#yondu udonta meta
foxglovecove · 1 year
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Self-indulgent Yondu + OC arts? More likely than you think…
I had some thoughts about Yondu’s whole fin situation which is what’s happening in that top left doodle.
Centaurians have sort of psychic abilities right?
And the yaka metal is sacred to his people and can be controlled via these psychic abilities (telekinesis) which I’m thinking is channeled through their crest/fin (I don’t know if canonically thats true, I haven’t read everything about Centaurians, but I don’t think it is so…fanon license)
Around the age of 18-20 is when these abilities really start to kick in/gain strength
Yondu came of age during his time as a Kree “battle slave” which meant his telekinetic abilities got really strong and him having this crest posed a threat to the Kree so, as punishment (and also out of fear he’d retaliate), cut it off
Soon after that is when Stakar and his Ravagers showed up, they’d been hired to “extract” something from the planet on which Yondu was being held as a slave
They found Yondu, half dead from bleeding out/not having proper care, and a bunch of other “battle slaves.” They freed them.
Eventually the most of the freed people left to start their own lives but Yondu chose to stay, eventually rising through the ranks to become Stakar’s second in command, later earning the rank of captain and starting his own Ravager Clan. One or two of these former slaves also stuck around and became loyal to Yondu so they became the first members of the Udonta Clan. Im thinking some of these were the ones who were spaced in vol. 2 :<
Sometime in between becoming SIC and Captain he went back to his home planet and spent some time with his people, eventually being gifted with an arrow made of the sacred Yaka metal. He also had been in contact with someone who built him a prototype synthetic fin which he had grafted to his skull. He then learned to control the Yaka arrow by using the fin to channel his psychic abilities (telekinesis) once more
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serialadoptersbracket · 4 months
Round 2 Polls:
(Projected length: 32 days)
(Bonus Rounds: Here)
Day 1:
1. Ogai Mori vs. Pascal
2. The Doctor vs. Franky
Day 2:
3. Madoc vs. Daenerys Targaryen
4. Inspector Barnes vs. Bright Noa
Day 3:
5. August vs. Claude Frollo
6. Cale Henituse vs. Leif
Day 4:
7. Simon Petrikov vs. Chiron
8. Yami Sukehiro vs. Sei Handa
Day 5:
9. Gintoki Sakata vs. Eithan Arelius
10. Dr. Gregory House vs. Maglor
Day 6:
11. Wolverine vs. Izumi Curtis
12. Roy Mustang vs. Abraham van Helsing
Day 7:
13. Askeladd vs. Rune Saint John
14. Guts vs. Jake Sully
Day 8:
15. Sir Reginald Hargreeves vs. Jean Valjean
16. Kohachi Inugami vs. The Fix
Day 9:
17. Kanan Jarrus and Hera Syndulla vs. Gumpa
18. Aphmau vs. Agent Washington
Day 10:
19. Grace vs. Vector the Crocodile
20. Alec Lightwood-Bane vs. Dadan
Day 11:
21. Bobby Nash vs. William Adama
22. Korosensei vs. The Warrior of Light
Day 12:
23. Kaname Date vs. Jack Starbright
24. Satoru Gojo vs. Dutch Van Der Linde
Day 13:
25. Xie Lian vs. Takashi “Shiro” Shirogane
26. Tom and Maddie Wachowski vs. Sakyo Furuichi
Day 14:
27. Welt Yang vs. Herlock Sholmes
28. Carlisle and Esme Cullen vs. Dracule Mihawk
Day 15:
29. Artemy Burakh vs. Barry and Iris West-Allen
30. Kazuma Kiryu vs. Yuugo and Lucas
Day 16:
31. Master Wu vs. Dave Seville
32. Axel vs. Izumi Tachibana
Day 17:
33. Arlecchino/The Knave vs. Sarah Jane Smith
34. Qifrey vs. Bell-Mere
Day 18:
35. Bobby Singer vs. Cap’n Craig Cuttlefish
36. Professor Hershel Layton vs. Donna Hanscum
Day 19:
37. Giovanni Potage vs. Ingo
38. Miles Edgeworth vs. Vil Shoenheit
Day 20:
39. Nick Fury vs. Dalinar Kholin
40. King Dedede and Meta Knight vs. Kavax au Telemanaus
Day 21:
41. Arataka Reigen vs. Jawbone O’Shaughnessey
42. Gol D. Roger vs. Abigail Pent and Magnus Quinn
Day 22:
43. Toriel Dreemurr vs. Master Kongo
44. Pongo and Perdita vs. Dr. Ivo “Eggman” Robotnik
Day 23:
45. Lance Strongbow vs. Derek Hale
46. Tony Stark vs. Roronoa Zoro
Day 24:
47. Jody Mills vs. Eric Gale
48. “Red-Haired” Shanks vs. Kurogane and Fai D’Flourite
Day 25:
49. Han Muchun vs. Iroh
50. Splinter vs. Lilia Vanrouge
Day 26:
51. Bruce Wayne vs. Thomas O’Malley
52. Jupiter North vs. Keishin Ukai
Day 27:
53. Kim Dokja vs. Roberto de Niro
54. Shōta Aizawa vs. Doctor Carmilla
Day 28:
55. Mendoza vs. Soundwave
56. David Wymack vs. Ash Ketchum
Day 29:
57. Wen Kexing and Zhou Zishu vs. Yondu Udonta
58. Eda Clawthorne vs. Gavroche
Day 30:
59. Fukuzawa Yukichi vs. Optimus Prime
60. Camila Noceda vs. QSMP!Philza
Day 31:
61. Phoenix Wright vs. The Dragonborn
62. Bruno Bucciarati vs. Oliver Queen
Day 32:
63. Whitebeard vs. Otose
64. Sojiro Sakura vs. Yukari Yakumo
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aelaer · 4 years
Your opinion on T'Chaka makes me think: how would you rank all MCU dads you can remember from worst to best? And if you want, why?
Oooooh man All The Dads. Okay uh. Let's see. From the Worst to The Best. A bit of a mix of both their personality/morality and their ability as dads. (This is a little bit of a silly reply, but I hope you enjoy it regardless.)
The Worst
Thanos: Well. Duh. Have you seen the films, reader? By far the worst to everyone! Booooo Thanos!
Ego: Killing his wives and children is pretty pretty awful but the children didn't suffer at least (iirc)??? Like he's not that high above Thanos, Thanos was just a lot more creative in his horribleness which gives him the edge in worst person ever.
Yondu: Sort of an honorary dad with Peter Quill? It was painted that way in Guardians 2. It was also made to seem that he was definitely emotionally harsh and not exactly a great dad figure. His only positive is that he prevented him from dying, but like, there seems to have been a ton of issues hinted at.
Odin: His idiocy created all the issues with Hela and Loki. A little bit better than Yondu though, I think. Hard to say, we don't have a lot of evidence on Yondu.
Howard: I think Howard and Odin are almost tied. I am giving Howard the edge in less sucky because his son only almost destroyed the world by complete accident while Odin's kids were definitely deliberate in their world conquering. I think in, "things that you either instigated or created that killed people" department Odin beats him too just because he's had more time and years to conquer and shed blood.
N'Jobu: Selling a rare metal to criminals is a bad business to be in as a dad. More 'sucky brother' than 'sucky dad' but getting involved in the criminal element as a parent is not a good idea. Put Eric in a sucky situation in the first place.
T'Chaka: He was more a sucky uncle than sucky dad, but I hold it against him more than Scott's prison time because he's the one who made Eric an orphan and just freaking left him. So yeah, good dad, bad uncle, questionable morality. I blame him and N'Jobu equally for what Eric became.
Drax: Did not get arrested and miss important developmental years, but after his kid died he went on a murderous rampage which isn't so good. Very close to being tied with Clint. Higher than the others because he didn't create major issues in kids.
Clint: Clearly loves kids. Somehow seems to balance work/life before retirement very well in the scene in Ultron is any indication. But got major points docked for also going on a murderous rampage after his family was dusted. Clint would be tied for first if Endgame didn’t exist.
Scott: Only reason he's below Tony is because he managed to get himself arrested through some of his kid's vital years. That's a big no-no. Clearly adores his kid, though, and his heart's in the right place. Did not go on murderous rampage, which gives him an edge over Clint.
Hank: Memory of Ant-Man movie details are super blurry, so take with grain of salt. Very obvious that he loves his daughter, he didn't abandon any nieces and nephews in the process, and didn't go to jail during formative years. What gives him negative points is both him and Janet taking the exact same types of dangerous missions together after they have a kid, not good "what if we both die" planning. It's fine if both parents have dangerous jobs, they just can't be on a job together/at the same time, it's really not fair to the kid IMO. And the missions were planned rather than random spontaneous attacks, like the Endgame fight was (also that was a “if we don’t win it’s the end of the world, so very different nature). That’s why he’s second.
Tony: Learned from all the mistakes his dad made. Thank goodness. Did not get himself arrested through vital developmental years. This puts him at the top of the dad chain as not being arrested or otherwise making deals with criminals is an important part of being a good role model. His snap is self defense and not a murderous rampage.
The Best
And that’s the list.
Ohhhh you know what dad I'd love to see sometime in the MCU? Miles Morales' dad, Jefferson Davis. That is The Best Dad, and if he’s as good as he was in the animated film, would probably beat Tony Stark for me. (He reminded me of my brother too in the cartoon film, and how my brother would be as a dad, which just makes me like him more.)
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rocketraccoonmeta · 5 years
Friendly reminder that rocket is actually a really emotional guy
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This is literally an excerpt from the comics.
He’s constantly getting drunk emotional. In the movies, he gets upset about how people call him names, as if he’s just “some stupid thing”. He’s hurt by being called “vermin” and “rodent”. He knows they’re negative names. But he doesn’t show that he’s hurt. He doesn’t want to seem weak.
He also goes on a drunk ramble about how he was ‘made’. “I didn’t ask to get made” is probably one of the saddest lines a character can say, it hurts me every time I hear it. And the abuse he was put through is horrible. He was literally torn apart and put back together. And he knows those who made him didn’t give a shit. He’s in chronic pain because of what they did to him.
He was also never loved by those scientists. They didn’t care. He was never loved. That was, until Lylla. And then she marred another man. 
Then he met Groot, his best friend. Spent so many adventures together, and made more friends eventually. And had to watch him die. Not only that, but he had to raise baby Groot knowing that he would have no memory of Rocket. And then he had to watch Groot painfully call him ‘dad’ moments before turning to dust. 
Then there was Otta, who played his heart strings TWICE. he fell in love with her, she used him and framed him for her crimes. Then he broke out. And she used him, lied to him, abused him, tricked him in to doing the opposite of what he thought he was doing. again. He was hurt. He broke out of prison AGAIN. And tried to correct what he did wrong. He disguised himself. And otta recognised his favourite drink and knew it was him. She drew a gun on him. Rocket pleaded with her. “Otta— baby— you don’t have to do this. We could split the take— just you and me. I... i still love—“. Otta shot him in the shoulder, then in the chest, then right between the eyes. He survives, but, spoilers as to why. When he wakes up again Otta is disgusted. He still calls her baby even after she killed him. He still cares about her. 
Then there was Yondu, the first person who understood him on a more personal level. Rocket had to let him die as well. Rocket cared so much, he reached out the the Ravagers that had cast Yondu out and set his story straight so that he could get the recognition and forgiveness he deserved. 
He’s so soft and vulnerable but he doesn’t want anyone to know it. 
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peregrineroad · 6 years
Interesting word choices: Yondu, a career thief, chastising Rocket for stealing batteries “you don’t need”.
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laylainalaska · 7 years
It wasn’t until after GotG2 that I realized how much of a parent thing it is to pretend to eat your kids.
I think all parents do it. I was at a restaurant with my sister-in-law and her kids a couple of weeks after I fell headfirst into GotG fandom, and her four-year-old wouldn’t eat what was on his plate. “Well, if you don’t eat that, I’ll eat you,” she said, leaning over and pretending to nom on his head, to delighted giggles and squeals.
And now I can’t stop noticing it with every set of parents and children I’m around. Mostly with babies and toddlers. Parents pretend to nibble on their kids’ fingers and toes and bellies, or playfully threaten to eat them if they won’t eat their food. And kids LOVE it.
... I’M JUST SAYING, it’s a perfectly normal parent thing that most parents seem to do automatically. And considering that Yondu had nothing like a normal childhood (so his ability to relate to kids in a comprehensible-to-the-child kind of way, or even to figure out what’s appropriate for an 8-year-old vs a 16-year-old vs a 5-year-old, is going to be totally off) AND he’s a terrifying-looking alien monster from Peter’s perspective, I can totally see how what was meant to be a pretty basic Dad Joke could misfire in a way that ended up scarring Peter for life.
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Every Baudelaire Guardian (So Far)
This list is a long overdue way for y’all to see past guardians before requesting and a way for me to keep track of who I’ve already made a guardian, so let’s get this train rollin’!
(All Guardians names from first to most recent under the cut, will be updated as more characters are requested)
Frankie Stein
Phoenix Wright
Harry Greenwood
Hiccup and Astrid Haddock
Reginald Hargreeves
The Sorting Hat
Jack Skellington
Reigen Arataka
Taako Taaco
John Mulaney
Dr. Doofenshmirtz
Chidi Anagonye
The Kratt Brothers
Ronald McDonald
Freddy Mercury
Darth Vader
Jefferson Davis
Marie Kondo
Jonathan Van Ness
Maes Hughes
Harold Hill
Dutch van der Linde
Carol Danvers
Molly Weasley
Grunkle Stan
Magnus Bane
Scott Howl
William Shakespeare
George Salazar
Luke Skywalker
Soldier 76
Emily the Corpse Bride
Neil Cicierega and Ming Doyle
Optimus Prime
Robert E.O. Speedwagon
Julian Devorak
Rex Dangervest
Meta Knight
Moominmamma and Moominpappa
Rapunzel and Eugene Fitzherbert
A knife
A bigger knife
Tony Stark
MatPat, Safiya Nygaard and Rosanna Pansino
Lin-Manuel Miranda
Miss Honey
MatPat but with StephPat this time
Thomas Sanders
Magnus and Julia Burnsides
Ruff Ruffman
Willy Wonka
An even bigger knife
Amy Rose
Video Game Sonic the Hedgehog
Scott Lang
A Googly Eyed Slinky
@/sqenthusiast , formerly @/larry-your-gayter
A Dog
@/teeny-beany, formerly @/afarmforthree
The Crystal Gems
@/arisabunni, formerly @/hongmoondescendant
The Biggest Knife Ever in Bowie, Texas
Malina Weissman, Louis Hynes and Presley Smith
Violet, Klaus and Sunny Baudelaire
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Linda and Laurence Flynn-Fletcher
Alice Liddell
Star Butterfly and Marco Diaz
Demi Lovato
Princess Peach
Dad Egbert
Phil Coulson
The Phantom of The Opera / Erik Destler
Original Design of Live Action Sonic
Greg Universe
Brian David Gilbert
Robert Manion
Yondu Udonta
Mary Poppins
The VFDiscord
Jay Gatsby
Kermit the Frog
Brandon Rogers
S. Theodora Markson
Chris McLean
Pepper Potts
@/oliviacalibans, formerly @/olivia-calibansnicket
Iris, Talia and Auriana
Final Pam
Miss Frizzle
Crowley and Aziraphale
La Muerte
Leo Valdez
Princess Tiana
Cats (2019)
Bubblegum and Marceline
Gary Goodspeed
Otto Wood
Ouran High School Host Club
Tulio, Miguel, and Chel
Quentin Coldwater
Phoenix Wright and Maya Fey
Fix-It Felix and Sergeant Tamora Calhoun
Barbara and Adam Maitland
Kit Snicket
Dan and Phil
Bill Nye
The Untitled Goose
Scooby Doo
Eleanor Shellstrop
Brennan Lee Mulligan
Final Design of Live Action Sonic
Dio Brando
The Bad Kids
Erika and Princess Annelise
Hat Kid
Princess Diana
Marshall Mallow
Giovanni Potage
Oliver and Lisa Douglas
Din Djarin
Percy King
Miss Acacia
Nico Di Angelo
Kobe Bryant
George Memeulous
Ozma of Oz
Gerard and Lindsey Way
Merle Highchurch
Commander Up
Oliver and Felicity Queen
Steve and Alex
Dale Cooper
Miss Alma Le Fay Peregrine
Queen Barb of the Rock Trolls
Shadow the Hedgehog
Dave Strider and Karkat Vantas
Jonathan Joestar
Mayor Damien
Fairy Mary
Gomez and Morticia Addams
Eijiro Kirishima
Blue the Dog
The Parr Family/ The Incredibles
Five Hargreeves
The Imagination Movers
Coraline Jones
Charles and Jerome Squalor
Clarisse La Rue
The Fellowship of the Ring
Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck
Alucard Tepes, Trevor Belmont and Sypha Belnades
Minnie Le Guin
Barry Bluejeans and Lup Taako
Cyrus and Evelyn Laurie
Red Guy and Duck
Felix Unger and Oscar Madison 
Mr. Nicholas Benedict
Ted Spankoffski
Toko Fukawa and Komaru Naegi
Samuel Vimes
Rick O'Connell and Evie Carnahan
Leon Kennedy
Team Dark
Sasha Nein
Sam and Max
Drawfee Cast
Bruno Madrigal
The Amazing Karnak
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Guys, it’s okay. Stanley Uris isn’t going to die in the next movie.
It turns out, Yondu Udonta faked his death when he kidnapped him in order to deliver him to Ego the Living Planet. Yondu then renamed Stan as “Peter Quill” as part of his induction into the Ravagers. 
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yonblu · 4 years
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WELCOME! This is an indie rp blog for Yondu Udonta. Penned by Vince (he/they, 24). This blog was established on May 3rd 2018. The timezone is GMT. Yondu is primarily MCU based, but with a lot of 616, marvel animated universe & headcanon influence.
AS OF 13/01/2023, I AM BACK! I’ve been absent from this blog for about two years, so please bare with me as I try to get back into the swing of things. If we have roleplayed in the past, feel free to reach back out to me, even if you moved blogs!
* IMPORTANT NOTE: I WILL BE DELETING ALL OF MY DRAFTS. The replies I owe are two years old now & I don’t really want to revive threads that old myself. If we had a thread and you would like to continue it, please reach out. I will be more than happy to reply with your go ahead!
                    →  CARRD HERE !
Notes on Centauri culture.
How his fin works!
Yondu’s relationship with the Centauri.
The most feared man in the galaxy.
Yondu’s fighting style.
Scars and tattoos!
How he lost his kidney.
Dad Yondu meta!
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powerovernothing · 7 years
Different anon here: because I'm lame I crack myself up thinking of an au where yondu survives and travels with the guardians, getting to know them and slowly becoming more and mores done with his sons weird taste in friends.
Oh my, isn’t this a rare treat, and something that completely puts a massive smile on my face! To go from writing a super fun meta for one nice Anon based around our local space dad…and then to turn around and see that another lovely Anon has wandered into my askbox to discuss more Yondu things?
And not only that, but also share with me an adorable headcanon of him and his son post Vol 2 where everything is good and happy and nothing sad ever happened no matter what James Gunn tries to make us believe?
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Oh, I am going to have a fun time with this~
(Lots of Yondad meta and headcanon under the cut, as well as a small drabble where Yondu and Drax get along and embarrass Peter! Prepare for feelings as well as silly things!)
First off, I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. The Guardians of the Galaxy fandom is just absolutely and all around lovely, and they certainly know their way to my heart with really great ideas coming from their really awesome minds!
Honestly, how could you not just adore this fandom and the people within it?!
Ah, but regardless! Hello there different, but equally as great, Yondu Anon! (Or would you rather me call you Yondad!Anon instead? Seems kind of fitting, yeah?) And thank you very much for popping into my askbox! Seeing all these messages from you guys just really makes my days all the more brighter; you just have no idea!
But there I go, getting off track; for shame! Anyway, you said that you make yourself giggle over a scenario where Yondu travels full time with Peter and his Guardian family after the events of the second film, and that he just, slowly but surely, becomes even more done with his son’s very bizarre choice of friends the more and more he gets to know them?
And, on top of everything, you somehow actually consider that idea to be lame?
Oh, but my dear Yondad friend! That is where you are sadly mistaken, because I don’t think that that idea is lame whatsoever! In fact, I think that it’s a very wonderful idea actually! And one that I, too, often think about in terms of post Vol 2 headcanons – be it silly or cute or just somewhere in between!
And actually, reading over your message reminded me of various ideas that me and my friend @packratofdenialism had in regards to Yondu’s relationship with the Guardians. The ones that come to mind first and foremost being that, other than Rocket and Groot, it would probably be Drax that Yondu would end up having the best kind of friendship with, before anyone else in the group.
And why him of all people, you may be wondering, and not someone like Mantis, considering that she is basically in some ways Peters’ adoptive sister, and Yondu has a thing for strays?
Well, honestly, the reasoning behind this is that Yondu and Drax are actually rather similar. Both warriors/killers with their own sense of honor, both fathers in their own right, both pretty bad with emotions, and yet ends up, after a massive tragedy, accepting a new family…as well as various others I’m probably not remembering.
And besides all that, there’s also the fact that both Yondu and Drax have one amazing ice breaker to spark their friendship. And something that would most certainly embarrass the hell out of Peter once he hears them talking about it.
That Drax was one of the first Guardians whom considered Yondu Peter’s father.
And since we’re all about giving out headcanons, and you had such an awesome one messaged to me above – how about I give you one in return? One that will give you all the emotions, possibly silly and heartwarming both?
(Inspired by late night conversations with @packratofdenialism​, love ya friend~!)
Because honestly, can you imagine the look on Yondu’s face when Drax pulls him aside and he begins to discuss just how wonderful the relationship that Yondu has with his son is? And how proud he must be to have raised such  a grand warrior, or how blessed Yondu should feel to see Peter grow and become a leader of his own crew?
I mean, it’s one thing to say it among friends, and have it be played off as a really big misunderstanding…
As well as have Peter totally deny that Yondu is the dad he’s always wanted, or that he ever called him Dad emotionally after he was saved from space, or how this is something that both father and son are still trying to get used to saying at all…but, dude, that’s only meant to be private sappy bullshit just between them! Not said in mixed company, or aloud, or ever! What the hell, Drax!
But to bring it up again, in a small ship where everyone can hear, and in front of Yondu no less! Peter isn’t sure whether to crawl under the ship’s controls or just smack his head repeatedly into the wall, because he knows well enough that nothing that comes out of this is going to be good, and he’ll probably never live it down…
I mean, just imagine!
“Ah, at long last! I get to go one on one with Quill’s father!” “Sure as hell hope yer not expectin’ the two o’us ta’arm wrest –” He pauses half way through his playful words; realizing slowly just what Drax said. “Wait, whadda’yer sayin’?”“You are indeed the true father of Star Lord? I know that your son tries to deny it with great enthusiasm, but it is surely so plain to see!”
So Peter would just groan aloud, because it was bad enough the first time around but now other members are listening in, and part of him just really hopes that Yondu will cut Drax off with some joke.
And yet, Yondu just smiles. Letting out that very asshole kind of laugh that is hidden with deeper emotion; because it may be slightly embarrassing to be considered Peter’s father by someone – as well as surprising, considering no one is judging him for said feelings…but somehow it just feels right.
“Hah, yeah, ah’guess ya could say ‘dat.”
And at hearing that Yondu isn’t angry, and is possibly going along with it, Peter just pops his head in and glares at them both with a massive blush on his cheeks.
“OH MY GOD YONDU NO. Don’t encourage him, ya stupid ass blueberry! Seriously, man, he’ll never stop at this rate and dude, we’re getting a damn audience here!”
And Drax interjects, because how rude of Peter to call his father a blueberry!
“Do not disrespect your father, Quill!”
And slowly, Yondu just looks over at Peter and sees his flustered look, because he knows that they were never the type for outward or open emotion. But after everything they went through, they could use a little bit of lighthearted teasing, and oh god it’s just so easy!
And he gives him a far too knowing smirk – like yep boy, ya wiggled yerself into dis, now ya gotta deal wit’it.
“Ey, ya heard him, son! Ya go on and treat yer daddy wit’ ‘sum kinda respect!”
And Peter just goes full on blood red, because oh my god Yondu why, and stomps out all the while screaming.
Then Drax would look over at Yondu curiously; still hearing Peter squealing down the hallways.
“Is he always such –”
“A big ol’ drama queen? Hell yes. I mean, damn, th’ stories I could tell –” 
“Oh! Please share your tales, Udonta! I would be overjoyed to listen!”
Hours later, Peter comes back totally drunk, and being far too done with his new extended family of embarrassing people and dad jokes, and oh my god are those two still at it after all this time? If I turn that corner they better not be exchanging baby pictures, what the hell.
And Yondu is still next to Drax, and he has this massively proud smile on his face. And he’s explaining in detail about the first time that Peter tried to shoot the special blaster that that he had given his boy for his birthday, and how their training session ended with Peter accidentally shooting Yondu in the leg instead of the Yaka Arrow that was meant as the target.
And Drax is just laughing out loud, as he often does when he is happy, and Peter expects Yondu to still be angry because of the accidental maiming that happened all those years ago and yet –
“Boy gave me one helluva scar! Still got it too! And oh damn, was he sheepish! Thinkin’ I was gonna up and whup ‘im for doin’ it. Hell, lookin’ back I probably scared im’ cussa my shouting an’ all…but I was REAL DAMN PROUD!””As one should be! To know that your child holds the courage to take down his target no matter who it may be! That shows true strength!””And even’tho dat shit hurt like hell, I was just thinkin, durin’ his stupid ass apology, how ‘dat trick shot coul’ be used on the field! Git’im all backed inna corner, and hav’im hit his target when ‘dey least expect it?”“Ahaha! Imagine the look on your enemy’s face when they are taken down by such a small and frail child!”“Hell yeah! I mean, I always ‘igured Petey to be sumfin’ special, but after all ‘dat, th boy just kept on surprisin’ me!“
Maybe Peter assumes that half of this conversation is just his drunken mind playing tricks on him, because Yondu was, and is proud of him? And Drax is agreeing? And they’re actually getting along? And it’s not just at Peter’s expense?
Obviously he had one too many.
And yet, the more he continues to listen in secret, the more he sees his old man actually smiling, and sees him getting along with his team, and not having to worry about anything that Ego put on his shoulders, or Ravagers betraying him for daring to care…
And sure, maybe he’s still getting used to all of this; the thought of him having an actual family.
…One that is filled with talking raccoons and green skinned warriors, tiny trees that enjoys his odd taste in music and a blue skinned dad with a flying arrow, as well as a brother that still is loyal even though he doesn’t have to be after what happened with the Ravagers…
Okay, so maybe his family is a seriously weirdass one…but it’s still a family nonetheless. And the more that Peter thinks about it, the more he walks away from the conversation, and finds himself placing in certain earbuds from a certain Zune and playing a certain song to help him deal with his awful hangover…
…He realizes that yeah, embarrassing and mismatched and crazy as it may be, this family is still his – and it just feels right.
There you go, Anon! You gave me the wonderful idea of Yondu getting to know the Guardians and just wondering where he went wrong in Peter’s upbringing because SERIOUSLY SON WHY THESE IDIOTS. And in turn, I gave you an idea where everyone else slowly just becomes totally done with Yondu – mostly Peter, because THE EMBARRASSING STORIES, DAD WHY.
As well as some additional feelings on top of the silliness, because why not?
Thank you so much once more for coming into my askbox and talking Yondad related headcanons with me! I deeply appreciate it, always totally have fun with it, and I surely hope that you enjoyed my little mini fan fiction that I gave you in return! (If anyone wants that posted on it’s own without additional talk, just ask.)
Lots of hugs, hope you have a great day full of joy and fandom feelings, and I hope to see you around soon! Pop back in anytime!
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gonesoft · 7 years
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do you like human garbage cans? is threatening to eat your child your idea of a goofy parental joke? well then, LIKE or REBLOG if you’re interested in roleplaying with ravager/life ruiner/space’s best dad YONDU UDONTA [as seen in guardians of the galaxy/vol. 2]. let me tell you, here at @gonesoft you’re in for all-around douchebaggery, some adoption, some debauchery, a lot of southern accent, depressing introspective metas, and mary poppins jokes that will never ever ever get old no matter how many i make.
so come on down to @gonesoft and see what we’re all about! except don’t actually look on my blog bc i’m under construction and i’m super self conscious guys ok
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graphicpolicy · 5 years
Preview: Future Foundation #1
Future Foundation #1 preview. With the leadership of Alex and Julie Power and a little extra firepower from guest professor Yondu Udonta, the team will undergo their most dangerous mission yet - a PRISON BREAK! #comics #comicbooks #FF
Future Foundation #1
Jeremy Whitley (A) Will Robson (CA) Carlos Pacheco Rated T In Shops: Aug 07, 2019 SRP: $3.99
When the Richards family is called back to Earth to be the Fantastic Four again, they left behind the Future Foundation – a think tank of the most brilliant young minds in the universe – with one mission: to find the…
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efabuloushb · 6 years
Let’s do some housekeeping. I participated as a #FandemicPartner for the pre-event and at-event promotions of the FandemicTour Houston. If you follow me on other platforms, you know I’ve been so “supersonic” promoting this event ; additionally you probably saw me living my best life on Instagram whilst at the event. Being a #FandemicPartner granted me press credentials to the event. Thus, I received non-cash remuneration. Makes sense right. So again, there is a brand relationship. With that said, that relationship will not influence this post-event blog post. These opinions are mine and mine alone. Ready, set, read!
It’s been over a week or so since I attended #FandemicTour in Houston, Texas. Let me just say “I truly enjoyed myself.” Period.  I’m an old geek. I love comics. I love art. #CosplayIsLife when done right. Also, meeting your celebrity heroes is always a boon for the soul. Fandemic Tour – Houston was a perfectly balanced event for fans like me.
The Spotlight with Michael Rooker
Firstly, can I just say – my Momma loved Michael Rooker in Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer (1986). She would not stop going on about it and I was in the 8th grade, so I was too young to see it. That is my first introduction to Rooker. Then when I found out he grew up in my hometown of Chicago, I began to follow his career. So it’s safe to say…. I’MMA FAN.
And you must know I looooooooooooved him as Yondu Udonta in Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) and its sequel Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017).
I found Michael Rooker to be truly “electric”.  His persona and his willingness to engage fans was so refreshing. His comical nature, witty sarcasm and overall good nature was truly infectious. One of the things I found most entertaining about my fellow Chicagoan is that he was raw, untethered some of the time in his thoughts but so authentic.  They say never meet your heroes — but Michael Rooker DID NOT disappoint.
The Spotlight with Chris Sullivan & Sean Gunn
Perhaps I like people with amazing personalities, so I can be biased if someone is a smidge boring. I did not have that problem with these two quirky, comical and intriguing characters.
I think I was the only person in the entire NRG stadium that has not seen he NBC drama This Is Us. (Look I’m not in a good emotional place right now and they say it makes you cry … and if you follow this blog, you know I’ve been crying for the last 19 yrs – so no I haven’t seen the show, but I heard Chris Sullivan is amazing in it.) Also, I’ve only seen like 4 episodes of the television show Gilmore Girls (2000–2007).  I heard that Sean Gunn was a killer Kirk Gleason, so there’s that. (Look from 2000 – 2005, I was indisposed and partying. From 2006 – 2007, I was trying to learn how to live in America again after moving back States side from the United Kingdom and I got pregnant by my ex-hubby, so I was busy. Bwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaah.) 
I digress…
Chris Sullivan and Sean Gunn had a really good candor together. I like their energy. They started the entire session off with shenanigans. Sullivan tried to drive a golf cart into the conference space???? The golf cart would not fit, but what a way to make an entrance.
Chris Sullivan talked at length about putting in the time / work / effort to “make it big” and how it is not an “overnight” event – but rather a culmination of decades of uncertainty and belief that you will one day make it big. I thought that was very refreshing. It gives young fans a realistic view of acting.
Sean Gunn talked at length about family ties to entertainment; his perspective on his roles and being as good as your “last project”.
I found their spotlight to be very “down to earth” and the audience seemed to really connect with them.
There were also some awesome #cosplay outfits during this particular spotlight.
The Spotlight with Bruce Campbell
LOOK! I CONFESS!!! I HAVE THE BIGGEST CULT CRUSH ON @GROOVYBRUCE EVER BECAUSE I AM AN EVIL DEAD FANATIC. There! Are you happy you made me confess that to the masses? This is what I came for! I wanted to see my Evil Dead hero. Period.
  Bruce Lorne Campbell  his best-known roles is portraying Ash Williams in Sam Raimi‘s Evil Dead franchise, beginning with the 1978 short film Within the Woods.
The one thing I adored about Bruce’s spotlight is that it was totally interactive. Never a dull moment. He was honest, comical, experimental and a total wild card! … and he looked like a Daper Dan as well.
Honestly, I had an amazing time. The vendors were amazing. I loved the activities on offer for the kiddos. There was so much cool and eye catching merchandise, I had to put a straight jacket on my wallet. LOL!  My Mini-Me and I have been discussing it since we attended. It was a great time for the kiddos and for the quirky Moms. I cannot wait for #FandemicTour Houston 2019.  Maybe, just maybe next year I will cosplay. Dunno. LOL!
Enjoy some of my moments from Instagram for the #FandemicTour:
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Y'all not ready, but I am. I am having a ball at @fandemictour. #FandemicHouston is amaze balls. All the artist and talent. Blows the mind. Great #comicexpo. You can still make it happen. Bit.ly/FandemicHOU . . . #MommyFab #fandemictour #fandemicHOU #EfabulousHB #ItsAParty #FabWorld #instapic
A post shared by #EfabulousHB (@efabuloushb) on Sep 15, 2018 at 9:35am PDT
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Y'all not ready, but I am. I am having a ball at @fandemictour. #FandemicHouston is amaze balls. All the artist and talent. Blows the mind. Great #comicexpo. You can still make it happen. Bit.ly/FandemicHOU . . . #MommyFab #fandemictour #fandemicHOU #EfabulousHB #ItsAParty #FabWorld #instapic #PowersOfGreySkull
A post shared by #EfabulousHB (@efabuloushb) on Sep 15, 2018 at 9:37am PDT
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#MichaelRooker is an absolute character. His exuberance is palatable and infectious. I am loving me some him at the @FandemicTour spotlight. An absolute delight. . . #FandemicHouston #FandemicPartner #MommyFab #EfabulousHB #Over40Blogger #ARealTalent #QuillsRealDaddy #FabWorld
A post shared by #EfabulousHB (@efabuloushb) on Sep 15, 2018 at 10:15am PDT
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I am a huge #Falcoln fan. So you know I am BIG MAD at Thanos. Lol. Check out @spacecadetscollection for some amazing collectible #comics. I am loving the @FandemicTour #Houston. . . #FandemicHouston #FandemicPartner #MommyFab #EfabulousHB #Over40Blogger #ARealTalent #FabWorld
A post shared by #EfabulousHB (@efabuloushb) on Sep 15, 2018 at 11:49am PDT
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Excellent cosplay at @FandemicTour #Houston. . . #FandemicHouston #FandemicPartner #MommyFab #EfabulousHB #Over40Blogger #ARealTalent #FabWorld
A post shared by #EfabulousHB (@efabuloushb) on Sep 16, 2018 at 6:29am PDT
  Be groovy. Be cool. Be #Fandemic.
#FandemicTour #FandemicPartner #FandemicHouston #MommyFab #EfabulousHB #ComicExpo #ComicConventions
The fans got more than what they came for at the #FandemicTour Houston says #MommyFab. Let’s do some housekeeping. I participated as a #FandemicPartner for the pre-event and at-event promotions of the FandemicTour Houston.
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alejandrojimenez · 7 years
Guardianes de la Galaxia 2
Marvel nos vuelve a traer a los guardianes en este volumen 2. Una de las sagas mas pop de Marvel, y eso siempre se agradece.
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Star-Lord, vuelve a embarcarse en un viaje intergaláctico por todo el universo. Le acompañará su heterogéneo equipo formado por Gamora, Drax el Destructor, Rocket Racoon y Baby Groot, además de otras nuevas incorporaciones como Mantis, Yondu Udonta y Nébula. Juntos, ahora que son una recién fundada familia, los Guardianes tendrán que luchar duro, a la vez que intentarán desentrañar los misterios que rodean el pasado de Star-Lord. Y es que, en su aventura conocerán a Ego 'el Planeta Viviente', el temible progenitor de Peter. A medida que el Universo Cinematográfico de Marvel prosigue su expansión, veremos cómo viejos enemigos se volverán aliados y queridos personajes de los cómics clásicos se convertirán en héroes.
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La película sigue en la misma línea de la primera. Combinando muy bien la aventura, diversión y humor, mucho humor, ya que en este segundo volumen han decido apostar mas por el humor. Y como no, mantiene el mismo humor de la primera que sueltan un punto en la parte mas seria del argumento.
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La historia está interesante y logra que te metas en ella pero a veces, fantasea tanto que a mi me sacó un par de veces. De todas formas, decir que la historia no es original de la película sino que está todo sacado de los comics, cosa que se agradece.
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La pelicula no tiene una escena postcreditos sino 6!! no todas son importantes pero hace que los creditos pasen como si nada. Esta nueva entrega ha tenido el exito esperado y ya han confirmado su tercera parte con el mismo director.
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Como siempre les dejo mi twitter: https://twitter.com/RealAlejandroJ?lang=es
Y nos vemos la proxima semana!
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peregrineroad · 6 years
What I was actually looking to confirm was that Kraglin knew about the Zune before the mutiny, which he pretty clearly did, because it wouldn’t make any sense for Yondu to be saying that someday Peter would come back to the fold after it. And Yondu tacitly suggesting he’d take Peter back as crew after everything is a much more dramatic show of ‘softness’ than just not wanting him dead.
But there’s still this:
That ain’t right. I just gotta say it this one time, Cap’n.
Everyone looks at Kraglin. 
No matter how many times Quill betrays you, you protect him, like none of the rest of us much matter. I’m the one what sticks up for you, me and Tullk.
What prompts this seems to be not so much Yondu being soft on Peter, which he’s clearly recognised on some level already, as realising the disparity between what Yondu’s being telling the crew and his actual motives. 
Damn straight, lad. You’re right: he’s going soft. S’pose it’s time for a change in leadership! 
Uh -
He’s then confused when the conclusion Taserface and the mutineers draw from this is that Yondu needs replacing with someone less soft, because a)he doesn’t expect them to come apart like that at the drop of a hat, and b)to him, the problem isn’t that Yondu is soft, it’s that his relationship with Peter is out of sync with his relationship with the rest of the crew. And again, the accusation of favouritism comes after Yondu refuses to hand Peter over to be murdered, so it’s frankly a bit suspect if you look at it from a familial perspective - but he’s lying to the crew about it, for Peter, and so in that way he’s prioritising Peter over his commitment to the crew. And that’s because he loves Peter and the crew are mostly complete assholes, but my hypothesis is that Kraglin doesn’t actually realise that. He identifies with the crew, even if he’s in the (two-man, poor Yondu) part of it which gives Yondu almost unconditional support. At the end of vol1 he  acknowledges the rightness of Yondu’s decision to keep Peter outside of the crew’s values only after Peter appears to pay off for them financially, as if it had been in question before then. 
“Captain’s gotta teach stuff” back in vol 1 is a really funny, comparatively throwaway line, but it also struck me after vol2 and Kraglin being confused by the mutiny despite, like, announcing Why Triggerhappy Assholes Should Mutiny Right Now after Taserface pretty much told him he was planning on it, that he’s dropping the key point of the lesson. Yondu’s stated point is that the crew need to know that he deals harshly with traitors - and while his actual point is imo that this is performative and Peter needs to offer him a way out asap, he’s clearly conscious that mutiny is waiting in the wings if he goes easy on Peter without a good material reason. Kraglin eliding that suggests to me that it’s not as prominent in his mind.
“I didn’t mean to do a mutiny...they killed all my friends.”
When he comes back to Yondu after the mutiny, it’s interesting that the emphasis falls not so much on his repentance for what the mutiny did to Yondu, it’s on how he is now also separated from the crew - “they” killed his friends, and therefore the connection. He’s lost here now. He didn’t realise that this was ever on the cards. And it’s then, after all that, the he receives Yondu’s forgiveness in the same way Peter did, and they break off from the clan entirely.
The funny thing is that in a lot of ways Kraglin is really clearly valued by Yondu. But it’s within that official structure - he’s first mate, he gets trusted first to execute Yondu’s orders and to back him up, he’s usually by Yondu’s side. Whereas Peter defies all that, backtalks casually, runs off with the payoff, is generally rubbish at being a part of a Ravager crew. And Yondu loves him anyway, which must mean he loves him as something other than a subordinate. And I think what Kraglin actually wants is to escape the structure which makes Yondu caring for him seem conditional, but what he thinks he wants is to enforce the structure and make Yondu value it more (and therefore him more).
Anyway, Kraglin idealises the crew as family and hasn’t fully articulated to himself his familial feelings for Yondu outside of that framework, substituting ‘Capt’n’ for ‘father’. In conclusion, everyone is dysfunctional in this bar, thank you and goodnight.
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peregrineroad · 7 years
How about some Yondu thoughts? :D
Oh gosh. I have so many and they’re all so disorganised. 
I’m fascinated by how deferential he is with Stakar. This is very much a ymmv thing, but my impression is that the reverence there went beyond the anxiety and guilt he would naturally feel at such a meeting and suggested that there was something habitual there - a hero-worship right from the start which was both deep and insecure. I think feeling like that towards your new boss/maybe-spiritual-leader after having been a slave would be incredibly difficult. That’s a really interesting relationship to me, especially contrasted with the Yondu-Peter one, in which their first contact gets in their way for pretty much exactly the opposite reasons.
I think it was clear in the film itself, but the vol2 script confirms that the character of Yondu’s ravagers overall isn’t actually in line with his own value system (they’re all jerks). His clan is defined by a mistake he deeply regrets, and he’s stuck there with them having to dance this line between what he wants to be doing and what they want their leader to be doing, and he has no outside backup any more, and there isn’t really a way out for him. He’s a tragedy. But I think he does feel a responsibility for them, even the worst of them, and keeps trying to balance between Keeping Them In Line and engaging with them reasonably (over percentages!) The fact that he kept them on side for twenty-plus years with a kid in tow is pretty impressive - I genuinely think Yondu is a natural leader doing really well with a bunch of people who are terrible at working together to any kind of long term goal. Also I still want fic of him - a guy who presumably came by the bulk of what education he has as an adult - trying to convey math to a bunch of violent impatient assholes who all think they’re right all the time already, and also Oblo, who is Trying His Best, and Peter, who is nine. And Tullk, who is just laughing the whole time.
Last thing is, I’m sad that all the mcu influenced versions of Yondu out there seem to be outright villains except the Telltale one, because I’m probably never gonna get more Yondu & Rocket being besties anywhere else, and they had so much potential for shenanigans. 
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