#you just look pathetic doing this
vaporvipermedia · 1 year
This stupid situation…
Ok I’m going to say this right here and right now. I am not trying to defend or soften this woman’s actions. I know that Ugi’s awful takes and tracing were just straight up infuriating. I despise art tracers to a T. But the last thing I would do to that tracer, is fucking doxx them and just pull straight up lies out of my ass as an excuse to release their information.
I kept seeing mutuals of mine get harassed by these chronically online children who keeps sending them Ugi’s address and spread allegations against her that aren’t even true in their ask box.
As far as we are aware she isn’t a pedo nor “rapist.” Not only do we not know anything about this woman at all besides her pathetic attempts at tracing. But we also, can’t fully say these things with our full chest without full proof. 
And before you say some dumb shit, no her drawings aren’t proof enough for those claims. Trust me it’s down right disturbing to see them but that’s not enough proof for them allegations you spread around.
I swear some of you children need to stop pulling these words out of your ass. People like you who keep saying shit like this makes those words loose its meaning. Not only that but you’re just reaching for the stars just to throw more dirt at this woman.
Now you idiots are trying to say this random ass art tracer who can’t draw good for the life of her, is now all of a sudden the daughter of a high ranking Italian senator. Be so fucking for real.
This stuff was already done and handled with a long time ago with basically most people in the community mass blocking her, calling her out for her tracing/takes and moving on. That’s what YOU should’ve been doing! Blocking and moving on with your life! LIKE WE DID!
People can seriously tell how old you are simply by you doing this. A middle schooler who wants to target someone on the internet and act like you are some savior to your 3+ followers. 
Just do what everyone did in this situation 
Block. Move on. And go back to having fun on the internet.
If you seriously can’t comprehend this. Then just stop using the internet. You’re clearly not ready. Come back until you’re like 22 or something I’m done.
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bakedbeanchan · 2 months
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Drawing from a mini comic where the timeline is reset but Zuko still has all his memories
Minicomic here
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bixels · 25 days
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Scary Sunset.
I'm concepting things way outta order in this story, but I'm sure you can piece things together. Context is for a storybeat where, after defeating and capturing Adagio (thus having all three sirens in her possession), Sunset enacts her revenge plot to release the sirens on Canterlot as Thea discovers she's been manipulated. In a confrontation, the two scuffle and fight over the siren orbs while Sunset struggles with her conflicting wants and emotions.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 7 months
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He was just being a silly little guy!
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furious-fish · 4 months
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wake up babe new tumblr sexyman just dropped
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lavenoon · 11 months
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Sometimes you try to prank-scare the new hire and eat dirt instead, but you made them laugh so all is well <3
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✯my entry for the @croptopjames fest✯
jegulus | 1.3k | non-canon/magical au
It was revenge, they say, for a prank they played on the other houses. So if Lupin and Pettigrew got their trousers turn into shorts, and Black got his shirt turn into a crop top, then that means Potter—
“Did you hear what happened?”
“They say it was revenge for a prank on the other houses,”
“Seems like a weird way to take revenge,”
“Someone said it was a new statement for the dress code,”
“Of course those Gryffindors would come up with something like that,”
“Mila from my transfiguration class says someone charmed their clothes to transform into something else whenever they wear it. You know, trousers turn into shorts and—”
“Oh, so that’s why Lupin and Pettigrew were wearing shorts! But why was Black’s shirt cropped? Not that I mind the view but—”
“Maybe the spell worked in pairs? If Lupin and Pettigrew got shorts, and Black’s shirt was cropped, then maybe Potter got—”
But Regulus had heard enough.
He should’ve known something was off the moment he crossed Lupin and Pettigrew earlier that day wearing shorts of all things, but if he was completely honest with himself, his mind was somewhere else and didn’t even think twice about it. But now, after eavesdropping on a conversation of some sixth years, maybe he shouldn’t have been so dismissive.
Entering the Great Hall for lunch, Regulus makes a b-line for his seat at the end of the Slytherin table and starts filling his plate absentmindedly, trying to ignore the sight of his brother at the Gryffindor table, talking animatedly to Lupin and Pettigrew, still in those ridiculous clothes. His mind inevitably going to the person who’s conveniently, not among them.
The thing is, Regulus isn’t capable of thinking of a piece of clothing that would look bad on James Potter.
He has seen the guy practising on the Quidditch pitch for Salazar’s sake. He has had a front row of what James’ body looks like when he leans on his broom, quaffle in hand, gaining some speed over his fellow teammates. He has seen how his forearms look when he grips the handle hard and how his thighs squeeze the rear of the broom when he’s doing a particularly hard move so he doesn’t fall.
So no, he doesn't think there’s a piece of clothing that would look bad on him, he could pull any look, especially a crop top, and that is the problem, isn’t it?
Regulus could feel his cheeks warming at the thought. Oh no this is bad, what he’s going to do if he sees him wearing that? He’s going to make a fool of himself and he can’t afford that. No, Regulus needs to get the fuck out of there if he wants to make it with his dignity intact.
Practically stuffing his face, Regulus tries to be as quick as possible, cursing in his mind at the idiot who hexed James Potter to be stuck with that particular piece of clothing, or lack thereof, more like.
“Let it not be said that we don’t do anything nice for you, Regulus,” a voice comes from behind and Regulus freezes and then groans.
Looking up from his plate, he eyes the pair who has taken the seats in front of him, both looking smug as fuck, “You guys are unbelievable,”
Evan hums in agreement, “Aren’t we just?”
“Wasn’t a compliment,”
Barty tuts disapprovingly, stealing a piece of food from Regulus' plate and popping it in his mouth, “Why Regulus, we thought you would be thrilled by this, can’t believe you’re this ungrateful.”
“Crop tops, really?” He huffs, stabbing whatever is left of his chicken, “And don’t get me started on the shorts.”
“Those were my idea,” Evan mentions.
Regulus doesn’t get it, “Why though?”
“We couldn’t be so obvious and only hex Potter, we had to cover our traces,” Barty says, turning his head slightly to look at the Gryffindor table. “Besides, the others look ridiculous, minus your brother of course, the bastard is fit as fuck.”
“Why though?” Regulus repeats, this time even more aggravated at the notion of Barty ogling his brother.
Evan gives him a pointed look, “You know why,”
Regulus drop his gaze, sniffing lightly. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,”
Barty smirks at him, “You will,”
There’s a sudden ruckus at the entrance. The voices grow loud and you could hear some whistles here and there but what actually catches Regulus’ eyes when he looks up, is the man at the doors.
Something inside him is pleased to notice he was right about James looking good in any piece of clothing, especially something that would show his really fit body. James is looking a little dishevelled, but that only makes him look even prettier. Still enthralled by the sight of James Potter wearing something this sinful, Regulus notices a little too late a voice shouting really close to him, efficiently taking him out of his rivery.
“Looking good, Potter!”
“Barty!” Regulus hisses in embarrassment as James looks in his direction. And oh, the way he smiles at Regulus as soon as their eyes connect.
Regulus is incapable of doing much else under the intensity of that look, he wants to run like he had planned before. He wants to hide, not only from James but from the way he feels when he’s near. Pathetic as it is, the only thing Regulus is capable of doing is following James as he makes his way to the Slytherin table.
Regulus blinks hard at that. Wait, Slytherin table?
Before Regulus can process that, James is already standing right in front of him.
“Rosier, Crouch,” he greets them, still not taking his eyes off Regulus.
“Potter,” Barty nods in his direction. “Nice shirt, does it come in men’s?”
James grin turns sharp, “You don’t want me to answer that, Crouch,”
“Okay, time to go, have a great one!” Evan practically drags Barty aways as the latter cackles like a madman all the way out of the Great Hall.
When his laugh fades, James is still in front of Regulus and Regulus is purposefully looking at anything but his face, so his gaze inevitably fall at the only thing at his eye-level, James’ stomach.
There are beads of sweet running down over that beautiful golden skin and all Regulus wants, is to touch it to see if it’s as soft as it looks. Wondering how it would feel under his teeth.
James clears his throat to catch Regulus' attention. Unnecessary, since he hasn’t lost it the moment he entered the Great Hall.
“So, Regulus,” he starts.
“Yes?” He can see the trail of hair disappearing under the navy trousers. He’s having a hard time not to reach out and touch it.
He’s being so brave about this whole thing, someone should notified his mind-healer.
A beat of silence and then a hand, reaching for his chin and turning his face up, callous fingers against his soft skin. The sight of James’ playful smile makes something inside him melt.
“My eyes are up here, love.”
His cheeks get warmer out of the embarrassment of being caught. Not that he was subtle in the least but still, embarrassing.
James doesn’t seem to mind in the least.
“You’re blushing,” he notices.
Regulus' face is practically red at this point.
“Shut up,” he grumbles and James chuckles.
“No, no, I like it,” he says, voice soft. “Red looks good on you,” and then he proceed to fucking caressing his cheek.
It’s settled then, Regulus is living inside a romantic novel where making a fool out of yourself in front of someone you fancy is necessary and crop tops are a thing.
“What do you want?”
“Just wanting to say hello,” James says, eyes softening. “Hello,”
“Hi,” Regulus says, like an idiot.
“Fancy a Quidditch game with me?”
Regulus frowns. “Right now?”
“Why not?”
“You’re not wearing the proper gear,”
James smirks, “I think I will manage,”
This is a bad idea, a terrible one and Regulus knows it, everyone knows it and yet— “Lead the way then,”
James lets his hand drop from his face, and it takes all of Regulus not to chase the touch, but the feeling of loss is quickly replaced with excitement when he sees James holding his hand up for Regulus to take.
Regulus does, of course he does.
Hand in hand, they make it to the Quidditch pitch.
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theriverbeyond · 1 year
thinking more about John and.... at the end of HtN when he was interogating Wake, she wanted him to say her name. "i'll be dammed if i pass up the chance to hear you speak the words" and "they're dead words, a human chain reaching back ten thousand years": Awake Remembrance of These Valiant Dead Kia Hua Ko Te Pai Snap Back to Reality Oops There Goes Gravity.
and then she asks him "how did they make you feel?" and of course, John deflects.
but that's Aotearoa's national anthem in te reo Māori. and as we learn in NtN, John is Maori. that's his anthem. how must have that felt, to John? to hear his own anthem claimed by someone descended from the people who left his earth to die?
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Litteraly everyone in this podcast knows WAY more than they're letting on and it's driving me insane
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I'm 31 and I've never been in a relationship, nor I ever felt attachment, belonging, or desire for affection. I never felt like I needed anyone but myself. I thought highly of me because of that, and I made it my strength as I pursued greatness and enjoyed my life. Playing bg3 made me realize how wrong I was, as everyday I long for the touch of someone that doesn't even exist and for the first time in my life I cry, because I'll never be able to hold him close, hear his voice calling my name or feel his hands touching my own. I cry because there's nothing I can do to change that. And while all of this eats at my soul, I feel pathetic because in the end, I'm not so strong. I'm nothing like the person I've always thought I was.
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saturnaous · 2 months
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hohenheim is such a fucking loser. why’s he sopping wet all the time. why do you look like that.
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caligvlasaqvarivm · 2 months
I know you dont care about pesterquest but i wanna know, did you think they wrote eridan well or bad?
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canon-gabriel-quotes · 3 months
I randomly get inspired to write weird stuff with Gabriel that I'm usually not even into and a lot of the time I get comments that amount to I'm not into this. Am I? or being surprised they were into it. Gabriel is just randomly inflicting this sort of thing on everyone I suppose
Gabriel Ultrakill has been reclassified as a gateway drug. Please keep an eye out for any suspicious activity.
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martyrbat · 6 months
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harley quinn (2000) #35
[ID: a sequence of three panels focusing on an abandoned cup of tea as drops of blood drip down into it. Harley Quinn's internal narration boxes reads, ‘I was a tomboy growing up. Tackle football with the local boys? You bet. Under a car hood changing a filter? Sure. Dances? No. Pedicures? Pass. Sewing? You have to be kidding.’ The panels expand, revealing Harley hunched over. She's shown in a profile view and from afar, her face hidden by shadow as her blonde hair is in a slightly overgrown pixie cut.
The blood continues to drip as her narration resumes, ‘I remember watching my mother. Sewing. Sitting in this old chair with a pile of clothes my dad or brother needed fixing. A rip, a tear, a patch. Just kept a smile on her face as that pile got higher and higher. I resented her so much. Sewing. I vowed I'd never learn.’ Her hand comes onto panel, revealing she's holding a needle as she yelps, ‘Ow!’ We finally see her bloodied face when she looks up at the suddenly ringing phone, it being revealed that she had to give herself sutures to close a large gash on her forehead. END ID]
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duhnova · 2 years
imagine you’re the ceo for a big company and mingyu is your new assistant. he’s young, attractive, smart, and a good worker - which is why he was hired. not only did he get his work done on time (even early sometimes) he was easy on the eyes and he always knew when you needed a pick me up (whether it was a shitty joke, a warm coffee, or an orgasm or two).
the first time he ever fucked you was in the office (which is where a lot of your quickies take place now). it wasn’t suppose to happen, you were having a rough day and finally snapped at him when he pushed a little too hard to get you to smile (since you were scowling since you walked into the office that morning). it’s not like you meant to snap at him, you weren’t even mad at him, you were mad at everything else and he just so happened to be the receiver of your wrath - and he knew this, it’s why he found himself on his knees under your desk with his face shoved between your legs. it wasn’t his intentions to be in this position with you, sure he’s thought about eating you out and fucking you all the time but all he wanted to do was help you relax. and relaxed you felt, your legs were thrown over his shoulders and your fingers were gripping onto his hair for dear life. and after he dragged an orgasm out of you like that he switched positions so he was sitting in your chair and you were in his lap where you rode his cock till neither of you could make coherent sentences anymore.
soon it became a ritual, whenever you were feeling overwhelmed or angry from the work day mingyu would come into your office (normally after everyone’s left so you two could be as loud as you wanted) and he’d fuck the stress out of you. however he would find himself in your office in the middle of the day, your skirt pushed up enough for him to eat you out like a starved man, his fingers gripping your hips so you couldn’t wiggle away from him as he drags orgasm after orgasm from you. (and if someone knocks on the door and enters your office? mingyu only goes quicker, inserting his fingers into your pussy so he make you fall apart in front of whoever dared to step into your office - bonus points if mingyu tells you to invite them in so he can torture you like this)
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bruciemilf · 1 year
Haunted by gladiator! Bruce and consort Clark/Talia thoughts
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