#you can be pro herbal medicine and pro modern medicine
seeminglyseph · 7 months
I did find apothecary diaries manga, am gonna end up reading for a while, but it is absolutely giving me that itch to create a court system with like. Multiple different class structures and stuff. Because I understand apothecary diaries is about a fictional not-China kinda setup since it’s like. Not based on a real Emperor and real consorts but inspired by historical fiction to make an interesting story about a girl who is a lady in waiting to a consort of the Emperor. But also a skilled Apothecary/pharmacist and medical care provider. And kind of a botanist but when it comes to the more Chinese influenced medicine I think it really overlaps but I’m very ignorant about a lot of Chinese medicines because it’s been really undervalued here. Which really makes it more interesting to learn about it ‘cause like… a majority of modern medicine is adapted from natural medicine so it’s like. Just finding the chemical compounds that causes the reaction and doing advanced chemistry that I don’t understand because I didn’t pass grade 12 chemistry even let alone going into university and doing pharmacy sciences, so it’s all connected and important.
Natural and chemical is the same thing half the time. I’m just too fuckin stupid to understand it. And Chinese herbs aren’t local so i don’t know what they do. There’s a plantain herb here that’s not a very large banana that my mom’s made into a really good pain relief cream, same with turmeric, that’s really good for inflammation too. And they don’t make my eyes burn like menthol so it’s good for the jaw pain I get. I might have th wrong name for the plantain herb. My mom grows it but most people pluck it like a weed and throw it out. Honestly same with camomile up here, it grows wild like a weed. And dandelions have a lot of herbal properties. I think they make a really good anti-itch cream… though that might be the camomile. Most of this stuff my mom’s been making. I haven’t been as involved ‘cause I haven’t been as active. But there’s really cool stuff with really good properties. I’m just. Local to northern Canada. So I know different herbs.
All that to say this series is my jam and the episode where she has to deal with convincing well meaning but ignorant busybodies the correct ways to care for a bedridden sick person is really cathartic. Like honestly just “hey you have to feed a sick person food they can actually digest and not ‘health food’” was like. My struggle with convincing people I needed to eat the right food so that I had enough energy to digest more complex food instead of just having it run through me or having my body reject it. Like having people force me to eat “healthy” high fibre food when my body literally didn’t have enough energy to digest it so I just passed it and therefore gained no energy from the food and became sicker was so frustrating because then they would get mad at me for not eating something nutritional when what I needed was something calorically dense just so that I could have the energy to digest something with nutrition. You need energy to digest food. That’s how people can starve while eating. That’s one of the key signs of malnutrition. If you have green diarrhea or you have a child with green diarrhea, it’s because the food is not getting digested and it might be like. Because the body doesn’t have enough calories to digest the food getting eaten. That’s why recovering from a starvation event it is important to start slow and eat carb and fat dense meals and ease into fibres, supplement the vitamins with medication. It’s difficult. Rice and bread are stables because We Need Carbs To Live. Carbs give us the energy to digest the rest of our food. Fats give us the energy to live. They are vital to our existence.
This is a pro-food blog. Alway everyday all day amen hallelujah peanut butter.
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urbandokkalfar · 1 year
Speaking of Looking to the Past to Preserve the Future...
This is gonna be a looonnngggg hot take, I'm sick/not feeling well so Niquil induced deep thought is your curse as much as it is mine.
Most industry is unnecessary.
Lemme explain:
Food industry for example. Everyone needs to eat, this is a fact. How do governments and powers that be start keeping the impoverished masses in line? Control the food. When you think about it, m o s t plants labled weeds or unappealing/ugly or even nuisances are not only edible and nutritious but a good number are medicinal (I'll touch on this next). There isplebes.ely no reason why cities, towns etc can not replace ornamental vegetation with fruit trees, berry bushes, vegetable plants like peppers, tomatoes and the like. They don't because it doesn't perpetuate hunger as a motivator to work for them.
Medicine - While I can concede that some artificial medicines can be useful and can help some situations but, again, disconnecting people from the past: foraging, herbalism etc you connect them to the modern 'machine'. Healthcare is the states is an absolute joke. I've mentioned before I have a broken bone in my foot and a cracked knee cap - to 'fix' both with modern medicine would require me to not only be out of work for an insane amount of time but pay half the costs upfront and continue to pay for the foreseeable future. I have neighbors who regularly come to my apartment every week to share meals because they can not afford their medicines to keep them alive, bills, rent, and necessitys ontop of regular grocery shopping. We pool resources, buy in bulk and split it equally.
Continuing with medical - Doctors in the US (not sure about other places) notoriously gaslight paitents and ignore them until it's to late or erroneously expensive to afford treatments and will require treatments or medications for the rest of their lives. I don't believe all medical staff is inherently 'evil' but I do believe they are taught in such a way to run paitents in circles to force them to keep paying for life saving meds/treatments. Insulin, Cancer treatments, Hormones and other life saving/gender affirmative/mental health care should not be putting people deep into financial crisis - it makes it worse and keeps them in the system.
Also - Abortion should be 100% legal.
Gender Affirmation Care For Trans Youth And Trans In General Should Be 100% Legal.
Sex Workers Should Not Be Demonized.
Automotive Industries should be abolished. Cars, roadways etc are another means to keep people paying into the money pit of government and society. Gotta pay 100+ to register your vehicle every year, gas prices fluctuate like my paitents with stupid people, people who have no business being on the road (looking at you 90 year old with Sundowner Dementia...) posing a threat, cars in general posing a threat not only to other motorists but pedestrians, wildlife, non motor vehicles and the planet.
Companies Green Wash products - Vegan leather is plastic...plastic is ass for the environment while real leather biodegrades and has been a part of the himan experience for centuries.
VEGAN LIFESTYLES ARE UNSUSTAINABLE, PROMOTE DEFORESTATION, DESTRUCTION OF HABITATS, EXTERMINATION OF SPECIES AND PROMOTE SLAVERY. While i fully understand people who HAVE legitimate medical reasons and even true moral reasons for being vegan I do NOT condone industrial veganisam - your destroying the planet JUST as much as industrial agriculture.
Pro-Lifers are a fucking joke and we all need to laugh at them. Ya'll only care about a clump of cells till it's birthed.... Why don't you put that money and effort into HELPING children already existing in the hell that is the foster system rather than force people to keep making people they can't have or don't wanna keep for whatever reasons they have???
Society has become a sham - there is no protection living in mass cities. Cops kill people for no reason, becuase they can. Doctors and other medical professionals can decline to treat you based on their religious beliefs, personal ideas, sexual status/orientation, financial situation etc. If you don't fit the mold, you're a threat. Everything is engineered to cost JUST ENOUGH to keep the poor poor, you can not be self sufficient without consequences and limitations.
We need to go back to small, self sufficient communities, embrace birth control for males and females to get the human population under control, reduce the human foot print, reduce conventional vehicle travel (long distance public travel and goods transport/emergency services being the general exception with limitations), get the ecosystems back in balance....
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kinesiologyclinic · 7 days
Best Doctors For Sports Injury Treatment In Delhi
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If there ever been moments when you were left out of a sporting event while your friends went on to play and you felt frustrated? Think of this: A stinging agony suddenly shoots through your knee, sending you flying to the ground when you’re totally engaged in the game of soccer. Your thoughts are consumed with worry as you limp off the field, worried about a protracted recuperation and an unclear return to action. For athletes, ranging from casual fans to seasoned pros, this situation is all too prevalent. Fear not, though, for Crumaco is a ray of hope for sports injury treatment, and  Dr. Tanvir Logani is a leading specialist in sports injury treatment in Delhi, offering expert care and recovery solutions.
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Take a tour through the field of sports injury treatment to learn about the most recent developments that can hasten your recuperation. Read how Crumaco is at the forefront of sports medicine, assisting players rebuild their physical abilities more quickly than before using cutting-edge therapies and creative rehabilitation techniques.
How Can I Prevent Sports Injuries Before They Happen?
Long-term success in the game requires prevention. Explore doable tactics and professional guidance on reducing the possibility of sports-related injuries and maximizing performance on the field or court. Learn how to maintain your body primed and prepared for action with Crumaco’s instruction to lessen the chance of missed opportunities and sidelined seasons.
Are There Natural Remedies That Can Enhance My Sports Injury Recovery?
Uncover how the natural world can heal you and learn about complementary natural medicines that can help your body repair itself. Crumaco provides a holistic approach to sports injury therapy that supports the body and mind and helps you recover better than ever. This approach includes herbal supplements and therapeutic approaches.
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What Role Does Nutrition Play in Sports Injury Rehabilitation?
Find out how a balanced diet can aid in your body’s recovery after a sports injury and the significance of the relationship between food and recovery. With the assistance of Crumaco’s nutrition experts, discover what to eat to optimize overall health, reduce inflammation, and promote tissue repair for a speedy and durable return to play.
Can I Return to Sports Safely After an Injury, and How Do I Know When I’m Ready?
Navigating the journey back to sports participation may seem daunting, but Crumaco is here to support you every step of the way. Learn how to reintegrate safely into your favorite activities post-injury and gain insight into signs indicating readiness for competition. With Crumaco’s comprehensive approach to sports injury treatment, approach your return to play with confidence and peace of mind.
Why Choose Crumaco for Sports Injury Treatment?
Among the multitude of choices available for treating sports injuries, Crumaco is distinguished as a leader in both performance and creativity. A holistic approach to injury care, Crumaco’s interdisciplinary team of experts addresses the individual needs of each athlete with specializations in sports medicine, physiotherapy, nutrition, and more. Modern facilities and individualized treatment programs are only two of the ways that Crumaco is committed to assisting athletes of all skill levels in realizing their full potential and returning to competition greater than ever.
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How Does Crumaco’s Approach Differ from Traditional Sports Injury Clinics?
At Crumaco, we believe in pushing boundaries and redefining standards of care in sports injury treatment in Delhi. Our science-based approach combines evidence-based practices with personalized care, ensuring each athlete receives tailored treatment to thrive. From advanced diagnostics to innovative therapies, Crumaco is committed to delivering results that exceed expectations, setting new benchmarks for excellence in sports medicine making it a sports injury specialist in Chattarpur.
What Sets Crumaco Apart as the Best Place for Sports Injury Treatment?
The tenets that define Crumaco’s culture are empowerment, inspiration, teamwork, sportsmanship, and creativity. These are more than just buzzwords. Athletes are treated here like members of a community, striving for resilience and excellence together, not just as patients. For individuals looking for the greatest sports injury therapy, Crumaco is without a doubt the ideal option because of its emphasis on personalised care and holistic well-being by Dr. Tanvir Logani.
In summary, recovering from a sports injury is a gratifying and tough process, but you’re in good hands when Crumaco is on your side.  Either you’re an experienced athlete or a weekend warrior, Crumaco will assist you get beyond challenges, reach your greatest potential, and confidently and vigorously resume your favourite sports making it the best sports injury clinic in delhi.
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FAQs About Sports Injury Treatment:
What is the average recovery period following a sports injury?
The duration of rehabilitation fluctuates according to the kind and extent of the trauma as well as personal characteristics including age, general well-being, and medication plan compliance. With the right care, certain injuries might heal in a matter of weeks, but others might need weeks of rehabilitation to fully heal.
Which sports injuries are most frequently treated at Crumaco?
Sports injuries such as strains, sprains, fractures, dislocations, tendinitis, and ligament tears are all subject matter expertise for Crumaco. Our knowledgeable staff uses a multidisciplinary approach to meet the specific demands of every athlete, ensuring a speedy and complete recovery.
Are there ever times when sports injuries require surgery, or are there always non-invasive options?
While certain sports injuries may require surgery, many others can be successfully treated with non-invasive techniques including physiotherapy, chiropractic adjustments, and regenerative medicine. When feasible, Crumaco gives conservative therapy priority in order to reduce downtime and maximize results.
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How can I avoid future sports injuries that recur?
A comprehensive strategy that targets underlying risk factors, strengthens weak regions, and encourages appropriate technique and biomechanics is needed to prevent recurrent sports injuries. Crumaco offers customized injury prevention plans made to meet the unique requirements of every athlete, promoting resilience and long-term health.
What should I do if I am hurt playing sports while competing or attending an event?
If you get hurt playing sports during a tournament or event, get medical help right away so that the damage can be evaluated and the proper course of treatment can be started. In order to reduce the negative effects of sports injuries on performance and recuperation, Crumaco provides players with prompt, all-encompassing care.
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weeds420 · 3 months
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klubkratom · 3 months
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fitjourneydaily · 4 months
Harnessing the Power of Traditional Herbs: Natural Analgesics for Pain Relief
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Introduction: In a world where modern medicine prevails, it's easy to overlook the valuable healing properties of traditional herbs. Many of these plants have been used for centuries as natural analgesics, providing effective pain relief without the side effects associated with synthetic drugs. This article aims to shed light on traditional herbs with anti-inflammatory properties and their potential in alleviating pain naturally. 1. Turmeric: Tag: Turmeric, Anti-inflammatory, Natural Pain Relief, Traditional Herbs Turmeric, also known as Curcuma longa, is widely recognized for its vibrant golden color and distinctive flavor in culinary applications. However, turmeric also boasts potent anti-inflammatory properties due to the compound called curcumin. Curcumin inhibits certain enzymes and cytokines that contribute to inflammation and pain. Incorporating turmeric into your diet or consuming it as a supplement can help reduce chronic pain, especially in conditions like arthritis and joint-related issues. 2. Ginger: Tag: Ginger, Natural Analgesic, Anti-inflammatory Herbs, Pain Relief Ginger, Zingiber officinale, is a commonly used herb in Asian cuisine, known for its aromatic and warming qualities. Beyond its culinary benefits, ginger is a natural analgesic with anti-inflammatory properties. It contains gingerol, a bioactive compound that inhibits inflammation-causing chemicals in the body. Ginger can be consumed as a tea or added to meals, providing relief from various types of pain, including headaches, muscle soreness, and menstrual cramps. 3. Willow Bark: Tag: Willow Bark, Salicin, Natural Pain Relief, Herbal Remedies Willow bark, derived from the inner bark of several species of willow trees, contains a natural compound called salicin. Salicin is a precursor to salicylic acid, which is the active ingredient found in aspirin. It possesses strong analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, making willow bark an effective natural pain reliever. Whether in the form of tea or as a supplement, this traditional herb can alleviate pain associated with osteoarthritis, lower back pain, and migraines. 4. Boswellia: Tag: Boswellia, Frankincense, Natural Analgesics, Anti-inflammatory Boswellia, also known as frankincense, is renowned for its use in perfumes and incense. However, this resin extracted from the Boswellia tree has significant analgesic and anti-inflammatory qualities. The active compounds in boswellia, known as boswellic acids, suppress the production of pro-inflammatory enzymes, providing relief from joint pain and inflammation. Boswellia can be consumed as a supplement or used topically in creams and oils to soothe pain and discomfort caused by conditions like arthritis and sports injuries. Conclusion: Harnessing the power of traditional herbs can offer a natural and effective means of pain relief. With their anti-inflammatory properties and natural analgesics, herbs like turmeric, ginger, willow bark, and boswellia can provide relief from various types of pain. While each herb has its own unique qualities and benefits, they share the common characteristic of being safe, affordable, and easily accessible alternatives to conventional pain medications. So, next time you're seeking relief from pain, consider incorporating these traditional herbs into your wellness routine for a holistic approach to healing. Tags (suitable for WordPress plugin): 1. Turmeric 2. Anti-inflammatory 3. Natural Pain Relief 4. Traditional Herb Master your blood sugar levels with Gluco Freeze, the Ultimate Blood Sugar Support Kit. Designed for those seeking to maintain healthy glucose levels, our kit is an essential tool in your wellness arsenal. 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Our range includes everything from multivitamins to targeted nutrients, catering to your specific health goals. Experience the transformative power of high-quality supplements with SynoGut. Discover how our supplements can become a crucial part of your daily health regimen. Visit the SynoGut Essential Dietary Supplements Product Page. Experience ancient healing with Spinal Force 's Village-Made Chinese Pain Reliever. Crafted using time-honored techniques from a remote village in China, our natural remedy is specially formulated to target and alleviate back and joint pain. Infused with a blend of traditional Chinese herbs known for their powerful pain-relieving properties, this remedy offers a holistic approach to managing discomfort. Ideal for those suffering from chronic pain or seeking a natural alternative to conventional treatments, Spinal Force brings centuries of herbal wisdom right to your doorstep. Feel the difference and embrace a life free from pain with our unique, village-made solution. Discover the secret to natural pain relief with Spinal Force . Visit the Spinal Force Chinese Pain Reliever Product Page. Empower your health with HerpaGreens, the Advanced Herpes Management Solution. Specially crafted for those dealing with herpes, HerpaGreens is your ally in managing symptoms and outbreaks. Our unique formula blends natural antivirals and soothing agents, providing relief and supporting your body's defense against herpes flare-ups. Whether you're battling cold sores or seeking to maintain your well-being during times of stress, HerpaGreens offers a holistic approach to managing herpes. Experience comfort and confidence with HerpaGreens, knowing you're taking proactive steps towards better health. Explore the benefits and reclaim your peace of mind with HerpaGreens. Visit the HerpaGreens Herpes Management Solution Product Page. Revitalize your oral health with DentaFend's Essential Nutrient Formula. Discover the power of this one key nutrient, scientifically proven to combat gum disease and rebuild your teeth. Our specialized formula is designed for those seeking to enhance their dental health naturally and effectively. Whether you're dealing with sensitive gums or looking to strengthen your teeth, DentaFend offers a nutrient-rich solution that targets the root cause of oral health issues. Embrace a future of strong, healthy teeth and gums with DentaFend. Experience the transformative effects of our unique nutrient blend on your oral wellness. Learn more about how DentaFend can revolutionize your dental care routine. Visit the DentaFend Essential Nutrient Formula Product Page. Transform your blood sugar management with Vivotonic, the Advanced Blood Sugar Support Formula. Tailored for those striving to maintain healthy glucose levels, Vivotonic is your ideal partner in your wellness journey. Our expertly crafted formula provides a harmonious blend of natural ingredients known for supporting blood sugar regulation, enhancing your body's ability to manage glucose efficiently. Whether you're pre-diabetic, diabetic, or simply mindful about maintaining balanced blood sugar levels, Vivotonic offers the nutritional support you need. Embrace the path to stable glucose levels and improved overall health with Vivotonic. Discover how our specialized formula can aid in your blood sugar control efforts. Visit the Vivotonic Blood Sugar Support Formula Product Page. Read the full article
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sevayucuba · 1 year
Ayurvedic Retreat Centres: The Ultimate Destination for Healing and Rejuvenation
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In the wellness industry, Ayurveda and Ayurvedic retreat centres have recently experienced a revival. You are no longer required to fly to India in order to benefit from traditional Ayurvedic therapies' unique healing properties.
Before starting any treatments, ayurvedic practitioners will ascertain your unique constitution to make sure you are getting the right care for achieving balance and good health. The greatest ayurveda treatment facilities include a variety of treatments and therapies, including ayurveda, naturopathy, yoga and meditation, physiotherapy, and several other specialized treatments including deep tissue massage, acupuncture, and much more.
The Pros of Ayurvedic Treatment Centres
Clarity of Mind
With the emphasis on speed, overstimulation, and the continual cacophony that permeates our lives in the modern world, it is simple to get distracted and worried. To aid in concentration, specific Ayurveda herbs and perfumed oils are frequently utilized and administered. Ayurveda focuses heavily on sleep, meditation, as well as mindfulness techniques, which serve to calm the mind and encourage overall clarity.
Reduce Aches and Pains
Ayurvedic medicine as well as therapies work to reduce edoema, improve circulation, control lymphatic drainage, improve tissue nutrition, and reduce inflammation. Ayurvedic medication can enhance blood flow, reduce pain and swelling, and battle inflammatory disorders. Many people find reduced levels of inflammation, more energy, and better recovery when they place a strong emphasis on herbal remedies, antioxidants, and appropriate physical activity.
Balancing Hormones
Scientific research has demonstrated that Ayurveda can naturally aid in the regulation of hormones, leading to a consistent menstrual cycle, enhanced fertility, and a healthy and natural pregnancy. Additionally, the practice of Pranayama, a collection of specific breathing exercises, has proven to have calming effects on the nervous system and can result in increased energy, better quality sleep, and improved hormonal balance. Various studies have further revealed the therapeutic benefits of Ayurveda in treating infertility caused by conditions such as PCOS, amenorrhea, or irregular periods, as well as mitigating the symptoms of PMS.
Reconnection to Spirit
The inner spirit that encompasses all the aspects of our surroundings is something that Ayurveda educates us about. Ayurveda practices unify your mind, body, and spirit in addition to having a significant impact on your physical health. Healing comes from within, according to Ayurveda, and maintaining our spiritual health is essential if we want to be content, fulfilled, and happy as individuals.
Assist Detoxification and Digestion
By eliminating the accumulation of waste in the body, ayurvedic practises can help reduce bloating and poor digestion. Digestion-related problems are frequently treated using spices, herbs, and roots like cumin, cardamom, fennel, and ginger. For instance, the technique of abhyanga involves massaging the skin with herbs or oils to stimulate the flow of blood and aid in the removal of toxins from the body through the skin pores.
Helps To Deal With Addiction
An Ayurvedic treatment centre can assist you in overcoming any dependencies you may have, such as drinking alcohol or smoking cigarettes. You cannot take any such addictive substances at the retreat centre due to the serene setting and the organized programme. Time spent at a wellness retreat centre has a lot of other advantages. Retreats can help you achieve both emotional and physical well-being.
Ayurveda provides a wealth of knowledge on anti-aging activity principles and anti-aging medicines, aiding in the investigation of options for a healthy way of life.An excellent ayurveda rejuvenation procedure is Rasayana. Rasayana therapy includes a range of practices, including yoga, meditation, eating in accordance with the seasons, lifestyle changes, and adjustments to one's own and society's behaviour. It is not merely restricted to the application of herbs or mixtures.
Reducing Stress
Ayurveda is known for its ability to enhance concentration and mindset, and it can also be effective in reducing stress. The strain of working under pressure or imposing constant deadlines on ourselves can heighten the vata dosha and create stress in the body. Ayurveda advocates certain dietary and lifestyle practices that can ease stress, address the vata imbalance and encourage a more serene approach to life. Meditation, yoga, herbal remedies, and breathing exercises are some of the many methods recommended to diminish stress and anxiety in both the body and mind.
All in All
The efficacy of Ayurveda has been demonstrated to assist in the treatment of inflammatory, hormonal, digestive, and immunological diseases. Ayurveda looks at the underlying causes of illness or pain in the body rather than only treating the symptoms, and tries to address these problems to stop more illnesses. 
The patient will be given a prescription as part of a holistic treatment plan that may include dietary recommendations, lifestyle ideas, specific herbs, and physical activity. This makes the Ayurvedic retreat centres a wholesome as well as rejuvenating experience for the individual, overall.
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miamarrie0702 · 1 year
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Acupuncture is considered to be one of the most widely practiced therapies. If you're dealing with chronic pain or any other health related problems, you may have heard that these can also be cured by use of Acupuncture therapy. But what exactly is Acupuncture and how does it work? 
In this article, we'll give you an overview of acupuncture therapy, from its history to its benefits. 
What is Acupuncture Therapy 
It is a traditional form of medicine involving the insertion of thin needles into the body's specific points that helps in stimulating the body's natural healing processes. 
It is believed to function by balancing the life forces or "Qi" (pronounced "chee") throughout the body. 
It is based on the belief that the body consists of a network of energy pathways, or meridians, that correspond to different organs and functions in the body. By inserting needles into specific points along these meridians, acupuncture helps to restore balance, reduce pain and promote healing. 
What is the history behind Acupuncture Therapy? 
Acupuncture therapy has a very long and rich history dated back thousands of years ago. 
It originated in China and was part of a broader system of traditional Chinese medicine including herbal medicine, message and exercise. It gained its recognition as one of the standard therapies used in China. 
 Acupuncture then spread throughout Asia and other cultures also started adopting it and developing their own acupuncture styles and techniques. 
It started spreading first to Korea, then Japan and then through medical missionaries, it got spreaded in Europe as well. 
An American journalist Jame Reston opened the door of acupuncture to the western world. He wrote about his experience with acupuncture while visiting China and that's how it started gaining attention and people started to explore its benefits. 
While early explanations of acupuncture focused on the concept of qi (or life force energy), modern research has focused on its effects on the nervous system, immune system, and other physiological processes.
How does it work? 
Acupuncture improves the body's  detoxification mechanism by aiding in the removal of toxins and waste products from the body. It also helps to stimulate the liver and kidneys, which are the body's primary organs of detoxification, to improve function and eliminate waste products. 
It promotes relaxation by stimulating the PNS( parasympathetic nervous system), which controls rest and relaxation. This results in a decrease in heart rate, blood pressure, and muscle tension, promoting a sense of calm and relaxation. 
Acupuncture therapy is believed to work for pain by stimulating the body's natural healing mechanisms. When a thin needle is inserted into a specific point on the body, it results in activation of the nervous system and triggers the release of the body's natural painkillers endorphin. 
Acupuncture therapy can be effective for a variety of pain conditions, such as low back pain and headaches. Studies have also suggested that acupuncture may be helpful for treating fibromyalgia and neuropathic pain. 
By increasing the production of white blood cells and other immune system components, acupuncture can help to boost the immune system. 
Acupuncture can improve digestion by stimulating the release of digestive enzymes and improving the movements of food through the digestive system. 
It can help to stimulate the immune system  by promoting the production of anti-inflammatory cytokines and reducing the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines. 
Acupuncture also can help to regulate hormones in the body,  which can be beneficial for conditions such as infertility, menopause, and menstrual irregularities. 
It can be used alone or in combination with other forms of traditional or western medicine. 
Its treatments are personalized based on each patient's individual needs and may involve multiple sessions. During an acupuncture session, the practitioner may use a variety of techniques, including heat, pressure and electrical stimulation, to enhance the effects of the treatment. 
Acupuncture therapy is a holistic approach to pain management that can help you achieve greater health and well-being. With its ability to stimulate the body's natural healing mechanisms, it's a safe and effective treatment. If you're looking for a natural way to manage pain, give acupuncture therapy a try.
So, If you're seeking an exceptional acupuncture therapy center to alleviate pain and promote optimal health and well-being, look no further than Dial-A-Physio. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to providing the highest standard of care and personalized treatment plans to meet your needs and help you out in the best way possible. 
Contact us today to schedule an appointment. 
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Is Ayurvedic Shopping Making You An Easier Life?
In this blog article, the author discusses what it is like to shop online. In particular, the text discusses how increased access to online shopping has made it possible for people to purchase such things as homeopathic remedies cost-effectively and even based on their areas of need.
In the modern convensions of digital mobile shopping, you're sure to miss out on good experience if you're not careful when buying online. In this article, we'll find out what happens when these fads merge with a worldwide network of ayurvedic shops.
AYURVEDIC SHOPPING is the practice of selecting and purchasing goods according to the ayurvedic philosophy. The word 'ayurveda' comes from the Sanskrit language and means life-long health. Ayurvedic shopping focuses on using herbs, spices, and other ingredients found in nature to maintain good health.
Some of the advantages to incorporating an ayurvedic shopping approach into your life are that it is focused on holistic living, it is environmentally friendly, and it provides you with a variety of options for creating delicious and healthy meals.
When choosing products to buy from an ayurvedic store, be sure to consider how each item will affect your overall health and well-being. For example, purchase items that are high in antioxidants such as fruits and vegetables or ginger. Consider also which types of herbs and spices will be good for providing you with relief from specific conditions such as anxiety or hypertension.
If you're not familiar with the ayurvedic philosophy or what products are likely to work best for your individual needs, be sure to ask questions when you're shopping. An experienced ayurvedic shopper can help you find the best products for your needs
AYURVEDIC SHOPPING is a form of holistic health shopping where individuals purchase items that are both herbal and medicinal in nature. By utilizing AYURVEDIC FORMULAS, etc. shoppers can help improve their overall Wellness by boosting the immune system, purifying blood and aiding in general respiratory and digestive health.
Is Ayurvedic Shopping Making You an Easier Life?
If you're anything like me, you don't enjoy spending hours in a crowded store trying to find the perfect product. And if you're like most people, you'd rather not spend your time and money on things that may not be effective anyway. Fortunately, there's a solution - Ayurveda!
Ayurveda is an ancient healing system that relies on using natural ingredients and practices to help people get relief from health conditions. While it may seem expensive at first, the cost of starting your own ayurvedic supplementation regimen can be greatly outweighed by long-term savings in medical bills and treatments. And best of all, many of the products you'll need are already in your home - just take a look at some of the items below!
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Pros and Cons of Ayurvedic Shops
There is a pervasive belief that ayurveda, the ancient Hindu system of medicine, can help improve one’s quality of life. While there are many benefits that can be derived from shopping at an ayurvedic shop, there are also some drawbacks. Here are the pros and cons of shopping at an ayurvedic store:
Pros: -Many people believe that ayurveda can help improve their health. -Ayurvedic shops often have a high concentration of natural ingredients, which makes them a good place to buy vitamins and supplements. -Ayurveda is known for its effective treatment of arthritis, asthma, digestive problems, and more.
Cons: -Some people believe that the pseudoscience behind Ayurveda can lead to unnecessary treatments and spending money on products that may not be effective. -Ayurvedic products can be expensive if you don’t have insurance or access to a healthcare plan that covers them. -Some people think that the focus on healthy lifestyle habits in an ayurvedic shop is too restrictive and doesn’t allow for enough variety.
Pros of visiting an ayurvedic shop:
Some people claim that ayurvedic shops can be a great way to improve overall health and well-being. According to proponents of the practice, shopping at an ayurvedic store can help improve digestion, circulation, and energy levels. Plus, many people believe that taking ayurvedic supplements can help reduce stress levels and promote overall well-being.
Cons of visiting an ayurvedic shop:
Ayurveda is not without its critics. Many people believe that the practices employed in some ayurvedic shops are excessive and can be hazardous. Additionally, many people argue that the benefits of ayurveda are not necessarily universal – some people may find that they derive no ill effects from using ayurvedic supplements, but others may experience side effects such as nausea or dizziness. It's also important to note that not all ayurvedic products are safe for use by all individuals; for example, some spices may contain substances which are toxic if ingested in high concentrations.
How to shop from Online & Store in the Local Market
Are you looking for a fast and easy way to shop for groceries? If so, then you should consider shopping from online. There are a number of great websites that offer both quality and quantity products at an affordable price.
One of the best sites to use for grocery shopping is Amazon. Amazon has an expansive selection of products and they always have the latest and greatest brands available. Plus, they offer free two-day shipping on most items. This makes it easy to get your groceries delivered right to your door.
Another great site to use for grocery shopping is Walmart.com. Walmart has an extensive selection of products, as well as a good variety of quality brands. Plus, they offer low prices on most items. This makes it a great option if you're on a tight budget.
If you're looking for something unique and hard to find, then you should check out Etsy. Etsy is filled with hand-made products from all over the world. This site can be especially helpful if you're trying to find items that aren't typically available in stores.
The best part about shopping from online? You can always find what you're looking for without having to leave your house!
List of some Ayurvedic Stores in India
If you're looking to get your hands on some holistic wellness products, then you're in luck – there are several Ayurvedic stores across India. Here are a few of the best places to start your search:
The Ayurveda Shop, Mumbai This store offers a wide variety of products, including creams and lotions, dietary supplements, and home remedies. They also offer quick consultations with staff to help you figure out the best way to take care of your health.
Shalimar Pharmacy, Delhi This pharmacy is devoted to promoting Ayurveda as a form of health care. They offer a wide variety of products, from supplements to dental care products. Plus, their knowledgeable staff can help you find the right product for your needs.
Surya Ayurveda Centre, Bangalore This center offers customers access to both conventional and holistic treatments. They have a range of products available, including natural beauty products and herbal remedies. Plus, their staff can provide advice on how best to use each product.
The Healing Citadel, Chennai This store specializes in providing ayurvedic medicines and treatments for problems such as acne and addiction
The Importance of Yoga Mats & Gentle Cleansers for people Loving Ayurveda
If you've ever spent time browsing online, you've likely come across the term "yoga mat." Yoga is a popular session of exercise that involves stretching and bending your body in numerous poses. There's no doubt that practicing yoga helps improve your flexibility and overall well-being, but what about your feet? Practicing on a dirty mat can actually do more harm than good.
Aside from being unsightly, dirty mats can cause soreness and inflammation in your feet. And it's not just regular old mats that can cause problems- even yoga mats are not exempt from this problem. Some yoga mats are made out of PVC or other materials that can actually stick to your feet and cause irritation. Rather than risk getting sick or hurting yourself, be sure to invest in a quality yoga mat.
A good quality mat will usually be made out of rubber, cotton or synthetic fibers. It will also be very durable and easy to clean. If you're planning on practicing yoga on a regular basis, it's worth considering investing in a high quality mat that will make your experience more comfortable and safe. check out indiaayurvedaonline
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purringbookworm97 · 3 years
What did you say about science?
Hey. I know you don’t like taking medicine. Like pills. You don’t like the idea of vaccination. You don’t like meds. Because you don’t like the big farma stuff, and it’s okay not to like the big farma stuff. I mean, you don’t like capitalism, you don’t like when your health is used as fuel for some rich person’s money-making car. Okay. That’s valid.
It’s just. Understand me there. Medicine isn’t made from a formula someone pulled out of their ass. It’s not unnatural and bad because it was synthesised. The ingredients in the medicine you choose not to take are synthesised from things that exist in nature. Your herbal tea there? It’s aspirin, just less effective. Your immune system? The stuff that stops you from dying of the flu? It grows stronger after you’ve caught a disease, right? That’s what a vaccine does. It’s litterally what it does. It gives you an innocent baby version of a virus, and teaches your immune system to kick its ass, so it will know how to kick adult version’s ass later. That’s all.
Of course, it’s alright not to trust what people sell you, you don’t trust what’s inside the vaccine, it’s alright. Just. Are you absolutely certain you’re applying this criticism to that tea you bought on etsy? Or that potion your mutual on internet told you to drink? Or that piece of incense you’re supposed to sniff to “push your disease away”, or something? Are you sure you can trust that essential oil to “rearrange your shakras”, and not poison you on the spot ‘cause it’s not supposed to be ingested????
This criticism, are you also applying it to the effectiveness of what you’re taking? You don’t like to take aspirin but you love drinking that safe herbal tea, which has the same effect after you drink a whole teapot? Okay. It’s alright. You’ll pee a lot, but in the end of the day, no harm done.
On the other hand, when you’re telling someone with cancer that plants will heal them better than chemo???? Stop. Nah bro, it won’t. Some plants might help. Some plants might make things a little better, yes. But. Science. Works. Science is there to help you. Science is one of the reasons humanity is still there to this day, ‘cause with the sum of bullshit a single human does in one life, we wouldn’t be half as many as we are today if we didn’t have science.
Please, consider the reason why people came up with vaccines. Consider why  decades old remedies are still used for aspirin, paracetamol and all that. consider why science exists. Look at what you’re being suspicious about, then apply your suspicions to the alternatives you found to science. If the result is the same, I guess it’s alright. If it’s not? If it’s harmful? Perhaps reconsider using it, alright?
Anyway, this has been a PSA on the common sense that’s still lacking in too many people to this day. Witchcraft doesn’t discard science, ‘cause it was all that people had before science came along and saved thousands. Religion doesn’t make science bullshit either, they can coexist just fine! Please, apply commmon sense and critical thinking to your actions towards others or yourself.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk, folks, and remember: safety first, safety second, witchy times third!
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samwisethewitch · 4 years
Pathworking and Astral Travel
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In spirit work, we often connect with the spirits that have crossed over and are present in the physical world. However, there are also ways to cross over into the spirit world and connect with spirits in their home environment.
As I mentioned in a previous post, a pathworking is a specific type of meditation where you go on a psychic journey, but are still anchored to your physical body. It’s sort of like dipping your toes into the spirit world.
There are two important elements to a pathworking: a clear entrance/exit point and a way to retrace your steps. Pathworking journeys are typically cyclical — there is both a journey out and a return where you go back the way you came. This makes it easier to fully return your consciousness to your body, and failing to do so can cause you to feel disoriented upon the return.
Your entry/exit point can be absolutely anything, but common examples include a door, a gateway, a tree (or sometimes The World Tree), a cave/tunnel, or a natural landmark like a beach or mountaintop. What’s important is that it’s recognizable and easy to find your way back to.
If you want to try pathworking, make a rough “road map” of your journey beforehand. This doesn’t have to be super specific, but it should contain the following: a goal for the pathworking (such as to connect with a certain spirit), an entry/exit point, and a general idea for the route you’re going to take. If you’re worried about getting lost, author Thea Sabin recommends using “the Theseus trick.” Like in the myth of Theseus and the Minotaur, you can tie a golden thread or rope to your entry point and the other end to your astral body. If you get lost, you can follow the thread back.
Pathworking is fairly beginner friendly, and I highly, highly, highly recommend starting with pathworking and becoming comfortable with this method before trying astral travel. Even for more advanced witches, pathworking is often a better option than astral travel because it’s less involved and requires a little bit less effort. I personally prefer pathworking for most situations.
Performing a Pathworking
Before you begin, establish a clear goal for your pathworking and write out a rough “road map.” At the very least, you should know what your purpose is, where your entry point is, and how to find your way back.
Begin in a dark, quiet room. Cleanse the room by burning incense, diffusing or spraying essential oils, or using a ritual broom to sweep out old energy.
Find a comfortable place to sit or lie down and begin meditating. You may want to play meditation music, practice breathing techniques, or use some other method to help you reach a meditative state.
Once you reach a meditative state (you should know what this feels like if you have experience with meditation), see yourself standing at your entry point. This is your entrance to the astral realm.
Set out on your pathworking.
When you are ready to leave the astral realm, you will need to find your way back to your entry point. Once you reach your entry point, it should be fairly easy to return to your body.
Once you’re fully present in your physical body, use your favorite method to ground yourself.
Write down everything you experienced during your pathworking in a journal.
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Astral Travel
If pathworking is dipping your toes into the spirit world, astral travel is diving in the deep end. Also called spirit flight and hedge riding, astral travel includes actually sending your soul/consciousness out of your body and into the spirit world. As you might guess, this is more complicated and requires more effort than pathworking. For this reason, astral travel is not beginner-friendly. If you are completely new to meditation, witchcraft, and spirit work, it’s best to learn to pathwork before you attempt astral travel.
A word of warning: you may want to avoid astral travel at times when you’re in a very vulnerable or volatile emotional state. Some days you just aren’t up for it, and that’s okay. On those days, a pathworking or another form of spirit work may be a better option.
Triggering Spirit Flight
In astral travel, a trigger of some kind is used to help disconnect the soul from the physical body. Common triggers include drumming, special music, shaking a rattle, chanting, and dancing.
You can find shamanic drumming tracks on YouTube that can help you achieve astral travel. If you find that repetitive motion helps you trance out, you may look into getting a small drum or rattle to play.
Animal Guides
In many cultures, those who travel into the spirit world do so with the guidance and protection of an animal spirit. From the Norse fylgja, to the shamanic power animal, to the witch’s familiar, history is full of examples of these types of guides.
Before you begin astral travel, do a pathworking to meet your animal guide. It’s important to note that you aren’t choosing an animal guide — only meeting one that has always been with you. Your guide may be an animal that you like or identify with, or it may not. When I first began experimenting with astral travel, my guide was a coyote — an animal I had never identified with before, but who I learned was deeply connected to my inner self.
It’s important to always have your animal guide with you when going on astral journeys, as they are an important source of protection and power. They may also literally guide you to the things you need to see and the spirits you need to meet.
Flying Ointments
Historical accounts describe witches using “flying ointment” to help them achieve spirit flight. These traditional flying ointments contained toxic and/or hallucinogenic plants like belladonna, datura, henbane, mandrake, and opium poppies. For obvious reasons, most modern witches do not use these herbs.
Please do not try to create your own flying ointment with poisonous plants. If you’re a true traditionalist and feel like you just have to try a historically accurate flying ointment, Bane Folk Apothecary sells several. Bane Folk is run by Sarah Anne Lawless, a kickass witch who knows her stuff and produces safe, medicinal products inspired by traditional flying ointment formulas. I am usually very pro-DIY, especially when it comes to witchcraft, but this is one case where it really is best to defer to a professional.
To create a modern, non-toxic flying ointment: heat eight ounces (or one cup) of poppy seed oil over low heat on the stove. Once the oil is warm, add 2 ounces (or 1/4 cup) of beeswax into the oil. (Use carnauba wax for a vegan alternative.) Take the mixture off the heat, and allow it to cool off a bit. Once it has cooled (but before it’s begun to solidify), add nine drops each of mugwort essential oil, star anise essential oil, and peppermint essential oil. Pour the mixture into a mason jar and seal tightly. To extend your ointment’s shelf life, add a few drops of Vitamin E oil and store in the refrigerator. If you don’t have access to essential oils or prefer a more traditional method, you can buy dry herbs and infuse them into your oil instead — to do this, crush up 2.5 ounces (or 1/3 cup) each of dried mugwort, star anise, and peppermint and add them to a mason jar; add enough oil to the jar to cover the herbs completely, with about an inch of oil above them; seal the jar and place it in a sunny window for 2-3 weeks to infuse; and finally, strain the herbs out of the oil with a mesh sieve or a cheesecloth. You can then add your Vitamin E oil and beeswax to create an ointment.
This modern recipe does not contain hallucinogens, but it does contain plants that are commonly used in magic to increase psychic abilities and aid in astral travel. You can say an incantation over this ointment while making it to add some extra magical potency. Applying the flying ointment can also become a sort of ritual that prepares you for spirit flight by helping you slip into a more spiritual head space.
Performing Astral Travel/Spirit Flight
Before you begin, know why you are journeying to the spirit world. You should always have a clear goal for your astral journeys.
Begin in a dark, quiet room. Cleanse the room by burning incense (mugwort incense aids in astral travel), diffusing or spraying essential oils, or using a ritual broom to sweep out old energy.
Use your favorite method to ground yourself.
If you are choosing to use a flying ointment, rub it on your skin now.
Hold a protective item in one of your hands. I like physical items for protection during spirit flight, because they can ground you and help you find your way back to your body. Examples of protective items include a sprig of rue, a piece of iron, or a protective crystal like black tourmaline. If you ever feel scared or uncomfortable during your journey, you can bring this object into the astral realm to protect you. It will also keep your body safe while your consciousness is occupied.
Start up your trigger, whether this is drumming, rattling, dancing, etc.
Allow yourself to drift into a trance state, and then to disconnect from your body.
Call your animal guide to you.
Set out on your journey in the spirit world.
When you are ready, feel yourself returning to your physical body. Allow yourself to come back slowly — don’t rush it.
Ground yourself. One good way to ground after astral travel is by eating a snack.
Write down your experiences in a journal.
Wicca for Beginners by Thea Sabin
Southern Cunning: Folkloric Witchcraft in the American South by Aaron Oberon
Hedge Riding by Harmonia Saille
“How to Make Herb-Infused Oils for Culinary & Body Care Use” and “How to Make Herbal Salves” from the Mountain Rose Herbs blog
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"I still don’t know enough about traditional Asian medicinal practices to form a solid opinion on the matter --- I’ve tried asking Herr Honda to give further context to what I learned from China in the previous century, but he’s adamant at keeping his focus on the advancements of today rather than the practices of the past, which I can respect.
I have asked Andres and Klarencia regarding practices in their homeland, however, and they were happy to share! From what I gather, the Spanish did introduce western medical practices when they first colonized the country though a lot of the population still hold true to the old ways. I wonder if the same held true for the other Asian countries and what medical practices were like in the ones that remain untouched by western influence. Perhaps one day I could learn more,”
side note: thank you so much to everyone who left a kind response to my little mini-rant last night! your pointers did help narrow down my search and now i know that 1) the qing dynasty was in power from 1644-1912 and b) men of the time wore what was called a changshan and I based Yao’s fit from this photo here! thanks again, you guys are awesome~! as usual, more rambling under the cut!
European medical practices were first introduced to Japan in the 16th century by visiting Jesuit missionaries and later again in the 17th century by Dutch physicians who’d come to Japanese shores. In the later half of the 18th century, the government made a policy to fully adopt the western model of medicine, which paved the way for the foundation of medical schools and a growing interest in medical research! Prior to that, however, young aspiring physicians were normally sent to China for an extended period of study; as such, the two countries had many traditional practices in common. The oldest known piece of Japanese medical literature, the Ishinhō; completed by Tamba Yasuyori in 982, detailed different diseases and how to treat them and was based on older Chinese medical works!
Klarencia is my Philippines OC and since Phili became canon recently, I decided to go ahead and make them siblings because why not. And as far as I know Phili doesn’t have a canon name yet, so I went ahead and gave him the name Andres! They’d stowed away on a ship and wound up in the German Empire, hoping to catch up with their friend: Dr. Jose Rizal, the man who would come to be known as their national hero after being executed for his anti-Spanish and pro-independence sentiments.
Speaking of Rizal, this man has travelled all over the German Empire but he did live in Berlin for 6 months from November 1886 to May 1887! During that time, he pursued his ophthalmology training at the Charite, worked as an assistant to a Dr. Schweigger, and attended lectures in the University of Berlin; all while also completing his novel Noli Me Tangere which criticized Spanish rule and the corruption of the Catholic Church in the Philippines. 2000 copies would end up bring printed in a print shop in Berlin and though it was officially banned in the Philippines, copies were still smuggled back. Rizal had also sent a copy to his friend, Ferdinand Blumentritt, an Austrian teacher. I headcanon that Gilbert also received one of those original copies of Noli Me Tangere. It was Rizal’s way of thanking him for his friendship while he was in the city but also for looking out for Andres and Klarencia after they came all the way out here to find him. Unfortunately, Gilbert can’t read Spanish which was the language the novel was written in. When the French translation in 1899 came out, however, he got a hold of a copy and read it then. The original still sits on his bookshelf in modern day.
While the Spanish did introduce western medicine to the Philippines and established hospitals and pharmacies, traditional medicine continued to be practised alongside it. Herbal medicine, hydrotherapy, massage, and the involvement of different healers (of which there were many types depending on which region of the Philippines they were located in. growing up, i mostly heard about the albularyo [which was kind of a general practitioner, they could diagnose patients, prescribe herbal cures, and perform rituals to get rid of any evil spirit or negative energy that could be making someone ill] and the manghihilot [someone who specialized in using massage, though ‘hilot’ could also be a local term for the midwife, as is the case in my mother’s dialect]) were common facets of traditional medicine. Priests from different religious orders did attempt to learn from the local healers in order to familiarize themselves with the herbs and medicinal plants local to the area. However, they publicly still condemned them for being superstitious and dismissed them as nothing but quacks. ( Here’s a paper linked to one of the wikipedia articles I was skimming through if you’d like to read on! I’m still in the process of going through the whole thing myself but it’s great so far!)
I have to share this because it’s really cool  but the Philippine Embassy in Germany has this awesome map that traces Jose Rizal’s journey through the country in the late 19th century!
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linenbagel28-blog · 4 years
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When the warm gradually begins leaving the fat cells, it heats up the skin-- causing 'built-in' skin tightening up. Onda's Coolwaves ™ likewise warm and thaw hardened connective septa, permitting the skin to produce brand-new, extra elastic collagen. By destroying fat, Onda efficiently removes the 'press' aspect of cellulite. From the innovators of the SmartLipo that transformed the laser body contouring sector, comes Onda (Italian for 'wave').
How long does a HIFU facial take?
How long will a HIFU Treatment take? The length of the treatment will depend on the area being treated and your individual treatment plan. A face and neck procedure typically takes 90 minutes, while a chest treatment on its own takes approximately 30 minutes.
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Lumpy, dimpled flesh on the thighs, hips, buttocks, arms and also abdomen can leave you really feeling embarrassed and also suffering a loss of confidence when putting on swimsuit, shorts and sleeveless tops. Anyone over 18 that wants to lower the look of undesirable cellulite. You will typically notice noticeable outcomes after just one treatment. Nevertheless, a course of 6-8 treatments is advised for the best outcomes. Hereafter, an additional treatment every 4-6 weeks is suggested to preserve the results as well as maintain your skin looking smooth, toned and youthful.
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Cellulite is the name provided to the bumpy, irregular fat deposits often found around the hips, butts as well as upper leg areas. It is occasionally called 'orange peel skin' as a result of the lumpy look of the influenced locations. We insist on utilizing the finest quality items and also visual therapies offered so you can be confident of long-lasting outcomes and superb security, and also all are FDA-cleared (USA Food & Medicine Management). We are recognised as Centres of Quality for innovative non-surgical visual treatments as well as we have actually achieved Lead Clinic standing for most of the treatments we provide. Using Superhigh frequency innovation Exilis Elite merely glides over the skin and also disappears cellulite-causing fat cells leaving the area slimmer, smoother and a lot more contoured.
This non-invasive treatmentregeneratesreduces as well as remodelsby targetingcellulite, localized fat pockets as well as skin laxity. Previously lots of tools have actually guaranteed great deals yet, provided very little bit. A diet reduced in fat, carbs and salt, cigarette smoking cessation, and an active way of life may help reduce the appearance of cellulite by adding to a much healthier way of life. There are a variety of topical products on the market that claim to eliminate cellulite but, as our elegance group discovered when they evaluated them, few actually appear to have much effect. Nevertheless, cellulite is the outward display screen of fat cells, and no lotion can simply liquify those away.
Endermologie ® is the globe's very first patented mechanical cellulite therapy modern technology to be authorized by the FDA. Lipotherapy or Injection Lipolysis therapy includes using an injectable service to break down persistent locations of fat, which are then eliminated through the body' s own lymphatic system.
Do squats tighten your Virginia?
Squatting is not only good for your thighs and butt, there are several health benefits of squats. It is also an excellent exercise to tighten your vagina. How to do it: Begin by standing straight with your feet hip-width apart. Your neck, shoulders and back should be aligned.
Whether you're a marathon runner or exercise-averse, cellulite can show up on ladies of all health and fitness degrees and also body shapes. The puckering of skin occurs when the layer of fat beneath the skin presses versus connective tissue as well as bulges, causing the orange-peel or home cheese look.
Inch Loss", is a non-surgical option to eliminating fat cells from the body with making use of ultrasound innovation. The ultrasound waves damage the fat cells by using stress to them without harming any type of other cells in your body. https://www.sciontiprostatecenter.com/hifu-pros-and-cons can not withstand this pressure as well as damage down and turn to liquid. The fatty liquid after that leaves the body naturally via the liver, leaving you with visible weight loss and less cellulite. Developed to tone and also firm skin, as well as deal with locations of cellulite, this all-natural body oil is made from organic silver birch, to urge elimination procedures, flush out toxic substances and also bring back skin gleam. To get the most effective results of this fairly agonizing and also awkward cellulite therapy, brush upwards in the direction of the heart, from the soles of your feet, avoiding delicate locations. Steady improvement of the treated location can be seen following the very first treatment-- with the skin surface area of the treated location feeling smoother and also firmer.
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Individuals of all physique and weights can get cellulite-- it is not the get of overweight people or people bring excess fat. Furthermore, in many men, this connective tissue is arranged in a cross-hatched or angled way and their skin is thicker, making cellulite less obvious. This thick lotion contains high levels of caffeine-- a typical ingredient in anti-cellulite products, thought to dilate blood vessels and also boost the appearance of dimples.
This makes some people extra genetically inclined to having cellulite than others. The fat cells and also connective cells in the skin-related layer of ladies rest up and down, whereas in men they sit in a criss cross framework, which is perhaps one of the reasons ladies are more probable to show signs of cellulite than males. If you consume a great deal of refined, processed or fatty foods, these could all contribute to inadequate blood circulation and also as a result will not urge the body's natural gastrointestinal procedures to eliminate contaminants, consequently triggering the beginning of cellulite. Daily massage therapy over the affected areas will certainly help to increase blood flow and also decrease fluid accumulation. It's particularly efficient at minimizing cellulite on the legs and also buttocks however requires to be done consistently for a few weeks to see outcomes. Solidified Coarse Cellulite-- additionally called fibrous cellulite or just set cellulite, this type of cellulite is quickly identified; it is tough to the touch, and has a purplish tone and also a noticable orange peel look.
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Once again, make sure to do your research study, as reduced intensity RF treatments may be a pricey waste of money. ' A sort of workout that reduces cellulite, does so on the entire body, not on a particular location. ' Exercise-wise, it's important to know that there are no details workouts to minimize cellulite on a particular component of the body, i.e. there is no such thing as "area cellulite reduction with workout". This is naturally impossible, regardless of what those YouTube video clips state.' states Georgios. The look of cellulitis can be relieved with a couple of basic exercises-- if you stick at them consistently. Bend both knees into an ideal angle leaving a hand's width of area in between them. Just ten routine repetitions of this workout daily will certainly change your number as well as the appearance of your skin measurably.
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25 years of know-how and also study has led to a targeted Coolwave ™ system that provides power like no other system can. The brand-new device made by Deka in Italy takes advantage of smart microwave modern technology for body contouring applications.
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Natural prep work were introduced in the 1990s for the treatment of cellulite. Secret ingredients in cellulite pills include a mix of organic removes in addition to non-herbal compounds. These products are exempt to medical evaluation, and their components and impacts have not yet been scientifically shown. Massage boosts blood circulation and also lymphatic drainage, lowers muscular convulsions and also breaks down adhesions. Lymphatic drain is a specific massage therapy, which eliminates accumulated fluid yet has little result on cellulite. The major troubles with manual massage are the different strategies as well as degrees of pressure used by specialists, which are essentially impossible to standardise.
While green tea hasn't been tested it has actually obtained a great deal of acknowledgment as being a therapy for weight management. While losing fat isn't a prompt fix it does help reduce fat deposits. Bananas and also mangoes are renowned for boosting blood flow, which assists protect against cellulite, so tuck into those as often as you can, as well as papaya, which research studies show helps prevent tissue damage under the skin. The outcome is a system that deals with cellulite quicker and also more effectively than any kind of various other non-surgical option on the market. And also with the added sought-after revenue streams of targeted fat decrease and also skin tightening, Onda isn't just shaking up the market, it's providing it a whole brand-new degree of body self-confidence. For the very first time, customers have the ability to reach temperature levels that can liquefy fat and also damage fat cells without harming the skin as well as bordering tissue, indicating it's completely secure as well as controlled.
Why is HIFU not covered by insurance?
The cost of this testing is usually very nominal. We understand that HIFU is an expensive procedure. Unlike some other treatments for prostate cancer, it is not yet covered by insurance. That is because it typically takes about 5 years from FDA approval of a procedure to the time when insurers pay for it.
When you make use of cool water the vessels contract and then they broaden in cozy water. This advertises the blood circulation of blood and also the tissue ends up being stronger. NIVEA Q10 Firming + Good-Bye Cellulite Gel Cream works to firm the skin and minimize the look of cellulite in 3 weeks. The fast taking in gel-cream formula leaves skin sensation instantaneously energised and also is enriched with 100% Skin Identical Q10 and Lotus Essence. Dry brushing or massaging is an excellent way to assist lymphatic drain - a process that frees the fat layer of gathered toxins. An action in exactly how to do away with cellulite on upper legs and also legs can be to massage or comb the affected locations twice a day, in the early morning and evening. Genetics add to things such as an individual's metabolic rate, fat distribution and blood circulation - all of which can contribute to the formation of cellulite.
This leads to the dimples and 'orange peel skin' much of us identify as cellulite. In females specifically, this connective cells runs perpendicular to the skin and tethers the skin to the underlying tissue causing fat cells to rise on the skin while the bands pull the skin downward. These all transform to sugar within the body as well as get kept conveniently as a result creating the fat cells to increase. Consuming alcohol water and also eating foods with a high water material will certainly additionally keep your connective tissue strong and also supple. When collagen fibers under the skin come to be weak or lose their elasticity, underlying fat down payments begin to push via the layers of fibers triggering bumps under the skin. Collagen fibers and also connective tissue can become weak for a variety of factors such as lack of muscle mass tone, ageing, sunlight damages, excess fat, hormones as well as bad blood circulation. A high strength radiofrequency therapy uses the very best possibility of lowering cellulite as well as at the exact same time tightening up the skin, consequently producing the most effective outcomes of all cellulite treatments.
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Whilst the therapy doesn't harmed, you might experience slight pain during the procedure, just like a light prickly feeling.
Your treatment may be slightly awkward however should not be painful and also any pain needs to rapidly decrease immediately after treatment.
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All of these tiny basic steps advise your rear it needs to keep in shape. Cellulite kinds in locations with the least flow so it means that without task, it's really hard to budge! Everyday energising movements as well as skin-warming exercises will have you stating adios to lumpy skin if you follow it. No-needle mesotherapy (e.g. Eporex ™ & Acthyderm ® )look for to urge if you’re interested in La-Lipo.co.uk, you can find their website here. of topically applied active components through the skin utilizing moderate electric currents to deal with ageing & reduce fat. Cellulite is often described as resembling "orange peel" on the skin.
How long does it take for tight muscles to loosen up?
“Roll your tight muscles a minimum of once a day for 10 days to two weeks, or until you feel relief,” says Biggart. “Two to three times a day is even better.
If you're desk-bound in your job then you'll know that your day contained little activity as well as sadly, cellulite is a huge follower of ladies with non-active careers. Take breaks, make tea as well as walk and talk instead of pinging an email.
Hifu Non
Researchers believe that the solidifying of collagen fibers bordering adipocytes causes this hardened coarse cellulite. The mitt enhance flow in seconds as it aficionados away dead skin, blocked pores and ingrown hairs. There are a few various therapies for cellulite, from body brushes to cellulite lotions. In our experience, a combination of a few often tends to make one of the most difference. ' The amount of exercise you do can have an effect as well as firming the muscle underneath the cellulite will help smooth the skin's look,' clarifies Dr Rekha Dressmaker, cosmetic physician at Wellness and also Aesthetic appeals. Ask any dermatologist and also they'll inform you that over 90% of women have the bumpy patches of skin, which tend to build up around the thigh and also bottom area.
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weeds420 · 3 months
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fitjourneydaily · 4 months
Harnessing the Power of Traditional Herbs: Natural Analgesics for Pain Relief
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Introduction: In a world where modern medicine prevails, it's easy to overlook the valuable healing properties of traditional herbs. Many of these plants have been used for centuries as natural analgesics, providing effective pain relief without the side effects associated with synthetic drugs. This article aims to shed light on traditional herbs with anti-inflammatory properties and their potential in alleviating pain naturally. 1. Turmeric: Tag: Turmeric, Anti-inflammatory, Natural Pain Relief, Traditional Herbs Turmeric, also known as Curcuma longa, is widely recognized for its vibrant golden color and distinctive flavor in culinary applications. However, turmeric also boasts potent anti-inflammatory properties due to the compound called curcumin. Curcumin inhibits certain enzymes and cytokines that contribute to inflammation and pain. Incorporating turmeric into your diet or consuming it as a supplement can help reduce chronic pain, especially in conditions like arthritis and joint-related issues. 2. Ginger: Tag: Ginger, Natural Analgesic, Anti-inflammatory Herbs, Pain Relief Ginger, Zingiber officinale, is a commonly used herb in Asian cuisine, known for its aromatic and warming qualities. Beyond its culinary benefits, ginger is a natural analgesic with anti-inflammatory properties. It contains gingerol, a bioactive compound that inhibits inflammation-causing chemicals in the body. Ginger can be consumed as a tea or added to meals, providing relief from various types of pain, including headaches, muscle soreness, and menstrual cramps. 3. Willow Bark: Tag: Willow Bark, Salicin, Natural Pain Relief, Herbal Remedies Willow bark, derived from the inner bark of several species of willow trees, contains a natural compound called salicin. Salicin is a precursor to salicylic acid, which is the active ingredient found in aspirin. It possesses strong analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, making willow bark an effective natural pain reliever. Whether in the form of tea or as a supplement, this traditional herb can alleviate pain associated with osteoarthritis, lower back pain, and migraines. 4. Boswellia: Tag: Boswellia, Frankincense, Natural Analgesics, Anti-inflammatory Boswellia, also known as frankincense, is renowned for its use in perfumes and incense. However, this resin extracted from the Boswellia tree has significant analgesic and anti-inflammatory qualities. The active compounds in boswellia, known as boswellic acids, suppress the production of pro-inflammatory enzymes, providing relief from joint pain and inflammation. Boswellia can be consumed as a supplement or used topically in creams and oils to soothe pain and discomfort caused by conditions like arthritis and sports injuries. Conclusion: Harnessing the power of traditional herbs can offer a natural and effective means of pain relief. With their anti-inflammatory properties and natural analgesics, herbs like turmeric, ginger, willow bark, and boswellia can provide relief from various types of pain. While each herb has its own unique qualities and benefits, they share the common characteristic of being safe, affordable, and easily accessible alternatives to conventional pain medications. So, next time you're seeking relief from pain, consider incorporating these traditional herbs into your wellness routine for a holistic approach to healing. Tags (suitable for WordPress plugin): 1. Turmeric 2. Anti-inflammatory 3. Natural Pain Relief 4. Traditional Herb Master your blood sugar levels with Gluco Freeze, the Ultimate Blood Sugar Support Kit. Designed for those seeking to maintain healthy glucose levels, our kit is an essential tool in your wellness arsenal. 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Our expertly crafted formula provides a harmonious blend of natural ingredients known for supporting blood sugar regulation, enhancing your body's ability to manage glucose efficiently. Whether you're pre-diabetic, diabetic, or simply mindful about maintaining balanced blood sugar levels, Vivotonic offers the nutritional support you need. Embrace the path to stable glucose levels and improved overall health with Vivotonic. Discover how our specialized formula can aid in your blood sugar control efforts. Visit the Vivotonic Blood Sugar Support Formula Product Page. Read the full article
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