#you cant possibly imagine how much this meant to me
betasuppe · 1 year
So very VERY good news... someone who I can only describe as my own personal anonymous guardian angel has made it possible to get a brand new Galaxy Tab S7 FE & it is in my hands & HUGE! So much bigger than my old tab!!! & it's beautiful & sleek & modern & so wonderful I could ACTUALLY cry -
& no lie, you guys, I'm legitimately feeling so ABSURDLY & OVERWHELMINGLY grateful that I sobbed when I took the box in my hands!!
- & now the only problem is my work is absolutely insane due to a grand opening we're holding at the end of this week & I'm going on "staycation" starting on the 12th for my birthday week so like.... eventually I'll get to draw on a tablet again x((((
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dunmeshistash · 19 days
Is there any info about the main party's love lives/sexuality? More to the point, is Laios asexual? The way he wasn't initially affected by the succubus when they were super effective against eyery one else, and hasn't shown any sexual/romantic interest in anyone (except possibly orcs) makes me think he is.
Well, he did kinda fall for the charms of one of their past teammates seduction.
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But this might just be because he's a pushover, he did similar stuff for the gold stripping teammates.
The other argument I can see it's here where he says he'd marry Shuro if he was Falin. But this also could just be Laios simping for his bestie
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The succubus probably didn't work right away cause Laios had a more complex fantasy to be fulfilled, but you can argue she picked Marcille's appearance instead of one of the guys for a reason. Also Senshi aparently also saw his mother or someone from his past too even tho he's an adult
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And Marcille's showed up as a character from her favorite novel
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I think the succubus becomes whatever is more likely to convince the person to let them feed and Marcille is the one he's the closest with from the group
That is all to say! I think there's a good argument for ace Laios, there's not much romance in Dungeon Meshi but Laios seems especially uninterested in the subject. The orc thing might have been just aesthetic since he likes demi-humans and the times he seems embarrassed near Marcille (like when he touches her ear and today when he apologized for touching senshi's thigh thinking it was Marcille) is probably more cause of awareness that's not socially acceptable.
For the others I think Chilchuck could bi cause he thinks senshi is hot, Marcille is probably a closeted lesbian, Senshi has to a job (feeding the kids) so he cant think about that right now and I think Izutsumi is Izutsumi
And just to be clear with this I just meant to point out what could possibly deny an ace Laios interpretation and how else you could see those scenes to argue for ace Laios. Headcanons are fun tho so I'd just say run with it even if there's no proof! Dungeon Meshi not giving us much canon about relationships is a treat for the imagination.
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kib-ble · 1 year
okay so idk if u have requests open pr not but HEAR ME OUT(ignore this if it makes u uncomfortable): SO YOU KNOW HOW SERVICE DOGS USE PRESSURE TO CALM PEOPLE DOWN? by like putting their heads on peoples laps, ect. SO IMAGINE LIKE KONIG OR GHOST (i think this works with anyone tbh) having like a panic attack of nightmare and then insert reader who is just rlly calm and just comes up and higs them yk LIKE ANGST TO FLUFF HEHEH
(i tried to follow your request as much as possible, i hope you enjoy!!)
slight tw: detail panic attacks
simon “ghost” riley:
simon was used to waking up with nightmares, but nothing this bad. his breath was caught in his throat. his mind was racing, his hands sweaty, and the room felt like it was spinning. and worst of all, you were gone.
you had woke up a few minutes before simons panic attacks went to work and got a cup of water. you heard the bed silently creak from your bedroom, which meant simon was awake.
his brain felt like mush, he couldn’t hear anything or see anything but his nightmare over and over again. this is so much worse than the other panic attacks, he realized. as soon as you walked into the room, you knew what was happening. watching simon claw at the bed sheets, his head pointed towards his lap, his body twitching like he was hiccuping. you walked to his side of the bed, wrapping your arms softly around his shoulders, holding him close. your hand rubbing his back softly.
his face was mushed into your chest, gripping your shirt. he felt air slowly enter his lungs. his hiccup-like movements stopped and calmed down after a few minutes. you fingers tangled in his short hair. his arms soon wrapped around your waist, pulling you into his lap.
your hands cupped his face, semi-forcing him to look at you. the small hallway light shown through the doorway, lighting up his tear stained face. your thumb wiped his tears, a small smile showing on his, then your face. it was a smile that showed his love to you, no words needed.
after meeting you, konig’s anxiety had lessened. but his nightmares still increased with every mission he went on. he knew what would happen when he joined the military, of course, and he still took the chances.
his nightmares always used you to fuel them. you were always a victim, which was something that scared the shit out of konig. he tossed and turned till he woke up, his hands covering his face. his tears continued to flow down his face.
the silent shuffling next to him brought him out of his thoughts. konig turned his head to look at you, your sleeping frame. you looked so peaceful, so alive. his hand reached out to touch your face. his finger traced your nose, to your jawline, and then to move your hair out of your face. your eyes slowly opened at the contact, immediately looking into his sad eyes. you hand cupped his face as his did to you.
“are you okay?” your voice came out very small. he nodded, rubbing his thumb against your cheek. he felt calmer in your awakened presence. “turn around…”
konigs back face you and your arms wrapped around his waist. your face smushed against his back. you could feel konig hold your arms, tracing his fingers along them softly.
when you felt him stop, you knew he was asleep. you pressed a small kiss to his neck and closed your eyes to fall asleep, hoping to still wake up with your arms wrapped him in the morning.
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drdemonprince · 2 months
Autistic friend anon here — thank you so much for your answer and the substack post. I was kind of stuck in the “rejection” feeling of “wait but if being autistic isn’t a bad thing then why are you so upset at the idea that YOU might be autistic”. I took it really personally and wasn’t really thinking about how much it sucks when someone acts like they know you better than you do. I’ll have to keep working through that.
I also often get stuck in the idea that “well if someone had just TOLD ME I was queer/trans/autistic then I could have figured it out sooner and life would be better” or whatever. But after many years of being out as queer/trans, I think that isn’t actually true and even if it is, I don’t interact with other possibly queer/trans people by “diagnosing” them with queerness/transness any more. In my head it seemed like autism was different for some reason, but of course it is not.
Anyway, your answer was really thoughtful and diplomatic, while also being very clear about what is bad behavior on my part. It is genuinely going to be a big benefit in my life.
Hey, nice to hear from you again!
I totally feel you. When I told a friend years ago that I thought she might be a BPDer, I was incensed that she ended up not taking that comment well. I meant it in an affirming, pro-Mad-Pride kinda way! I was a BPDer too! if she thought it was bad to be BPD, what did that mean she thought about me?
But I was looking at it the wrong way. I had just hurled a still very stigmatized label in her direction as a response to her complaining about real relational struggles in her life, which felt diminishing and presumptive. Telling various people in my life that I'm pretty sure they're Autistic can have a similar effect, even if they're on board Autism acceptance as an idea.
I used to fixate on the time I lost not realizing I was trans or queer or whatever the fuck I am yet. I had a vision of an older me materializing before me at age 16, specifically on the corn-lined roads I used to bike up and down furiously, and imagined telling myself the Truth of who I was and what I had to do to be happy. I believed that if i had known I was trans younger I would have avoided a lot of upsetting relationships, eating disordered periods, and general angst.
Now. I am pretty damn sure that is not true. It turns out that being trans was not a solution to all my problems, it was just another problem that I had. In the sense that it's a challenge to navigate on this bitch of an earth. if i hadn't chosen to be trans i would have chosen some other shit to do that also would have been a major pain in the ass i'm sure. that too would have been an interesting back story.
I dont think I was ever going to be outgoing and unneurotic and breezily well adjusted. That's not my lot in life. Feeling a little uncomfortable in my body and around other people is as definitional a part of me as my wit or my weird laugh. I can kinda love that about myself now, or at least accept it. nothing and nobody actually could have saved me. its just not that simple. but it's been a pretty interesting life.
i think we tend to impose our self-narratives onto other people when we are not happy or we are harboring deep regrets about having gotten something wrong or missed something in the past. but we cant spare our friends those journeys. they should get to have them. it's interesting and enriching to get things wrong, be in denial, cope in elaborate stupid ways, soul search, change our minds, miss something, find something, never know what's true.
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anakin-pilled · 5 months
𝘨𝘰𝘳𝘨𝘦𝘰𝘶𝘴 - anakin skywalker x fem! reader (part two)
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pairing: anakin skywalker x fem! reader
wordcount: 4.7k
warnings: no use of y/n
rating: rating: 18+ (my blog is 18+ only)
author's note: thank you so much to everyone who liked and reblogged the first chapter! it meant so much to me. i cant believe i managed to push out two chapters in a week!! this chapter might seem slow, but only because im still new to writing fanfics and im trying to find the right groove of things, but please be patient as i hope to fasten the pace and tension with the new few chapters. as always, proofread but please let me know if you see any mistakes and feel free to nicely provide any criticism or suggestions (pls). i really want to keep everything as canon compliant to the star wars universe (minus the timeline, that's unspecified), but i decided to take some creative liberties for minor cultural and geographic details. i get most of my information from wookiepedia or the star wars reddit, so if you have any questions about anything, i'm happy to send any links. okay im gonna stop yapping now. taglist at the bottom! creds to saradika for the header!
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You couldn’t bear another moment of dinner with Anakin. Something about him set your nerves on fire and left you completely unsettled–in a good way, a way that you’ve rarely felt before. But it was a way that you didn’t know how to deal with, and this deeply troubled you. How were you going to spend the next ten rotations with him? It sounded like a disaster waiting to happen. You doubted Anakin would do anything wrong. No, you would be the one to do something wrong. Totally embarrassing yourself in front of him or unintentionally acting off-putting just because you found him too attractive.
Dammit, you were thinking like a schoolgirl with a crush. 
After retreating to your quarters, you began to pace around your room. You had to get yourself out of this situation. Avoidance was always your favorite escape plan. It made life simpler when you avoided anything that made you uncomfortable or anxious. You weren’t exactly sure how you would avoid the 6’2 hunk of a Jedi. Asking Gido to remove him was out of the question. You couldn’t have Anakin removed, especially after the Chancellor had been kind enough to request one of the Jedi’s best members. You were being immature and you knew it. It hadn’t even been a full day and this man already made you so nervous that you felt like going haywire. 
You gave yourself a small facepalm. “What am I going to do?” you whispered to yourself. You needed to put distance between you and Anakin. That way you would stay as unaffected as possible. Plus, it’s not like anything could happen between you two. Anakin was a Jedi, and you knew that the Jedi had some unorthodox rules surrounding relationships. However (a small and delusional) part of you already imagined a future between the two of you.  You already imagined your lips on his. A man that captivating only came around every few millennia. Well, that was hyperbolic of you to think. Even you, a celebrity with access to Coruscant’s rich and famous upper echelon, never came across a man like Anakin. When was the last time you even got fucked or had one good Holodrama kiss? Dating is hard when you’re a celebrity. You meet people with the wrong intentions–cocky men who care more about having you as some sort of trophy or are afraid of looking beneath you just because you’re more rich than them. Plus, aside from the shitty dating pool, you were simply too busy with your career to indulge in relationships and sex. It honestly quite was ironic considering many of your songs revolved around love. 
The more you thought, the more you felt trapped in your room. An intrusive thought popped into your head, but you quickly brushed away the thought before it got you in trouble. But then the thought appeared again, and you couldn’t help but entertain what your brain was saying.
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Her presence is suffocating is the first thing Anakin thought as you left the room. As a trained Jedi, Anakin mastered the practice of shielding others' thoughts and emotions from affecting him. But you were being so loud through the Force. Anakin felt the same nervous energy he felt earlier in the day when he first met you. Except this time, he felt it ten times worse. 
Anakin knew he was being quiet during dinner. But it was hard to focus with your energy screaming in his ears! So, he focused on trying to enjoy his meal instead. You were nice, Anakin would give you that. But he felt if he talked to you, while also trying to stave off your energy from his, he would overwhelm himself. It was all too distracting–a feeling that Anakin rarely felt. 
Anakin then proceeded toward his assigned room, ready to prepare for the night. Luckily, he didn’t have to stay on guard the entire night as there was no threat direct threat to you in Coruscant. Sleep slowly became a stranger to Anakin in the past few months, so he welcomed the guest room’s luxurious, canopy bed with an unrefined flop. He lay there for a while, though he didn’t know how for long as he just stared at the window in front of him and thought. 
Anakin suddenly heard a crash! noise coming from the living room. He quickly jumped into action and ran towards the sound. What if an intruder was trying to harm you? Anakin wouldn’t let them get near you. Though he would protect you, a pang of annoyance ran through Anakin’s head. How could anyone gain access to your apartment? He went through your security details with Gido and made sure that all access points were being guarded by either a security guard or a droid. Anakin hoped this wouldn’t become another Padme situation–he wasn’t in the mood for a high-speed speeder chase tonight. Better yet, why didn’t he sense anything? Were you distracting him so much that his senses were dull? Anakin couldn’t have that happening if you were both to survive the next ten rotations together. 
As Anakin reached your living room and investigated the sound, he saw what object made the sound he heard. His eyes first laid sight on a broken flower vase. The turquoise vase was shattered into a million pieces on the floor. Anakin then looked at the figure next to the broken pottery and there you were, dressed in a dark robe, halfway to the entrance of your apartment. A look of shock, then brief fear and then embarrassment, went through your eyes when you saw Anakin standing before you with his arms crossed over his chest and his eyebrows raised. 
“What do you think you’re doing?” Anakin questioned you with a glare. His voice had a deep edge to it. He was relieved that there was no intruder, but he wondered what you were doing. If he didn’t know any better, Anakin would say that it looked like you were in the middle of trying to leave your apartment. Except, Anakin did know better so he knew that was exactly what you were trying to do. The dark robes were a telltale sign of this–it disguised your figure and the hood covered a majority of your face. 
You cleared your throat before putting on a tight-lipped smile, “Oh, I was just trying to night walk in the gardens before going to bed.”
“The gardens? I thought they were closed for renovations. That’s what Gido told me.” There was a slight smirk on Anakin’s face as he replied. He knew he had you.
“Not for me. I have special access…you know, the building manager is a fan of mine. Perks of being famous.” You felt slimy using that as an excuse, but it was better than letting the Jedi know your true intentions. 
“Really?” Anakin admired you for doubling down on your lie, but once again, he could sense your energy through the force. You were hesitant, like you weren’t fully convinced of what you were saying either. Anakin continued, “Then why are you wearing such a thick robe? The weather has been warm lately, even at night. Don’t you think that you would sweat too much?” 
You chuckled nervously before saying, “I sweat all the time.” You quickly shook your head. Kriff that’s not what I meant! you cursed in your head. “I mean I’m used to sweating during practice and performances so it does not bother me too much. I felt chilly which is why I decided to wear my robe on my walk. Please excuse me for disturbing you, General. I must have been in such a rush that I accidentally knocked over this vase. I assure you that I did not intend to raise any alarm.”
“It looks like you were sneaking out to me. Is that why you feel so tense right now? You know, we Jedi can sense emotion. I can sense that you’re not being truthful. There’s no lying to me, pop star.” Anakin replied smoothly. 
You shook your head. It looks like your plan of trying to put distance between you and Anakin wasn’t going to work after all. You should have known–how could you outsmart a Jedi? It was easy to sneak out with your regular security staff, but Anakin was different. 
“I apologize. You’re right. I wasn’t going to take a walk in the gardens. I thought I could visit the night market on level 3204, the Alderaan district. I just needed to clear my head. I didn’t tell because I didn’t think there would be an issue since I was going to keep my identity hidden.” Anakin noted how your apology sounded genuine. 
“Level 3204. Isn’t that a bit far from you? I never suspected that you would stray anywhere past the 5000th level,” said Anakin. When people on Coruscant managed to achieve enough wealth to live on the 5000th level of Coruscant, it was very rare that they ventured anywhere below. The only people that ventured below were those dealing in shady business. That’s not to say that the 3000th level was necessarily bad–he knew that the lower levels were a mixture of the classes ranging from middle-class families to criminals. Anakin had been to almost all the levels of Corscant while on Jedi business. He had seen the most impoverished slums, where crime was rampant and everyone fended for themselves. Yet, he had also seen the richest that Coruscant had to offer–elegant restaurants, opulent theaters, and people dressed in the most expensive fabrics. It always amazed Anakin how in the capital city of the Republic, one of the richest planets in the galaxy, could house such a dichotomy. 
You took offense to Anakin’s words. What did he know about you? Sure, you were wealthy and privileged, but that didn’t mean you had to confine yourself to a small circle of society. You enjoyed visiting what Coruscant had to offer–the different cultures, species, etc. It may have been unconventional for someone of your status, but your parents raised you with humility. Anything you earned in this life could be taken away from you at any moment, so you tried your best to explore and enjoy everything while you still could. 
Now you weren’t thinking about this annoyingly handsome face or soft curls. You were thinking about how he pissed you off. Just another person making assumptions about who I am. Your eyes narrowed before dignifying Anakin with a response, “And where is it that I belong? Please enlighten me. What? Do you think just because I am rich, I wouldn’t dare mingle with anyone in a lower class than me?”
“That’s not how I intended my words to come across.”
“How did you mean for your words to come across?” Anakin felt your energy shift. You were no longer hesitant or nervous. 
“What I mean is that it is unorthodox for celebrities to venture anywhere below Coruscant’s surface. It’s not exactly the most celebrity-friendly place. I would know as I’ve to the 3000th level several times before,” Anakin explained.
“Well, I’m an unorthodox person then. I’ll let you know that I enjoy the night market in the Alderaan district, it has good food and honest people. Now, you can either accompany me or stay here and make more assumptions about me. Whatever you choose, I will still be attending the night market. Feel free to tell Gido.” You turned around and continued walking toward your front door before you were stopped by Anakin. 
“Kriff. You’re not going to make this easy, huh? Fine. I’m going with you to the market because it’s my duty to protect you, but don’t try anything.”
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You first discovered this night market in Coruscant’s Alderaan district only a few months into your arrival on the planet. Your fame had not skyrocketed yet, so you could easily travel between Coruscant’s levels without being chased by HoloNet reporters or crazy fans. You stumbled upon the market one night while lost on level 3204. It was a serendipitous moment for you. The night market operated every night and was primarily inhabited by Alderaanian expats, however, there were a few stalls run by species from exotic planets who sold even more exotic goods and foods. At the time you discovered it, you were feeling homesick and lonely. Your home planet of Bar’leth was nothing like Coruscant. Though Bar’leth had some metropolitan cities, it also had greenery and fauna. And the population wasn’t nearly as dense as Coruscant! You grew up in Bar’leth’s capital city, but you could still name your neighbors and there was a sense of community. Coruscant had none of these features. The night market was more than just a market, it reminded you of a tiny piece of home in the most bustling place in all of the galaxy. 
The familiar smell of grilled bantha skewers and roasted pormork flooded your senses. The area was decorated with a mixture of bright, fluorescent neon lighting and the warm, cozy light from twinkle lights from the vendor’s stalls. Light music played in the background from a live band playing in a corner somewhere. Though the market was mainly filled with adults, the occasional child and their family were seen. You and Anakin walked at a comfortable place in the middle of the road. Neither of you was talking, just observing the scene around you. You observed how people interacted with each other and made up life stories for them in your head. Anakin observed for any potential danger. 
“I’m sorry for snapping on you earlier. I hate when people make assumptions about who I am. It’s a sensitive spot for me. You know, with my name always in the tabloids,” it was you who decided to speak first. 
Anakin listened before responding, “Maybe I was wrong to make those assumptions about you.” He still thought it was odd that you wanted to venture so below the surface, but if there was one thing that Anakin understood, it was your disdain for assumptions. As the Chosen One, everyone made assumptions about Anakin—assumptions he should act or think. And somehow, Anakin always failed to live up to people’s assumptions of him. There were very few people in his life who accepted him the way he was. This was another point of contention in his life. 
Instead of letting this event take place in a silent awkwardness like dinner, you decided to make an effort to keep the conversation going. Anakin didn’t directly apologize, but you took his words to be a positive sign. “I know it must be a shock to you that I wanted to visit this market. And you were partially right to judge, who would suspect that I stray far from my life on the surface? The truth is, no one would expect that from me which is exactly why I do what I do. Not even Gido knows that I come down here.” 
“What makes this specific place worth sneaking out for? Aren’t there any other places you would rather be than down here?” Anakin asked this question sincerely. He was curious about you. While he was no stranger to Coruscant’s rich elite, the people he met were confined the the political sector.  He knew how politicians acted and their thought processes, but he knew nothing about the other type of elite—the celebrities, like you. 
“It reminds me of home, and the simple days I used to live before the glitz and glamour. There was a farmer’s market on Bar’leth I frequented with my family. There was local produce, lots of gourmet food, and trinkets of all kinds. I stumbled upon this market by happenstance one day and I never stopped visiting it ever since,” you explain truthfully. You loved the life you lived now and you were extremely grateful for it. But nothing could compare to your old life when you could enjoy the simple pleasures of life without any care in the world. Nowadays life barely gives you a chance to breathe since you were always working on something–whether it is new music, media appearances, or special performances. “You know, you’re actually the first person I have told about this place. You better keep it a secret, or else.” Anakin could tell you were joking by the smile on your face. He returned your joke with a small smile of his own.
You continued the conversation by asking Anakin a question of his own, “Don’t you have a special place that you like to visit when life gets too hectic?”
Anakin’s automatic response was to give you a generic answer. Before he could give you that generic answer, he changed his mind. He knew that was too guarded, but he couldn’t help himself. Anakin had been hurt too many times now–hurt by life, by his actions, and by the actions of others. Opening up was a recipe for disaster, especially when Anakin knew how passionately he felt about almost everything in his life. The only person Anakin managed to completely open up to was Padme, but even she was off-put sometimes by the level of passion and truthfulness he displayed. She never verbally admitted it, but Anakin could tell. Though you two didn’t know each other very well and have had minimal conversation so far, something about your energy invited Anakin to open up. Your energy in the force was serene. However, it wasn’t the type of serenity that Anakin felt whenever he was at the Temple. At the Temple, it was so peaceful, it was almost like it was devoid of any energy–it perfectly balanced all the energies of all the Jedi order and created a feeling of equilibrium. Your energy was serene in a way that reminded Anakin of his mother–comforting and warm. He could feel it radiating off your person. Ever since Anakin left with Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan, he could never sense that same energy in anyone else. Not even Padme, whose energy was more dynamic and loud. Thus, Anakin decided to be honest with his answer. 
“There is a place that I like to escape to sometimes. It is located in a secluded corner of the Jedi temple and only accessible through the garden wing. I used to go there all the time as a Youngling and then a Padawan. It has the best view of Coruscant since it faces the intersection where the old Republic Theater house and Senate offices meet. On clear days, you can watch the sunset from there.” Anakin didn’t know that the Senate offices were in that direction until a few years after he moved to Coruscant. Once he found out Padme had stepped down as queen and became Naboo’s senator, he would stare at that intersection as a way to feel closer to Padme during their years apart. Despite the breakup, the spot still comforted Anakin because it served as a reminder of how far he had come. He was no longer a lovesick fool and rambunctious Padawan, but a mature and fully-fledged Jedi Knight. Through the transitional nature of life, that spot would always be there for Anakin. 
It was your turn to nod and listen to Anakin.
“How was it like…growing up in the Temple?,” you hesitated, not wanting to overstep any boundaries with Anakin. You remember how the tone of his voice earlier when you questioned him about Tatooine. 
“Growing up in the temple was…different. When I first arrived, I didn’t realize I would be living in a religious organization. There’s a lot about the Jedi that was very different from the life I lived on Tatooine. Though I can’t complain too much, I had a permanent roof over my head and food on my plate every day. And, there was practically no sand at all. The best part,” Anakin finished. 
“I imagine it’s like one big family, no?”
Anakin sucked his teeth in response before continuing, “Since I arrived at the Temple later than the normal age, I didn’t grow up with my crèche. We had lessons together every now and then, but if there was anybody I considered like family to be in the Temple, it would be my former master Obi-Wan, and my Padawan Ashoka. She’s actually a  fan—I promised her I would try to get an autograph.” Anakin looked sheepish at the mention of the autograph.  
“Remind me before you leave. I’ll make sure to sign something. Should I sign her lightsaber?” You made sure to make a serious face while looking at Anakin. Then, you let out a giggle. “I’m only kidding about the last part. Come on, let’s get something sweet.” Your pace picked up before leading Anakin in another direction. 
You stopped by a stall owned by an older Twi’lek lady who sold homemade rishi honeystix. The honeystix quickly became your favorite item at the market because of its’ sweet flavor and crispy batter. They were similar to a childhood favorite snack of yours, except the rishi honeystix was fried, not baked. 
“Can I have two honeystix please?” you asked the owner. She nodded yes before you handed her over the credits, adding some extra for a tip. The owner quickly prepared the dessert before handing it to you and sending a warm smile to both.
“Enjoy the sweet treat! I love seeing young couples like you visit the market,” she stated with a look of adoration on her face. 
You and Anakin straightened your postures and sent a sheepish smile to the owner. 
“Oh, we’re not-” “She’s not my-” You both said at the same time. 
The owner giggled out an apology before turning her back on the both of you and preoccupied herself with preparing more food. 
Her comment affected you more than you would have liked to admit. You couldn’t say you wished you were dating Anakin, you hard knew him after all. But the idea of someone mistaking you to be in a relationship with someone as attractive as Anakin made you feel a funny feeling. You felt a moment of giddy before telling yourself to calm down. 
You led Anakin toward an old fountain that sat in the middle of the market. “Ever tried these before? They’re the best! I don’t come here too often anymore, but whenever I do, I make an effort to buy these.” You then handed Anakin his dessert. 
“I don’t think I have had these before. The Jedi diet consists of the Temple’s cantina food and whatever rations we have for off-world assignments. Though I try to explore new foods when I have the chance,” Anakin stated. He picked up the dessert and observed it. Anakin didn’t have much of a sweet tooth, but he was intrigued by its flavor. A sweet aroma wafted off the dessert and even Anakin felt tempted to try it. 
You were looking toward the distance as Anakin inspected the dessert. You were about to take a bit of your honeystix when you made eye contact with a small figure in the distance. As your eyes focused on the figure, you realized you were looking at a young Rodian child. Their gaze shifted from your eyes to the dessert in hand. Despite the Alderaanian district being one of the more wealthy districts in the lower levels, many families still lived in borderline poverty. You smiled at the child in reassurance before getting up from the fountain and slowly making your way towards them.
Anakin looked up at the sound of your figure getting up and was about to ask you where you were going before he saw you walk to a child and kneel before them. He couldn’t hear what you were saying, but he saw you hand over your honeystix to the child. You hugged the child goodbye, but not before handing them a few extra credits. The child’s purple eyes widened and a bright smile appeared on their face. They gave you another hug before retreating to wherever they came from. 
You got back up from the ground and walked back toward the fountain without saying anything to Anakin. You continued like nothing happened and asked Anakin, “Did you enjoy it?”
He ignored your question. “What was that about?” He was referring to the instance in which you gave away your dessert to a child. 
“I saw the little one looking at my food, so I decided to go over there and offer it to them. I could tell she was hungry. It’s alright, I can always buy myself another.”
Anakin always believed that you could tell a lot about a society or individuals based on the way they treated children. He hated Tatooine and regarded it as one of the lowest civilized planets in the entire galaxy–for many reasons, of course, but the primary reason is that those on Tatooine had no issue trafficking children into slavery and treating them as chattel. He wished that more people displayed kindness toward him as a child. Anakin’s only crime was being born into the world, but aside from that, he was innocent and deserved to be treated with dignity and humanity. You were kind. It seemed like a bare minimum requirement to be astonished at, but with the type of people Anakin has had the displeasure of meeting, kindness was a trait he rarely witnessed outside of the Temple walls. 
You stared at Anakin as if you were waiting for him to say something, but he simply observed your face without saying anything. A timid look washed over your face before you turned your head to the side and blew a piece of hair out of your face. 
“Well, I think it’s time we head back.” 
Being with Anakin was different than you expected. At first, you were overwhelmed by his presence–caught off guard by the fact he looked like a literal god from one of those classical paintings located in one of Corucant’s largest art galleries. You’ve always had a soft spot for pretty boys. Plus, you also had a penchant for romanticizing almost every interaction and person in your life. Not always in the romantic sense though. From brief strangers to friends, you tried to put a positive spin on everyone you encountered. There was no way of telling if fate was real, but you liked to believe so. Anakin was no exception to these rules. 
You were so close to successfully sneaking out of your apartment, without being detected, until you accidentally bumped into that stupid vase. Anakin came running out while you scrambled to make it look like you hadn’t been caught in the middle of doing something you weren’t supposed to be doing. You knew that if Anakin found out that you were leaving the building, he would either force you to say or contact your manager. So, you lied and tried to convince him you weren’t sneaking out. Of course, he saw through you and you gave up without a fight, until he made that stupid comment. Lying was never your strong suit anyway and it wasn’t worth the hassle anyway. So, Anakin joined you on your night adventure. 
Though you were initially anxious, once to got to the market, you felt your head clear. This was your comfort place, and it soothed your racing heart and clouded mind. Once you were past that anxiousness, you found that Anakin had a calming presence, once you got over your initial nerves. Anakin was observational, though it was expected of him to be so. However, it felt like he was really listening to you and clinging to what you said. He looked pensive as you described why you liked the night market so much. You wanted to make conversation with him, you didn’t feel forced to. Maybe it was the nature of the predicament you were both and the fact that he would be your bodyguard for the next week and a half, but you felt drawn to him. You wanted to know more about who the “Hero with No Fear.” You feared that if you got to know him anymore, then you might fall for him.  Except, you had to stop yourself before it went any deeper than that. Once again, you reminded yourself that Anakin was a Jedi. Off-limits. So, as you settled into bed, you promised that you would actually keep your distance. There was no use in getting attached to him. The Jedi belonged to no one. 
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taglist: @angie2274 @bunnylovesani @0709fullofstars @js-favnanadoongi @payton-dixonreader it wasn't letting me tag u ):
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cocogrrrl · 10 months
soft launching
yn, a streamer, eases the audience into the slow reveal of their boyfriend, kyle.
kyle broflovski x streamer!gn!reader no cws all fluff 😾 wc: 1399
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CinnamunHunny donated 5$!: can you say “yn has zero pull” it’s my dog’s birthday please please please it would make her the happiest dog in the world
You read the donation sent on your screen. You jokingly scoffed, rolling your eyes. This was just typical usual banter between you and your fans. Sure, sometimes they were absolutely ruthless, but you loved them despite that.
“Chat, that’s not nice! I’ll have you know that I actually have a boyfriend.” You pouted.
Immediately, the responses were polarizing. Some asked to see him, and some said that you were making him up. You laughed at a few that said he was just a figment of your imagination.
m30wm30w: i bet yn’s js gonna say that their bf is paul dano or something
“Okay, whoever just said that I’m gonna fake out and say my boyfriend is Paul Dano is wrong because it would actually be Michael Cera.” You laughed, seeing the rest of the comments flood in quickly, not even getting enough time to read a good number of them. “I do have a boyfriend, though. I promise!”
For the remainder of the stream, the chat kept on bringing up your boyfriend. Sometimes you’d tease them a bit, describing how he is but never revealing too much. Most of the time, though, you decided to ignore it in the most polite way possible.
What would your boyfriend think about you revealing his identity? Honestly, he doesn’t care. You two have talked it out long ago already. When you started dating around six months ago, you came to the conclusion to lie low.
At first, he wanted things to be kept secret, having only your friends and family know. After a while, though, when the conversation was brought up again, he noted that he didn’t mind if you mentioned him. He said you two could slowly build up to his reveal whenever the both of you are ready to do so.
And so that’s what you did.
That night, you finally broke the news to him. It was after your stream. You were snuggled up on his chest as you scrolled through Twitter, noting your name slowly trending because of the news you broke earlier.
“Babe,” you called, sitting up straight to look at him. He answered you with silence, attention was placed on you. “Finally told them about us.”
Kyle immediately knew what you meant by ‘them.’ “Yeah, you think I didn’t see it?”
“Hmm, I was debating on it.” You hummed, finding your place back on his chest again. “You’re not mad?”
“Why would I be? We’ve already talked about this, and you already know I’m fine with it.” He smiled, grabbing your face by the sides and laying a swift kiss on it.
“Yeah, thanks, Kyle. I love you.” You giggled, rising once more to return the kiss.
So that’s how it went on for the next few weeks. You continued to tease the chat with the idea of your boyfriend, most of them believing you despite the numerous amount of “I’m sure he’s just a figment of your imagination.” jokes that came along the way.
That was all great until you actually confirmed his existence from the perspective of your chat one day.
You were in a Just Chatting stream, not really having the energy to do your usual act but still wanting to interact with your fans. Kyle was across the room, scrolling through his phone as you were streaming. The chat was flaming you once more since the topic of your boyfriend was brought up.
“He is real! In fact, he’s here right now.” You said, turning your head to Kyle, who looked back at you with a wave. “Babe, say ‘hi’ for me.”
“Hi, chat!” He called from across the room. “I’m YN’s partner, and I love them very much.”
“Okay, don’t flatter me too much. I might combust if you do.” You laughed, blowing him a kiss. You felt your cheeks heat up, and so you found yourself rubbing your temple to hide them.
hhhhdong: nawhhh i cant believe yn actually paid an actor to act as their bf 💀💀💀
“Chat, I did not pay an actor! I don’t have enough money to do that.”
After the stream, you and Kyle were cuddled up again. Your social battery was completely drained, so spending some time in his arms would help you recharge again.
“Your chat is ruthless, YN.” Kyle laughed, burying his face in the crook of your neck.
“They’re funny, though. Besides, I’m not really hurt at all.” 
You felt like this whole “build-up reveal” thing was fun. It felt like Kyle was a secret you had to yourself. In a weird way, this whole thing felt sweet and exciting to you. You knew why you kept things private, of course, but it was fun to slowly show the world how much you loved him and how proud you were to have him as your boyfriend. Granted, a bunch of the comments still just claim that Kyle’s just a life-size cardboard cutout of Michael Cera.
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
“When do you think you’ll be ready to, like, show your face?” You asked, leaning onto his shoulder as he did his work.
“Well,” he sighed, sitting up to look at you. “I think I’m ready for it. I barely have a presence online.” He laughed. “The question is if you’re ready for people to peer their heads in your life even further.”
“I suppose you’re right.” You hummed. “I wanna show you off, though, Kyle. I want everyone to know that you are the most perfect person alive—and that you’re not a customized photocard of young Jack Black.”
He laughed in response, cupping your face as he gave you a peck on the nose.
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
A week later, you find yourself promptly naming your stream “BF REVEAL (REAL) (NOT CLICKBAIT).” You set up your camera, tested your mic, and all that jazz as you waited for your fans to come in. Kyle was beside you the whole time you were preparing things, just barely out of the camera’s sight.
Once you turned on your camera, comments started pouring in, asking where he is. You wanted to ease them into it, ready yourself as your chat did. After a bit of banter between you and the chat, you were finally prepared to show your boyfriend. 
“Okay, chat. Here’s my boyfriend, Kyle!” As soon as you said that, he came on screen and waved.
“Hello,” he greeted with a sense of meekness to it. “I am, indeed, YN’s boyfriend. I’m not being paid or forced to do this at all.” He lightheartedly joked.
“Oh, my god. Not you too.” You laughed. “But yes! This is Kyle. We’ve been together for about eight months.” You had the biggest grin on your face as you talked to and about him, rocking back and forth in your seat as if you weren’t able to contain your happiness.
You got mixed reactions, some driving the “He’s being held hostage” joke to home, but mostly comments invested in your relationship. For the former, you two just made a silent understanding to just skim through those, ignoring most of them.
“So how are you liking them so far?” You whispered in his ear, bringing your mic farther away from you two.
“Overwhelming, but definitely fun.” He murmured back.
“Yeah, that’s what you said to Stan after our first date, right?” You laughed, your voice a little louder now but still mostly indiscernible to your viewers.
“My god,” he rolled his eyes, moving his hand to your scalp to mess it up.
“You aren’t denying it, though!” Your voice was now booming, your audience could definitely hear you now. 
“I’m not confirming or denying anything!” He laughed.
“Uhuh,” you sarcastically replied, nodding as you leaned into him briefly to give him a kiss on the lips. “Totally.”
Your chat was now exploding.
mattstonestoes: PDA WTF
csvismz: theyre so cute i 🥹🥹🥹🫶🫶
gorrilass: get that shit away from me 
ppp0ppy: this is not for the eyes of god!!!!!!
rosesandlavenders: WAHHHH 💗💗💗💗
dennysofficial: MY OTP ☹️☹️
You shared a laugh with Kyle, reading the comments. This went better than you would’ve expected. Despite everything, you were just glad that you could finally go public and show the world your wonderful boyfriend.
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cumulo-stratus · 9 months
hiii !! recently ran into your blog and i love ur posts sm. i have this silly little thing in my mind i was hoping you could maybe write it?
Spencer (thinking mostly season 2, mostly cuz i love his glasses look) and M!Reader have been dating for a while already, like a few months to a year, and Spencer still gets flustered by him. He still gets all nervous when reader is around him, and when he kisses him. Imagine reader giving Spencer a small kiss on the cheek or smth and he becomes a blushing mess, and reader teases him about it which just causes him to become more flustered over it.
you don't have to write that specifically, just anything with Spencer getting easily flustered by reader would be really cute ^^
Smart cookie
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request: yes/no
flustered!spencer reid x Tattooed!male!reader
Description: reader asks for readers help with a new tattoo he wants, and when reader calls Spencer a smart cookie Spencer gets flustered, and reader can't help himself
CW: possible swearing, needles (lemme know if theres anything else)
A/N: thanks for the support love <3 and ofc course ma biche! im actually in love with this idea of like cute little baby spencer being all flustered by reader. i think ill add some of my own stuff bc u did give artistic liberty but i hope you enjoy it!
Y/N L/N and Spencer reid have been dating for 9 months, 2 days, and 3 hours (and counting according to spencer), but he still had a tendency to get adorably flustered when Y/N would flirt with him, and especially if he called him smart cookie. Which y/n didnt quiet understand since he’d been calling his boyfriend smart cookie since practically day one of their relationship. But y/n found it adorably hilarious so it was okay.
one instance of this adorable awkwardness, was the day y/n decided to ask spencer for help with a new tattoo he wanted, something special for the two of them. Spencer had highly advised against it stating
“31% of men and 24% of women regret getting tattoos of someones name. And if even I plan on being with you for long time that may not happen angel.”
“ugh, your too sweet for me darling. But the world doesn’t deserve a hottie like you anyways” y/n replied with a wink as spencer blushed profusely
“and by the way, you cant change my mind on this spencer, im getting that tattoo. And you’ve seen how stubborn i can be, remember The Book Incident? ya thats what i thought” y/n smirked as spencer grimaced remembering the fateful incident earlier that year.
“okay my love, i wont object to you getting the tattoo, but it has to be something good, and i wanna help with it.” spencer finally relented.
this caught y/n of guard, as he had just been planning a heart with with their initials in the center. nothing special, but when y/n told spencer of this plan, he was incredulous.
“do you not know me y/n/n, thats to simple, and not romantic enough! and its something morgan would get.”
after Y/n was done laughing at the morgan comment and had regained his composure they continued their arguing over what the tattoo should be.
“its gonna be on my body!”
“the tattoo is about you and me!”
but after much bickering they came to a consensus that a simple latin phrase would be nice. Simple, yet elegant and romantic. Some for y/n, some for Spencer. now the hard part was deciding which latin phrase from spencers extensive encyclopedia of knowledge in his head.
After much discussion they decided on the phrase “Amor animi arbitrio sumitur, non ponitur” spencer had translated for y/n when he asked what it meant but he already liked the sound of it without the meaning. But when spencer told him he liked it even more, he stated “we choose to love, we do not choose to cease loving.” And you were in love.
“thats it- thats the one!” y/n exclaimed with excitement. “thanks for the help smart cookie” you added with a smile and a wink. As always spencer flushed bright red when his boyfriend called him the pet name. As y/n studied his boyfriend in his flustered state, he couldnt help but notice how cute he was. His reddened cheeks and small smile as he looked away. Y/n couldnt help but get that enamored feeling of intense love and adoration that often came with staring candidly at his beautiful, beautiful boyfriend. In his thoughtful state he didnt even realize that spencer had noticed the intense gaze of his lover.
“why are you looking at me like that?” spencer questioned with a shy smile.
“cus your just too cute not too! and you deserve it” y/n responded with a sly smile. spencer once again flushed red at the flirtatious comments.
“what? Oh c'mere hot stuff I wanna give ya a kiss" y/n pulled his boyfriend into his lap and put his hands on either side of the man's face. "ugh! Your so cu-" The rest of the man's sentence was cut off by him kissing his boyfriend. Very aggressively Spencer would add, but he was to busy being kissed. Finally y/n let go of his lips and they both sucked in a large breath. But before Spencer could get word out y/n started peppering his face with kisses, using them to punctuate his words
"You. Are. A. Smart. Cookie."
If it was even possible Spencer's ears grew redder. "Thank you, y/n." Spencer responded with a small smile playing at his lips. "of course love" y/n said as he gave a bigger sweeter smile this time before leaning in for a more loving and passionate kiss. And as they kissed all that fun through y/ns mind, was Spencer.
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deadghosy · 2 years
🎃Halloween imagines
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Robin Arellano
He would definitely do some stupid shit.
You can’t tell me he would be that kid to pretend they haven’t been to your house before when he has been there for the 6th time for more candy 🍭
Binges horror movies and his favorite ones.
If you ever went trick or treating with him he would be so happy and hold your hand while smiling.
Wouldn’t do matching costumes cause he says that they are “corny” but really he is embarrassed going out cause of his “bad kid reputation”
But he would definitely make sure you both wear matching bandannas in public to school.
One time he once stayed home to give candy out to kids only for the kids to take more than one and when Robin caught one of them little shits they threw candy at robin like a dog.
Never again did he open that damn door again.
Finney Blake
He either is staying home to give candy out, or trick or treating.
Finn loves when you come to his house, so he would play your favorite Halloween movie ever.
Popcorn and everything. This man is prepared for this nice Halloween date.
If he did went trick or treating, he would bring you and Gwen. Y’all would have a blast ding dong ditching people’s house and run laughing your asses off.
I can see Finn skipping like a little girl cause he is having the time of his life with Halloween.
Ends Halloween with eating too much candy and waking up with wrappers around him and you in his arms while Gwen is literally hanging off the couch.
Vance hopper
You would have to annoy him and beg him to dress up for Halloween.
The costumes were a demon and you beings angel. When I tell you this man didn’t get when you said the demon costume reminded you of him.. he did not get in at all.
So when you both walked out, Bruce came to say hello when he stopped smiling at Vance who looks ready to go home already. “Why is Vance dressed as himself, yk you can’t dress like yourself dude.” Vance right then and there now meant why he had to wear this stupid costume.
He looks to his right to see you trying not to laugh. “You think this is funny shit head?” You just nod while trying to keep it together even if some little noises are coming out.
He pushes you away from him while walking away fuming. “THIS FUCKING BULLSHIT! I CANT BELIEVE THE AUDACITY OF THIS BITCH-”
He stole a little kid’s candy bag cause his whole night was ruined. The kids mom told him to be more mature but Vance flipped he lady off and said “fuck off lady” while still walking away.
Bruce Yamada
Bruce is definitely trick or treating.
Would go as his favorite baseball player, this mf would be holding his baseball bat waving it around jerks who would try to mess with you.
Would probably yell as loud as possible when saying “trick or treat”
Mf probably says “trick or treat or smell my feet” as a joke. And you would have to stand behind him either snickering or looking like you don’t know this man.
Would definitely use his baseball bat to pitch candy around his room for fun while you are eating his candy.
Ends Halloween with you and him telling stories when you were kids or like just talking about how trick or treating went
Billy Showalter
Would be baking Halloween cookies and making snacks for when you hang out with him.
You both will be definitely wearing matching couple costumes.
He just loves seeing you around him smiling happily. He will definitely give candy out to the kids and tell them to be good.
He most definitely is a type of boyfriend to always like hold your hand while watching a horror movie. But he doesn’t like watching horror movies because he’ll get nightmares every two days in a row.
So really you both are we watching comedy shows while eating candy together.  if he ever went trick-or-treating he will bring you along ‘ he likes to have you around him because he feels comfortable with you, he’ll be the kid to yell out to the people gives them candy “have a good night.” with the most charming smile.
If he was giving candy out he would always have the most favorite candy ever. and your Halloween ends with you waking up on his shoulder, smiling at the memory you two had.
Griffin Stagg
(This part is you being his parental figure cause it’s cute that way)
He would tell you to let him go trick or treating since you are kinda protective over him. He loves that you care about him a lot.
He even once called you his mom/dad/parent. He was so embarrassed that it slipped out but you said it was okay.
“Mom/Dad/(Y/n)!! THEY HAVE SNICKERS!!” Griffin yelled in excitement. He ran up to you and pulled your sleeve so he could show you.
He definitely had a sugar rush, so you had a bottle of water just in case he went too crazy. This was the first time he felt free of negativity and boredom. Of course he loved his books, but he also know that there is more than books.
He loved that he felt like a kid. And you were proud too, you were proud to see him smile like that this night.
He was very bouncy while going to houses, he was dressed as a pumpkin cause you sometimes call him your little pumpkin.
When you both went home he was sharing his candy with you even if you told him no. He still gave you some.
You both watch some movies to past the night, and when you woke up he was on you lap. Cuddled against you smiling. You softly smiled at him while kissing his head.
And that’s how you both ended Halloween
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dnpbeats · 3 months
Just going a little more into the whole thing about understanding young dnp differently now that we have the whole story, something else I have been thinking about so much is queer rights movements and legislation in the uk. Im a good decade younger than them, when gay marriage was legalised I was 12. I was old enough to understand what it was, but i didnt really have any sort of understanding of how it affected me bc i hadnt even started to figure out who i was yet. To me it feels like so long ago, i feel like ive always had it, which is an immense privelage. But dan and phil were not only already in their mid twenties and in a 5 year strong relationship, they already had an active career on youtube. Watching ditl in london, that was the year gay marriage was legalised in the uk. That was who they already were as people and as creators. I cant imagine what it would have been like when the bill passed. They were still so closeted, but that was also such a big win for them and the whole community. I wonder if at the time it still seemed like such a far fetched thing anyway, bc i cant imagine they were even close to wanting to come out yet. Idk if they thought at that point they ever would. And then i think about the fact that they had been in a committed relationship for 5 years at that point. I cant imagine what it would be like to be with my self-proclaimed 'soulmate' and know that you can not legally recognize your relationship. To not know if you ever would. Which then makes sense as to why its not necessarily a priority for them now. Idk, its like you said. Its strange and a little sad to know now who they were then, but in the end it all worked out. They made it to the other side and i could not be happier for them.
oh wow yeah!! im about the same age as you I think, and yes it was much the same for me in the sense that I was aware of same-sex marriage legislation being passed but I had no real grasp on like, what that actually meant for people lol. this got me curious so I went back and tried to see if they ever even talked about same-sex marriage being legalized in the UK. from what I can see they didn't tweet about it at all, and im assuming they didn't make any other statements about it? then in 2015 when it was legalized in the US, they did both tweet, but quite impersonally (I mean I get why im not saying they should've been making grand statements or anything like that). like even setting their relationship aside for a moment, I can imagine it was incredibly difficult for them as two closeted gay men to navigate how to address things like this publicly—obviously when it came to the UK they didn't even address it at all. but im sure it was a huge deal for them to see it legalized just in the sense of what it represents. but even with this landmark that represented lgbtq+ ppl being more generally accepted, they were still closeted, so there was only so much they could say. like I would love to know their thoughts that they couldnt express in 2013/2014/2015 on what it meant to them! but also how it affected them that they couldnt share their thoughts
but then yeah I do wonder how it was for them in the context of their relationship. bc like before it wasn't even a possibility that they could get married. and then they did have the option, but actually not really because they were still closeted, so even if they wanted to they still technically couldnt without outing themselves. but obviously just knowing you now have the option when you couldnt before meant a lot to them im sure
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dextixer · 10 months
"Why criticize RT and not company X?" And why this whatabaustism is stupid.
Ever since ALL of the nearly 100 stories of RT abuses after Kdins story came out i have been hearing the same old excuses, the same old arguments and the same old bullshit in defense of RT. So many fans of RWBY keep saying "There are worse companies!" or in various ways try to point out some imagined "hypocricy" over choosing to criticize and not support RT. Recently i have read one too many of such opinions and decided to make a handy "guide" or a refutation of sorts to all of such bullshit and why its bullshit.
Logical Fallacy
Stop me if you have heard this one "RT is bad, sure, but Disney is worse! Why are you going after RT and not disney!?". I would imagine most of us have seen simmilar statements being made in defense of RT. This is something that is called "Whatabautism", its a form of a logical fallacy (Basically, shitty way of arguing) that is meant to excuse one wrong with another, perceivably bigger wrong. Its like a child smashing a window and then when caught saying "But my brother set a barn on fire!". Both are bad, but this fallacy is meant to excuse one by the perceived "smallness" of the act in comparison to the other.
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Of course, to any person who has cleared the age of 10, it is pretty clear why such an argument is bullshit. Because a bad thing still remains bad even if someone else has done worse. The same goes with RT.
Is RT an uniquelly bad company in the entertainment industry? Fuck no. Disney does performative activism ALL the time as a key example. If we look at Holywood we can see that it is INFESTED with sexual predators of various kinds, for fucks sakes, Ezra Miller could run around on a crime spree and receive no punishment because they were protected by their showrunners. The entertainment industry is INFESTED with all kinds of bullshit like this.
That does not make what RT does good, does not excuse their actions. And does not make them above reproach.
Especially not since they are a PART of WB and we know for a FACT that them coming under WB Umbrella actually made them PAY their staff properly. Which is very strange, dont you all think? That the big evil corporation of WB somehow STILL made the work conditions in RT better? That reflects worse on RT than it will ever on WB.
This whatabautism is even more riddiculous once one realizes that it comes from a place of projection.
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This is but one of many such cases of projection. The fans of RWBY will often talk about how those who criticize RT and RWBY should shut up because they also consume other media and some of them even go as far as create conspiracy theories that RWDE(Critics) actually secretly buy RWBY merch!
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Of course, they cant prove any of that shit. What critics of the show can prove for a fact however is that NONE of these RWBY fans give a single solitary shit about what RT has done. After all, the BB merch sold out like hotcakes and many people keep calling for people to support RT financially to get V10 greenlit.
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This being one of the examples. It is the fans constantly shouting about people to continue to consoom as much as possible and spend as much money as possible.
For those people to then project onto critics of the show and create conspiracies that the critics are the ones financially supporting RT is just silly.
Especially when...
Piracy exists. This entire diatribe of "supporting" other companies presupposes that people cant just... Pirate. A good example is this message i received not too long ago.
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And my answer was very simple to this person. I dont support Anime companies, Disney or any other entertainment corporation like this. Because Piracy exists. The last time i was in a Movie Theater was watching The Force Awakens in 2015. The last time i bought Anime or Anime themed merch? Never. I dont have Netflix, i dont have Disney+, i dont pay even a single cent to streaming companies, entertainment corporations or shitters like that, because i have websites on the internet for that.
Because it is THAT easy to avoid supporting shitty companies.
The same goes for Video Games. When Blizzard exposes came i dropped WoW and all Blizzard games. Currently i mostly play Indie titles or titles from companies i know arent dirty. Kenshi for example was made by one dude, Vampire Survivors, Baldurs Gate 3, Darktide, Underrail, Battle Brothers, Metal Hellsinger, Disco elysium, the list goes on. Most of these games were made by either small teams or single dudes.
When RT was first exposed, many people discussed Piracy as a form of protest. And so many people revealed just how little they know about the concept. Some of them tried and still try to pull the "Well, you cant avoid suffering under capitalism" kind of arguments. They are partially true, but in the end are wrong because...
Entertainment is one of the easiest things to drop to less human suffering. We all need food, water, housing. But for entertainment we as a generation are spoilt for choice, millions of books, fanfictions, animations, games, created for our enjoyment. Many made without suffering involved, and those that were are easily accessable without supporting the companies that created them.
You can hate RT
So, im going to finish with this. Hate RT with your entire heart if you so wish. These accusations of hypocricy? They are all bullshit. They are made by people who dont give a shit about people suffering, as long as they get their new fix of RWBY. They are made by people who will project onto you all of the shit THEY are doing.
So hate RT as any other shitty entertainment corporation and the leadership (Including those in CRWBY) that KNEW all of this shit was happening, and either hid it/suspected it (Ryan Heywood) or/and did NOTHING about it.
And these people trying to stop you from hating RT for GOOD REASON are just doing this because they LIKE RT.
It would be one thing if they rightfully called people while also hating RT. But they dont.
(This post can be found under the same name on Reddit)
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pitynostars · 5 months
ok so first things first, i loooove gatwa's doctor so much already. if nothing else, i love the masterclass in acting he's putting on, his expressiveness is so impressive. he brings a very fun energy to the role
the church on ruby road has me feeling a bit mixed as well. the plot was kind of meh, and i didn't like how in the alternate universe ruby's mum was just so mean without her. it didn't make sense. like what makes ruby so special, hm 🤨 what's this one white blond baby got that all the other babies in the world don't 🤨 i know the point was to show how much ruby meant to her mum, but like. there are other ways to do it than have a complete 180 in characterization.
i'm honestly not super interested in the mystery of ruby's parentage (which apparently seems like it will be a huge thing unless they're just making stuff up to fake us out, in which case, good on them). but i don't want it to be some big reveal i'm sorry 😩 especially not because if it is, people will bend over backwards to say how great storytelling it is when they'd never say that if moffat did a plot like this. i hadn't even considered the possibility really, when i'd first watched it, i thought it's just not that deep, but maybe i'm wrong. the people who are theorizing that ruby is rose and tentoo's daughter are sooo funny though like
ur only saying that because she's blond and we all know nobody on this show can be blond without being related to The Blond(tm) 🙄
that literally means they abandoned their kid. yes. such good parents 😫
i also feel like we didn't....really get to know ruby that well? i'll reserve judgement to give them more time obviously, and millie seems very green (not a judgement on her, and she and ncuti seem to have a lot of fun energy together) so there's still time and there's a lot of time in general for the stories to get going, and it had to do double duty as a christmas special and an intro episode for both new doctor and new companion so like, my feelings may also change with time. anyways those are my thots for now
yesss i was sold on gatwa very quickly i just hope he doesn't become 10th doctor rehash number 2345932853845 i am so tired. give him something new. also praying him and ruby don't have a romance angle there were a couple of moments in CORR i was like. GOD NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NOT AGAIN.
CORR plot being meh i agreeee but also xmas specials plot is a lot of times like a wafer and as someone who watched it quite roasted ngl i kinda appreciated it 😂
YEAH omhg tho with ruby disappearing and her mum (i want to say carla??) completely changing as a person??? i get that the point was supposed to be like one little change can make such an impact etc etc as well. but also i was just like. .... ok but what about the other kids wasnt good enuf ???? maybe i'm a cynic lol. but fr have another MORE kids on the wall bc she's trying to fill a gap she doesn't know is from what !!!! IMAGINE.... especially with it being sort of set up as a doctor/companions parallel oh my god
nooo oh my god i know what you mean about rubys parents i like that theyre setting it up as a counter to 13s "it doesn't matter i'm good as i am my past doesnt define me" etc. but i really want it to not be interesting. i want her parents to just be like. normal people who had to make a hard choice lol. oh my god. i just realised. we're gonna go thru a fucking rey star wars arc with her im gonna lose it byee... imagine she ends the series like "im ruby doctor" :) i would quit watching.
but yeah 100% it's gonna be a big thing. atm i dont care but i guess we'll see and hope they do something interesting with it.... prayers she's an alien tbf
rose and tentoo would be terrible parents tbf i said what i said.
YEAH i know what you mean i feel like that about gatwa too i think its hard making the first intro for both an xmas special because it has to be kinda silly and rompy so you cant rlly get too into the grit of the characters?? still reserving judgement on them both, but its taken me a while to warm up to like. everyone in dr who since bill--- wait i take that back i loved bel in flux from like her first scene but she's not a doc or companion.
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savi-our · 9 months
Hello! Recently found your blog, and I want to say it's just gorgeous! I'm in love with your drawings and writing style 💜
I have a little request: how do guys react to how their s/o is angry and for the first time curses in a foreign (their native) language? Can one of them learn this language?
Can we go with UF and US skelebro, please?
Heya! Old ask again but i hope you still enjoy it!
UF Papyrus - Edge
-At first he misses it completely
-Since this is the first time you cursed and in a language he doesnt understand he doesn't really latch onto it much, rather focusing on whatever it is that is making you angry
-He does ask you about it later though - IF he remembers
-He asks you about your heritage and overall cultural things rather than the language itself, i see him being way more interested in your origins rather than some language
-Asks you about the food associated with your heritage and learns how to make some of your favorites, makes you participate because hes a sucker for some domestic couples cooking
-Overall focuses more on where you came from and his curiosity regarding the love of his life - the language is only secondary.
UF Sans - Red
-Looks at you strange, thought maybe misheard
-Straight up asks you about it
-Thinks its pretty cool that you know another language, its pretty useful after all.
-Most definitely asks you to teach him all of the worst swear words - from which he only remembers like 2 max and uses them far too frequently.
-Definitely starts hitting on you with an accent for the jokes.
-Imagine the worst, dirtiest pickup lines with the worst possible accent.
-Hes having a blast, even if you might not be - dont blame him, you know what you signed up for.
-Dirty talk is forever ruined for you now, im sorry for your loss 😔
US Papyrus - Stretch
-Quirks an eyebrow
-Asks you at a more appropriate time (when youre not angry) about it
-After you tell him he makes like some effort into learning the language, as in he tried Duolingo (sponsor me) for like 2 days and then was too lazy to even open it up.
-He likes it when you talk dirty to him in your own language though, he cant place what it is exactly but it gets his attention real quick.
-Also learns some curse words except he doesnt ask you but just googles them, you can hear him swear at his pc whenever hes gaming.
US Sans - Blue
-The only one to actually wanna learn the language, culture and everything else AND actually stick it through
-He doesnt like you cursing though so whenever you do he tuts at you
-You used to have a pass bc he didnt know what the words meant but thats no longer a thing, my condolences.
-Hes very excited about potentially having a "secret" form of communication though!
-Youll see him leave you notes around the house with sweet nothings in your native language, its very cute.
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I re-read my post about chapters 22-30 and I realized that theres so much I just fully forgot to mention, mostly relating to the inner circle so heres a quick summary of my thoughts about each ic member now that Im about halfway through the book and have spent some time with them. To briefly recap my previous thoughts, I think their group dynamic is insanely uncomfortable because of how apparent their hierarchy is and also none of them seem to actually like each other all that much
I dont dislike her in the sense that I dont dislike her personality or the basic concept of her character, but I do hate that shes in the inner circle at all. Like, whats this eldritch creature trapped in a body thats not her own doing hanging out with all these boring people ass people FOR 500 YEARS dude, if I had to spend 500 years with Rhysand I would destroy the entire night court regardless of whether or not I had Amren-levels of power. Like, why on earth would she be satisfied playing second fiddle to Rhysand and living in an APARTMENT in his stupid °•~City of Starlight~•° when shes supposed to be like a billion years old and a thousand times more powerful than him. I feel like itd be interesting to explore that but I know that we really dont from watching cari can read's summaries, so she just ends up being a character thats supposed to be interesting because shes so mysterious but is actually so shrouded in intrigue that it turns around and she just becomes boring again
When I first met her I said that something about her bothered me but I couldnt put my finger on what it was, but that I still kinda liked her because she atleast annoyed Rhysand. She really hasnt annoyed Rhys in any way since her and Feyres first meeting so I like her less because of that and also because shes mostly just boring to me at the moment. I think another reason why I dont particularly like her is that she feels so intrinsically tied to the misogyny of this world that just suddenly materialized in this book and its really annoying, I would like to avoid that subplot as much as possible. She basically just exists to give Feyre a female friend at the Night Court and to show her that you can totally girlboss your way out of a misogynistic system! But you cant dismantle the system because uhhhhhhhh. change is like a glacier because its slow
Also, shes obviously meant to parallel Ianthe, like shes supposed to be the better version of her, but I cant even imagine her and Feyre making out sloppy style toxic yuri edition so I cant really see her as any kind of improvement. sorry
One of my least favourite character types is Fratbro But You Put Him In A Fantasy Setting so Im not the biggest fan of this guy ngl. The one redeeming quality he has is that hes very obviously crushing on all of his friends bisexual style, especially Rhys and Azriel. Its almost a little sad but mostly its just very funny. Like whyd you wanna take their clothes at the illyrian camps so badly huh? You like seeing pretty boys squirm around naked?
Unfortunately, I know that hes gonna end up with Nesta and that hes not even gonna treat her well, my guy is gonna go from being gay because he likes men to being gay because he hates women and I am not looking forward to it
Speaking of Nessian, a lot of sjm critical anti nessian people say that Nesta and Cassian used to be so good and so genuinely romantic in ACOWAR and that their relationship got completely ruined in ACOSF and. I mean, granted they dont ever talk about Cassian behaviour towards Nesta during the meeting at her house in ACOMAF but I hated the way he was just so angry at her on Feyre's behalf when she wasnt even that mad herself, she just felt weird and bad. Of course, I havent read ACOWAR yet and I might change my mind in the future but right now, I'll just say it doesnt surprise me that Cassian would laugh at Nesta falling down the stairs
My favourite guy!!! Out of this bunch I mean. My favourite guy in the entire ACOTAR series is probably Lucien, but if we're just talking about the jokers from the Night Court, then this guy is my favorite
I really wasnt expecting much from him, I thought he would have absolutely no personality from what Ive heard other people say about him, but hes basically exactly what I want in an edgy traumatized shadow boi. Ive talked about this before but I really dislike Rhysand and part of that is that I normally really like the archetype of the tortured edgy love interest with shadow powers but he makes it so goddamn annoying by being so flirty and cocky I just want to see him dead. But Azriel is quiet so he doesnt bothr me and also theres some intrigue about his backstory and the extend of his powes but he feels like a solid enough character that he doesnt become boring to me like Amren
I will say though, theres something particularly uncomfortable about watching anyone from the inner circle interact with him and vice versa, I think its because he seems like he doesnt actually like them more than anything else. Ive said this in a previous post, I think Cassian wants to be in a relationship good friends with him and he seems to think they have some good sunshine guy/grumpy guy banter going on but to me it just seems like Azriel genuinely dislikes him. And then he obviously doesnt trust Amren and I feel like hes in love with Mor and has been for a really long time but doesnt actually like her, I honestly feel like hes just sticking by Rhysand because he feels like he owes him and because it gives him an excuse to be close to his crush
Yknow, that I think about it maybe thats why I like him so much. I dont like the Inner Circle, he doesnt like the Inner Circle, thats a relatable king right there
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neytris · 1 year
HI i am so sorry for rambling in your ask box bc i really need to share my thoughts
bc after reading the theories it makes so much sense? and yes the one with reviving trudy was indeed what james cameron wanted and michelle refused, i sorta read it in an article
the thing that's been bothering me sm is that, if neteyam was meant to appear in the next movies as flashbacks why would he be there until the 4th? i saw the next avatar movies in jamie flatters' upcoming movies and neteyam's list of appearances too last i checked (?)
logically speaking, if he were to appear just as flashbacks then it'll end on the third and that's it. not until 4th. there's no way it takes 2 movies for an intended "character development"
not to mention, i saw some say that it's 'sad how kiri wont be able to visit neteyam via spirit tree' which tbh i think no fucking way. not with that huge ass storyline that awaits for kiri. no way james cameron is gonna just leave that be. kiri's story is meant for something big. some are still wondering who her dad is while tbh i believe it's insignificant on whom but more to how and why.
it's not a reach to say she's a child of Eywa (literally)
'a miracle arrives' said so in Songcord in kiri's part, and with the way the story is set, it's entirely possible for her to also cause a miracle, what the miracle may be is still unknown.
and there has to be a reason why we only get neteyam AND kiri's song. cmon. i tried but i just cant leave that alone.
"but if he's revived then his death in the 2nd movie would be meaningless! no character development would happen!" not if he returns by the end of the 3rd movie. or the 4th. one whole avatar movie is enough for a character to develop.
i like to feed my delusions by imagining the end of the 3rd movie with lo'ak (who's already had his character development) in a difficult situation with no way out and since avatar movies have a thing for ending it with a close up into the protagonist' eyes the camera zooms in to him and in the background we hear a painfully familiar "Lo'ak!" and bam. movie ends. goodluck surviving from that nasty cliffhanger.
i read somewhere that neteyam's codename is said to be 'pathfinder' so do what you will with that information. bc i sure as hell am feeling both pessimistic and optimistic from it
i hope i didnt overstep anything. tysm for reading 💞 and sorry if my wording confuses you english isnt my main language kdkdjgrj
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hi artemis baby ! don’t be sorry omg
well, to be honest, i don’t really think teyam’s gonna be in the upcoming movies because i don’t trust google and imdb. i do believe that we’ll see him in a flashback though. maybe in the spirit tree. i am not so sure about that…
i completely agree with you on this, there’s no way it takes two movies for an intended character development lol. that is exactly why i don’t believe google/imdb showing jamie in the cast of a3 and a4. they just give us false hopes. that’s what i think. honestly speaking? the only reason i don’t believe them is because i really don’t wanna be let down. i’m a crybaby after all lmao :( so i don’t have a logical explanation for this. i just don’t wanna be let down.
people say kiri’s not gonna be able to visit nete just because they think it’ll kill her— norm said so (to jake, when kiri had her seizure). i’m kinda conflicted about this and i agree that her story’s meant for something big tbh. jim’s not gonna kill her off that easily.
i love the way you worded this: it’s possible for her to also cause a miracle… yeah. i’m with you with that one, too. the reason why we only got neteyam and kiri in the songcord was probably because jake only (weirdly) mentioned teyam and kiri (a bead for the birth of our son, a bead for our adopted daughter). just because they’re jeytiri’s firstborns, maybe? but that’s just my opinion of course.
it’s crystal clear to me that jim only killed neteyam so that he could be the perfect catalyst for lo’ak’s character development. if google and imdb are right and neteyam indeed comes back by the end of the third movie, i think there’ll be no problem, because jim would get what he oh-so-desperately wanted— lo’ak definitely will have that character development by the end of the movie. i’m not even gonna lie, that’s still a possibility, though something tells me jim’s not gonna bring teyam back. i don’t know why, i just feel like it.
i like that ending. and i undoubtedly can see that happening omg. something like, “hey baby bro, need some help?” the way i literally have tears in my eyes right now ugh. the best cliffhanger. jim has to hire us, bestie ! i’m quite sure a3 will end with lo’ak opening his eyes, so it’ll be awesome if something neteyam-related happens. we all collectively agreed that lo’ak’s character development will be done by the end of the movie, after all.
i read that too! i can’t wait to see what time has in store for us neteyam girlies lol. i’m not ready to get hurt again.
of course you didn’t overstep anything, muffin ! i like hearing different views/theories. pls feel free to share them with me 🌟 your wording was *chef’s kiss* omg don’t worry ! my native lang isn’t english either so BXNXHSJHSSY we’re twinsies fr 👩🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏻
@eyrina-avatar take a look at this 👀
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mythicalshipping · 2 years
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Rhett’s entire tone throughout this was just like...strikingly soft and intimate? I’m like “should I go? Am I intruding?”
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...I gotta wonder what all goes down in their writer’s room. There are so many close ups from this ep that are just...well. Also the lil’ peek of Rhett’s chest through the unbuttoned top of his shirt omgggggg.
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Rhett “I’m not retrieving it” McLaughlin everyone. How is...HOW?!?!
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O.O A what kind of candle now? (It seems like this is from a previous ep and possibly some sort of “Goop” overly priced item meant to resemble human anatomy but doing an incredibly poor job because if your *candle* is burning then you should see a doctor product).
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Okay he’s talking about the yodeling pickle here but with EVERYTHING ELSE I JUST--
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LINK’S LIL GIGGLE HERE I CANT?!?! WTF?!?! It’s like the rest of the crew isn’t even in the room XD
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Link.exe has stopped working, wtf he got so FLUSTERED. BRUH. How is this more ;alsdkjf;ldsakjf than GME?!?!?!
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I mean...d*ck? But I don’t think he’s allowed to say that on YouTube?!?!?
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Link pls you cannot be saying this after all of that...
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I don’t have words for this but I stg if my post gets f*agged for Not Appropriate For Professional Environments content...
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So yeah I totally forgot Link had another turn after all of that lmao. And I just...
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The way Link is standing, he may as well have set up a Link figurine between his legs like:
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Rhett mentions that Chase gestured to him during this, and before Rhett can even get his full sentence out, Link has already responded possessively. Like, I can only imagine how much that man (Chase) has seen...
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So...idk how...this happened, but Rhett is asking about the item Link has in his pocket and asks something along the lines of if it is an item involved in people having an o*gy in the park, and A.) I cannot recall how in the world he got on this tangent, and B.) What kind of parks do they have in Burbank?
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Rhett literally says this mid-reach, as if he was going to deny Link lol. 
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And this was just cute. :3 
But *WHEW* I need to lie down lmao. 
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telnaga · 4 months
talking about sex and hornniness look out
so generally, up til now, ive had a pretty low libido slash sex drive. may or may not have been affected by my below-average levels of testosterone, and/or my chronic pain and fatigue condition that primarily affects people with estrogen-based hormone systems (and/or) low testosterone levels, which itself may or may not have circled around and affected my approach to sex, because its generally a lot harder when you can only even masturbate for about 2 minutes. but anyways, my sex drive was still enough for me to feel like a huge freak, maybe especially for being raised as a girl, but america's puritanical culture affects everyone in it to some extent...
but, the main point. ive been on T for 3 weeks for gender. its been making me extremely horny. it feels like an itch i can't scratch. it feels like a Need i cannot fill. i think it might drive me insane eventually. i dont know if its all feeling stronger bc i havent dealt with it before, but like... this is a normal aspect of so many peoples lives, and i never really understood that before. i always felt more like being horny was something you chose? because it was for me. it wasnt something that just showed up and knocked at my door, really. but it makes a lot of things make so much more sense, and makes me realize how fucked up the common attitudes are. including my own past ones!
id make the "horny people have no rights" joke, and i half meant it. i looked down on people who consumed most kinds of porn. and especially people who made porn. looked down on people who had sex! ive gotten a lot less puritanical the last few years ... but there's still this whole widespread culture of shame. sex is shameful, sex is dirty. having a sex drive is dirty, acknowledging you have a sex drive is dirty. youre not allowed to have consensual sex without following so many archaic, arcane rules, and/or keep it underground. and god i cant even fucking imagine, you know, having this frequent need your body is asking for, and your only possible outlet is getting married???? no fucking wonder there's so many loveless marriages, so much divorce. it feels so basic, and yet my lack of knowledge and empathy was only ever challenged enough to barely move past apathy... because its also just something thats not talked about.
its not like i didnt know Any of this, but Feeling It is just making a lot more about the world click into place, because this is just another need people have that they have been utterly shamed and demonized for, that filling has become very difficult and clandestine and dangerous. like. holy hell, man. holy hell
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