birdspacer14 · 3 years
We travel in order to really find our true identity; to dig deeper within ourselves to find the real meaning of who we are. Traveling brings out a different perspective of the world; in addition, bringing out the underlying identity of ourselves. We travel, initially, to lose ourselves, and we travel, next, to find ourselves. The journey so far provides a freedom of independence.
Traveling can help us to get ideas or facts in that place. We travel because we want to explore more. Traveling can set us free of our own stress, giving us the chance to relax.
There are some reasons why people want or need to travel. To break the cycle of daily living . To escape from the present circumstance in life. To revitalize energy. To seek new opportunities. To meet other people. To explore places. To learn and experience new things. And to get relief from boredom or stress.
What forces me to reflect on this is all people now want to travel. But because of the lockdown many opportunities were wasted. Plans cancelled because of Coronavirus. Some travel agencies and drivers lost their job because they can’t even travel.
We all know that this Coronavirus will be cured soon. We all need to pray and trust God. Maybe the reason for this is God wants us to save money and not to spend it on travels. Maybe God is protecting and guiding us so we will not be in an accident.
By the end of this statement, I would like to say that we can travel soon. Take a rest in our house and get some things that make us happy in a moment. And this is our chance to save money for the best travel soon.
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birdspacer14 · 3 years
Every year we are celebrating Christmas on December 25. The celebratory traditions related in different countries with Christmas have a mixture of pre-Christians, Christians, and worldly ideas and origins. We celebrate the birthday of Jesus Christ on the special day of Christmas. The Christmas wreath was originally hung as a symbol of Jesus. The holly represents his crown of thorns and the red berries the blood he shed.
Christmas is the best holiday ever. The whole world celebrates it because this is the day when Jesus Christ was born. All children are going to their neighbor, Godfather, Godmother, aunt, uncle and many more and they will bless. You can see kids outside that they have chocolates, candies and money that gave to them.
They say that today’s Christmas is not fun. But we are celebrating Christmas because it reminds us of the unconditional love of God. In our entire life we always go outside on Christmas. But now we can’t go outside because of coronavirus and lockdown in our places. Now spending Christmas with my family is very important to me. We usually gather and celebrate at my grandmother’s house. Giving gifts to each other, and that is why the whole family spends time together.
We always completing an Advent calendar or Advent wreath every year. Playing Christmas music and Christmas carols. Christmas carols are one of the best charms of this festival which is sung to welcome the festivities of the occasion.
Even we are in a pandemic, people will find ways to make their Christmas happy. They are risking their health just to be with their love ones or to enjoy this Christmas season.
By the end of this statement, I would like to say that you spent your Christmas time together with your family. Stop fighting to each other and give love on Christmas day. I hope next Christmas will be no more virus outside of our places.
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birdspacer14 · 3 years
New year is the first day of the year. New year is the time when the calendar's year count increments by one. Everything looks new in the new year. This is one of the most excited holiday.
All people celebrating new year by lighting up fireworks, eating delicious foods, and preparing 12 circle fruits in their dining table. Each New Year's Eve brings with it a great reason to celebrate the coming year ahead. But some people don't celebrate because they aren’t complete or maybe they don’t have money to buy foods and fireworks.
Some people are fired up by fireworks because of enjoyment. They don’t know what was the possible thing that will happen to them.
The new year is a symbol of the renewal of life and the birth of new hope. It’s the perfect opportunity for some inspiration and motivation. A new year brings not only happiness, but a hope to fulfill our dreams. As the new year comes with lots of fun and entertainment, the person also thinks for the whole year in the new year. The short way is not simple but long and slowly reaches you in the destination.
The views of the country are full of lighting and the party. Setting new goals helps to reach you in your destiny. As it is the day of celebration how can someone remember the past. People take part in the celebration of new year by forgetting the past and making the present funny. People have lost many things in the past year, they have got lots of losses and do not achieve anything special. This is also the main cause to celebrate the new year that might bring a smile on the face.
The start of a new year is a great time to celebrate the accomplishments we made in the previous year. It's a time to reflect and give thanks for the past year, celebrating small victories. For many people, a new year presents the opportunity to start afresh. If you're an alcoholic or smoker, you should stop it and become new one. Those who enjoy eating unhealthy foods should try eating healthy foods.
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birdspacer14 · 4 years
Doing activities is easy for them, but for me doing activities is very hard. There is a chance to get a bad grade on a given subject. It will be very disappointing if one subject which the student isn't interested in will spoil the overall academic performance. This week is our Performance Task Week. Which means you will do a lot of projects in this week.
Performance Task is half of your grade in school. If you will not accomplish your activities your grade will failed. Also if the given deadline of the performance task is too short, it will make you crazy like you cannot sleep 8 hours.
There is nothing wrong if your teacher give you a hard task. Sometimes it may seem a real challenge for a student to complete the task.
I feel great about this project, because we have the chance to work as a team, help each other and divide the work that it will be fair for the others. Everybody was working hard to finish this project we even get to the point that every day I get headaches just to think how we would present this Performance Task. It feels great to me where that I knew how to talk to people and be able to have a conversation with them, and exchange connection.
This Performance Task indicates us that we don’t have time to enjoy and bond with our family and love once. Performances will based on you, in what you are doing. If you are giving effort to your task, it makes sense.
Finish your tasks early so you can rest well. Never stop approaching yourself that you can do it. This is only a challenge for yourself when you grow and when you will have job. Every day in our life we experience problems or challenges, sometimes we think that we cannot do it or it is hard for us. But we cannot just leave any problem or challenges behind. Just like this pandemic, we must not let this situation ruin our learning, we must face this challenges sincerely and always do the best for a better future. We must not give up on our dreams if you don’t want your dream give up on you.
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birdspacer14 · 4 years
In today's world, we are facing a pandemic caused by the Covid19, also known as Coronavirus. This disease causes a person to experience mild to moderate respiratory illness.
This so-called corona virus already killed millions of people all over the world. It affects not only the adults but also the children, even babies. We can see them in the news, lying on the hospital bed while there are bunch of apparatus connected in their body to keep them alive. And somehow, we feel sadness because we are seeing them fighting for their lives even though it's hard to. Due to this pandemic, Pres. Duterte set the provinces to quarantine mode that later on became lockdown. Meaning that minors and seniors are not allowed to go outside their respective places.
This is the reason why I experienced some problem. First is that we didnt have the chance to attend our moving up ceremony due to the lockdown, as I have said. Second is, we didnt get a time to celebrate the summer because its not safe to go everywhere. And lastly, we are experiencing an online distance learning which is not that easy. Its challenging because we are not in the same room and we are using gadgets all day, sometimes we also get low connection so its hard to keep up.
Even though we are experiencing these kind of things, I still believe that it has a reason. A reason like we should always take care of our self, take care of our health above anything else. And also to strive harder in studying instead of giving up without even trying.
We all know that everything happens for a reason, maybe the reason on why we are experiencing this is that God wants us to focus on ourselves, not on other people but for ourselves only.
By the end of this statement, I would like to say that all of us can help prevent this problem to get more worse by just staying at home and also pray for the frontliners and patients that are fighting against the corona virus. We will all get through this, just don't lose hope.
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birdspacer14 · 4 years
When I know school class will start, I feel excited because I’m at the stage of Senior high. And I will study in one of the high standard school in Tarlac city. But in this year we are in pandemic, we cannot meet our new teachers and classmates. We will use internet in this school year to learn.
As a student, online class in not easy because we are not familiar with this. Most of all the student doesn’t have internet in their house or their internet connection is slow. We need to learn the new normal. Every classes, quizzes, assignments and projects are recommended to pass on time and online.
The wrong of this experience is we don’t have much learn or idea in this online class. Some people are complaining about their internet connectivity or maybe the teachers are giving many tasks and projects. It is hard to learn in an online class now.
This pandemic teach us not to learn in face-to-face, but we can do it online. We have many things in our house that can distract us while we are in online class like online games, technical problems with our internet or gadget, sometimes the sounds of vehicles and animals outside of our house. Sometimes when we are at home we tend to relax and just chill out and not to answer our tasks. We must find ways to aside those distractions.
In this online class, we always face our gadget to learn but it will cause problem in our eyes. We don’t have much time to bond with our family. Because we always face gadgets. But this new normal gives use new experience, new findings, and new learnings. This may be a new challenge to our generation bit we must overcome it.
This new normal may eventually become normal in the future. Since it is new to us we tend to think that it is something that we cannot achieve or we cannot keep up in the new learning style. Every day in our life we experience problems or challenges, sometimes we think that we cannot do it or it is hard for us. But we cannot just leave any problem or challenges behind. Just like this pandemic, we must not let this situation ruin our learning, we must face this challenges sincerely and always do the best for a better future. We must not give up on our dreams if you don’t want your dream give up on you.
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birdspacer14 · 4 years
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