#you're an evak remake
annadriesen2121 · 8 months
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DONDERDAG 31/12/2022 -  21:21 - Sander kneels in front of him and takes the small box from his pants pocket, which he deftly opens with his thumb. He pulls out the ring, takes Robbe's hand without breaking  eye contact, slips it onto Robbe’s ring finger. "Marry me, Robin!" 
MAANDAG 06/11/2023 - 02:10 - "Sander, do you know it's almost 06:00? If we don't get some sleep we'll be really wiped out." "You're right. Thanks for staying up with me tonight, Robin."
"It couldn't have been any other way, we're not made to be separated. See you at the ceremony, San." "I can’t wait. Good night Robbe." "Good night Sander."
Ever since I started writing fan fiction with Sander and Robbe the main ship, I have always dreamed of writing one in which they are being married. I spent countless hours imagining this moment, their emotions, their looks, their thoughts, wishing to virtually accompany them to this imagined wedding.  SKAM Big Bang gave me the opportunity to finally be able to fulfill this wish. 
My worry was always that I would write something banal, that I would lack sufficient emotional exploration. Sander and Robbe are by far the ship I love most of all the SKAM remakes, and they deserve a fairytale wedding. I hope I succeeded in my goal. Only you can tell me with your comments.
Since this story is the continuation of a parallel, their witnesses are Isak and Even, who support and help them like two guardian angels. I must thank Viola_Player1 for her contribution in the Evak parts and avignonscat for being our precious beta.
I look forward to the next chapter, get your tissues ready. I cried so much in writing it and I hope to move you in the same way.
We encourage those who have not yet done so to read the previous two parts in this series first (Yellow Curtains: ‘A Safe Place In All Universes’ and ‘The Parallels’)
Thank you all for the wonderful support in reading this story and leaving comments and kudos. 
(We can be found on Tumbler at annadriesen2121 / Paralleluniversesfan  and on Instagram at anna_driesen2121 / Viola_Player1)
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skambigbang · 2 years
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Meet A Mod: Eivør aka AltErLove2021
AO3/Insta/Tumblr/Discord: @alterlove2021
What is your Skamverse Story?
I was reading other fanfic late one night, March of 2021 and I stumbled on an Evak fanfic. I had to find out more. Three hours later, I'm watching S3 on my phone in the dark, sobbing at O Helga Natt. When it was done, I couldn't sleep. I was shaken to my core, I knew it was life-changing. I devoured all four seasons but my heart belongs to Evak. They resonate so profoundly. Thanks to BigBang friends, I'm finally watching a remake, starting with WTFock! I know, I know... but it always felt a little like cheating…
Why are you excited to participate in the Skam Big Bang?
I read thousands of fanfics in the early days of my obsession but never engaged fandom until I was so moved by a fic to let the author know how much their writing meant. This led to joining the 21 Big Bang as a beta reader and connecting with this incredibly supportive, smart, funny, like-minded community online. They encouraged me to try writing, which I had never done. I joined the 22 Bang, completed a massive fic (maybe you’ve read it) and deepened friendships in this community even traveling to Norway to meet up. This year I joined as a mod to make sure the Bang would continue, to help keep this amazing fandom alive.
What would you say to someone who is feeling nervous about joining?
I know exactly what you're feeling, that was me for so long. I took a leap of faith and it was the best decision ever. This community and the people in it have become an important part of my life. Sharing your Skam obsession with others is a gift. If you've never shared your writing/art and worry about putting it out there or have always been a lone wolf, rest assured, this community just wants to help. They're so supportive, helpful, kind. Ask a ridiculous question, people immediately respond. We celebrate, cheerlead, commiserate and encourage! Go for it!
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prpfs · 1 year
Hello! Any Skam fans left? I've only seen the original Norwegian version and the French and US remakes. I'd love to write some evak but I'm super flexible with pairings if you're into any of the other male characters on the shows. I'm also super flexible re: kinks so we can discuss what to include or avoid in private. Hit like if you're interested! 👋
Leave a like, and anon will get back to you!
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zelkam · 2 years
I was tagged by @haleths - thank you!! 💕💖💗
name: aneta
star sign: aquarius
height: 5'5"/165 cm
time: 12:55pm
birthday: 26th january
favourite bands/artists: stray kids, blackpink, loona, fall out boy, billy talent, grandson
last movie: chef (2014) and it was okay but also nothing special
last show: Extraordinary Attorney Woo and for whatever reason Netflix doesn't let me to watch some of the newest episodes that were already released
when did i create this blog: 2011 I think, but also I had to remake it in 2014 bc I accidentally deleted the whole account instead of just a vintage aes sideblog 🙃
what i post: whatever I like but also I'd say cql/mdzs + a bit of other media that I like and the rest is just memes and gay stuff
last thing i googled: 'charlotte warsaw' because I stopped by there for breakfast with my friend and I wanted to show someone else a pic of the interior
other blogs: an art blog @zelkams-art and a studyblr @anetastudies
do i get asks: not as often as I used to a few years back but yeh sometimes someone stops by
following: 1140 but a lot of them are artists that obv don't post daily
average hours of sleep: 6-8 hours usually, since I try to sleep a normal amount now bc my days are exhausting and you just need to have energy
instruments: none hah
what i’m wearing: black sweatpants, tank top, hoodie
dream job: I always said 'scientist' here but now that I actually have this as my job I don't know if I will be able to keep it up forever lmao
dream trip: touring some cool cities with my friends and just having fun
nationality: polish
favourite songs: back door by stray kids, gashina by sunmi, just one yesterday by fall out boy, star (english ver) by loona, what you're made of by arrested youth, everything black by unlike pluto
last book i’ve read: still reading gone girl even tho it's been so long already
top 3 fictional universes i’d like to live in: uhhh middle earth but in one if the elven cities, then mdzs/cql but probably gusu/cloud recesses bc it's super pretty and the climate seems perfect, then for the last one I really have no idea
Tagging @evakant @jingyismom @fangrui @yilinglaozu - ofc only if you want to!
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elle-smells · 3 years
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*prétends to be shocked*
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alexiaugustin · 4 years
I know that the whole minute by minute quote has become more of a romantic evak and remakes quote to use for blog descriptions, edits, urls and such but if you think about it and go back to it's core meaning it's actually such helpful advice if you're struggling with mental health. Especially if you suffer from panic attacks or tend to overthink situations, if you get lost in your own thoughts and you can't find a way to get out of there it's so calming to just concentrate on your breathing and calm yourself down by telling yourself that you don't need to worry about what might happen in a few days, weeks or months, that you can just live in this moment, right there and in this minute you will just breathe and try to concentrate on thinking about something positive until you realize that you've already managed to get back into a better headspace in that very minute. And sometimes a simple minute where you manage to get the control about your own thoughts back is enough to give you hope for general better times. Don't forget that this quote might make a nice url but could also help you or others for real
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inmyarmswrappedin · 3 years
finished lovleg season 1, and it's such a beautiful, comforting show! however, while I know she ends up with luna, my loser brain keeps shipping sara and gunnhild together. with many wlw pairings (crisana for example, even though I adore them and joana as a character) I end up shipping the mc more often with a best friend or some other character who is presented through a less obviously "romantic" lens (idk if I'm making sense) than the LI. Like with cris, I end up often shipping her with amira. and here too, I get the feeling they were setting up luna and gunnhild from end of s1-ish, but I just ended up liking the idea of sarah and gunnhild more. might change my thoughts after S2 but you're the only lovleg stan I know from the skam blogs, so I felt like rambling!
Hi 💞💞  I love your ask, and I think it’s so interesting because you’re not the first person to ship Sara/Gunnhild. Lovleg was cancelled after 2 seasons, but I think it’s pretty clear that the showrunner could’ve done 6 seasons, and by the end of s2, she at least hoped to get a s3. So I think the place where lovleg ended is a satisfying ending, but, unlike other shows (or maybe LIKE other shows that met an untimely end), I think with lovleg you don’t necessarily think everyone is going to be with their significant other forever... and it’s fine. Like, maybe if lovleg had gotten all 6 seasons, whoever was together at the end would’ve been “endgame” in the way we’re supposed to believe evak, vagnus or noorhelm are endgame. But, in the place they ended, you know these characters will still grow up and change and find other people.
I also think that ultimately lovleg was kind of... trying to get their viewers NOT to ship the characters, weirdly enough. There was a point in s1 where some noorhelm shippers I know were watching the show and got excited and like, “ohh, this is it. This is THE ship.” And then the show was like, “Nah.” Whereas I think most other shows would’ve gone with that storyline. And, in general, I feel like that’s something the show really tried to do, avoid the kind of writing that encourages shipping.
That said, lovleg is similar to Skam España in that I believe the real love story of the show is friendship (and specifically the Sara/Gunnhild friendship), rather than the romantic couples. That’s probably why you find yourself shipping Sara/Gunnhild and Amira/Cris!
And lastly, like... (This has nothing to do with your ask, more me bemoaning that shows like lovleg are still so unknown by fandom at large.) I get why people got attached to the Skam remakes. There’s just a deep satisfaction that comes from having a good idea where the story begins, continues and ends. But it’s lowkey frustrating when people say, “oh, I wish a Skam remake did this or that” when a NRK show already has done that specific thing, in the format people want or a similar one. Like, “oh, i wish a Skam remake handled an anxiety disorder or featured a sapphic main.” See: lovleg. “I wish there was a Skam remake for young adults.” See: blank. “I wish there was a Skam remake for boys or one where the majority of the cast were poc.” See: 17. “I’d like to see another take on a hijabi character.” See: Lik Meg. (In fact, I think the one thing the remakes have done that a NRK show hasn’t done yet, is trans and nb characters.) Just because we’re watching the same story in 8 different countries doesn’t mean that NRK stopped making shows. I guess, maybe, people don’t really think a show is in the Skam format unless it has Skam in the name, or is based on the show Julie Andem wrote? 
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alittleemo · 4 years
hey!! i've noticed that you're a fan of the ao3 remakes and i've been thinking about reading some of them. what's your fave thing about each of them? (that you've read of course) have a lovely day!!
oh babe you have MADE my day I would love to talk abt the AO3 remakes 
edit: oh god this has gotten way out of hand. I’m gonna summarize the answer to your actual question at the end of this, so if you would rather skip the dense paragraphs ahead feel free to just scroll down
Skam Boston- this was the first AO3 skam remake I read. Boston is geographically the closest Skam location to where I live (the Northeast Coast), so I especially got to connect with that. I adored Graciela and this girl squad always seemed to connect with me so fluidly, and they all felt really well developed. Iris has really taken the traditional Skam script and put her own spin on it—some of the plot twists really threw me for a loop. The Skam Boston characters are also just incredibly likable- Elias has become one of my favorite Williams, a character who the AO3 remakes have really brought me to love
Skam SF- I have family in the SF area, so once again I was more easily able to connect to the setting of this remake. I loved having a Jewish main in Maya, as I feel like there have been so few, if any, main Jewish characters in Skam. I love the relationships between the characters in Skam SF, and this remake definitely stands out in several moments for me (I still remember the Halloween scene quite vividly). As some shorter points, I love the soundtrack, the inherent relatability of Maya’s life (Me 🤝 Maya = both on Pinterest instead of doing our work) and this girl squad really has my heart. I wish I had more to say but it’s been awhile since I read Skam SF in its entirety lol
Skam Brighton- I found these first four Skam remakes during quarantine, but Skam Brighton especially impacted me because it already had almost four complete seasons for me to consume in my isolation. Isaac did a really great job changing up the traditional Skam storylines to make them more compelling and more inclusive, and in general writing a more accurate and comprehensive portrayal of sexuality, mental illness, racism, addiction, as well as a really interesting view on British teenage life. I also really loved the fact that the majority of the seasons heavily involved theatre—this absolutely decked me with theatre kid feels, and I loved living vicariously through the Skam Brighton squad as a kid who could have been a theatre kid if I wasn’t so self conscious. 
Skam DC- season four of Skam DC is currently airing, so I could write an entire other post just to wax poetic about Safiyya and AJ’s writing. Originally, my dumb ass thought Skam DC would be about a Skam set in the DC comics verse, something I had planned to do but for Marvel (yes, I am Stupid) (don’t even ask me how long it took to realize I was wrong). I loved watching Willa find herself and become so confident. Holly’s season took some traditional s3 elements about discovering your sexuality and once again vindicated our Nooreva dreams, and I also loved the family she found in her foster home. Kai and Jasper’s relationship even prior to s3 had intrigued me so much, and I experienced so many emotions watching them fall in love (the aquarium scene had me weeping). I loved having a black, trans Isak in Kai, rather than yet another cis white boy, and having a combined Even/Jonas created an incredibly complex and compelling dynamic. Safiyya’s season has proved to be just as excellent so far, and we’re finally getting a female Yousef!!! Also the soundtrack slaps so hard
Skam NT- ok so I first “met” Gab as I was reading the AO3 remakes and saw how the same couple of users seemed to be reading all of the remakes. When I finally got to the point where I had to wait for the clips to air, I loved watching to see when he would read them too (is it obvious I had so much free time on my hands during quarantine?). I ended up finding him on Tumblr, and the rest is history... /j. shortly after I followed Gab he introduced Skam NT, which is also set in Britain. Gab has started Skam NT off with season 3, so don’t be concerned if you can’t find s1. The girl squad dynamic is once again immaculate in Skam NT, but you definitely get a lot of the isolation feelings from the Isak season. Charlie (Isak) also has a twin sister, which adds an interesting dynamic to the situation. I loved Lou (Even) so much as well, and really relished having another wlw Evak. One of my favorite things about Skam NT is that it once again does not follow the og Skam script directly, as well as adding in some things that are DEFINITELY original—I am still not over the beach scene y’all.
Skam Colorado- I’m not positive this is actually being aired on AO3, but definitely follow @pianoandcookiedoughlover to catch every update. Like Gab, Skam Colorado is starting off with s3, and I’ve really enjoyed it so far. I love that both Ila (Isak) and Eden (Even) are artists, and the art club was an excellent way for the two to meet. So far Skam Colorado has also gone a lot deeper into Ila’s relationship with Parker (Emma), which I’ve found really interesting, considering most remakes only show a couple, shallow interactions between their Isaks and Emmas. This girl and boy squad seem much more interconnected, which has kept their dynamics really interesting. 
To summarize some of my favorite things:
Skam Boston: the characters and plot twists
Skam SF: the characters and their relationships
Skam Brighton: the characters and theatre and the soundtrack
Skam DC: the soundtrack and the characters and their relationships
Skam NT: the characters and their relationships and the setting
Skam Colorado: the characters and their relationships
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rojnapat · 4 years
im gonna need literally every evak + remakes shipper to shut the fuck up about the cheating specially since arthur hasn't even really cheated on alexia he's hanging out with someone who understands his struggle and understanding himself. him realizing he has feelings for her midway isn't the same as leading a girl on bc you want to fuck her while dating another girl. like what the fuck is up with you all you can be mad at the ship and you're valid but... why is cheating okay with elu and not with arthur not even actually cheating... i don't get it bro
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No one is forcing anyone to watch it? Anon, where does that come from lmao? I honestly don't understand. People are just attacking a show for one line that was way worse in every remake and people are defending that. Because tbh no one buys the 'we are not attacking it because it was said by a girl' anymore. Not when a boy says something worse and he isn't called out. And we are tired of it.
yeah exactly it's just tiring to hear the same shit by people who hate the show and then in the same breath those people are like no that doesn't happen you're all lying.
like...the fact a few weeks ago many people had that hateful Viri anon and a few others about how españa treated the girl squad horribly and that they are terrible shows how much hate for women these "complaints" come from. how many times people hate on cris and joana for just being girls that young girls can't fetishize like other evaks. that stuff happens and to say it doesn't erase the actual proof on so many people's twitters and blogs.
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sublimelibra · 4 years
heii, i hope you're doing well in quarantine! so, could you rank the evak couples and the girlsquads? 💖
yes yes yes of course thx for the ask!
i’ll do the evaks first and then the girl squads on a separate post :)
1. even and isak: they are for sure my number 1 no doubt because they were the foundation for all other evaks so it feels wrong to put them any lower than 1 for me and the chemistry between them is just *chefs kiss* unmatched we have no choice but to stan
2. eliott and lucas: these two are the one thing skam france did right and when i say did right i mean did perfectly which is rare coming from skam france. they really stayed true to the og while also having a whole new feel that i really liked. the chemistry is so so so amazing and all the changes that they made for this couple was definitely made and done right. also the dynamic between these two is unmatched i love them sm
3. david and matteo: oh my god i love these two. i loooooved the change in the storyline and the decision to make david trans was such a great change that kinda switched up the evak dynamic between these two in an amazing way. the way they are so soft with each other and so obviously in love it makes me just 🥰🥰🥰 i love them
4. sander and robbe: aweee i love these two. although wtfock season three was a bit.... ummm controversial, i love robbe and sander and the show did amazing in showing how much they really love each other. unlike the other remakes i didn’t really like some changes made to their relationship and i think they would have been higher in this list without those unnecessary changes but i think in the end they were so perfect and i love them so much and it hurts putting them this low but yeaa i love them.
5. cris and joana: i’m mad at myself that me a lesbian is putting like the only wlw relationship in the skamverse this low on my list but i had a hard time watching season 2 knowing like all the problematic shit that happened with the cast(can we get a shay season. can we please get a shay season) i’m gonna try and forget about all that though and just be honest. cris and joanas chemistry is omfg sosososos amazing and it makes my heart physically hurt from like happiness if that makes sense which is why putting them so low makes me so mad.
6. niccoló and martino: boring, low key fell asleep watching them together and there was definitely a lack in chemistry. i genuinely forgot most of the season so i don’t even know what to say except i legit forgot both of their names for a sec...
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claylebaslifestyle · 5 years
I was so happy that druck was actually coming through and actually giving us a SANA season instead of turning into a noora+some evak drama season with a side of sana but THEY DROPPED A FULL CLIP of Noora lmfao im- what's the reason???? I love her and I loved every remake and honestly druck might be the best one, especially for Sana's/Amira's season but if you're really about to start giving us some unnecessary drama that has NOTHING to do with Amira.... please..... don't.
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sandalwoodhusbands · 4 years
I wish more people understood that being critical of the show you're watching is fine lmao i sadly had to drop this season after the homophobic assault didnt get addressed because it was just too triggering and painful for me, and I think it's fine that people still enjoyed the season, as i dont think any remake is perfect, but refusing to acknowledge it had a lot of flaws just ain't it!
is it bad to admit that i hate them a little bit for making people go through that brutality?
i'm glad you chose to take care of yourself, which is 100 times more important than a tv show. i hope you're doing okay! if you ever wanna talk about anything i'm down <3
and i know. i seriously don't hate wtfock. it's physically impossible for me not to love any version of evak they've given us until now. i hate some of the choices they've made, for sure, but i'm not here to shred everything they've done and the people who enjoy it to pieces. i just didn't agree with some of the calls they've made throughout this season
thanks for this!! <3
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anniemurphy · 5 years
@probablydaydreamingg thanks so much for tagging me 🌺
If we could have a season set in university, which remake would you want to do it?
Either Druck or NL
If you could steal one object / piece of clothing from og and remakes, what would it be?
Mia’s blue hoodie 💙💙
Name two characters across the Skam universe that you feel would get along well.
Isa from NL and Matteo from DRUCK 🇳🇱🇩🇪
Favorite musical moment in OG and remakes (one scene that features music)
Hmmm, from the remakes the musical moment that gets me is the scene where Th girls throw up because of Th pizza and idk it’s a beautiful bonding moment between them cause that’s when they all become best friends 🥰 and in th original the 5 fine Frøckner between evak
Among OG and remakes, which show made you fall in love with the country / city it's set in the most ? Alternatively, which one made you discover the most about a country and its culture ?
Probably the original with Norway (I want to visit some day 💛), the Netherlands and Italy !
One character you'd want to be best friends with.
Isa from NL
Do you think you'll show og and remakes to your children 😅, if so in what order?
Never really thought of that....i guess if i did i would though?
Do you consider Skam to be your "little secret", a world you're able to freely be yourself in without real world interference, or you do openly talk / watch it with family and friends ?
Definitely my little secret because I feel lik most people wouldn’t appreciate it for what it is, like one time I was talking to someone about it and they were like wouldn’t you find the updates annoying? And I was like well then there isn’t any point in watching cause you miss out on so much....anyway what kind of person find updates annoying like 🤷🏻‍♀️.
If you could watch only one episode from og and remakes for the rest of your life, which one would it be?
Probably the happy Winterberg episode, the last episode or kiss scene in s3 of Druck or the kiss scene in the original s3.
Is there a character you didn't like in og and ended up liking in one or several remakes ?
Alexander Hardenberg
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If you could write your own Skam season, on which character would it be centered and on what topic ?
Kiki because she has the most interesting character development, it would focus on her home life but also maybe look at how she is probably one of Th few Vilde’s that isn’t naive. There’s so much more to say about her but she definitely deserves a season to herself.
My questions are:
1. If you could Assemble your girl and/or boy squad (can be more than 5 girls/boys)?
2. Which remake did you watch first, and which remake is your favourite and why?
3. If you could have anyone’s wardrobe from the original who would you have?
4. A scene from the original that you believe is underrated and from on of the remakes?
5. If you could ship any character from a remake and/or the original together who would you do? E.g. Edoardo x Alexander, Engel x Eva Mohn or Sana B x Mohammed (German Yousef) etc
6. If you could be best friends with any or the characters who would you pick?
7. Favourite cast members?
8. What have you learnt from skam and its remakes?
9. Favourite social media account?
10. An artist you frequently listen to now because of SKAM
11. Which remake do you feel features the best music?
I tag: @kornrosen @detroitohno @floraflorenzi @8102-druck @matteoohno @miaundalex @alexander-hardenberg @notactuallygay @skamthoughts @liisateige @overthemoonwithme
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I'm on the fence about gereven...
I don't care that he's a trans actor, which I wouldn't even know if it weren't for every other post in the tag, but I think I'm just a bit let down that it wasn't what I expected the Even character to be if we're basing it off of og Skam. So I do get why some people are disappointed that gereven is not Germany's next top model. And no it doesn't automatically make you racist, transphobic or mean that you're fetishizing gay white males because you have that opinion. I simply do not stan every Isak and every Even in every remake because I'm not here just to see the gay.
I fell in love with Evak for a lot of reasons but mostly because they were relatable and had amazing chemistry together. Objectively speaking the majority of the remakes have cast what some might consider much "hotter" actors than the original and I'm still not stanning. Sorry but that's not what I'm here for. That being said... I am willing to give Druck a chance to win me over completely if only because it is by far the most underrated remake out there and in my opinion the one whose filming and storytelling style is closest to the og. I just need Matteo and gereven to have chemistry. You can disagree with everything I said here but...
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P.S. Regarding the actor being trans... do we know if the Even character will be trans? Or is it just a trans actor in the role?
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skamfairy · 5 years
Angel!! I hope you're having the most amazing of days, that one of these days feel Just Right and that your kitty is doing well ofc 🌸💗🌈 + rly important question (sorry if someone asked this before I didn't check! but hi great minds think alike ;)) since the remakes are all going for this Musician Theme what are the odds of Austin!Evak forming their own duo. Discuss. I think if Shay's Even is a musician too it would be 💓💞💘💝💞💝 SJSJ LESBIAN RIGHTS! That's all, smooches to you and everyone!
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AWWW thank you so much angel you’re so sweet!!! willow and I are doing very well I’m currently eating hash browns at 11:30pm ahajajaka it’s the life
YES YES YES I’ve talked about this before and I’m so in love with the concept of shay and her even bonding over music by SINGING DUETS TOGETHER. My friend and I think they should sing what I need together anajakak we deserve this ahajaja
IT WOULD BE EVERYTHING I can totally see this happening and I hope it will.
YES About time is one of my faves it’s SO good !! You got it babe 💖💋
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