#yes i'm getting into bugsnax
thebekashow · 3 months
I want my frigging bunger back.
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wambus: justice is served! me: I- YOU- YOU ATE MY BUNGER >:(
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tinyangrynerd · 1 month
looking back through some of my bugsnax stuff, i think 'man, it'd be nice to learn how to draw in the same style as the sketches from the game'
But then i'm also like 'but what if everyone's version of the journalist has their own style of drawing, that's like unique to them as that version of the character'. and i think that sounds more fun actually. just as like a fun little character building thing to do.
and i don't mean like 'they just draw in your own art style' ...which is also a valid option. but i more so mean giving them a specific way that they like to sketch. or even different items they use.
maybe they like to use stickers in their doodles!?!? maybe they use sparkly colored gel pens!?!? maybe they draw with comically simple yet charming stick figures?!?? maybe they only know how to draw from one of those old 'how to draw anime' art books!?!?!??! idk go wild!!!!!
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bugsnaxaudio · 4 months
Do you happen to have the clip of chandlo saying "LIFTIN YOUR CRIB DAWG!!"?
Chandlo: "Bro, if you're not comin' outside, I'm bringin' the outside to you!"
Snorpy: "H-hey- no! What?! You cannot lift my entire house!"
Chandlo: "Oh, yes, I can! I'ma lift your crib, dawg!"
Snorpy: "Do not 'lift my crib', Chandlo! I have delicate instruments in here and-"
The whole time I was skimming the wiki to get the audio transcript, all I could think of was that bit Vargskelathor Joel did in his Bugsnax playthrough where he compared this scene to a Family Guy bit. All I could hear was "BRIAN, DON'T LIFT THE HOUSE, DOG!" as I typed.
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jupiterswasphouse · 28 days
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A few days ago, I fully finished and 100% completed this game, and I'm very happy to have finally done so! Here are my thoughts, under the cut! (Skip to the end if you just want a quick overview of each point)
As evidenced by the fact I completed the game, I enjoyed Bugsnax a lot! Which I'm happy to be able to say upon playing it myself after having watched other people (Namely Snapcube, all the way back in 2021) play it in the past. It's a nice change of pace from the other kinds of games I've played in recent times, and a type of game I can't say off the top of my head that I've really experienced before. I've played my share of creature collectors but those were mostly RPGs, like the Pokémon games, whereas Bugsnax takes the concept into a full 3D space where you don't exactly battle the Bugsnax but, rather, you trap them!
Forgive the comparison I'm about to make but it's almost like you're pranking the wildlife of this island, tricking them in various ways to get them into your backpack. It starts off as simple as just waiting for Bugsnax to wander into your trap, and for a handful of species it stays that way, but with the wide variety of them available to you and which you're expected to catch, it becomes more complicated very quickly! The game can become slightly repetitive at points, especially having to refight bosses for 100% completion, but they vary things up enough with tools and specific catching conditions that it never became boring for me. I'd say that Bugsnax is almost a puzzle game in that way, trying to figure out what combination of things catches what Bugsnax. Although some of said 'capturing puzzles' are easy to cheese, or come up with multiple solutions for.
Despite that, though, Bugsnax can be a challenge for the brain! Like any good puzzle, the solution can be difficult to piece together right away at times, making for engaging gameplay that keeps you thinking. That's a great thing, as it's really the only challenge there is in the game. Bugsnax does not have a fail state nor any lives to lose, no matter how much the aggressive Bugsnax try and no matter how many times you light yourself on fire in the middle of Snaxburg. Bugsnax simply isn't a very difficult meal to swallow! Which isn't a bad thing.
As a side note on the gameplay too, the game does keep you busy with a multitude of main quests, side quests, and letter quests, giving you many reasons to want to catch all of these Bugsnax!
Speaking of the titular Bugsnax, though, they're a very interesting bunch! With 112 of them to find (after the release of the free DLC), the variety of designs on display is wonderfully creative and charming. Yes, some of the designs are reused and retextured, but that's perfectly acceptable and to be expected when you're capable of transforming almost every NPC using said Bugsnax!
They're certainly interesting to observe and speculate on how they came to be! They're not anything that could exist in our world, but that's kind of the point! They do, however, interact with each other in some ways you might expect from wild beasts, fighting with each other and accidentally running into each other on occasion. Bunger, Spuddy (Beetle-like Bugsnax), Preying Picantis (A mantis-like Bugsnak), and Scoopy Banoopy (A giant water bug-like Bugsnak) being as aggressive as they are, while played up for gameplay purposes, does mirror how strong and combative these insects are in the real world! Although, you never see these Bugsnax eat each other, nor at all apart from when you specifically toss sauce at them, making it unclear how they survive apart from eating said sauce, even though the ending goes some way into explaining that, to an extent. Even still, not much that truly needs to be explained goes unexplained when it comes to them
Of course, the creativity and good design of the Bugsnax would mean nothing without an equally charming world and set of colorful characters to go along with them! The game does not disappoint there either, making for quite the feast for the eyes. The biomes are lovely, and environmentally tell you quite a bit about the history of the island, from the crashed ship on the beach of Boiling Bay to the cave scrawlings of Garden Grove and the clear existence of a long gone civilization in Scorched Gorge and the isle of Broken Tooth! Meanwhile, the NPCs, the Grumpuses, have wonderfully charming designs, resembling muppets to an extent, all distinct and fun designs but still simple enough to fit in with the impressive mechanic of 'Snakification' without being too disturbing... Most of the time
Heads up! The next section goes into SPOILER TERRITORY, if you want to save the story for when you play it yourself, skip to the next chunk of bold text
When it comes to the story that surrounds all of the Grumpuses, it continues to be quite the charming game, with its comedic flair, colorful personalities, and sweet personal moments. However, it's not a conflictless experience (Nor should it have been!), with many characters fighting and having problems that range from Wiggle being afraid of being a one-hit-wonder and struggling to create her next masterpiece, to Snorpy struggling to communicate his feelings to Chandlo while Chandlo worries about the unhealthy amount of stress that Snorpy is going through, to Beffica being unable to hold a friendship because of her own actions and being afraid that she won't be able to ever have anyone close to her. It doesn't pull its punches, especially once you get around to helping them with some of these issues in the sidequests!
The biggest issue that requires being solved however is the driving force of the game, getting everyone back to Snaxburg, and especially the adventurer who invited you to the island in the first place, Elizabert. The search for Elizabert takes essentially the whole game, searching for clues and interviewing Grumpuses, watching tapes that display the relationship of Elizabert and her girlfriend/wife (unclear whether or not they're married), doctor Eggabell.
This search concludes in quite possibly the most unsettling muppet body horror way it could have, with Bugsnax being revealed to be parasites, composing essentially the entire underground of the island, with Elizabert herself being turned into a giant but somehow still sentient and sapient beast made of multiple different legendary Bugsnax, among other species! and the final sequence of the game is spent essentially killing Bugsnax in a brutal saucy massacre across Snaxburg before making your escape.
Now, does this make Bugsnax one of those "Oops, it's a horror game actually!" games? Not in the slightest. This is not as overtly horrifying and gorey as something like Doki Doki Literature Club, although it is possible to lose Grumpuses to the influence of the island in the final sequence if you play your cards wrong, this is more like an Undertale situation in the sense that the game is mostly perfectly fine but has some disturbing undertones and moments! It is a super unexpected moment but I like it, and the ending provides a very satisfying resolution to everyone's problems while still leaving enough questions about the island for a Bugsnax 2
The game is also very well scored with a mostly electronic sound track that fits the charming and mostly relaxing atmosphere of the game! Seth Parker's smooth synths filling the space perfectly between Grumpus dialogue and Bugsnax yelling out their names Pokémon style, with an adorable credits theme done by Kero Kero Bonito, which fits in perfectly with the rest of the music.
Now, in terms of game stability, having played after patches, I'd say this game is stable enough for the average player, some things being a bit easy to break for people who are looking to do so, with very few glitches being detrimental to the experience. I did have some Bugsnax get stuck or disappear, but it wasn't enough to really effect things much given there are a couple ways to respawn them (sleeping, leaving the area and coming back).
One funny thing did happen to me though, and it was my fault entirely! I saw the broken bridge in Scorched Gorge and was like "Hmmm, I bet I could get across that when they don't want me too" and I did! Then the game autosaved and I had accidentally set several flags in the game skipping Snorpy and Chandlo's quests. I had to find the save file and manually edit it so that I could fix my hubris and unskip the quests! Which was thankfully not very hard to do, and I got to experience those quests without issue.
Now, finally, what would I add to a Bugsnax 2? Well the obvious answer for me would be some form of wasp Bugsnak, I just want more representation of my favorite guys!! But for a bigger suggestion, I'd say that there are tons of different real world bug features and behaviors that could make for interesting gameplay elements and designs! With mimicry, pollination structure building, symbiotic relationships, resource gathering, pheromone communication, multiple stages of life, etc etc. I'd just really like to see what the Bugsnax team can do with things like these! Even down to more species or family specific things!
All in all,
Gameplay: Fairly unique! Can be repetitive at times but stays varied and interesting enough to be engaging for most players.
Difficulty: Catching Bugsnax can be challenging but it's still fairly easy, with very little punishment for failure outside of the very end.
Graphics/Design: Extremely charming with varied Bugsnax and cute NPCs that fit with the biome they're in very well, providing a lovely atmosphere to the game, even if Snakification can make things clash at times.
Story/Lore: Very good, keeping you interested in the world and characters of the game, and at times delving into more serious, personal topics and problems, as well as setting up a world that shows plenty of its history, while leaving some questions to be answered
Soundtrack: Rather smooth, synths filling the space in nicely and not leaving much awkward silence, with a very good guest track
Stability: Rarely detrimental, not giving the player any major issues, while still being breakable if one were to try to do so
Completion Time: 29 hours
Overall: Recommended
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bugsnaxmadethisblog · 4 months
Bugsnax tumblr I have an important poll
I'm getting a consensus on this, as I am curious. This is also why this poll is lasting a week, just making sure that there's enough time to get proper amount of votes.
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astronomergrump · 2 months
unsure if people have ask you this but like have tips (or tutorial) for draw grumpuses? /nf
Nope! I've never had anyone ask how I draw grumps ur the first! :3
ill try my best to explain how I draw grumps and some tips, even though I'm not very good at explaining stuff.
But also, fair warning there are headcanons of grumpus biology and other things. :P
But I have...2-3 ways I draw grumpuses, more animalistic or more of a cartoonish way.
But I'd have to say that you'd have to really study the cast we've got in bugsnax, study their body types. Such as with eggabell and my drawing of her.
Her original body shape is eggie, such with her name hehe.
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But with more rounder grumpuses (especially more in the stomach and hips area), I've interpreted their round side with fat. In eggabell's body shape you can see how her bottom area is more big than the rest of her body. In the drawing that I made, her body is large in the bottom but makes it way to be thinner just like in her og body. But with more plump grumps they have dewlaps. (Which if I remember properly are made of fat and fur for nesting)
Even with grumpuses like floofty (including other rounder grumps such as snorpy and beffica) >>
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In their original yk body and proportions, hips are big, but slowly move up to become thinner. But unlike eggabell they're not yk egg shaped.
But ofc their are....thinner grumpuses, such as wambus or wiggle. Unfortunately I've not drawn them, but I will show my skinnier ocs I've drawn before.
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These two grumpuses (even tho they're both undead might I add) have similar proportions as a human would. Mostly with the ratio hips to chest.
But I draw their bodies segmented, say with my skinny grumps you can see how both of their bodies/torsos are made up of three shapes. But with grumpuses like Beffica and Floofty, their bodies are segmented into two main shapes.
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But getting into faces and jaw lines...thats always threw me off a bit. But generally speaking I mostly draw faces for grumpuses to be more canine like, either that or to be an animal that more or so fits the characters's.
While I don't really and truly draw much of the actually cast, I fully believe that a character like uh... Say lizbert, if I'm writing this down incorrectly please tell me, but with her I'd imagine she'd more or so look like a seal in the face. A buff seal.
But in general, either more canine or feline like.
With jawlines tho, grumpuses without over/underbites are flat faced. So take that into consideration especially, as their snout would probably point out a bit it wouldn't point out as far as a grumpus with an under/overbite. Say like a pug or smth, they're faces are mostly flat and not as long as dogs with long snouts. Grumpuses with over bites as we all know have teeth that rest above the bottom jaw, causing their teeth/tusks to poke out from their lip. Ditto with underbites, but their bottom jaw goes out more than the top jaw. (Poodles is meant to look like a poodle so that's why her snout points out, BUT I PROMISE THAT'S NOT HOW I USUALLY DRAW IT)
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Oh and hair! And eyes as well. Hair, as I assume for grumpuses, can grow on their heads. But it would have to majorly have to deal with genes if a grumpus baby does have hair or fur that grows similarly to fur.
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Such as with my two grumpus ocs, one has fur, the other has hair. Again as I've stated, I believe that a grumpus probably needs some type of recessive gene from both parents to successfully grow hair. But it's not really and truly a very rare thing to have. Like I'd assume 45 out of 100 grumps have hair that does differ from long fur.
With eeeyyyeeesss thooo, I imagine it's very similar to what humans have. Such as different eye shapes, sometimes even different patterns of pupils, but that would depend on where the grumpus originates from and how far they we're in the food chain. So yes again, genes. In my own hc I believe grumpuses have 3 different pupils that depend on their gene origin, round pupils (like humans), slit pupils (like cats), and squared pupils (like horses or goats).
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We could also get into fur. But again like everything else I've stated before, genes and origins play a huge role in that
But um... For tips, I'd say mostly try and study their anatomy. As well facial structure especially with animals.
As well, take in consideration of characters body shape and anatomy. Even ur own characters.
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squirrelpatties · 2 months
Okay, ignoring the incest, the question of Trolls World Taxonomy is pretty interesting (and not something I'm exactly qualified to get into lmao). You've got Trolls, Bergens, Vaycaytioners, Mount Rageons, and the variety of critters. And the Party Crashers as a potential result of Bergen/Troll relations based on what's known about them.
Clearly, we can't judge the species of this world by the taxonomies we know; Trolls have hair and maybe fur like mammals, and likely have a "warm-blooded" metabolism based on how much energy they're able to expend singing and dancing all the time (which then begs the question of how much they must eat relative to their body weight to maintain that energy, but it's possible there's some degree of music-based magic involved somewhere. Or the foods they normally eat are incredibly calorie-dense, like Bugsnax), but they also display non-mammalian traits as well—the most obvious one being eggs, and the most important one (in the movies at least, discounting Delta Dawn) being the lack of mammaries.
Of course, it's not impossible for non-mammalian species to have fur; Trolls could be some form of arthropod, like the fluffy moths of our world. But I think the true answer is, as stated earlier, far stranger, and outside the normal bounds of the taxonomic systems we apply to Earth animals. Take, for example, the Trolls-as-drugs metaphor present in the first and third movies. Yes, the Trolls being eaten and Floyd being drained serve as a metaphor for material consumption and talent being taken advantage of respectively, but from a literal standpoint? Trolls have a recorded emotional effect when consumed and their "talent" can be drained as an essence that works as a performance booster. In-universe, Trolls are drugs.
And then things are complicated further when we remember that Trolls have an inherent connection to music. It's written in their very bones and something they cannot be rid of, and different subspecies emerged based upon differing genres of music. Yes, there were the strings, but the ending of the second movie involved no making of new strings—and, in the history Peppy described (though we must take that account with several pinches of salt due to the inherent biases in his explanation; though it was a cute detail for the scrap-Pop Troll to be the one holding the harp when Peppy said "Trolls grew intolerant of each other's music" in the same way that the Pop Trolls having that original harp was a cute detail alluding to the truth purported by the Funk Trolls and Barb), the strings were described to have been made by the ancestors when they were inspired by the Original Sound. So it's very likely that the strings, for all the power they held, were merely instruments themselves, and that the power of music was inherent to Trolls from the beginning regardless of the strings' existence. But that's entirely speculation, as canon has no real indication towards the truth.
Still, the way that music is so inherent to Trolls can be considered an integral trait of the species; and yes, I am counting all Trolls as the same species. While we haven't seen any intergenre couples in canon, with the way that music develops, evolves, and exists in a variety of ways makes it near impossible to imagine that the different genres would be unable to mix. As for how deeply music is written into a Troll's very being, while it's true that many musical numbers seen in the movies and show are likely rehearsed, there are still plenty more large coordinated groups singing and dancing in tandem with no clear rehearsal or even discussion beforehand. While calling it a sort of "hiveminding" ability feels a bit too far, it's easy to surmise that, due to their inherent nature as creatures of Music first and foremost, it is incredibly easy for Trolls to join in on song and dance they've never heard before and naturally slot into place.
Perhaps it is disingenuous to compare Trolls to Earth animals at all; perhaps the more apt comparison would be to fungi, which are neither flesh nor cellulose and follow their own set of rules. But even then, fungi don't lay eggs, so we are once again brought back to the conclusion that Trolls cannot be defined by the mundane taxonomies of our world. While less is known about the other species (Bergen, Vaycaytioner, Mount Rageon, Critters), it can be assumed the same applies to them. Thus, an entirely new taxonomy would have to be created to apply to these creatures, which is what makes thinking about it so fun! One would have to come up with theories and worldbuilding on the histories and prehistories of the Trolls' world, using what information canon gives us and extrapolating off of that, all while using real world cladistics, taxonomy, and ecology as a basis with which to shape the barest bones of the Trolls' world taxonomy!
*nods dumbly* Yeah yeah 😃 <- (spaced out mid-way through that)
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bombcollar · 1 month
I was tagged by @go-go-devil!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
I currently have 151.
2. What is your AO3 wordcount?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently the most recent fics I wrote have been for Cadence of Hyrule but I've also recently written for Iconoclasts and Pokemon.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The Ferris Wheel (Bugsnax, Snorplo) - 248
Gemini (Bugsnax, body horror) - 169
Imitation Beef (Bugsnax, continuation of a canon scene) - 165
Imago (Elden Ring, Miquella wakes up as a big bug) - 154
Field Notes (Bugsnax, AU, cosmic horror) - 148
5. Do you respond to comments?
I always try to, even if it's just to say thanks.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
oh god probably one of my bugsnax fics... bugsnax really was ripe for angst. Both One Last Dance and Weary end in the implication that everybody has succumbed to the snax. I tend to leave things on more ambiguous notes than angsty, so even if the characters are in a sad or desperate situation it's uncertain what's going to happen to them next.
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Sleep is Dark Souls III fic that implies the age of dark is actually a good thing and Lorian and Lothric survive to see it after all they've been through. I know I have written other happy things but this one is very hopeful.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I've gotten a couple shitty comments or ones where I was just like, I have no idea what you're trying to communicate to me, but they're extremely rare and I just delete them if I do get them.
9. Do you write smut? If so, which kind?
I do not write smut. Just not my thing.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest crossover you’ve ever written?
Not often, I have a few Fromsoft crossovers but I did write a Bugsnax/Nier Automata fic that never got finished. That's Between My Teeth.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, quite a few. Ao3 user Dashana in particular has translated a number of my Iconoclasts fics to Russian. I will probably never say no to having a fic translated if it helps it reach a larger audience, especially because I tend to pick niche fandoms or subjects.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have, with @malicious-fisheeves and with @wheeled-jack as well as some other friends who don't really use tumblr.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
I really don't feel that strongly about ships much of the time but I do really like Wally/May from Pokemon RSE/ORAS and Gwyndolin/Darkmoon Knightess from Dark Souls.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Ugh I have this Mochi Mayhem rewrite thing in the works but I just can't seem to make any progress on it. I may put it out there unfinished but the problem is I have a big chunk of the beginning done and then a scene at the very end and nothing in the middle lmao.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I've been told I'm really good at building dread. I personally think I'm good at writing platonic and familial character relationships, and writing characters who might be antagonists but who are complex and sympathetic.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I have some trouble when it comes to writing incidental side characters that might serve a purpose for one scene but aren't really that important.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I really enjoy writing dialogue, it's one of my favorite parts of the process.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I wrote a Rayman 3 fic about some OCs of mine probably back in 2003 or something. It was about these griffin-like creatures that had the powerups tested on them and it fucked them up because they were flesh and blood rather than made of cloth like the Hoodlum enemies are. They were trying to escape the facility they were kept in. Unfortunately I do not think it's still posted on my old ff.net account so it may be lost media.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
I'll always be extremely proud of Monarch Sunrise (the bugsnax timeskip cruise fic) for the sheer scale of it (as far as my fics go) and for all the help I had plotting and editing it.
This is a tough question to answer though because I'm really happy with many of them. I'd say my favorite thing I've written lately is Lyre Lyre, my Octavo backstory fic, because I think it does a good job of laying out his situation in a concise and entertaining manner, like he's telling this story to a crowd.
as for tagging folks uhhh how about @wheeled-jack @mumagi @disco-descent
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I still believe that the "bugsnax are from space" theory holds water.
This is a lot of speculation, but please bear with me. I'll start by dissecting the most significant apparent argument against it:
On Broken Tooth, Floofty found that the bugsnax resemble other life on the planet.
This would seem to put the theory to bed. Clearly they can't be alien if they resemble all other life.
However, what if all life on the planet on which the game is set is alien in origin, following an ancient panspermia event? I believe that the text supports this. The largest piece of evidence comes right out of the mouth of the Snakolytes.
Omne Vivum Ex Bugsnax.
In Latin, this means "all life from bugsnax", suggesting, well - exactly that. Also included are papers you can find in Clumby's office in debug mode - I would quote them or post images directly but I do not have immediate access to them because Tumblr is a functional website (sarcastic), but the gist of the just-readable title of the paper is "What if we were made of bugs?"
Another note that @fastsnax-drive-thru brought up is that the crater on Broken Tooth makes little sense as the emergence point of a queen, and I think that's because that isn't the case - it's an impact crater, which I believe may have been left by the intial impact of a piece of snakmatter that either went on to seed the planet, or was the beginnings of Snaktooth after the planet had already been seeded and had developed compatible life.
The alien-looking ruins that form the Triplicate Space are an argument I'm fairly sure I don't have to elaborate on, though they're technically less concrete. Just because architecture looks like it might be extraterrestrial in origin doesn't mean it is.
My final note is that, from an analytical perspective of the text, I think Floofty's findings are intended to be misleading. It's much like the interaction between Chandlo and Shelda, which to me looks like a very deliberate set up for a one-two punch. The player, especially a new one who has never completed the game's golden ending, is told that the Grumpinati as it's commonly understood doesn't exist in order to get the them to drop their guard, before fairly shortly following with the revelation that yes, they aren't the Grumpinati, but there is a secret organisation Snorpy may be on the trail of - he's just been misled in many ways.
In all things, remember what the devs have told us: everyone is only half right.
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welcome :D
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(images above is not mine, it's an art req by @pokimoko[a cool person :D]!) (i will hold onto these forever tysm dude)
(also AUDHD OCTOLING SQUID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
(tw!!! I swear here(got that American and Scottish in my dumb self), if you don't like it, you should probably go!!! I don't wanna make people sad :<) 🦑 ★ this abt me temp is by @electricalstemplatesᔦꙬᔨ—!! ╰━ Name: Spike ↭ Age: not telling but here's a hint: I cannot drive a car┊🎮 Pronouns: any! she/her is preferred tho!!! ﹅ __gender: Transfem | orient: lesbian__ꕀ🏆 ✮ l [link]() 🔫➜ I (surprisingly)have a gf who likes to be called Eight/Agent 8!!!↯ . . ੭ ⁠くコ⁠:⁠彡く⁠コ⁠:⁠彡く⁠コ⁠:⁠彡く⁠コ⁠:⁠彡
⁠ C⁠:⁠彡 C⁠:⁠彡 C⁠⁠:⁠彡 C⁠⁠:⁠彡 hello, I'm Spike! you can call me Goldie if you want, too. i go by any pronouns! i have ADHD so i may forget to do things... if i do, remind me! ;-;
cake day: jan 19 :D
a furry/avian/lgbtq+ safe space! (if I ever make you feel uncomfortable, please tell me!!! I don't wanna make you feel that way!!!!)
i am opening art requests again after like 3 months lol i can draw:
ocs(that aren't complicated)
reaction images
art prompts
please send asks on @askbfdicharactersorocs i wanna draw objects more
BUBBLE BLOG: @thebubblebfb
BH BLOG: @etherealhole
LIY BLOG: @liythefourbiddenexplorer
TWO BLOG: @two-integer
ROOT BEER(my objectsona) BLOG: @transfem-cowgirl-cook-rootbeer
GOO BLOG: @cheerfactoryco-founder
TEA KETTLE BLOG: @caring-kettle-ii
FOURBIDDEN AU BLOG: @fourbiddenarchives
you can also find me on: Roblox Wattpad Beta.Character.AI Scratch Reddit Twitter/X
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here's Root Beer V3!
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AND Golden Egg!
about the Salmonling:
ROOT BEER?!?!/!(REAL)(AT 3 AM) :000000000
Spike - yea sure, anybody can call me this Salmonoid - it's salmonling, but they get mixed up often so yea :) Salmonling - sure :) Golden Egg: godamnit 8 I will get you back for that (she kept calling me this when we were at a cafe and due to me having the 'ability' to get embarrased easily of a glass ant with broken legs I was a blushing mess for the rest of the time I was with her--) THING - w h y d o y o u c a l l m e t h i s Person - ok???????? Root Beer - go for it :D Spika - this one's your fault irl fren/silly Pika - other sona's name so ye :D Asteroid - old roblox name, ye :D Asriel/Alphys - my kin so ye :) legal name - big no-no >:( Any other silly little nicknames: go for it!
i run a BFDI/TPOT/II ask blog called @askbfdicharactersorocs! if you wanna ask stuff there, to to that :D i also have a blog that just puts Root Beer in random ass places that y'all ask me for called @puttingrootbeerinplaces!
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i'm a young artist trying to build my following on Tumblr! I draw many things, including;
-{memes(sometimes)}- -{CHANGED}- -{Bugsnax}- -{fanart(sometimes)}- -{Battle for BFDI/TPOT}- -{Mysterious Object Super Show}- -{Otherworldy Ravenous Beast}- -{Animated Inanimate Battle}- -{Open Source Objects}- -{Excellent Extraordinary Entities}- -{Beautiful Ultimate Really Never Ending Realm}- -{The Daily Object Show}- -{The Nightly Manor}- -{Inanimate Insanity Invitational}- -{and other object shows!}- -{smaller game characters}- -{splatoon}- -{transfurs}- -{My own OCS}- -{UNDERTALE}- -{Cookie Run}-
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and more to come in the future! my blog is mainly for wholesome content cuz do a lot of meme/just straight up wholesome art.
i'm alright with nsfw art of my ocs although i wont draw any nsfw myself. i'm not ready yet...
my asks are always open, I would love to answer questions for you all on both accounts! :D
my account isin't that active with posts since i often forget to finish or just start another drawing...
i appreciate likes and reblogs and I would love for you all to follow me on my adventure through Tumblr! be sure to stick around for stuff like work in progress animations and artwork. <3
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birthday: jan 19 :D
fav colors: 💜purple💜 💙blue💙 💖pink💖
Object Shows
Spongebob(ik sounds generic but yea i love that show)
Roblox: @mayab3020
Cookie Run: Kingdom
Remote (Tpot/Bfb)
Ash Ketchum (Pokemon)
thank you for reading :>
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27 notes · View notes
shwoo · 7 months
When I first decided on doing these super short Bugsnax fics based on the Flooftober prompts and a randomly generated character, I was going to limit to to characters Floofty canonically knows, but actually it's more interesting to shove all sixteen characters with dialogue in there as possibilities.
By which I mean for day 22, I rolled Jamfoot as the character for Floofty to interact with. Prompt is zombie!
(Prompt list)
Title: Cessation of involuntary activity Summary: Jamfoot approaches Floofty with a proposition. (Also on AO3)
A stranger sat down opposite Floofty. "I understand you are in the market for a rare book?"
Floofty looked up from their triple butterscotch caramel latte with whipped cream, for just long enough to confirm that they didn't know the black-furred Grumpus in front of them. "I believe you have the wrong table."
"Oh, I think you'll find you're exactly who I want to talk to, Mx…" The stranger shuffled some paper. "Fizzlebean. Your repeated reservations of Beyond The Cranium: Studies in Cellular Memory have been… duly noted."
Oh. He worked in the university library. Obviously this was too urgent to just leave a message. "Has the library acquired an extra copy?" said Floofty, excited. "I was under the impression that the waiting list was near three years long." They'd learned a lot about body memory lately, but it was mostly centred on Snakmatter, and they needed to integrate it with the existing scholarship.
"Yeah, our hold system needs a serious overhaul," said the librarian quickly. "But for you… I've read your work, Mx Fizzlebean. You have quite the productive brain, don't you?"
Floofty took a big, sugary sip, and said "Yes, I suppose you could say that." Finally. It had taken long enough for get any recognition around here.
"Now, I have my own copy of this book, but I'm afraid it's… in use," said the librarian. "I suppose I could part with it for a time, once my research has concluded, of course… However, I have hit a snag. You see, I myself am not much of a biologist, and my research… It concerns whether other parts of the body can be induced to continue to think, after a fashion, long after brain death. I-I'm sure you can imagine the implications."
Floofty could, probably better than this librarian. Depending on the kind of cognition that could be performed outside the brain, and the amount, it might even be possible to give a dead Grumpus new life. They could be the Grumpus who discovered how to reverse death. "Are you requesting assistance with this matter…? I will gladly give it." Even without the additional temptation of a rare book.
"Ah, superb," said the librarian, and laughed.
Floofty laughed as well. They couldn't stop thinking about the possibilities.
"We'll be in touch," said the librarian. "So, uh, you know, make sure all your information's up to date."
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its-sheepe · 8 months
An Announcement.
Alright y'all, I've been thinking.
Thirteen Strong. A project stuck in development hell basically ever since l've joined the Bugsnax fandom. Yet with all my abandoned and unfinished projects, I still drag it through the mud with me.
To be honest, l'm unsure. It's a special sort of passion project, the kind that doesn't go down easily in my mind, even when ideas to present it are busts and never work out.
So l'm going to lay it to rest, under the soil of Tumblr. I very much think at this point, Thirteen Strong is less of an idea or a project and more it's own thing, it's own beast. Yes...precisely that, yes. And that beast dislikes Tumblr, no matter how hard I mold or reshape it's "face".
I genuinely think it's for the best, because after all, you can lead a horse to a lake or even a stream, but (very sadly) you can't get it to drink a drop.
Now I know many people (least I think many people are going to be affected by this grave news, but don't be disheartened. Thirteen Strong will still live on.
To the group l've amassed through this AU, my very sweet followers who are interested in it, extreme thank yous for supporting me so far, even if the idea was a tinge too ambitious.
For everyone else, I'm gonna keep zooming around here, working with my Bugsnax Brackets blog and doing the occasional silly thing here on my main.
This is Sheepe, apologizing once again for the news.
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fanartalchemist · 1 year
Lucid decapitation
WARNING: body horror, mention of decapitation and gore.
what would happen if snorpy never went in to save their sibling? maybe it would work for the better... or worse.
also, spoilers for the game, especially Floofty's side quest.
P.S. this is my first time writing a story, so I like to hear how well I did or how I can do better.
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"I cant believe this is taking Me more than 24 hours to set up this contraption. Its literally the middle of the night by the time I got it set up." Floofty mumbled to themselves as they made some finishing touches to the recycled machine. " Why should I be complaining? At least the journalist is doing the difficult part of catching a Bugsnack for the experiment. Not only that, Snorpy decided to bring Chandlo along with checking out the disturbance up on frosted peak. At least my anxious sibling wouldn't sabotage my work again."
Deep down, Floofty was a little bothered that their brother wouldn't be there to see their success, or at least be there when something goes wrong. What were they talking about? If the journalist doesn't back out on their plan, they're the only help Floofty needs.
Speaking of which, Buddy came back with a Strabby in their paw. "Ah, you've got the perfect Bugsnax for the contraption. Excellent." Floofty spoke excitedly. "And in a perfect time too, because I happen to be done with setting the device up."
Buddy stared at the machine Floofty was in front of, with terror forming in their face. "What in the grump is that thing?" shouted the journalist. Its clear to floofty that they never saw snorpy's other prototype inventions, despite how close they were as friends.
"I borrowed one of my brothers patented 'Grumpinati traps' and made some modifications." Floofty informed as they stepped into the machine. Once on the device, the machine already strapped them in. "Once the device is activated, snacks will flow into my open mouth, thus triggering my regeneration."
Buddy stared at it for a few more seconds before they finally spoke "This is terrifying.".
"Yes, I surmise that is why I'm in inside the device and you are not." Floofty responded. They couldn't see the journalist while laying on the cold piece of metal they were strapped in, but could easily hear how distressed Buddy was from their shaky voice.
"How do you know this will work?" Buddy questioned once more. To be honest, Floofty a little distressed about it themselves. Why should they? They came so far, they shouldn't stop now. It should work, since they sucessfuly regrown their leg. They've researched Bugsnax for almost a year. Why would that journalist question what they do when they haven't been on the island for even a month yet?
"I don't. that is what the experiment is for!" they told the journalist. "I need you to load the funnel at the back and then we can begin.".
It was silent for a moment, with Cobhoppers chirping in the background and leaves rustling in the wind. Floofty hoped that the journalist isn't backing out on their project the second they could finally see the results. Finally, they hear Buddy' footsteps going toward where the funnel gets loaded. They heard the Strabby's cry before Buddy shut the door of the funnel device. Once they did so, the blade of the machine automatically started spinning.
There was no turning back. Floofty tried to remain calm as the blade came closer to their head. Thats when they realized how painfull the process is going to be. They never took anything to numb the pain, because they want to have a clear mind when they need to take notes. They started to regret not taking anything to help with the pain that they were about to face.
Before they could think further, the funnel loaded the strabby into their mouth. As much as Floofty wanted to savor the delectable creature, they had to swallow it before the blade came down on them. That was officially their one final meal.
The blade finally punctured into their flesh. Floofty screamed in agony as the blade dug further, only to be silenced when it cut through their vocal cord. Floofty could hardly breath as blood fills their lungs, only to no longer breath when it finally cut through their throat and their wind pipes. When it finally cut through the spine, the feeling of intense agony, along with the feeling of cold metal they were being restrained by, has disappeared from the chest down. Once the blade has completely cut through their body and quickly went back in place, some sort of unknown force pushed their decapitated head off of the device and onto the soft, grass-covered ground beneath them.
"I...I'm still alive?" floofty thought to themselves, no longer being able to speak. "I supose this is the result of lucid decapitation: when the head is still cautious even after being removed from the body." luckily for floofty, they landed facing Buddy and their body laying on the machine. They could easily see the journalist, finally removing their paws from their eyes to look at the final result. As for their own body, its difficult to see since its in the shadows of the huts. Once the restraints were removed, it took only a few seconds before they could see movement in their paws. Flooftys body has sat up, showing that their head has been replaced by another one. It looked like their head from the darkness, but without their goggles on their head.
It was a success. Floofty was right about the regeneration of bugsnax. As proud as they were, they soon realized that their body now has a conscience of that of a strabby. Floofty assumed that the only thing that creature would do was scamper and wonder around like simple creatures they are.
They looked at the journalist, seeing their shocked expression. " Wow, it really worked" Buddy said to the still alive head of floofty. The creature, now hosting floofty's body, face towards the journalist. That grabbed both of their attention. The creature hopped off of the restraint platform and started creeping towards buddy. The journalist's face towards the creature, with their expression changing from surprised to genuine fear.
"Wait a minute. Stop! What are y..." Buddy pleaded before they were interrupted by the creature pouncing onto them. The monstrosity went at them with their teeth in their throat, and tore it off from their neck. Blood dripped from the monsters maw as life disappeared from the journalist's body.
Flooftie's eyes started flooding with tears as they saw the corpse of their friend. They never expected the bugsnax to commit a murder this barbaric, not even a strabby. Was this the hidden nature of bugsnax this whole time? Was this the price they have to pay for messing with the forces of nature?
The creature quickly turned toward Flooftie's decapitated head from across the contraption. It slowly walked from the corpse next to the funnel to the severed head. It picked them up and held it to the point where Floofty could finally see the face of the monster. Its eyes were that of the bugsnax, with its head being that of a rotting strawberry. Its hair are made of leaves in the same style as flooftie's, and the teeth are that of stems of strawberries. looking deep into the monsters pupils, they see themselves in its reflection.
As the creature removed the goggles from floofty, it spoke. Its voice was that of flooftie's, but distorted. "You were very helpful, but we have no use for you anymore". Flooftie's vision started going dark as the creature brought its head towards its mouth, and gobbled it up.
"Wait. Stop!" Floofty shouted as they sit up from their bed, breathing heavily. They woke up with cold sweat soaking their bed of their brother's apartment. They looked at themselves, and felt their chest and head to see if its still attached. It was all a dream, or a nightmare in this case.
They gave themselves time to calm down and recall the current events. Floofty is still alive, everyone escaped snaktooth thanks to Lizbert and Eggabell (assuming they are the queen of bugsnax) as the volcano went off, and now they are seeking temporary refuge in an apartment with their brother snorpy, and his boyfriend chandlo, as the bugsnax wear off. That pretty sums up what happened. that, and the Bugsnax are parasites that use your insecurities to make you crave more. They were relieved that the danger is over.
Floofty leaned towards the nightstand on the side of the bed to drink some water. When they did, they studently feel something strange under the sheets. There was a red stain bleeding through the blanket, but the aroma wasnt that of blood, but a fruit. When they removed the covers, they saw what remains of their regenerated leg: nothing but decomposed snack matter. When the bugsnax wore off from where they removed their leg, it seemed to turn to mush instead of disappearing like the rest of the snakification. Now floofty only has one foot to stand on now.
Having one leg is not what bothered floofty, but the fact that they were also gonna decapitate their head after that. Floofty was filled with dread thinking of the aftermath. Even if the possibility of that nightmare becoming a real outcome, but the fact that they wouldn't be able to grow back their head after the bugsnax wear off, and the body was the first thing that would desnakify. The thought of it made them feel nauseous, making them fall to the floor to get to the trash can to hurl in when they do.
Snorpy came in with a wrench at hand as if there was an intruder, with half-awake chandlo by his side. "Floofty! are you okay?" questioned Snorpy in a concerned tone. "were you attacked? did the frumpinati..." He saw floofty on the floor next to the bed, holding on to the trach can. They looked pale and was trembling like they witnessed a Gruesome demise. Snoopy then darted his eyes to where their one leg use to be.
"Should I call someone to check if they are alright?" chandlo added.
"could you get some medicine for nausea my love?" Snorpy replied. Chandlo left the room to find what he requested, while Snorpy comforts their sibling.
"Don't fret Floofty. I already made a prosthetic for you. I just need to..."
"thats not whats bothering me!" Floofty interrupted. Snorpy realized it was bad to assume what was wrong.
"I apologize. what has been bothering you?"
Floofty let out a quick sigh. "its complicated to explain"
"Ill give you a moment then. Ill be here when your ready to talk to me."
Chandlo came back with the bottle of pills. "will this work?" he asked. Chandlo passed the bottle to Snorpy so he could examine it.
"This is good enough. could you give us a moment?"
Chandlo nodded, and left the room. Snorpy put the medication aside for later. Thats when floofy finally had the courage to answer.
"I regret trying to experimenting with Bugsnax. I should've known how harmful those parasites really are in the first place. I was blinded by my own pride experimenting with Bugsnax, when I should've had suspicion when lizbert was onto them. I should've listen to Shielda's warnings, even when they are speaking like some horoscope! I shouldn't have put Poor Eggabell so close to death!"
"Don't be so hard on yourself." Snorpy replied. "You were just trying to help the expedition, right?"
"I tried removing my own head snorpington! I was going to ruin my own life, and those I'm close to, just to help a billion!". Floofty pointed at what was left of their snakified limb on the bead, all nothing but mush. "Even if I successfully regenerate my own head, either the Bugsnax itself will have my body and use it for its sinister plot, or I have to live with the parasites for the rest of my life" floofty put their hands on their own throat, remembering the feeling of consuming those parasites. "even if I'm still myself after decapitation, I would have to keep eating them so the snakification won't wear off and kill me, and not eat too frequent so I don't become them. I may have to keep risking my own life just to find out. Its like if a rodent has eaten poison, not knowing when it will be its last day."
Snorpy sees that their sibling is trying to hold back their tears. He wanted to comfort them with words, but thought it would be better to hear more of what they have to say.
"If you haven't stopped that machine, I would end up living with that for the rest of the life I have left. You wouldn't have a sibling anymore, and I haven't realized how important it was to you until now. I'm sorry for everything I have done on that island, and before that".
That was the most sincere apology Floofty has given him. they looked into each others eyes, Floofties eyes glisten with tears. Snorpy gave them the least uncomfortable hug he can give with his short arms.
"thank you for telling me Floofty." their brother calmly responded.
They huged back, finally sheding a few tears they've been holding back. it took them a minute to finally relax, no longer queasy from fear.
"thank you for everything you've done for me Snorpy."
He was glad to finally hear that from their older sibling. He helped Floofty back into bed after Chandlo replaced the Strabby-stained sheets with fresh clean ones.
"You go ahead and get a bit more sleep while I put the finishing touches on your new prosthetic." Snorpy told their sibling. "After all, we wouldn't want to miss our chum Filbo getting elected as mayor."
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Hello! You may know me from my other blogs. Well, i made a new one, cause I have no sense of impulse control, and I think he need more writing blogs specifically for crossover ships.
About Mod Apathetic
Just call me Mod Apathetic, or Apathetic!
I am an adult
I am a Fudanshi, Himedanshi, Profic, and Anti-hara!
Pangender probably, Any pronouns (no she/her)
My ao3 is ApatheticCrossovers, all requests and stuff will be archived over there!
I also plan on posting original fics here too!
My other blogs are @/Syrups-edit-corner (Edit requests), @/Syrups-fanfic-cafe (General requests), and @/Spookyscaryships (Edit/stim request blog run by both me and my friend)
If you aren't if I write for a certain fandom/topic, just ask please! I have anger issues and I will get extremely aggressive
Crossover ships (Obviously)
Age gap ships (Including Minor/Minor age gaps, Adult/Adult Age gaps, and Minor/Adult age gaps)
Shipcest (Mainly headcanons cause, yaknow, crossover ships rarely have canon shipcest)
Alternate universes (Including "what if Character A was a canon character in Character B's universe" and Isekai type scenario's)
Yandere content
Ot3's (no more than 3 characters please!)
Same Source/Series Ships (That included characters from two different games in the same series, and two different shows that take place in the same universe. This rule can be worked around if its an ot3 involving a character from a different source/series)
Satire/Joke ships (I have nothing against these types of ships, they just personally make me feel insecure about my own ships, since I take a lot of comfort in crossover ships /lh /gen.)
Things about active S/H (Things about recovering from S/H or brief mentions of it are fine!)
RPF/Stuff involving real people (Stuff like c!mcyt characters and musicals where the characters are based on real people are on thin ice /srs)
Drug Use/Abuse (Again, recovery is fine) [note: This rule does not and never while apply to weed. Weed is super cool /hj.]
Anything considered Unsanitary/generally gross (if you aren't sure if something would apply to this rule, please ask)
Ace Attorney
Angels of Death
Animal Crossing
Afterl!fe (yes, even if the fandoms kinda dead)
Baldi’s Basics (+ mod/fangame characters)
Bendy and The Ink Machine
Boyfriend to Death (Both 1 and 2)
Break In 1/2
Cookie run (Both Ovenbreak and Kingdom)
Danganronpa (all main games + UDG)
Doki Doki Literature Club
Doors (Roblox)
Five Nights At Freddy’s series (+ Fangames)
Friday Night Funkin (+ Mods)
Happy Tree friends
Hazbin Hotel
Helluva Boss
Henry Stickmin Series
Huniepop (both 1 and 2)
Identity V
Inanimate Insanity
Junji Ito
Madness Combat
Minecraft Storymode
Monster Prom
Mortal Combat
My Little Pony
Obey Me! Shall We Date
Object Terror
Rainbow Friends (Roblox)
Roblox Myths
Riddle School
Saints Rows series
SCP Foundation
Smile For Me
Sonic Series
South Park
Sr Pelo’s Spooky Month
Steven Universe
Tankmen Series
Telltales TWD Games
The Backrooms
The Nightly Manor
Therapy With Dr. Albert Krueger
Undertale (+ Au’s)
Vincent: Secret of Myers
Welcome Home
Yandere Sim
Your Turn To Die
Zardy’s Field
And more that I currently can’t remember :p
Dream SMP (Characters, never the streamers)
Genshin Impact
Pizza Tower
Sparklecare Hospital
Super Danganronpa Another (1 & 2, mainly 2)
Twisted Wonderland
Probably more that I, again, can't remember.
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Hopeless Romantic Part 2 (Millie May x Amy Rose x Moxxie)
Barbatos [Obey Me] x Yuri [DDLC]
Beast Boy [Teen Titans] x Steven Universe [SU] SOulmate AU Headcanons
Vector [Sonic the Hedgehog] x Alphys [Undertale] NSFW
Hellborn Artic Owl!Rarity [MLP] x Stolas [Helluva boss]
Fischl [Genshin Impact] x Gundham Tanaka [Danganronpa] NSFW Headcanons
[Ao3 Inbox]
Yuri [DDLC] x Noelle Holidy [Deltarune]
Donut Joe [MLP] is accusing Soarin's [MLP] new boyfriend, Drago [Animal Crossing], of stealing from his shop, and Soarin doesn't know who to side with.
Glamrock Freddy [FNaF] x Audrey Belrose [Huniepop] NSFW
Golfball [BFDI] x Tennisball [BFDI] x Test Tube [II] Headcanons
Monika [DDLC] x Senpai [FNF]
Collin [Helluva Boss] x Lila [Spooky Month] Short Fic
That's all! Feel free to request stuff from me! I'm always looking for new crossover ships to write about! /gen
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bracketsoffear · 10 months
Aight, so this is a weird post, but before the final bracket even started, a friend of mine and I got together and made a few hypotheticals of how we thought the bracket would play out. We talked over how we thought the final vote would be set up and came up with 3 separate potential sets of matchups (one based on alphabetical order of fears, one based on opposites, and one based on what we thought would be interesting). Then, we went through each one and tried to figure out who would be the most likely to win the entire bracket.
At the end of our debating, we separated our predicted winners into 3 categories, all of which are found on page 2 of the poorly photographed document: Final Predictions for Top 4, Final Predictions for Top 8, and the “Bracket Breakers,” which was just a spot for avatars we thought would pull out an upset. After we talked through those, my friend formatted it and I did a bit of math on the side, and here’s the result.
When all is said and done, I think we did a pretty good job. We even predicted some of the matchups that actually happened in the final bracket. Even though we didn’t get everything right, we had House as a lock for Top 4, so we got that going for us. Also, the two of us predicted that Ahab would win the whole thing, but that didn’t really pan out 😢
Disclaimer: This is based solely off of the opinions of two silly lads and is in no way an objective form of prediction. We just did this on a whim because we were feelin’ cute.
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Interesting Facts:
- Cecil Palmer, House, Captain Ahab, and Mystery Inc. each showed up in our final four sets twice.
- Clairmonda, Medea, Grimora, and Bugsnax each showed up in our final four sets once.
- The average bracket winner garnered 62.4375% of the total votes in each of their matchups in their respective entity brackets.
- The highest average total vote percentage in an entity bracket is Joy Wang (Vast), with 72.34%.
- The lowest average total vote percentage in an entity bracket is John Gaius (Extinction), with 53.82%.
- The largest single poll margin of victory was in the Hunt brackets, Captain Ahab v. Colonel Ives, with Captain Ahab winning at 86%.
- The smallest single poll margin of victory is tied between Samuel Vimes’ 50.2% to 49.8% victory over the Vashta Nerada in the Dark poll finale (757 total votes), and The Substitute’s 50.2% to 49.8% win over the Toy Soldier in the Stranger poll quarterfinals (601 total votes).
- In our “Interest Matches” bracket, we predicted the initial matchups of House vs Flesh Pit, and Ahab Vs GPT.
It’s been a really fun few months. Thanks for everything!
And in case you are wondering: Yes, we both have way too much time on our hands.
Interesting! I did consider some similar layouts to these when I was planning the poll, although I actually calculated the number of total votes for each winner rather than the vote share, as some of the finals got way more participation than others (interestingly, under this metric, the House was actually at the bottom of the list with only 213 actual votes)
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Your consideration of opposites actually differed widely from mine -- I think the only three matchups we had in common were Dark/Eye, Vast/Buried, and Extinction/Non-Avatar. The others I had were Lonely/Corruption, Web/Desolation, Flesh/Spiral, Hunt/End, and Slaughter/Stranger (though admittedly that last one was just pairing the spares)
The one construction I tried that you didn't was just basic poll order (Eye/Lonely, Vast/Buried... Web/Non-Avatar), but I thought that was a bit dull.
Ultimately, I went with my version of the Interest poll, which was just me sorting them into a list of who I personally felt would best serve their chosen entity. This was mainly because it allowed me to choose violence and pit Slugpelt against Cecil. On the whole, I'm pretty satisfied with how it all turned out!
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earlgraytay · 1 year
Thanks for the tag, @bakomglaset !
Get to know me
Share your wallpaper:
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A pretty image of Beignon from Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn.
The last song you listened to: SING by My Chemical Romance.
Currently Reading:  The Vor Game by Lois McMaster Bujold.
Last Movie: The Super Mario Bros Movie.
Craving: Chocolate. Specifically, Cosmic Brownies. :(
What are you wearing right now: Pink linen button-down, navy blue sweatpants.
How tall are you: Taller than Miles Vorkosigan.
Piercings: Used to have my ears pierced, but the holes closed up.
Tattoos: None.
Glasses? Contacts?: Yes, glasses.
Last drink: Coffee, three sugars.
Last show: Splitting my attention between Trigun (with my friend Lifa) and Oshi no Ko (with my partner).
Last thing you ate: Pizza with my bestie!
Favourite colour: Lavender.
Current obsession: Too many to count! Let's go with the kids's book I'm writing. Or the Vorkosigan Saga. or Bugsnax. Or Trigun.
Unrelated Obsession: The Sims (2 or 4)
Any pets: Do ball jointed dolls count?
Do you have a crush on anyone: Not sure how to answer this question, tbh!
Favourite fictional character: oh god there are so many
Miles Vorkosigan. Dairine Callahan. Vash the Stampede. Mina Murray-Harker. Jo March. Elizabeth Comstock.
The last place you traveled:  The last big vacation I took was to Montreal for CrossingsCon! It was really exciting.
I tag @yooniesim , @amairylle, @terrarkul , @fierceawakening, @ladyyatexel , @tabby-shieldmaiden , @tyrantisterror , @0koyote, and anyone else who wants to do this!
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