#you'll like this film
mienar · 11 months
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close-ups of a commission i did a while back! 🌱
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bird-inacage · 7 months
Only Friends: EP10 Ray's Therapy Scene (First Focus)
I've been meaning to do a deep dive on this scene, which has no doubt been immensely commended for Khaotung's stellar performance (I'm running out of vocabulary to gush about how talented that boy is). However the purpose of this post is to highlight how equally superb First is, as I fear some may overlook the excellent work he does here.
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The reason why this scene warrants a huge amount of respect is how challenging this dynamic is on both actors. Only Ray is speaking the entire way through, which means the tone and rhythm of the scene is led by Khaotung, whilst First's role here as Sand is to be reactive to this immense outpouring and release of emotion. First is required to be a very restrained and contemplative presence - a projection and visual representation of Sand in Ray's own mind. It's literally acting on a macro (Khaotung) and micro (First) level in tandem.
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I want to start by mentioning how well First portrays this bedded-in weariness in Sand’s demeanor throughout, an expression we’ve seen in Episode 8. It carries this heartbreakingly heavy and worn down quality. A symptom of a man who bears far too much weight on his shoulders, whose mental toil never seems to end; a product of his own nature and those who knowingly or unknowingly take advantage of it. This is the tragedy of Sand's character. And this is the realisation that is well and truly hitting Ray now. His temper and behaviour have inevitably taken its toll on someone Ray knows doesn't deserve all the suffering he's been putting him through.
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⬆️ "I was stupid, but I want you to understand me. I was mad at you because I cared so much about you."
When Ray starts asking for forgiveness, there's an air of slightly deflated scepticism that flits across Sand's face. Sand's immediate instinct is to be hopeful, to give someone the benefit of the doubt. But the reality is Ray has apologised a number of times before and that hasn’t stopped him from hurting Sand still. So Sand’s expression sobers, conscious of how likely it is that Ray will let him down again.
This is Ray acknowledging that he's fallen into a pattern of taking Sand for granted. If that’s all Sand has come to expect, why would his apology this time change anything? Ray has not earnt his redemption yet as he hasn't apologised to Sand in person, and has no guarantee it would be accepted. Which is why he's so upset because he registers that Sand's disappointment in him is fully deserved.
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⬆️ "There's no one more caring or loving than you. Though I've been nothing but an asshole to you."
You see the tiniest lift of Sand's brow that's tinged with grateful disbelief, 'Me? But I'm nothing special'. His gaze softens by the sentiment, a visible breath inhaled in as if taken aback, clearly touched but hesitant to believe it. A humbling trait of Sand's is that he genuinely struggles to see his own value. He doesn't realise just how meaningful he can be to someone. That he could hold such weight.
And all the criticism that Ray has thrown at Sand has only piled onto the insecurities he possesses. Remarks that have questioned Sand's principles, his dignity, his sense of worth.
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⬆️ "But if you don't want to put up with me anymore, that's alright. I get you."
Ray's image of Sand watches on as he begins to fall apart, crushed by a mixture of intense fear, regret, and despair that this may be too little too late. That his last outburst may well have been the final straw, and he failed to appreciate Sand when it mattered.
On the surface Sand may look numb or somewhat devoid of emotion, but you can detect the turbulence brewing underneath. Sand has a habit of holding in his feelings in to an almost painful degree (which begs for release). It gives you the impression he could suddenly burst at the seams at any given moment. But Sand as always holds still, holds strong, holds steady. Other than the slight twitch of his lip, he holds himself together somehow.
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⬆️ "No one can put up with me".
Ray vocalises his own self-hatred, how little he deserves someone like Sand, how guilty he feels for causing this damage. Whilst he does so, Sand appears increasingly teary, lip ever so slightly quivering, brows crumpling. He looks like he desperately wants to break down and cry along with Ray.
What sets Sand apart from everyone else in Ray’s life is he understands. He can sympathise with why Ray is the way he is. Despite everything Ray has done, Sand still very much wants to protect him, shield him, care for him. He doesn't blame him. It breaks his heart to see Ray upset, to see Ray hurting. His compassion for Ray has always been his undoing.
The last thing he would want is for Ray to feel unwanted or intolerable. He tries to be the person who can withstand Ray's temper, his volatile nature, because he knows Ray is still deserving of love. It’s because of this love that he can feel every single thing that Ray is going through.
Sand exudes an incredibly strong parental presence in this scene; a form of unconditional love and patience. As we're often told by our parents, they're not angry at us when we veer off path, just disappointed and perhaps saddened on our behalf - but that won't stop them from loving us all the same. This is beautifully captured by First. You can detect Sand's selfless love for Ray in his every gaze, always.
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⬆️ "Ever since you walked into my life, I've been so happy. So damn happy Sand."
This is where Sand almost breaks down as he displays a small, tentative smile that is laced with pained and tired relief. His eyes close in an attempt to maintain composure. Whilst there’s overwhelm, there’s also finally a glimmer of peace.
This is what Ray knows Sand needs to hear, what Ray wishes he'd said sooner. Ray picturing himself saying this to Sand may be a form of vindication in the event he doesn't get say this to him in-person.
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Finally Ray collapses into Sand's arms. Sand seems to visibly reign in his own emotions, in order to revert back to 'care-taker' mode. Sand nods once, a gesture of kindness and true acceptance that says 'It's all okay, I know.'
He's Ray's pillar, his rock, and his raft. Sand has become Ray's primary source of safety and comfort. Sand's gaze is so endlessly gentle as he nestles in close to hold Ray. Everything about his embrace feels warm and stable in such a reassuring way. Sand is every bit as loving and caring as Ray just described him to be.
What makes this entire portrayal so devastating is this is the Sand Ray sees and knows. Ray mentions in Episode 11 that he’s been stowing away these details. Which indicates that everything Sand has done and said has not gone unnoticed. Whether it was due to denial or ignorance that prevented Ray from confronting it sooner, he has unconsciously taken note of it all. How Ray's image of Sand responds in this scene is based on every interaction he's had with Sand up until now. This imaginary representation of Sand is proof of everything that Ray has come to fall in love with.
First was not given any dialogue in which to communicate in this scene. His entire performance relies solely on the tiniest of micro-expressions and gestures. He symbolises the essence of Sand but not the physical manifestation of him. Therefore his acting may come across as understated but that’s a sign of real talent when you can say so much with so little.
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adya-k · 2 months
Rosewater in my hands, you slip through my fingers like fog on a Sunday morning. Tell me, if i got a little closer, would you let me? Would you let me cling to you the way dew clings to our ankles as we walk, grass damp beneath our feet. Would you let me die for you? Would you live for me?
Right now we're two stars in each other's orbit, dizzily spinning around. Exhilarating andconfusing and so so lovely. I think I'd let you catch me if I fall. I think I'd fall asleep next to you with no fear.
Tell me, if I kissed you right now, would you kiss me back? Or would leave me with nothing but cotton candy melting on my tongue, alone?
-Adya K, excerpt from The Heart is a Beast
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 25 days
I've honestly just always loved that Jimin has historically acted like a normal human being around women because the way some of the members NOT GONNA SAY NAMES pretended to be tooootally indifferent to them and treated women like something to be scared of always gave me the ick and something something about men and how they fuck women but dont really like women as people
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rongzhi · 2 years
A video from 艺术菜花 on Douyin (and Bilibili).
English added by me :)
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pa-pa-plasma · 11 months
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mister-eames · 9 months
1/? If you wrote a thesis on Arthur and Eames I would literally carry it around in my pocket & read it daily, so I’m begging you!! Please don’t spare your 5k essay on why you think Arthur thinks he doesn’t have a chance with Eames!! I Wanna know your thoughts on this!! Because I think it’s a combination of elements. Firstly I think initially Arthur truly believes Eames doesn’t like him. They’re too different. Arthur is everything Eames isn’t & vice versa. & even tho the saying goes “opposites
2/? attract”.. sometimes you just clash & that’s that.. I think at first he also mistakes Eames playfulness, his snark, quips & attempts at riling Arthur up as genuine condescension & disdain. I also read once in a fic where Arthur made a comment about how nobody likes the pointman cos at the end of the day it’s his job to pick apart everybody else’s work & point out the weaknesses. So the idea that a guy like Eames, who as a forger has one of the most creative/artistic roles in dreamshare. --- 3/3 would be interested in a guy whose role often involves probably telling people to tone it down... yeah. Not gonna happen. & then I think there’s that fear of mixing business with pleasure. The idea of ruining such a great working partnership by bringing something as messy as FEELINGS into it? I think that’s something that would make Arthur not even entertain the idea of ever having anything more with Eames because how could he ever risk losing Eames as a work partner?
Aha, are you ready? Obvs these are all just my headcanons, and that the beauty of inception is that the characters can be who we want them to be, all interpretations are valid, etc etc...
So, with Arthur and why I think he thinks doesn't have a chance with Eames. You're right that it's a combination of elements:
I think, at his core, Arthur like, all of us, carries some kind of emotional bruising when it comes to loving and being loved. And like, all of us, Arthur does not think he's perfect. He has self-perceived flaws. Every single one of us, as human beings, has insecurities - even Arthur. I think he uses all of the surface, logical, 'rational' arguments like not wanting to mix business and pleasure to justify not actually addressing these hurts and insecurities.
You know my personal headcanon for Arthur, generally speaking canonically, is that he did not come from money. He grew up poor with a parent that wasn't, say, well enough to be there for him the way a child would need. That he was the caretaker in the household most of the time.
And, bear with me here, on Arthur caring about his looks - Arthur is buttoned up to all hell not because of vanity, but because of how he will be perceived--- he wears his suits less like armour and more like a weapon. Arthur, to me, is scrappy, not defensive.
But despite how he presents himself, deep down Arthur still is that fourteen year old version of himself, the one that lashed out everyone Eventually, he learned to control that anger, the one that showed everyone else where he was wounded -- but he never addressed the ways he was hurt, or the parts of him that has always been deeply lonely. As an adult he isn't keen on loving anyone else because it's always been a one-way transaction. He does not know how to interpret loving someone and being loved in return. For him, what does that even look like? Arthur doesn't want to love anyone because he's never received the same output of love he gives out. And maybe he thinks something is wrong with him, for feeling affection the way he does and never truly getting it back in kind - platonic, familial or romantic.
So he wears his weaponry to keep people from getting too close to touch, figuratively speaking. And maybe Eames takes him on face value for a beat too long.
While I don't really consider Arthur and Eames to be opposites, I do think they are flip sides of the same coin. They share a basic foundation, beliefs, ethics - but can also clash where they combine. It's like when you just... get someone on a basic level, like you share a frequency without needing years of getting to know them. Like when you meet someone and you just know you must have known each other in a past life. Arthur thinks that this weird, antagonistic thing he has with Eames is something different, isn't it? Except, it isn't. It's just love, baby.
Arthur feels it, with Eames. That 'something'. Over time it develops into a feeling that is both thrum and quiet. Like his whole body is vibrating but also completely still just by being near him, thinking about him.
But, at least initially, Arthur is just too... wary to place his money on it, that feeling. It's never provided dividends before.
Which isn't to say that Eames is the one to show Arthur he is 'worth loving', or anything like that. I believe that Arthur comes to that realisation all by himself - realistically, they're both still young and young enough to be insecure at the time of the film. Late 20's, 30s? Babies, in the grand scheme of adulthood. They are only just consolidating out who they are, really. But Arthur, at some point, realizes its okay to put his sword down and be loved in a different way from those who'd said they'd loved him before. To have someone take care of him, to run point for him. He gets better at reading love languages.
And I think, to address Arthurs own insecurities -- we all also have that kind of rose-tinted view of the ones we love while thinking we are plain and unremarkable - we look at them and go fuck, you are amazing, you are incredible, you can do anything and you don't even know it, how do you not know how powerful you are?? --- that's part of it too. Maybe he looks at Eames, Cobb and Mal and thinks just that. Maybe he wonders in what world would Eames ever look at him the same way? Maybe he does underestimate his own power and he takes it all too seriously and to heart when he's not perfect. Maybe he can't look past his own fuck ups in life and in work that it truly clouds his perception of himself and his compatibility with others.
That, I think, are the basic fears Arthur has. It's like inception, right, these 'simplest version of ideas' manifest in more convoluted ones. Those fears get translated and articulated into very simple 'reasonable' arguments he hoodwinks himself with so he never has to face his own vulnerability: it would never work out. I don't like the way he does x, y, z. He is so annoying. He doesn't even like me like that. It'd be bad for business. It's not worth the risk. We're here to work.
So I think Arthur leaves his attraction to Eames like a mailbox slowly accumulating with more and more junk mail. He'll clean it out some day, pushed aside in his own mind, left unattended by him for a long time without realizing the pile is growing. On this, some of my fave fics are the ones where Arthur has this sort of... comically misbehaving subconscious because of his ignored affection for Eames. The ones where there are errant projections who fawn over Eames, or the ones where his subconscious is literally incapable of hurting him. I think Arthur is not.. repressed... as an individual, but the feelings he has for Eames are so large and encompassing and that he's tried to fit it into too small of a box, and that box is spilling out at the sides. What he feels cannot be contained or disposed of. He would be that kind of hot mess.
But, Arthur, you darling fool. The feeling is mutual.
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willowser · 1 year
but how does nerd!bakugou fix it? :(
oh, friend !! 🥺 let's think 🤔💕
i almost feel like. he tries to fix it in his awful, terrible, stupid way — which is to tell you how wrong you are — and it doesn't work and then he's like. okay i guess that's over now. because he's always felt like it was temporary and that it wasn't going to last and that it was going to hurt. and it does, though he tries to tell himself: you knew this was coming, dumbass.
i think he lets you go for a little bit, maybe a semester or two, and it doesn't feel like he's necessarily lost you, it just feels like it's run the course he always knew it would.
still fucking sucks though, and he can't look at his stupid x-wings or watch a new hope or get through a dnd session without wondering what you would say, if you were there. if you still wanted to try the model he bought you online, what you would do with it. set it up in your room maybe, he could have helped you do it, if you wanted. what class would you have picked, what race for the campaign he nearly finished setting up? he would have helped you win, by the way, would'a told you how to kick everyone's ass.
even his bed is hard to lay in, for while. empty.
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kiri is the one to finally say something, when they're halfway through blade runner and katsuki hasn't uncrossed his arms or stopped jostling his leg or lifted his head up from the back of the couch.
"have you even tried to talk to her, man?"
"her who?"
"you know her-who."
because he's tired of seeing him mope—even though katsuki swears that's not what he's doing—and he even has to bring out the big guns like. you think aragorn would have given up on arwen this easily??
and then i think katsuki finds out from mina when one of your classes is, on what days, and he waits outside the building for you. probably pacing. has to keep pushing his glasses back up his nose and he won't stop fiddling with the arm he still hasn't fixed.
you come out and just. stop. and stare at him and hug your books a little closer to your chest and the rest of the class just weaves between you two until he has to step closer, so people will stop cutting him off. you frown, because it hurt you, too. because the movies your friends watch aren't as adventurous and your bed just isn't as comfortable.
"it didn't—" katsuki shoves his fists into his pockets and shakes his head, trying to tide back his anxiety. being in front of you makes him feel fourteen again, having to apologize for shit he shouldn't have said, just trying to find friends that will put up with him. "it meant everything to me."
you soften, openly, at that and his heart melts down into something plain and simple and true. no doom and gloom, no limit on the time he has with you, no out of his league bullshit, because you've never given him a reason to feel that way, not once.
as long as you get to trace his nose with your fingertip and watch the soft blink of his bright eyes and kiss his cheeks until they're warm, you'll let him explain the matrix to you over and over again, for as long as he wants. and if he would have just taken his head out of his ass, maybe he would have seen that from the start.
"just—didn't expect it to mean anything t'you."
"well," your pout turns playful, has his stomach flipping like it always does with you. very carefully, you shuffle closer to him, until you're tilting your head back to stare directly up at him, until all he has to do is lean down, let his glases slip back down his nose, before he could kiss you. "then i guess you're not as smart as you think, mister."
"no," katsuki murmurs, wondering why the hell he would ever even think of letting you go. "definitely not."
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currentlyonstandbi · 2 years
even more of my favourite letterboxd reviews for Like Minds (2006) that no one asked for, but are being inflicted upon you nonetheless
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bonus: this entire film summed up
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theodoradove · 1 month
rewatched design for living and trouble in paradise and AUGH they are such good films
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manderleyfire · 1 year
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“What's this, Sara? What's this blood, Sara?”
Cerdita (2022), dir. Carlota Pereda
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wynterhxney · 2 months
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“First damn time I agree to work with you, Fairchild. This is what I’m dealing with.” People are constantly in the fucking way when they need to work. He isn’t talking crew or cast. He’s talking media. Nobody is really supposed to know their location especially when going out of his way to come back to Costa Rica of all places. One might think after getting sick here during his doc era he’d never return. That’s not Lan. Backing down, giving up? Never on the cards but being here filming an adventure genre using lush locales is important. This joint production with Cosmic Vault Productions and Majestic Studios is supposed to be low key. Not to mention the fact he managed to pull strings to get Claudia in this movie. Filming with his friend is surreal. A nice experience because they haven’t done something like this since his early days. “How the hell did these people find out?”
“A bit of talk I imagine.” Tobias sat in the man’s little cabana without much care. Watching the director work is sensational. Just as passionate as the producer suspected and finally he has him right where he wants him, co production. “Relax old boy. You’re Landon bloody Wynter. The man of the hour. How do you suppose a place like this reacts to a big time movie star?”
Landon rolled eyes. Jesus Chris. Why does he even bother to discuss shit with him? As much as he hated the idea of this long ago, there’s a lot of box office to be had here. “Maybe you should tell me then why we’re having such bad luck.” Changing the subject from local media, tourists mainly causing a problem, Landon never had trouble with the local people. They’re courteous to them and he wanted to be courteous to them as well. “We no longer have our animal expert. My editor’s sick… what else?”
The editor in question being one Quincey P. Pruitt who Tobias himself feels is not a good fit. People should tell Landon being friends with that is not wholly good for one’s career. But who is he to argue? Could hardly get him on board with anything until recently so let’s keep it cordial. “Landon, you realize there’s plenty of qualified people to do that for you. I could do it for you. How do you think I started? You think it all just fell into my lap? Fat chance old man.”
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God he really hates it when he calls him old man. Definitely a character and he wouldn’t even put it on him being a Brit either. Tobias is just Tobias. With a shake of his head, Landon picked up his bag. On a day like this with a lull in filming he’s going to enjoy the sights of Tamarindo. At least he’ll be able to figure shit out for the coming weeks. The fact Fairchild had to fly out here is any guess but he’s taking it as serious as him. That’s what counts. “I’m going to get drunk.” The director added, leaving the little hotel, expecting Tobias to see himself out. No explanation either. Everyone else seemed to be having a great time. Sightseeing while they’re postponing due to the fact they’ve lost some key people.
Some might say Quincey isn’t key to this but he was hard up for a job. Haven’t worked with him in a while aka since their last sojourn to Costa Rica. This time Lan isn’t the one sick. Best to keep it that way, what better time than to step into a little café?
Okay maybe getting drunk isn’t on his list just yet. Local food sounded like it was up his alley. What he didn’t expect was a group of men huddled up in a corner speaking about an expedition. The type of thing that would catch any self respecting would be adventurer’s attention. While he was very much an A list celebrity these days, Landon knew where his routes lay. Working on location while he had that treasure hunter fever produced some of his most diverse documentaries. They were unlike his cult classics, exploitation and horrors. They were another side to him. This current film is much like that but on a grander scale. He should be focused on that but overhearing some of this discussion despite them speaking Spanish forced him to look.
“I don’t care who is here.” One of the men let slip. “These primates are ours. We take them quietly. Just as we’ve been paid.”
Landon’s eyebrows knit together, turning his head aside to a waitress. She offered a smile immediately, looking him over briefly. “Welcome to Café Tico. What can I get for you?”
Landon peered up at her, unable to keep a smile off his face. Well, it’s better than looking at Tobias all day.  @violentwxnter | Jane & Landon Flashbacks
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bluehairedspidey · 9 months
putting off homework until the last minute as a film major is so funny. watching an hour long movie 45 minutes before class on 2x speed
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kerryweaverlesbian · 5 months
I am frankly astounded at the amount of people out here saying Saltburn is not class commentary it's JUST about obsession. Obsession with what babes. The GOLDENboy? 🤨
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pynkhues · 1 year
I have not seen the new Ari Aster but I'm DYING to hear your thoughts- I'm actually apprehensive about it seeing it because it sounds just...insane but Patti LuPone hello
Much to my surprise, I actually loved the first two thirds of the movie. I was literally there in the cinema with my glass of wine, rapt, and thinking 'oh my god, am I enjoying an Ari Aster movie???' It's funny and surprisingly emotional and has some incredible sequences about grief, guilt and connection, and the performances are incredible across the board annnnnnnnnnnd then it all fell apart for me in the final act.
To me, it had the same issue I had with Hereditary, which is that I don't think Aster knows how to end the story authentically, so instead takes a big swing at Plot in that last leg that's completely unnecessary. I hate the coven introduction in Hereditary (and I love a coven usually!), and there's a late point twist in this too that I Get The Point Of, but I think it actually undermines the movie overall.
Beau is Afraid works best when it's an anxiety-riddled fever dream through a personal history, mother issues and a future that never was as a result of that history and mother issues, and the end was one I personally found pretty hamfisted. I don't know, maybe the ending just surprised me and will hold up more on further analysis, but personally I found it a drastic tonal shift and not one that worked.
Overall though, I'd still recommend it? I was really surprised by how much I loved that first two thirds, and in particular the forest sequence is one I'll be thinking about for a while. I'll be super curious to hear your thoughts when you watch it!
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pianokantzart · 1 year
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@istadris​‘s reply on the Luigi’s flashback analysis has me over here like
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