, until your skin touches his, forearm against his chest, almost too comfortably fitting there. He looks into your eyes now, as if he has never seen a prettier color in his life, a look you have never really seen from him before. He is usually so tense, so quiet, so stern despite his youth, but now he stands before you as a young man. A young man whose eyes drift to your pretty pink lips, and take you in with a want that was only natural. Without even really thinking, the adrenaline from the sparing clouding your mind, and being so close to Jardani now, where you can see him so closely watching you, you lean into his body.
You watch as a silent grin breaks out from those more than kissable lips of his, and your want of him sours with the taste of your own medicine being thrown back at you.
“You forget that I am a quick learner.” Jardani chirps with that almost punchable grin he gets when he wins.
You give him a light shove, hands firm against his muscular chest, and resisting the urge to think to hard about it, instead trying to give your best angry face at him, but you can’t stay mad. The two of you break out laughing, something only you two can ever share with each other. Something that wasn’t allowed or encouraged by The Director. Something you two can relish in each other just to get through all this.
You continue your sparing lesson with Jardani with a lighter spirit between the two of you.
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hello-mcflyyy · 2 years
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Just a boy in a theater.
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windsweptinred · 1 year
The absolutely beautiful artwork of Stephanie Hans in 'The Wicked and The Divine 1831'. Writing by Kieron Gillen.
'Every ninety years twelve gods return as young people. They are loved. They are hated. In two years, they are dead. The year is 1831. It's happening now. It's happening again.'
Featuring Lord Byron as Lucifer, Percy Shelley as the Morrigan, Mary Shelley as Woden, Claire Claremont as Inanna, John Keates as Hades, Edgar Allen Poe as Thoth, Samuel Coleridge as Morpheus and The Brontes as the Fates.
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ruskaroma · 1 year
omg what is john wick was the readers bf and he wanted to surprise her with a cute bubble bath and give her lots of hugs and kisses and maybe fingering? 😟
no because john wick would be an absolute softy bf :(( coming home from work/uni after a long day and john just happened to be there? you bet you're in for a lot of snuggling and spoiling from him. thinking about young!john trying his hardest to be the best boyfriend for you. it had been a blessing from the heavens above when you didn't leave him after you had found out about his real job, the least he could do is spoil you rotten and give you something you won't get from any other men. a nice warm bubble bath with your back against his chest. his fingers playing with your swollen clit as he smothers you with kisses on the neck, pressing his hard cock against your back and calling you his pretty and good girl. john might get a little possessive and leave a fuckton of hickeys just because he can't help but to ruin your soft skin. he just wants to touch you all over, mark you up, praise you always for being a good girl for him :(( im so sad :((((
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mrsreevesblog · 4 days
I have a request for Mr. Reeves, If anyone is willing to write it!
So Fem reader and
Reader comes from a life like Fiona Gallagher and one day she meets Keanu at some shop and he takes a liking to her cause she’s got a little bit of attitude and is attractive etc, and so he asks her on a date they go on a dinner date to a fancy restaurant and they start hanging out bud she hides her life from him cause his a Hollywood star and she’s a ghetto girl but on day he takes her to some fancy party (he buys her a outfit) with snobby rich people she gets pissed off at some of them makes a scene and leaves but he rolls after her and so she decides to show him where she lives and how she grew up and he doesn’t care cause he likes her and wants a relationship with her.
It’s kind of inspired by the episode S2 E5 of shameless.
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